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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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She manages to pull herself up the steps - only to find the door locked.


Why can't she sit on the landing and knock on the door with her good hand? Or an elbow? A knee? A foot? Her head?


Where is the basement door? If it's inside, why does it need a lock in the first place? The laundry machines are down there, which I'm sure are used on a frequent basis. 


I don't remember who is stone to Sonny


A street kid Sonny took under his wing.

Edited by dubbel zout

I don't remember who is stone to Sonny

You know he was Robin's first true love right?


I believe that Sonny found Stone on the streets, although I don't think it was the streets of PC. It was the streets back home in Brooklyn, I think. Because when the Sonny character showed up I believe he showed up with Stone.  He thought of him like a little brother. Although, he did not spare Stone from getting involved in his work.  I think Stone did do some work for Sonny, although I can't remember what Sonny had him doing exactly. 

Edited by represent

Explain why "running away" consisted of Jake getting hit by a car in front of his own house.  Was he coming back home?  Does he not understand directions, cue Blair Witch creepy music (OMG, I'm going in circles).  Is he too big to fit in a tree?


He has trouble reading street name signs. He inherited illiteracy from Town Pariah Liez. 

  • Love 5


Explain why "running away" consisted of Jake getting hit by a car in front of his own house.  Was he coming back home?  Does he not understand directions, cue Blair Witch creepy music (OMG, I'm going in circles).  Is he too big to fit in a tree?

I mean he is disturbed. But if that was a Spencer kid, Lucky to be exact, he'd be long gone.

Edited by represent
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Meh, I don't think there was THAT much thought into when the scene was initially written, re Jake locked Sam in, more like "how much peril can we put Fair Samantha in?" so OF COURSE the door was locked. If she got out, how could Jason be the one to save her?

Yeah, I'm sure it was just another scene to show that she can't get out by herself, as opposed to Evil!Jake! (who they already showed scared and asking her if she's OK; it's not like he was cackling and rubbing his hands together). I don't really care that they cut it. I know what this whole thing is for, so I just wish they'd get to the point and have Jason save her. Showing Sam in the basement for over a week is a bit overkill. They could've done this over a span of three episodes.

Honestly, pretty much every story on this show feels like they haven't fully decided where they want to go with it, so they're just biding time, waiting for inspiration to strike. 


100%. Like there is literally no doubt this is true.


Explain why "running away" consisted of Jake getting hit by a car in front of his own house.  Was he coming back home?  Does he not understand directions, cue Blair Witch creepy music (OMG, I'm going in circles).  Is he too big to fit in a tree?


Yea, I never got that whole sequence either. The editing for everything was really bad.


Where is the basement door? If it's inside, why does it need a lock in the first place? The laundry machines are down there, which I'm sure are used on a frequent basis. 


Someone else mentioned that you'd want a lock on your basement door for security from a break in. Also with me, and apparently with Liz, the basement is cold as fuck and our door won't always stay closed if it isn't locked so then all the cold air will just come into the house. Honestly the fact that the basement door has a lock doesn't seem weird to me in any way.


I care they cut that scene because it showed Sam tried to save herself. Instead we get her hallucinating Jason and whimpering next to a smoking outlet. Ugh.


Exactly. Cutting that scene makes Sam out to be such a hapless, helpless idiot who needed Jason to save her when it just isn't the case. Ugh indeed.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 7
Someone else mentioned that you'd want a lock on your basement door for security from a break in. Also with me, and apparently with Liz, the basement is cold as fuck and our door won't always stay closed if it isn't locked so then all the cold air will just come into the house. Honestly the fact that the basement door has a lock doesn't seem weird to me in any way.


It's much weirder to me that there's no door in the basement that leads outside the house. Maybe that's common in other parts of the country, but I've never seen a basement that didn't have an exterior door. Of course, if there were one, then Sam could have simply walked out and we would have missed out on all the excitement of her lying there.

  • Love 3

It's much weirder to me that there's no door in the basement that leads outside the house. Maybe that's common in other parts of the country, but I've never seen a basement that didn't have an exterior door. Of course, if there were one, then Sam could have simply walked out and we would have missed out on all the excitement of her lying there.


LMAO good point. I just assumed there was an exterior door, but as you said, then Sam's plight would make even less sense than it does now.


It's times like this when I wish RC was still the writer so we could go to his twitter and find out why all this wacky, unexplained stuff was happening and get responses like, "Only the basement blew up," in return. Good times!

  • Love 3

It feels like Saint Sam has been lying in Town Pariah Liez's 1970s basement for weeks. I want to believe Jason will find her on Monday's episode but who knows. Maybe they found a way to drag this out another week. Is this the February sweeps event? DNAJ getting squashed again while Sam crawls around in a broke down basement? I don't know if this is better or worse than her being strapped to a bomb or being chased by a serial killer and getting run over by drunk Monica. 

  • Love 3

I'll fanwank the locked basement door as something Liz put on when the boys were really little.


he and his team delivered during sweeps more often than not.


We did get Events with Guza. They never changed Port Charles forever, despite the promo insistence, but they usually involved most of the cast and there was a sense of spectacle (even when it was UCG). I get the budget was bigger back then and allowed for splashy stories, but there has to be something Frank can scrape together. These days even the Nurses Ball is pathetic.

  • Love 6

I sorta kinda wish Pratt could have been temporarily brought on to do sweeps. This time last year over at Y&R there was a plane crash in the Wisconsin mountains, a building collapse, a penthouse fire, and a I Know What You Did Last Summer/Scooby Doo murder mystery. It was laughably ridiculous, but at least it wasn't boring. 

  • Love 6

I'm not understanding all the "it showed Sam trying to save herself." She fell down headfirst down a flight of stairs. If that was a real-life scenario, she could have a broken neck or broken bones. But she has to crawl up the stairs to prove something? I don't get it.


I didn't even need to see Sam make it to the top of the stairs, just show that she at least attempted to save herself. She can crawl around on the floor but she can't even try to crawl up the stairs? 

  • Love 6

Sam at least trying to be more proactive in the Basement of Doom would absolutely have been welcome, since she was at least intact enough to plug in a space heater, and the fact that they filmed precisely that and then cut it for whatever reason does chafe a bit.  Then again, these are the same yahoos that snipped part of the Scrubs wedding, so I'm unfortunately not that surprised.

  • Love 8

I didn't even need to see Sam make it to the top of the stairs, just show that she at least attempted to save herself. She can crawl around on the floor but she can't even try to crawl up the stairs?

I think trying to go up stairs is different from sliding on the ground, yeah.

I'm just saying, if anything bugged me, it's that she was moving around so much. With the type of fall they showed? She should have broken bones, as well as a concussion, considering how tiny she is.

Sam at least trying to be more proactive in the Basement of Doom would absolutely have been welcome, since she was at least intact enough to plug in a space heater, and the fact that they filmed precisely that and then cut it for whatever reason does chafe a bit. Then again, these are the same yahoos that snipped part of the Scrubs wedding, so I'm unfortunately not that surprised.

And some of the cutest parts of the wedding, too!

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 1

I think trying to go up stairs is different from sliding on the ground, yeah.

I'm just saying, if anything bugged me, it's that she was moving around so much. With the type of fall they showed? She should have broken bones, as well as a concussion, considering how tiny she is.


Sure, realistically I doubt she would have been able to make it up the stairs, but, realistically. she probably would have been unconscious this whole time anyway.  If this were a real life scenario and the person were conscious I'm sure they would have tried to crawl up a couple of stairs and fail. If they insisted on doing this they should have just had her remain unconscious until someone found her. It's very irritating to see her having hallucinations that only include Jason while whimpering next to a 50 year old space heater waiting for him to come save her. It would have been nice to see Everyday Heroes era Sam make an appearance. 

  • Love 7

Sure, realistically I doubt she would have been able to make it up the stairs, but, realistically. she probably would have been unconscious this whole time anyway. If this were a real life scenario and the person were conscious I'm sure they would have tried to crawl up a couple of stairs and fail. If they insisted on doing this they should have just had her remain unconscious until someone found her. It's very irritating to see her having hallucinations that only include Jason while whimpering next to a 50 year old space heater waiting for him to come save her. It would have been nice to see Everyday Heroes era Sam make an appearance.

I get you completely.

I just also don't think she was actively waiting for Jason. And I don't think what they did end up showing made her appear weak or helpless. She's extremely hurt and out of it. That's all I got out of those scenes. And, again, I think we all know this particular plot point was for Liz to realize her kid was off and for Jason to get some ~feels~

  • Love 1
It would have been nice to see Everyday Heroes era Sam make an appearance.



She is present but that aspect of her ends up on the floor of the cutting room.


Jakeson playing caption "Save a Ho" is more important than portraying an important character trait.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
  • Love 5

Yeah, well. Let's see if, when Jason eventually finds her, there's any turning of a key in a lock, or macho breaking down of the door. (It would be funny if his momentum from ramming into the door with his shoulder carried him down the steps too, in a visual echo of Nikolas on the balcony.) Or let's see if he just turns the knob and it opens, which would cast doubt on the cutting-room-floor chatter. 


Anyway, Sam crawling up stairs and finding the door locked wouldn't have made up for her being a woman who's pushing 40 (at least, the actress is) and can't walk down steps. 

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 1



Yeah, well. Let's see if, when Jason eventually finds her, there's any turning of a key in a lock, or macho breaking down of the door. (It would be funny if his momentum from ramming into the door with his shoulder carried him down the steps too, in a visual echo of Nikolas on the balcony.) Or let's see if he just turns the knob and it opens, which would cast doubt on the cutting-room-floor chatter. 




Why would it? The recaps were provided by ABC. That the scenes were recapped indicates that they were written. That they did not air indicates that they were cut  



Anyway, Sam crawling up stairs and finding the door locked wouldn't have made up for her being a woman who's pushing 40 (at least, the actress is) and can't walk down steps.


Which is sad because a few years ago she was able to run up and down stairs and fight in those same ridiculous shoes...




Man, so glad we have these female HWs 

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 11

Stone was so much more than That midgety moobster's gofer.


Admittedly, I'm neutral when it comes to Sam, so I'm not shocked or that upset that those scenes were cut.  One would think that cutting these scenes was the worst thing ever to happen to Sam. But I suppose for her fans, it's a huge deal. Just as I suppose, cutting all those scenes of Robin, Robert, Anna and Patrick was a huge deal for me, as was cutting the scenes from the first Nurses' Ball under this regime, of Brenda, and of AJ. 


And I find it ridiculous that for the kind of house that Liz has, that the steps of her basement look like steps that would be found in some old warehouse or barn. Most basements I've seen and a few I've had, the steps were normal steps, meaning no spaces between them as you would see on a ladder; which is what Liz's steps looked like. Unless I'm misremembering and there weren't open slats where Jake saw her pitch, roll and fall?

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 2
And I find it ridiculous that for the kind of house that Liz has, that the steps of her basement look like steps that would be found in some old warehouse or barn.


My building has that kind of steps to the basement. So they're still out there. Whether it matches up with the rest of the sets for Liz's house, I don't know.


But Sam's fall was foreshadowed recently by her stumble into Jason's arms on steps at the place where she has lived, so I'm sticking to my reading of "user error," personally.

  • Love 1
One would think that cutting these scenes was the worst thing ever to happen to Sam.


As I wrote earlier, it's not so much that Jason saves her in the end—of course he does, he's Jasus—but that we don't see her even attempt to save herself. Sam is supposed to be a badass. If she has the wherewithal to crawl around the basement floor looking for a hoodie to wear, she has the wherewithal to try to drag herself up the stairs. I'd be fine with her stopping halfway. I just want to see her try. If she can't do that, keep her entirely unconscious. 


I'm not much of a Sam fan (unless she's Drunk!Sam), but the show has positioned her as someone who can take care of herself, and then we get this crap. It's deliberately undercutting her self-sufficiency, and that's what's aggravating.


Liz's basement is basically unfinished, so the staircase fit that, IMO. 

  • Love 11

A new week coming up.  Five more episodes of GH.  Five more days of meaningless chatter and stories that go nowhere fast.  Wonder how many tears "Sweet Sam" is going to get to shed on our screens this week? Too bad Helena's curse wasn't stronger.  Funny that curse hasn't been mentioned of late. 


Why hasn't anyone questioned Jake about his time on the island with the teacher and the old lady in the big house?  I really think we need to know more about what Jake endured and why he was allowed to be reunited with his parents.  Helena must have had a plan for the little guy.

  • Love 3

I am probably going to need a good recap of the show today.  It looks like News 8 is going to discuss this damn bus crash for another 2 hours.  Look....I am not unsympathetic to injured people, really.  But when you break into programming (even the Chew) to postulate WHY this bus crashed for 45 minutes (oh, I don't know...maybe the SNOW STORM had something to do with it??) I get a little uneasy with the state of our News.  Also, when they start letting a line of cars through, and your newscaster says "they are possibly the line of cars that were held up after the accident and were stuck behind it" I just have to shake my head.   No genius, I am sure they shipped in some extra fucking cars to the accident site, just to let them through the one lane of traffic.   I just....WTNH I expect better from you.  Usually.



ETA:  Well, just ignore my rant, they went back on air for GH.  

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 7

So basically every time Liz attempts to even have a miniscule moment of self-awareness, she is immediately coddled and poo-pooh'ed and told she is a good mom. That is what I got from the Liz/Franco scenes today. Yes, Liz, your blind hate and blame of Sam transferred to Jake and led him to his feelings about Sam breaking up their family. Because you said it all the damn time!

  • Love 17

So much HELL NO about Franco reaching out for Elizabeth to hug him for comfort. UGH. Or should I say *dubbel zout rage blackout* ;) No No No to Franco getting redeemed through Elizabeth/Jake's trauma storyline.  BH did a good job, though, with Liz's reactions to "that's my wife!" and realizing Jake knew Sam was in the basement.


Jason being blown off the porch w/her in his arms and Sam being helpless ("I knew you'd find me") makes me roll my eyes.   'You kept me safe. You always do." WT... that must be one hell of  a concussion you got there, Sam. 


I did, however, enjoy Michael's angry jaw and eyes when Carly mentioned she "lied about the father" while pregnant w/Michael, so she understands Sabrina's situation and why she left for Puerto Rico...then discouraged him from going to find Sabrina. I kinda want someone to slap the smiles off Sonny and Carly's faces. I think that's the closest Carly has come in some time to acknowledging to both Michael and Sonny that AJ was Michael's father. 


Re: preview - not surprising that Elizabeth is crying over seeing Jason and Sam closer, at the same time Jake's a mess in a hospital bed. I think this is how she's paying for her lies - the ripple.....son hurt, house blown up, the man she lied to reconnecting with his wife. That's so much worse than people telling you off.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 6

So.....Liz apparently transferred that picture of her and Jason downstairs....That's a great way to reiterate to your boys that it is OVER between you and Jason.  


Also....Darwin award goes to Jason, who when he HEARS the smoke alarm, immediately goes in the opposite direction upstairs.  Also, did he carry her all the way to GH?


I did love the "I'm her husband" moment, and the fact that he showed more emotion today than he has in his entire year on the show.  


I REALLY hope Liz is crying tomorrow because everything is catching up to her, and NOT because of the moment she witnessed. 

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