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Kim Kardashian Thomas Humphries West

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8 minutes ago, iwasish said:


She wanted to be Liz Taylor. Instead she is a C-/D list tabloid celebrity, known for walking around nearly naked and a family that has sold its soul and credibility, whored out every intimate aspect of their lives for the almighty dollar. At 36 she finds herself married to hubby #3, who is recuperating from some type of mental breakdown and whose future in the industry is questionable.  Instead of hitting the red carpets with her famous rapper/fashion designer husband, decked out in diamonds and  fur, she's forced to be third wheel with her best friend and his suspected gay partner. 

No I don't think she's at all happy or satisfied with her life. But I don't think she will do anything to make significant changes.

Agreed. I admit I dont know quite as much about Liz, but the vibe I always got from her is that she owned who she was. She was herself and gave no figs what people thought. 

Kim will never know what that feeling is like. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, jadecorleone said:

Agreed. I admit I dont know quite as much about Liz, but the vibe I always got from her is that she owned who she was. She was herself and gave no figs what people thought. 

Kim will never know what that feeling is like. 

Liz had class. All the money in the world can't give Kim that kind of class.

  • Love 4
On 7/16/2017 at 2:19 AM, howmanywords said:

The most offensive thing I find with Kim's latest is that its just plain hideous (its Helmut Lang BTW, not one of Kanye's ugly designs).

It is so ugly, it looks like TupperWear by Kanye.  Throwing a "name" behind it does not make it a designer outfit that is gorgeous.

Kim thinks it does though.

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, jadecorleone said:

Agreed. I admit I dont know quite as much about Liz, but the vibe I always got from her is that she owned who she was. She was herself and gave no figs what people thought. 

Kim will never know what that feeling is like. 

In addition to being a truly beautiful and talented woman and a humanitarian, Elizabeth Taylor was also a loving mother who kept her children out of the spotlight. She was particularly protective of her daughter Liza who has shunned public attention all her life. Kim could learn from her example. Though I don’t think Kim or anyone else would aspire to Elizabeth’s tumultuous personal life, with eight marriages (five of them by the time she was Kim’s age), serious addictions, and weight battles.  However, I agree and admire that she did own who she was, in a candid and forthright manner, something fake Kim would never do.


14 hours ago, iwasish said:


She wanted to be Liz Taylor. Instead she is a C-/D list tabloid celebrity, known for walking around nearly naked and a family that has sold its soul and credibility, whored out every intimate aspect of their lives for the almighty dollar. At 36 she finds herself married to hubby #3, who is recuperating from some type of mental breakdown and whose future in the industry is questionable.  Instead of hitting the red carpets with her famous rapper/fashion designer husband, decked out in diamonds and  fur, she's forced to be third wheel with her best friend and his suspected gay partner. 

No I don't think she's at all happy or satisfied with her life. But I don't think she will do anything to make significant changes.

Kim probably has gotten the most she can out of marriage to Kanye in terms of publicity and perks.  I don’t know what stunts she could have pulled on her own to garner the Kimye level of media attention she initially enjoyed. Celebrity marriages tend to have a short shelf life, relatively speaking, so I don’t think anyone would be too shocked if this one eventually bit the dust.

  • Love 9
16 hours ago, jadecorleone said:

Thats what makes me thing she isnt (and has never been satisfied) with where she is in life.  Even when she was at the top, she did things for attention, but never quite like this.  She has things in life Id love to have but she doesnt see it that way. I hope she one day snaps out of it, for the sake of her kids

Kim is expecting this to be her life until the day she dies...if people are still responding, she'll still keep feeding and hoping that people will continue to pay attention, good or bad. What I find offensive about the Kardashian family is that everything they do is a publicity stunt to garner attention and controversy. There isn't anything authentic about them - they are consumed with the bottom line of publicity and making money. They have no discernible talent that would keep them committed to the Hollywood lifestyle. When Rhianna walks the streets wearing a negligee for a dress, it doesn't mean the same thing because Rhianna is not doing it for the fame, she's not relying on that publicity so that she can find business platforms which will pay her money for endorsing products she doesn't really use or to create stupid emoji apps. Rhianna's fame is based on her artistry. All that extra shit is simply because she can, not because she has to. As long as she continues making the music she does and people continue to listen, her business opportunities outside of music will come from her music, not from her desperation of being controversial and making headlines. The Kardashian family know how to keep themselves in the news (good or bad) and they know how to step out and try to take attention away from any other headlines that take away from their spotlight. It's been happening for far too long for any of this to just be coincidences. I don't care about what Kim chooses to wear (though the only offensive thing I find about that dress is the fact that it's ugly) but the Kardashian family in general would be less offensive if they just stopped trying to pretend that their relevancy is purely luck and coincidence. No, it's manufactured and you're always going to have people that will 'hate' on them so long as they continue to treat the world as if we're all too stupid to see how their 'business' works.

  • Love 7

It's funny because the night before this picture came out I was laying in bed, scrolling through my FB feed and saw Beyonce released a picture of her twins. My first thought was "I wonder what ridiculous thing Kim will do for attention." Lo and behold, the next morning she's on Daily Mail dressed in saran wrap.

Here's the question that keeps me up at night.  Okay, not really, but here's what I truly wonder.  As much as I don't like the current fashion forward trends, they do seem to be catching on to mainstream.  If I want a dress with a cape to hide my arms? I can find that.  If I want to go with the whole minimalist post apocalyptic look, I can find that.  If I want to look like I'm wrapped up in an ace bandage, I can find that.  And every time I see these trends, I think back to Kim and think how she was the first person I saw wearing them.  Truly.  And we all laugh at how hideous it is.  And the next thing you know you can find the look everywhere from Nordstrom to Target.  And now she's basically waltzing down the street in saran wrap.  The trend is pushing more and more nudity.  Is saran wrap going to be hanging in Target in 3 months time, paired with a trench and thigh high boots as the must-have-fall-look?  I actually find it kind of disturbing that this is the direction that fashion is going.  

And on a side note, I kind hated Beyonce for that picture of the twins.  Take a seat B, you are NOT the virgin mary.  Drop the garden and blue veil and just shoot a picture of your twins cuddling during naptime together.  The ego on this woman is horrendous, and I don't care what she brings to back it up.   

The only nice thing I took away from that picture is that it really did look/feel similar to the Malibu setting that Kim snapped North in on instagram about a week or 2 ago.  I wonder if things are on the mend with Kanye and JayZ?

  • Love 17
3 hours ago, Shangrilala said:


And on a side note, I kind hated Beyonce for that picture of the twins.  Take a seat B, you are NOT the virgin mary.  Drop the garden and blue veil and just shoot a picture of your twins cuddling during naptime together.  The ego on this woman is horrendous, and I don't care what she brings to back it up.   


She's definitely as much of a self-absorbed famewhore as Kim. The picture was tacky as hell and the babies were nothing more than accessories.

  • Love 22
11 hours ago, Shangrilala said:

Here's the question that keeps me up at night.  Okay, not really, but here's what I truly wonder.  As much as I don't like the current fashion forward trends, they do seem to be catching on to mainstream.  If I want a dress with a cape to hide my arms? I can find that.  If I want to go with the whole minimalist post apocalyptic look, I can find that.  If I want to look like I'm wrapped up in an ace bandage, I can find that.  And every time I see these trends, I think back to Kim and think how she was the first person I saw wearing them.  Truly.  And we all laugh at how hideous it is.  And the next thing you know you can find the look everywhere from Nordstrom to Target.  And now she's basically waltzing down the street in saran wrap.  The trend is pushing more and more nudity.  Is saran wrap going to be hanging in Target in 3 months time, paired with a trench and thigh high boots as the must-have-fall-look?  I actually find it kind of disturbing that this is the direction that fashion is going.  

Here is that article from a few months ago that I mentioned the other day that talks about the "nude" trend.


And yeah I'm sorry but I don't care who you are. I know Kim is pretty much despised and any move she makes gets shit on but I don't see how Rihanna or whoever should get a pass for walking around with their tits completely out. Anyone, even if you may have some actual talent, who goes out in something completely sheer without a bra is an attentionwhore and KNOWS they will be talked about.

And I wish I can give 5 hearts to your Beyonce comment. I can't stand that woman. ITA she's as much as a famewhore as all of the Kardashians but she presents it differently and has actual industry respect.

  • Love 11
5 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

And yeah I'm sorry but I don't care who you are. I know Kim is pretty much despised and any move she makes gets shit on but I don't see how Rihanna or whoever should get a pass for walking around with their tits completely out. Anyone, even if you may have some actual talent, who goes out in something completely sheer without a bra is an attentionwhore and KNOWS they will be talked about.


I agree, they're ALL famewhores, they want everyone to look.





  • Love 6

She wanted to be Liz Taylor. Instead she is a C-/D list tabloid celebrity, known for walking around nearly naked and a family that has sold its soul and credibility, whored out every intimate aspect of their lives for the almighty dollar. 

If Liz Taylor was alive today, she would want nothing to do with Kim Kardashian. And since when has Kim ever been a C-/D list celebrity? Kim is more like F list celebrity to me. All that money & being a famewhore can't cover up that rotten stench of failure that she is. 



And on a side note, I kind hated Beyonce for that picture of the twins.  Take a seat B, you are NOT the virgin mary.  Drop the garden and blue veil and just shoot a picture of your twins cuddling during naptime together.  The ego on this woman is horrendous, and I don't care what she brings to back it up.   


She's definitely as much of a self-absorbed famewhore as Kim. The picture was tacky as hell and the babies were nothing more than accessories.

I definitely agree with this comment. It like every time one of these 2 fools do something on the internet for the world to see or care about, it "break the internet". I think the internet is having a brain cramp & an aneurysm because of them. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, iwasish said:

it used to be an embarrassing fashion faux pax when a nipple was inadvertently exposed due to a combination of fabric /lighting and camera flash. Now it's a deliberate choice to gain a place on PAGE 6 or some other rag.

At least it's better than the paparazzi crotch shot trend from a decade ago.

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Beyoncé is an annoying famewhore, BUT unlike Kimmy, she has an actual career.

I actually disagree about Beyonce being this huge annoying famewhore. I think Beyonce is ridiculous in many ways and in recent years has made her Queen Bey status go to her head, hence the ridiculously tacky and over the top baby announcement. But it is also a fact about Beyonce that's been acknowledged for years that she is actually, by celebrity standard, very private and very low-key. Beyonce is one of those celebrities that further proves that celebrities that complain about the Paps catching them everywhere, tend to be the people like Kim who call them.

Because Beyonce is seen and heard when she wants to be. And when she's not promoting an album, she goes away. You don't see pictures of her attending every single event, "randomly" walking around being "caught" by the Paps, etc. She surrounds herself with her close friends and family and lets people see and know what she wants them to and nothing more. That is why Lemonade was a big deal to some because of how personal it was. Yes, was it partly a marketing ploy too, in that it got people talking, but it was a big step for someone who by celebrity standards is fairly private. 

Also, I will always love how pressed she had some Kim stans who were oh so offended that she wasn't suddenly BFF with Kim when she and Kanye became official. Some of those people were ridiculous. They called Beyonce all kinds of name, insisting how much of a snob she was and thinking she's so superior to Kim, etc. all because the woman didn't suddenly act like Kim was a close friend when she barely even knew her. 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

I actually disagree about Beyonce being this huge annoying famewhore. I think Beyonce is ridiculous in many ways and in recent years has made her Queen Bey status go to her head, hence the ridiculously tacky and over the top baby announcement. But it is also a fact about Beyonce that's been acknowledged for years that she is actually, by celebrity standard, very private and very low-key. Beyonce is one of those celebrities that further proves that celebrities that complain about the Paps catching them everywhere, tend to be the people like Kim who call them.

I have to disagree with you on this, Beyonce isn't "private and very low-key" she's very controlling of her image, there's a difference. This is an interesting article on it


  • Love 5
Just now, GaT said:

I have to disagree with you on this, Beyonce isn't "private and very low-key" she's very controlling of her image, there's a difference. This is an interesting article on it


What does controlling one's image have to do with being private and low-key? I specifically said that Beyonce is seen and heard when she wants to be, which would suggest that yes, she controls her image. And I see nothing wrong with that. It's a known fact that Beyonce is very controlling with regard to her career and public image, as is Taylor Swift and is many famous and successful women. My point is, Beyonce doesn't run and call the paps every time she leaves her house unlike certain people. When she has an album to promote, she will go all out and fully manipulate the paps and media. And when she wants to live her life quietly, she does.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, truthaboutluv said:

What does controlling one's image have to do with being private and low-key? I specifically said that Beyonce is seen and heard when she wants to be, which would suggest that yes, she controls her image. And I see nothing wrong with that. It's a known fact that Beyonce is very controlling with regard to her career and public image, as is Taylor Swift and is many famous and successful women. My point is, Beyonce doesn't run and call the paps every time she leaves her house unlike certain people. When she has an album to promote, she will go all out and fully manipulate the paps and media. And when she wants to live her life quietly, she does.

I agree - controlling your image and desperately seeking the attention to maintain visibility is not the same thing.  Beyonce has afforded the luxury of coming and going from the spotlight  because she hasn't made her fame or fortune on her visibility and controversy, she's made it on her talent. Where Kim and her family look for new ways to make it in the headlines and keep themselves relevant, Beyonce is putting that effort into finding ways to evolve her music and focus her attention in ways to get people talking about her music and concerts, not her personal life. Her talent is subjective, but the impact of her artistry and the success that has come from that is not subjective in the least. Her success, her worth and her fan following is insane.

  • Love 5
On 2017-07-17 at 3:24 PM, Shangrilala said:

Here's the question that keeps me up at night.  Okay, not really, but here's what I truly wonder.  As much as I don't like the current fashion forward trends, they do seem to be catching on to mainstream.  If I want a dress with a cape to hide my arms? I can find that.  If I want to go with the whole minimalist post apocalyptic look, I can find that.  If I want to look like I'm wrapped up in an ace bandage, I can find that.  And every time I see these trends, I think back to Kim and think how she was the first person I saw wearing them.  Truly.  And we all laugh at how hideous it is.  And the next thing you know you can find the look everywhere from Nordstrom to Target.  And now she's basically waltzing down the street in saran wrap.  The trend is pushing more and more nudity.  Is saran wrap going to be hanging in Target in 3 months time, paired with a trench and thigh high boots as the must-have-fall-look?  I actually find it kind of disturbing that this is the direction that fashion is going.  

And on a side note, I kind hated Beyonce for that picture of the twins.  Take a seat B, you are NOT the virgin mary.  Drop the garden and blue veil and just shoot a picture of your twins cuddling during naptime together.  The ego on this woman is horrendous, and I don't care what she brings to back it up.   

The only nice thing I took away from that picture is that it really did look/feel similar to the Malibu setting that Kim snapped North in on instagram about a week or 2 ago.  I wonder if things are on the mend with Kanye and JayZ?

Kim isn't a trendsetter but I think the reason you attribute trends and mainstream with her is because she takes the concept of the 'when and where' of fashion and destroys it. Where Kate Hudson would wear a cape dress to a red carpet event, Kim will wear one to a meeting in downtown LA. Where Miranda Kerr would wear a bandage dress to host a party in Vegas, Kim will wear it to pump gas in her car. Her image is all she has - that is what makes her money so to keep up with the Joneses, she flexed her commonality with real celebrities by wearing what they wear but she wore them in different venues because especially in the beginning, that was what was available to her (gas stations and grocery stores). Now, I don't think she tries to be a trendsetter so much as be someone of shock value. She doesn't want to bring appreciation to fashion as an art form, she wants to make sure that she's captured so that people can talk about it - good or bad, talking about her is exactly what she wants because it's how she and her family operate to stay relevant...of course making sure the paps are called to get the shots. That's always been important for her career, lol.

  • Love 4

Kim and Bey can both be really fu*king unlikable in their own right, one doesnt have to be compared to the other to justify the dislike.  Beyonce is talented.  But her ego is so out of control, her Queen Bey status makes her unlikeable on the level of Kanye and his Yeezus alter-ego shtick.  Now Kanye has since had a mental breakdown which may explain some of his self-inflated ego.  What's Beyonce's excuse?  You can be immensely talented without needing a crane to get you to the top of your own pedestal.  

  • Love 14
15 minutes ago, Shangrilala said:

 You can be immensely talented without needing a crane to get you to the top of your own pedestal.  

Ain't that the truth. I'm not a huge fan of Kim, but if I had to choose spending the rest of my life on a desert island with either her, Kanye or Beyonce, I'd pick Kim a thousand times over. 

  • Love 4

YMMV but do people think Kim doesn't have some over-inflated ego? I guess it just so happens she can never get too big for her breeches because there are the many who loathe her and her family that will never let her forget "where she came from" if you will. Yes, Beyonce has an over-inflated ego like most superstars who have a world of media and fans calling them the greatest thing since sliced bread. But it is a common belief that Beyonce is actually a very a nice and a very sweet person who is always a professional. I have never heard any stories of any diva trantrums from her. Her biggest sin seems to be the rumors that she likes to be in a writing process with artists just so she can claim writing credits, which many have side-eyed. But other than that, much like Kim herself who my understanding is most people find her to be a sweet person, no one has said anything truly unkind about Beyonce. 

11 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Ain't that the truth. I'm not a huge fan of Kim, but if I had to choose spending the rest of my life on a desert island with either her, Kanye or Beyonce, I'd pick Kim a thousand times over. 

Stranded on a desert island with any of these three? In those circumstances, I’d choose to while away my time cultivating a friendship with a passing man-eating shark.

And here is Kim yesterday maintaining her post-Paris robbery “low public profile”. So had the robbery not taken place, I assume she’d now be sashaying around totally nude.


  • Love 3
3 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

If Kim really wants to shock us at this point, she should start shopping at J. Crew. But she'd probably spend a fortune on alterations since their clothes are cut for normal human asses.

She rarely wastes money on alterations. Half of her outfits have seams that are stretched to the limit or have been sewn shut, some have given way and you can see gaping holes. I'm betting much of her stuff is a wear once and toss, cause it couldn't stand the stress of another wearing.

She couldn't get a pair of  J Crew pants above her knees.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

My boobs ache looking at that photo.  Not to mention my feet looking at those shoes, and she's also dragging the backs of those pants under her heels. 

Occasionally a non-approve Papparazzo gets a shot of Kim from the back, and it's all a mess.

Why pockets? why? Why such long sleeves? Why? 

How does she keep her tits from flopping  side to side? Mine are half that size and I'd die before going out in that outfit.

  • Love 1

Well, no worry about me going out that way.  I'm 40 (gravity is real), have had 2 children (breastfeeding boobs are real) and still haven't lost the all the baby weight from my youngest 5 years ago.  Nobody wants to see me wearing a fishnet and walking down the street.  

This trend only "works" with people who are 18 and perky or who have a plastic surgeon on speed dial.

Janet Jackson must be REALLY pissed.  Just saying.

I also can't help but wonder if Kim really enjoys that this is what she has to do for attention.  Or if she believes that this is what she has to do for attention.  I mean, I know she started from a sex tape but I do think that she believes that legitimacy would come.  And despite what she has accomplished from a business standpoint (and she has been successful, let's be real about that), even now, people still really only want her for her willingness to do stuff like this.  That has to sting at least a little bit.  Right?  

Edited by Shangrilala
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Shangrilala said:

Well, no worry about me going out that way.  I'm 40 (gravity is real), have had 2 children (breastfeeding boobs are real) and still haven't lost the all the baby weight from my youngest 5 years ago.  Nobody wants to see me wearing a fishnet and walking down the street.  

This trend only "works" with people who are 18 and perky or who have a plastic surgeon on speed dial.

Janet Jackson must be REALLY pissed.  Just saying.

I also can't help but wonder if Kim really enjoys that this is what she has to do for attention.  Or if she believes that this is what she has to do for attention.  I mean, I know she started from a sex tape but I do think that she believes that legitimacy would come.  And despite what she has accomplished from a business standpoint (and she has been successful, let's be real about that), even now, people still really only want her for her willingness to do stuff like this.  That has to sting at least a little bit.  Right?  

Just a couple of seasons ago, Kim and Kris were talking about the early years when they sold Kimberly Kupcakes to try and make her famous and  Kris quipped " Well it isn't like you could sing or dance", that sums up Kris's outlook on Kims talent.  Probably a more realistic view than Kim's own opinion. 

I dont think the business success is satisfying to Kim.  She wanted red  carpet fame. 

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, iwasish said:

Just a couple of seasons ago, Kim and Kris were talking about the early years when they sold Kimberly Kupcakes to try and make her famous and  Kris quipped " Well it isn't like you could sing or dance", that sums up Kris's outlook on Kims talent.  Probably a more realistic view than Kim's own opinion. 

I dont think the business success is satisfying to Kim.  She wanted red  carpet fame. 

She would probably love it if someone made a biographical movie about her life and her rise to fame, like the Joy Mangano movie. (JM got rich and famous making household gadgets to sell on TV.)  Sadly, somebody probably WILL make such a movie.

3 hours ago, iwasish said:

Repeat for North. 

Putting my natural cynicism aside, I am hoping that North will become a true rebel, refusing to join the family “firm” of plastic hypersexuality and exploitation. After a lifetime of paparazzi intrusion and forced selfies, maybe one day she will say “Enough already!” and just want to get a good education and lead a private life away from the media spotlight that her narcissistic and avaricious relatives crave. She’s just a little girl and so far this is the only life she has known.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Veronique Bette said:

Putting my natural cynicism aside, I am hoping that North will become a true rebel, refusing to join the family “firm” of plastic hypersexuality and exploitation. After a lifetime of paparazzi intrusion and forced selfies, maybe one day she will say “Enough already!” and just want to get a good education and lead a private life away from the media spotlight that her narcissistic and avaricious relatives crave. She’s just a little girl and so far this is the only life she has known.

I have hopes for her too, but I think Kim will have too strong an influence. She's already dressing her as mini me and Introducing her to the world of  instagram and selfies. She'll be tarted up much like Kylie and probably at a younger age.  With Pimpmama and Kim as her main role models, the odds are against her. 

  • Love 3

My small glimmer of hope with North is that she gets pretty easily annoyed when cameras and flashes bombard her so maybe as she gets older she won't want to be a famewhore. The one thing I give Kim and Kanye credit for is that since North was old enough to walk they had her involved in various sports, art classes, learning musical instruments etc. If it keeps up she may actually end up with good skills or an actual career.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, howmanywords said:

My small glimmer of hope with North is that she gets pretty easily annoyed when cameras and flashes bombard her so maybe as she gets older she won't want to be a famewhore. The one thing I give Kim and Kanye credit for is that since North was old enough to walk they had her involved in various sports, art classes, learning musical instruments etc. If it keeps up she may actually end up with good skills or an actual career.

Her dissing the cameras is happening less and less, they're such a part of her life she can't escape them.  And if she wants to be with Kim, then she deals with the cameras. You see how Kris manipulates her kids to do her bidding. I see Kim doing the same to North. 

  • Love 2

I'm also hoping things will turn out different for North. Maybe her little brother Saint will help keep her grounded when they are older, if they become close. Kim won't be pimping him out, because he's a boy. She can't make him look sexy or dress him in replicas of her outfits.

Edited by Coffeecup
  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Coffeecup said:

I'm also hoping things will turn out different for North. Maybe her little brother Saint will help keep her grounded when they are older, if they become close. Kim won't be pimping him out, because he's a boy. She can't make him look sexy or dress him in replicas of her outfits.

So Saint will end up like Rob? Seems like the men fare even worse.

  • Love 11

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