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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I didn't understand Nik's reluctance in selling.  He was going to wind up completely empty handed when his "wife" took it all - so, who cares if it was pennies on the dollar, it is better than the nothing he was going to end up with - Made no sense.  

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I like JVP and his hammy craziness in small doses but I am amazed Carlos is still alive. He came on in 2013 and I thought he'd be done and out in a few months, this dude keeps hanging on. Enough.

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Val needs to shut the fuck up with her stupid jealously. 


I can't tell if these writers are honestly stupid enough to think most of the audience is rooting for Nik or if they just don't care. 


Carlos is incompetent. 

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I didn't understand Nik's reluctance in selling.  He was going to wind up completely empty handed when his "wife" took it all - so, who cares if it was pennies on the dollar, it is better than the nothing he was going to end up with - Made no sense.

I'm pretty sure Nik was counting on being able to wrangle the shares back from Rebecca Budig. Because he's just so crafty, you know.

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I'm still wondering how Carlos knew that Anna would shoot him, and that he had blood packets on him, ready to go.


Seriously! Has this been explained, how he pulled this off? Because she unloaded into him. I'll watch that explanation. Wait, have they retconned Duke's assassination?

Edited by jsbt
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I like JVP and his hammy craziness in small doses but I am amazed Carlos is still alive. He came on in 2013 and I thought he'd be done and out in a few months, this dude keeps hanging on. Enough.


I'm pretty sure this is the end for him - SID said Sonny, Carlos, Paul, and Anna have a confrontation and someone dies. Of course, that was supposed to be the case last year, so.

Seriously! Has this been explained, how he pulled this off? Because she unloaded into him. I'll watch that explanation. Wait, have they retconned Duke's assassination?


I'm pretty sure they did explain it, but I'll be damned if I can remember the actual details. 


Besides, I'm still waiting on whose kidney Joss has.

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At this point I will believe Carlos is dead when they decapitate him, salt the earth and nine months passes.


Hey, those are also the "that's when we'll know they're CONSIDERING getting rid of Sabrina" requirements

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Hey, those are also the "that's when we'll know they're CONSIDERING getting rid of Sabrina" requirements


I wasn't even going to mention that because I thought that if I did she'd be with us til 2018, good fucking job holding it down ulkis

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I dunno, they seem to be leaning into Rebecca Budig and Curtis, with Valerie getting all jelly after seeing them today.


That's what the shows really needs, another triangle.


The only thing I truly enjoy and look forward to on this show is the Curtis/Hayden friendship so of fucking course they're about to ruin it with Valerie's dumb ass.


I hate Anna now. HATE. But I am obsessed with her lipstick. I really wanna know what it is.


And that's all I got for today's show.

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I wasn't even going to mention that because I thought that if I did she'd be with us til 2018, good fucking job holding it down ulkis


You have it opposite! if you DON'T say it it happens! That's why the Stavros baby still isn't on-screen!

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Hey, those are also the "that's when we'll know they're CONSIDERING getting rid of Sabrina" requirements

SHES NEVER LEAVING. *deep breath* *crying*

I can't tell if these writers are honestly stupid enough to think most of the audience is rooting for Nik or if they just don't care.

The writers are using Nik as drama now. They don't care if he's liked or not at this point, IMO.

Edited by HeatLifer
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That's what the shows really needs, another triangle.


Kicked off by my least favorite trope, the innocent hug misinterpreted by a jealous partner.  I dunno why it drives me so bananas - soaps have been built on it for years - but it does!

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I actually liked Michael and Sabrina last year, too - I was like 'they're kind of sweet, they'd be a good little couple for awhile or an off-set to Michael and Maxie.' Then this pregnancy storyline came along. Boom, done.

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I actually liked Michael and Sabrina last year, too - I was like 'they're kind of sweet, they'd be a good little couple for awhile or an off-set to Michael and Maxie.' Then this pregnancy storyline came along. Boom, done.


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But, did I hear him admit to shooting Sonny in the warehouse? 

Actually he didn't.  The writers made sure to have his skirt around it.  Sonny said to admit that he shot him.  Carlos said something about it being a beautiful thing (I'm paraphrasing) then cursed him out for not staying in his wheelchair.  An actual admission never came out of his mouth.



 After we all saw someone else do it

Technically we didn't (as far as I remember!).  The characters thought it was Carlos.  The fans knew that it wasn't because he was "dead".  Then Paul started telling Ava that it might have been him, to get her to cooperate with him.  Then they retconned Carlos' death and came back around to it was him all along.  

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Does Carlos want to kill Sonny just because Sonny wants to kill him, or is there some other reason? I honestly can't remember, but I couldn't figure out why Carlos was being so telenovela vengeful when talking to Sonny. They've only been at odds because Carlos worked for the Jeromes but since they've sold him out, as has Paul, I don't get why he's so, "MWAH HA HA. Finally, Corinthos, you will get the punishment you so richly deserve!" In any event, there was no need to turn Carlos into such a whiny little punk as soon as Sonny turned the tables on him. Carlos is better than that.


I had to laugh at Val flouncing out of the Metro Court and her ridiculous display of teenage jealousy that Curtis sometimes speaks to other women.

Edited by fishcakes
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This may be a dumb question but does NuJason know that Sonny murdered his brother AJ? If he does, did he ever react to it?

I'm pretty sure he doesn't know and I don't believe it will ever be brought up. I think AJ's murder was a case of Ron going "too far" and now the writers want to ignore it.

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God help me, I found Carlos pretty hot. I didn't realize I liked my men greasy haired, ponytailed, gun brandishing priests. I need help.


Nope. I've always thought this, and I  think JVP is a better actor than....quite a few of the guys we have. Sexy man, even when he's greasy.

And, technically...all we ever saw was a hand holding a  gun. I think it's been questionable all along about who it was, so I buy that.

Did Maxie actually type in Claudette West in the search engine? Did she forget that her own boyfriend's birth name was James Reeves, and therefore the ex wife's last name would have been Reeves, not West? I think the  hair bleach is killing her brain cells.


Yeah, I'd rather ELQ stayed in Hayden's hands, because Jason being the one to get it back is unacceptable. Period. This Saint Jason crap isn't going to work for me.


I'm wondering if Jerry Jax isn't somehow responsible for Finn's medical issue, since Finn did say he was in the Australian Outback when  he found Roxie. Not that I really want him back, but there is the fact that he got away unscathed, and I still need him to pay for basically being responsible for Alan's death.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I thought we saw a flashback to Paul shooting Sonny, but I wouldn't swear to it.


I thought we saw Paul emerging from the shadows, gun in hand, after Sonny was shot.


And Sonny wants to kill Carlos because Carlos killed Duke, who was, you know, Sonny's BFF.  And because if Sonny can't kill people he gets all twitchy. 

Edited by rur
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I had to laugh at Val flouncing out of the Metro Court and her ridiculous display of teenage jealousy that Curtis sometimes speaks to other women.


Valerie knows where these hugs lead.

Did Maxie actually type in Claudette West in the search engine? Did she forget that her own boyfriend's birth name was James Reeves, and therefore the ex wife's last name would have been Reeves, not West? I think the  hair bleach is killing her brain cells.


I think they've mentioned Nathan changed his name as soon as he became a cop, or applied to the academy or whatever. but don't quote me on that, I can't keep track of Nathan's ridiculous background.

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I'm still wondering how Carlos knew that Anna would shoot him, and that he had blood packets on him, ready to go.




The hands are too busy high fiving each other about how awesome Sonny is. #eyeroll


I love you. 


Does Carlos want to kill Sonny just because Sonny wants to kill him, or is there some other reason? I honestly can't remember, but I couldn't figure out why Carlos was being so telenovela vengeful when talking to Sonny. They've only been at odds because Carlos worked for the Jeromes but since they've sold him out, as has Paul, I don't get why he's so, "MWAH HA HA. Finally, Corinthos, you will get the punishment you so richly deserve!" In any event, there was no need to turn Carlos into such a whiny little punk as soon as Sonny turned the tables on him. Carlos is better than that.


He is better than that, but I do love me some telenovela drama... OMG guys! Maybe he can be on Eva Longoria's show!!!!! 

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The above commentary is why - despite the actual show being a rung below shit - I can't and likely will never quit visiting this forum. Y'all have me squirting Pepsi out my nose! (That hurts. And I know, TMI!)


Needed a good laugh today and this place delivered again!

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I thought we saw a flashback to Paul shooting Sonny, but I wouldn't swear to it.

I keep reading that but I honestly don't remember seeing it (not that that means anything since my memory is crap!!).  I googled Paul shooting Sonny and got spoilers and rumours and no specific scene.  

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TG will probably attend the Emmys on May 1, If he is in town, I am terrified that ... he might show up in either Laura's or Tracy's sl.


I read online (forget where) that TG was unhappy with his send-off and wanted to come back for seconds.  You have been warned.

" “If the story is interesting to me and it works out, I may come back to the show for six weeks or so,” Geary told EW."


I love Genie Francis, just wish they would find her more to do rather than prop up Nicholas and the youngsters.

My theory is that the Human Q-tip returns briefly each year to GH in some sort of gratuitous "adventure," even after "retiring" so that TG can have a tape and nomination for the next year's Emmys. Thus, he can forever

  • Boost his ego while hovering on the outskirts of Show, teasing everybody about returning
  • Pick up a little loose change to refresh the Dutch bank account
  • Qualify for another statuette, courtesy of his cronies

During his absences, well-deserving vets like Tracy, Laura, and Monica split the crumbs of his escrowed salary and mark time onstage without a real storyline. (For example, Tracy suffers the indignity of worms on the brain; Laura blindly supports son Dickolas's criminal behavior and admonishes Lulu during the separation; Monica bustles around the hospital looking at test results and chatting with gravitas at bedsides.)


I say: Why not keep the revolving door firmly shut to TG and use the money and sl effort to give these gals a chance at picking up an Emmy?

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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Lulu and Dante actually out in the park doing a relationship exercise was silly and fluffy, and apart from being such a massive shift from the rest of the episode was nice in its way.  And Valerie got her nice hairstyle back, but apparently regressed to a teenager anyway upon seeing Curtis giving Rayden a hug.  Urg.


The rest of the episode...when will suckers learn?  Don't let Anna or Sonny get within arm's reach of you, or you will get ganked.  (At least Anna's gambit was almost hilariously over the top.)  Flip side, Paul going all the way to House of Cards territory for a minute was bizarrely pleasant in its own messed-up way.


Franco still being relatively anti-Sonny and pissing off Carly in the process...random, but I'll take it.


And as for Nikolas swearing he wouldn't forgive Sam or Jason for forcing him to give up ELQ--in this case for money, versus Rayden's incredible deal of nothing--Sam could have made up for months of being on the sidelines by literally brushing that shit off.  




Seriously, all they had to do at that point was let her do that and then go "And on that note, Nikolas, I'm through with you.  Have a nice life in hell."  It would have flown in the face of heroic!Sam, somewhat, but I think we might all agree that we need that one bit of...angry closure?...from her.

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I read online (forget where) that TG was unhappy with his send-off and wanted to come back for seconds.  You have been warned.


I don't hate him as much as most people do, but this seems awfully petulant to me. When I left my last job, I didn't like the cake at the farewell party but I didn't go back a week later and ask for another party.

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Dammit, I keep forgetting to say this:

Carlos mocking Sonny was probs one of the funniest scenes I've seen in YEARS on this show. I almost fell on my ass.

Edited by HeatLifer
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When I left my last job, I didn't like the cake at the farewell party but I didn't go back a week later and ask for another party.

I love this!!  And I now need to know what flavour the cake was!!

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So. I want to say I am relieved Sam is finally allowed to be angry at Nikolas, but it is so half assed I can't bother. All she was allowed to say was one line about keeping Jason from Danny? Its frustrating as hell.

Really NIK? Jason tried to kill you twice? Because I'm pretty sure the first time was self defense after YOU intentionally started it. Fuck off dude. Seriously.

I dont care, I laughed when Jason promised he wouldn't kill anyone, but added that if Sam was hurt again, he'd kill (anvil perhaps??). It was all Billy's delivery.

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I don't understand how I'm supposed to be rooting for Nik here. I'm not rooting for Rebecca Budig, either—Tracy should not lose to her—but at least it's clear she's OMG TEH EVUL right now. Nik? I don't know what's up with him.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I don't understand how I'm supposed to be rooting for Nik here. I'm not rooting for Rebecca Budig, either—Tracy should not lose to her—but at least it's clear she's OMG TEH EVUL right now. Nik? I don't know what's up with him.

I don't think anyone is supposed to be rooting for Nik. You're supposed to be rooting for JaSam.

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You have it opposite! if you DON'T say it it happens! That's why the Stavros baby still isn't on-screen!


And now I'm adding "chant 'Stavros baby'" to my morning routine, just to be on the safe side.  


I don't think anyone is supposed to be rooting for Nik. You're supposed to be rooting for JaSam.


Add "and Sonny" on to the end of that second sentence, and you've just written the GH bible. 

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