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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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This could be GH's new tagline to replace the 70s and 80s "Love in the Afternoon."


General Hospital:  Where your choices are poop or a decomposing body.


I see a direct parallel there to Ron vs. Guza:  which is the poop and which is the decomposing body?

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I  haven't watched in almost two weeks, but from recaps it looks like the Fluke thing might be ending soon. Thank goodness. I guess my biggest issue with this has been that all along, Fluke hasn't showed one whit of vulnerability as a villain.  I think someone said once that every villain is the hero of his own story. Also, that villains don't see themselves as villains. They see themselves as righteous and justified and sometimes, even see themselves on the side of good. But every good villain IMO has layers-they have weak spots. And all I see with Fluke is just CRAZY.

I think insanity is such a lazy ploy for a villain. No matter who Fluke is, they missed the boat in many ways. But the biggest way to me, is that they have never bothered to give him one ounce of humanity.

He's just a boring, cartoon-y nutjob, and he could have been so much more.  It's a shame.

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This could be GH's new tagline to replace the 70s and 80s "Love in the Afternoon."


General Hospital:  Where your choices are poop or a decomposing body.



Or a jelly doughnut or a contraband phone. 


A Silas sighting and he had that beautiful baby with him, I was pleased.


Though really letting an infant wrestle with a phone chord in prison...(because babies are always allowed in there of course) her tiny hand grabbing onto something probably coated with enough germs to start an epidemic and then going so far as to start chewing on it...I know it wasn't real but still, heh, it made the germaphobe in me shudder.  


Seriously though that baby is better engaged and pays better attention than 90% of the current cast. The way her little hand went up on the glass when Maura was talking to her, her gorgeous, bright eyes so focused -that was so very sweet to see.


Watching Tony "acting" at the grave was so cringe worthy I would have felt sorry for him if I didn't want him to finally take a permanent vacation and any and all characters he ever played burned at the stake.


Oh great, the agent who can't act reappears to be a continued, useless nuisance.


With the way everyone keeps blabbing all their innermost secrets on those prison phones they may as well have an internet cafe set up where the prisoners can Skype openly with family and friends.


Carly and Jakson continue to bond and I continue to not give a good god damn. And the hell Lucas? Giving Carly Michael's new number without his consent obviously, bad uncle, bad bad uncle. What happened to not getting involved or picking sides?


I am so happy to finally get a Brad and Lucas scene so I can forget that he is on Carly's side and supporting her. Even if it must involve that stupid ass "Made in China" figurine... 



This word came to my head yesterday


Ron wouldn't


would he?


Ah shit




It's a word that's come to my mind especially with how much time Helena has been spending with notLuke/Luke.


I could definitely see Ron going the route of clone, it's the one thing he hasn't yet tried, at least last I recall. He's done masks, brain washing, people brought back from the dead after being frozen, magic embryos, and look alike relatives. Clones would be the next step.



I see a direct parallel there to Ron vs. Guza:  which is the poop and which is the decomposing body?




But must we choose really? Frankly the differences are so minute at this point it'd be like splitting hairs.

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I  haven't watched in almost two weeks, but from recaps it looks like the Fluke thing might be ending soon. Thank goodness. I guess my biggest issue with this has been that all along, Fluke hasn't showed one whit of vulnerability as a villain.  I think someone said once that every villain is the hero of his own story. Also, that villains don't see themselves as villains. They see themselves as righteous and justified and sometimes, even see themselves on the side of good. But every good villain IMO has layers-they have weak spots. And all I see with Fluke is just CRAZY.

I think insanity is such a lazy ploy for a villain. No matter who Fluke is, they missed the boat in many ways. But the biggest way to me, is that they have never bothered to give him one ounce of humanity.

He's just a boring, cartoon-y nutjob, and he could have been so much more.  It's a shame.


That's the problem I have with all the villains on this show now.  It's all just CRAZY ALL-POWERFUL EVIL! with a side of plot contrivance to allow them to crazy it up another day without getting caught ... or allowing them to escape from the last time they got caught.  And apparently they all work with each other on some level, or at least help each other out when the plot contrivances call for it.  It would actually be more interesting to me if the villains competed with and screwed each other over.  This actually makes them all a generic mass of blah for me.


I'm home because of a blizzard but I don't even have the desire to watch today.  Not that I could, anyway - all the stations are 24-7 news to cover the storm.  Geez, you'd think Mikkos was freezing the world again for all the hype.  It's just a blizzard, people!

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Johnny: How much booze are we gonna have, or are we just not gonna have any in honor of AJ being a chronic alcoholic?


I just have to laugh at the potshots at this point. Also, next time Johnny wants to try to convince Lulu Dante is a raging misogynist he might want to be just a wee bit more subtle. Just a tad.


Carly is gonna wet her pants when she finds out Jake is Jason.


Oh shut it Fluke. Your minions are as smart as their boss.


This is the last time we see Agent Not Hot, thank goodness.


So the culmination of Fluke's plan is to blow everyone up, without even Laura or Lucky, probably the two people Luke loves the most. mmmk.


Fluke screaming "Falconeri!!!!!!!" reminds me of when someone said that "falconeri" sounds like "fuck-a-canary".


Deeply, deeply uncool of Lucas to give Carly Michael's new number. 

I'm home because of a blizzard but I don't even have the desire to watch today.  Not that I could, anyway - all the stations are 24-7 news to cover the storm.  Geez, you'd think Mikkos was freezing the world again for all the hype.  It's just a blizzard, people!


No no Slovak Princess, you're wrong. This is the first time it has ever snowed, ever.

Edited by ulkis
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That's the problem I have with all the villains on this show now.  It's all just CRAZY ALL-POWERFUL EVIL! with a side of plot contrivance to allow them to crazy it up another day without getting caught ... or allowing them to escape from the last time they got caught.  And apparently they all work with each other on some level, or at least help each other out when the plot contrivances call for it.  It would actually be more interesting to me if the villains competed with and screwed each other over.  This actually makes them all a generic mass of blah for me.


I'm home because of a blizzard but I don't even have the desire to watch today.  Not that I could, anyway - all the stations are 24-7 news to cover the storm.  Geez, you'd think Mikkos was freezing the world again for all the hype.  It's just a blizzard, people!


Yep. It's like a town of Dr Evils. Campy entertainment sometimes, but beyond that good for nothing.

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Carly and Jakson continue to bond and I continue to not give a good god damn. And the hell Lucas? Giving Carly Michael's new number without his consent obviously, bad uncle, bad bad uncle. What happened to not getting involved or picking sides?



Lucas became dead to me when he hugged Carly when Michael walked away from the  two of them in the hospital.  I almost had a rage blackout.  To feel sorry for the wench who created her own mess and to freaking not call her out - I'm about done. 


Where's Michael's hug?  Lucas is pretty much giving him lip service.  He could give a damn about Michael being upset.  Its not like he is upset over someone that mattered so his feelings are meaningless.  I mean he is only upset over fat AJ.   And they only lied to him for months - whatever. 


Story is absolutely awful.

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Lucas became dead to me when he hugged Carly when Michael walked away from the  two of them in the hospital.  I almost had a rage blackout.  To feel sorry for the wench who created her own mess and to freaking not call her out - I'm about done. 


Where's Michael's hug?  Lucas is pretty much giving him lip service.  He could give a damn about Michael being upset.  Its not like he is upset over someone that mattered so his feelings are meaningless.  I mean he is only upset over fat AJ.   And they only lied to him for months - whatever. 


Story is absolutely awful.


I'm not that mad at Lucas, because it was such an off-screen plot device moment, but man, if one of my cousins did that to me, I'd kick them in the face lol.

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Well I enjoyed the Michael & Lucas scenes while they lasted. 


If the writers think that using one character to prop another makes the character in the wrong more likable, they are DEAD wrong. It's lazy writing and it never works. It just drags down all of the parties involved. How about SHOWING that a character feels remorse for their own actions? Novel idea that actually would involve character development and we can't have that.

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If the writers think that using one character to prop another makes the character in the wrong more likable, they are DEAD wrong. It's lazy writing and it never works. It just drags down all of the parties involved. How about SHOWING that a character feels remorse for their own actions? Novel idea that actually would involve character development and we can't have that.


This, the one thing that might make me like Carly ... is the one thing this show will never do with her character.

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Well I enjoyed the Michael & Lucas scenes while they lasted. 


If the writers think that using one character to prop another makes the character in the wrong more likable, they are DEAD wrong. It's lazy writing and it never works. It just drags down all of the parties involved. How about SHOWING that a character feels remorse for their own actions? Novel idea that actually would involve character development and we can't have that.


Are we talking about Sonny here? It did make me shake my head that he's STILL gung-ho about shooting Ava. And I laughed when Sonny was all "oh fine I'll join up with Connie's murderers". Yeah, I'm sure it was a real tough choice Sonny.

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Well I enjoyed the Michael & Lucas scenes while they lasted. 


If the writers think that using one character to prop another makes the character in the wrong more likable, they are DEAD wrong. It's lazy writing and it never works. It just drags down all of the parties involved. How about SHOWING that a character feels remorse for their own actions? Novel idea that actually would involve character development and we can't have that.

Carly doesn't think she did anything wrong. She'd do it again in a heartbeat, so Michael is supposed to just "understand" that this is how Carly rolls and forgive her. Even though she's not sorry about anything except getting caught.

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Well I enjoyed the Michael & Lucas scenes while they lasted. 


If the writers think that using one character to prop another makes the character in the wrong more likable, they are DEAD wrong. It's lazy writing and it never works. It just drags down all of the parties involved. How about SHOWING that a character feels remorse for their own actions? Novel idea that actually would involve character development and we can't have that.


It seems the show's agenda is, "Hey, you like Lucas!  And he's okay with Carly and he wants Michael to forgive her!  So you should do the same!".  And, it's like...NO.  


That kind of propping doesn't make me like Carly any more.  It makes me like Lucas less.

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It's just so frustrating. It happens far too much on soaps for my liking. The wrong doers never learn or change (what incentive is there if there are people around to excuse your every action?!), and the characters that get stuck propping are basically having their characters sacrificed and put through the shredder to do it. 


Just like if my sister, heaven forbid, were to commit an act of murder and I turned myself every which way out to excuse her behavior or lessen in front of the victim's family. I may not have committed the crime myself, but I would end up looking like a huge amoral jerkass in the process, twisting myself to make my sister look better. In the end, she's still a murderer.

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Lucas! Why are you giving out Michael's cell-phone number to Carly? Stay out of it.


Ava also had a nice manicure. Is there trade training at Pentonville?


Oh, God, Carly and her "instincts." *rme*


Silas said Avery passed all her tests with flying colors, so I guess Avery won't be getting some grave soap baby illness and her real paternity comes out?


I just have to laugh at the potshots at this point. Also, next time Johnny wants to try to convince Lulu Dante is a raging misogynist he might want to be just a wee bit more subtle. Just a tad.


STFU, Johnny. Lulu isn't helping things, but Johnny is not just shit-stirring, he's being gross and manipulative.


Campy entertainment sometimes


it's not even campy or entertainment anymore. It's boring and stupid.


It did make me shake my head that he's STILL gung-ho about shooting Ava. And I laughed when Sonny was all "oh fine I'll join up with Connie's murderers".


Typical Sonny, not seeing the forest for the trees and thinking only of himself.

Edited by dubbel zout
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It seems the show's agenda is, "Hey, you like Lucas!  And he's okay with Carly and he wants Michael to forgive her!  So you should do the same!".  And, it's like...NO.  


That kind of propping doesn't make me like Carly any more.  It makes me like Lucas less.


It's so manipulative and lazy and I refuse to take the bait. In-universe however, Michael has every reason to be pissed about his phone number being given out without his consent.

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I just have to laugh at the potshots at this point. Also, next time Johnny wants to try to convince Lulu Dante is a raging misogynist he might want to be just a wee bit more subtle. Just a tad.


STFU, Johnny. Lulu isn't helping things, but Johnny is not just shit-stirring, he's being gross and manipulative.



Like I said, it was just pretty sad of him. If that's the best he can do he needs to go back to evil school. Especially since I can remember him coming thisclose to punching Connie in the face.


I want Sonny and Julian to escape on one of those motorcycles with the little ride-along. Sonny, of course, would go in the ride-along.

Edited by ulkis
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For crying out loud, Carly, it's not like Sonny and AJ were wrestling over a gun and it went off accidentally.  Sonny murdered him, and has admitted that, crazy lying Ava or no, he was happy to do it.  And Carly was a-ok covering for it and defending Sonny.   This isn't just some little family rift.


Now, I can see how Carly would have had the misguided idea that Michael would be happier if he never found out who really killed his father.  Or if she was afraid of what Sonny might do if she outed him as a murderer.  But it hasn't been played like that - she slept with Sonny after finding out the truth and she just plain doesn't care about AJ getting killed, and she simply doesn't want to deal with the consequences of Michael being (understandably!) furious about all of this.


The very least she could do is accept that Michael gets to decide when he's ready to deal with her again.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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I thought today was half-way decent, except for some laughable acting by Tony Geary. No seriously, I actually laughed out loud when Fluke screamed out "FALCONERI" and then what was that irish (???) accent in the last scene. It's too bad Helena didn't slit Fluke's throat and then kick him into the open grave.

Someone please escort him out of the studio and put him on a one way flight to Amsterdam.

Anyway, Maura was so dang good with that baby. Is there a man, woman, or child that she doesn't click with?!?

Edited by Tiger
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I thought today was half-way decent, except for some laughable acting by Tony Geary. No seriously, I actually laughed out loud when Fluke screamed out "FALCONERI" and then what was that irish (???) accent in the last scene.


That's why I'm a little scared it's Pat. I think that "Ah nevah said ah was Bill Ackaht" yesterday was him trying some stereotypical NY working class accent.

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That's why I'm a little scared it's Pat. I think that "Ah nevah said ah was Bill Ackaht" yesterday was him trying some stereotypical NY working class accent.

I thought that was supposed to be a cornball southern accent a la Blanche Deveraux. It definitely was not any sort of N.Y. working class accent I've ever heard.

Then again, I grew up in PA ans I've never once heard someone say "faaaahhhhm-lee" the way fellow PA natives KA and KMo do.

Edited by Tiger
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That's why I said, "trying", heh. Going for some sort of working class accent, at the very least. Maybe he was trying to channel Blanche from A Streetcar named Desire and trying to hint that way that Fluke is crazy (because otherwise, we would have never guessed.)

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Maybe, if Bill and Luke really are twins by incest, Luke has survivor's guilt? I dunno.

I really don't want DID to explain away all of Luke's bullshit over the years, unless somehow it comes out that Luke really is an alcoholic, for real, in addition to DID or whatever.


At least he's not fat like AJ!

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Hey Michael, there's a little thing called call blocking so when your asshole uncle gives your mother your new number without your consent, you don't have to go through the pain of notifying your contacts.

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Or he could just not answer the call and delete the message without listening. It always cracks me up that not picking up the call is a plot point rather than a logical decision. You don't want to talk to your crazy mom? Ignore her calls. Easy.

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Or he could just not answer the call and delete the message without listening. It always cracks me up that not picking up the call is a plot point rather than a logical decision. You don't want to talk to your crazy mom? Ignore her calls. Easy.


That's why Johnny checking the peephole at his place before he went to Pentonville cracked me up every time. He was the only one who acted like he didn't have to be bothered if he didn't want to be.

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Silas said Avery passed all her tests with flying colors, so I guess Avery won't be getting some grave soap baby illness and her real paternity comes out?


Ahhh … but were those tests done at GH? If so, she probably has several grave illnesses.

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Deeply, deeply uncool of Lucas to give Carly Michael's new number.

He lost serious points in my book.



When Snarly called Michael after he clearly stated that he wanted her out of his life, she really should have used this call to apologize to him about protecting Sonny.

For just a split second, I thought she might apologize, but then she said " I'm... never gonna give up on you, Michael" and I was embarrassed for thinking she might show remorse.


Luke at the top of the show "who dares disturb this grave?" and screaming Dante's name was like.... Shatner levels of bad.

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Luke at the top of the show "who dares disturb this grave?" and screaming Dante's name was like.... Shatner levels of bad.



That's it! Fluke is Shatner! DeVry finally convinced him to do a guest spot on the show!*


ahaha, right, that line was horrible. It was "who dared defile this grave!" It was a re-Ron of Franco's horrible scenes screaming about where was Heather in the cemetery. Something about that set, man.


*Just kidding, as if Will deVry would have been able to keep that one quiet if it had happened.

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I am gonna be doubly pissed if the fact that Lucas is an annoying asshole now makes me not enjoy Brad/Lucas sexytimes. I'll wish Lucas dead then.


Carly just reaches new lows everyday. She's unbelievable. It fills me with such rage to see her giggling and shit.


TG was so bad today and I for one enjoyed the hell outta it. I couldn't look away.


Can Johnny be killed because it's making me sad that he's so awful now and I wanna remember when he actually had layers and whatnot.


ETA: Baby Avery is so adorable. They should just place her in the background of all the scenes because that would up the watchability of the entire show.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I'm really kinda steamed about the way the show's been using Lucas.  He's off-screen with no story to call his own forever.  And when do they finally give him any screen time?  When it's time to prop up Carly.  They even made him deciding to practice medicine partly about her!


It's just...UGH!

Edited by TeeVee329
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I don't mind. It's Sonny and Carly's world, the rest of the characters just live in it. I feel bad for Lucas though, because her list is:


Jason's ghost













Can she even pick the poor fellow out of a line-up, really


peach, gonna reply to you in the spoiler thread.

Edited by ulkis
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If Julian wants Sonny to agree not to kill Ava why not tell him that the reason Fluke wants to off Ava is because she refused to kill Michael?  Sonny may not give up on the idea entirely but it might buy her a little less enmity.  I didn't understand why he specifically refrained from telling him that.

Edited by Mrs. Stanwyck
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I don't mind. It's Sonny and Carly's world, the rest of the characters just live in it. I feel bad for Lucas though, because her list is:





Jason's ghost














Fixed that for you, ulkis. ;-)

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Nah, I think Carly loved Jason more than herself, to the detriment of everything and everyone around her. If Jason told her to stab herself, I think she'd be like, okay!!! Which knife should I use Jason!!!

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I thought today was half-way decent, except for some laughable acting by Tony Geary. No seriously, I actually laughed out loud when Fluke screamed out "FALCONERI" and then what was that irish (???) accent in the last scene.


Oh yeah and then there was this...


"who dared defile this grave!"




After watching that scene, I just renamed this show.."What Da F*ck Is This Sh*t??" or WDFITS!


...and yes, I'm still Geary weary. I have no idea what he's going for and care even less.(Although I just posted about it.lol )

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Nah, I think Carly loved Jason more than herself, to the detriment of everything and everyone around her. If Jason told her to stab herself, I think she'd be like, okay!!! Which knife should I use Jason!!!


Now that's a scene I'd watch!

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Can someone explain to me as if I'm Morgan, how are they going to do a "story" about Fluke killing everyone Luke loves and not even mention Lucky and Laura?!?

ETA: at this point I'd almost prefer Helena simply saying she disposed of Lucky & Laura. And then we can a other line later where Anna mentions Frisco's people found Lucky and Laura safe and alive. At least address them!

Edited by Tiger
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It amuses me to think of Carly stabbing herself and Jason just blandly saying, "thanks Carly."

Can someone explain to me as if I'm Morgan, how are they going to do a "story" about Fluke killing everyone Luke loves and not even mention Lucky and Laura?!?


That he secretly wants to spare the two people he loves the most, that something subconscious is blocking him from calling them and telling them to come over to the boat. Otherwise I got nothin'.


ETA: Or, maybe he DID call them but Lucky's rocks told him and Laura not to go.

Edited by ulkis
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Can someone explain to me as if I'm Morgan, how are they going to do a "story" about Fluke killing everyone Luke loves and not even mention Lucky and Laura?!?


I didn't watch yesterday, did either of their names come up during the Aunt Ruby stuff?


And what about Eth-hahaha, no, just kidding!

Edited by TeeVee329
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