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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Besides, Maxie has been to enough social events in Port Charles to know that sometimes having a gun would be a good thing.

Plot point writing.  Nathan can't have his gun with him so that when the shooting starts he's powerless to help.  



What wedding have you been to where their wasn't a specific color theme for the bridesmaids?

But did anyone notice that Alexis' bouquet had all three dress colors in it, like it was supposed to match?  I thought that was cool.  



So if all you're going to do is prop your worthless loser ass "Uncle Sonny", this version of Joss can go bye bye.

Whats worst, is that we haven't seen Joss since the CarSon wedding back in September, but they take her out of the closet to be yet another Sonny cheerleader, which was unecessary, seeing as Michael is now living up Sonny's butt and to find the empty gun box, again, something Michael could have done.


Re Diane:  why wasn't she at the ceremony?  The wedding was at 6pm on a Friday night, who's at work at that time?  She's a mob lawyer who pretty much takes whatever cases she wants.  

  • Love 7

If Rosalie's parting shot was an offscreen divorce...on one hand I'm not that surprised the show would handwave her and Brad's story after all this time, but that absolutely does not mean I'm happy about it in any way. I wanted to know what the hell was going on, damn it.

Quirky/occasionally creepy Joss, good. Joss in yesterday's episode, not so much...unless they're trying to push her into more overtly teen bitch territory to make Carly's life hell. And they don't have to make her another Sonny cheerleader to do it, but...yeah.

The wedding party...I'm going to give Franco being there a pass for one reason: other than his date, nobody at all interacted with him. He was the designated awkward guest (it should have been Sonny, of course, but again...yeeeeaaaah...), and IMO it worked well enough for this. The real problem is that, as someone alluded upthread, the buildup to all this was such that we're all just waiting for the wedding to go to hell and never mind the actual wedding itself.

OTOH, with mini-Sonny swanning all over Pier 54, I'm now thinking his come-to-bipolar-Jesus moment will be finding out mini-Carly got shot because he ran off half-cocked and pissed off Dollar General Jerry Jacks. Augh. AUGH.

  • Love 4

Wonders of Wonders and Miracles of Miracles! They dropped the Brad/Rosalie storyline!


Show finally realized it had too many "open secrets" they couldn't resolve and WE DIDN'T CARE!


If this means the end of Rosalie/Linda Elena Tovar, I'll be sad. I have a soft spot for Rosalie and her character, and she was "Married Not Dead" good eyecandy.

  • Love 6

She's not actually a virgin and she's wearing white?! Rip the dress from her body! Stone her as she walks down the aisle!


Shame! Shame! Shame! *dingdinnnnnng*


Considering Jacks was on the run for a while because Sonny wanted him dead (he even faked his death until he felt Michael needed help), that line makes absolutely no sense. Shouldn't she hate the man who tried to kill her father?


In this town, you ALWAYS love Sonny even though he tries to/succeeds in killing your father.

Since the obvious victims of this are female, it would be nice to see the men in trouble and the women have to save them. I'm getting really tired of the damsels in distress routine. It's so played.


Although I absolutely agree with this, I also have to admit that seeing Lulu with duct tape over her mouth was the highlight of my day yesterday. And I wondered to myself why somebody hadn't thought of it earlier.*


*either the interminable baby rabies story or the repetitious Val-Dante fallout story would have benefited, IMO.

  • Love 1

Wonders of Wonders and Miracles of Miracles! They dropped the Brad/Rosalie storyline!


Show finally realized it had too many "open secrets" they couldn't resolve and WE DIDN'T CARE!


I'm still nervous as to why they dropped it so suddenly, and right now, right before sweeps-y gun violence is about to erupt.  Quick, grab Felix to use as a shield!

  • Love 2
Also she should stop boning Nik because he TRIED TO MURDER HER


I really wish we could get some indication that she's gritting her teeth every time Nik touches her, because it's too gross to imagine otherwise that she actually enjoys being with that sweaty pig.


If Josslyn thinks "Uncle Sonny" is cool because he's a mobster, she must absolutely adore International Terrorist Uncle Jerry.


I'm sure they're enthusiastic pen pals. (Jerry's old-fashioned that way.)


From the link:


Michael finds Anna at Chez Corinthos and stonewalls her about Sonny’s whereabouts. Why is this a huge secret? It’s not like Anna wants to arrest him. And even if she did, not telling her where he is at that moment wouldn’t stop it from happening.


I forgot about this. Sonny is at the wedding. Why IS this a secret? SO DUMB.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5

I would say Dante needed the ducttape the most, but one of the bigger problems with that story is he didn't open his damn mouth enough.

It is why I didn't include him, though other parts of him should have duct tapped.


"Joss, my darling niece, just a quick postcard to let you know I'm having a wonderful time blackmailing and extorting. Wish you were here!"

If it was the last Joss, I am sure she would have.

  • Love 2

What bothered me more than Joss thinking Sonny being a mob boss is cool is how upsetting it was for Carly.


For cripes sake Carly you KNOW this and don't care 99% of the time even when you should. NOW you decide Sonny being in the mob might be a bad influence on your child? You're about 2 children too late. But I'm sure you still want Sonny to get Avery back from Ava. RME!


More people know that Sonny's in the mob than people know that Anna is British and Brad is gay. Combined.

I'm still nervous as to why they dropped it so suddenly, and right now, right before sweeps-y gun violence is about to erupt.  Quick, grab Felix to use as a shield!


ABCD recognizes LGBT diversity; there's just a quota, and with Kristina coming out as bi/gay, they need to make room.


Don't worry.... if they decide that all Kristina needs is the love of a man, a slot will reopen.

  • Love 4

ABCD recognizes LGBT diversity; there's just a quota, and with Kristina coming out as bi/gay, they need to make room.


Don't worry.... if they decide that all Kristina needs is the love of a man, a slot will reopen.


That is my legit fear.  I could see them deciding they only need one LGBT character and that Sonny's daughter trumps Sonny's brother-in-law.

  • Love 2

Though props to Franco (Yes, I said props to Franco.) for saying Sonny is a horrible person and deserves to die.  Because, yes.


Came here to post this exact same quote. Only time I ever agreed with Franco. If only someone had the balls to carry it out. 


Don't care that Nathan got shot. I was afraid it would be Brad once Dixon kept noticing him due to his ridiculous name, and then making him collect the phones.


I don't know if it's the writing, acting, or both, but I wish someone would have shoved Morgan off the pier. Thank you Jordan for arresting his loud ass. Sadly, by the looks of the preview he's still at it -- loud mouthed and red faced.

Edited by admiralrodcocker
  • Love 9

Lulu with tape over her mouth drowning in the harbor, her life flashing before her eyes...YES!


Kiki, bleeding out and stopped breathing, YES!


Incompetent Maxie trying to save Nathan's life and she can't stop the bleeding--YES!


Comic gold happening all over the place too...


Police commissioner the last to know....

Anna supposed to have people all over the docks to prevent this from happening...

Franco trying to save everyone by sacrificing Sonny...

Even after wedding vows said, Alexis denying that she is Alexis Jerome to the gunman...

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 2

TC is back to being 'roid puffy again.  Too bad.  If I remember right, he looked fairly normal/good during Bric.  And yes, please, enough with the skeevy Nik/Hayden sex scenes. Please.  


Maybe Nina could be there because she's Nathan's sister and Nathan is Maxie's date and Maxie belongs there because she planned the wedding?  And she works for teh groom?  Anyway, I can't even with Nanco.  They are an automatic FF for me.  I didn't catch it in time today and hearing them talk about their fantastic sex made me throw up a little in my mouth again.  


I took nearly a two-week break because of the inanity of the Monster Heater and helpless Sam, so now I come back and I get treated to another damsel in distress, this time frail little Lulu.  It's like they're just lather/rinse/repeating on all of the tropes now.  


Re: the wedding, I am so sick of NLG acting like she's 14 and never seen a naked chest before.  And I so did not buy the overacting at the house with the tears and the "my girls."  But OTOH, I thought the dress was really quite stunning, original, just different and unique enough.  And flashing back, they did really great with Carly's dress when at the non-Cranco wedding, too.


  • Love 2

Yes Dixon, please kill Sonny. 


I wanted to smack Carly for basically shoving Anna out of her way to run out the door to save her pathetic baby boy. 


So the spoilers had the wrong blonde getting shot. I guess it was too much to hope both dumb dumbs would get shot. And then Morgan turns into a whining, tantrum-throwing 4-year-old. Of course. 


The Sonny propping and Franco propping/Franco and Nina ...stuff....vomit inducing. Blech. 


It is UCG though that several officials are just kinda *whatever* about Kiki unconscious, bleeding out on the pier.... The paramedics are probably like another pier shooting? Pfffft. We'll get there when we get there.  Also, isn't that just a foot or so away from where SBu's Jason was last seen, before the infamous kick-into-the-harbor?

  • Love 2

I know the water was freezing. I know it's February. But why didn't LuLu try swimming to the boat? She was flung off it two feet away. Why just flail around? And why was almost everyone so nonchalant about KiKi lying there bleeding out, especially Jordan? Why was it Carly's job to keep her alive when the place was crawling with cops who have CPR training? Why weren't the paramedics called STAT, not when Carly told them to. I don't know, maybe I misheard things today. Will go back and review. Despite everything, I kind of enjoyed today's episode; just wish the research and writing were better on the details.

  • Love 7

Just when you think the show couldn't get worse, we get today. We know Morgan will not need a lawyer, everyone can carry and shoot. Kiki won't die, We couldn't be that lucky. Want to make a bet on who jumps up from his wheelchair and saves the day .yuck.If a tornado came down and took out the WHOLE show all I would have to say is AMEN. Move over Lulu, I am swimming to the barge.You are in my way.

  • Love 8

  • My closed captioning said that Kiki "Stops breathing"....

Why did Alexis deny that she was Alexis Jerome to the gunman, after she had just finished marrying Julian?

I wonder if Alexis and Julian will still hold a reception? If not, are the cake and champagne up for grabs?

UCG: Even the clergyman had to give name, rank and serial number to the gunman, along with chapel exit information. Clergyman was calm and cordial.

That river must have ice in it at this time of year.

Morgan should be locked away forever and fed bread and water after this incident. Judge ought to confine him in a mental institution because he is a threat to society, IMO.

Will Val save the day and rescue drowning Lulu? If Lulu survives, she'd better sell that boat, pronto. Bad things happen on it.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 1

I know the water was freezing. I know it's February. But why didn't LuLu try swimming to the boat? She was flung off it two feet away. Why just flail around? 


I refuse to believe that Luke Spencer's daughter, who went ice fishing with him, doesn't know how to swim. (Laura would have insisted on it.)

Even if she was afraid to return to the boat, it had to be docked; she could have headed there. (ETA: like ciarra said.)

Except we all know why she has to be right there. Way to telegraph a resolution.

Once again, shame on you, writers. 

Edited by rur
  • Love 4

I don't understand why everyone didn't shoot Morgan at the same time!  He was so annoying.  When Jordan read him his rights and got to the right to remain silent, I thought she was going to say, please, just shut up.


Those wedding guests were a motley crew.  Gangstas, murderers, serial killers, psychos.  When you get to be Alexis' age and these are your only friends, that's not good.


I thought Alexis looked good, but I don't think the white wedding gown should be a thing when your of a certain age.  I don't really get the point of it.  But lots of people do it.


I liked the bridesmaid dresses and colours.  They were all in one palette I think.


I guess since Olivia's story is all about breastfeeding they felt it was important to showcase her breasts.


I didn't really get why Kiki thought running into the middle of all that was a good idea, but at least it got her shot.  And other than Morgan and Carly, everyone on the pier cared as much about her as we do.


I thought the actor playing the Minister was exceptional.

  • Love 3

I don't understand why everyone didn't shoot Morgan at the same time!  He was so annoying.  When Jordan read him his rights and got to the right to remain silent, I thought she was going to say, please, just shut up.


I think that is what she was telegraphing when she said "you have the right to remain silent".


The poor PCPD officers, must be hard to have their police commissioner lounging on their desks.


Except we all know why she has to be right there. Way to telegraph a resolution.

Once again, shame on you, writers. 


Yup. It's lame. Dante already knows he would be upset if Lulu died. And Dante saving Lulu is not a test of his love. There are two choices: don't look for her because she may be in trouble or don't look for her. If he doesn't look for her, she potentially DIES, of course he's gonna go look for her, that's his friggin job.


Carly: come on, stay with us, Morgan needs you.


I wish Ava had been there to hear that and punch Carly's lights out. Yeah, that's why Kiki should live (you know, if I cared about Kiki).


The priest had a really creepy smile on his face at one point.


Alexis and Sonny's faces while Franco was babbling were funny.


I really wanted Nina to leap up from her seat and eat Dixon's head off. Don't lie, we've all been waiting for Nina to do that to SOMEONE.


Uh, Lucas needs to bring his legs together a little there. If his legs were any further apart he'd be doing a split.


Don't talk back to Anna Devane, Michael.


I didn't think the church was depressingly empty. Sadly that was pretty full compared to the last couple of soap weddings.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 9

The Wedding -

I'm not big on Julexis, but I thought the actors gave it their all during the scenes where they were saying their vowels. It came out really beautiful (especially on Alexis's end). I thought Dixon was pathetic to hold the wedding hostage. It had nothing to do with the shipment or what Morgan did, so what even was the point in him making the Julexis wedding his last ditch effort? I feel bad that Nathan got shot, but he was a fool to get up and try something in the first place.


Also, was it just me, or did no one besides Morgan give a shit that Kiki was dying on the floor?

The Pier/Lulu -

So everything that happened today was pretty much Morgan's fault. I get that he's sick, but I couldn't help but being so aggravated with him interrupting the shipment and pretty much putting the lives of the entire town in danger.  While Kiki has pretty much become a character with little relevance, I think it would be awful for the writers to kill her off for the sake of "man-pain". The person I felt the worse for was poor Lulu. She literally had nothing to do with this mess, but she ends up in the water. I thought it was nice that she found strength in the memories of her marriage, even though Lante have been pretty much ruined beyond repair at this point. 

Edited by teenj12
  • Love 4

Also, was it just me, or did no one besides Morgan give a shit that Kiki was dying on the floor?


Carly cared . . . because Morgan needs Kiki.


So everything that happened today was pretty much Morgan's fault. I get that he's sick, but I couldn't help but being so aggravated with him interrupting the shipment and pretty much putting the lives of the entire town in danger.




"Michael seems over Morgan’s latest fit."


Actually the look on everyone's face is hilarious in that picture.

  • Love 5

In all fairness to the writers, Lake Ontario/St Lawrence River or what ever body of water PC is on is freezing, and hypothermia would set in practically immediately so no doubt she wouldn't be able to swim anywhere.  However she wouldn't be able to do anything including tread water and prob would have went unconscious after the first time she totally submerged.


Alexis from the front looked very pretty.

I know the water was freezing. I know it's February. But why didn't LuLu try swimming to the boat? She was flung off it two feet away. Why just flail around? And why was almost everyone so nonchalant about KiKi lying there bleeding out, especially Jordan? Why was it Carly's job to keep her alive when the place was crawling with cops who have CPR training? Why weren't the paramedics called STAT, not when Carly told them to.


Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 5
I thought the actor playing the Minister was exceptional.


I thought his projection was overdone.


Why didn't the ATF swarm the dock as soon as Morgan started pointing his gun at everyone? SO DUMB.


Alexis's dress is so badly fitted on her. It's ugly to start with, IMO, but they could at least properly tailor it.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4


But seriously, Nathan get shot again? Well I guess at least it's the other shoulder this time so now he has matching bullet wounds.


I hope that Maxie learns a lesson in humility for once and SHUTS UP instead of ordering Nathan around. I am sooo tired of her bossiness. Unfortunately, Nathan will probably be all sentimental and touched that she showed concern when he was shot.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 4

Why did it take so long for Lulu to swim to the surface. Her arms weren't broken. Why didn't she swim towards the boat. Instead of just bobbing along.


Kiki you deserve to be shot after running in there for fucking Morgan.


Why was Sonny talking to the gunman why wasnt Nathan the police officer doing it.


Shut up Franco. Just die already. Also is he the only one allowed to call Sonny a terrible horrible person on this show.

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