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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Fuck Sam! Jake is none of her business or Kristina's business, and no Sam, you are not all in this together. You are nothing to Jake, and Jake is not bringing Sam down. Sam inserted herself here, so if she's being brought down by Jake, its her own fault. 


Once she saw that Jake's parents weren't home, she should have hightailed her nosey ass out of Liz's home, that she knows she's not welcome in. If she thinks that Jake is doing this, then she needs to talk to Liz and Jason, not confront an 8 year old. I have never hated her stupid ass more. Not only is she stupid, but she can't even walk down the stairs without falling, and now because she can't mind her own business, Jake is going to be accused of trying to hurt her, which is going to cause even more issues with him.

Edited by MissE
  • Love 10

Fuck Sam! Jake is none of her business 

That was my secondary irritation with the Sam-Franco scenes (primary is that everything he does and says, esp. to his previous victims, is hypocritical, offensive, and more). Sam said Jake is her business because he's Jason son, and Danny's brother.  Oh please. If Elizabeth went to Franco or any other "professional" asking about what's going on with Danny's mental health, Sam would be going ballistic. The only person Sam may question about Jake is Jason because of any more potential playdates for Jake and Danny.


The correct thing for Sam to do in the situation today was call up to the babysitter about Jake's bloody finger, make sure the babysitter had that handled, keep her suspicions to herself until she talked to Jason and possibly Elizabeth, not confront Jake without his parents, and leave. Him running away from her shouldn't surprise her.  Of course she trips and falls going down the basement steps after Jake. His face was shocked, so I know he didn't grab her foot. 


I know this is supposed to be all 'Jake is a disturbed child' but he wasn't trying to hurt her. He just didn't want to talk to her.  Her getting into this situation is all her own stupidity.


I felt like the Alexis-Kristina scene, with Alexis specifically saying "young" and Kristina's face, was a set up for Kristina being into someone much older (esp. with how they all reacted to her crush on Ethan years ago).  Lady Professor Parker showing up at Alexis' home was a WTF moment. Lexi has never even hinted at playing Kristina as bi/gay, so I'm reallllyyyy wondering where TPTB are going with this. Maybe desperate for the grade and a tiny bit curious?

  • Love 7

That was my secondary irritation with the Sam-Franco scenes (primary is that everything he does and says, esp. to his previous victims, is hypocritical, offensive, and more). Sam said Jake is her business because he's Jason son, and Danny's brother.  Oh please. If Elizabeth went to Franco or any other "professional" asking about what's going on with Danny's mental health, Sam would be going ballistic. The only person Sam may question about Jake is Jason because of any more potential playdates for Jake and Danny.


The correct thing for Sam to do in the situation today was call up to the babysitter about Jake's bloody finger, make sure the babysitter had that handled, keep her suspicions to herself until she talked to Jason and possibly Elizabeth, not confront Jake without his parents, and leave. Him running away from her shouldn't surprise her.  Of course she trips and falls going down the basement steps after Jake. His face was shocked, so I know he didn't grab her foot. 


I know this is supposed to be all 'Jake is a disturbed child' but he wasn't trying to hurt her. He just didn't want to talk to her.  Her getting into this situation is all her own stupidity.


I felt like the Alexis-Kristina scene, with Alexis specifically saying "young" and Kristina's face, was a set up for Kristina being into someone much older (esp. with how they all reacted to her crush on Ethan years ago).  Lady Professor Parker showing up at Alexis' home was a WTF moment. Lexi has never even hinted at playing Kristina as bi/gay, so I'm reallllyyyy wondering where TPTB are going with this. Maybe desperate for the grade and a tiny bit curious?

Exactly! Jake being Danny's brother doesn't mean that Sam is entitled to Jake's medical care, or that she has a right to but her nose into this situation. I'm also sick of her being in Liz's home without permission. Liz needs to make it clear, that Sam is not allowed to be around Jake right now.



The dialogue these writers have coming out of Liz's mouth is ridiculous and OTT and I'm pretty much done with the entire story. What a waste of the character and the actress.


I saw nothing wrong or OTT with Liz today. 

Edited by MissE
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That's cool, we all see things differently. But she keeps saying Sam stole or took Jason away from her. I don't find that to be true.

And I generally miss who Liz used to be and not what Ron/SA/JP have turned her into.

I don't think that's true either, but I I don't think she's wrong in being pissed that Sam is going around accusing her of faking the stalker, and scaring her kids to get Jason back, or that she's wrong in being pissed that Sam is talking to Franco about Jake.

  • Love 2

Lady Professor Parker showing up at Alexis' home was a WTF moment. Lexi has never even hinted at playing Kristina as bi/gay, so I'm reallllyyyy wondering where TPTB are going with this. Maybe desperate for the grade and a tiny bit curious?


Yeah, I'm not quite sure how to feel about the presentation of Professor Parker here as somewhat predatory, you know? 


I guess I'm mildly curious about a story with Kristina coming out as gay or bisexual - it's been since Bianca that a US daytime soap did this type of story with a young female character - but given what a horrible job these writers have been doing with Lucas and Brad (oh, and stupid Felix too), I don't exactly have my hopes up. 


Kristina also gets points for her anti-Franco snark today.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1

Lulu is pathetic. ugh. She needs to get Johnny to kidnap Valerie again and stash her in the loft so she can accidentally knock down a candle and burn the "house" (that was stretching of Dante to call it that) to the ground.


Oh Olivia, no one was looking at your face before this either.


Liz: First she takes Jason away from me, and now she's trying to make me look like a bitch in front of the entire world?


Wow, and I thought the writers hated Lulu.


Nice of professor Parker to haul all the way out to Kristina's house.


Dear God, what the Jake kid doing with his mouth after he asked Jason if he was mad at him? He kept contorting it! It was so bizarre! peach, make note of that moment.


Team Mayor Lomax today, I'm sorry. I know she stole Felicia's vote but I enjoyed her calling Dante a terrible husband and son.

  • Love 4

The kid has such a whiny voice. It irritates me to no end. 


Liez continues to say big mean Sam stole Jason away from her. They arent even together you dummy and he is her husband. So step off. 

They aren't together, and yet Sam somehow thinks that Liz's son with Jason is her business, and that the three of them are all in it together, or whatever BS she spewed today.

  • Love 4

I guess I'm mildly curious about a story with Kristina coming out as gay or bisexual - it's been since Bianca that a US daytime soap did this type of story with a young female character - but given what a horrible job these writers have been doing with Lucas and Brad (oh, and stupid Felix too), I don't exactly have my hopes up. 


I just want a scene of Sonny sitting in the background, muttering, "but how . . .and if . . but where?"

  • Love 3

I really hope that Jason will quickly find Sam. It seems that this little incident will likely push Jason more towards her, which I hate had to be the case.  I'm Team Jasam all the way, so I really hope this bullshit with Jake/Elizabeth comes to a close soon.


Also, I am so here for a queer!Kristina...I mean, the whole Professor Parker thing is still very gross to me (I mean, propositioning your teacher for a grade is all kinds of nasty), but the idea that Krissy might be bi is one that I can totally get behind. Even before the Parker reveal at the end, I already had an idea from the way Alexis and Kristina's talk was written. Kristina was holding back, and of course it was about the suspension, but I also got the feeling that there could be another element here - she's probably scared to tell her mother that she might be whichever shade of queer. 

  • Love 3

But that's exactly what I don't want - a story about Kristina being gay or bisexual REALLY being about Sonny and his man pain about it.

Considering this is exactly what happened with her abuse storyline (it even vilified the abuse victim in the process to tell an asinine Luke v. Sonny storyline, and probably to mitigate the damage over the Luke/Holly travesty with Ethan), I think it's unfortunately inevitable.

  • Love 3

Considering this is exactly what happened with her abuse storyline (it even vilified the abuse victim in the process to tell an asinine Luke v. Sonny storyline, and probably to mitigate the damage over the Luke/Holly travesty with Ethan), I think it's unfortunately inevitable.

I do admit, It'd be interesting to see how Sonny feels about having a queer child.

  • Love 1

I do admit, It'd be interesting to see how Sonny feels about having a queer child.

Given Sonny's views on women, I think it'd have more of an impact on him if it was Morgan who was gay or bisexual.

Although I'm sure he will be instantaneously forgiven for any outbursts he has, like he was during the car bomb revelation storyline.

  • Love 1


Dear God, what the Jake kid doing with his mouth after he asked Jason if he was mad at him? He kept contorting it! It was so bizarre! peach, make note of that moment.


LOL that was hilarious! I was staring at him in disbelief because it was so odd. Was it some kind of weird acting choice. Were his lips really chapped? No idea.




Fuck Sam! Jake is none of her business or Kristina's business, and no Sam, you are not all in this together. You are nothing to Jake, and Jake is not bringing Sam down. Sam inserted herself here, so if she's being brought down by Jake, its her own fault.

Once she saw that Jake's parents weren't home, she should have hightailed her nosey ass out of Liz's home, that she knows she's not welcome in. If she thinks that Jake is doing this, then she needs to talk to Liz and Jason, not confront an 8 year old. I have never hated her stupid ass more. Not only is she stupid, but she can't even walk down the stairs without falling, and now because she can't mind her own business, Jake is going to be accused of trying to hurt her, which is going to cause even more issues with him.


Kristina's whole point to Sam was that Jake isn't really her business and to stay out of it.  She's allowed to talk about the little freak when Sam brings it up. She saw that the little weirdo was bleeding and injured. No rational adult is going to just leave a kid like that. And once the freak lied and said that someone through a rock through the window, it made sense to investigate it. She didn't browbeat him. She was as nice as can be to the budding psychopath. Jake's got issues all on his own that are not on Sam. If he hadn't lied and thrown a rock through his window this wouldn't be happening.

  • Love 14

Sam, you moron.  Once you figured out that creepy kid is the stalker you should have found the sitter and backed out of the house and called Jason.  I can see it next week-she's unconscious and little creepy kid goes upstairs and just doesn't say anything about Sam in the basement.  I know we don't go into our basement for DAYS.  Sam can be down there in danger for DAYS unable to call out and Liez will find her in a week, save her life and they ill become BFFs.  barf.


Is the mayor being played by Shari Belafonte?

  • Love 2

If they are just meaning to show Jake as a troubled kid after all his trauma - it isn't working for me; all I am seeing is a creepy somewhat scary kid and, yup, they do exist.  I have met one - years ago but I got those awful feelings of feeling he was going to wind up doing horrific things and he did - 


That said - enough with the breast feeding thing - it's boring and poorly written.  

  • Love 2

LOL that was hilarious! I was staring at him in disbelief because it was so odd. Was it some kind of weird acting choice. Were his lips really chapped? No idea.



Kristina's whole point to Sam was that Jake isn't really her business and to stay out of it.  She's allowed to talk about the little freak when Sam brings it up. She saw that the little weirdo was bleeding and injured. No rational adult is going to just leave a kid like that. And once the freak lied and said that someone through a rock through the window, it made sense to investigate it. She didn't browbeat him. She was as nice as can be to the budding psychopath. Jake's got issues all on his own that are not on Sam. If he hadn't lied and thrown a rock through his window this wouldn't be happening.

She knows that Jake has issues with her, and she knew that his parents weren't home. She should have told the babysitter to take care of Jake's hand, and left. Its not her place to call Jake out on him breaking the window. She's not his mom, or anything to him. She should have left him with the babysitter, and let Jason and Liz know what he did. Instead she freaked him out. Jake is responsible for what he's doing, but he also has a lot of issues considering he was kidnapped for 5 years. Sam on the other hand, is to blame for her falling down the stairs and being knocked unconscious. She butted in, where she didn't belong. 

  • Love 6

Given Sonny's views on women, I think it'd have more of an impact on him if it was Morgan who was gay or bisexual.


Yeah. I think Sonny's reaction would be "oh really? Well if you want to I guess. It's weird, but fine." If one of his sons was gay, he'd start wondering what he did wrong, what was wrong with them, did it mean there was a part of Sonny that was kinda gay, worrying about his own reputation, etc etc.

  • Love 6

Dear God, what the Jake kid doing with his mouth after he asked Jason if he was mad at him? He kept contorting it! It was so bizarre! peach, make note of that moment.


Best! Scene! Ever! ;)


Also, I am so here for a queer!Kristina...I mean, the whole Professor Parker thing is still very gross to me (I mean, propositioning your teacher for a grade is all kinds of nasty), but the idea that Krissy might be bi is one that I can totally get behind.


Same. I mean basically I'm just desperate for lesbians tbh. The story itself sucks and, like you said, it's pretty gross, but I'm gonna give them a lot of leeway with it.

  • Love 2

If this goes the typical soap coming out story route, either Alexis or Sonny will end up having trouble adjusting to the news.  I could see them forgetting the conversation Alexis had with Julian when he was struggling with Lucas' sexuality and putting that on her.

It would be nice, if GH actually surprised us, and had both parents be totally accepting of Kristina.

  • Love 3
I felt like the Alexis-Kristina scene, with Alexis specifically saying "young" and Kristina's face, was a set up for Kristina being into someone much older (esp. with how they all reacted to her crush on Ethan years ago).  Lady Professor Parker showing up at Alexis' home was a WTF moment. Lexi has never even hinted at playing Kristina as bi/gay, so I'm reallllyyyy wondering where TPTB are going with this. Maybe desperate for the grade and a tiny bit curious?


I was more focused on the man part of it when Alexis kept saying Kristina would meet a young man. It seemed like such a Well, Duh, kind of comment that when she said it twice, I was pretty sure Parker was going to be a woman, although I probably wouldn't have picked up on that if someone hadn't suggested it here.


Liz: You talked to Sam? What did you tell Sam? What did Sam say about me? Did Sam say I was the stalker? Why can't Sam leave me alone?


Franco: Okay but can we talk about your son, Jake. I'm really worri ...




Oh, Liz, when fucking Franco is more interested in your kid than you are, that makes you the worst mom ever.


Meanwhile, Sam is all, "la la la, Liz is really mad at me. I better go to her house and talk to her!" Oh, good plan. I'm sure it will go really smoothly even if you don't fall down any stairs.


Lulu's plan is so embarrassing, but it seems to be working? How is it working? These people are all so dumb.

  • Love 13

Lulu's plan is so embarrassing, but it seems to be working? How is it working? These people are all so dumb.


It's working because he was never adverse to getting back together, he was just annoyed Lulu didn't forgive him fast enough. Or even right away. Oh, and wanted him to stop doing stuff like giving Valerie comforting hugs. He's such an asshole now, sigh.

Also, I find it funny how all three Kristina, Michael, and Morgan have had a taste for much older partners.  Michael with Abby, Morgan with Ava, and Krissy with Ethan (and now Parker).


And Kiki and Sabrina are actually older than Morgan and Michael, respectively. heh. (At least, I think Sabrina is supposed to be slightly older than Michael . . . )

  • Love 3

She's still pregnant in real life, right? Maybe she was afraid to be too realistic.



That would have been some top notch honest reaction if she'd really been in labour! 


JVP can roll his r's at me any time he wants. He's the sexiest guy currently on the show. Unfortunately, probably not long for the GH world.


Probably, (the ones with sex appeal and chemistry with multiple actors never last long, especially if they take away from Sonny) but they don't have to kill him do they??? Can't they just have him realize that Sabrina and the baby are safer away from him, and have him skip town after leaving Sabrina and the baby at the hospital or something???? 

I feel bad for him. Kid actors are always hit or miss, but he's in way over his head with this story. He seems like a sweet little boy, he's just not an actor.


He really isn't an actor. They really should have had auditions to see who could play Jake, and not gone the route of getting the same kid. At least to find out if he had any talent, which he just does not. But that's Carlivati for you! Because I refuse to believe that Teschner is responsible for his casting.

  • Love 1

He really isn't an actor. They really should have had auditions to see who could play Jake, and not gone the route of getting the same kid. At least to find out if he had any talent, which he just does not. But that's Carlivati for you! Because I refuse to believe that Teschner is responsible for his casting.


They got him when he was a baby and he didn't need to act, so Teschner wouldn't bear responsibility really even if he did cast him. But surely everyone on set by now can see he is just not an actor.

I love how for all of Sam's posturing as this tough, independent woman who's superior to the "helpless" victim-card-playing Elizabeth, she can't handle herself in a house with an eight-year-old without ending up in mortal peril. She can't even navigate stairs. She's a ride-or-stumble chick.


In other news, if Lulu had any self-esteem, she'd have let this simmer for a while. But it's been what, a week in air time and maybe less than that in Port Charles time since Cabin Fever '16, and she's already sneaking into the loft and putting romantic music on and getting all glammed up to grovel? Idiot. 

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 12

They got him when he was a baby and he didn't need to act, so Teschner wouldn't bear responsibility really even if he did cast him. But surely everyone on set by now can see he is just not an actor.


Oh, I know that. But when Carlivati came up with this ridonkulous story, just to redeem Luke's ass, they should have put out a casting call for child actors, instead of just seeing if this kid was available and going with him without even doing a test. Because if they had done a test, they would have seen that he can't act.


But since I wasn't there, I don't know what took place.  And now we're stuck.

  • Love 2

Jake might be troubled, but at least he didn't hurt Sam. She fell on her own volition like an idiot after showing up at a house where she didn't belong. She didn't have to chase after Jake into the basement. She should have called Jason right away when she saw jakes finger which Jake even suggested before questioning the child. I hate her nosy butt. And why not look for a light switch at the stop of the stairs? Some PI. And she did confront him. Rather than talking to Jason or Liz first, she asked Jake questions and accused him of breaking the window. Not her kid and not her place.

Edited by tallyrand
  • Love 6


Oh, I know that. But when Carlivati came up with this ridonkulous story, just to redeem Luke's ass, they should have put out a casting call for child actors, instead of just seeing if this kid was available and going with him without even doing a test. Because if they had done a test, they would have seen that he can't act.


But since I wasn't there, I don't know what took place.  And now we're stuck.


I think they stuck with the same kid because they didn't want people doubting it was really Jake and not some clone or something - but now we are past that, so they really should recast.

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