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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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When Julian confessed to Alexis that he was the one sabotaging Crimson and he had to give Nina control of the magazine in exchange for her not going to the police...isn't that what he wanted in the first place? He wanted Crimson to fail so he could be rid of it and have the tax write-off. So why didn't he just sell it to Nina or Maxie in the first place?


I don't think he sold it to Nina.  He gave her full control of it, but he's still footing the bill.

I'll use it in a sentence:


This pairing is Killion-ing me.


(I kid, sorta.  The actual meet-cute was fine, I just don't trust this show to pair them as anything more than angst for her and Morgan.)


It also works because you can say, this pairing is making me Killion (sounds like kill-yawn)!


Thank you, I'll be here all night.

  • Love 3

Something like that, yeah.  That was when Nina pushed for full control of Crimson instead.


Whomever it was that said that Michael just being fed up with playing babysitter would be a good thing?  You are correct, sir/ma'am!  Why couldn't he just go off and raid Dad's booze stash and bitch for an episode about how this is his life or something?  (And then probably get walked in on by Sabrina, because this show, but still.)


And while Anna should absolutely have pulled a gun on Sonny and then went "Then you'll have to shoot me too," FH kind of singlehandedly saved this episode.  Only Anna Fucking! Devane could have pulled off "My business is justice!" and meant it, even after the rabbit hole she's been corkscrewing down for the past month or so with the Scowl.  Kind of a shame Ecuador Cop basically freaked out when Sonny pulled a narco move on him, though, but under the circumstances that was probably overdue.


As I put it elsewhere: if Morgan is mini-Sonny, and Kiki is mini-Carly, does that make Dillon potentially a mini-Jax--a voice of relative sanity doomed to forever be a door number two for a pretty hot mess?


Am I imaging it but did Paul kinda told Julian to kill Carlos?


He straight up said he thought Julian should know Carlos was coming back in case he needed to "take care" of anything.  We're already on a fine line--again--since Julian's lying to Alexis yet again about The Life, but would this fakakta show actually go there and have Julian order Carlos taken out on top of that?

  • Love 8

True dat, but since that'd be seriously doubling down on his falling back into The Life I have to wonder if that'd screw with his current just-when-I-thought-I-was-out thing.  Right now, at least, he's only in it to protect his sister--and he's previously made a point of apologizing to Anna about all things Duke, if memory serves.  It'd make no sense for him to do it, or at least for him to do it and let it go through to completion...and I've probably jinxed it.

  • Love 1

What evidence do they have against Anna?  There were no witnesses.  There's no proof that Carlos was unarmed.  They may have Anna's gun, but unless Carrrlos kept the bullets they have nothing to compare them with.   Carlos didn't report the crime.   Unless it was videotaped by one of Port Charles' numerous security cameras, I don't see how they can arrest Anna, other than she keeps blathering it to everyone she meets.  

  • Love 8


I enjoyed Kiki/Dillon. Whatever.


I did too. And you all know my history on Kiki. Plus, I like their squish name of Killon. They were cute.


It's days like this where I have to focus on the actor and not the character. Fin was excellent. Anna waxing poetic on Duke's ass, not so much. Carlos amused me with his little comments in the background. "We have to stick together, amigo!" "I know your crimes, dude." Oops.


Jordan/Andre - blah. Meh. Just either get them into an actual story or fix this. They're boring.


I didn't see Ava cry. She told Kiki what happened and why she couldn't live with her. If she did tear up a little, it was probably because she was moved and genuinely shocked that her daughter wanted to live with her in the first place.


That damn hospital roof should have taken matters into its own hands and killed Morgan itself. Insufferable little prick ass.

  • Love 3

What evidence do they have against Anna?  There were no witnesses.  There's no proof that Carlos was unarmed.  They may have Anna's gun, but unless Carrrlos kept the bullets they have nothing to compare them with.   Carlos didn't report the crime.   Unless it was videotaped by one of Port Charles' numerous security cameras, I don't see how they can arrest Anna, other than she keeps blathering it to everyone she meets.  


Wasn't there an audio tape with her talking about it to Sloane?

Carlos amused me with his little comments in the background. "We have to stick together, amigo!" "I know your crimes, dude." Oops.


Carlos was the only thing that sorta kinda saved that shit show for me.


I can't believe no one died again. This show is like the opposite of every other show right now with it deciding to never kill anyone. Some of these bitches need to die already!

  • Love 6

Man this show is boring. I hate Carly tis true but damn when did she get all lets hold hands and sing folk songs everyone? Sonny and Anna..whatever.


There is literally not much that interests me these days, well Finn is mildly entertaining. And of course will be interesting what BH's next story is. RH gets better with age even if he is stuck in Franco/Nina hell.


If Kiki and Dillon were the best thing and I hate her ass what does that say?

  • Love 4

So all of that and Carlos still isn't dead? Lame. 


What exactly does Morgan think Kiki needs help with? And bitching about all she has is Ava. Um terrible person that she is, Ava is her MOTHER. You are her lying, cheating ex who slept with her mother/aunt. You aren't a much better choice. I get so sad for Michael the peacekeeper. They have find something else for him to do. 


I don't even like Kiki all that much but I am joining the chorus of liking her and Dillon's scenes. He needed to get out of Lulu's orbit. 

  • Love 3

I can't believe no one died again. This show is like the opposite of every other show right now with it deciding to never kill anyone. Some of these bitches need to die already!


I know I shouldn't laugh, but you almost have to. If this cast were a person, it would be morbidly obese. And they're bringing on even more people! Cracks me up.


If Kiki and Dillon were the best thing and I hate her ass what does that say?


This. Right here. This is me. And I hate myself for it.

  • Love 4

Why the hell does Morgan think that he can help Kiki? Do what? You're not a doctor, dumbass. Sit the hell down and stop cheeking your pills. Why does every Corinthos think they have the answer? I do think the Morgan/Dillion battle for Kiki's love will be funny. Morgan will babblescream. Dillion will perform a recent R&B pop hit.

  • Love 7

I know this 'war' between Sonny and Carlos isn't over yet because Sonny used his whisper voice to threaten Carlos.  This is Mo's go-to technique to show Sonny is seriously, no I'm-really-not-kidding, pissed off.  It's all just so exciting...


My only wish for today's show is that they somehow get Carly out of that awful white dress she's been stuck in since last week.  It's very unflattering on Laura.

  • Love 3

I know this 'war' between Sonny and Carlos isn't over yet because Sonny used his whisper voice to threaten Carlos.  This is Mo's go-to technique to show Sonny is seriously, no I'm-really-not-kidding, pissed off.  It's all just so exciting...


All Mo is now is acting tics "techniques" except when he's interacting with a small child. 

It makes Sonny a caricature rather than a character.

Edited by rur
  • Love 5

I do remember that Home Depot Sloane kept some kind of evidence from Anna shooting Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos and tried to blackmail her with it.  And even though we are now supposed to believe Paul killed Sloane because he raped his daughter, didn't Sloane reveal where said evidence was to Paul?

I think Sloane had Carlos' ID & the gun Anna used to "kill" Carlos.

I was a little distracted during this part so can someone confirm for me - the shares Jason and Sam got from Nikolas are being redistributed to the Q's who got them blackmailed or scammed out of them, right, based on Edward's will?  Though I would have rather Tracy or even Michael been the hero here over Jason, I'm glad ELQ is finally back with the Q's (suck it, Nikolas!).  It's too bad Dillon and Ned weren't in the room for these scenes, though.


SURPRISE KEVIN!!!!!!!!!  And he's a (sexy) secret cryptographer!  And his reaction to Scott's name was funny!  I really hope he and Laura can have a fun little story looking into this Helena stuff without it getting romantic. #docandlucy4eva


Oh shut the fuck up, Sonny.  Carly was definitely NOT the reason you didn't kill Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos.


I could not care less about whatever's going on with Dr. Michael Easton.

  • Love 5

Just stop GH. Just stop with Michael being a part of the Q family.  He clearly feels ashamed of it when he's with S&C because he damn near tripped over himself burbling ON and ON about how he's their child and loves the Corinthos name and that's who he is and he'll NEVER change again and and and.


He's basically uncomfortable with being connected to the Quartermaines because he feels he shouldn't be because S&C have raised him to feel that way about them.  The way he insisted to Sonny that he was SONNY'S SON and that anything amazing about him came FROM SONNY ALONE. Jesus, he came across like an abused child, terrified to lose Sonny's love and approval.


And FUCK JASON.  Fuck him and his making Michael CEO. Fuck Jason and his posturing. Fuck Jason and his ridiculous BITCHFACE when Tracy thanked him, sincerely and praised him for returning ELQ to the Q family.  The woman is nothing but gracious at the news and all that slug can do is look bored and pissed off?


And of course nobody calls that shit stain on his foul behavior.


Everyone but Tracy sucked today. EVERYONE.

  • Love 8

I don't know if it was the networks descions or the actors but dropping the Michael is a quatermaine story was a big mistake.I don't get why they wouldn't like the drama of it.I Remeber watching Tracy and Edward and Lee and Scotty and they was entertaining there fights and shit all of sonnys kids getting along and acting like he's the greatest thing is boring.

  • Love 12
Seriously, that "But I'm Michael CORINTHOS" moment they just had to throw in after Michael dared to say something nice about the Quartermaines was sickening.


Ugh, I know. What a colossal waste to have him be at odds with Sonny only to ruin it and have Michael slobber over him and Carly, as we all feared would happen anyway. But hey, AJ was fat, so...


LOL at Sonny, of all people, telling Michael to let something go.


Color me shocked Carly actually knocked—more than once!—before opening the door to Finn's hotel room.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 12

Up until Michael showed up at the Metro Court, this actually wasn't a bad episode.  A little goofy in spots, but not bad.  Liesl's doth-protesting-too-much hate for Hamtaro is life.  Kevin and Laura's quasi-meet-cute over Helena's gift?  Also life, pretty much just for Kevin unceremoniously dropping a book.  Jasus saving ELQ from the he's-still-evil-shut-up-show Black Prince...okay, fine (grits teeth).  I could even kindasorta handle Sonny saying one of the reasons he didn't whack Carlos was Carly urging him to "try a different way."


But then Michael went to the MC...


Seriously, that "But I'm Michael CORINTHOS" moment they just had to throw in after Michael dared to say something nice about the Quartermaines was sickening.


...and that derailed the entire damn episode.  Seriously, show, you couldn't go one day without pissing on his Q connection a little bit more?

Edited by Bill C.
  • Love 7

Why are Laura and Lulu acting as though Nik didn't do anything bad to get those ELQ stocks and has a legimate claim to it?

Lulu excuses anything if it's a member of her family who does it. Nik stealing ELQ? Just business! Valerie fucking her husband? Lulu's karma for lying! Luke being Fluke? Bygones/daddy issues/pick an excuse!

As for Laura, I'm sure she's just glad Nik isn't going to prison.

  • Love 3

Why are Laura and Lulu acting as though Nik didn't do anything bad to get those ELQ stocks and has a legimate claim to it?


I don't know, it confused me. I guess with Lulu I can wank that she's just annoyed that Hayden made him give it away. Same with Laura I guess. But Michael is Lulu's cousin, I thought she was mad on his behalf? Guess not. Also, why is she even butting in. Back off woman.


Nikolas passed on his case of the mumps to Monica.


Dante has always looked nice in that shirt, but gosh darn it, why is his hair greasy.


Be quiet Monica. Why should Tracy be grateful Jason gave her jack squat in the company.


Tracy/Dr Finn scenes may have been the most I have liked Easton on this show ever. I'm still annoyed he's here, but if Valentini must have him, this is the best place for him. A thing with Carly would be a mistake, for many reasons.


Sonny's speech to Carly was hilarious. He said "When I thought about me being prison, you guys without me - I didn't like that. I love being a father. I love being your husband." No where in there did he actually talk about his family would go through. And then Carly says that's beautiful. And then she says "I know how hard it must have been for you" about him restraining himself from killing a man. I just laugh now.


Michael's speech to Sonny was so weird. We know he's forgiven them. We know he feels bad he turned his back and he knows who he is and he thinks he is the man he is because of Sonny. He's said all of it before. Please stop catering to that one person in the audience who is freaking out just because Michael hangs with the Quartermaines once in a while.


This line from Sonny legitimately made me laugh for the right reasons. "Michael's coming. He'll want to talk about Sabrina. It's fine I guess." He was like, "if we must suffer through it." That's the least he deserves.


I'm 99% sure Finn is conducting an experiment on himself what with looking at the time and the distilled water.


Previews: I'm a total hypocrite, because when I see these scenes with Maxie and Griffin and then Nathan talking about Clawdette I'm just like "hurry the fuck up already! I'm bored! Do something you two!" whereas last year with Valerie/Lulu/Dante I was whining about it all happening too fast. SUE ME.

Up until Michael showed up at the Metro Court, this actually wasn't a bad episode.  A little goofy in spots, but not bad.  Liesl's doth-protesting-too-much hate for Hamtaro is life.


Oh, I forgot about that. I think O.'s line about Finn being hired over her dead body was an anvil. I have a feeling they may axe her.

  • Love 10

Ugh, shut up Lulu. I really want her to find out that Nik tried to have Hayden murdered and see what her reaction is then.


I wish Finn would inject terrorist doctor with an overdose of whatever drug he's taking. 


I'm wondering if Jason and Sam going to Florida to deal with finances is just a throwaway thing or if this will lead to something bigger. 

  • Love 2

We'll get one more weird Nurses Ball out of Obrecht, then I bet she's outta there. Maybe Finn accidentally injects her with whatever he's using on himself. Maybe Nina strangles her. Maybe she drops dead from the bitterness of her heart.


I'm wondering if Jason and Sam going to Florida to deal with finances is just a throwaway thing or if this will lead to something bigger.


No lie, my first thought was, "I wonder how they'll use the outdoor location for this."

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

Just stop GH. Just stop with Michael being a part of the Q family.  He clearly feels ashamed of it when he's with S&C because he damn near tripped over himself burbling ON and ON about how he's their child and loves the Corinthos name and that's who he is and he'll NEVER change again and and and.


I thought that scene was annoying, but I didn't see any shame or terror on Michael's part.


He's basically uncomfortable with being connected to the Quartermaines because he feels he shouldn't be because S&C have raised him to feel that way about them.  The way he insisted to Sonny that he was SONNY'S SON and that anything amazing about him came FROM SONNY ALONE.


He didn't say that anything amazing about him only came from Sonny. He didn't even say anything about it was amazing/great etc etc. He said Sonny was who made him the man he is today. Annoying, but completely different from saying "you and you alone formed me" imo.


If anything, Sonny and Carly are always desperate to kiss up to Michael instead of the other way around, imo. Even when Michael is doing something to piss him off they just wail that he'll come back to his sense. I think the lone threat he got from Sonny was after the Avery custody trial and Sonny was all, "don't push me too far."

  • Love 2
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