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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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So I like JE and think she is a good actor, but I can't stand Tracy. She is just such a rude bitch. I know she is the female version of her father, but at least I saw two sides to Edward. I never see a softer side to Tracy I think b/c she doesn't have her version of Lila.


In an episode where there is Sonny dealing with a stranger in his new doctor and Tracy having a meeting with HER NEPHEW I found Tracy 10 X more rude and unlikable than Sonny.


It is bad enough the way she often talks to Ned, her own child, but at least Ned isn't always a nice person himself. Michael OTOH is always a nice person and doesn't really have a mean bone in his body. The way she so rudely dismissed him from the table made me want to slap her. I am not on her side and hope she never gets her company back.


My UO rant of the day.-this might need to be my new tag line;)

Edited by Cattitude

Michael OTOH is always a nice person and doesn't really have a mean bone in his body. 


You definitely missed child Michael and DG Michael. Michael doesn't have the nickname Stupid Little Shit for nothing! 


And Patrick/Robin were said to live right next door. So, in reality, that house would likely be damaged, too. Yet I bet there's not a scratch.


Liz said that no other houses were damaged. LOL!

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It is bad enough the way she often talks to Ned, her own child, but at least Ned isn't always a nice person himself. Michael OTOH is always a nice person and doesn't really have a mean bone in his body.


What about when he sued for custody of Avery? ;)


I agree Tracy was very rude yesterday but I think it was clear that it was amped up because she wasn't feeling well.

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I don't get this whole lack of shock by the show that SAM BLEW UP LIZ'S DAMN HOUSE! This isn't a little smoke damage, Sam accidentally BLEW UP THE HOUSE! And yet Jason was completely meh about it. Liz and 3 young kids have now lost EVERYTHING. Pictures, toys, clothes.. ..you know, EVERYTHING!


It'll probably be Liz's fault because it was her leaky oil tank and her shitty old space heater. If Liz didn't have Luke's old basement,or had better appliances for Sam,( or not greased the stairs) none of this would have happened! 

  • Love 4

I think just the opposite--it will be an unexpected hit with he "Real Women" issue, make a huge amount of money and make Nina a new force in publishing and thwart Julian's plan to shut it down and take the write-off.


No saying it's realistic, but I can see it happening.

In the Wishlist section, I wrote how I wanted the Crimson storyline to be analogy for what is going on with the show right now, but I am getting the feeling either the head writers, Frank or a combo of both are projecting what they are trying to train the audience to do: see this huge mistake, I am going to say a lot of pretty words and somehow get the audience to believe that this fuckup is actually some brilliant idea. (see: AJ's real death)


The thing with Crimson, I think Kate's original plan for the magazine was for it to be about "real women" and fill some niche in the market. 


So I like JE and think she is a good actor, but I can't stand Tracy. She is just such a rude bitch. I know she is the female version of her father, but at least I saw two sides to Edward. I never see a softer side to Tracy I think b/c she doesn't have her version of Lila.


In an episode where there is Sonny dealing with a stranger in his new doctor and Tracy having a meeting with HER NEPHEW I found Tracy 10 X more rude and unlikable than Sonny.


It is bad enough the way she often talks to Ned, her own child, but at least Ned isn't always a nice person himself. Michael OTOH is always a nice person and doesn't really have a mean bone in his body. The way she so rudely dismissed him from the table made me want to slap her. I am not on her side and hope she never gets her company back.


My UO rant of the day.

CD's Michael can be a rude little shit when he wants to be, like after he found out about Sonny and Carly covering up AJ's murder and he came over to the Q mansion and proceeded to tell Tracy basically how stupid she was for trying to save Luke, even though no one knew that Luke had suffered a psychotic break and Tracy (unlike him and Kiki) had been together for years, and Tracy said very little to provoke such a response. Of course unlike Tracy, everyone has been telling Michael he was the glitterest, most precious thing ever and put him on that fucking pedestal, especially Jason and Edward, since he was born. Everyone has been telling Tracy how much she sucks since she was a child, and while everyone likes to think we can rise above verbal abuse, in actuality it can be very difficult. That is why everyone wanted AJ and Tracy to team up, because they were basically treated the same way by the family. 


I disagree about not showing a softer side. She shows it with Lulu and she has made it very clear to Ned that she is proud of how he turned out, being the Q that Alan wasn't able to produce. And yes, having her version of Lila would help her tremendously. Up until the cheating this year, I always thought that Lulu found her Laura in Dante. When Luke is her most stratifying relationship, then you have huge problems. 


I agree Tracy was very rude yesterday but I think it was clear that it was amped up because she wasn't feeling well.


And she was covering her ass when Hayden stepped into the room and she needed to speak with her about Tracy's side plan. Michael wouldn't approve and Michael isn't used to people not doing what he says.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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I don't find someone calling a spade a spade or being angry with cause being rude. So while I have see Michael do some negative things they were never without cause that is different than being flat unlikeable and even before this health issue Tracy comes across as cold and ugly. It is just an aspect of the Qs I find distasteful and makes me not root for them to win.


I don't hold what a character does as a child or rebellious teen against them. I feel of most people in PC(who get regular screen time) Micheal is one of the most decent and honorable so for Tracy to be so rude to him was a real turn off.

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I thought it was pretty fucking rich that Michael "called out" Tracy when not a mere 12 hours beforehand he was defending Sonny and Carly...until he found out they had been lying to him about what happened to AJ. Before anyone says that Michael had been raised (i.e. brainwashed) by Carly and Sonny, remember for the last decade, Luke really has been one of the few people that fully supported Tracy over the Qs, and despite the cheating and the stealing, treated her with a level of respect that no past paramour or even family member had and for all she knew Luke had been kidnapped by the Cassadines. While Michael isn't someone that is hard or sarcastic, he can be a judgmental, self righteous prick just like his good ole' uncle Jason, because unlike Tracy, he is incredibly coddled. 


I just disagree with the premise that Tracy is 100% bitch vs Edward's 85% jerk. She has shown softness, to Joe Scully Jr., Trey, Kate Howard (oh, what could have been with real Kate!), and her hard won relationship with Lulu. Lulu went from calling her "step monster" to being on Tracy's side to not wanting to see her get hurt when Laura came back in 2008.


Not two seconds when she demised Michael, Hayden sat right down in his seat. Michael knows her well enough that if she tried to be nice to shoo him away, he would get suspicious. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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Tracy also had a nice friendship starting with Sabrina. Tracy doesn't suffer fools, and it's not as if this is Michael's first meeting with Tracy. He's not unaware of her personality.


I think just the opposite--it will be an unexpected hit with he "Real Women" issue, make a huge amount of money and make Nina a new force in publishing and thwart Julian's plan to shut it down and take the write-off.


Same here. They've made such a big deal about Julian wanting to shut down Crimson that it's inevitable Nina will have a big hit with the Real Women issue. I loved that Olivia went with him to the office yesterday because she didn't want him to get rid of the photos. The look on his face when she said that was hilarious. Of course, once he started looking at them, he became a total Neanderthal.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Sucks to be you Liz. I honestly thought they would just have the basement blow up. Are they going to keep letting Jake see Franco or just let him see a therapist?

I also can't believe that Carly clearly doesn't care for Sabrina but loooooves her some Kiki. I get lying to Michael would make it harder for her to like Sabrina but she's never been a fan. It would make more sense to me that Carly dislike all of Michael's GFs because she's Carly but continuing to like the woman who nearly tore apart your sons brotherly relationship is baffling especially for her.

I still don't know why Olivia is here. She's been shoehorned in to everyone's life and it's getting so old.

  • Love 8

Sucks to be you Liz. I honestly thought they would just have the basement blow up. Are they going to keep letting Jake see Franco or just let him see a therapist?

I also can't believe that Carly clearly doesn't care for Sabrina but loooooves her some Kiki. I get lying to Michael would make it harder for her to like Sabrina but she's never been a fan. It would make more sense to me that Carly dislike all of Michael's GFs because she's Carly but continuing to like the woman who nearly tore apart your sons brotherly relationship is baffling especially for her.

I still don't know why Olivia is here. She's been shoehorned in to everyone's life and it's getting so old.


And, yeah, Sabrina lied to Michael, but Kiki fucking drugged him and has flip-flopped back and forth between her two sons.  Not to mention, Carly hates her mother.  There is just zero reason Carly shouldn't be hissing and showing her teeth every time Kiki enters the room. 

  • Love 17

And, yeah, Sabrina lied to Michael, but Kiki fucking drugged him and has flip-flopped back and forth between her two sons.  Not to mention, Carly hates her mother.  There is just zero reason Carly shouldn't be hissing and showing her teeth every time Kiki enters the room.

Exactly but no she gave her a job. I shouldn't expect much because we have watched Franco give advice and information to the woman whose baby he kidnapped (Liz) and who he made think she was raped (Sam).

  • Love 2

It seems obvious to me that b/c Carly feels she is the bestest best at everything and nothing she has done is wrong it makes perfect sense she would like Kiki b/c she sees herself in her. Especially now that Morgan is turning out to be like Sonny with the bipolar. No one could understand as well as her mini-me.

Come on Carly would never like a goodie good like Sabrina in a million yrs. Carly would rather her sons be married to a snaky go-getter like she sees herself than a moral high horse person any day.

Lauren is on the Corinthos side when it comes to Avery, so of course Carly likes her. 


Does Carly know that Morgan and Lauren tried to drug Michael?


Yup. I also think Carly gets a sick thrill out of having a better relationship with Kiki than Ava does.  If Kiki was ever fully back on #teamava, Carly would drop her like a bad habit.


And yes, Carly knows about Operation: Alcoholic.  The complete lack of fallout when that was exposed gives me the rage.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3

It seems obvious to me that b/c Carly feels she is the bestest best at everything and nothing she has done is wrong it makes perfect sense she would like Kiki b/c she sees herself in her. Especially now that Morgan is turning out to be like Sonny with the bipolar. No one could understand as well as her mini-me.

Come on Carly would never like a goodie good like Sabrina in a million yrs. Carly would rather her sons be married to a snaky go-getter like she sees herself than a moral high horse person any day.


Carly would actually prefer that her sons be married to someone she feels she can control and who will always know her place (behind Carly).  It's why she was so on board with Jason marrying Courtney.  She felt Courtney knew her place.  She would not appreciate someone too much like her with her sons, because, if she's being honest about who she is, she knows damn well what woman like her is capable of.  And when she's not being honest with herself, she considers herself better than women like her.  Of course, I honestly don't know who she would consider good enough for her boys - especially Michael, the crown prince. 

  • Love 8

Nathan, you are a cop, yes? So why are you encouraging your sister to want to raise a baby with FRANCO?


Fine time for Nik to do a background check on his wife, AFTER they are married. It's so very stupid. And what about his secrets that he tried to have Hayden murdered? Hm? Why doesn't Laura care about that?

Are we sure they are legally married?  Nik had time before the ceremony to bribe the officials into doing a fake one, and went back by himself to "tip" them afterward.  Something about the way he told Laura to trust that he knew what he was doing makes me think he's just giving Hayden enough rope...

I assume Hayden isn't Rebecca Budig character's legal name. Though if she decided to use a false name when committing fraud, it'd be the first semi-intelligent thing that she's done.

And yes, Carly knows about Operation: Alcoholic. The complete lack of fallout when that was exposed gives me the rage.

I think Operation Alcoholic only happened so RC could give Michael a reason to bond with Princess Sabrina - so he was fine ignoring fallout that wasn't related to tying her to a lead character Edited by Oracle42

So I like JE and think she is a good actor, but I can't stand Tracy. She is just such a rude bitch. I know she is the female version of her father, but at least I saw two sides to Edward. I never see a softer side to Tracy I think b/c she doesn't have her version of Lila.

Tracy showed it with Ned, Dillion, and particularly Lulu. She doesn't get as much attention as Sonny so it's easy to miss those moments when she opens up.

  • Love 5

I thought it was pretty fucking rich that Michael "called out" Tracy when not a mere 12 hours beforehand he was defending Sonny and Carly...until he found out they had been lying to him about what happened to AJ. Before anyone says that Michael had been raised (i.e. brainwashed) by Carly and Sonny, remember for the last decade, Luke really has been one of the few people that fully supported Tracy over the Qs, and despite the cheating and the stealing, treated her with a level of respect that no past paramour or even family member had and for all she knew Luke had been kidnapped by the Cassadines. While Michael isn't someone that is hard or sarcastic, he can be a judgmental, self righteous prick just like his good ole' uncle Jason, because unlike Tracy, he is incredibly coddled.

I just disagree with the premise that Tracy is 100% bitch vs Edward's 85% jerk. She has shown softness, to Joe Scully Jr., Trey, Kate Howard (oh, what could have been with real Kate!), and her hard won relationship with Lulu. Lulu went from calling her "step monster" to being on Tracy's side to not wanting to see her get hurt when Laura came back in 2008.

Not two seconds when she demised Michael, Hayden sat right down in his seat. Michael knows her well enough that if she tried to be nice to shoo him away, he would get suspicious.

I think it also depends on which rendition of the character. The original Edward was 100% asshole. He belittled Alan for being weak and although Tracy was just like him business-wise, he rejected her for being a female. Alan was an attempted murderer and then bumbling oaf before diagnosing Robin, at which point he was supposedly brilliant, gentle, and kind. With the re-cast Edward, he became a lovable grouch with a heart of gold. Emily may have been a contributing factor to his transition, because she also magically transformed Alan and Monica into loving supportive parents.

I never cared for Lila. She sat back and watched Edward belittle and demean her children, and turn them against one another. I just could not stand her lady of the manor aristocratic personality.

ETA: I don't post here often but I think I should have placed this in the history thread? If so, my apologies. I don't know how to move it from my phone.

Edited by RedheadZombie
  • Love 4

Do i sense the potential for chemistry between Elizabeth and Griffin? So much better than every single forced scene of Franco and Liz.  My heart broke for Liz trying to assure Aiden (over the phone) that they're going to be all right, and then asking Cam to be a good example for his brother.  And of course there's Prince Douchey, trying to sweep aside her point about them setting this is motion. 


JE did a good job w/Tracy looking out of it. 


Jeebus with the JaSam propping from Liz now, in addition to the Davis sisters. Ugh. Your sister has been through physical trauma and all you two care about is her feelings about Jason and being rescued.  Good shocked face by HP about Molly hearing Parker is a woman. 


UGH to Talking Tree (everything he said to/about Maxie-.b.s) and to Sonny re: "arrogant sons of bitches." Griffin has to put up with that POS, yuck.

  • Love 4

This show is so gross. Jason blaming Jake for Sam being hurt when its her own fault, was just disgusting. Then Liz babbling on to Jake about what a good person Sam was, conventiently leaving out that she watched him get kidnapped when he was a child, was just beyond awful. Saint Sam was in full force today. I hope Liz never has to share another scene with her. We get it, Sam and Jason are the best people to ever grace Port Charles, and they are the truest of true loves. Let them live their lives without bringing other characters down.



This show is so full of shit with how Jason found Sam. He found her because Kristina told him where she was. It wasn't instinct, it wasn't true love bullshit. He was told. I hate this show.

  • Love 7

It cracks me up that everyone thinks Jar of Mayo is such a threat to the women of Port Charles.


Sonny is such an asshole. I wish Griffin had told him that if he wasn't forthcoming with him, he wouldn't treat him.


Then Liz babbling on to Jake about what a good person Sam was, conventiently leaving out that she watched him get kidnapped when he was a child, was just beyond awful.

I would never expect Liz to say that to Jake. He's messed up enough already without hearing about the SOS.


Seriously. Especially at this point, what good would it do? Maybe when he's a lot older he'll find out, but nothing good can come of it at the moment.

  • Love 7

I would never expect Liz to say that to Jake. He's messed up enough already without hearing about the SOS.

I wouldn't expect her to say that to Jake, but since Sam doing that has been erased from their history, Liz will never get to bring it up. Liz shouldn't have to tell Jake that Sam's a good person because she shouldn't be around him.

  • Love 3

This show is so gross. Jason blaming Jake for Sam being hurt when its her own fault, was just disgusting. Then Liz babbling on to Jake about what a good person Sam was, conventiently leaving out that she watched him get kidnapped when he was a child, was just beyond awful. Saint Sam was in full force today.

I doubt that bit of history will ever be brought up again.  Now, Sam is the all-compassionate person who would welcome Jason's son with another woman with open arms.  

  • Love 6

I too was surprised someone found out about Parker being a woman so soon, especially since

we're not supposed to see Parker again for at least another month.


Kristina inviting Sonny to the Julian/Alexis wedding was so plot pointy.  Does Sonny have to be at every canvas event?


This is rhetorical, right?



Now, Sam is the all-compassionate person who would welcome Jason's son with another woman with open arms.


Let's not rewrite history. I haven't seen everything from that time period, but I do know that Sam encouraged Jason to spend time with Jake before he "croaked" the first time. It's not a new viewpoint from Sam.

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 8

Kristina inviting Sonny to the Julian/Alexis wedding was so plot pointy.  Does Sonny have to be at every canvas event?




But seriously, I thought her smile when she asked him was cute, plot points aside.


How many men does Nathan think read Crimson?


Hayden's shirt was giving Maxie's dress a run for its money. In fact, the more I looked at Maxie's dress the more used to I got and the less used to Hayden's shirt I got.


Tracy's looking a little gaunt. I wonder if JE lost some weight for whatever's coming up or if it's just the way her hair is styled.


Sam looked cute without all the make-up.

  • Love 3

I doubt that bit of history will ever be brought up again. Now, Sam is the all-compassionate person who would welcome Jason's son with another woman with open arms.

Sam's been okay with Jake for awhile and she can afford to be - she's able to have children now, she and Jason got married and they have a child together. It doesn't make sense for her to have a problem with Jake at this point

  • Love 6

The Irony of Liez telling DNAJ that lying is bad. The kid still cant act. Please recast him or put him in the attic with Carl and Andy.


Jason said he spent the night going back and forth between the 2. So I didnt see him ditching DNAJ for his wife. 


Sam/DNAJ are going to be around each other. I dont see why she should stay away from him as he is her sons brother and if Jason lives with her DNAJ will be making visits.


I always enjoy the Davis Girls. They all have great chemistry together. 

  • Love 13
The Irony of Liez telling DNAJ that lying is bad.


But she told him flat out a couple minutes later that she had lied and that it was bad. I don't know what more she could have done.  


I thought Becky Herbst and Jane Elliot won the day. Loved JE's portrayal of a hard-ass bitch who's disoriented and is trying to conceal it, trying to get back on firmer ground. Rebecca Budig is still growing on me too.  


As usual, Billy Miller was weird. When he tries to look thoughtful (...I think), it comes off as bored or annoyed.  

Edited by Asp Burger
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