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Kim Kardashian Thomas Humphries West

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The whole house thing seems like a future episode plot in the making because Kim has to be the star and biggest.


Kim and Kanye are building this huge mega 9,000 sq foot dream home. 

Then Kourtney and Scott buy a 13,000 sq ft house and Khloe buys a 10,000 sq ft house. Next thing you know Kim and Kanye forget the dream house and buy a 15,000 sq ft house for 20 million dollars. 

Can we just cut to the chase and have every dictionary in the world updated to replace "narcissism" with "kimism"?  It's easier to spell and not a lot of people remember who Narcissus is anyway.  If she isn't the true embodiment of someone in love with their own image, I don't know who is.

Do you think when Kim looks at her own reflection she sees her ass where her face should be? I have never seen someone who finds as many ways as she does to make sure her ass gets center stage. Most women I know who have a larger than normal/desired butt, make some effort to downplay it.

Edited by iwasish
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In that picture, she's wearing the exact same bikini as the last time she was in Mexico.  She's also lying on the same white towel, which is on the same white lounger, which rests on the same natural coloured sisal rug, with the same wicker basket on the floor, in the exact same position as when she photographed herself the first time in Mexico.


Or, maybe she's not really in Mexico and just using discarded photos…

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Since Kim is always vying for attention by any means neccesary (selfies, instagram, magazines, TV show, etc) & I've been hearing about the Ice Bucket Challenge for the past couple of weeks, I was wondering when is Kim going to do one. She'll actually do some charity for a change for something good (ALS Research) instead doing it to fatten her wallet & her sorry ass ego.



Edited by Magog



Perhaps Kourtney should rethink leaving her child with Kim after watching that video. Instead of putting Mason in first, she puts her bags in and then she leaves him standing there by himself, with all the paparazzi around while she gets in the drivers seat and then comes back to put him in the car.



Perhaps Kourtney should rethink leaving her child with Kim after watching that video. Instead of putting Mason in first, she puts her bags in and then she leaves him standing there by himself, with all the paparazzi around while she gets in the drivers seat and then comes back to put him in the car.

Actually, if this was a normal, regular person, that's the way you're supposed to do it. While people are loading groceries into their car is one of the most common times to get car jacked & if you put your kid in first, there's a good chance the kid is getting jacked too. But of course, only a serious idiot would try to carjack a car with 50 people taking pictures of it, so she probably should have put Mason in first. LOL

I don't think carjacked crossed Kim's mind or anyone elses, but what should have is he's a wealthy active little boy and the fact anyone could have grabbed him while she turned her back and went in the car. Or he could have walked off.  Nobody was going to car jack her, what should be her first priority is putting Mason in the car.


I guess it shows how much she trusts TMZ. She left them to watch over Mason.

Actually, if this was a normal, regular person, that's the way you're supposed to do it. While people are loading groceries into their car is one of the most common times to get car jacked & if you put your kid in first, there's a good chance the kid is getting jacked too. But of course, only a serious idiot would try to carjack a car with 50 people taking pictures of it, so she probably should have put Mason in first. LOL

She had to start the car, put on the a/c, so her face didn't melt.

I was less worried about carjacking than the kid being run over. Especially if Kylie is nearby.

Edited by iwasish
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Apparently owed her dentist for work done when she was 22.   He got a judgment.   He also had the world's worst attorney.   With her millions, he could have garnished her wages, etc. in nothing flat.   A garnishment to Seacrest productions would have had him paid back.    

Why was there a case against a then 12 years old Kim? Wouldn't the case have been against her parents?

I wish I knew how to include a photo here because Kim is included in a "what were they thinking?" article I just saw in my Yahoo newsfeed, and the outfit she is wearing is unbelievably ugly and trashy.  Why Yahoo feels the need to feature her in some way (usually in a positive light) almost every. single. day. is so irritating.

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I wish I knew how to include a photo here because Kim is included in a "what were they thinking?" article I just saw in my Yahoo newsfeed, and the outfit she is wearing is unbelievably ugly and trashy. Why Yahoo feels the need to feature her in some way (usually in a positive light) almost every. single. day. is so irritating.

The one with the areoles (sp?) gone awry? Who in the hell let her out of the house in that?

Actually, it reminded me of a destined-to-be-aufed Project Runway failure...

Edited by RealityCowgirl

in that second picture Kim's thighs are photoshopped within an inch of their lives.. Girl you know your in your mid 30s and not 17?

She doesn't even look human in that pic. Her body looks just like the Barbie doll I used to have. She is sadly mistaken if she thinks people don't know that's photoshopped all to hell.

Iwasish I am glad to be of serivce in naming The Big Ass House :D

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I like the skirt of her outfit, but that top is just ridiculous, it looks terrible. I saw the picture of her with Kendall & Kylie, & I swear it looks like Kim is the mom, Kylie is the oldest daughter, & Kendall is the youngest daughter. Kim needs to stop getting her pictures taken with them, she always looks horrible in comparison.

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I like the skirt of her outfit, but that top is just ridiculous, it looks terrible. I saw the picture of her with Kendall & Kylie, & I swear it looks like Kim is the mom, Kylie is the oldest daughter, & Kendall is the youngest daughter. Kim needs to stop getting her pictures taken with them, she always looks horrible in comparison.

She gets twice as many pics.....being photographed with them ... And alone. But IMO the group shots aren't flattering to her, too short, too much tit and she's showing her age. She's getting that desperate look.

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She's getting that desperate look.



Yeah, standing next to her younger sisters (or anyone whose face still moves) definitely does nothing to sustain the science fiction playing in her head. You know. Where she's young, hip, relevant, human...

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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That outfit was hideous.   The cape thing did nothing flatter her, and then the wide open nature of the front was just to emphasize her tits which everyone has seen a million times anyway.   Put them away for a change -- that would be newsworthy.   


Why is she asked to present at things?   I know its the VMAs and not the Emmys/Oscars, but still have some class and get someone with some taste and connection to the field in which the awards are being presented.   Not just someone who fucks someone who is in said field.

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They didn't even move when she walked on stage:



Note the two giant words opening the Sims ad that precedes the video: Thunder Thighs. That *can't* be a coincidence. BTW, not that that's particularly true. But the way she dresses emphasizes the "short, squat" notion. Girlfriend has lost any sense of perspective re what works for her.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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They didn't even move when she walked on stage:



Much like her face, her tits are no longer able to move. I wonder if even RayJ could get her ass to jiggle like he did way back when.


I've noticed also that her sisters are getting much more press than she is, the only comments about Kim are in relation to how much tit is exposed.

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Other than having bad taste in general, I think Kim's big problem is she looks at outfits she likes, buys them, wears them, and doesnt even give any consideration into how she will actually look in them. Kim doesn't exactly have the kind of model body that can get away with all different styles.  That dress might not have looked nearly as bad on someone with boobs that arent the size of watermelons and taller. You would think with all her money and with all these designers she knows she could get clothes made specifically for her body type.


she could get clothes made specifically for her body type.

That would require her to acknowledge what her body type truly is.   For all her emphasis on her huge ass, she truly wants people to believe the rest of her is skinny.  That she is a size 2.   Until she admits she is not tall and skinny but rather short and squat, she will never dress for her true body type.   And trust me, short and squat has some really good looking, even sexy clothes.

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That outfit was hideous.   The cape thing did nothing flatter her, and then the wide open nature of the front was just to emphasize her tits which everyone has seen a million times anyway.   Put them away for a change -- that would be newsworthy.   


Why is she asked to present at things?   I know its the VMAs and not the Emmys/Oscars, but still have some class and get someone with some taste and connection to the field in which the awards are being presented.   Not just someone who fucks someone who is in said field.

Well, she did make that one video with Ray J, years ago. . . .

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She looks like a squat little hobbit. The dress and booties are not flattering to her shape, at all. A strappy heel would have elongated her stumpy legs. And it looks like her Balmain is on backwards.

I don't understand why she always wears ankle strap shoes or booties. They make your legs look shorter, not longer because they cut off the bottom. She should be wearing nothing but strapless pumps, but it's like all her clothes, she just doesn't seem to care how they look on her. Or maybe she is just lying to herself all the time.

Edited by GaT

I don't understand why she always wears ankle strap shoes or booties. They make your legs look shorter, no longer because they cut off the bottom. She should be wearing nothing but strapless pumps, but it's like all her clothes, she just doesn't seem to care how they look on her. Or maybe she is just lying to herself all the time.

All of her selfies are of her face, tits or ass, few full body shots unless she is lying down and her ass is a distraction. IMO,  the worst outfits she wears, the ones that draw unflattering attention to her ass, that brown bag she wore in Thailand, at the temple, with the pie crust detail running up her backside, all those side pocket skirts and peplum tops, the dress she wore while touring the hotel in Thailand and while looking for Kendall and Kylie, I think she deliberately wears them to get attention,  And now that the response to her giant ass isn't a stunned reverence due one of the wonders of the modern world, but instead is Oh Christ that thing is nasty, she's taken a different tact and unleashed or unbound her tits. Which sadly have lost their youthful perkiness (if they ever had it) and are dangerously close to udder territory. Her being photographed with Kendall who is all arms and legs and Kylie who is .????... just enhances that she is moving past young and beautiful and entering needy and desperate for attention. I think Lana Del Rays lyrics are resonating in her head and she fears the answer.

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Another thing about the picture, both Kendall & Kylie have their bodies angled, & one leg forward to give them a longer, slimmer line. Kim is standing there like a troll with her legs side by side & apart, & her arms hanging straight down, she looks like she's been planted there. Does she only know how to pose her duck lips or her ass? Nobody who is photographed a lot stands in a pose like that, they all know how to angle their bodies. Does she think that she's so fabulous that she can't take a bad picture?

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Another thing about the picture, both Kendall & Kylie have their bodies angled, & one leg forward to give them a longer, slimmer line. Kim is standing there like a troll with her legs side by side & apart, & her arms hanging straight down, she looks like she's been planted there. Does she only know how to pose her duck lips or her ass? Nobody who is photographed a lot stands in a pose like that, they all know how to angle their bodies. Does she think that she's so fabulous that she can't take a bad picture?

Kim is a mother now. Like literally a mother, and everything is totally different when you're a mother. Like, posing is different. Being a mother she just doesn't even think about like how she poses, cause her daughter is literally her first priority. Bible.

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Kim is a mother now. Like literally a mother, and everything is totally different when you're a mother. Like, posing is different. Being a mother she just doesn't even think about like how she poses, cause her daughter is literally her first priority. Bible.




I can totally see how the 5 minutes a week she spends with her child is affecting her. What a perfect mother, that one.

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In one of the articles I read where she was named as one of the worst dressed of the evening, some stylist said that particular dress can actually be worn either way but that naturally Kim would choose to have her chest exposed as much as possible. Shocker!

She never even considered the other option. It's tits to the wall all the time.

It could be my imagination, or just wishful thinking, but it seems the tide is slowly turning against Kim. More and more of the gossip shows are snarking heavily on her, almost mocking her. I'm betting that once Kylie is of legal age, she's going to start dressing much more in the Kim style, but her different body style will carry it off better.

Kris H was on the money when he told Kim that in five years no one will care about you.

Edited by iwasish
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