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Caitlyn Jenner: Call Me Caitlyn

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41 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Caitlyn Jenner Reveals She’s Had Gender Reassignment Surgery in New Memoir


Wow, that's a surprise, & she managed to keep it private. I wonder if the family knew or if this is the first they're hearing about it? Or if she thought she told them, but didn't? Now All I can think of is Kylie & that scene where she explains to Caitlyn why she wasn't on the red carpet with her “I wouldn’t want to be on a red carpet with my vagina out. My vagina was out. Not my boob, not my butt crack, my vagina!” Just the way she kept saying "my va-gin-a" made me laugh & now Caitlyn knows exactly how she feels.

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1 hour ago, Fostersmom said:

Wonder if she showed it off to her sons like she did her boobs.

Maybe she had a "coming off" party prior to the surgery and had the boys over for one last night to hang out together.

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This is just a pet peeve of mine a long lasting stupid lesson that the Kardashians have taught women over the years. PLEASE look at an anatomy diagram. Your Vagina is inside of your body. It's where a tampon is inserted, it's where a penis is inserted during intercourse. You can't  "SHOW" your vagina to anyone. A doctor can use a speculum and look into your vagina, vulva and cervix. But you can't flash your vagina.

You can flash your pussy, your Labia Major, Labia minor (waxed or none waxed your beav I suppose would be non-waxed. That can be shown, flashed, mistaken for a camel toe etc. your vag is where a penis, tampon etc inter/exit and a baby exits thru a vagina but they all have in common then pass through the Labia aka camel toe one way or the other. 

That also has the clitoris in those folds and other many pleasurable nerve ending hence the reasons women like foreplay before a man just enters straight for the vag and G spot. 

I always called the clit orgasm the virgin orgasm for obvious reasons, it doesnt take penetration or thrusting etc for s clitoris orgasm (which are awesome) just good foreplay or oral sex. That's why women can have multiple orgasm and why women need good lovers who know these things or have been with a woman who knows her body well enough to teach a man how to be a good sex partner.

Back to the K girls who always want to talk about sex, For the women who are suppose to be some of the sexiest women on earth, sex icons, sexy pin ups they certainly don't seem to understand their own bodies.

I know Vagina is a funny word, but I really believe if they knew their bodies that well they would not call their labia major/minor clitoris areas vaginas.

It is physically impossible to wax your vagina. You wax your Labia aka the street name "lips". With all their viewers they are  actually making women dumber. Do women go into the salon and say "I want to wax my vagina"? If so, they are watching the K's. The polite way would be "bikini wax"

just my pet peeve of the millions of young women who have no idea about their lady parts. 

Also, that Vagina rejuvenatation stuff? (Seen on Christlike Knows best and some of the housewives) when they insert some laser dildo and zap the vagina) this is BS. 

I think they mean labiaplasty which, by the way, I am all for. When you see a baby girl  and I mean innocently like when you change a diaper all the girls look the same. I had NO IDEA that it changed for women around puberty. It has nothing to do with giving birth.  

Look at the before and after photos. Plastic surgeons have those photos all over the internet and after seeing some of those photos, women really and truly need that shit fixed up. And in the little captions it doesn't matter if you have had kids or not, some of them are very young women with no kids. Apparently it's like a penis, they come in all shapes sizes and colors. 

If my "minor" was hanging lower than my "major", i would mortgage my house to get that shit fixed. It's shocking and apparently happens during puberty.  That laser Vag reg is a joke, look into LABIAPLASTY ladies.

Khloe I know that you "graduated with honors" from high school (yes she said that) but your homeschool honors class taught you nothing about female anatomy. Great job Kris. Kim, whatever. But Kourtney, you are college educated you should know better. And Kendall and Kylie I feel sorry for you becaus you must have terrible sex lives with terrible lovers. If Jack- Rabbit sex is all you have I feel sorry for you.

Edited by Stephanie1216
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3 hours ago, Stephanie1216 said:

This is just a pet peeve of mine a long lasting stupid lesson that the Kardashians have taught women over the years. PLEASE look at an anatomy diagram. Your Vagina is inside of your body. It's where a tampon is inserted, it's where a penis is inserted during intercourse. You can't  "SHOW" your vagina to anyone. A doctor can use a speculum and look into your vagina, vulva and cervix. But you can't flash your vagina.

You can flash your pussy, your Labia Major, Labia minor (waxed or none waxed your beav I suppose would be non-waxed. That can be shown, flashed, mistaken for a camel toe etc. your vag is where a penis, tampon etc inter/exit and a baby exits thru a vagina but they all have in common then pass through the Labia aka camel toe one way or the other. 

That also has the clitoris in those folds and other many pleasurable nerve ending hence the reasons women like foreplay before a man just enters straight for the vag and G spot. 

I always called the clit orgasm the virgin orgasm for obvious reasons, it doesnt take penetration or thrusting etc for s clitoris orgasm (which are awesome) just good foreplay or oral sex. That's why women can have multiple orgasm and why women need good lovers who know these things or have been with a woman who knows her body well enough to teach a man how to be a good sex partner.

Back to the K girls who always want to talk about sex, For the women who are suppose to be some of the sexiest women on earth, sex icons, sexy pin ups they certainly don't seem to understand their own bodies.

I know Vagina is a funny word, but I really believe if they knew their bodies that well they would not call their labia major/minor clitoris areas vaginas.

It is physically impossible to wax your vagina. You wax your Labia aka the street name "lips". With all their viewers they are  actually making women dumber. Do women go into the salon and say "I want to wax my vagina"? If so, they are watching the K's. The polite way would be "bikini wax"

just my pet peeve of the millions of young women who have no idea about their lady parts. 

Also, that Vagina rejuvenatation stuff? (Seen on Christlike Knows best and some of the housewives) when they insert some laser dildo and zap the vagina) this is BS. 

I think they mean labiaplasty which, by the way, I am all for. When you see a baby girl  and I mean innocently like when you change a diaper all the girls look the same. I had NO IDEA that it changed for women around puberty. It has nothing to do with giving birth.  

Look at the before and after photos. Plastic surgeons have those photos all over the internet and after seeing some of those photos, women really and truly need that shit fixed up. And in the little captions it doesn't matter if you have had kids or not, some of them are very young women with no kids. Apparently it's like a penis, they come in all shapes sizes and colors. 

If my "minor" was hanging lower than my "major", i would mortgage my house to get that shit fixed. It's shocking and apparently happens during puberty.  That laser Vag reg is a joke, look into LABIAPLASTY ladies.

Khloe I know that you "graduated with honors" from high school (yes she said that) but your homeschool honors class taught you nothing about female anatomy. Great job Kris. Kim, whatever. But Kourtney, you are college educated you should know better. And Kendall and Kylie I feel sorry for you becaus you must have terrible sex lives with terrible lovers. If Jack- Rabbit sex is all you have I feel sorry for you.

Fucking Oprah started it, I think. With all her va-jay-jay nonsense. It's also a peeve of mine. I just corrected my daughter-in-law the other day. One person at a time...

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14 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Caitlyn Jenner Reveals She’s Had Gender Reassignment Surgery in New Memoir


Yet another book I will check out from the library, sneak it out sandwiched between other books so the title can't be seen, read when no one's around or everyone's gone to bed, and return to the drop slot after hours so no one sees me with it...just like I did with Khloe and Kris's books.

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How did she stay home long enough to recover lol!  Got to show up everyday to get that cup of coffee and let that paps get a good pic.  Narcissist!

I'd also put money on the fact that she timed the surgery to be around the same time the book came out!

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Caitlyn said she doesn't want to talk about the surgery any more. Well, wait and see. If she's offered big money to talk about in in interviews, she might decide to talk.

I'm surprised too that she managed to keep this major surgery a secret. But she was able to keep her previous feminization surgeries pretty much secret, living alone up there on her Malibu mountaintop without the paps hanging around. I guess her friend/assistant (was her name Ronda?) stayed there, helping her during her recovery.

I have a small amount of doubt about the surgery, since it's scandal-mongering Radar leaking the news, and since Caitlyn herself hasn't made a public comment about it. She needs to make a statement, now that there's such a big media buzz.

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3 minutes ago, Coffeecup said:

But she was able to keep her previous feminization surgeries pretty much secret,

All this time we've been thinking the whole thing has been a secret, but Family Guy did this in 2009



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14 minutes ago, GaT said:

All this time we've been thinking the whole thing has been a secret, but Family Guy did this in 2009



OMG that was funny!

Just as good as the South Park "Buckle up, buckaroo!" episode.

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"But Caitlyn believes Robert chose to defend Simpson in part out of friendship but also because he was jealous that Kris had moved on from their marriage to a new one with a handsome, successful male athlete."

“I wonder if it was his way of saying to her what I think she was saying to him when she married me: a big (expletive) you,” Caitlyn writes.

Good grief. 



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I wonder what the K's will think of this book especially after comments like that. 

Let's see if Caitlyn's invited to Easter dinner.

Edited by Artsda
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Robert only recatived his license and joined OJ's defense to protect his own ass.  He destroyed evidence -- either unknowingly or intentional.  It had absolutely nothing to do with Kris or Bruce*.


*Robert only knew Bruce during that time.  He didn't know Caitlyn. 

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I doubt anything will make it to print, that Kris and her legal team didn't approve of.  


“I wonder if it was his way of saying to her what I think she was saying to him when she married me: a big (expletive) you,” Caitlyn writes.

Does Caitlyn really think everything is about her? 

As far as the Family guy episode, Married with children called "Bruce" out over a decade earlier.  I also remember back in the early 90's when Caitlyn reemerged with her new face all over red carpets with Kris, that the tabloids and late night talk show hosts were predicting she was in the process of transitioning.  I imagine this was an open secret in Hollywood.  Caitlyn had all of her facial and body hair lasered off by then.  How could all of the people she rubbed elbows with not notice?  And the drastic change in facial structure - was obviously more than a face lift. 

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Catilyn has spoken out (or rather, tweeted out) to the Survivor contestant who was outed as being transgender on last week episodes. (Caveat  - I don't watch Survivor so I know very little about this):

"After Jeff Varnar outed the asset manager as transgender on Wednesday's Survivor, the I Am Cait star, 67, tweeted her support for Smith. "[Zeke Smith], being trans in the public eye is no joke, but you did good buddy," she wrote. "You made us proud.""


 (Speaking of her twitter account....gee, I wonder if Donald Trump has called her yet LOL)

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Shut up Caitlyn, she's acting like she's the leader. Zeke is 10x the person Caitlyn is with how he handled that tribal council and the aftermath. I was horrified watching that happen to him.

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3 hours ago, Artsda said:

Shut up Caitlyn, she's acting like she's the leader. Zeke is 10x the person Caitlyn is with how he handled that tribal council and the aftermath. I was horrified watching that happen to him.

I wonder if Caitlyn even watches Survivor in the first place.  My guess is that someone alerted her to it, she watched a clip while getting her nails done, and responded like she knew what was going on.

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I don't believe at all she watches the show and knew anything about Zeke until the media started reporting that tribal council. She had to brought to her attention  and tweeted to jump on the attention.

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13 hours ago, Artsda said:

Shut up Caitlyn, she's acting like she's the leader. Zeke is 10x the person Caitlyn is with how he handled that tribal council and the aftermath. I was horrified watching that happen to him.

It really did unfold like a nightmare.   And then, within a matter of hours, there was the famewhore trying to piggyback Zeke's moment.   "You made us proud," Jenner tweeted, as if every transgender person has to live up to the standard she set (in her mind only).  

IMO, Caitlyn Jenner has accomplished nothing but to shit all over the community and make a public mockery of being transgender.   

Edited by millennium
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Ugh.  The promos for the Diane Sawyer interview have begun.   Cue the ominous piano notes: 

Two years ago Bruce Jenner shocked the world ... Now Caitlyn Jenner talks about life as a woman ... and the polarizing backlash ... [cut to Jenner] "If I've made some mistakes ... "

Like opening your mouth?

Maybe she and Jeff Varner can become a couple.

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2 hours ago, Artsda said:

Well no wonder why Bruce wasn't in the delivery room and he had such a bad relationship with Cassandra.



It deeply offends me the way so many older transgender women use their poor fathering experiences to validate their gender dysphoria, as if to say,  See?  Nature never intended me to be a father.  The fact that I didn't love my children enough, the fact that I didn't bond with them, the fact that I was too fucking obsessed with my own goals that I couldn't make the least effort to give a little child the care it needs only proves that I was a soul in torment, a woman trapped in a man's body.   

To those people I say, no, all it proves is that you're a selfish prick.  Parenting transcends gender.  It transcends self.  It's about putting your own needs aside, no matter how urgent or desperate, to nurture the life you created. 

The greatest irony of all is to hear such things uttered by people who profess to be women inside. 

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On 14/04/2017 at 6:10 PM, CofCinci said:

It seems like a risky surgery at that age. 

The "turn it inside out"? And the glans to clitoris thing?

Edited by Kokapetl
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12 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

The "turn it inside out"? And the glans to clitoris thing?

it's more than just cosmetic.  Nervous, circulatory systems are impacted, the urinary tract, testicles removed....there's a lot of blood flow to that area.  At Caitlyn's age she could also have preexisting medical issues like high blood pressure etc and be on medications that could complicate the surgery.  Infections, cardiac risks of being under general anesthesia for a multiple hour operation - all of these risks increase exponentially with age.

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I'm new here, so I have no idea if I'm messing this up. To any girls or women who read Stephanie's post about mortgaging her house to get their inner labias fixed if they hang lower than their outer labias. That is ignorance on her part. There is nothing to fix. I have large labia minora, and I'm in the adult performance industry. I have never had anyone call my pussy anything negative. I have only had compliments. And I could afford to have my labia fixed without mortgaging my house. And I can partially thank my horrific faulty labia for that money. 

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2 hours ago, KierstenRebecca said:

I'm new here, so I have no idea if I'm messing this up. To any girls or women who read Stephanie's post about mortgaging her house to get their inner labias fixed if they hang lower than their outer labias. That is ignorance on her part. There is nothing to fix. I have large labia minora, and I'm in the adult performance industry. I have never had anyone call my pussy anything negative. I have only had compliments. And I could afford to have my labia fixed without mortgaging my house. And I can partially thank my horrific faulty labia for that money. 

Yeah I agree, I have two sisters and our privates are a mixed bag.Unlike the K girls who seem to have an inordinate interest in each other's nether regions, i only know this because as eldest sister I had diaper duty on the younger two.

I personally have never had a negative reaction from  a partner. And if someone in the future should feel the need to.do so, I might decide to give a review of my own of their parts.

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On 4/16/2017 at 3:04 AM, millennium said:

It deeply offends me the way so many older transgender women use their poor fathering experiences to validate their gender dysphoria, as if to say,  See?  Nature never intended me to be a father.  The fact that I didn't love my children enough, the fact that I didn't bond with them, the fact that I was too fucking obsessed with my own goals that I couldn't make the least effort to give a little child the care it needs only proves that I was a soul in torment, a woman trapped in a man's body.   

If anything, to me using being a poor father as an excuse is kinda backwards.   I'd think feeling like a woman trapped in a man's body would have resulted in a more nurturing parent (if you go by the typical women are more nurturing stereotype), not one who couldn't bond.  I agree with you, it's about putting one's own needs first.

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

If anything, to me using being a poor father as an excuse is kinda backwards.   I'd think feeling like a woman trapped in a man's body would have resulted in a more nurturing parent (if you go by the typical women are more nurturing stereotype), not one who couldn't bond.  I agree with you, it's about putting one's own needs first.

I think Caitlyn (and many others who try to make excuses for shitty behavior) is using the "until I was comfortable in my own skin, I couldn't be my best self for my loved ones" trope. Which is bullshit. Many people go through difficult stuff without becoming selfish jerks.

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7 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I think Caitlyn (and many others who try to make excuses for shitty behavior) is using the "until I was comfortable in my own skin, I couldn't be my best self for my loved ones" trope. Which is bullshit. Many people go through difficult stuff without becoming selfish jerks.

I blame Oprah for this "best self" crap.  

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Kris is pissed about the way Caitlyn portrayed her in the book, according to the clip from the next KUWTK.


"Kris Jenner Is "So Angry" About Her Portrayal in Caitlyn Jenner's Memoir: "Everything She Says Is All Made Up"

... "None of it makes sense," the 61-year-old momager continues. "Everything she says is all made up. Why does everything have to be that Kris is such a bitch and an a--hole?" ...

Because... that's exactly what she is?

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23 minutes ago, Coffeecup said:

Kris is pissed about the way Caitlyn portrayed her in the book, according to the clip from the next KUWTK.


"Kris Jenner Is "So Angry" About Her Portrayal in Caitlyn Jenner's Memoir: "Everything She Says Is All Made Up"

... "None of it makes sense," the 61-year-old momager continues. "Everything she says is all made up. Why does everything have to be that Kris is such a bitch and an a--hole?" ...

Because... that's exactly what she is?

It's always deliciously ironic when Kris calls someone else out for lying.

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I kind of side with Kris on this one (IF she wasn't in on the whole book writing and didn't approve it all for a cut of the $$) because based on every excerpt of this book that's come out has been trashy, tabloid, and mean spirited. Whether to Ellen Degeneres, to Kris, using OJ/Robert. You're bringing a dead man into this and putting words in his mouth on his intentions when he's dead and can't defend himself?

Caitlyn also seems to forget how Bruce cried over his BFF Robert, how close they were, golfed with him weekly, for heavens sake Caitlyn when transitioning slept in Robert's bedroom set. 

This book seems like it's about selling drama instead of an actual memoir about living with transgender. Probably because that would be "boring" to Caitlyn and not sell like bringing up the family will. Just like the show needed the family to make appearances for ratings. I think if the family didn't approve this book, Caitlyn's burning that bridge down probably for good. 

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Oh Caitlyn.  I hope the book sale revenue is worth it.  

I'm not surprised about the 10%.  We kind of knew that, and that she made money as executive producer.  And weren't there a few episodes about the "Kris controls the money" issue where the girls were saying how messed up it was and then Kris saying she had to because Bruce spent money so carelessly and always had?  The Caitlyn spin is just different than the Kris spin.  I do think Bruce was pretty much cast aside...you see that in episode one of KUWTK.

How could Kris have told her to bring Caitlyn out only when out of town?  How did she know her name?  Didn't Bruce say during the interview that he didnt know her name yet?  Or was that just part of the lead up to the Vanity Fair reveal?  

And honestly, why do we have to hear about the sex life.  These women are in their 60s.  I don't need to know about their sex life.   Or any of that.  I mean....come on.  They were married.  They have 2 kids.  We know they had sex.  That's enough.   

And I can't help but notice the timing of these excerpts against the upcoming episode.  What a complete and total coincidence!  

Edited by Shangrilala
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6 hours ago, Shangrilala said:


How could Kris have told her to bring Caitlyn out only when out of town?  How did she know her name?  Didn't Bruce say during the interview that he didnt know her name yet?  Or was that just part of the lead up to the Vanity Fair reveal?  


The story at the time was that Jenner couldn't come up with a name so asked an assistant to do it.   The assistant proposed Caitlyn and Jenner approved.

I think the story is contrived, perhaps because Jenner didn't want to  take responsibility for choosing a name that sounds like it belongs to a middle-school girl.   But when you're transgender, you know your true name.   You always have.   It's more than a name, really.  It's how you come to think of yourself way back when you start realizing that you are different.   It's not some afterthought you delegate to a lackey.

I threw up a little when I saw an online headline today from PEOPLE.com promoting the book.   "Bruce Jenner Wore Panties and Bra Under His Business Suit."   Cheap titillation and sensationalism while making transgender people seem like tawdry fetishists.   Thanks for that, Jenner.

Edited by millennium
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9 hours ago, millennium said:

But when you're transgender, you know your true name.   You always have.   It's more than a name, really.  It's how you come to think of yourself way back when you start realizing that you are different.   It's not some afterthought you delegate to a lackey.

I threw up a little when I saw an online headline today from PEOPLE.com promoting the book.   "Bruce Jenner Wore Panties and Bra Under His Business Suit."   Cheap titillation and sensationalism while making transgender people seem like tawdry fetishists.   Thanks for that, Jenner.

This is very interesting.  Most of us don't get to choose our names, our parents do it for us.  If you realize you are transgender at the age of 5 or 6 - how do you name yourself?  Just curious.  I would imagine - in Caitlyn's case - that the popular girl names back in the 1950's (when she first realized she was a woman) would seem kind of outdated now.  Martha, Judith, Frances (I'm just thinking of women I know that same age).

I'm pretty sure Caitlyn said (in either the Diane sawyer interview or Vanity fair article) that she was wearing women's underwear and a bra under her racing uniform when she crossed the finish line for her Olympic gold, or if not that actual event, had done so in races in the past. 

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1 hour ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

This is very interesting.  Most of us don't get to choose our names, our parents do it for us.  If you realize you are transgender at the age of 5 or 6 - how do you name yourself? 

You just do.  That's not to say it can't change over the years, but to ask an assistant to take care of it?  That's just fucked up.

Edited by millennium
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4 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

Wow, Caitlyn loves playing the victim card, doesn't she? Everything is someone else's fault. 

Exactly! She uses everyone else as the bad guys including Ellen Degeneres.

As much as I do think the family is pissed over this book especially Kris, I do have to side eye the timing of this Sunday's "book" episode coming on the exact same week as the book release. It was obviously calculated and planned that way by Kris.

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