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S12.E02: Walking Tall


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I will also add my voice to those who don't care for the music. It doesn't bother me that much if I don't know the song — in those cases, it's just mildly annoying but mainly innocuous whiny background music that I would never seek out but can tune out fairly easily. The second I recognize it, though, it becomes seriously distracting.


I really enjoyed Meredith in this episode. She complained (borderline whined) a little, but mostly got the job done, and then called Bailey on it in a relatively mature, professional and respectful way. Their whole dynamic this week was good, I thought.


Webber really will always be the chief in all our hearts, I think, and his behaviour this week was why. When he was chief, he didn't really try to focus on being the best at everything (although when he proved in that lab he and Cristina took that he could literally do some of this stuff with his eyes closed, it was pretty great); he focused on making the people who worked for him be the best at what they were supposed to be the best at. Really is the difference between being a boss and being a leader. If Bailey can keep herself form micromanaging everything, I think she'll do OK too, but I don't know if anyone will ever be as good as Webber.


April and Jackson, yeesh. Somebody upthread nailed it: she's acting like a spouse who has done something wrong, but expects instant forgiveness the second she asks for it. I think she really was so wrapped up in her own grief and whatnot that she literally did not register the fact that he was suffering too. And while that might be forgivable the first time she left, the fact that she still didn't register that even when he told her explicitly, and left anyway for another tour of duty was definitely over the line and is not the behaviour of someone who sees their relationship as a partnership. I hope that now she at least understands how utterly abandoned and hurt he's feeling and acknowledges her role in those feelings. But even her big fiery speech kind of didn't do it for me. Although there was an "I love you" in there somewhere, her going on about their vows just seemed like the wrong tack. I'm all for vows and everything, but I feel like overemphasizing the vows over the emotions makes it almost like "We will make this marriage work whether we like it or each other or not, because we said we would," which I guess probably is how some people feel about it, but it sounds less than ideal to me. I think she's going to have to recognize that he feels like she already broke those vows by leaving him when he needed her most if they're going to get past this. And, frankly, whether or not she does is probably going to decide for me whether I want them to make it or not. Because right now, I feel like she's demonstrating enough selfishness and self-absorption that he deserves better.

  • Love 7

The thing with the music? It's not just that they're doing shitty covers instead of real songs like they used to. The problem for me is that they don't pick songs that make sense in the context of the scene(s), they just seem to be picking Top 40 songs. I mean, All About that Bass? Tell me how a song about big butts made any sense being used at all.

  • Love 4

I found the episode enjoyable overall. I don't mind the new interns. They aren't taking over the story, they're bringing some teaching back to the show, they're adding some lighter/funny moments and they are in scenes with the characters who have been there for seasons.



That's pretty much how I feel about the episode as well.  It's nice to see that they've gotten back into a good rhythm after the up/down mess that last season was.  There's always going to be one or two things that might annoy me about a character or an episode, but that's life. 

  • Love 1


Sixth, Owen, please learn how to kiss.  Take lessons.  Watch romantic movies,  Practice on your pillow.  Don't swallow your pillow in the process.  

Is it the direction the actor was given by Allen?

Well, to be fair some of his kissing technique is not very nice no matter who directs it. Although some scenes were truly beautiful,502 kiss,510,519,524, in season 9 KMK directed Crowen kiss and it was so beautiful, also in S10 premiere  - Chandra directed it, also 1017,also the last Crowen kiss 1023, hard to say where the truth is.

There has been some not so nice kisses with Sandra when he chewed her face off in S6,but with Scorsone it is awful,terribly awful,because at least Sandra did her job and made the kisses watchable,well to be fair Scorsone is as awful kisser as KMK. 

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
  • Love 1

I’m sitting in the cardiologist office today.  I am already in a terrible mood because of a very painful neck and shoulder injury.  I realize my mood is going down fast.  Why?  I am staring at a poster of a person who looks very much like Amelia.  All I can think is somewhere Owen is attempting to suck the skin off of her face.


I forgot to mention the bad acting/direction of Jo's harrumph scene when she heard Mer complimenting Stephanie.  I know that the premise from the start of the series was that surgeons are emotionally stunted because they spent so much time studying. but they should at least be at high school/college level of maturity, not petulant three year olds who have been told they aren't going to Chuck E. Cheese. 

Edited by Muffyn
  • Love 2

In case you missed it, here's the Previously.TV post on the episode!


The Fall Of The Nazi Regime Finally Occurs On Grey's Anatomy

Bailey's the new Chief, and it looks like it's time to say Wilkommen to the head Frau in charge, but a pituitary-tumor case proves to be her Waterloo, mixed metaphors be damned.


I know he had less than a minute of screen time in this episode but if Alex Karev isn't in the top 3 of characters who have grown, then someone needs to revist their "Reformed Man Whores Who Have Secret Pain and Also A Heart of Gold Especially With Babies Chliche" handbook.

  • Love 2

The thing with the music? It's not just that they're doing shitty covers instead of real songs like they used to. The problem for me is that they don't pick songs that make sense in the context of the scene(s), they just seem to be picking Top 40 songs. I mean, All About that Bass? Tell me how a song about big butts made any sense being used at all.


I'm just waiting to see how they manage to shove Whip/Nae Nae into one of these episodes. You know its gonna happen. 

  • Love 2

Paul McCarthy's ex-wife (Heather something or other) does have one or more. I saw it on DWTS. So did Aviva Dresler of the HWONY, Some women have two, one for flats and another one for heels.


There was an episode where they established Arizona has a leg for high heels. It's the first episode as Grey Sloan.

Unpopular opinion, table of one (so far)-- I love the covers. I loved the 80's covers last year, and I want to download "Shake it off" from last night. 

I loved that version of Shake It Off, Since U Been Gone was great too.

I liked this episode. Bailey's storyline was really good.

I liked Jackson/April too. The problems and their reactions feel genuine.

Can't believe I like and agreed with Meredith yelling at someone.

  • Love 1

This show has turned into such a mess. Firstly, I agree about the awful cover songs. They are strange and out of place.

I have never liked Jo so any screen time she gets is just bad for me.

I understand TV shows aren't made to be realistic but Shonda takes this to a whole new level of crazy. These people have been board certified doctors for all of 3-5 years, and we are expected to be on board with them running the hospital? Also, can board members even run departments in real life? It's too messy and unreal for me. I'm not usually about semantics but come on.

Bailey has no business being chief anyway. Didn't she kill a few people not that long ago which caused severe OCD? Or how about the time she injected a child (two whole seasons ago) with deactivated HIV against his parents wishes? Now she's chief? Well of course, since she's Webber's favorite and he's banging the lady who owns the hospital.

I'm trying so hard to keep watching but it's more a chore for me. Howeveer, I'm loving April and Jackson and their entire story line/character growth.

I'm not sure why Owen is still on the show, Amelia acts like a 3 year old and I have never liked Maggie either.

  • Love 1

An okay episode. Patient storyline was quite good. Bailey wasn't as annoying as I thought she would be from the promo but still she needs to get over herself a bit. It seems obvious Japril will be fine, so I'm not really feeling the drama of that. Callie needs a reality check, once again getting too deep too soon. Probarly when it blows up in her face will blame the other person as usual and take no responsibility for anything.

So let's see, GA has shown with all chiefs of surgery in either the flashbacks they have to:


Richard Webber: The best one but sadly let his personal life effect his job several times and didn't know when to hang it up as a super visor when he knew it was getting too much for him.


Owen: Couldn't handle the politics of the job.


Bailey: Has to micromanage everyone and then doesn't get why people are pissed off at her.




Guy in the 1980s who was with Richard and Elise cared more about lawsuits and saying how if you didn't listen to him he kick out.


Woman who was kind of the acting teacher when Bailey was an intern who believed you should worship the ground she walked on and never listened to your advice and was also pointed at Richard in the same episode flashback that the pervious chief before him was the same way. Great way to show you can't have a good boss.

I like the two new interns. They're funny background characters. Blonde interns crush on Jo reminds me of old school George and Meredith. Speaking of Jo, i'm glad she finally got a bit of screentime this episode. I felt for her in regards to Stephanie. I think we all have that one coworker where no matter how hard you try they're always a few steps ahead of you. Stephanie seems to doing better then her and a lot of the doctors treat her with more respect then they ever have Jo. Meredith especially.


There should be a drinking game for the amount of times Maggie mentions a vagina in each episode. Glad she managed to not be the main focus of the episode for a change. Amelia unfortunately still remains in the centre of the show. They could cut her and Owen out of the show completely and it wouldn't be a bad thing, She is awful.


I usually like April but she is so unbelievably selfish when it comes to Jackson. Now she's ready to fight for him? He's right that everything is on her terms. I don't blame him for not wanting to see her at all.


Did Sara Ramirez lose weight? Callie looks great.

  • Love 2

You forgot about the insufferable Derek being chief.

How true, talk about screwing up at the job leading to a full hospital shooting. Of course, look at the Board of Directors, how any of them were ever part of a Board that ran a hospital is beyond me. Half of them were having affairs, they didn't know how to budget a hospital and half the time they were telling the surgical department to either obey them or look for a new job. I had no problem when they were all kicked to the curb because they were horrible. People wonder why GS was always having disasters, one right after another all these years because their Board were worst than the chiefs. 

I just realized something. They couldn't have done this episode before. Derek would have walked by, red herringed for about 2 minutes that it was Marfan (aka Lincoln Syndrome), then snapped his fingers and "ah, of course, pituitary tumor, get me some alcohol and a corkscrew, stat!" Next scene, the patient would be wearing a helmet and told to leave it on for a few days as she walked out to catch her flight to Africa.

  • Love 2
I've never minded April, but I really like new April.

Yeah, I like her too.  She was basically a scatter-brained child who was not emotionally prepared for her child's devastating disease and loss.  I can't blame her for feeling alone after the child's death because Jackson didn't want her to carry the child in the first place.  Yep, she probably should have stayed where she was and worked things through with her husband but she chose to leave and in leaving, she not only worked with people worse off and suffering more than herself but in the process, she grew up and became a better doctor.  She had to know she'd come home to a very hurt husband but does he have to be so cold?  He doesn't listen, he just turns his back and walks away.  So now, Jackson is acting like a child.  It's a marriage.  Sit down and talk, get some counseling.  Try.  At least try.

  • Love 1

Yeah, I like her too.  She was basically a scatter-brained child who was not emotionally prepared for her child's devastating disease and loss.  I can't blame her for feeling alone after the child's death because Jackson didn't want her to carry the child in the first place.  Yep, she probably should have stayed where she was and worked things through with her husband but she chose to leave and in leaving, she not only worked with people worse off and suffering more than herself but in the process, she grew up and became a better doctor.  She had to know she'd come home to a very hurt husband but does he have to be so cold?  He doesn't listen, he just turns his back and walks away.  So now, Jackson is acting like a child.  It's a marriage.  Sit down and talk, get some counseling.  Try.  At least try.


I disagree with this and may be the heart of Jackson's argument.  When she came home the first time after being away for a year he was understanding and then she wanted to leave again and he told her he understood but that he most likely would no longer be there for her.  That is when April should have realized that her marriage was falling apart, her coming home now and insisting that Jackson be willing to try when she has bailed on her marriage twice just seems the height of arrogance.  He's no longer there mentally, maybe he would have been willing to go to counseling to get over the grief of their child together but he has grieved alone based on their conversation back at the end of S11.


He was pissed at this moment because April is ready to talk now and screw anything else happening including an important surgery because she wants to talk now.  Trying to talk at work is just stupid and ridiculous, imo, and again goes to his complaint that all April cares about is her needs and has no interest in what Jackson needs or is doing.


And I don't agree with the idea that Jackson never wanted their child.  He didn't want his son to be in continued pain, he was very happy when he was hanging with April's mom and building rocking chairs, but when it came down to his child having a severe disability his choice was to not keep him needlessly alive but even in that he didn't force April, he just gave his opinions and in the aftermath was completely understanding, imo.

  • Love 10

I really wanted to slap Richard when he gave his stethoscope to Bailey when he said that the had no one else to give it. Doesn't he remember his daughter by Ellis, Maggie, who is working in his hospital and is a very capable MD in her own right.

You can´t imagine how I agree. That stethoscope should have been given to Maggie.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
  • Love 1

I really wanted to slap Richard when he gave his stethoscope to Bailey when he said that the had no one else to give it. Doesn't he remember his daughter by Ellis, Maggie, who is working in his hospital and is a very capable MD in her own right.

I see this, but I also understand why he gave it to Bailey. We haven't seen any relationship between Maggie and Richard other than a cordial working relationship. She has parents and he might be trying to not overstep. He has worked with Bailey for years and has probably mentored her for the majority of her adult life. He didn't know he had a daughter until a year or two ago. He probably looked at Bailey in the same way that he would have treated Maggie had he raised her since childhood.

  • Love 6

Maggie came to Seattle looking for her bio-parents and wanting to connect to them. IIRC, her adoptive parents are not doctors. It would have been a gesture of real acceptance to pass on his stethoscope to Maggie.  But...


Bailey has always been the show's special snowflake.  She gets away with things that would get anyone else sued for gross malpractice.   I've given up expecting logic from any Bailey storylines.


On the other hand, there are better stethoscopes made today than Richard could have afforded 30 years ago.


"What are you missing?" asked repeatedly is piss poor teaching, especially from someone who was considered a great teacher of interns.  I can understand why she would have poor Chief skills since it's her first day, but not poor teaching skills.


Why is Meredith teaching a year 1 intro anatomy class to interns who should have taken it 4 years earlier?


Why didn't they just double doctor Jane or put her on a 72 hour psych hold if she refused to stay?  She was leaving AMA with a condition that could have killed her.


Best part of the episode was April trapped in a bubble forced to listen to Richard and Owen talk.


It seemed like everyone on this show acted like they were 15 except for Alex and Ben.  At least with Owen and Amelia, they weren't fighting like Jackson and April.

Maggie came to Seattle looking for her bio-parents and wanting to connect to them.


If my recollection is correct, that is not why she came to Seattle.  I believe she came because she knew that is where her bio mother worked and she was drawn to that.  I believe she also knew that her bio mother was dead.  She had no idea about Webber.  Anyway, I could be wrong about that, but that's what I remember.


I thought it was lovely that Richard gave Bailey the stethoscope, he was her mentor throughout her career. He can give Maggie something else.

  • Love 4

OK, since I haven't watch the show consistently since Cristina left, can someone tell me why Richard and Maggie's relationship is so rocky? If he didn't know about her and she knows this, then what's the problem? 


Also, didn't he know that Ellis was pregnant, but decided to walk away anyway? Maybe not, that was yet again them showing the flashback from Meredith's point of view and what she remembered. Maybe it was them having her realize that subconsciously she did know that her mother gave birth, but was so young at the time....she couldn't piece it all together until Maggie showed up. Again, I've missed a lot of scenes because I can't watch a full episode.

Okay, again, I'm fuzzy on this, but I think Richard didn't tell Maggie the truth for a long while.  And while they started as friends, she was hurt by his admission that he was her bio father.  She basically told him that's not why she was there and that she didn't need a father, she's had one all her life.


And I also recall that Richard had no idea that Ellis was pregnant and was stunned when Maggie showed up and said her mother was Ellis.  I think that is where he put two and two together in his own mind.

  • Love 2

I remember Maggie saying something like the only reason Richard wouldn't have told her right away is if he did know about her and had chosen to abandon her. So I'm not sure if she knows/believes that he didn't know about her. Its bizarre that they wouldn't have had a conversation clarifying things, but who knows with all the time jumps. 


I remember Maggie saying something like the only reason Richard wouldn't have told her right away is if he did know about her and had chosen to abandon her.

See, I thought this is what happened based on the pieces of scenes that I've seen. Because I did watch enough to see him piece things together and figure out that Maggie was his daughter, but not approach her right away with what he had figured out. But then I stopped watching again so...

Yes, Maggie came to Seattle looking for Ellis. She had no idea who her father was.  And yes, Maggie was hurt when she found out that Richard was her father but had kept it hidden for  weeks (months?) and in reaction to the rejection, told him that she didn't need a father, she already had one.  So screw-up #1 for Richard in their relationship.


The thing about the stethoscope for me is that Richard didn't get it when he first became chief, he got it when he became a resident.  If it had been something to do with being Chief, then yes, I agree it should go to Bailey. But it was something to do with who he was as a doctor and I think that should have gone to his only biological child since she was also a surgeon.


This way, it seems like Bailey is Richard's true heir/offspring. She's the one he mentored, she's the one he's passing the torch (and stethoscope) onto.  Good thing Maggie has another father back home because this one doesn't seem to care much about her.


This way, it seems like Bailey is Richard's true heir/offspring.

Which is even more weird since many a season ago, I forgot which character it was, but the person referred to Bailey as Richard's "work wife".  Which is it, daughter-like, or wife-like? I personally have never thought daughter like since Bailey has a father, he may not be a surgeon, but I never got the impression that she was estranged from him. I remember her father in season six I think it was, the Thanksgiving eppy...he was disappointed in her and wrongly so I might add, at the dissolution of her marriage but that still didn't give me an impression that she was in need of a father figure like Meredith always has been. I just got that teacher very close mentor vibe like George was to Burke. When they showed flashbacks years ago, Bailey was a timid intern with promise, but she would stand in the back of the group afraid to raise her hand; he saw that and took her under his wing. She started her career there and has never left so they have years worth of a teacher/student relationship that would make them very close. But I never got a father/daughter vibe. 

Edited by represent

I'm not into music. I had to look up "cover" after reading these posts. Although I listen to music and like some of it, I'm just not much into it. If they quit producing new music and using it as background in movies and TV, I might be among the last of the people to notice. I have always ignored the music on this show, but for some reason, it has become distracting to me. It almost seems to be at the same level as the dialogue and interspersed with the dialogue. Annoying. Just turn it off.


I really couldn't care less about most of the relationships on this show. April's second trip away from Jackson was one trip too many. Nevertheless, I'd like to see a TV couple work to save their marriage, both of them, at once. 


After watching Code Black last week, I realized how much I appreciated the smaller cast. As long as the cast probably won't be cut, I wish three was less of an effort made to give everyone screen time.


A happy, smug Bailey is pretty good entertainment. Her relationship with Richard has always been believable and uncomplicated, unlike just about everyone else's.

Yes, Maggie came to Seattle looking for Ellis. She had no idea who her father was.  And yes, Maggie was hurt when she found out that Richard was her father but had kept it hidden for  weeks (months?) and in reaction to the rejection, told him that she didn't need a father, she already had one.  So screw-up #1 for Richard in their relationship.


The thing about the stethoscope for me is that Richard didn't get it when he first became chief, he got it when he became a resident.  If it had been something to do with being Chief, then yes, I agree it should go to Bailey. But it was something to do with who he was as a doctor and I think that should have gone to his only biological child since she was also a surgeon.


This way, it seems like Bailey is Richard's true heir/offspring. She's the one he mentored, she's the one he's passing the torch (and stethoscope) onto.  Good thing Maggie has another father back home because this one doesn't seem to care much about her..


I think that is a little unfair to Richard.  Maggie may be his biological daughter, but going by what we have seen onscreen (regardless of the stupid time jump), they are little more than strangers, work colleagues at best.  They have had a couple of heart to hearts and Maggie has made it perfectly clear that she has a father and wants nothing to do with Richard in that respect, which is perfectly her right.  But its not like Maggie is longing for a connection with him that he refuses to give.  I think the effort that he has made with her is perfectly reasonable, given that he never even knew she existed until she showed up.  


Beyond that, he is just closer to Bailey and Meredith, regardless of biology.  Compared to them, Maggie is co-worker who has made it pretty clear that she doesn't want to be much more.  I think him giving her any kind of symbolic medical item would come completely out of nowhere, as he hasn't mentored her and only known her as the fully-formed genius doctor that she is now .  If he had something of Ellis's that he hadn't already given to Meredith or something, I think that would be more appropriate.

  • Love 8

I disagree with this and may be the heart of Jackson's argument.  When she came home the first time after being away for a year he was understanding and then she wanted to leave again and he told her he understood but that he most likely would no longer be there for her.  That is when April should have realized that her marriage was falling apart, her coming home now and insisting that Jackson be willing to try when she has bailed on her marriage twice just seems the height of arrogance.  He's no longer there mentally, maybe he would have been willing to go to counseling to get over the grief of their child together but he has grieved alone based on their conversation back at the end of S11.

I agree. She went off the first time, and he didn't like it, but he accepted it and supported her decision as well as he could, even when she kept extending and extending the tour. When she told him she wanted to do it again, he told her explicitly that he, and by extension, their marriage, could not handle it a second time. And I for one did not read that as a selfish "I don't feel like dealing with it again, you're my wife and you should stay here because I said so;" I thought it read pretty decidedly "I love you and wish very badly that I could support you if this is something you really want, but I am literally not capable of going through this again." She completely disregarded that and off she went, pretty clearly choosing that over him and their marriage. I'm a very both-sides-of-the-story sort, but I cannot put myself on her side of this. Not after she left the second time.


OK, since I haven't watch the show consistently since Cristina left, can someone tell me why Richard and Maggie's relationship is so rocky? If he didn't know about her and she knows this, then what's the problem?

Basically, it's because the writers had no clear idea of what they should do with this relationship so they opted for a brief burst of more or less nonsensical manufactured drama, followed by effectively no relationship at all beyond, as others have pointed out, professional colleagues.

  • Love 6

I agree. She went off the first time, and he didn't like it, but he accepted it and supported her decision as well as he could, even when she kept extending and extending the tour. When she told him she wanted to do it again, he told her explicitly that he, and by extension, their marriage, could not handle it a second time. And I for one did not read that as a selfish "I don't feel like dealing with it again, you're my wife and you should stay here because I said so;" I thought it read pretty decidedly "I love you and wish very badly that I could support you if this is something you really want, but I am literally not capable of going through this again." She completely disregarded that and off she went, pretty clearly choosing that over him and their marriage. I'm a very both-sides-of-the-, but I cannot put myself on her side of this. Not after she left the second time.


I agree.  I don't hate April and I know that all people grieve differently, but he told her how he felt and she left.  Having gotten what SHE needed, she is ready to work on the marriage.  As he said, it is all on her terms and much of their relationship has been that way.  The way she left and came back and then left again, only to now expect everything to work out the way she wants gives me Alex/Izzie vibes and that is not how I usually see April and it ain't a good look.

  • Love 7

Sad to say that GA's isn't appointment TV any longer for me, I finally watched last week's episode last night.  ::giggle::


Wasn't GA's finest hour, however it held my attention.


Seems like most didn't like the music, it didn't bother me, although I couldn't figure out the use of "All About the Bass" ... that was a little out of place.


I did love the Meredith/Bailey dynamic ... I kind of like the no holds barred Meredith developing.  Loved that Arizona really wasn't ok talking about Callie's date.  Not so much with Owen/Amelia ... I like both characters ok, but not together, they just don't match.  Kerev smiling is a welcome sight.  

  • Love 2

As April was whining about being trapped in a bubble, I thought "That's the perfect metaphor for what you've done to Jackson. You put up walls and then said 'OK, I'm gonna leave, bye!' and went where he couldn't follow." I don't know if Shonda and her ilk do those things on purpose anymore, but I thought it fit her situation.


Needless to say, I agree with everyone else who has no sympathy for April at all, not even a little bit. Well, my actual irritation may be with the writing staff: did April even explain why she had to go on two tours of duty? I keep expecting to hear "I was grieving and I needed to get away," and I would say they assume we're smart enough to get it, but...I'm not sure this show is that subtle. And another thing that makes little sense is why it happened when she was seemingly fine for a couple (few? a month?) after her son died. Then she suddenly decided she had to peace out? If I recall, there was no build-up. How we're supposed to have any sympathy whatsoever for April (other than that she lost her son) is beyond me. And then she did it again? Yeah, I am 1000% Team Jackson.


For me to believe she was serious about her marriage? Ask Jackson what he wants. Ask Jackson what she can do for him. Or just begging and pleading for forgiveness. Show some damn remorse instead of "Oopsie, made a mistake -- but I'm back now-- hey, where are you going?"


I get this is an adult marriage and an adult relationship, but for me to even believe for a second that Jackson and April are marriage worth saving, I want to see April grovel at his feet. I want complete honesty and openness and frank discussions about her motivations and what they both expect from their future. And not a trace of defensiveness on her part.


I know some people like this new April. But I miss the old April. Yes, she loved Jesus, but she also loved her family and Jackson. At least that April loved somebody other than herself.

Edited by Eolivet
  • Love 5
Seems like most didn't like the music, it didn't bother me, although I couldn't figure out the use of "All About the Bass" ... that was a little out of place.



        I'm with you. There were so many comments here against the music that I went back and rewatched the episode. It really doesn't bother me much. And yep, I'm also with you on "All About That Bass". It was an odd choice. Now I'll probably watch future episodes paying way too much attention to the music. Yikes!

  • Love 2

My little 2 cents.. and clearly unpopular opinion... I'm REALLY liking the music this season. Grey's has always been well known for the soundtracks and i like that they're keeping it interesting. And like it or not, you're talking about it. Which is what they want. 


April April April... SMH. There was a point last season I was starting to like you.... and then you came back. :\

I must say though, when she was ranting about fighting for the two of them and refusing to walk away, I could help but think "OF COURSE YOU WOULD!!! WHO WOULD WALK AWAY FROM THAT FINE A$$ MAN!!!!" Yes Jesse Williams just gets better looking with every passing moment. *YUM* *LICKS LIPS*


I'm in no way mad at Richard for giving Bailey his stethoscope. They do have a father/daughter relationship which Maggie SAID she had no interest in. And they've had that LONG before Maggie ever came onto the scene. Hell, he is more of father to Meredith than he is to Maggie. That's just the reality. Blood doesn't make you family.


Honestly, i do think Grey's is not as entertaining as it was a couple years ago... It's more light entertainment... background noise as you do some work. But I'm a loyal fan and will ride it out to the end. I've just learnt not to take it all so seriously.

  • Love 2

This episode was bleh for me, but I did notice that Callie seems to have lost quite a bit of weight. I actually think Sara Ramirez looks better with more curves, but regardless, I noticed it. Is it just me? Also would prefer her and Owen dating, I think it would be cute, though I may be alone. I despise Owen and Amelia together, yuck.

She also looks a lot older than she did last season. I don't know if it's makeup or lighting or the weight loss...the saying is that you have to choose your face or you a$$ lol

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