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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I loved Jason and Sam scenes today. I can understand why Sam might be asking for divorce tomorrow. I just hope Jason really goes after what he wants this time instead of being passive aggressive about it. 


When Liz was telling Franco that he kidnapped her son, they are not friends, and would in fact get another art therapist for Jake, I was was totally on her side. Finally, she remembered who this creep was but then I got what this whole conversation was foreshowing and I was like "F*****CK". If anyone should not be anywhere near Franco then it would Liz. She just got out of a messy situation and needs some time with her children. Also, about the whole triangle thing. 

  • Love 3

Maxie's always needed a boyfriend. Or is your objection that her boyfriend is Nathan specifically? Eh, he's harmless. I don't think any of Maxie's boyfriends have been great.


So Helena had a will reading and didn't even mention Robin? The woman that brought her back to life. Pretty funny.

Robin was mentioned, cuttingly, as the woman who couldn't save Helena in the end.

Haven't been watching lately. Just get what I need from ur fabulous posts. So Helena had a will reading and didn't even mention Robin? The woman that brought her back to life. Pretty funny.


She actually did!  She started by talking about kidnapping Robin to make her immortal, but that Dr. Scorpio-Drake didn't come through for her.  Liz had a tiny reaction to that, but not really anyone else.

I don't think they need that. Just like a scene maybe where they acknowledge that Ellie is more or her mother or they have Maxie officially adopt her and Maxie talk about how she wasn't ready to be a mother or something.

I just don't think Maxie would give up her child for adoption. Having her do an about face would ring false too me cause it contradicts what happen onscreen. Georgie was taken away from her for some of the most illogical msynogist(sp?) Reasons known too man. It was never by her choice.

I don't think Maxie is a bad mom cause she spends too much time at work, it's that she said, "outside of Nathan, Crimson is the most important thing to me". It's the Nathan part I'm questioning.

That Georgie's name should have come before Nathan? That is the issue you have the context of what was important too her.

Like something like it should have been outside of Georgie Crimson/Nathan are the most important things too me.

  • Love 2

Maxie's always needed a boyfriend. Or is your objection that her boyfriend is Nathan specifically? Eh, he's harmless. I don't think any of Maxie's boyfriends have been great.


No, just a boyfriend in general. She mentions the work, and the boyfriend, but not the daughter who she claims it's just torture to be without? It's fine if she mentions the one thing or the other, but both and then not the daughter and it kind of sticks out like a sore thumb, imo. 

  • Love 10

Eh, Judge Naxie Spoiler's trying to force Maxie and Nathan apart was idiotic, but I didn't have a problem with Maxie suffering a consequence for all her baby lying when she wasn't allowed access to Georgie at first.

I had no problem with her suffer consequences but not of that nature. Bitches lie about babies all the time that's no grounds for taking her baby away. What irked me is that Spin lied too it may not have been as long as Maxie but he lied for selfish reasons too stick it too her for lying too him. I clearly remember Maxie about too pop out the truth too Lante but he interuppted it with oh she has some unhealthy attachment too the baby.

Then he gets on the stand with some crocodile tears about how they're better then this when they're not esp him then he gets full custody despite his lying & dirty history too. It was sexist too me.

  • Love 1

God, at this point, I will take it, if it means Dante gets a taste of his own medicine. I need a scene of Lulu undoing Easton's teeny man-bun, running her hands through the loose hair and Dante watching, mumbling to himself about how he's gonna grow his hair even longer . . . . 




I think the show is getting to us, because we're starting to come up with more twisted/cynical scenarios than they can dream of.


*full body shudder*


I have just recovered from that Sonny/Lulu love caverns fic

  • Love 2

oh come on! Easton/Lulu is nowhere near as bad as that!!


Althoughhhhhhhhhh . . . . even these two boring writers wouldn't be able to fuck up Dante's reaction to a Lulu/Sonny hook-up, would they?


Oh who am I kidding, it would probably go something like this:


Dante: Sonny! Lulu! You're in bed together! That's not cool!

Sonny: I'll regret it for the rest of my life.

Lulu: Yeah, me too.

Sonny: I mean, not that much, but a lot.

Dante: Yeah, let's talk about it after we play a game of basketball. You'd better not beat me, or I'll be even more kinda sorta pissed!

  • Love 8

Jason laughing that Sam is taking Helena seriously and then asking how they divided up the penny was freaking hilarious. If I ignore the history of Jason Morgan, I adore this dude. IDC, he's adorbs.

Sam acting offended that Helena didn't deem her worthy of an individual mention was so dumb. Girl, the woman was a psychotic evil nut job?


I think Sam has always been insecure about being trash and being worthless, and the fact that Helena used those exact words had to bite a little.  No matter who they came from.   She has come a long way, but sometimes you never really lose some of those triggers.  


BM was practically kissing Kelly's boobs today. 



He was a second away from full on motorboat.  LOL.   It was glorious.  Too bad we get 30 second scenes of them together.  But whatever, I loved everything about them today, and I am happy about tomorrow too believe it or not.    I can see a repeat of 2005 "You letting me go was how I knew I could stay" dialogue.  Bring on their new start.  I have been ready for over a year.

  • Love 9

Today on the Bold and the Beautiful Sean Kanan's character was "killed off" (although is any character really dead on a soap/).  It's time for AJ to become undead again.  This way we can have all the Q's joining together to get ELQ back.  That would be a great story line because the Q wars are so much more fun and interesting than mob wars. 

  • Love 8

Is Jason living in a barn?  What a dump.  Did they have to recycle Sabrrrrina's place into anything?  A match would have been an upgrade to the ugliest set on GH.


Dear Molly, wipe the smug smirk off your face and stop mentioning your mother's sex life, be it in the morning or at night. TMI...and phone first before you just show up.  It's not like the old days when one would have to search for a payphone or landline. 

  • Love 2

Today on the Bold and the Beautiful Sean Kanan's character was "killed off" (although is any character really dead on a soap/).  It's time for AJ to become undead again.  This way we can have all the Q's joining together to get ELQ back.  That would be a great story line because the Q wars are so much more fun and interesting than mob wars.

Oh? That's worthy of a Hallelujah promo, Frank's Intern. Instead, we'd get something like "This spring on General Hospital. ... We've got spectacular views (clip of Michael Easton), spectacular news (clip of Morgan and Kiki/Franco and Liz/Nik and Hayden)... join us for a spectacular spring (flash clip to shot of AJ, then short clip of Michael telling Sonny "You're not a murderer, dad!)

Or just Spectacular News (Michael sees AJ, shocked face, hugs Sonny "You're not a murderer, dad!)

  • Love 1

Is it bad that I just keep begging that Liz or Franco shut down this gross "what's up with you and Franco/Liz?" crap with one of them saying "Are you nuts? At the very least, we share a brother?" as a shut down comment.

Franco did some terrible things to Liz, her kids and people she loves.

As for Helena's book, why can't Liz have a god damn day or two to think about how to handle this possible info? Timing isn't critical at this moment. Jake isn't going to die if it isn't dealt with it RIGHT NOW. And isn't it just as possible that Helena did little to nothing to Jake and this whole crisis is design to just torment Liz and family. Possibly leading Jake to hate them just for the stress they press on to him to "help him"? Which would give Helena some pretty damn good revenge on all of them. Ruin their relationships with Jake all by themselves. How awesome would it be if the big secret was something like Helena's real age or a secret ingredient to her baklava or something stupid like that?

  • Love 1

I didn't understand the latest Crimson debacle. The printer's boxes have uncollated pages of the Crimson magazine, but the pages are only photos? Doesn't the magazine have articles, WORDS? If the mag doesn't have articles, Neener and Maxie are too stoopid to live. Why didn't they mention that those pages with articles are missing?


I don't understand why the printer wouldn't be sending a PDF of the whole magazine for their prior approval, or at least galley proofs or a bibliography of the pages? In this computer age, I would think a magazine could use a desktop publishing software to great advantage, keeping the cost down too. I have worked on technical books (explaining and picturing computer hardware and tables of electronic data) that use common desktop publishing software. It is a piece of cake. These GH writers obviously know nothing and are too lazy to research. They could spend 1 hour talking to some technical writers or desktop publishers and learn enough to write about it.


The green ink disaster is more believable, even with today's desktop publishing and printing methods.

  • Love 3

Alexis, you suck. Talk to Kristina if you want to know what's going on with her. Don't ask Molly to betray a confidence. Gross.


The Crimson stuff is so dumb. You don't order an entire print run for it to be unbound. And way to undercut Alexis's case, Julian. You suck too.


Someone needs to tell Nina that liking kids isn't the same thing as wanting your own.

  • Love 2

I don't have a problem with Nina being baby crazy. I would have a problem with EVERY woman on this show being that way. I think when you've basically had half your life missing/stolen, and the choice to have a child when you were younger was ripped from you, that her reflecting a lot on it now is actually pretty normal. I'm not saying every woman has "maternal instincts", whatever that means, nor am I condemning anyone's choice to not have children.

I just think it's normal for a person of a certain age to reflect on what he/she didn't get to do/have, and it's normal for her to want to "hurry up" and have a baby now, if it's still possible. I can relate to that. I actually think Nina, for all her crazy antics, is actually one of the most relatable characters because in many ways, she's the most straight shooting character there is. She lost over twenty years, so she doesn't waste a lot of time bothering with NOT just coming out and saying how she feels. It's refreshing.

I actually kind of want her to get that kid. She wouldn't be a worse mother than any other woman in town.

I also don't have a problem with Maxie and Dillon, if they go there. Georgie is dead. Neither one of them would be disloyal if they became a couple. It isn't the same thing, as if Georgie were alive and well, and we were supposed to believe Maxie would do that to her sister, or that Dillon would settle for Maxie if Georgie were available.

  • Love 1

Yes they're his real tattoos. Carrie is his wife. He's had those tats forever but they covered them on OLTL. just curious, what do you find embarrassing about them?


They are horribly done imo. They are almost rivaling Scot and Jason on Survivor for terribleness. And the heart with the name or whatever is just such a cliche I can't take it seriously. 


I don't have a problem with Nina being baby crazy. I would have a problem with EVERY woman on this show being that way.


The problem is they have done baby crazy stories with way too many of the characters.

  • Love 3

They have to do the curse on Sam because she and Jason are played out and boring otherwise. I do not get the appeal of this couple at all, and if I ever did, they have been through pretty much everything a soap couple can be through.

They are so desperate for material for them now, that they are revisiting old Nem scripts. That's hilarious. Oh, and the threatened divorce. So that we can get fake angst as they supposedly appear to move on to different people just they can get remarried.

So boring. And they have to be on four/five days a week, while other people are wasted/on once or twice a week for five minutes. It's ridiculous.

  • Love 3

... she [sam] and Jason are played out and boring otherwise. I do not get the appeal of this couple at all ... ridiculous.


I feel this way about every current couple. Alexis/Julian, Nina/Franco, Maxie/Nathan, Dante/Lulu, Nik/Hayden, Morgan/Kiki. Just every single couple right now is boring, mismatched, and/or played out. 

  • Love 2


I also don't have a problem with Maxie and Dillon, if they go there. Georgie is dead. Neither one of them would be disloyal if they became a couple. It isn't the same thing, as if Georgie were alive and well, and we were supposed to believe Maxie would do that to her sister, or that Dillon would settle for Maxie if Georgie were available.


I would, not because of Georgie, but because they have less than zero chemistry

  • Love 4

I feel this way about every current couple. Alexis/Julian, Nina/Franco, Maxie/Nathan, Dante/Lulu, Nik/Hayden, Morgan/Kiki. Just every single couple right now is boring, mismatched, and/or played out. 


But the show isn't trying to present most of those couples as some forever love, either. If you're going to keep going back to a well, you better make sure there's water in that well.

I would, not because of Georgie, but because they have less than zero chemistry


Well, my post wasn't about chemistry or the lack of it. I just saw a bunch of whining on Twitter, that the two of them would be disloyal to boring Georgie's boring memory.

No, they're not.

Chemistry between them-and I do see some-is a whole other tirade.

But the show isn't trying to present most of those couples as some forever love, either.


Oh I think they definitely are. I mean look at this shit with Morgan and Kiki. It's blatantly ridiculous. That's a another problem, they try to sell everything as forever love. Like no Michael/Sabrina didn't love each other the way the show is trying to present it. And Morgan/Kiki don't have the connection TPTB are trying to say they have.


Jason and Sam are forever love and they've had the time and writing to back it up. I mean, it sucks and I wish it wasn't true, but it's definitely there.


I just saw a bunch of whining on Twitter, that the two of them would be disloyal to boring Georgie's boring memory. No, they're not.


I don't particularly care if they put Maxie/Dillon together, but I don't see how it would be anything but disloyal or at the least kinda icky with regards to Georgie.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

How can you be disloyal to a dead person? I'm just curious. It's not like they were doing anything while Georgie was alive. Dillon and Lulu while he and Georgie were married ? That was disloyal.

Dillon and the possibility of Maxie, after Georgie's death? Awkward at times, possibly. But Dillon's obligation to Georgie ended years ago-almost a decade ago, in fact. He can still even love her-but she's gone. Him moving on with anyone, isn't disloyalty.

But again...the awkwardness of the situation in some people's eyes-I can see that.

So I'll just have to disagree.


In this computer age, I would think a magazine could use a desktop publishing software to great advantage, keeping the cost down too. I have worked on technical books (explaining and picturing computer hardware and tables of electronic data) that use common desktop publishing software. It is a piece of cake. These GH writers obviously know nothing and are too lazy to research. They could spend 1 hour talking to some technical writers or desktop publishers and learn enough to write about it.

Well, they couldn't get the rules to Scrabble correct-- and the box was right on set 



  • Love 6

Oh, and the threatened divorce.

I find it so unnecessary and obviously placed for more drama, the CURSE, and ohh! Dr. Michael Easton is back in 2 days! Because weren't we just told that the reason they're coming together romantically is because Jason was getting flashes and remembered those feelings he had for Sam? And wants to explore them? And Sam wants to be romantic with him because he's JASON, her HUSBAND.

But now they need to act like they're strangers and not the same people again?

I can't. I'm confused. This show makes me dumb.

  • Love 4

Oh I think they definitely are. I mean look at this shit with Morgan and Kiki. It's blatantly ridiculous. That's a another problem, they try to sell everything as forever love. Like no Michael/Sabrina didn't love each other the way the show is trying to present it. 


I don't know if they are trying to present it that way. Remember, we had Carly declare It Was Just Comfort Love. Maybe they were trying to hedge their bets, just in case Teresa Castillo decided to quit or something.

  • Love 1

Jason got to have a 5 second reaction to the divorce and then got over it in 2 seconds. This show refuses to show long-lasting, multiple episode POVs on anything. It's so lame.

I've already seen the awkward man holding baby scene on GH. And it was 1 billion times better. Didn't need to see it with the serial killer.

Edited by HeatLifer
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