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S31: Kass McQuillen

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Meet Kass McQuillen from Survivor: Cagayan (Season 28), who returns to play on Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance.


This Survivor: Cagayan player, who called herself Chaos Kass, was known for her epic blindsides and confidently speaking her mind.


You may remember that particularly jaw-dropping moment when she gave Trish Hegarty the finger after her torch was snuffed—something that to this day, Kass doesn't regret. Although she made it all the way to the Final Three, Kass was sent packing after being shockingly voted out by Woo.



Here is your Kass topic.

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Woo made a $900,000 mistake not taking her to the end.  Unfortunately for Kass, I don't think she'll make it that far this season  Which, depending whether you are a Kass fan or not, is either a good or bad thing.  I appreciate Kass not making excuses or apologizing for her behavior.  Even though I have a feeling she may try and hone her behavior in in the game I'm glad she hasn't held back in her interviews.  Considering some of my least favorite players ever have an issue with Kass, that's reason enough I'd want to see her last.  Hey, she made it over them.

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Terry at least won a whole batch of individual immunities on his season and seemed capable of talking to other people. Smugness is obnoxious, but at least he does have some bona fide Survivor accomplishments.


What gets under my skin about HashtagKaosKass is that she seriously overestimates her mad skilz at affecting the game. Switching alliances isn't exactly a breathtaking development that leaves everyone gasping. Deliberately pissing people off isn't a brilliant new strategy.  We've seen it all before and it's going to get dull quickly.


Someone prod me when she does something other than give snotty interviews.

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from Stephen's People blog:


Our tribe speculated a lot about what was happening on Ta Keo. (Kass would always insist that Spencer was on the outs and probably would be voted off first.) We knew that Bayon was the "boring tribe." We figured high-drama players like Shirin, Abi, Varner and Peih-Gee were clashing on the other team.



Sigh. Unlike Tony, she has such a limited bag of tricks.

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I'm wondering if we are all underestimating Kass.  She's been on a tribe that hasn't lost, and therefore hasn't gotten a great deal of screen time (if it wasn't for the bonus clips or challenges I'd wonder if there were any women on Bayon).  I'm just surprised we've seen so little of her, given her past.  Maybe she meant it when she said she hoped she could be someone's goat this season and ride to the end that way.  It'll be interesting when the shuffle happens, if she can get lost in it or if she automatically becomes a target.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I don't think Kass is holding back. I think that she hasn't had to do anything yet. Stephen seems to be aware that he is not an Alpha Male and the other Alpha Men are workign together but I doubt he knows that Tasha is suppose to be with them . We have not seen anything from the others on Bayon so we don't know who is alligned with who or if they are just chilling while winning.

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I actually really like Kass a lot this time around. Her interview following Savage's story was really interesting and I think it shows she is prepared to go about things differently. I also like her sense of humor. I hope she goes far.

Edited by delicatecutter
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Lord knows I don't love her, but I respect the fact that she is genuinely trying to make the most of her second chance. She's really trying to play a completely different game and that is interesting to watch. I don't mind if this version of Kass progresses a bit farther in the game.

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My favorite part was them making it look like Kass was up to no good (complete with the #chaoskass) and Kelley keeping a watchful eye on her-and Kass was making her a present.  I think Kelley's a bit of a feisty one, and between the two, I might trust her less if this new and improved Kass is legit.  I appreciate someone actually learning from the past (unlike a few others this season) and wanting to embrace and try for their second chance.  I still don't think Kass will get anywhere close to the end, and is probably vulnerable at her first boot.  But I actually wouldn't mind it if she did go far, especially if it really irked some former Survivors (not only her doing well, but also get a more likable edit than last time).

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Call me crazy, but Kass and Spencer are two of my fav's.   They have a lot of similiarites.  Super smart, of course, sort of robotic and logical.  Despite all this, they have great screen presences.  I think part of it is that they are both able to articulate their thoughts and observations really well, and they have good senses of humor.


I also like that both are taking the second chance thing seriously.  They are looking at it as an opportunity to improve their game - not just play a second time.  Tasha is doing the same.  Funny that they were the 3 remaining players from the brains tribe and all went pretty far during their original season.

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I just re-watched Kass winning the Final 4 Individual Immunity Challenge. It was an awesome challenge and she didn't give up when she could have. I think that was the Kass we are seeing now because she isn't acting with her husband there . She and Spencer really are good at puzzles. I'm hoping they make it to the merge to see if they play nice or continue their bickering ways. It's still a long way but I think they will both make the merge,

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I like what I've seen of Kass so far.  Not sure how much I care if she goes back to her old ways a little or a lot or if she continues to act more "normal".  As long as Probst et all don't turn this into some Hallmark "and I learned than being human was so much better than being chaos, its changed my life thank you CBS for a second chance at being a better human" saccarine message.

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I'd love for Kass to have realized that her chaos strategy as she applied it (I also think there could be a successful chaos strategy down the line, but hers wasn't - Sugar could have pulled it out with a better FTC, maybe) misfired, and to play a different game this time. She had some very insighful confessionals in her first season, and that's what draw me in. At the same time, she seemed to have wanted to wreck chaos for the sheer fun of it, which is what brought her back, so it didn't turn out all bad for her), and from what she says now she's learned/is learning better. I hope to see a new and improved Kass this season :-)


What I love her for is that she's the typical person who would/could voted out first and usually stuck (sorry, ally) themselves with someone in charge, but she's having none of that and remains her own person, with her own thoughts and decisions. Maybe I think I would be able to do that in her shoes... In any case, if she removes the chaos part, I still think she could do well.


Hope I haven't jinxed her :-( 

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At the same time, she seemed to have wanted to wreck chaos for the sheer fun of it, which is what brought her back, so it didn't turn out all bad for her), and from what she says now she's learned/is learning better. I hope to see a new and improved Kass this season :-)

I think she hated her castmates (or felt hated by them) to the point that she had more fun screwing them over than working with them. And hey, if Woo had made the sensible choice, she would have gotten $100,000 with that strategy, so really not that bad. Plus, yeah, she got the callback. 


What I love her for is that she's the typical person who would/could voted out first and usually stuck (sorry, ally) themselves with someone in charge, but she's having none of that and remains her own person, with her own thoughts and decisions.


That was what I liked about her too. There were some very strong personalities in her season, particularly Tony, and a weaker person would have been steamrolled. 


I would like to see that side of Kass go up against someone like Savage, who can come across a bit entitled and like he expects people to vote his way. 

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The latest tweets between Kass and Trish is love. Can't believe it's happening.

As for the next episode, I am worried for Kass. Could be a medical evac.

And if a merge is coming soon, she still in a very dangerous position because of what had happened in Cagayan, considering 3 other Cagayan players are still there. Good luck.

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I strongly feel that Caius is only on the season because she hasn't been to tribal Council. People don't suddenly trust her more, they just haven't needed to get rid of her yet. She Won't last long because nobody really believes that she's changed, at least I don't. And if she has changed, she's turned into some boring version of herself.

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Chaos Kass is back!  Long live the queen!  That said, I'm thinking her reign will be cut short if she isn't careful.  She isn't playing with newbies that aren't wise to her.  And I love me some Spencer, but I don't believe he wouldn't betray her in a heartbeat if he could.  I have mixed feelings as to whether or not getting rid of Woo over Spencer was a smart idea.  Woo is more loyal and not a big strategic threat, and yet, like Spencer, seemed to be on the bottom.  That said, do you keep someone that is oblivious to his surroundings around, that is loyal and the only thing going against him is a physical threat (and with so many alphas around and others that could hold their own in challenges, they may not have to worry about that).  Or keep the other guy at the bottom, who is also deemed an all around threat and may buy you 3 more days because people will want to get rid of him.  Spencer, as of right now, may also be someone that is outnumbered and willing to go for anything.  Woo seemed to have tunnel vision, in that if he was told of a plan he stuck to it without wavering.  If there's any fraction between Ciera and Savage after tonight, Kass may also be able to exploit that.


After the way the episode started, it got really good, really fast.  Kass played a part in my enjoyment.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Just as in her last season, I'm not really seeing the Khaos; everyone else who voted for Woo (except Spencer) flipped, so why does Kass get the "chaos" credit?  It wasn't even her idea.  But Kass flipped on Andrew, which is all I asked from her tonight.  I'm not sure I get why Woo and not Andrew himself, but it was worth it anyway...

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I'm not sure I get why Woo and not Andrew himself, but it was worth it anyway...


I think Andrew was a bridge too far for that group of people, at least this episode.  Also suspect Abi is the one who pushed for Woo, who has been in her crosshairs for some time now. 

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IDK, Savage really likes Spencer and now he feels betrayed by Kass.  Betrayal is a pretty strong emotion.  There he was talking about Kass being this lovely lady. Whoops.  She is going to have some 'splainin to do.

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I think Andrew was a bridge too far for that group of people, at least this episode.  Also suspect Abi is the one who pushed for Woo, who has been in her crosshairs for some time now. 

Losing Terry Dietz and Andrew Savage the same night would have made the Survivor people curl up with their body pillows.

Edited by phlebas
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You know, without these forced confessional that bring back "Chaos Kass" (and I hate all monikers, in particular where self promoted), and even with these, I like her a lot. She may pretend she's wonky but she seems to play rationally.

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You know, without these forced confessional that bring back "Chaos Kass" (and I hate all monikers, in particular where self promoted), and even with these, I like her a lot. She may pretend she's wonky but she seems to play rationally.

I'm glad you said that.  Kass seems to be playing a deliberate game with each option carefully thought through.  She is willing to jump alliances if it suits her, but that's hardly uncommon in Survivor. That might be aggravating to her tribemates, but it's not exactly chaotic.

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Yeah, I don't see Chaos Kass. I saw someone playing thoughtfully and making a choice that she thought was best for her game. She didn't seem to be taking any glee in screwing people over and stirring crap up. Hell, she was even pretty polite and reasonable in her conversation with Spencer.

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In her confessional, she indicated that voting for Spencer would be the "chaos" option. Instead, she voted with Ciera, her closest ally. According to Ciera's mother, Laura, Kass and Ciera were close.

I can understand why Kass enjoyed toying with idea of voting for Spencer considering his history of being condescending and sexist towards her. He even managed to be condescending to her in this episode, despite the fact that she clued him in and saved his skin.

She's really very funny on Twitter. She appears to have a good relationship with her current cast mates and has had some nice interactions with Trish and Sarah from Cagayan. I don't think being prickly and confrontational is her neutral state. I think the people she had conflict with had their own social flaws and they all escalated the problem.

Edited by Skeeter22
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In her confessional, she indicated that voting for Spencer would be the "chaos" option. Instead, she voted with Ciera, her closest ally. According to Ciera's mother, Laura, Kass and Ciera were close.


That was how I saw it too, especially since, as you said, Kass basically said that, but I felt like the editing was trying to make it seem like her voting Woo out was a real #KaosKass move and I didn't get that. It really wasn't. The show is so obsessed with the #KaosKass thing and I think Kass is willing to play it up for them, but she isn't really playing that way at all.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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When she was talking about not knowing if Calm Kass or Chaos Kass would come out, I didn't know which was which and, honestly, I still don't. Voting off either Woo or Spencer would have been a rational move for her, and either option would make some of her tribe happy and some of them unhappy. She's picking one ally over another, but there's no chaos involved. I'd like her a lot more if she'd just play and stop thinking about getting some dumb hashtag trending.

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I'd like her a lot more if she'd just play and stop thinking about getting some dumb hashtag trending.


I think that's pretty much what she is doing, but I'm sure Production is asking her to play up the chaos thing in confessionals. And she's also probably got the other contestants wondering about it and talking it up, too. Plus she does seem to have fun with it. But yea she isn't actually playing chaotically at all imo.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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