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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Although I'd check the date of that penny before I threw it away: it just might be a rare one, or the date on it could be the secret key to nuJason's amnesia . . . 


Yea I was thinking there was probably more to that penny. Maybe it'll be like that Brady Bunch episode with that like statue or whatever that was cursed and they kept trying to get rid of it but it kept coming back to them. LOL!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4

I am suspicious that Scott knew every step of the will reading sequence, and what gift to deliver and when to each recipient. He must have practiced with Helena, or had explicit written instructions. I don't think he is in league with her, but why didn't the recipients, especially Laura, grill him about what he knows? He cares about Laura, I think, and always will. I realize that Helena probably paid him for his legal services of delivering the will. But if I had been Alexis, Sam, or any of them, I would have told Scott just to give me any real inheritance I had been bequeathed, and I would have refused to attend in person and be insulted by that old bat (who might still be alive).

  • Love 2

I wish I could enjoy the Hells stuff, but she's completely played out. They need to put an end to anything that has to do with her, IMO, and start a fresh vengeance tale.


It's laughable that she just walked around for decades without anyone throwing her old ass in an ocean or snapping her neck or replacing her old people pills with poison. 

  • Love 5

My guess on Dr. Munroe: Duke's nephew, fathered by Julian Jerome!  I was watching way back when Duke and Anna first met. I could swear Duke used to meet with a nun, who turned out to be his sister! Think about it, why else would Griffin and Lucas be best buds from med school? I think Griffin reminds Anna of a young Duke. I don't think she would know who his bio father is. But, I can just hear Anna now - "Jullian's got children popping up all over the place!"

I LOLed at everyone at Windermere being flabbergasted at the TV. It's the 21st century, people. Video wills have been around for a long time. And do they really think Helena wouldn't tell them herself what she's leaving them?


Helena has an impressive collection of boxes and portfolios. Liz's book about Jake was laughable. It was written in crayons!


Ugh, of course Jordan has to see Anna as a rival. Because the wimmins always have to fight over men. 


So Nathan was married? Zzzzz. Claudette is more interesting as a poodle than an ex-wife.


I'm not looking forward to Ava screeching tomorrow about Lauren. 

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 6

So was that a chem test between Maxie and Griffin?  I figured Dillon would be the fourth party mixed into the Maxie/Nathan/(UGH)Claudette mess, but maybe not?  If he's going to bang a Jones, I think I'd probably still prefer Lucas. #sorrynotsorry


Also, considering how distracting it was how many times he trained in vain to tuck his wet drippy hair back, perhaps a trim is in order?

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2


I'm not looking forward to Ava screeching tomorrow about Lauren.


And not that I care about Kiki, but she's already woken up and we all know that. Stupid. Writers.


Is Griffin going to seriously run into every single woman in PC in The Bathroom That Leads To Burnt Hands And Turned Ankles shirtless? Why is this show written by some slacker college student stoned off his ass?

  • Love 6

As insults go, the penny thing was lame. Someone Sam barely knows and doesn't care about told her she was worth less than a cent; I don't really see her crying herself to sleep over that.


Jake's Adventure; whatever. Liz didn't care enough to ask about it when she had the chance, and did she seriously think Helena was leaving her money? Ha. Liz. When did she get so dumb?


Laura's key? No idea. It only makes sense if Helena has Luke locked away someplace, but if TG is truly done with the show, it can't be that. And the same with Nik's painting since it only makes sense if Helena's still alive.



Dr. Hair Gel's middle name is Fitzhugh, which means something to Anna. Does that mean anything to us? I don't remember anyone with that name.

The will reading was so hokey.  Sam announcing "STOP THE VIDEO!" and then speechifying about how she didn't have to take this, yadda yadda yadda.  Helena should've left her a pair of flats and a "Walking Without Falling for Dummies" book.  At least that would've been amusing.


Lulu's gift and Helena's comments to her obviously have to do with the embryo.  I guess only question is is the child already born.


Dr. Hair Gel's middle name made me LOL.  Could it be more British/Scottish?  I'm just glad his big "secret" appears to be revealed tomorrow.

  • Love 5

Helena's "gifts" were kind of lame. Did anyone not guess she would leave Alexis the dagger that killed her mother? That was pretty much a given. A penny for the Davis girls? Terrible. This almighty powerful woman left a portrait, an empty envelope, a storybook and a key? Come on writers. Helena didn't even get to throw out GOOD one liners for her last hurrah. Also Rebecca Budig I like you but Hayden was completely unnecessary in all of the will reading scenes. Her smirking throughout the whole thing made me roll my eyes.

Dr. Hair Gel, if you are pushing back your hair that much post shower you might want to cut it! I liked the scenes with him and Maxie. Especially since it seems she will be in triangle hell with Nathan and the yet to be seen Claudette.

  • Love 1

I keep hearing/reading behind-the-scenes info that KSt and RP don't like each other in real life. Perhaps it's true? Hence the appearance of chem tests between first Maxie/Dillon and now Maxie/Griffin. I was under the impression that Nathan was still currently married to Claudette but he actually mentioned her in the past tense. It begs the question of why he needs to keep a past relationship a secret. If she's in a coma, in what way would that destroy the Maxie/Nathan relationship (remember, it's something detrimental according to Dr. O)?

  • Love 1

The will reading, like all things GH, was totally disappointing.


The only people who should have been there was Nikolas, Alexis and Laura. If only for them to be able to speak seriously about Helena's legacy. They knew her.


Hayden never knew Helena. Liz, Lulu and Sam barely shared scenes with her and had no individual relationship with her. What they did have was cartoonish, at best. Even Scott had a flimsy reason for being the executor. Should have been a nameless snooty attorney.


The only gift that resonated was the dagger/program/music and that's because we know the history behind it. It speaks to the relationship between Alexis and Helena, the violence of Kristin's murder and the genuine threat that Helena once was.


The other gifts were lame and were clearly a sign the writers had NO idea what to do. A cent? A key? An empty envelope? A shitty painting?

It was lovely to see CT and I'm sure we'll see her again sometime down the line when TPTB are desperate for a baddie, but this was a waste.

  • Love 1

If Claudette is in a coma, then why the hell was James Nathan chasing Silas for putting Nina in a coma when he had a wife in a coma? Like, how the hell did he have time for a coma wife, coma sister, and to have a manhunt on Dr. Silas McBain? I think he had a dog, yoga, some ribs, and saved Maxie from an evil hippie too.

  • Love 9

I keep hearing/reading behind-the-scenes info that KSt and RP don't like each other in real life. Perhaps it's true? Hence the appearance of chem tests between first Maxie/Dillon and now Maxie/Griffin. I was under the impression that Nathan was still currently married to Claudette but he actually mentioned her in the past tense. It begs the question of why he needs to keep a past relationship a secret. If she's in a coma, in what way would that destroy the Maxie/Nathan relationship (remember, it's something detrimental according to Dr. O)?


Maxie/Dillion would make more sense with the Georgie background history. Dr. Hair Gel? *shakes head* Unless he was meant for LuLu and the Lante fans forced a rewrite.


I expected Helena's bequeath to Alexis to be the daggar that killed her mother, I just didn't expect it was wrapped up with so many evil goodies.


Helena's "personal fortune" (she still had money after all her misdeeds and convictions?) goes to this hospital research foundation? I suspect Critchon-Clark's work is not done, as is Helena.


Nothing for Spencer? Even after Helena went out her way to give a cursed cent to Alexis' daughters? I thought she would be so fond of the Heir Presumptive.


I wish Lulu got a pink slip instead of an empty envelope,


At least Show addressed Helena seeing Luke before she "passed away".


Claudette was married to Brad and Rosalie. At the same time. That's the secret, right, Show?

Well, Helena knew she had Liz in check because of the secret. She already dealt with Luke. Her and Alexis haven't had any reunion because Nik was being shady and kept her from everyone. The only reason why she cursed Sam is because she was there in that moment, needling her, and pretty much getting under Helena's skin. I mean in Helena's eyes, as soon as Sam told her "nobody loved you" and added by bring up St. Mikkos Cassadine affair with another woman/love-child with a side of 'you will never have a happy reunion with him in the afterlife" then anyone would have seen the Curse of stupid coming. 


We're going to see an epic showdown between the Cursed Cent of Helena and the Tchotchkes of Destiny and Trwe Wuv, aren't we?

Edited by NutmegsDad
  • Love 1

Maxie/Dillion would make more sense with the Georgie background history. Dr. Hair Gel? *shakes head* Unless he was meant for LuLu and the Lante fans forced a rewrite

Lante fans don't have the power to force them to re-write anything. They probably dropped Valerie/Dante cause 97% of the audience seem to hate them and/or be indifferent to them and while dropping V/D shouldn't preclude Lulu getting to be with someone else, I guess the writers didn't think so.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3

I'm betting it's Duke's mother's maiden name or something like that.

Yep. Duke's mother was named Mary Fitzhugh.

Remember when the casting notice for a leading man who could play a doctor went out, and they said that he could have an Australian or English accent? So I guess along the way they switched it from a Robert and Anna baby to a Duke baby.

So not interested.

  • Love 2

I keep hearing/reading behind-the-scenes info that KSt and RP don't like each other in real life. Perhaps it's true? Hence the appearance of chem tests between first Maxie/Dillon and now Maxie/Griffin. I was under the impression that Nathan was still currently married to Claudette but he actually mentioned her in the past tense. It begs the question of why he needs to keep a past relationship a secret. If she's in a coma, in what way would that destroy the Maxie/Nathan relationship (remember, it's something detrimental according to Dr. O)?


I don't believe the stuff about RP/KSt. I think if KSt disliked it so much FV was willing to split them up because of that, it would have already happened. If they break up now I think it's just storyline dictated. However I would be fine with being proven wrong because I have an unholy love of gossip.


Hayden never knew Helena. Liz, Lulu and Sam barely shared scenes with her and had no individual relationship with her. 


I think Liz belonged there. She and Helena have had scenes on and off for about 18 years now. 

  • Love 4

The will reading was so hokey.  Sam announcing "STOP THE VIDEO!" and then speechifying about how she didn't have to take this, yadda yadda yadda.  Helena should've left her a pair of flats and a "Walking Without Falling for Dummies" book.  At least that would've been amusing.


Knee pads and a helmet? 


I keep hearing/reading behind-the-scenes info that KSt and RP don't like each other in real life. Perhaps it's true? Hence the appearance of chem tests between first Maxie/Dillon and now Maxie/Griffin. I was under the impression that Nathan was still currently married to Claudette but he actually mentioned her in the past tense. It begs the question of why he needs to keep a past relationship a secret. If she's in a coma, in what way would that destroy the Maxie/Nathan relationship (remember, it's something detrimental according to Dr. O)?


I don't think there's any truth to them not liking each other.  I've seen so many pictures on both of their Twitter/Instagram accounts of RP spending time with KSt's family off set.  There are a lot of cute pictures of him with Harper.  

  • Love 4

I don't think there's any truth to them not liking each other.  I've seen so many pictures on both of their Twitter/Instagram accounts of RP spending time with KSt's family off set.  There are a lot of cute pictures of him with Harper.  


I feel like there hasn't been one in a good long while though.


The scuttlebutt is apparently that he used to date Storms' sister, they broke up and now things are awkward between them. 

My guess on Dr. Munroe: Duke's nephew, fathered by Julian Jerome!  I was watching way back when Duke and Anna first met. I could swear Duke used to meet with a nun, who turned out to be his sister! Think about it, why else would Griffin and Lucas be best buds from med school? I think Griffin reminds Anna of a young Duke. I don't think she would know who his bio father is. But, I can just hear Anna now - "Jullian's got children popping up all over the place!"



There was a nun, I think the character's name was Cecile, she had red hair? Anyway, she was in love with Duke at one point. Whether or not they turned out related, I don't think so.

So, Helena left Alexis's children a penny? LOL ! And they say a penny can't buy anything nowadays.

I can't work up sympathy for anyone offended by Helena's will reading. They all knew what kind of person she was. They should have just not gone.

If I didn't know better, if Hayden and Nikolas hadn't already married and had The Sex, I would swear the person Hayden was/is for real, is a spawn of a spawn of Helena's. I have thought that more than once-and it would certainly fit with Tracy's statement that she wouldn't have any friends.

But, I don't think the writers even know yet what they are doing/where they are going with it. And while it would make them first cousins (once removed?) soaps have done far more gross things than that.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I think Liz belonged there. She and Helena have had scenes on and off for about 18 years now.


Sharing scenes is one thing, but they've never had a relationship, which is why the laughable reveal of Helena having Jake had zero impact. Liz is really nobody to Helena. So was Jake. So was Jason. Suddenly being the baddie and mastermind of the fates of Jason and Jake, two people she barely knew and never cared about was a joke. As was the Aiden paternity.


Whereas Alexis and Nikolas had relationships to Helena. So did Laura who was considered at one time to be a Cassadine. I would have much preferred that people who had actual individual relationships with Helena to watch the video, trade barbs and maybe drop Stefan's name and legacy.


THAT would have been sweet.

  • Love 3

Wasn't Camilla the nun -- who lived at a nunnery in Canada -- Angus McKay's daughter? Which, in turn, made her Feline's sister? Which made things super awkward, as she was crazy in love with the greasy-furred kitty. And there was something weird about a place called L'Orlean. I couldn't stand Camilla or Feline, so I've mercifully blocked out any more details. I bet Francie might know...

Edited by TheMediaHo
  • Love 1

Wasn't Camilla the nun -- who lived at a nunnery in Canada -- Angus McKay's daughter? Which, in turn, made her Feline's sister? Which made things super awkward, as she was crazy in love with the greasy-furred kitty. And there was something weird about a place called L'Orlean. I couldn't stand Camilla or Feline, so I've mercifully blocked out any more details. I bet Francie might know...


The character was Camellia, played by Elizabeth Keifer.  I don't remember much else, except the actress ended up on Guiding Light.

  • Love 2

Sharing scenes is one thing, but they've never had a relationship, which is why the laughable reveal of Helena having Jake had zero impact. Liz is really nobody to Helena. So was Jake. So was Jason. Suddenly being the baddie and mastermind of the fates of Jason and Jake, two people she barely knew and never cared about was a joke. As was the Aiden paternity.


Whereas Alexis and Nikolas had relationships to Helena. So did Laura who was considered at one time to be a Cassadine. I would have much preferred that people who had actual individual relationships with Helena to watch the video, trade barbs and maybe drop Stefan's name and legacy.


THAT would have been sweet.


I think Liz and Helena did more than share scenes.  She was pretty heavily involved in the story line surrounding Lucky's return from the dead and that whole Ice Princess return when, if I'm remembering correctly, Liz and Nik were faking a relationship to pull one over on Helena.  Then once Helena faked Liz's son's death for years and raised him on her island, I think it pretty much established a certain level of adversarial relationship.  Sure, she doesn't have the same kind of relationship with her that Nik and Alexis do, but, for decades, Helena has messed with her life, starting with faking Lucky's death and brainwashing him to forget his love for her.   

  • Love 4

You know, reading the above, it makes me realize that it's kinda bananas Helena didn't mention Lucky at all.  Yes, yes, he's not on the show, but if Helena came to view Liz as something of an adversary, it would be because of her relationship with the Spencers via Lucky.  And her games with Liz and her children were often intended to hurt Lucky as well (faking Jake's death, mucking with Aidan's paternity, etc.).

  • Love 1

I think RP was really big time BFF's with Storms and her husband but not of late. I think he hangs with the single people of the show such Kiki, Val & Dillion. It's understandable. They have different lives and likes in this stage of their lives. I do think its kind of dumb to have Maxie (maybe) get involved with Griffin. I mean he looks almost looks like Nathan....but not. I think RP is an okay actor but i haven't seen any growth in his role He's very one note. Of course, with his looks that won't be a problem in Hollywood. I still think he'll bolt when his contract is up and go to the CW or ABC Family in some prime time show. He just has the look for prime time.

Edited by ByaNose

You know, reading the above, it makes me realize that it's kinda bananas Helena didn't mention Lucky at all. Yes, yes, he's not on the show, but if Helena came to view Liz as something of an adversary, it would be because of her relationship with the Spencers via Lucky. And her games with Liz and her children were often intended to hurt Lucky as well (faking Jake's death, mucking with Aidan's paternity, etc.).

Maybe Laura's key can lead to a good Lucky recast - that FV is not, in any way, allowed to choose

  • Love 5

I think RP was really big time BFF's with Storms and her husband but not of late. I think he hangs with the single people of the show such Kiki, Val & Dillion. It's understandable. They have different lives and likes in this stage of their lives. I do think its kind of dumb to have Maxie (maybe) get involved with Griffin. I mean he looks almost looks like Nathan....but not. I think RP is an okay actor but i haven't seen any growth in his role He's very one note. Of course, with his looks that won't be a problem in Hollywood. I still think he'll bolt when his contract is up and go to the CW or ABC Family in some prime time show. He just has the look for prime time.


I'm gonna reply over in the character section.

I also CANNOT with Nikolas.  Am I supposed to feel bad for him that Helena cut him off and now "the Quartermaine onslaught" want THEIR family company back that HE stole from THEM?


Me too. I am really annoyed at how much the show is trying to turn him into a such a victim. I don't feel sorry for him now. I won't feel sorry for him when Hayden shows her true colors and he loses the Quartermaine business. I am actively rooting for Curtis to smack some sense into Hayden so she can hurry up and carry her revenge against him. Seriously, I am good with anyone that is against Nik at the moment. 

  • Love 8

Well, being Lavery's son explains the hair, at least to those of us who remember Duke's slicked-back, well-oiled hair from his Port Charles debut. And props to casting: he has just enough of a resemblance to a young Ian Buchanan that he could be a relative. 


Who else besides Olivia Jerome was in love with Duke? Would the writers try to make nuDoc a Lavery and a Jerome? (although I'd rather see that history mined than have a random day player from the '80s be dredged up as his mom)


It was kind of fascinating how Duke got whitewashed today: it was only his compassion and feelings of friendship for Sonny that got him back into the mob. (We can all forget that "I can't feel like a man unless I do bad things" speech he gave to Anna, since apparently she did.) And at the same time, Anna's talking about how a rival mobster could be blamed for his death. Um, Anna, if he had a rival, you pretty much just admitted that Duke was a bad guy, too.

  • Love 7

This took awhile. Here is Duke's reference to his mother:



I was reading here last night when I saw the Fitzhugh name I jumped because I remember this scene like it was yesterday and I didn't remember when it happened in the Mr B storyline.  And you found it!  I love the way Duke delivered his lines with sheer disgust and with his wonderful accent.  I can't remember if Ian Buchanan acting was ever respected.  He was good.  Duke mattered.  Good stuff with Robert and Duke scenes too.  I just haven't been watching the show at all unless Genie is on.

Edited by TessHarding2
  • Love 2

Helena messed with Lucky, Emily and Elizabeth over the years, (Lucky's death, Emily for being involved with Nik, Elizabeth while pregnant with Aiden, kidnapping little Jake, etc), so it would make sense that Elizabeth was at Windermere for the reading of the will. Emily is dead and Lucky is off looking for the darkness in some closet off screen.


Sam shared one or two scenes with Helena the entire time that KeMo has been on this show, while Helena hates Alexis and cares nothing for the woman's children.

  • Love 3

I think the writers must be delusional. No, Dante and Valerie are not family. Maybe they don't watch the show, figure enough time has passed for Valerie and Dante to have a "we can be friends" scene. Nooooooooo writers. Too soon. Also, it is for LULU to declare whether that shit is okay or not, not the two cheaters.


Nik: You're our only hope against the Quartermaine onslaught


Again with the writers being delusional. Get out of here with Hayden looking guilty about helping Tracy take back from Nik the company he stole.


meh, I don't feel for Laura. She should have stayed away from the will reading.


Benard and Craig are good when they're not trying to be dramatic!! Although Morgan was still annoying as usual.


Who tells their son they have piercing eyes? Weird.


OMFG I CANNOT with this Morgan/Kiki crap.


Just sit and enjoy the beautiful love story, okay!!!!!

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