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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I've said it before, I have to say it again: I find Maura so fake and unbelievable in crying scenes. And while I don't think the ability to cry on cue has much to do with your acting ability, if you can't do it convincingly....please just don't.



I was hoping for a Monica/Tracy scene-hopefully will get one next week.


UGH Julexis are gross.

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Tracy's asshole doctor.


Was he the doc whom Sonny rejected for reasons? I see a chemistry starting between him and Tracy, and I like him myself. When he first introduced himself, just before the commercial break he put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it awkwardly but sincerely, recognizing her fears without offering any verbal support. Thereafter she calmed down considerably, and was even calling him "MY doctor" when dismissing Dillon and Hayden from the room. He didn't try to control or steer the statements that her son and Hayden offered to describe her mental confusion and fugues. He answered her questions forthrightly but gently, without raising his voice, or patronizing her, or making empty promises to placate her. I liked him more and more. He's going to isolate the problem and solve it.

"Help me be the father I want to be." How about you start by getting out of the mob? Ugh, he's so terrible, and the praying nonsense is so insulting.

Show was on at my GI doc's waiting room when I saw that gem. I wanted to throw something. Shut up, Sonny Corinthos. Gah. Why not treat you children like people...and stop stealing other people's children? We all know he stole Michael from AJ and Avery from Morgan.

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Who knew that Dr O can cook? She brought Nathan some homemade Maultaschen, a traditional German dish that originated in the region of Swabia. Wikipedia says "it consists of an outer-layer of pasta dough which encloses a filling traditionally consisting of minced meat, smoked meat, spinach, bread crumbs and onions and flavored with various herbs and spices (e.g. pepper, parsley and nutmeg)." The pasta pillows are like large versions of Italian ravioli.

I'm pretty sure Dr O didn't get hers from Chef Boyardi, though.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd

A friend of mine told me to take another look at GH, said it was getting good again so I did a drive by today.  I liked the Tracy scenes, but then again Jane Elliot can spin gold out of crap as she's done for years.


Then I saw Det. Kitty, always a pleasure, Maxie, Liesl and whateverthehellthecharaterStaffordisplayingwhosenameI'vemercifully forgotten and the pleasure faded quickly.


THEN I saw Orange Glow talking to God like God was a dimwit about how he had to protect his little girl because Ava was putting her in danger.  This is why I can't come back.  Sonny Corinthos the mobster thinks somebody ELSE is dangerous to kids.




Oh, and I didn't get to turn it off before he had the  nerve to lecture Ava about not being a good person.  How she brought danger to Port Charles.  

Like all he brings is sunshine and lollipops instead of gastritis and severe reflux - and that's just his sexual specialities.



  • Love 9

Can she take Sonny with her?

At least she doesn't sit in a chapel talking about her next murder.

Well, sure. They are kind of the same. "She's an unrepentant kidnapper, torturer, killer ... but she sings and cooks!"

"He's a gross mobster and killer and violent annoyance ... but he prays! And has dimples!"

Ugh. Either make your gross villians short term characters and let us enjoy hating them ... or don't make them this grotesque in the first place. I'm tired of them trying to make these lunatics somehow loveable.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 4

The thing with leaving for work halfway through an episode is that you miss the odd bit of random fuckery, like END OF BOOK.  Seriously, were the production interns playing a joke on somebody or what?


I did catch part of the whole Claudette thing, though, which I rather blatantly tuned out in favor of Dr. O. still rocking that red blouse and what looked like a fur stole.  I'm going to assume that Claudette is either Nathan's The One Who Got Away or somebody in a coma or something (which is a blatant rip of Nina, but this is TFGH we're talking about here).


And I apparently, successfully, blocked out seeing Sonny praying at the beginning of the episode.  Way to go, subconscious!

  • Love 4

Here is my stab at Claudette. She was Nathan's nanny (b/c come on Madeline was not all about raising a child) who he had a crush on. when he became a teenager she went all Mrs. Robinson on him and he thought he was in love. He had plans to run away a marry her but at the last minute found out she only wanted his money. Madeline paid her off to go away. That sounds embarrassing enough to not want to tell Maxie.


I mean it HAS to be something bad seeing how he has met Spin AND had to deal with that dunkelmonkey......It will make some sense surely....I'm almost postive...right you guys....hello?...Bueller?

  • Love 3

Sometimes it's the little things in a storyline that you zoom in on to possibly figure out what's going on. For example, I'm going to be listening carefully as to whether or not Nathan or Liesl ever refer to Claudette with the pronouns "she" or "her." That didn't happen in their conversations today. Nathan did refer to Claudette the dog as "her" when talking to Maxie but that could all be part of the lie Nathan told about Claudette to begin with. I've welcomed the theory that "Claudette" is someone's last name rather than their first.

Edited by Syndicate
  • Love 1

I actually didn't hate when Sonny and Ava were being civil and really want the Avery custody story to just go away and they just co parent.

That said Ava was her total bitch self to the poor nanny. Of course your child is more important than her mother. Good for the nanny standing up for herself. Two-faced Ava works my last nerve.


I did also LOL at Sonny trying to explain to Dante he'd kill FOR his family. I really think Dante of all people would get that already since isn't that why Sonny shot him? Protecting his "family".


That scene of Sonny and Avery at the end was adorable.


Jason and Sonny should just open a PC daycare and always only do scenes with children. Forget the mob. Tiny Tots should be their new calling.

  • Love 5

I actually didn't hate when Sonny and Ava were being civil and really want the Avery custody story to just go away and they just co parent.

That said Ava was her total bitch self to the poor nanny. Of course your child is more important than her mother. Good for the nanny standing up for herself. Two-faced Ava works my last nerve.


I did also LOL at Sonny trying to explain to Dante he'd kill FOR his family. I really think Dante of all people would get that already since isn't that why Sonny shot him? Protecting his "family".


That scene of Sonny and Avery at the end was adorable.


Jason and Sonny should just open a PC daycare and always only do scenes with children. Forget the mob. Tiny Tots should be their new calling.



They should add add Franco, to,since RoHo is also great with children

Today we find out if That Fucking Flashdrive gets shitdumped into Mount Doom (or has been), or if still going to be tossed around if they want to toss MW back to Y&R. Here's hoping we see Kannie walk out of the shadows alive and well, and there was no murder. Or, in lieu thereof, Ava getting away with Kannie's murder, but everyone (including Olivia) shrugging and saying she was fat and crazy (like they shrug AJ's murder). Oh, and implicating Ava in AJ's murder gets the "He was fat" response.



Is this the same flash drive that Carly flew to Portland to see if Spinelli could wave a wand and decode?  Is it the one that these same two enabling and lovers of violent thugs that weren't pressed with accessory/obstruction charges?  Is this the same Carly that chastised and blamed a doctor last week for the blood shed at the wedding?


Paul/Show: No. Why would we let this storyline drop, even though fewer and fewer people give a shit about Kannie? Not only do we have something to hold over Ava and have her do horrible things, but we'll also blame her for making Sonny kill AJ. And we'll modify the recording to have her call AJ fat.


Me: Fuck you, Show.


Show: Just for that, we're starting up another open secret everyone but the viewers know about.

  • Love 6

A friend of mine told me to take another look at GH, said it was getting good again so I did a drive by today.  I liked the Tracy scenes, but then again Jane Elliot can spin gold out of crap as she's done for years.


Then I saw Det. Kitty, always a pleasure, Maxie, Liesl and whateverthehellthecharaterStaffordisplayingwhosenameI'vemercifully forgotten and the pleasure faded quickly.


THEN I saw Orange Glow talking to God like God was a dimwit about how he had to protect his little girl because Ava was putting her in danger.  This is why I can't come back.  Sonny Corinthos the mobster thinks somebody ELSE is dangerous to kids.




Oh, and I didn't get to turn it off before he had the  nerve to lecture Ava about not being a good person.  How she brought danger to Port Charles.  

Like all he brings is sunshine and lollipops instead of gastritis and severe reflux - and that's just his sexual specialities.



Rethinking the friendship???? 

  • Love 7

Paul/Show: No. Why would we let this storyline drop, even though fewer and fewer people give a shit about Kannie? Not only do we have something to hold over Ava and have her do horrible things, but we'll also blame her for making Sonny kill AJ. And we'll modify the recording to have her call AJ fat.


Me: Fuck you, Show.


Show: Just for that, we're starting up another open secret everyone but the viewers know about.

I said it before and I will say it again, the only way to  redeem this entire thing even slightly is for Monica to get her hands on that recording and play dread game with Sonny and Ava. Sonny wants to send Ava to prison to erase her from Avery's life. Since Monica probably thinks (rightly) that each is as much of threat to Avery's safety as the other, she won't really care who raises her. 

  • Love 2

I did also LOL at Sonny trying to explain to Dante he'd kill FOR his family. I really think Dante of all people would get that already since isn't that why Sonny shot him? Protecting his "family".


If by "family," Sonny meant "me, myself, and I," because, in spite of his lectures to Ava and prayers to the almighty, we all know who comes first for Sonny.  Hypocrisy, thy name is Sonny Corinthos.  It truly is astounding what this show expects us to swallow in service to Sonny.


If I'd been Ava, I never would've handed Avery off to him.  Methinks when he's being all reasonable and helpful is when he's least trustworthy.


Seriously, I want to pin this show down somehow on what qualifies Sonny as not just a mobster, but a top-notch mobster, at that, since he won't sully his hands with assault weapons, drugs or the flesh trade.  Tweet us that, Frank.  

  • Love 5


Jason and Sonny should just open a PC daycare and always only do scenes with children. Forget the mob. Tiny Tots should be their new calling.


They should add add Franco, to,since RoHo is also great with children


Then move them all to their own spinoff show and let it air in the middle of the night. 

Edited by rur
  • Love 5

Dear Ava,

Please stop acting like Paul's victim. The only reason he even has anything to hang over your head is because you're a murderer. Put on your big girl panties, go to Jordan, fess up, and make a deal. Don't worry, you probably won't go to jail. No one in Port Charles ever does these days. Even though I would love to see you in an orange jumpsuit picking up trash by the side of the road. Just set Paul up to admit he has the tape. He'll probably lose his job, which is good, because then maybe we can move him back into the Quartermaine fold, where he is actually tolerable and sometimes even interesting. As opposed to being in your orbit, where he's just gross. And you can be with no one for a while. Sound good? Okay, then. Go do it. We here in the audience are sick of hearing about that STOOPID tape. Let's put an end to it, shall we?

Alrighty then.

  • Love 10

I just love how much more upset Ava is about being blackmailed than that she is a murderer.


Being a murderer---meh

Being blackmailed--- how DARE you!


Ava-If I had the tape and no one could put me in jail I'd be perfectly fine, sleep well and would be a better mother. Being a murderer, no big deal, someone punishing me for it. HOW DARE YOU!


yah those are some great parenting skills Ava. RME

  • Love 3

I'll never understand what they're trying to do with Ava. She came on desperate to be a mob boss, and now that she is (albeit it somewhat against her will), she's getting all squeamish and teary about it? It's so dumb. Jordan would probably rather put Paul in jail than Ava, so yeah, cut a deal with the PCPD and be done with it. UGH.

  • Love 5

I'll never understand what they're trying to do with Ava. She came on desperate to be a mob boss, and now that she is (albeit it somewhat against her will), she's getting all squeamish and teary about it? It's so dumb. Jordan would probably rather put Paul in jail than Ava, so yeah, cut a deal with the PCPD and be done with it. UGH.


DNAJ, Spencer, Joss, or Danny would be better mobsters than Sonny and Ava. Especially DNAJ. 

  • Love 5
Eh, Paul's attitude bugged me a little yesterday.  He's also a murderer trying to stay out of jail and used a sob story to get sympathy.  And I also think he's trying to work some kind of self-serving angle by holding on to that tape.


Oh, Paul's character is problematic, but at least he's not continually sobbing and whining. That's my beef with Ava. She's not completely without options. I'd like to see her take charge of her situation instead of letting other people dictate it.

  • Love 5

UUUGGGHHH.  I cannot with the show latest's push on Franco, now with the creaky "Isn't Roger Howarth GREAT with kids!" crutch.  Nor am I at all interested in the return of Nina's baby rabies. 


Though I will admit, the moment where Nina asked Maxie if she knew anything about baby drama and Maxie made this hilarious face before chirping that she'd go get them coffee was kinda cute.  I do have to deduct points, though, for Maxie shading Britt given her own shenanigans re: Lulu and babies.


Of course it was a throwaway mention before veering right back into Generally Morgan, but I'm glad Michael knows and cares about Tracy's medical scare.


This "drama" between Sonny and Carly is soooo stuuupid.

  • Love 3

To be fair, Sam did blow up her house

And then basically apologized for it and led a prayer circle.

Like, I get that some like this Mature!Sam!, but there's a difference between being mature and being downright passive. They've completely ripped any kind of spunk and fire out of Sam. She's basically there to give people free seminars on How to be a Good Person in 10 Easy Steps.

  • Love 6

I've always really liked that sleeveless vest Nina wore today. MSt looks good in tailored clothes. Nina's baby rabies, though, is ridiculous. I get she's sorry she can't have kids, but she shouldn't be so wildly naive about adoption, especially when her partner is a SERIAL KILLER.


Day player nurse shutting down Franco was tremendous, especially when she threatened to sic Pip on him.

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She forgot to add "for Children." Heh. I'd rather see the Shriner's Hospital for Children™ staff doing those PSAs than Carly, no matter how stilted they come off. 


Franco certainly bought a bike and got to Shriners Hospital for Children™ in Philadelphia in record time. There must be a new wormhole in PC.


I'm not sure why Daytime Emmy nominee Bryan Craig is so proud of his work today. Because he didn't have to yell all his lines? Morgan was a big whiner.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

First of all, I really enjoyed all the Jason and Sam goodies we got. As much as I would love bitchy Sam back, today was not the day. I mean Jake is still in the hospital and all. I did however liked her snarky comment to Franco. Honestly, I love how she never passes an opportunity to just throw a bitchy comment his way. I hope this doesn't change any time soon. 



-Liz walking around like she's been cheated on.


You know how you once said, they directed the Samtrick goodbye like they were not over each other. Today, I was noticing how they directed and wrote certain Liz/Sam/Jason scenes like Jasam somehow wronged Liz.  I mean Franco's "what could be more important than being here for Jake" to Liz's "you have a friend here" crap. It was soo weird how much Liz was acting like Jason cheated on her. 


Anyways, forget Sam being Jason wife instead of "friend". HA! I don't know why Liz thought Jason would be totes cool with Franco hanging anywhere near his son. All Jakeson heard of Franco is how he terrorized those close to Jason. I mean it looked like Liz was the one with memory problem when it came to Franco. 


So, whoever said there was no triangle. I point to you toward today's episode.  

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