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Rob: The (Mostly) Invisible Man

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I read an article on the Washington Post, that talked about this most recent episode, highlighting the cost of fame as it applies to Rob.  And it referenced back to Khloe talking about how only Khloe, Rob and Lamar know what went on in that house, how dark it was, and how it made her "do dark things."  


So I'm just going to say it -- 


I can't help wonder if something sexual happened between Khloe and Rob (or maybe all 3?) that has started this downward spiral.  "Do dark things" sounds awfully dramatic for drug use.  

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I watched part of one episode last night and Khloe's was sitting on a curb talking on the phone with Rob. From what I heard of her side of the conversation, Rob was detoxing at home (I guess when your family is filthy rich you can do that). Khloe's kept telling him to take the detox drugs and he would feel better. As a recovering drug addict, I think he's hooked on some kind of opiate and/or barbiturate. If it were alcohol, he would have to detox in a facility instead of at home. If he was hooked on coke or meth, he wouldn't be overweight.

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I loathe the Turdashians (and double loathe Kanye), so I am on board with anything or anyone that bursts their bubble of perfection.  TEAM ROB all the way. I hope he gets the help he needs and continues to separate himself from that family of fame whores.

Edited by KYBlonde
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I don't know, Artie Lange is fat and he's admitted to being a heroin addict.

I think most heroin addicts are poor,they have to chose between eating and getting high. Rob has money to buy drugs and good fattening food. That said I don't think he's hooked on heroin. It might be depression and painkillers or some kind of downers.

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Just finished seeing the DWTS 10th anniversary show and they brought back all the old winners and contestants. Even did a huge number at the end with all of them. There was no way he was going to dance and get on the floor looking like he does now while they showed clips of him then.


Was sad not to see Rob attend, and where he is now compared to then. 

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There were a ton of people who werent there or the anniversary show (including some winners so Rob not being there wasnt really all that glaring)..but it did remind me of his time on the show and how its pretty sad to think of how determined and hard working he was back then.  Rob was exactly the type of contestant I love - the ones who have ZERO dance experience and starts off bad but gets better and better every week. It really is sad. And I remember when the finale was over he said he wanted to become lawyer. Shame he didnt follow up on that.

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I admit that that show shaped my ambivalent/softer opinions about Rob. I *thought* I saw someone who worked reasonably hard, showed visible progress, and seemed to appreciate positive feedback for his accomplishments.

Granted, he's a Kardashian and it was a dance show (as demanding as it is). I guess that's why I held out a microscopic bit of hope that he'd step away from the madness. Not that I'm deeply invested in any of them, but I've had some residual empathy for Rob since DWTS.

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Is he still living at Khloe's house where the housekeeper makes him enchiladas every day? Well then, no surprise he's not losing weight.


I think him having gained that much weight - he looks morbidly obese in the pictures taken last night - is indicative of a much bigger problem. To paraphrase Jillian Michaels, "nobody wants an enchilada that badly".

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I think him having gained that much weight - he looks morbidly obese in the pictures taken last night - is indicative of a much bigger problem. To paraphrase Jillian Michaels, "nobody wants an enchilada that badly".

Maybe, but did you see the episode where Khloe & Scott went into Rob's bedroom & there were dirty dishes & junk all around? I get it, he's depressed, but honestly, at some point they just have to either let him go & stop babying him, or go to court & have someone get guardianship over him & get him hospitalized for treatment. Letting him lay around at Khloe's while scarfing enchiladas & complaining about his weight is ridiculous.

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Maybe, but did you see the episode where Khloe & Scott went into Rob's bedroom & there were dirty dishes & junk all around? I get it, he's depressed, but honestly, at some point they just have to either let him go & stop babying him, or go to court & have someone get guardianship over him & get him hospitalized for treatment. Letting him lay around at Khloe's while scarfing enchiladas & complaining about his weight is ridiculous.


I totally agree they should stop enabling him. I was just saying that a proximity to/abundance of tempting food is not the main reason why someone gains *that* much weight. 10-20 pounds, maybe, but with a 100+ pound weight gain like Rob's there are much bigger issues involved.

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I get that Rob has gained 100 plus pounds and it's very unhealthy (and there are underlying severe emotional issues and depression etc) but...the family acts like he's dying from an incurable disease, sheesh! He's fat. So what!? Leave him alone. Hopefully he works out his demons. I don't understand the hysteria. He's not necessarily going to drop dead tomorrow. The K klan act like he's a goddamn leper.

Edited by lightbeam
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I look at Rob and see a young guy in deep, deep crisis. Kris probably looks at him and sees a storyline. Believe me, she will pimp that out.

To pimp him out to do what?  He hasn't even part of the show.

I get that Rob has gained 100 plus pounds and it's very unhealthy (and there are underlying severe emotional issues and depression etc) but...the family acts like he's dying from an incurable disease, sheesh! He's fat. So what!? Leave him alone. Hopefully he works out his demons. I don't understand the hysteria. He's not necessarily going to drop dead tomorrow. The K klan act like he's a goddamn leper.

It is life threatening for someone his frame to gain over 100+ lbs.  He looks horrible in the pics.

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He must be absolutely miserable. And they're all aware that someone in his circle just died. Not that Rob is necessarily using iv drugs and would catch the same disease, but her, Lamar and the friend who died are a very unhealthy circle of friends/former friends. Does he have any friends? Interests, activities? Getting active and losing some weight is probably something Caitlyn could help with, but Rob is probably too depressed to get any kind of plan together.

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I get that Rob has gained 100 plus pounds and it's very unhealthy (and there are underlying severe emotional issues and depression etc) but...the family acts like he's dying from an incurable disease, sheesh! He's fat. So what!? Leave him alone. Hopefully he works out his demons. I don't understand the hysteria. He's not necessarily going to drop dead tomorrow. The K klan act like he's a goddamn leper.

Im pretty sure there are much, much bigger issues at hand here than simply Rob being fat. And hes not just fat, hes morbidly obese which he might very well drop dead tomorrow from a heart attack or stroke as a result of that. I'd be willing to bet anything the hysteria is more than likely drug abuse combined with everything else.  Its not easy at all to just sit around and hope someone can just work through depression and any demons they posses. I've mentioned this before but I had a close friend I knew since middle school who committed suicide 3 years ago due to depression he couldnt shake. This was a guy who WAS healthy and happy until his wife picked up one day, cleaned out their bank account and left him. He spent a year before killing himself wallowing in food and losing all interest in life. 

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To pimp him out to do what?  He hasn't even part of the show.

It is life threatening for someone his frame to gain over 100+ lbs.  He looks horrible in the pics.

What I meant in my earlier post is that Kris (and Kim) would not hesitate to use Rob's weight and depression issues to keep the spotlight on themselves and their supposed "concern" for him. The last thing he needs is to be made a storyline for their show, even if it's just Kris and Kim fake-crying about him.


And yes, Rob's massive weight gain could result in life threatening risks for him, especially as he seems to be carrying a lot of that weight in the abdominal area. I hope he can find the willpower and genuine support system to motivate him to seek help before it gets even worse.

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I just can't shake the idea that a part and maybe just a very small part of Robs eating disorder or weight gain is tied to the Kardashian obsession with looks over all else. And I'm including Caitlyn in that group also, because from what I see she's spending lots of time fussing over her hair and make up and pedicure. I can only imagine what it's like to live in a house where the main dialogue is about hair and shoes and tits and ass and how to lose 2 pounds and whose vagina smells better. As if the way you look determines the course of your life. Compound that with the oversharing of their personal lives snd the blatent lying to the public when it's something that they don't want to share. And I wonder also if he doesn't have a bipolar disorder. From what little I know it's not unusual

For symptoms to first appear right around the age when Rob started to go downhill. I think it was when he broke up with Adrienne. Just prior to that he was on a real high with getting that big ass tattoo of her and the one of his dad.

When she broke up with him, he was unhinged, calling and texting her 100s of times.

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What I meant in my earlier post is that Kris (and Kim) would not hesitate to use Rob's weight and depression issues to keep the spotlight on themselves and their supposed "concern" for him. The last thing he needs is to be made a storyline for their show, even if it's just Kris and Kim fake-crying about him.

Aside from the weight gain (which is public knowledge), they never really went into specifics on his other issues.  I can't imagine any parent would want to see their child spiral like that.  And Kim didn't exactly come off looking sympathetic in her tough love stan.

Edited by escape
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I just can't shake the idea that a part and maybe just a very small part of Robs eating disorder or weight gain is tied to the Kardashian obsession with looks over all else. And I'm including Caitlyn in that group also, because from what I see she's spending lots of time fussing over her hair and make up and pedicure. I can only imagine what it's like to live in a house where the main dialogue is about hair and shoes and tits and ass and how to lose 2 pounds and whose vagina smells better. As if the way you look determines the course of your life. Compound that with the oversharing of their personal lives snd the blatent lying to the public when it's something that they don't want to share. And I wonder also if he doesn't have a bipolar disorder. From what little I know it's not unusual

For symptoms to first appear right around the age when Rob started to go downhill. I think it was when he broke up with Adrienne. Just prior to that he was on a real high with getting that big ass tattoo of her and the one of his dad.

When she broke up with him, he was unhinged, calling and texting her 100s of times.

It stems from his insecurity of being the only son, yet the least successful of the family.  He's always come off as someone with a sense of entitlement because of his name; delusions of grandeur.   Yet he is lazy and unmotivated - and not very smart - and has a boring personality.

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It stems from his insecurity of being the only son, yet the least successful of the family.  He's always come off as someone with a sense of entitlement because of his name; delusions of grandeur.   Yet he is lazy and unmotivated - and not very smart - and has a boring personality.

But you know what? Rob needs to decide to change. Maybe being an overweight, drug user is his lot in life, maybe not, but I don't care. "Daddy is dead, girlfriend left him, step dad is now a woman". Boo fucking hoo! There are people in the world with serious issues, too much money is not an issue. He is depressed and eating and using drugs makes him feel better, or so he thinks. No one can help him see things differently, he has to realize that the pity party is over and he has to decide to change. Perhaps his upbringing didn't prepare him adequately for life, but it is sink or swim time. If his family had any sense (ok, yeah) they would leave him off camera so he could try to sort things out for himself. They say money can't buy happiness, but it can make finding happiness a hell of a lot easier. I'm not sorry he is fat and depressed. I'm sorry he can't get out of his own way and just enjoy life.

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But you know what? Rob needs to decide to change. Maybe being an overweight, drug user is his lot in life, maybe not, but I don't care. "Daddy is dead, girlfriend left him, step dad is now a woman". Boo fucking hoo! There are people in the world with serious issues, too much money is not an issue. He is depressed and eating and using drugs makes him feel better, or so he thinks. No one can help him see things differently, he has to realize that the pity party is over and he has to decide to change. Perhaps his upbringing didn't prepare him adequately for life, but it is sink or swim time. If his family had any sense (ok, yeah) they would leave him off camera so he could try to sort things out for himself. They say money can't buy happiness, but it can make finding happiness a hell of a lot easier. I'm not sorry he is fat and depressed. I'm sorry he can't get out of his own way and just enjoy life.

Yet I get the impression, it's Rob's weight more than any other issue that bothers Kris and Kim in particular. He can be crazy, he can be depressed, just look good is their motto.  

Edited by iwasish
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Really, the Kartrashians attitudes are " If I can't land on the front of a tabloid or make money from this " whatever "- I'm not interested". Why are we, as the public, enabling these talentless, uneducated and nasty people?

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Don't feel bad for Rob. I remember in that episode when they were all pretending to be so concerned about him, and Khloe said something about how sick and tired she was of him partying all night long in her house with whores all up in it all the time.... Nope, no pity from me. He is a lazy, spoiled entitled brat. He has NO money problems, he could make a great life for himself away from the Kardashian machine if he really wanted to. Oh, and Khloe needs to kick him the fuck out of her house! 

Edited by bichonblitz
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Yet I get the impression, it's Rob's weight more than any other issue that bothers Kris and Kim in particular. He can be crazy, he can be depressed, just look good is their motto.  

Rob was never really part of the Kardashian brand like his sisters.  The weight is really because of his health.  I actually thought Kris and Kim were more realistic about the situation than Khloe.

Edited by escape
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I feel for Rob. I really wish he would use that USC degree he has. But he's also a grown adult. Nobody can make him get help, he has to want it. Unfortunately everyone around him is toxic. I hope he doesn't eat himself to death or overdose on drugs. Depression is a really hard thing to deal with.

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Rob was never really part of the Kardashian brand like his sisters.  The weight is really because of his health.  I actually thought Kris and Kim were more realistic about the situation than Khloe.

I agree, I feel like Khloe enables him because of her own guilt. 

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I feel for Rob. I really wish he would use that USC degree he has. But he's also a grown adult. Nobody can make him get help, he has to want it. Unfortunately everyone around him is toxic. I hope he doesn't eat himself to death or overdose on drugs. Depression is a really hard thing to deal with.

He has a degree, but he may have gotten all C's and D's....

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He has a degree, but he may have gotten all C's and D's....

I suspect that degree of his is buried in one of Kris's storage units along with Bruce's Olympic history. It's not like it's a fabulous photograph of a naked Kimmy that she could hang proudly in the tittie gallery.

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I'm surprised Kris hasn't made him get weight loss surgery.

I'm sure she's pitched it to him. Just a matter of coming to a agreement on money... And how many pounds he has to lose to get it.

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I suspect that degree of his is buried in one of Kris's storage units along with Bruce's Olympic history. It's not like it's a fabulous photograph of a naked Kimmy that she could hang proudly in the tittie gallery.

Kris has never given the impression that she is unhappy that her only son graduated from USC Business School.  She supported him going to law school, and even talked proudly of him being an athlete in high school (college).

I'm sure she's pitched it to him. Just a matter of coming to a agreement on money... And how many pounds he has to lose to get it.

Can you send the link that this is in the works?

Edited by escape
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Sometimes I forget that Rob graduated from USC. For law, right? Following in Robert K's footsteps. It's an accomplishment, but I wonder if he barely passed by the skin of his teeth. I just don't know if Rob has it in him now or ever did to work a professional job outside of the entertainment industry.


I do believe his inner turmoil when the family went on vacation, this was during the time Kim was dating Kris the basketball player. Rob expressed regret and being upset that he wasn't where he wanted to be in his life. Momma Kris appeared genuinely upset that there wasn't anything she could do to fix the situation for her son. It's rare that I watch this show and think that anyone is being genuine on it, but that moment rang true to me. 

Edited by jonesingjay
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Sometimes I forget that Rob graduated from USC. For law, right? Following in Robert K's footsteps. It's an accomplishment, but I wonder if he barely passed by the skin of his teeth. I just don't know if Rob has it in him now or ever did to work a professional job outside of the entertainment industry.


His undergrad major was business, I think. He was talking about wanting to go to law school, but that never went anywhere. IIRC from the early days on the show, it looked like Rob was doing reasonably well in school; there were no signs of him struggling academically. Of course that could have still happened but not been shown.


I think where it went wrong for him was the transition from school to career. He'd been coddled all his life and probably thought he'd have his pick of high-powered jobs right out of school, but when he realized that he'd have to pay his dues in crappy entry-level jobs for the first few years like the rest of us, that was too much for him to deal with, and since he didn't actually *have* to earn a living, he opted out altogether. 

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His undergrad major was business, I think. He was talking about wanting to go to law school, but that never went anywhere. IIRC from the early days on the show, it looked like Rob was doing reasonably well in school; there were no signs of him struggling academically. Of course that could have still happened but not been shown.


I think where it went wrong for him was the transition from school to career. He'd been coddled all his life and probably thought he'd have his pick of high-powered jobs right out of school, but when he realized that he'd have to pay his dues in crappy entry-level jobs for the first few years like the rest of us, that was too much for him to deal with, and since he didn't actually *have* to earn a living, he opted out altogether. 


Didn't he blow a couple of opportunities or at least one from Kourtney? She managed to secure him some sort of entry level position at a office? Rob flaked on the job from what I remember. I think you're spot on. The transition from school to career probably wasn't one Rob prepared for and adding to that seeing his sister's making a very nice living in the entrainment industry. It might've looked like 'easy money' to him, and he decided to pursue reality show fame. 

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People, Aug. 31, 2015, "Rob Kardashian Looks Slimmer in First Selfie He's Posted in Years Since 100-Lb. Weight Gain"

Uh... wait... Rob's selfie picture doesn't show anything but his face and neck. But all the tabloids are going crazy publishing articles about his "shocking" weight loss. Oh, pleazzzzz.

I'd have to see a whole-body picture to tell whether he's lost a "shocking" amount of weight.

The People article said, "Celebrity trainer Gunnar Peterson recently told PEOPLE that Kardashian is getting fit with him again.'Rob is always in! He's slammed schedule-wise and still makes this work,' Peterson said. 'Never worry about Rob.' "

Rob's "schedule" is slammed? What schedule would that be? All he's done for months is lie around at Khloe's house.

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His face looks thinner, but he's using a trick (after all, he's a Kardashian). He's got his head back so that everything falls back towards the back of his head, making his face look thinner & smoother. 

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