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"The View": Week of 09/28/15


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Ahmed Mohamed is a guest.... which "comic" will make the bomb joke??


Well, I hope no one does, actually.


And though I feel bad for what has happened with Ahmed, he is still a kid, and frankly, I think he needs to stay out of the limelight; ignore the media, and just concentrate on being a kid. I'm glad he was on Hardball to talk about what happened when this first broke out, and he was also on Larry Wilmore's show, but trotting him out and having him go on every single show is getting ridiculous.

  • Love 13

Cluster is right. I had it on. It wasn't even delightfully snarkable. Whoopi couldn't manage to read and talk at the same time, which is nothing new.

They wanted to get the "N" word into a stir but nobody except Whoopi really ran with it.  And CCB is not going to go against Whoopi on day one.

Can't stand Stamos, and CCB telling him he was HER first guest & interview was just too much.


I guess Must Have Mondays is now View Your Deal. Exact same premise, different shiller. Blech.


I think someone reminded Ahmed's parents that today is a school day.


Whoopi's back at the end to show she's been whipped into submission by thanking folks for tuning in and enjoy whateverthefuckview you happen upon.


The only thing I halfway enjoyed was the phone-shaming segment. I still use a flip phone and use a PC for internet. I guess that's the closest I will come to bonding with Michelle.


Edited by Fisher King
  • Love 5

The only thing I halfway enjoyed was the phone-shaming segment. I still use a flip phone and use a PC for internet. I guess that's the closest I will come to bonding with Michelle.


I didn't watch much of the show today but did see this part. Must admit I like Michelle very much during this segment.


Raven was annoying when she said Michelle's phone caused problems for her phone. Loved it when Michelle said she didn't care and that was Raven's problem.

  • Love 6

Cluster is right. I had it on. It wasn't even delightfully snarkable. Whoopi couldn't manage to read and talk at the same time, which is nothing new.

They wanted to get the "N" word into a stir but nobody except Whoopi really ran with it.  And CCB is not going to go against Whoopi on day one.

Can't stand Stamos, and CCB telling him he was HER first guest & interview was just too much.


I guess Must Have Mondays is now View Your Deal. Exact same premise, different shiller. Blech.


I think someone reminded Ahmed's parents that today is a school day.


Whoopi's back at the end to show she's been whipped into submission by thanking folks for tuning in and enjoy whateverthefuckview you happen upon.


The only thing I halfway enjoyed was the phone-shaming segment. I still use a flip phone and use a PC for internet. I guess that's the closest I will come to bonding with Michelle.


Flip phone & PC are my weapons of choice also.  Easy-peasy!!!

"whateverthefuckview" ** Well said, LOL.

  • Love 4

Did anyone else sense that Whoopi was a tad impatient with Raven today?  I believe it was over Raven panning the Pope's "song," of all things.  I have to admit, I was with Raven on that one.  The "song" sounded ridiculous to me, too.  


I mean, sure it's great to try to use music to reach out to the yungins.'  But that does not mean every tune put out for that purpose is necessarily awesome.  I found Whoopi's mini-lecture on how music can be used as a tool to communicate completely unnecessary. It's not like Raven said the Pope had no business making music ... she just said she didn't like it.  She is entitled to her opinion of a song, for goodness sakes.   Raven says a lot of stupid things, but this seemed like a dumb place to make a stand against her foolishness.  I am wondering if there was some residual frustration left over from the N-word discussion or something, and that is where Whoopi's attitude was coming from.  


While we are on that subject, I cringed at Raven mentioning she had to consult with her mother about whether using the N-word was ever okay.   Does she even scratch her ass without a consult with her mom?  I guess sometimes what an older person thinks is quite relevant and can add to the discussion, and maybe today was an example of it being appropriate.  There are differences of opinion among generations when it comes to use of the N-word, after all.  Perhaps Raven should limit her regular repertoire of inanities about her mother and save it up for times like today when it was actually useful.  She just does it too often, and she sometimes comes across as too enmeshed and dependent for someone almost thirty years old. 


I changed the channel the minute they brought out the old Full House script and started reading from it.  I think John Stamos wildly overestimated the audience's interest in such self-indulgent nostalgia.  Totally boring and dumb. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 5

My opinion of the "N" word is this...... it is an ignorant word used by ignorant people..... The color of the skin of the person using the word is irrelevant.


The argument that black people use it to "take it back" or to take the hate out of the word.... if this were true... then they would have no problem with a non black person using the word..... but they do not like others using the word because it is a word of ignorance.

  • Love 9

What a crap show today. Real crap.


I finally watch this shitshow after skipping the last few weeks and no Joy??   Where's the reboot? I thought they were going to try and improve this mess?  When does that start,lol?   At least Whoopi did seem to be wearing real clothes today.  Woo boy,  should be some excellent discussions now with two co-hosts who received their early education on show sets (although Raven's bio says she did actually graduate from a real high school in Atlanta, and Candace's bios conveniently and unsurprisingly don't mention any school ever)  one know it all actress who dropped out of high school altogether, and Michelle. 


Can someone please tell me what's up with the bell on the table?  Whoopi seemed to use it to indicate she had the last word, no more talking now, moving on.  I guess that's better than waving her arms but she's still taking the last word on everything, just using a bell instead of, 'Hey, this isn't going away so we'll keep you posted."  Uh huh.  Love those View updates, lol.  


Raven told Whoopi that she didn't know hard she had it when she was fat (her word), and Whoopi said she did, and Raven said she didn't, and Raven said it impacted her getting a show, and Whoopi said she did, the same thing happened to her.  Sigh.



So did I hear Whoopi say that six or seven years ago [ she's been on this show for eight remember] she was "up for a show" but didn't get it because she had lost a bunch of weight?   Okay Whoopi, I'm sure that happened and you weren't just trying to shut another co-host down or anything.    Because being a teenage girl starring in her own show is exactly the same as a middle aged talk show host with a penchant for clothes that could double as car covers getting paid to sit on her ass and shoot off her mouth. 


But the icing on the cake was that mess of an interview with Stamos.  Hahahahaha!  Hey John, that reading stuff only works with good actors/and Andy Cohen and sometimes not even then.   My favorite part was when Whoopi came out, Stamos stood up so then Candace stood up but Whoopi walked off and Stamos sat back down so Candace was just standing there.    Awkward!  


ETA:  I noticed they've gone from Whoopi admonishing the audience not to Tweet them to trying to get twitter followers by promising to give away a couple pieces of the crap they were shilling today.  I'm pretty sure the studio audience didn't get a damn thing - unless you count total regret they picked this show instead of some other NYC tv show to attend. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 7


But the icing on the cake was that mess of an interview with Stamos.  Hahahahaha!  Hey John, that reading stuff only works with good actors/and Andy Cohen and sometimes not even then.   My favorite part was when Whoopi came out, Stamos stood up so then Candace stood up but Stamos sat back down so Candace was just standing there.    Awkward!

I jumped in the shower when the scripts came out so missed that part.  Thanks for the color commentary Cosmo!!!

  • Love 1

the bell is supposed to be rung when a good point is made..... they dont ring it very often.... but when they do  they ring it over and over

Thanks Roger.  I guess actually telling someone, "That's a good point."  is too much to expect on this show.    It seemed to me it was sitting directly in front of Whoopi where only she can reach it (and maybe Michelle) and Whoopi rang it for her own statement, lol.  Which makes total sense I guess since Whoopi still seems  to think that her opinion is the only one that matters and the other people at the table are supposed to just nod and agree.  Maybe she's wondering where her Whoopettes went? 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 5

And my opinion on the n word is that is it a cultural thing that isn't meant for everyone to understand. Within a certain community that has taken a word to and twist it so it doesn't have that impact within the community. It will never be the same as someone outside of that community to use it. The two aren't and will never be equatable. Oppressed individual have been doing this since the beginning of time. 


Of course in a historical context it should be said and not sugar coated in education. But like Whoopi said, it exists in music anybody can say it but be prepared for the consequences. I grew up hearing and saying it but there is nothing like seeing it written on your dorm room door by a white person on a mostly white campus. Not ever the same, ever. Believe me, I know. 

Edited by May Jacks
  • Love 15

the bell is supposed to be rung when a good point is made..... they dont ring it very often.... but when they do  they ring it over and over


Who decides when a good point is made?  Do you get to ring it for yourself? 


What a stupid idea.  


To top it all off, that damn bell ringing kept making my dog sit up since he has some kind of weird bell phobia.  If they keep this crap up, I may have to stop watching just because I can't have my dog upset.  That is where I draw the line.  I mean, the show often upsets me, but it is my choice to watch it.  My dog is an innocent bystander and I can't make him suffer just because there is nothing else on TV at that hour. 

  • Love 13

Who decides when a good point is made?  Do you get to ring it for yourself? 


What a stupid idea.  


To top it all off, that damn bell ringing kept making my dog sit up since he has some kind of weird bell phobia.  If they keep this crap up, I may have to stop watching just because I can't have my dog upset.  That is where I draw the line.  I mean, the show often upsets me, but it is my choice to watch it.  My dog is an innocent bystander and I can't make him suffer just because there is nothing else on TV at that hour. 

I totally get how you feel.  Years ago, I had to stop watching a TV show that always had a doorbell ringing which drove my dog nuts.  LOL.

  • Love 3

I totally get how you feel.  Years ago, I had to stop watching a TV show that always had a doorbell ringing which drove my dog nuts.  LOL.


We had to stop watching Top Chef when they started using some kind of beeping clock to time the Quick Fires that upset him .... that had been one of my favorite shows.  He would whine and shiver.  Last night I was fooling around with my new Note 5 phone and I tested a notification sound that caused him to freak out (I think it was called "pure bell").  I don't know why he is sensitive to certain sounds, but The View is going to lose one viewer if they don't stop with that damn bell of theirs.  

  • Love 3

I could not tolerate Stacy London today.  Her voice drives me up a wall, and I find her incredibly irritating.  Having her pop in once a week or whatever it's going to be is far too much for me.


And CCB's voice also is hard to listen to.  I would take her over SL any day, but boy, they both have extremely unpleasant voices.


I kind of like John Stamos, but his entire segment was all kinds of stupid.  Wasn't he there to plug his new show, "Grandfathered"?  It was barely mentioned, and instead we had time-wasting nonsense that totally fell flat.


Joy, I miss you!  Come back soon and don't ever ever leave!  Most days she is the only one I enjoy.

  • Love 5

It's funny how often several of us mention our dogs' reactions to the screeches, bells, noises, etc. on this show.  My poor little elderly yorkie barks a lot anyway, but this show makes him "crazy."

That show with the doorbell that bothered Medicine Crow's dog ---I bet it was "Frasier" - used to make mine go to the front door every time...

Yeppers tvaddict44 -- that was the one!!  Thanks for the reminder.  My boy was a German Shepherd, so he was always looking for an excuse to let me know "something" was happening.  (That damn doorbell!  LOL)

  • Love 1

Did Graham say, "Go over there and kill as many of those bastards as we can?" What bastards exactly? It seemed unclear to me.

That was stunning, he said if he becomes Commander in Chief he will go over there (where?) and kill as many of those bastard (who?) as he can before they get here (I guess the USA?).  I think he is trying to get attention a la Trump, but he sounded ridiculous.  And he seemed kind of rude to them as well.  Weird.

  • Love 6

Why do they keep talking about a man's hair being greasy when it is not in a "man bun"??  I wear a ponytail almost all the time... but when it is not in a ponytail it is not greasy..... Michelle's hair is down now... should we assume it is greasy, or is that only for men??


Whoopi... They found water on Mars.... can ya drink it??  Raven said it is salty. Whoopi but what kind of salt?? We know what salt is on Earth but what is salt like on Mars??

For your understanding Whoopi... Salt is a chemical compound.... it is the same chemical compound no matter where it is found in the universe.


Edited by RogerFromOhio
  • Love 15

Lindsay Graham amuses me when he starts talking about debt.... he was in Congress voting for all the spending that has caused that debt..... he voted for both wars without being paid for.... he voted for the tax cuts for the wealthy.... which caused even more debt.


But he wants us to believe that he is concerned about the debt..... I noticed he didnt mention how President Obama's policies have reduced the deficit by almost 3/4


I do declare!  (fanning self)

(thanks backformore)

  • Love 16

My dog's tilt button was a ringing doorbell until we moved and she finally figured out we no longer have one but now it is smoke alarms on the cooking shows!!  LOL


Haven't watched today's show yet...so looking forward to it after reading the posts.  I could only watch a few minutes yesterday.  Seriously is Raven that stupid?   

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 3

That was stunning, he said if he becomes Commander in Chief he will go over there (where?) and kill as many of those bastard (who?) as he can before they get here (I guess the USA?).  I think he is trying to get attention a la Trump, but he sounded ridiculous.  And he seemed kind of rude to them as well.  Weird.

Well, the Republican candidates always bring up the boogie man to scare us every election. Now we're supposed to be afraid of ISIS coming over here to get us. What an irresponsible notion. Did Lindsay Graham not learn anything from our disasterous wars in the Middle East? Now we're supposed to go over and kill all of those "bastards". Does he mean going to war with just ISIS, or should we include Iran, militants in Yeman, etc. Does he not realize that sending our troops to the Middle East will result in more American deaths and more hatred of the US? He sounds like Donald Trump in that it's so simple to wipe out the bad guys. It makes my head hurt.

  • Love 15

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