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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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The only people who have a legitimate beef with Liz are: Monica, Tracey, Sam, Daniel and Jacob.


One of these things is not like the other. I know Tracy is all gung-ho Q, but she hated Jason, didn't she? I guess she could be upset on Monica's behalf, but it's not like Jason wanted anything to do with them, he was 100% Jason Morgan so I could see Tracy not giving a damn about him.


I don't think there really is a good comeuppance for Liz though. This version of Jason is so mellow and laid back, I'm not sure he will even have much of a reaction. Sam should get to go off on her however she wants. Monica is never seen, so I'm not counting on her. The kids certainly aren't going to say anything. It would have been interesting to see Patrick's reaction towards her, but I can't feel sorry for him about much of anything.



(Sonny and Carly don't get to bitch about anyone "keeping them" from anyone.)


Oh, but they will unfortunately.

Edited by tvgoddess
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I'm still holding out a teeny, tiny glimmer of hope that the person on the phone with Paul is AJ. IF AJ himself wasn't Sonny's shooter. I know the new writers said no returns from the dead for a while, but yeah. I want this. Unless of course, Paul is undercover and the person he's talking to is Robert or Sean-but then you've got that pesky Sloane issue to deal with.


Laura can take several seats as far as judging Liz or Nik. It's not that I think her past prevents her from taking the moral highground. It's at this point, she's almost as guilty as them because she's choosing to protect her son over letting others know the truth. As if she wouldn't get up in Monica's face all outraged, if the postions were reversed. As far as her judging the origins of Nik and Hayden, or "how that's going to work"-um, Laura. Considering your history? Again, take several seats.

Then again, that's our Laura. It's just sad for her fans, that they can't give her something else to do.


I loved the red and gold jacket thingy on Jane the other day.


I neither like nor dislike Kiki-like so many of the characters, she's always been just kind of "there" for me. But I do love her disdain for her "mother" Ava. Much like Michael's disdain for Sonny should have NOT gone away, neither should hers for the woman who gave birth to her(as far as we know, anyway). 


ETA that yes, the idea of Nina being Kiki's mother is kind of dumb, but this is a soap. There's a certain amount of poetic justice in it, if Nina finds out she actually had a baby that was either ripped from her womb like she did to Ava, or if Ava just flat out stole Kiki later, in order to pass her off as her own.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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They need to address why Sabrina can be kicked out of GH but still be able to go before the Board to get Michael his clinic, but that may have been RC-asshattery.


They sort of did, in the TFGH offhanded manner: Sabrina didn't lose her nursing license, so she can still practice nursing. She went before the GH board on behalf of the clinic. I was glad it went through from the POV of not punishing Michael for his girlfriend's misdeeds. Soaps do way too much of that.


If it means that Sonny will be picked up with his wheelchair by a remote helicopter  and tossed into a smokestack., I'm all for it.


I applaud this reference to one of the best Roger Moore James Bond movies, NutmegsDad!


Kiki does not need to have a maternity/paternity switch.


No one does, IMO. GH, especially, plays musical parents way too frequently.


I don't know what Julian's excuse is though.


He was trying not to get killed by Sonny's goons. And sexing up Alexis.


As far as her judging the origins of Nik and Hayden, or "how that's going to work"-um, Laura. Considering your history?


Is this a reference to how Luke and Laura began? She wasn't trying to blackmail him. He wasn't trying to kill her. She wasn't in a coma and then came out of it with amnesia. There's no comparison to Nik and Hayden.


On the topic of Sonny being paralyzed as an Emmy-bait story for MB, I honestly think his award days are behind him, unless the show gets canceled/he retires/no more Daytime Emmys. And even then it's a long shot: He just doesn't get the writing. I know that's very subjective, but there's been nothing that even approaches Emmy bait. Say what you want about the quality of Morgan's BPD story and BC's acting, but it's clearly written to showcase him. MB/Sonny hasn't had that kind of thing for years, and I don't think a two-minute paralysis scare will do it.


The only reason he's predominated and/or nominated is because he's the male lead.

Edited by dubbel zout
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My comments about Laura are about the fact that she married her rapist, yes. You've got zero ground to stand on, passing judgement on *anyone* else's relationship when you are pathetic enough to do that.

The two relationships-Nik and Hayden, Laura and Luke-don't HAVE to be anything alike in order for me to say Laura can drink a tall glass of SHUT IT.

But, there's also the fact that the ONLY remotely normal guy she was ever with, Scott, used to be a good guy-law abiding, upstanding, gentle, kind, etc.

Until he got screwed over by her, and yes, I do blame some of his experience with her as to why he is how he is today-though only a portion of it-most of it rests with him. Either way, Laura saying anything about anyone's relationship-when she's had ONE healthy one, she can speak.

Otherwise-it's like Elizabeth Taylor-irony of ironies-trying to give marital counseling.

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Franco never made sense. Not even when James Franco played him and that's because he existed to make Jason the Holy Hitman more heroic. Ok, show, you win. A hitman is better than a serial killer. Because a hitman doesn't pick his victims and is just doing a job. That's so much better!



But..but...Jason only kills bad guys!  He's a hero!  


One of these things is not like the other. I know Tracy is all gung-ho Q, but she hated Jason, didn't she? I guess she could be upset on Monica's behalf, but it's not like Jason wanted anything to do with them, he was 100% Jason Morgan so I could see Tracy not giving a damn about him.



I could see Tracy being angry only partially because of Jason (and mostly on Monica's behalf), but largely because if Liz had told the truth as soon as Nik told her (or at any time since), it could have derailed Nik's ELQ takeover.  

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Ever since I fell 2.5 weeks behind, and then a full week behind *again*, I finally don't hate this show as much! I'm now able to think of it like a show that I just starting watching, and don't know any history, and it's working for everyone except Sonny and Carly (because my Sonny hate is in my bones, and scarred into my soul). All these people are so much more enjoyable as new characters!

Ulkis- I think I missed the story of your name change while I was gone. What's up with that?

  • Love 1

Wow, the new writers are really full court pressing the Jason reveal. About damn time. Laura was hilarious, she managed to nudge Jake AND fuck with her precious Nikolas at the same time. I'd like her to just tell, but for plot purposes I'll take the shading from the sidelines too.

Did Hayden hear the part about attempted murder? I missed that part, I couldn't hear the end scene.

  • Love 7

Wow, the new writers are really full court pressing the Jason reveal. About damn time. Laura was hilarious, she managed to nudge Jake AND fuck with her precious Nikolas at the same time. I'd like her to just tell, but for plot purposes I'll take the shading from the sidelines too.

Details please? Dialogue? What'd she say? What'd she do? What.Happened?

My comments about Laura are about the fact that she married her rapist, yes. You've got zero ground to stand on, passing judgement on *anyone* else's relationship when you are pathetic enough to do that.

The two relationships-Nik and Hayden, Laura and Luke-don't HAVE to be anything alike in order for me to say Laura can drink a tall glass of SHUT IT.

But, there's also the fact that the ONLY remotely normal guy she was ever with, Scott, used to be a good guy-law abiding, upstanding, gentle, kind, etc.

Until he got screwed over by her, and yes, I do blame some of his experience with her as to why he is how he is today-though only a portion of it-most of it rests with him. Either way, Laura saying anything about anyone's relationship-when she's had ONE healthy one, she can speak.

Otherwise-it's like Elizabeth Taylor-irony of ironies-trying to give marital counseling.


That's some entertaining thoughtful Laura-hate right there. I'm all about entertaining thoughtful character hate so thank you! I like Laura because she's been around my whole life (nearly) and once in a while she's badass fabulous. It's been hard to love Laura since Guza destroyed her with that "killed Rick's mistress" crap but I do try. Still, the idea of Laura getting all judgy on the topic of relationships is hilarious. For one thing, Laura's got a body count higher than her IQ (David Hamilton, Rick, that guy in her house) and she's always happy to have family members cover up her crimes and misdemeanors. I don't think you can judge Nik after he hid a body for you. I really don't. 

It's about time Jakeson started wondering who he is and what was up with Liz. It only took 18 months.


Ugh, Sonny is such a tool. "I won't marry you until I can stand at the altar." What a baby. LW did a great job in those scenes—she gave Carly the right amount of irritation and understanding and didn't overdo either.


Why does Sonny have a bandage on the side of his neck? Wasn't he shot in the chest? (Oh, wait, my question was answered.)


Nik, I'm pretty sure you hold Laura leaving with the Cassadines against her if you keep bringing it up.


So, Emma is WORRIED her mother will come back and ruin Sam and Patrick's wedding basically how she ruined Patrick and Sabrina's wedding? And she doesn't want to lose Sam like she lost Sabrina.

That seemed a reasonable concern to me. Why wouldn't Emma feel that way? 


I cracked up when Ava played the "no one has been nice to me since I beat my murder rap!" card. Yes, she's quite the victim.


Avery really loved the zipper on Ava's dress. Her waving and "Hi!" at Liz was too adorable.


GH must be very short staffed because otherwise why would a surgical nurse be the one to diagnose a baby's rash.

Liz called a dermatologist to formally diagnose the rash (off-screen).

  • Love 6

But she is his mother. And I'll give her some leeway for talking to him like a mother might talk to a son she thinks is making a bad choice.

But I also acknowledge that only on TFGH would that possible bad choice involve hiding a person's identity (actually people's identities) and attempted murder.


Oh fair point, absolutely. Laura can freely dispense advice based on her year's of bad mistakes. 


Now if Laura said, "It's wrong but it is Jason so maybe it's not totally wrong" then I would love her again.

  • Love 2

Can someone please make Emma someone else's daughter!? I cannot with this on so many levels.

Hee! I came in just to see if you had a dubbel zout rage blackout™ over today's scenes. :)

Wow, the new writers are really full court pressing the Jason reveal. About damn time. Laura was hilarious, she managed to nudge Jake AND fuck with her precious Nikolas at the same time. I'd like her to just tell, but for plot purposes I'll take the shading from the sidelines too.

Did Hayden hear the part about attempted murder? I missed that part, I couldn't hear the end scene.

I believe she did. It seemed like Hayden heard everything: Jakeson's identity, her shooting, and that Nik planned it and Liz knows all.
  • Love 4

That seemed a reasonable concern to me. Why wouldn't Emma feel that way?

The fact that Anna needs to soothe Emma by telling her that Robin would NEVER interrupt Sam and Patrick's wedding and she KNOWS Emma and Patrick love Sam is insulting. 1) Anna doesn't know shit, 2) It's feeding the idea that how Robin reunited with Patrick at the church was a BAD thing. "Like, omg, is she going to do that shitty thing again!?"

Emma should be concerned about her mother FIRST, not her relationships with Sam and Sabrina and how THEY feel. She should want her mother to come home.

  • Love 4

The fact that Anna needs to soothe Emma by telling her that Robin would NEVER interrupt Sam and Patrick's wedding and she KNOWS Emma and Patrick love Sam is insulting. 1) Anna doesn't know shit, 2) It's feeding the idea that how Robin reunited with Patrick at the church was a BAD thing. "Like, omg, is she going to do that shitty thing again!?"



Way to shit on the only good thing about Robin's return which was Emma's "mommy?" 


But as we have seen with the return of SLS Michael - this show is awesome at destroying the few good things it gets right.

  • Love 5

Way to shit on the only good thing about Robin's return which was Emma's "mommy?"

But as we have seen with the return of SLS Michael - this show is awesome at destroying the few good things it gets right.

Her own daughter doesn't want her to come home out of fear she'll ruin the new Sam/Patrick/Emma/Danny family that just started having scenes two weeks ago! Classic shit.

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Sabrina is such an ignorant bitch. How could you not know you are pregnant. Maybe she was not paying attention in biology class.

I think it has more to do with denial.  She had a baby and it died and it was devastating, so now if she pretends she isn't pregnant than she won't go through that pain again.  



Did Hayden hear the part about attempted murder? I missed that part, I couldn't hear the end scene.

The look on her face at the end, when Nik said something like, he defended her to his mother and she was all, 'you're so good to me' but said in a tone that indicated otherwise made me thinks she heard everything, from the fact that he ordered the hit to the fact that Jake is Jason.  I'm spoiler free but i'm putting money on Hayden being the one to out the Jason secret.  



GH must be very short staffed because otherwise why would a surgical nurse be the one to diagnose a baby's rash.


That was just a plot point.  AVa was going on about how she has everything (Avery) but is still afraid of losing it all, which is what Liz deals with everyday with Jakeson.  



Why does Sonny have a bandage on the side of his neck? Wasn't he shot in the chest?

Because he just had surgery to fix the embolism in his brain, which apparently gets accessed from the base of the skull.  

  • Love 6

That's some entertaining thoughtful Laura-hate right there. I'm all about entertaining thoughtful character hate so thank you! I like Laura because she's been around my whole life (nearly) and once in a while she's badass fabulous. It's been hard to love Laura since Guza destroyed her with that "killed Rick's mistress" crap but I do try. Still, the idea of Laura getting all judgy on the topic of relationships is hilarious. For one thing, Laura's got a body count higher than her IQ (David Hamilton, Rick, that guy in her house) and she's always happy to have family members cover up her crimes and misdemeanors. I don't think you can judge Nik after he hid a body for you. I really don't. 


Did he hide a body for her? Because if so, she certainly really needs an extra helping of that hypocrite sandwich.

 I don't really hate Laura so much, as I hate the trope that I'm not supposed to hate her.  OR that she's not hateable-which is ridiculous, because all characters are hated by someone. Most of the time, quite honestly, I forget she exists-but to me that's worse than hate. Entirely a mileage may vary thing, I do realize. Just find it particularly hilarious that she would even try to pass judgement. Of course, most of the characters spout off about things they've done themselves. If the only ones who were allowed to tell someone off were the ones who hadn't done something vile, everyone in this town would be a mute.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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The fact that Anna needs to soothe Emma by telling her that Robin would NEVER interrupt Sam and Patrick's wedding and she KNOWS Emma and Patrick love Sam is insulting. 1) Anna doesn't know shit, 2) It's feeding the idea that how Robin reunited with Patrick at the church was a BAD thing. "Like, omg, is she going to do that shitty thing again!?"

Emma should be concerned about her mother FIRST, not her relationships with Sam and Sabrina and how THEY feel. She should want her mother to come home.

I hate it as a Robin fan, but I actually think Emma feeling some anger toward Robin would be normal. She's a little kid, her mom "died", her mom came back and then left again and although they were skyping for a while, contact with Robin stopped (Or maybe not. Anna's dialogue seemed to suggest contact with Robin so who knows.) It should be super confusing for her. The problem is they haven't shown any of that because it's been Robin who?

I think they should have shown Emma acting out when Patrick brought Same home too and then slowly getting attached, instead of instant happy happy family.

Edited by Evie
  • Love 9

I am so confused. Bigamy is a crime, right? But if Jake were to marry Liz, he wouldn't be committing a crime because he doesn't know he's already married, right? What about Liz;'technically she isn't married to anyone else but she would be knowingly marrying a man who she's fully aware is already married to another woman. Is that a crime/bigamy? And what about anyone else - Nik, Laura - who are aware that Jake is Jason, and can't legally be marrying Liz because he's already married to Sam but they're keeping mum. Is that illegal? My head hurts.

  • Love 1

A black rage attack is building, building...


Incredibly stupid Sabrina, nurse extraordinaire, not realizing she is pregnant. One is tempted to believe she knew and specially arranged the lunch with Gossip Central Felix to get the word out. Little schemer has to realize that a Quartermaine heir, even a bastard, is automatically rich and famous. A meal ticket!


Of course Michael the Sonny Sycophant will probably insist that the kid's last name is Corinthos, since he's reverted back to type as a mobster suckup. Or will baby's name be "Corinthos-Quartermaine"? How about Michael's twins, one a Corinthos and one a Quartermaine, separated at birth, but identical? The possibilities are endless. And if the kid isn't a tock, Carly can be Grandma again.


And Ava, somebody needs to point out to you that if a tormentor sidles up and starts digging at your feelings, you don't have to stand there and take it!! Especially if the tormentor is in a wheelchair. Just walk away, Renee! Out of earshot, Ava could have sent him looks to kill while he moobed helplessly in his chair. Same goes for big ugly Morgan--just walk away from the tormentors! No law says you have to stay there and get criticized by jerks.


And Emma-Anna-Sam. Stomach-turning wimp Anna trying to 'splain Patrick's wandering peen to the little girl, and advising her to make the best of it.

I hate it as a Robin fan, but I actually think Emma feeling some anger toward Robin would be normal. She's a little kid, her mom "died", her mom came back and then left again and although they were skyping for a while, as far as we know that stopped. It should be super confusing for her. The problem is they haven't shown any of that because it's been Robin who?

I think they should have shown Emma acting out when Patrick brought Same home too and then slowly getting attached, instead of instant happy happy family.

Yup. If they had shown Emma angry at her mother for leaving, I'd get it. She would feel abandoned and unwanted. But Emma automatically just loves every woman who walks through the door and never says a word about her mother. And when she does, like now, she doesn't even want her to come home!

I also find it hilarious because Anna and Sam know Robin left for Jason (and was threatened to do so) and told Anna she was "broken." Yet they both act like Robin is super happy and just working. It's a joke of a story.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Of course Michael the Sonny Sycophant will probably insist that the kid's last name is Corinthos, since he's reverted back to type as a mobster suckup. Or will baby's name be "Corinthos-Quartermaine"? How about Michael's twins, one a Corinthos and one a Quartermaine, separated at birth, but identical? The possibilities are endless. And if the kid isn't a tock, Carly can be Grandma again.


Maybe they'll give the baby Sabrina's last name? It'll either be Quartermaine first name Corinthos last name or vice versa. If she actually has the baby, that is. 

That was one bizarre, anvil-y conversation Anna, Emma, and Sam had.


I'm just entertaining myself and decided that Emma really knows Jason is alive, too.  Because, why not?  


Speaking of Jason, having never had to have someone declared dead only to have them return, I don't know the ins and outs, but is he really still legally married to Sam?  

  • Love 1

I'm just entertaining myself and decided that Emma really knows Jason is alive, too.  Because, why not?  


Speaking of Jason, having never had to have someone declared dead only to have them return, I don't know the ins and outs, but is he really still legally married to Sam?  


Erm, using my legal knowledge from various legal television shows, I think he is married to Sam still. I think after seven years, when you declare them legally dead, that he wouldn't be? Because, you know, no body, just assumed death, you know?  And I loathe to use this as a comparison, but like MIAs?  Still married unless it's been at least seven years?

  • Love 2
Emma should be concerned about her mother FIRST, not her relationships with Sam and Sabrina and how THEY feel. She should want her mother to come home.


I didn't see it that way, but I can see why some might.


The way Morgan blames Ava completely for ruining his kindergarten relationship makes me wanna claw my hair out.


I really wanted Ava to snarl back that Morgan was an extremely willing participant. There's no excuse for their relationship, but it's so dumb Ava can't defend herself at even the most basic level. Morgan is his father's son—"It's not my fault my penis was in your vagina!"—but Ava could remind him he was there.



Why does Sonny have a bandage on the side of his neck? Wasn't he shot in the chest?

Because he just had surgery to fix the embolism in his brain, which apparently gets accessed from the base of the skull.


Oh, right. I didn't realize the embolism was in his brain. I thought it was by his spine/lung/bullet. (I like my original thought better, that Patrick tried to fix the spine injury via Sonny's neck. Hee.)


Speaking of Jason, having never had to have someone declared dead only to have them return, I don't know the ins and outs, but is he really still legally married to Sam?


As long as Jason was legally declared dead, he's not still married to Sam. I think once his real identity is revealed, he'll have to go to court to get the declaration overturned. Or not, depending on the fuckwittery the show decides on.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I am so confused. Bigamy is a crime, right? But if Jake were to marry Liz, he wouldn't be committing a crime because he doesn't know he's already married, right? What about Liz;'technically she isn't married to anyone else but she would be knowingly marrying a man who she's fully aware is already married to another woman. Is that a crime/bigamy? And what about anyone else - Nik, Laura - who are aware that Jake is Jason, and can't legally be marrying Liz because he's already married to Sam but they're keeping mum. Is that illegal? My head hurts.

Maybe fraud for Liz if she marries him? She's deceiving Jakeson by keeping his true identity from him, so there may be some sort of case there. IDK, I'm not a lawyer and soap law varies so far from reality.

Thanks, HeatLifer, for watching this dreck. GH 's show runners and writers are damn as shit. They keep writing crap, destroying charactwrs/history and trying to make shit happen. Yet, outside of Nancy's recent clusterfuck nothing truly catches on. Several weeks ago KMc's 30th anniversary of being Robin Scorpio trended because of viewers. It was started by GH, Frank or Nathan Varni. IIRC, i don't even think they acknowledge it. It wasnt a made up fake hash tag created by TPTB (#FallinLoveWithGh) in order to catch on and get attention but because the actress and character mean enough to people that watched, they wanted to note the day.

The ratings dropped again. Could be because of Nancy, could be because it's the Corintho's hour again, who knows. Shouldn't you want to cling to any positive press, vibes, energy or fans that you can?

Outside of Sonny, Carly, Jason, Franco, Neens, Keeks or Greenlee, why do they continually shit on whole groups of fans?

I hate this show so freaking much. I hate the stories. I hate the destruction of history. I hate the annihilation of once love characters. I hate the gummy bear mob. I just hate about everything on the show.

Maybe I was holding out hope, now I feel as if I'm becoming apathetic about the show. They could announce the cancelation today and I would believe it was a mercy killing.

You guys are awesome thou.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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