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Kim Kardashian Thomas Humphries West

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This latest episode (Thailand) showed Kim at her very worst. Shrugging off her seriously, clinically depressed brother with an "Oh well" attitude and then staring at herself during the whole vacation.

Kim should brush up on her Greek mythology. From Wikipedia, about Narcissus:

He was exceptionally proud, in that he disdained those who loved him. Nemesis noticed this behavior and attracted Narcissus to a pool, where he saw his own reflection in the water and fell in love with it, not realizing it was merely an image. Unable to leave the beauty of his reflection, Narcissus died. Narcissus is the origin of the term narcissism, a fixation with oneself.

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She is cold and was not even joking when she "teased" North about spitting up on her and now she was going to smell like sour milk like North does. I

The Cambridges released some pics of them with Prince George ahead of his first birthday tomorrow.   You can tell that they are a family first and royal second.   In the Daily Mail article are more pictures from his trip Down Under.   IN one of them, little George has his mother's hair and is chewing on it.    All I could think is if North ever got close enough to her mother to do that, Kim would break her little fingers.   


Be prepared for more pics of North in retaliation for the Cambridge pics.

The media is picking up on how awful she was about Rob.


Ok, so now we can expect Kim to be all loving and concerned about Rob since the media is commenting on how she is NOT.


...little George has his mother's hair and is chewing on it.    All I could think is if North ever got close enough to her mother to do that, Kim would break her little fingers.


I was just imaging poor North putting Kim's 'hair' in her mouth & getting a mouthful of hair color/extensions/product...may not be too good for a baby!

I know I say this all the time but seriously.. I keep forgetting Kim's a mom sometimes. She spent more time shopping for a camera than talking to her child(or if I'm being honest, probably her phone making baby sounds).

I just can't get enough of Kim's ugly cry. Her face can't even move enough to really cry. In the jungles of Thailand, hot and humid, fanning her face to keep from ruining her makeup. Her lips are so stuffed full of whatever they look like they'll ready to bust open. It's only topped by the ugly crying jag over her divorce from Kris H.

  • Love 4

Kim is delusional if this is a serious caption


I don't think she's serious this time, I think she's kidding (and damn you for making me stick up for Kim! LOL). What I really like about this is all the comments, her followers are morons (which really shouldn't surprise me) I especially like the one who is asking people to call/text her "friend" just to annoy her complete with her "friend's" phone number.

I actually watched the last 15 mins. tonight (it's the first time I've watched in a long, long time).

Kim at the photo shoot on the beach: Her ass is huge!

Kim in the room talking to Kris: She's totally ruining her face with whatever-it-is-she's-done-to-it. She'll be giving Joan Rivers a real good run for her money soon.

Kris crying: Her cry face looks just like Kim's.

I just watched my first full episode in awhile and she's had so much work done that I am stunned she can move her face.

The only time she looked "alive" was when she saw Brody naked in her bed. Even Kanye doesn't get that big a grin.

Loved that in their concern for the missing kids, both Khloe and Kim had perfect lipstick!

If I had pulled that shit in Thailand, the consequences would have been a bit more drastic. I know for a fact, in my family, the trip would be over and my sorry little ass would be escorted back to the USA and sitting in my bedroom for the foreseeable future. No phone, no car, no iPad, laptop or tv.

She balances her fat ass and tits, no life jacket, on the railing of a boat moving along at a good clip but is afraid to zipline.  "Now that she's a mother" shouldn't she be spending every moment she can with "her child".


Has she been swimming once in the pool with North?


That fucking red lipstick, she and Khloe wore looking for the girls was hideous.

Wtf was up with her standing at the back of the boat and posing like she was in the middle of a photo shoot? She's just lost in her own little delusional world, isn't she?

I wish someone would take that scene and cut it with a shark jumping out of the water and eating her.

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Kim needs no life jacket with all that "natural" life preserver she has.  The only problem would be keeping her head above water when her giant butt is working so hard to reach the surface.


OMG, this made me laugh. I was just on vacation a couple of weeks ago in CT and saw this turtle and her story. Poor little bubble butt. Totally not my video, but made me think of your post and what Kim would look like if she had fallen in! LOL!



They even had a Bubble Butt book in the gift shop. Please, someone send it to North! 

I'm sure The Soup is going to. Seriously love how we are all pointing how she clearly isn't making a selfie book; just call it what it is, Kim. A "photo" book, not a selfie book. The only time I saw her taking an actual selfie was when she was taking pictures of herself and the fireworks. But a majority of the photos taken are not selfies, it's a photo shoot. So.. I mean, just call it what it is. Either way it's ridiculous but every time she interviews "My selfie book for Kayne", it just reinforces her idiocy if you ask me.  

Did you notice she stopped to take a selfie at the same "pink hat" that the missing Kylie and Kendall sent their pic from. And she had to call Kanye to tell him the girls were missing. As if he gives a shit.

And how, during the dramatic and tension-filled search for the girls, Kim pointed outside the car window and said "oh look, you can get your hair braided!"

Kris was wearing that unflattering green one piece shorts outfit and her ass looked ginormous. Every time she approached a sales person or a desk clerk asking if they had seen the girls and described them.. I kept thinking she would say "one is really tall and pretty, the other one ...not so much"

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I kept thinking she would say "one is really tall and pretty, the other one ...not so much"

And "If you find the tall one, you have to find the other one, too. They're a packaged deal."

About Kim -- Way to kick Khloe when she's down. I could not stomach that fake concern later in the Crying Scene. It was as if they saw the footage from the day's shoot and said, "Hm. We both look bad. We need a scene where we show concern." (pause) "Say something to get Mom to cry!" Producer yells out to Kris, "You're almost 60!"

  • Love 11

Kris was wearing that unflattering green one piece shorts outfit and her ass looked ginormous. Every time she approached a sales person or a desk clerk asking if they had seen the girls and described them.. I kept thinking she would say "one is really tall and pretty, the other one ...not so much"

I forgot how Kris kept describing Kendall as being around 6 feet tall, is she really that tall? 

She balances her fat ass and tits, no life jacket, on the railing of a boat moving along at a good clip but is afraid to zipline.  "Now that she's a mother" shouldn't she be spending every moment she can with "her child".

In theory there are millions of people with fat asses and tits who'd have a right to be offended by Internet call-outs on being talked about in those terms.


The thing about Kim K. is that because she bases her whole career/existence on those things, it's hard to feel sorry for her when people get on her about them.  It's a weird tipping point when someone legitimately invites stuff like this, and it backfires as spectacularly and completely as it does with this woman.

I forgot how Kris kept describing Kendall as being around 6 feet tall, is she really that tall? 

The unreliable source called "Wikipedia" claims she's 5 foot 10. So maybe 6 feet in heels.

Brucie is like 6 foot 2, and Robert Kardashian was apparently 5 foot 5, so we can get a nice lesson in genetics out of this I guess.  

Bosses at PETA have now slammed the star for supporting dolphin ride excursions, insisting the animals can be left stressed and at risk of illness through constant close interaction with humans.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2712936/Kim-Kardashian-slammed-PETA-dangerous-dolphin-ride-Mexico.html#ixzz399l5rLX3

Bosses at PETA have now slammed the star for supporting dolphin ride excursions, insisting the animals can be left stressed and at risk of illness through constant close interaction with humans.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2712936/Kim-Kardashian-slammed-PETA-dangerous-dolphin-ride-Mexico.html#ixzz399l5rLX3


Now I'm torn, I don't like PETA any more than I like Kim (or making dolphins "play" with people for that matter). I don't know who to hate more in this story.

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Now I'm torn, I don't like PETA any more than I like Kim (or making dolphins "play" with people for that matter). I don't know who to hate more in this story.

I saw the pic of Kim with the dolphin. She was puckering up to kiss it on the nose. I'm gonna give her a pass on this. She saw something long, dark and thick near her mouth and instinct took over.  Putting North in with a dolphin? Not so sure that is safe. How many times did we see  Flipper slamming into the side of a shark and killing it? Regardless of how long they have been in captivity, they are still animals. 

  • Love 4

Wouldn't Kim be the side piece in that relationship? Sure, technically she's married to Kanye, but that's just a legality. Tedesco was there first and then Kim came along. To me, that makes her the side piece. 

I doubt Tedesco gets turned on by her titties and ass.  So who was that picture for? And doesn't every woman want one like that in her wedding book? 

Kim's visit to the orphanage was so touching. Now she knows how little North feels when she's left alone and hidden behind a blanket!

As if Kim would adopt a poor kid from a foreign country!! I laugh just thinking about her sitting there on the dirty floor like the earth mother while her kid is who knows where. I did notice that all these fancy resorts are always within a short distance of an orphanage or a school for the impoverished kids of the country and when these reality stars have a vacay there , they always end it with a trip there with boxes of goodies (whoooo the little girls will all be getting Kardashian collection leftovers) I bet Kris makes sure to have the full retail price of each item so they can write it off their taxes. And I can just see all those kids dressed in animal prints and pleather!!. I wonder if they recognize any of their own handiwork or does Kris outsource all the sewing work to India and China?

  • Love 3

Thanks to Pintrest I stumbled across this little gem today, and I feel that Kim truly need therapy. Yes all women have our issues with our bodies/beauty but she was so damn HOT a few years ago and I'm a hetro female. So sad girl get it together because there's only so much the plastic surgeon can do.


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It seems half of Hollywood is in Ibiza this week. I have no idea what's going on there, but there's a ton of names there right now. 



So now Kimmy and Kris are in Ibiza? Another vacation?



They're like lemmings, hopefully they'll eventually follow one of their own off a cliff.

It's Givenchy designer Riccardo Tisci's birthday, there was a huge party. If you're not familiar with his name, let me refresh your memory, he was the designer of the couch pregnant Kim Kardashian wore to the Met Gala.

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