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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Joss reminds of Dawn from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Sorased/popped up out of nowhere and she talks about a bunch of stuff that happened like she was there and has relationships with the other characters and the show acts like the audience watched those relationships form when the audience didn't.

Nelle and Carly being trapped together was especially lame, because two soap vixens trapped together should have been more fun.

Jason should have killed Franco before Sam even came in with her bullshit.

Liz should date Mike instead. Like!

Lucky mention!

1 hour ago, Perkie said:

i must have missed it but why couldn't Carly and Nelle leave the gallery?  

The door was stuck.

8 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I hope FV knows that it doesn't matter how many characters absolve Franco, he's still despicable. 

I don't even get for whose benefit these kind of Franco scenes are, anymore. For Steve Burton/Jason?

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Perkie said:

I must have missed it but why couldn't Carly and Nelle leave the gallery?  


16 minutes ago, ulkis said:

The door was stuck.


Also, they're both women and, natch, needed Sonny to come save them. #eyeroll

ulkis is right, these two being trapped together should have been much more fun.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Max Gail knocked that sucker out of the park.  

This is the story that has been resonating with me. And it's not because of the writing, because the writing has not been so great and I feel like they're just taking him down that path way too quickly, but it's because of the acting. He has been great. I buy his confusion, his fears 100%.

Edited by YaddaYadda
  • Love 22
1 hour ago, ulkis said:

she talks about a bunch of stuff that happened like she was there

I hate it when soaps do this. Lauren had some of this when she first arrived on the scene, and it was so aggravating.

1 hour ago, ulkis said:
1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

I hope FV knows that it doesn't matter how many characters absolve Franco, he's still despicable. 

I don't even get for whose benefit these kind of Franco scenes are, anymore. For Steve Burton/Jason?

He's already Jasus, savior of Port Charles.

1 hour ago, LillyB said:

I still want Nelle's baby to be a tock even though that would make Snarly happy.

Ugh, I know, same here. And poor Monica. But Nelle and Michael are excruciating to watch, and the show isn't giving her enough wins to be any sort of schemer that they insist she is. Let her team up with Ava and go after the MetroCourt or the coffee business or something. Or divorce her from the Corinthii completely and have her fight Maxie for control of Crimson. Or just get rid of Nelle completely. Chloe Lanier is trying, but she can't overcome the terrible, terrible writing she's getting. It's so against Nelle I don't think any actor could.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, ulkis said:

Liz should date Mike instead. Like!


1 hour ago, Perkie said:

Max Gail knocked that sucker out of the park

This is has been the best part of the show for sure.  Wojo (MG) has been super and really should be on a better show.

Since the drama of the earthquake has been a general snooze, I'll just say Dante was looking very fine especially back in his civies.  And speaking of being on a better show....I have been watching the Danish/Swedish series  The Bridge.  I think this would be perfect for DZ if they made a Canadian/American version, I would love to see him in the role of the lead male detective.

BTW I missed the first part of the prom, what was with Joss's Carrie inspired prom dress, or did she spill Kool-Aid on it.

  • Love 4

BlancheDevoreaux, you had me until you said you took Carly's side against Nell.  Unless and until the show stops making Carly the heroine and calls her out on her smugness, makes her pay for her evil ways, I will not root for her.  Even if she's 'right'!  That said, I wish Nell were written with a modicum of competence.  Having someone basically do to Carly and her family what Carly did when she came to Port Charles should be such soapy goodness. Instead, Nell is weak and stupid and not at all a proper adversary for Carly.  What a missed opportunity.

  • Love 9

The Mike/Liz scenes were wonderful, both MG and RH knocked it out of the park. It was the only part of the show worth watching. This is the kind of reaction Mike should have been getting all along but they've stuck him with Carly and Sonny instead,

I was thrilled when Mike showed up and stopped Liz doing her Miss Haversham impression.

Other than that, what a terrible episode. Joss is clearly Carly's daughter in spite of Jax's genes.  She's too stupid to think that if she shuts up and lets people get on with their jobs, Oscar would fare better. She's taken the Self-Involved Annoying Teen award from Kristina. 

Carly with Nelle was just a complete waste of time instead of being good soap.

I noticed that none of the Corinthos clan gave a thought to anyone who wasn't family or boyfriend/baby mama.  Who cares how other people do in an earthquake?  Even Dante couldn't be bothered to help people who may be hurt in their houses.

And then there's Jason/Franco. I agree with everyone who said that Franco should never had been recast when James Franco left.  It's hard to connect the character from back then to the one RoHo plays.

It also means I have no sympathy for Jason planning to murder him since not only was it a long time ago, it was a different actor.  And the fact that he's angry about what happened to other people rather than to himself made it worse.  It shouldn't be Sam who has to tell him not to murder Franco but move on, and to think of Jake.  Both Jason and Sonny are pond scum.  Such great moral centres for the show.

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

The Oscar "drama" is just . . . zzzzzzzzz. In the time they were sitting in the freezer, they could have taken Oscar to the hospital. But I get it, Drew is with Kim and Sam is with Jason and this whole thing is just bad.

I feel sorry for Mike.

I hate Liz and her Franco love. 

Why are Sam and Jason looking for a dog tag? Just buy another one tomorrow.

Nelle, I just can't.

The new detective has a really nice voice, but he also sounds like a robot. Also, no one really seems to respect him, which sucks for him. As a non Liz fan, though, I thought that the 5 seconds scene she had with him showed more chemistry than years of vomit inducing Franco, but here she is, waiting for that piece of trash. Sam and Jason suck for not walking away from him. Pretend they did not see him. But nope. 

I hope FV knows that it doesn't matter how many characters absolve Franco, he's still despicable. 

I saw the chemistry right away and know that Elizabeth will never be free of Franco while RoHo is on the show.  Blech.

6 hours ago, ulkis said:

Joss reminds of Dawn from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Sorased/popped up out of nowhere and she talks about a bunch of stuff that happened like she was there and has relationships with the other characters and the show acts like the audience watched those relationships form when the audience didn't.

Nelle and Carly being trapped together was especially lame, because two soap vixens trapped together should have been more fun.

Jason should have killed Franco before Sam even came in with her bullshit.

Liz should date Mike instead. Like!

Lucky mention!

The door was stuck.

I don't even get for whose benefit these kind of Franco scenes are, anymore. For Steve Burton/Jason?

That will never happen while RoHo is still on the show and FV is EP.

  • Love 1

It cracked me up that Sonny gave Griffin an exasperated look when Griffin went to do something at the hospital that didn't involve Michael.

I kind of enjoy Nelle needling Carly about Michael being the father of her baby, what a nice guy he is, what a good father he'll be. It's a nice bit of karma for someone who doesn't get nearly enough.

I also found it amusing that NuCop said, "There was an earthquake" in a tone that was informing rather than "Hello, there was an earthquake!" when Kim asked for an ambulance for Oscar. Joss is being a jerk about NuCop not dropping everything and helping Oscar. She is her mother's daughter and her stepfather's stepdaughter.

1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

The Mike/Liz scenes were wonderful, both MG and RH knocked it out of the park. It was the only part of the show worth watching. This is the kind of reaction Mike should have been getting all along but they've stuck him with Carly and Sonny instead,

They were really nice. Too bad Mike spends about half of his time talking about Jason and Sam being married, husband and wife, the perfect pair, etc. This scene should have been between Mike and Sonny, but Sonny is such a self-centered asshole it would never work.

"If Oscar's with his mom and Drew, he's in good hands." I can't believe Sonny paid Drew an actual compliment.

What does Jake need to know about Franco? Is it really important that he knows Franco facilitated the rape of Michael and pretended to rape Sam? If he needs to know that, he needs to know Jason is a mob hit man.

  • Love 5
52 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:


What does Jake need to know about Franco? Is it really important that he knows Franco facilitated the rape of Michael and pretended to rape Sam? If he needs to know that, he needs to know Jason is a mob hit man.

It's the same when Sonny says that to Ava about Avery.  He'll tell her all about her mother.  Are you also going to tell her about her father who killed her brothers father because he wanted to?  Shut up Sonny.  

15 minutes ago, Redcookie said:

Was I the only one who noticed Frank V sitting in the waiting area when Josh went to sit down after Carly went with Michael upstairs to get him sorted inhis hospital room.

Is that who that was?   The camera focused on the person just long enough to make me think he was about to do something to Joss, but then he just up and left and I thought I had imagined it.  

  • Love 6

As awful a person as Franco is, he's good with Jake as well as being the stable male in his life. Want to really mess up Jake?  Have his bio dad kill the man in his mother mother is going to marry, the one who's helped him deal with his traumas of being related to Jason. 

Jake's not nearly as stupid as Michael seems to be.

24 minutes ago, Redcookie said:

Was I the only one who noticed Frank V sitting in the waiting area when Josh went to sit down after Carly went with Michael upstairs to get him sorted inhis hospital room.

I saw a man there and thought 'wow, they cared enough to hire an extra for the waiting room?' I didn't recognise him as Frank V.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 1
3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

  It shouldn't be Sam who has to tell him not to murder Franco but move on, and to think of Jake. 

Yes Jason needs to move on, and he should think of Jake - the one reason not to kill Franco. Jason needs to have it spelled out for him that Jake went through a lot, acted out, etc.  Unfortunately, Jake is really attached to Franco, and he would eventually find out that Jason either killed Franco or let him die, causing Jake emotional trauma and harming the relationship Jason is trying to build with Jake. 

There are a few positive notes about this earthquake:

-Franco getting trapped under a heavy fallen object.

-Franco's suffering gets extended because it's too heavy for Mike to lift.

-Lulu has a couple of moments of being  a kind, non-self involved person while helping make a sling for the kid in the red blazer. I liked that she offered the kid a mom's perspective.

-Kevin's line "He'd do it for me" was a brief, vague reference to their history. 

-Carly being trapped in a room with Nelle. That's what you get for showing up at someone's workplace uninvited, to bully/threaten a pregnant woman.  Michael has been over 18 for some years now; it's up to him and Nelle to decide how much they're in each other's lives and what arrangements they make about their child.

-Sam asking Olivia if Leo is okay.

  • Love 10

For the first time since he's been on, I really enjoyed Mike's scenes today with Elizabeth.  Max and Becky did a really good job.  It almost made up for the totally over-the-top reunion kiss between Franco and Liz.  Bleh.

If your true colors come out in an emergency, Joss is in trouble.  What a little brat she is.  I thoroughly enjoyed Drew screaming for her to get out of the Floating Rib.  I'm pretending it's because she's insufferable and he doesn't have to pretend to like her anymore now that he's not Jason.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

What does Jake need to know about Franco? Is it really important that he knows Franco facilitated the rape of Michael and pretended to rape Sam? If he needs to know that, he needs to know Jason is a mob hit man.

Or that Drew almost killed half of Port Charles because of something in his own head that was controlling his actions, if it comes to that. (Not that Drew is being as much of a dick to Franco as he used to, but he still gets aggressively passive aggressive.) 

  • Love 1

The Van Etten era truly begins: his first CE! 

That's a good note from someone above about it not ringing true that Mike is telling people "I have Alzheimer's disease." In my experience, even the sufferers who know the term don't think it applies to them. I've even had a relative actually living on a ward for people with dementia and talking about everyone else around her having dementia. Sometimes she would insist she worked there or something. The denial tends to be very strong.  

So, there were better ways for that information to come out. Talking about the incorrect diagnosis he had received from the supposed great brain doctor at GH would have done the trick. Jason already knew, anyway.  

did really like the Mike/Liz scenes. I cannot remember much about the chemistry between the RHs (Ron Hale and Rebecca Herbst), but RebH and Max Gail had a lot. It was very sweet. And she just figured it out from the way he was speaking. She may not be acting like much of a nurse in terms of getting to the hospital and helping out, but she was being (in part) an off-the-clock healthcare professional in those scenes.  

Chase has potential. I liked the way he handled Mike, making him feel he was in control. If Chase ever hooks up with Liz, will be they be...Chez? Cheez? Lace? Laser? So many ways to go with it.   

Poor Mike. Dementia is bad enough on its own, but to believe it's still the Guza years? First day back, he even had to name-drop SWSNBN! 

I think this was a Korte episode, and it had all the hallmarks. The Nelle/Carly scenes played like Carly fanfic ("Braxton Hicks. Named after the doctor who first diagnosed them, and took a load off of the minds of millions of pregnant women"), but there was also pretty good use of history, with the reference to the elevator/burning-building scenario in a prior CE. And Sam's rationalization for letting Franco live being the better option actually made sense. Korte isn't my favorite, but I guess there are things to respect.  

Josslyn is the winner of a year's supply of STFU. Enjoy, Josslyn, and use it well. How many separate scenes of her screeching at everyone about the safety of Oscar were there? Eight? 

  • Love 5

I'm behind on my watching. but I can't resist snarking the cheapness of the show when it came to the wedding dress. We saw Liz in some fancy kimono in the bridesroom for days while the bridal gown was supposed to be in a white dress bag thrown over some furniture. Thus Liz was never seen in the gown and the show didn't have to invest bucks in one. Such a lazy shortcut, Show!

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Oracle42 said:

Harrison Chase, and his hilariously soapy name, seems better than his plywood predecessor. I I think it would be nice if he had legit issues with Dante because Dante is so compromised by being the son of the local mob boss

I think I prefer the issue between them now, that Dante is being a jerk because of Nathan. I wouldn't mind Chase questioning some of Dante's motives but I don't want him to have a full blown case of "Sonny must go DOWN" because that will either lead to him being totally corrupt or totally an asskisser.

Either way I like that there is some conflict. I liked the needling way he said "hi partner!"

  • Love 9
13 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Michael has been over 18 for some years now; it's up to him and Nelle to decide how much they're in each other's lives and what arrangements they make about their child.

You're kidding, right? Carly always gets to decide how other people live their lives. ;-)

2 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

The Van Etten era truly begins: his first CE! 

Help— what does "CE" mean?

2 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

That's a good note from someone above about it not ringing true that Mike is telling people "I have Alzheimer's disease."

Eh, it's for viewers who might not be super regular. As long as Mike doesn't go around saying, "My name is Mike Corbin, and I have Alzheimer's," I'm fine. Lulu went around telling everyone she had an abortion, remember?

2 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

She may not be acting like much of a nurse in terms of getting to the hospital and helping out, but she was being (in part) an off-the-clock healthcare professional in those scenes.  

I think even if Elizabeth weren't a nurse it would have been in character for her to be empathetic in that situation. Especially because she knew Mike and saw the looks between Sam and NuCop when they brought Mike to the church.

2 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

If Chase ever hooks up with Liz

If only. Poor Elizabeth: She had enough other possibilities—AJ, Griffin, now NuCop—that her pairing with Franco is even more disappointing.

2 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

And Sam's rationalization for letting Franco live being the better option actually made sense.

It really did, but it made me wish Sam had said to Jason that killing people is not an acceptable response to being angry at someone, even if that someone is Franco.

1 hour ago, Oracle42 said:

I I think it would be nice if he had legit issues with Dante because Dante is so compromised by being the son of the local mob boss

Unless this guy turns out to be a villain, he'll kiss the ring like everyone else, unless the plot demands he doesn't. Ugh. It's one of the worst things the show forces on characters in order to prop Sonny. Look at how Taggert was constantly mocked for his Sonny and Jason hate. Also, what @ulkis wrote.

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Help— what does "CE" mean?

That was a TWoP thing. Back in the Guza years, they were hyping one of their sweeps stories (maybe the fire?) as a "cataclysmic event," and then we were shortening it -- and later, similar GH disaster stories like the train crash and the monkey virus -- to "CE," and giving it other meanings like "crusty excrement."  

Edited by Asp Burger
1 minute ago, teenj12 said:

I really liked the Molly/TJ scene. After all these years, they're amazingly still the most consistent relationship on this show.

Which pretty much means that they will either get practically no screen time or they are headed for a nice cheating or similar storyline.  I agree, though.  I love those two as a couple.  Can do without Molly sounding like a petulant child with Julian.  Focus more on her with TJ!

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, ulkis said:

I think I prefer the issue between them now, that Dante is being a jerk because of Nathan. I wouldn't mind Chase questioning some of Dante's motives but I don't want him to have a full blown case of "Sonny must go DOWN" because that will either lead to him being totally corrupt or totally an asskisser.

Either way I like that there is some conflict. I liked the needling way he said "hi partner!"

I don't mean so much a new Taggart -  I just want somebody to say something when Dante automatically heads into the interrogation room to interrogate Jason or Sonny.  Given Dante's history and his parentage, a good cop should question some of Dante's Port Charles brainwashing

  • Love 1

Oh Sam, I had such high hopes for you.  At least I thought you wouldn't be back to Jason this fast.  Oh well, I can fast forward you now, you both have brain damage.  Especially if you stay with Drew and love Jason from afar.  And I hate that Carly was right.

Jason: I've never seen you panic before.  Sam: I never panicked when I was with you.   Me: You're with him now, you idiot, and you're panicking.

If Jason is so smart, why didn't he move the filing cabinet and table to the side that was stable to give Sam more support? Even Franco knows physics, why doesn't formerly pre-med Jason?

Ned: I'm going to call the White House.  I know some guys who work there, maybe they can do something.   Me: Don't worry, Ned.  It's the mainland, I'm sure there will be lots of help.

This show really doesn't care about Drew.  Nice work leaving him there pinned under the heavy door, Kim.  At least Dante came back for him, even if it was with Franco. As they carried him out, I was shouting "Put him on a board or shelf!  Stabilize his spinal column unless the next story is Drew in a wheel chair."  Even when the paramedics put him in what is supposed to be a head brace, it's so bad he's still moving his head around in it.

Why couldn't they put Drew in a cubicle?  Molly and Oscar are both stable, my hospital would move them into the hall so Drew could be treated.

Molly & TJ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Joss & Oscar

The reported at the press conference is another tallsih haired white guy.  At first I thought it was Chase/Griffin.

3 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

I think this was a Korte episode,

I think yesterday's was written by Lucky Gold. Today's was Barbara Bloom, supported by Korte.  (I don't know why I bother to look, just hoping I guess)

  • Love 7

Drew getting conked on the head better mean that his memories come back or something because otherwise they wasted how long with him pinned underneath that obviously fake door but wait of course the real reason they did all of that is not to help him remember s*** but for Franco to once again get the label of Hero of the Day saving Drew as if doing something decent for another human being suddenly makes him the greatest thing since sliced bread and now he gets to bang Liz in a hospital shower underneath the shortest shower head in history. Dante really doesn't get to do much other than prop up the dumbest characters right now like I don't even know why he bothers to do his job at this point just stand on the corner and guilt Sonny into giving him money to go play pool or something like no one in this town is worth his efforts to save them all the time and he has to resort to getting help from serial killers to save some idiot former Navy SEAL trapped under a door WTF.

Okay come on man seriously who the f***is surprised Sam still loves Jason because she always loved Jason and she literally never stopped loving him she just thought she was a widow and then she hooked up with Patrick and he sorta helped her heal and feel happy until she broke up with him because she thought Jason had come back as John Doe AKA fake Jason AKA Drew and the only reason she has been with Drew and stayed with him is out of guilt that he wasn't Jason but she only got with him because she thought he was Jason she never would have been with Drew if she had known the truth because spoiler alert Sam is hooked on Jason and has been for over a decade now they're not charging the character to be a part of anyone else's life they were just waiting to see if they could ever drag Steve back into the fold as real Jason and now that he's back Sam is left feeling guilty and stupid because she wants to be with the man she truly loved but she has been pitying Drew and doesn't know how to hurt him and Jason of course just stands back with teary eyes and feeling the love. This is just some stupid stupid stupid as f*ck b******* and this is why the show is tanking.

Are they really trying to make Oscar and Joslyn star-crossed lovers destined to be the next big couple in Port Charles because again if they want to pull that crap out their asses then they're going to have to hire new actors because those two can't even play Frozen and trapped in a freezer with any kind of believability but they're supposed to be in love now? F*ck that I even question if they know how to spell it.

Today might have been a nice day to see dr. Lucas running round putting his medical degree to good use or just making an appearance on screen so that we don't have to keep hearing people mention his name but never see his face anymore but why put a well-known and respected character in Port Charles history on screen to be at General Hospital doing things that you should do at hospitals during a tragedy where half the town is going to end up in need of treatment. I guess Finn is now the current super doctor that can handle multiple countless cases of bleeding and broken bodies.

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, Linny said:

The JaSam scenes felt like really terrible fanfiction that could have been penned by Carly. From the two of them basically rocking around in a carnival fun house, to the slow motion dive to safety and perfectly timed pyrotechnics display, to Sam's emotional outburst that only flimsily connects to her behavior from the past few months, it was all excessive and overwrought. There's no way I can buy that Sam has been longing to be with Jason when we've consistently seen her happily invested in her life with Drew. She never once seemed to consider Drew as inferior to Jason, so it's jarring for her to now act like he's some kind of consolation prize she's stuck with. I don't know if the intention now is for Sam to break Drew's heart by leaving him or if she's just going to love Jason furtively, but either way, Drew deserves better.

I think they are setting up a good number of weird triangles (or whatever it would be called with this many people) here:
Jason/Sam/Drew/TB's character (can't remember her name)/Julian/Alexis/Finn/Anna

Ugh. Not looking forward to all of that crap playing out.

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, Linny said:

The JaSam scenes felt like really terrible fanfiction that could have been penned by Carly. From the two of them basically rocking around in a carnival fun house, to the slow motion dive to safety and perfectly timed pyrotechnics display, to Sam's emotional outburst that only flimsily connects to her behavior from the past few months, it was all excessive and overwrought. There's no way I can buy that Sam has been longing to be with Jason when we've consistently seen her happily invested in her life with Drew. She never once seemed to consider Drew as inferior to Jason, so it's jarring for her to now act like he's some kind of consolation prize she's stuck with. I don't know if the intention now is for Sam to break Drew's heart by leaving him or if she's just going to love Jason furtively, but either way, Drew deserves better.

I honestly think Drew is the biggest loser out of the three of them. Ever since Billy got put on this show he's played characters that live off of other people I have never seen them make this character self-sufficient or capable whatever they want to give him a name John Doe fake Jason or Drew he's just not important enough to care about IMHO. I don't see what he has going for him frankly and he and Sam weren't together enough for me to believe that she would have picked Drew over real Jason when he returned anyways so that to me was the biggest fake out of all that Sam would actually pick this dude who wasn't really Jason over Jason who her heart has been all about according to the show for all these years it was just stupid to even try that.

  • Love 2
30 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Anyone else get a good chuckle out of BH's expression, when Liz finished taking care of Jim and she was walking away.  There was so much disgust there.  Sort of like my face everytime Franco shows up on screen.  

He's so fuckin' repulsive and he's making Elizabeth unwatchable.  I actually think they're doing a better job of rehabbing Julian. I liked that Molly thanked him for saving her life and I appreciated the way that HP delivered the lines. 


I didn't get the sense that Sam was saying she doesn't love Drew, she just never stopped loving Jason - it is a mess, but at least it's actually a soapy mess

  • Love 6

Ewwwwww!  Who has a couples shower at work?  Particularly at a hospital during a crisis when victims from the earthquake are still needing treatment?  Yuck, yuck, yuck.

That being said...wasn't the entire hospital rebuilt or renovated after an explosion I-have-no-idea-how-many-years-ago?  Because that was not a recent shower by any standards.  I know it's a utilitarian shower in a hospital, but those tiles were dated, as was the shower head.

And I was wondering...if Lulu was being all reporter-y at The Floating Rib, and Dante was off being a police officer, who was looking after Rocco and Charlotte?  Because neither of them expressed the least bit of concern over their kids' safety, and if they were staying at the Quartermaine's with Olivia, she neglected to mention that they were okay when she talked about Leo being fine.  At least one of them should have expressed concern about the kids.

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