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S02.E05: Clean Up Your Mess

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Juliet and Annabelle are shocked when Julie extends an olive branch to Caroline Stanbury, despite their fall out from New Year's Eve. Meanwhile, Julie seeks funding for her healthy snack food start-up, and Caroline Stanbury must ask her own investors to keep the Gift Library alive. Marissa seeks Annabelle's stylish advice in anticipation of her new restaurant's launch.

Even assuming that one-third of the square footage of her restaurant is kitchen, prep, and storage that is one huge fucking space. 4800 square feet?!?! This hot dog place has got to be at least 100 seats and maybe up to 290 seats. This hotdog emporium is going to be enormous. Of course the show had to shade Caroline by showing Marissa being actually competent.

I think Juliet is ridiculous, but most of these women are such neophytes to the reality TV game that they are terrible at articulating what is motivating them. Juliet was pissed that Julie played runteldat to start up that team nonsense. Juliet thought that's what Caroline was going for and then realized that Caroline doesn't give enough shits about Juliet to try to pull a team Caroline team Juliet arc for the rest of the season. And Julie was dumb enough to walk headlong into it.

Why is Julie's hair the same color as Annabelle's detox juice?

It was already the middle of January and Caroline is just now talking about the loan payment that is due at the end of the month. Knowing full well that they couldn't fulfill all of their Christmas orders, Caroline should have given her employees their severance before the holidays and spent January wrapping up her business. She is the worst.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 7

This episode was very confusing to me.  Juliet tells Jules that Caroline said she was going to take Juliet down.  Jules tells Annabelle so now Juliet is pissed at Jules and tells Caroline about this?  So now, Juliet really isn't made at Caroline but they're both pissed at Jules?  But Jules who was so upset about Caroline making the 'comment' at the NYE party about her, is giving Caroline an apology and a gift?  Bottom line... why the heck is Caroline so 'powerful'?


I still can't stand Sophie.  She is so full of herself.  But she is Caroline's sister in law who also is so full of herself.


Most shocking of all is I'm still liking Annabelle this season.  Who knew?

  • Love 10

What does Caroline S. have on these women? I am vicariously embarrassed by the way they slobber all over her.

If paying back the debenture sunk the business, am I incorrect in assuming that the business was only marginally profitable?

Julie needs to re-brand her granola balls. No one is going to want to eat a product with "balls" in the title. Seeing them make the balls kind of grossed me out (bare hands, home kitchen, no hair nets...). And before someone points it out, the answer is no, I don't like to eat out because I know what happens in restaurant kitchens.

Lack of gloves and hairnets aside this episode showed her making her balls in a small commercial kitchen not her home one and they label and sort for deliveries in the house.

So confused about Emma who is her father? Did Julie have a previous partner in London? Moving to London as a single mother seems unlikely. Is she Luke's daughter from a previous relationship?

Caroline F talking over her therapist while talking about how great her therapist was cracked me up.

Most shocking thing I learned is that Julie isn't the only one in the smart food ball game.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 6

Juliet is absolutely despicable. But she certainly brings the drah-ma, I must admit. She's so busy kissing Caroline S.'s butt that she gives no thought to what she looks like on camera.

NYE, she accuses Caroline of 'straddling' her husband and stomps off. Then returns, causes more drama and stomps off again. Then, she tries to enlist Julie in her crusade against Caroline and then turns on her and says Caroline didn't mean it really when she said she'd annihilate all of Juliet's family.

Now, she's busy trying to turn the group against Julie because she's (Julie) spreading untruths about the sacred Caroline. And how dare you try and make up with her? She never did anything to me. Even though I told you she was going to wipe the floor with me and my family.

DIAF, please. I can't take too much more of her. Ugly inside and out. You will never belong in these circles Honey. At least, Julie is a Montagu and will one day be married to an Earl.

  • Love 3

Simply put - the reason why Julie rewarded Caroline S. a gift after Caroline treated her like !@#$  is because Julie has ZERO SELF-ESTEEM.   Period.  That's it.  Calling a "spade" a spade.  Julie has NO self-esteem.  Whatsoever.  And you just know Caroline S. is being uber-smug and laughing her proverbial ass off after the fact.  We are all collectively shaking our heads.


I never liked Annabelle in the past but I am warming up to her.  She correctly called out Caroline S. as to what a bitch she is and also was like WTF ?? when Julie mentioned she brought a gift for Caroline S.

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 13

Caroline F is kind of a nutter.


Juliet is so phony and a massive ass kisser. She keeps trying to get in with the Mean Girls.


Julie is a doormat. Why does everything have to be assigned a "medical condition"? What great mentoring did Caroline give her? Was it more than that 2 minutes of wisdom we saw that anyone who's had a lemonade stand could give?

  • Love 9

What does Caroline S. have on these women? I am vicariously embarrassed by the way they slobber all over her.

If paying back the debenture sunk the business, am I incorrect in assuming that the business was only marginally profitable?

Julie needs to re-brand her granola balls. No one is going to want to eat a product with "balls" in the title. Seeing them make the balls kind of grossed me out (bare hands, home kitchen, no hair nets...). And before someone points it out, the answer is no, I don't like to eat out because I know what happens in restaurant kitchens.

Now I'm giggling about the SNL NPR Delicious Dish Schweddy Balls sketch.
  • Love 7

I honestly don't think Caroline S. did anything wrong on NYE. She made a freaking joke, that's it. I don't know why everyone got upset, and then it morphed into something bigger than what it was. Julie being scared and giving Caroline a gift was ridiculous


That pitch that Julie made to investors was a total producer set up. Those balls look disgusting. 


I wish that Caroline S would stop trying to make Sophie happen. 


I was mesmerized by WTF Julie and Annabelle were eating at that health bar. It looked so gross. 


Juliet needs to stop trying to be in middle of everything. 

  • Love 5

I was mesmerized by WTF Julie and Annabelle were eating at that health bar. It looked so gross.

Oh, my gawd. That was gross and bizarre. It looked like a child had put crayons and play doh in a microwave, then let it harden. Then they showed Julie struggling with her fork or spoon. She couldn't pry it out. I think she even had to rest before trying again.

ETA: Okay, I just rewatched. She did manage to scoop it out, but I would guess that the camera person and editors agree that whatever she was eating was odd. Several close-ups of the container. It made me think of Soylent green.

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
  • Love 2

First, this episode was pretty boring despite the wipe-the-floor drama.


When Juliet went to Caroline and told her that she had told Julie about the argument she had with Caroline, I had a hard time understanding Caroline's reaction.  Yes, Juliet should have had to the foresight not to tell a gossip about her argument with Caroline if she was going to make up with her afterwords, but maybe Caroline shouldn't be telling people she was going to wipe the floor with them.


Yes, I know your business is failing and you're so stressed and concerned about that that you that you lashed out at Juliet.  Then you dropped everything and left your employees high and dry when  you couldn't pay the debinture back (or had nothing left after it was paid, don't know the whole story), and went straight to Gstaad or Chamonix or Verbier or wherever the rich people ski with Chloe Greene.  


Caroline S. is one of the most self-obsessed people I've seen on reality tv, and that's saying a lot.


Still feel sorry for Julie.  As everyone above has said, Caroline is going to think Julie is even more dim-witted with Julie's groveling after taking back her apology and telling Julie to her face that she wasn't the brains of the JUB operation.

  • Love 7

Caroline F talking over her therapist while talking about how great her therapist was cracked me up.

That was so funny!!!! The therapist's reaction was perfection. I don't know if the editors are geniuses, or if that is exactly how it went down, but it really made me laugh. Caroline F is really goofy. I do wonder if she's faking it.

Most shocking thing I learned is that Julie isn't the only one in the smart food ball game.

Could you please explain? I was half-asleep when I watched this, so I probably missed it. Thanks!
  • Love 2

I like Julie -- but this episode took my respect for her down even further.  First off, is she really trying to make HSP some sort of medical excuse for being too scared to confront people?  I completely thought that was some sort of joke last episode.  Like Julie lived all her life being sensitive and so she made up an acronym for it.  But she is serious!  That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.  I guess maybe Caroline S has HIP (highly insensitive person) and that is also a medical excuse for her behavior.  So maybe than it makes sense that no one apologize to anyone since its all genetic and can't be controlled.  Second, she needs to be able to talk with authority if she wants a business.  Veering off into who you spoke to, and when and various side stories isn't a good look when you're trying to obtain funds for a business.  Being likable is great, but you do have to give off the impression that you're competent and confident -- I don't get that from Julie.  And I don't think people with HSP or whatever are going to be able to do well in business.  Third -- why does she always look messy?  I mean seriously, you're going to a party around all these fashionable women, you're a titled lady and you always look like you just rolled out of bed and put on a dress.  At this point she doesn't even need a stylist to look better, all she needs is a freaking flat iron and maybe one of those bun forms with a little bit of hair gel.  Her daughter is 16 and could probably help her with her hair.


Juliet, as usual, caused her own problems and then blamed everyone else.  No surprise there.  I'm sure Marisa is quite happy they are just F's now -- good for her for getting away from that trainwreck.  I think Juliet likely knew whatever she told Julie was going to get around to the group, however, I think Juliet needed to vent to someone and she has managed to alienate everyone else who isn't closely tied to Caroline S.  And thats the problem when you're Juliet -- you alienate people and then you have no one to go to.  People like Juliet throw away their good friends and then they find themselves, by themselves.  Juliet went out of her way to be rude and dismissive of Marissa in favor of Caroline S..  Finally, Marissa basically told her to kick rocks.   Now she doesn't have Marisa to go to.  Juliet alienated Annabelle last season -- so she didn't have Annabelle to go to.  Caroline F. is new and is friends with Caroline S.  So the only person left to complain to is Julie. 


But hey -- looks like this entire situation is really going to kick Juliet's butt kissing of Caroline F. into high gear so that should be amusing to watch.

  • Love 8

There's another product with a similar concept called " bounce balls," I think.

BOUNCE Energy Balls, and their market is huuuge. And pretty much everything about them looks more professional than the JUB "competition". I think pairing the word balls with bounce (ew) makes more sense than pairing it (them?) with Julie's name. And her logo sucked. Looked, to me, really amateur. But some like that. Just don't know how it would play on the big stage.

Kind of like Jules really didn't play very well on the please-invest-in-my-balls stage. Too timid. The Sharks would have sent her away crying

She seems so fragile. I'm surprised anyone thought it was a good idea to put her on tv.

  • Love 1

Hard as it might be to believe, I don't think Andy Cohen is responsible for The Ladies.

Looking over his imdb I am astonished at just how much dreck he has managed to foist upon the public.

And just how much of it I have watched. And viewed!

say what?????????????


Oh yes, I'm not even complaining because I love all the reality show mess and drama.  


I'm just shocked he wasn't behind LOL!  Andy is slipping!

  • Love 2

RCharter, loved your post. HIP, indeed.

BOUNCE Energy Balls, and their market is huuuge. And pretty much everything about them looks more professional than the JUB "competition". I think pairing the word balls with bounce (ew) makes more sense than pairing it (them?) with Julie's name. And her logo sucked. Looked, to me, really amateur. But some like that. Just don't know how it would play on the big stage.

Kind of like Jules really didn't play very well on the please-invest-in-my-balls stage. Too timid. The Sharks would have sent her away crying.

She seems so fragile. I'm surprised anyone thought it was a good idea to put her on tv.

Julie's packaging was pitiful. It reminded me of Oriental Trading packaging.

The Sharks would have shredded her.

Juliet: Oh, dear. The RHoNY forum always makes me wonder if every reality show character is just behaving in any way that will improve her chances of getting screen time or a contract renewal.

  • Love 2

Bolding mine

RCharter, loved your post. HIP, indeed.

Julie's packaging was pitiful. It reminded me of Oriental Trading packaging.

The Sharks would have shredded her.

Juliet: Oh, dear. The RHoNY forum always makes me wonder if every reality show character is just behaving in any way that will improve her chances of getting screen time or a contract renewal.

It sometimes seems that the whole damn cast is doing that! And none of them are doing it particularly well. Lots of stilted conversations.

Anyone know where Sophie's b-day party was held? And, unfortunately, it looks like we might be stuck with her. She has a Bravo blog. Ugh.

  • Love 1

Who knew balls were such a big deal! Since this was taped a while back does anyone know if Marissa's hot dog restaurant is successful.

Can someone please tell Caroline S. or her makeup artist that tween shade of pink lipstick washes her out. Please try a neutral color instead. I hope if this show comes back they change up the women some. Can't swing a dead cat without hitting someone named Caroline, or a blonde in need of a better dye job!

  • Love 6

Someone asked if the girl in Julie's family is a stepdaughter.  She's not, she's Julie's oldest kid.  Julie is 41 or 43, Emma is 16.  I can't understand why her hair looks unbrushed all the damn time.


I could tell that Emma is Julie's daughter. Julie's a couple of years older than me. It's entirely possible for her to have a 16 year old daughter.


I believe that Caroline S. is my age, but she looks much older. Hopefully, that's just the makeup because . . . wow.

Edited by Surrealist

Honestly Annabelle is my favorite this season.  Her personality is so different from last year -- she's downright energetic and happy.  Maybe seeing herself on tv helped and she got some Prozac.  Not being faceitious or insensitive or anything, I honestly think she got some (much needed) mood enhancers.


Caroline F.'s daschunds are adorable -- I'm all about the hound group.  I don't really care about her backstory or dead mother, though.  Don't know her well enough.  She was introduced like an episode ago.  Sometimes I'm watching her scenes and I'm just like, who is this person??


Laughing at Caroline S. ignoring her business until it's failing.  What did she honestly expect?  She has no idea what to do but sitting in a shop drinking coffee and bitching about others is not going to fix it.  Go back to work, sis.  What a waste.  Why is her sister in law miked, having events and doing THs?  I don't care about her either.


Were Julie and her assistant making JUB with bare hands??  Ew.  Please wear gloves.  Who is Emma?  Julie's oldest child? Julie always seems to be eating rabbit food and does not seem healthy.  Glad that she got an investor, has anyone see these balls anywhere?  She's such a doormat though -- getting a gift for Caroline S.?  Cringeworthy.   Caroline will actually think less of her for it, I'm sure.  Lady Sandwich should have just let it all go -- no confrontation, no gift.


Marissa's Top Dog seems to be doing well from the light google that I did on it.  It has good/great reviews on Yelp.  I have decided that I like to see the Type A American succeed while the lazy Brit is failing, even if Marissa is not my fave.


Fighting over Caroline is boring.   What is Juliet's husband's startup?

Edited by LilaFowler
  • Love 3

I didn't think it wasn't possible for Julie to have a 16 year old it was the fact that she married Luke in 2004, so I wondered if they were both her biological parents.


I think you have the year of their marriage wrong.  That's the year they had their first son, their second kid.  Maybe they didn't marry until after they had kids.

Edited by Eater of Worlds

Honestly Annabelle is my favorite this season.  Her personality is so different from last year -- she's downright energetic and happy.  Maybe seeing herself on tv helped and she got some Prozac.  Not being faceitious or insensitive or anything, I honestly think she got some (much needed) mood enhancers.


Caroline F.'s daschunds are adorable -- I'm all about the hound group.  I don't really care about her backstory or dead mother, though.  Don't know her well enough.  She was introduced like an episode ago.  Sometimes I'm watching her scenes and I'm just like, who is this person??


Laughing at Caroline S. ignoring her business until it's failing.  What did she honestly expect?  She has no idea what to do but sitting in a shop drinking coffee and bitching about others is not going to fix it.  Go back to work, sis.  What a waste.  Why is her sister in law miked, having events and doing THs?  I don't care about her either.


Were Julie and her assistant making JUB with bare hands??  Ew.  Please wear gloves.  Who is Emma?  Julie's oldest child? Julie always seems to be eating rabbit food and does not seem healthy.  Glad that she got an investor, has anyone see these balls anywhere?  She's such a doormat though -- getting a gift for Caroline S.?  Cringeworthy.   Caroline will actually think less of her for it, I'm sure.  Lady Sandwich should have just let it all go -- no confrontation, no gift.


Marissa's Top Dog seems to be doing well from the light google that I did on it.  It has good/great reviews on Yelp.  I have decided that I like to see the Type A American succeed while the lazy Brit is failing, even if Marissa is not my fave.


Fighting over Caroline is boring.   What is Juliet's husband's startup?

Here is the thing that worries me about JUB balls.  I assume that when people are on camera making food they are on their best behavior.  If your best behavior is no hair nets and no gloves, how are you making these things when the cameras aren't there?  Well, that and the fact that they look gross, how is a ball a natural shape to eat?  But no lie, if I saw them I would try them.


Julie seems like one of those women who really does need some protein or she needs to eat something.  Her hair looks awful, and just so thin and her face looks the tiniest bit leathery.  I can't tell if that is normal and everyone else just uses a bunch of makeup but I feel like it has something to do with her diet.


I'm surprised/pleased to hear that about Marissa's place.  Its not a bad idea, when I was in London, people seemed to like sausages (bangers?) but they didn't have them on a bun.  Hot dogs seem like bangers on a bun.  And it sounded like very fancy hot dogs too.  


I seriously don't understand how Caroline built up the Gift Library from the ground, she barely seems like she is doing any work at all?

  • Love 4

Caroline F is kind of a nutter.


All of her happy happy speak -- and talking sooooo slowly?  I'm thinkin' this woman is on major fistfuls of meds.  She sounded stoned outta her mind to me, particularly when she was with that creepy therapist, who was smiling way too much.


Oh man, green hair alert!  For fuck's sake, why was Julie's hair as green as Annabelle's disgusting-looking green drink?  Annabelle continues to be nice.  Still think it's due to a change in her meds.  Will another change in her meds will lead to another personality?  Could be.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, Juliet, ya big ole phony-baloney, keep sucking up to the Brits.  As if that'll get her anywhere with 'em.  Sheesh, it's like watching the dorky girl in high school trying to hang with the snotty cheerleaders, who are just gonna laugh at the dork, whatever she does.  


Ugh, Juliet, you are so clueless, hun.  Why bother to suck up to horrible women like Caroline S & Sophie?  Still think this Sophie woman is horrible.  She might as well have "I'm a horrible person" stamped on her forehead.  Horrible, horrible, horrible woman.  Oh show, get this awful, awful woman off immediately.


Did Juliet throw a tantrum?  I lost interest & lost track of who was supposed to mad at who, but I figure it's in Juliet's contract to throw a tantrum in every ep.


Is this Emma girl really Julie's daughter?  She looks nothing like her.  She's pretty & dresses nicely (and doesn't have green hair) & isn't jittery or gaunt or anxiety-ridden.  Gah, no resemblance whatsoever.  I still think she's one of Sonja Morgan's interns that she sent over.  But the girl had to pay her own way cuz Sonja & Julie got no dough.


So someone screamed for an ordinary-looking woman named Samantha.  OK.  Why?  She seemed dull.  Only thing I noticed about her was she was a blonde who didn't have green hair.  On this show, that's a major accomplishment.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 3

All of her happy happy speak -- and talking sooooo slowly?  I'm thinkin' this woman is on major fistfuls of meds.  She sounded stoned outta her mind to me, particularly when she was with that creepy therapist, who was smiling way too much.


Oh man, green hair alert!  For fuck's sake, why was Julie's hair as green as Annabelle's disgusting-looking green drink?  Annabelle continues to be nice.  Still think it's due to a change in her meds & this won't continue much longer.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, Juliet, ya big ole phony-baloney, keep sucking up to the Brits.  As if that'll get her anywhere with 'em.  Sheesh, it's like watching the dorky girl in high school trying to hang with the snotty cheerleaders, who are just gonna laugh at the dork, whatever she does.  


Ugh, Juliet, you just are clueless, hun.  Why bother to suck up to horrible women like Caroline S & Sophie?  Still think this Sophie woman is horrible.  She might as well have "I'm a horrible person" stamped on her forehead.  Horrible, horrible, horrible woman.  Oh show, get this awful, awful woman off immediately.


Did Juliet throw a tantrum?  I lost interest & lost track of who was supposed to mad at who, but I figure it's in Juliet's contract to throw a tantrum in every ep.

Juliet throw them so well, I guess she is playing to her strengths.  I wonder how happy Marissa is that she dumped Juliet as a friend?  She doesn't have to get in the middle of any of this on Juliet's behalf or listen to Juliet playing the victim for hours on the phone.


Here is the thing about the dorky girl in high school -- once I just owned that I was a dork and that was all there was to it, life became so much better.  I don't care about Juliet, but I wish Julie would recognize that.  Just be who you are, don't keep apologizing if you didn't do anything wrong.  Be yourself, you can't be anyone else, and you shouldn't be everyone else.  Life is a buffet of personalities and it wouldn't be interesting if everyone was just fruit salad.....someone needs to be the chicken drumsticks.  Man...I'm hungry.

  • Love 4

Juliet throw them so well, I guess she is playing to her strengths.  I wonder how happy Marissa is that she dumped Juliet as a friend?  She doesn't have to get in the middle of any of this on Juliet's behalf or listen to Juliet playing the victim for hours on the phone.


Here is the thing about the dorky girl in high school -- once I just owned that I was a dork and that was all there was to it, life became so much better.  I don't care about Juliet, but I wish Julie would recognize that.  Just be who you are, don't keep apologizing if you didn't do anything wrong.  Be yourself, you can't be anyone else, and you shouldn't be everyone else.  Life is a buffet of personalities and it wouldn't be interesting if everyone was just fruit salad.....someone needs to be the chicken drumsticks.  Man...I'm hungry.


Yup, I think that was Annabelle's point to Julie -- to be strong & show Caroline S she would stand up to her & not take her crap & ultimately she would respect that.  Look, if it was was me, Id tell those Stanbury broads to piss off.  But I get it.  They work together, so you have to try to get along.  Ugh, it's such bullshit & so exhausting & annoying, but I've worked with lots of people I've had to do this with.  If you don't stand your ground with people like this, you'll never get anywhere with them.  Smooching up to these kinds of assholes gets ya nowhere,  They'll only laugh at you.  Ah, but poor Julie is too much of a scared little mouse.  And Juliet is in her own world of tantrum-throwing.  Makes me wonder if she's instilling in her little girl her way of thinking -- that the only way to communicate is by fighting & throwing tantrums.  Hope not.

  • Love 3

Yup, I think that was Annabelle's point to Julie -- to be strong & show Caroline S she would stand up to her & not take her crap & ultimately she would respect that.  Look, if it was was me, Id tell those Stanbury broads to piss off.  But I get it.  They work together, so you have to try to get along.  Ugh, it's such bullshit & so exhausting & annoying, but I've worked with lots of people I've had to do this with.  If you don't stand your ground with people like this, you'll never get anywhere with them.  Smooching up to these kinds of assholes gets ya nowhere,  They'll only laugh at you.  Ah, but poor Julie is too much of a scared little mouse.  And Juliet is in her own world of tantrum-throwing.  Makes me wonder if she's instilling in her little girl her way of thinking -- that the only way to communicate is by fighting & throwing tantrums.  Hope not.


That was Annabelle's point to Julie -- and I have no idea why Julie was copping such an attitude with her in the car to the party.  She has to realize she looks ridiculous kissing up to Caroline.  Caroline didn't even care about the dumb shirt.  I mean how is Julie ever going to run a business?  She can't even ask a friend to stop treating her poorly.  I'm hoping Juliet's little girls take after their father, although he seems to have found an excuse to get away from Juliet, so maybe not :(

  • Love 1

I don't think Julie even needs to "stand up to" the Stanbury sisters, just show up, grab a drink, join them in some bawdy jokes and not mention the past.  I think Caroline is happy to let things go and gets bitchier when these others are constantly beating dead horses and rehashing everything.  For example, had her original apology to Julie been left in the past, she would not have felt the need to "retract" it.  Here's a major pet peeve that I have about reality tv peeps - the whole "this is who I am" attitude, no matter what their behavior.  I, as a human being, have certain personality traits I don't like, such as a big mouth that hurts people's feelings sometimes, but I try to work on that and do better and guard my tongue.  And I am saying this not to slam Caroline but Julie :)  Because she's the first one I've ever heard have the nerve to blame her personality problems on genetics!!! 

  • Love 4

It was already the middle of January and Caroline is just now talking about the loan payment that is due at the end of the month. Knowing full well that they couldn't fulfill all of their Christmas orders, Caroline should have given her employees their severance before the holidays and spent January wrapping up her business. She is the worst.


Caroline is a terrible business person.  She shows up to the office just so one of her minions can tell her that yet another set of gifts won't be available nor delivered, Caroline makes a face, and moves on.  She doesn't get on the phone to find out when things can be finished and delivered, she doesn't get on the phone to find a replacement, she doesn't call the customer, she doesn't do a damned thing and then she has lunch and bitches about how hard it is running a business, y'all!

Edited by izabella
  • Love 6

I think you have the year of their marriage wrong. That's the year they had their first son, their second kid. Maybe they didn't marry until after they had kids.

They married June 11, 2004 according to various articles their first son was born in November of 2004.

Julie is 41 (according to article in Daily mail from March 2015) and came to U.K. for first time when she was 22 and came back when 24 to work in start-up before she became TV producer. She met her husband through friends. The article doesn't mention when they met but if she had her daughter at 25 in 1999 he is possibly the father because of the timeline. If they married in 2004 her daughter would be 5 by then and since her first son is 14 now he would be already born as well. Second son is 10 now so they would already have 2 kids with 3rd on the way when they married.

Edited by ava111
  • Love 2

Caroline is a terrible business person.  She shows up to the office just so one of her minions can tell her that yet another set of gifts won't be available nor delivered, Caroline makes a face, and moves on.  She doesn't get on the phone to find out when things can be finished and delivered, she doesn't get on the phone to find a replacement, she doesn't call the customer, she doesn't do a damned thing and then she has lunch and bitches about how hard it is running a business, y'all!

ITA.  When she couldn't even be bothered to pick up the phone to call her major supplier in the middle of her busiest season I had a feeling she wasn't quite the business woman she made herself out to be.   Maybe its not a British thing to pick up the phone and make a call to a supplier, but the supplier probably put her orders on the back burner because they got a bunch of calls from American customers demanding that their stuff be sent on time.

  • Love 5

Caroline F comes across as the most shallow and superficial one, yet she thinks she has the most depth. This could get interesting.


There is something about her I find extremely annoying & condescending.  Like when she was happily saying Happy New Year to the hotel employees.  Wow, the rich fancy-shmancy lady is saying Happy New Year to the poor slobs who have to work on NYE.  Big freakin' deal.  Was she being courteous to the poor working slobs or is she just another clueless rich lady?  Maybe I'm not getting a good feel on who she is -- or maybe I am.

  • Love 3

Caroline F.'s carefree, tumblr flower crown act seems very affected to me. She's a celebrity in her native country so I think she has a better idea of how to come across on tv than her co-workers do.

So far she seems spacey but cool.  I will reserve final judgment until I see her get into a fight or argument.  Thats when I really can see how people are.

  • Love 3

Sophie. Definitely being positioned/tested to be a future reg castmember on this show. 


Beautiful hair.

Pretty facial bone structure.

Overbite. Hmmm.....the Brits and their teeth.

First class bitch.

Turns into boozy floozy with a little alcohol. All pretense of class out the window.

Must be trying so hard to hide the lower class cockney accent.

Edited by Bossa Nova
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Sophie wasn't always as put together as she is on the show:




I don't know what work she's had done, or if it is just hair and makeup, but she looks miles better now than she did back in 2009 when this was taken.

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Sophie wasn't always as put together as she is on the show:




I don't know what work she's had done, or if it is just hair and makeup, but she looks miles better now than she did back in 2009 when this was taken.

jaysus!  That is downright scary....somewhere an plastic surgeon is getting his wings.

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