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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I really hope "Luke" isn't Papa Z for a number of reasons:

For starters, it would be pretty difficult to retcon his death.

Second, the character had reached his expiration date by the he was killed.

And lastly and most importantly, while Papa Z was lecherous, creepy, and evil, Bruce Weisz brought a bizarre likeability to the role, something that Tony Geary just isn't bringing at all.

Edited by Tiger
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I am a horrible person - I know I am. I know TCa is pregnant in real life and should not have to play the scenes but I really wish they would not have the baby survive. In this case, I really think there is a better storyline from the baby not surviving from Carlos and Patrick teaming up for revenge and Sabrina leaving to handle to the loss - thus facilitating the actresses maternity leave. She could come back a new, stronger character determined to get revenge as well and to leave Patrick behind and get with Carlos.


Or have the baby survive but it turn out it is Carlos's and she and he were both so drunk they didn't remember having sex. She is so ashamed that she takes the baby and goes back to Puerto Rico to figure things out.


Ok, so basically I just want her away from Patrick and Emma. Sue me.

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Sonny was pissed that Morgan said the Sonny tried to kill Jax, in fact Sonny was pissed because Morgan called him out on the crypt tryst. Sonny didn't seemed contrite that he betrayed his son, yet again. I know that we say that Sonny is the worst but I wish that there was another way of saying that because Sonny is the worst is too tame for how horrible Sonny really is.

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I really hope you're critiquing the character Luke not slamming Tony Geary's homosexuality....

Definitely the character as being a "pervert"..don't care a thing about his personal choices, nor would they bother me in the least! I just noticed that through the years, he (TG) is NOT the actor he use to because it seems as though he is just"drawing a paycheck". As a lot of us do nowadays, but HE has chosen to be an entertainer, which is a little bit different than being say a "bank teller." A bank teller isn't paid to entertain me. lol But........some can be(entertaining) I suppose. Mr Geary has never had a "friendly" personality .IMHO

Edited by godfreydaniels
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The problem with this pairing isn't Sabrina, it's Patrick.

Agree to disagree - I have been watching for the entire Patrick/Sabrina storyline and I really do not see the Patrick character as being the weak link - it is Sabrina. I think TCa is beautiful and has ability but the writing has always been a hero worship on Sabrina's part and not a substantial love interest. Plus, there is a lack of chemistry between the actors. I do feel there was a possibility for a great conflicted love storyline if it had been with Sam or Liz (there is some great, natural chemistry there) and I see the chemistry between Carlos and Sabrina, but the forced chemistry TPTB have attempted to create between Patrick and Sabrina just isn't there on either side. I truly fault the writing for this but if I have to choose between Patrick and Sabrina, Patrick will win everytime.

Edited by cmahorror
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Besides maybe dissing Luke and Laura in interviews what has AG done that makes him "sleazy"?


Maybe "sleazy" isn't the right word.....I think he's what we used to call "skeezy", though.  Vulgar, smug, self-satisfied with a thin or non-existent contempt for others.

For me, his dissing of the Luke/Laura pairing, which MADE his career was pretty bad.  But when that is coupled with his defense of his spawn Ethan and that whole storyline/backstory, and his arrogant dismissal of fans who found it OCC made me like him even less.  I think he's in the Eric Braeden category - an actor who has an inflated sense of self-importance, made worse by PTB who have caved into his worst desires for his character.



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Duke could be interesting, I guess.

Could have been. If he had told Olivia that Sonny shot AJ, or that she needed to stop being some brainwashed moll and get away from the greasy little murderer. Alas, no.


I adored Morgan saying that Jax was a great step-dad, and then Sonny tried to murder Jax and blew Morgan's life apart. It's true, and I'm glad Morgan knows it, and is being allowed to be mad about it. I just really really wish it hadn't taken CryptSex to get him to say it. Once again, I find myself hoping that maybe Sonny is finally going to get what he deserves, with all his kids turning on him. Why do I keep letting myself hope??


I did not adore whatever is going on with Morgan's hair. 

I like both of your scenarios. Anything to not saddle Patrick with this baby and a permanent tie to Sabrina (my main issue).

I have no great love for Sabrina but I don't understand your logic. It's been established..WELL established...that Robin is the love of Patrick's life. He chose Robin. Decisively and definitively. There is no ambiguity.

Patrick has shown only perfunctory interest in Sabrina thriughout her pregnancy and great deal more for his son. He is tied to his son....not Sabrina.

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He didn't even take an interest in the baby until like two weeks ago. He can be in love with Robin all he wants but that doesn't mean he should get a free pass to abandoned his child and its mother. I feel like anyone else in Patrick's position would get shit on for behaving like this but somehow he gets a pass because everyone hates Sabrina.



I have no great love for Sabrina but I don't understand your logic. It's been established..WELL established...that Robin is the love of Patrick's life. He chose Robin. Decisively and definitively. There is no ambiguity.

Patrick has shown only perfunctory interest in Sabrina thriughout her pregnancy and great deal more for his son. He is tied to his son....not Sabrina.


I never said this baby means Sabrina is the love of his life or could even make him love her more than he loves Robin.  All I said was I'd like for a way for the baby not to exist or not be Patrick's so that there is no permanent tie between Sabrina and Patrick. A baby would be a permanent tie no matter what. I don't believe he would only be tied to his son. Sabrina would be the mother of his child, and as long as she's alive, they are in each other's lives, if only for the baby.  I don't want Sabrina or Patrick tied to each other in any way. They need to live separate lives away from each other IMO.

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I never said this baby means Sabrina is the love of his life or could even make him love her more than he loves Robin. All I said was I'd like for a way for the baby not to exist or not be Patrick's so that there is no permanent tie between Sabrina and Patrick. A baby would be a permanent tie no matter what. I don't believe he would only be tied to his son. Sabrina would be the mother of his child, and as long as she's alive, they are in each other's lives, if only for the baby. I don't want Sabrina or Patrick tied to each other in any way. They need to live separate lives away from each other IMO.

What is the big deal with him sharing a child with Sabrina if he's in love with another woman? A 'permanent tie' doesn't automatically mean he will all of a sudden catch feelings for Sabrina that weren't there before. Patrick got a birds eye view of Sabrina's big belly for months....His heart didn't skip one beat. MOF, he paid more attention to the wallpaper than he did to her. His feelings for Sabrina seem to be fondness tinged with guilt and responsibility.

So they have a kid together. Sabrina is not in his heart and I wouldn't wish the baby gone on the off chance Patrick might smile her way one day.

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Honestly when I compare the father and son anger shouting between Morgan and Sonny about the Ava screwfest,I find that they showed more emotion than the scene between Nick and Victor on that other soap when Nick called out his sorry father for a screw up concerning something he had done. As bad as most people seem to dislike MB, the guy can still put off a "veins showing in the neck, eyes budging, red in the  face anger loud shouting scene." Morgan was just as good.

So they have a kid together. Sabrina is not in his heart and I wouldn't wish the baby gone on the off chance Patrick might smile her way one day.


I would. This baby is useless as far as soap babies go. There was zero drama until the birth, nothing of any bonding for Purina (which is great to me, but why does this baby EXIST save for the fact the actress is pregnant? Why not hide TeCa behind couches?), not one blessed drop of anything providing drama here. Ergo, to me, the reason for the kid's existence is nonexistent.


And Patrick is, like it or not, tied to the cotton candy fluff void with this kid here, even if by obligation, and I'd prefer that not happen at ALL. I do agree, as above, that he does seem more concerned about the kid, which is fine, but it still means he's the Spawn of Sobby as the other half of his DNA, and it leaves an awful taste in my mouth to know a character I do like is stuck carrying her ass through this kid for eternity - unless the paternity changes or the kid croaks.

Edited by WendyR72
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I see no reason why it can't be retconned that Sabreeeeeeeeena and Carrrrrrrrrrrrlos did have drunken sex. Let Carrrrrrrrrrrlos be tied to the succubus that is Sabrina, already. I mean, he's a desperate puppy for her, inexplicably so. Let these crazy kids find out the Useless Spawn is theirs and run far away together already.


This is what I would love to happen. Especially the run far away together part. 

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Sabrina and her baby affect nothing outside of her Patrick bubble. They could both be gone tomorrow and other than Patrick losing another kid and having some sad over it, nothing major would change in the show's dynamics. She's expendable.

Sabrina and her baby affect nothing outside of her Patrick bubble. They could both be gone tomorrow and other than Patrick losing another kid and having some sad over it, nothing major would change in the show's dymanics. She's expendable.

Edited by jazzyscreenname
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I see no reason why it can't be retconned that Sabreeeeeeeeena and Carrrrrrrrrrrrlos did have drunken sex. Let Carrrrrrrrrrrlos be tied to the succubus that is Sabrina, already. I mean, he's a desperate puppy for her, inexplicably so. Let these crazy kids find out the Useless Spawn is theirs and run far away together already.

Seriously I wouldnt wish Carlos on anybody. I wouldn't even wish him on The Hyena who I hate with the heat of a super nova. He's a cold blooded, remorseless killer who never turns down a "job".

And consider this: without Sabrina and the baby sl? Patrick disappears into the black hole that has swallowed Felicia, Mac. He is not Sonny or Luke, he doesnt drive a sl. Patrick's identity has always been... Robin's Husband. Other than the addiction sl, I don't remember him ever having a stand alone story.

With KMc gone and if Sabrina is out if the picture?...Bye Patty. Maybe they'll dust off the cobwebs and prop him up if KMc returns.

Edited by stacey
Duplication of text within post
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It seems that Morgan has become the voice of the Greek Chorus of Fans fed up with Sonny. He said everything today that we have heard said on this and the TWOP board for years. In many ways Morgan has the potential to become the New JAX, the character who always cuts though Sonny's garbage, except that while Ron does seem to love MB/Sonny it does not appear to be the same unhealthy love that Guza had and Morgan may be allowed to win a round or two. Setting up Morgan like this would be all kinds of awesome. Maybe Jax's could set him up as head of Jax's business concerns in the States, thus giving him a seat of power away from Sonny and Carly.


Was it me or did Morgan actually begin to physical resemblance Jax today? 

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It seems that Morgan has become the voice of the Greek Chorus of Fans fed up with Sonny. He said everything today that we have heard said on this and the TWOP board for years. In many ways Morgan has the potential to become the New JAX, the character who always cuts though Sonny's garbage, except that while Ron does seem to love MB/Sonny it does not appear to be the same unhealthy love that Guza had and Morgan may be allowed to win a round or two. Setting up Morgan like this would be all kinds of awesome. Maybe Jax's could set him up as head of Jax's business concerns in the States, thus giving him a seat of power away from Sonny and Carly.


Was it me or did Morgan actually begin to physical resemblance Jax today? 


Wouldn't that be great if Morgan maintained his Sonny contempt and Show followed your scenario?  To have - finally - one of those children he's supposedly such a "wonderful dad" to turn on him because they not only see him for who he really is, but also because he repulses them would be perfect.  And even more perfect if it would be the child Sonny had with Carly who did it.  I've fought it, but Morgan has won me over - at least temporarily.

I have utterly no faith that Ron C. has either the will, the talent, or indeed, even the follow-through to do that story, but I'm going to enjoy every minute of it until Morgan falls back into pod behavior.


But think about it......Michael steals Kiki (a blessing, not even in disguise), and now Sonny steals Jessica Rabbit.  Morgan has ever right to be pissed off, losing to those two kumquats.

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I do not understand why I love watching Maura West as Ava but I can't stand the character. A character with NO redeeming qualities: I think that if it came down to it between Kiki and Ava's own survival...nice knowing you Keeks.

She definitely makes you sit up & take notice. Even in throw away, filler scenes she brings it.

Was MW this compelling in the other soaps she was on? Has she ever won best actress or supporting?

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