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Kim Kardashian Thomas Humphries West

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Honestly, the issue I have with Kim's pregnancy clothing choices apply to anyone. So a sheer top on the blog writer does no more for me than it does on Kim (and I hate sheer . . . the fact this woman wore a sheer top to work is a little mind-boggling to me). I thought the pink outfit was fine on both women - appropriate and stylish. That lace up number - yikes no! And frankly, it looked worse on the blogger than it did on Kim. Who thinks that look is appropriate for work? Where does she work anyway that a sheer top or a dress that literally laces more than halfway down your abdomen is acceptable?


The other issue I have with the piece is that part of Kim's issue comes from wearing ill-fitting clothes and wearing stuff that is fighting against her body's response to pregnancy. That lady's feet were not busting out of her strappy high heels, though the bra she was wearing beneath the sheer top was too small. She kind of proves my point, actually: by all means be comfortable but wear clothes that fit - that's your best chance to look good when you're dressing for pregnancy (and any other time for that matter). Kim wouldn't be getting so much criticism if she wore stuff that actually fit her, though she'd still get slammed for all the see-through lace crap (and rightfully so, imo; I don't care who wears it: it's become so overdone that I'm tired of it and cringe when I see it).

I'm guessing Kim is going to have a c-section with this delivery. She's ginormous and she still has over a month to go.

Allegedly it's planned for Christmas Day. Way to keep the attention on herself. Though I'd love to imagine her pushing a 9 lb "thing", as she referred to North prior to her birth, out of her delicate little flower.

Now suddenly she's telling a tale of how her doctor had to stick his whole arm in her!!!!! I had a quick flashback to  RayJ when I read that!. And the doc had to peel the placenta out of her WITH HIS FINGERNAILS!!!! I call bullshit. . She could have bled to death!!! But he left a piece behind and she had to have it surgically removed recently and then some scar tissue also removed.


So she kept the secret of her almost near death experience quiet all this time?  I recall those episodes right after the kid was born, no one seemed traumatized. Khloe was making fun of her feeble attempts at pushing. I call BS.


I bet  she read the last 10 lbs of baby weight are hardest to lose, so she's trying to avoid gaining those troublesome 10 and just lose the 52 she gained so far.

who is also under the delusion the he's 5'8"




don't forget  "and a genius"

  • Love 5

Kim is such a pathetic liar. She either a) is delivering early because she can't stand being pregnant or b) lied about her due date to create drama.

I think she's losing her mind over Kendall and Kylie's popularity and is desperate to keep herself in the spotlight. All her alleged complications are bullshit.

  • Love 3

If it wasn't a real infant involved, I'd almost wish her to have the worst delivery possible . After all her bitching and morning about fat and swollen and achy BUT just so blessed to be pregnant, I'd love to see her face a real tragedy.

So much this. Having never been pregnant I am sure that while a blessing and wonderful event, It probably does suck a LOT and any expecting mother has the right to vent. Kim just goes to the extreme, if it's so bad STAY YOUR ASS HOME! Watch Frozen with your daughter 500 times, be relaxed and mellow.

  • Love 4

Id love to know if the same white haired Doctor delivers her kids that delivered Kris's and Kourtneys. It's interesting that she was seeing him, but in the episodes about her infertility problems and her visits to have her placenta remnants removed he was no where to be seen. I suspect that stuff was all manufactured for drama on the show. Even now I call bullshit. Do doctors even give test results over the phone anymore with all the HIPPA laws? Especially a high profile client like Kim K.

Id love to know if the same white haired Doctor delivers her kids that delivered Kris's and Kourtneys. It's interesting that she was seeing him, but in the episodes about her infertility problems and her visits to have her placenta remnants removed he was no where to be seen. I suspect that stuff was all manufactured for drama on the show. Even now I call bullshit. Do doctors even give test results over the phone anymore with all the HIPPA laws? Especially a high profile client like Kim K.

That had to have been a 're enacted moment because no doctor that I know of anywhere would give a patient any sort of information over the phone.

Yet she had no problem having her "doctors exam" on camera or having the doctor discuss the leftover pieces of placenta he removed (alleged pieces... allegedly removed). You'd think leaving pieces of a placenta behind, something that might cause infection, bleeding, even death, might be a cause for a malpractice suit? That of course is if those things even happened. Or like the crazy, racist lady on the plane are they just so much Kardashian fiction.

  • Love 1

So much this. Having never been pregnant I am sure that while a blessing and wonderful event, It probably does suck a LOT and any expecting mother has the right to vent. Kim just goes to the extreme, if it's so bad STAY YOUR ASS HOME! Watch Frozen with your daughter 500 times, be relaxed and mellow.


Have we even seen evidence Kim is traveling all over the place? Anytime I've seen her photographed recently its walking around in LA. If she was jetsetting all over I would say its a problem. I know she did that when she was pregnant with North but I havent seen where she's doing it now.


I was just reading an interview with Kelly Clarkson where she's complaining about how awful her 2nd pregnancy is (she also complained non-stop about her 1st one). What's interesting to me is that looking at the comments section the worst she's getting hit with is fat shaming, people saying she looks awful while Kim is tarred and feathered and having bad things wished on her because she dare to complain. And Kelly just came off some traveling as a result of a tour she started but had to cancel. So Kim isn't the only pregnant woman who isn't glued to her couch. And frankly even if Kim DID stay home and do nothing it wouldnt automatically reduce any pregnancy problems she's having. Some women are just prone to them.

The thing is, yeah, being pregnant isn't the most pleasant thing for a lot of women, but Kim doesn't have to do ANY of the normal stuff that most women still have to do while pregnant- take care of another kid, grocery shop, work, clean the house, do laundry, etc. She has a staff to literally do everything for her!! Stop complaining!!

Edited by Pdxblonde
  • Love 9

I don't think Kim is a bad person for admitting she hates pregnancy. I'm just tired of hearing her whine while she's deliberately making things harder than they need to be. Put on a loose dress, wear some flip flops, be grateful you have an army of nannies, assistants, chefs and maids to take the load off and shut the hell up.

  • Love 16

Lol, a breach baby gives her the perfect excuse to do a c-section/tummy tuck combo and kill two birds with one stone.

And three times as many articles too on:


1) How hard it was for her.

2) What a brave soul she was goin through that.

3) How she "fought" not to let that happen.

4) She bravely decided on the C-section.


I'm a bitch for thinking this but she had planned all along to have a C-section and this just gave her more sympathy.  I'm sorry but I don't believe anything from this family at all.  Everything is for press and only press. She didn't want to go to her due date last week and "this" now happens.  I would love the day this family ceases to have any tabloid/news headlines. 

Edited by Crucial
  • Love 6

A quick look at Facebook where Kim is trending will show every article about this has hundreds of comments including people posting over and over about how sick they are of the Kardashians. I wish these people would get a clue and realize that every click gives them more attention and websites will keep giving them publicity and stories. So no, the day where they stop making headlines I doubt will stop anytime soon.

  • Love 1

Many babies are breech at various times before delivery, most of them manage to turn themselves as the due date nears. I'm guessing Kim wants this over as soon as possible. Rumor was she wanted to deliver on or around Thanksgiving. If so she'll have plenty of time to recoup from the birth and any cosmetic work she has done. By spring she'll be naked and spread eagle on some magazine cover.

  • Love 5

I feel like Kim opened up a copy of what to expect and just started cherry picking pregnancy complications to create a storyline. Case in point?  Her shoveling all that food in her mouth as a precursor to the gestational diabetes storyline.  Gestational diabetes is completely caused by pregnancy hormones and the pancreas not being able to handle the buildup of sugar in your body as a result of those hormones. It has nothing to do with ordering 5 items off a chinese restaurant menu (I'm hoping those were tapas/small plates, not all entrees.  I mean, they had to be right?).  Kim is just using being pregnant to eat what she wants and is adopting the "I'll deal with it after" approach.  And if that's the case, then just own that.  She won't be the first celebrity to do that, and certainly won't be the last.  

  • Love 4

Compared to Kourtney, Kim did seem to let herself go with her last pregnancy and maybe used it as an excuse to eat whatever she wanted to, and perhaps is doing it again. It's gotta be borderline impossible for her to assess how unhealthy her eating habits are just by looking in the mirror. She's had so much fat rearranged and liposuction. She could have a seriously unhealthy amount of abdominal fat and not know it.

my daughter delivered her breech baby without C section, and had to use a midwife, since docs refuse to and are not even trainied to anymore...

might be a great story line to see her take THAT on.... yikes.

My brother was born the same way. My mom had an old fashioned GP as her doctor. He said afterwards that even though its a riskier delivery, In her case it was lucky because my brothers shoulders were so wide she couldn't have delivered him vaginally without serious damage. I've seen  There's One Born Every Minute and when those shoulders get stuck there is some real excitement in the delivery room. I've read that some babies are born with nerve damage or even broken bones.


I did love Kourtney's "who gives a shit" stare while Kim was getting all dramatic.  If Kim is so "over Scott", I think Kourtney feels the same about KIm.  

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 3

Yes, if the shoulders get stuck there is risk of permanent injury to the child, like erbs palsey. It can happen in any pregnancy, but women with gestational diabetes are at higher risk for such problems because gd babies can be bigger and that growth can be centered around the upper body. At 38 weeks, I went in for an ultrasound and my son was showing so much growth in his upper body that they wanted him out. That was at 5pm one afternoon. They had me in the hospital for that c-section at 8 am the next morning. He was smaller than the ultrasound was measuring but he was a little linebacker, skinny legs and a bulked up torso. If Kim has GD and her baby is breech, and she has these plavent issues, and her baby is measuring big, why on earth would she fuck around with those risks? Have the damn c-section.

  • Love 2

For attention and drama? And where's the baby daddy? Mister Privacy is happy having all this personal business shared with the public? Where is he when these doctor calls come in? She sits there talking about possible diabetes as if she's talking about where to go for lunch.

i wish no harm for her baby, but I think she's lying about all of it. I think the things she's mentioned have been discussed as possible complications of ANY PREGNANCY, and not as diagnosed issues of hers.

  • Love 4

Yet she had no problem having her "doctors exam" on camera or having the doctor discuss the leftover pieces of placenta he removed (alleged pieces... allegedly removed). You'd think leaving pieces of a placenta behind, something that might cause infection, bleeding, even death, might be a cause for a malpractice suit? That of course is if those things even happened. Or like the crazy, racist lady on the plane are they just so much Kardashian fiction.

I too had pieces of placenta left behind and let me say that it is not fun- what happens is that your body continues to go into labor as it tries to expel what is left in the uterus. So basically you keep having labor pains until your doctor figures it out which for me was a few months. Every time I tried to say something was wrong they just called in more pain meds I had to literally go into office and demand to be seen before they discovered what was done by doing an ultrasound. BUT I did not have any doctor have to remove what was left behind with their nails of anything like that . So I think that is a bit much and what makes her story unbelieveable. 


Today I had tv on their reruns and was watching the episode where Kim called John Edwards about her problems with conceiving and was wondering how she now feels and how he feels that he was wrong wrong wrong in his prediction about her getting pregnant. He said he did not see her conceiving and that show was the one right before her trip to Armenia with Khloe where she told Khloe she was preggo. 

  • Love 1

I guess that's why they have new psychics this season.

Another side effect of the placenta thing is massive infection is possible. It's a very dangerous situation. The vets that have shows on National Geo channel, often deliver calves and foals and mention the importance of making sure the placenta separates completely and totally from the mother or the animal will suffer infection and possible death.

Congratulations I hope they really are doing well! Is is bad of me but when I first heard about the birth I pictured Kim elevated weirdly laying on the hospital bed because of her big behind is proping her lower back up? Or laying in a special bed with a hole for her behind so the rest of her body is flat on the bed?

  • Love 1

Congrats West family!

I'm watching the early episodes on e and kim is like a different person. There's the episode where kim goes to New Orleans for reggies opening game and you see her laughing and cheering, in her interviews she seems practically humble in comparison to now and still a little amazed that she's living this life. She bought art supplies too make Reggie signs to wave at the game, etc. Not too mention she was seriously gorgeous. And she had a normal butt.

On another note, their house looks like a normal house that anybody would decorate. Khloe goes to New York on her own and spend time with her a person introduced as HER great friend Jonathan who is also like a completely different person, starting with the fact that he's not an entirely intolerable douchebag. And in the greatest scene ever there's a scene of them laughing at a woman with a big ass wearing leggings and boots, saying she makes kim look positively tiny. Fast forward to today and that could be kim Lol.

  • Love 6

Congrats West family!

I'm watching the early episodes on e and kim is like a different person. There's the episode where kim goes to New Orleans for reggies opening game and you see her laughing and cheering, in her interviews she seems practically humble in comparison to now and still a little amazed that she's living this life. She bought art supplies too make Reggie signs to wave at the game, etc. Not too mention she was seriously gorgeous. And she had a normal butt.

On another note, their house looks like a normal house that anybody would decorate. Khloe goes to New York on her own and spend time with her a person introduced as HER great friend Jonathan who is also like a completely different person, starting with the fact that he's not an entirely intolerable douchebag. And in the greatest scene ever there's a scene of them laughing at a woman with a big ass wearing leggings and boots, saying she makes kim look positively tiny. Fast forward to today and that could be kim Lol.

I see the biggest difference in Kim since she's taken up with Kanye.  Her ego has gotten out of control and she's increasingly obsessed with material things and her appearance. She also seems to  believe that she's actually done something to be worthy of the tremendous wealth and  fame she has... other than make sure she's  front and center at as many red carpets and celebrity gatherings as she can be and dressed to garner as much attention as she can. It's  so obvious that she looks down her nose at her sisters and brother and it's even noticeable that she and her mother have a sort of secret circle that excludes the other Kardashian kids and most likely there are agendas between the two of them that the others are not privy too.


Is it me or are the rest of the klan  eerily quiet? Why no gong clanging from Kris? No twitters or tweets from the others?

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 4

No one was there in the delivery room, no witnesses to whatever spin Kim and Kris want to put on the birth? Will it be spun to the public as an easy tranquil time or a agonizing, white knuckle affair with the doctor jamming his arm completely into womb to extract the placenta and save our Kimmy from an almost certain death by childbirth?

  • Love 2

Obviously there were doctors who would be witneses and supposedly Kris was in the room. Does it really matter though? Anything that's said people will as usual say its bullshit because there is always doubt and anything will be called spin.There are people still saying they didn't think she was actually pregnant smh.

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