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S17.E39: Episode 39

Tara Ariano

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F#$k I hate these clip shows. Every year I am mystified why they do this instead of using this particular episode to show us the goings on in the Jury House.

You can't tell me there aren't very intersting things going on in that house. For instance how are Austin and Julia getting along without their linchpin Liz? Did Meg perhaps...without a ton of cameras around finally be receptive to James? Did James and Shelli bury the hatchet? Nope, we get non of that...just a manufactured clip show where the houseguests are fed things by production to rimenise about.


It was only redeemed by the James and Meg segment, seeing Audrey again (especially in her Emperor Palpatine get up) and Da'Vonne. It really makes you think  how unfair it is that we lost interesting players like that early on so a guy like Steve can float under the radar for the game. If he wins it will be equivalent to someone sneaking in the Boston Marathon at the last mile and sprinting to the finish line.


And I've said for years...enough already with the diary room confessionals interspred during comps! The demeanor always gives away the winner. Steve was unusually chipper in his confessional at the start of the competition...gee do you think he wins round one?

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Yeah that was... pointless. The fluffiest fluff that ever fluffed. *rolls eyes* What, we got maybe a good 30 seconds of the comp?


And the "best" part is that tons of people are going to miss even the glimpse we had because their DVRs spent 35 minutes recording Sixty Minutes due to the football delay.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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I just don't understand WHY they wont show us what's happening in the jury house?!  What's the big deal?  There's obviously nothing of interest going on in the actual house, so let us see how the kicked out houseguests are interacting!  Production reads these boards, that's for sure, so they know we want to see the jury house happenings but they still hold out and make us sit through 55 minutes of 'remember when' drivel.  I can't believe I've looked forward to this show since the finale last fall!  .....and will look forward to next years show right after the finale closes again.... sigh. 



Big Brother's B#tch

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This is only my second season watching and I don't remember anything about last year so I'd assumed they'd show most if not all of the HoH. What a let down to get a clip show instead :( I agree that it'd be cool to see more of the jury house and what's going on there in general and in terms of what they're thinking for votes (please more Austin getting shot down!). Is there a typical timeline of what days the different events and decisions are done?

The last thing we wanted to see was Liz & Austin lying in bed with Austin pawing her and Liz pushing as far away from him as she can get without falling off of the bed.  I told Mr. Tostandon to fast forward though the "Memories" to the comp.  Ok, we saw about 30 seconds of that.




I just don't understand WHY they wont show us what's happening in the jury house?!  What's the big deal?  There's obviously nothing of interest going on in the actual house, so let us see how the kicked out houseguests are interacting!  Production reads these boards, that's for sure, so they know we want to see the jury house happenings but they still hold out and make us sit through 55 minutes of 'remember when' drivel.  I can't believe I've looked forward to this show since the finale last fall!  .....and will look forward to next years show right after the finale closes again.... sigh. 



Big Brother's B#tch



Exactly what I said!  I would love to hear how Julia & Austin are throwing Vanessa under the bus so no votes will go to her.  I just imagine there is so many more interesting things going on in that house than in the BB house.  Please share with us-I would even rather see the After Dark feeds from there. 


I honestly think this is the first season I have not really cared about the finale.  We are usually in Kauai for this part of the season and we have been known to leave a restaurant before dinner is over to get back to the condo for Big Brother!  I dislike the remaining houseguests so much, I did not even check and double check as I usually do to make sure the DVR is working correctly.

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I know that the penultimate episode is always the remaining three houseguests reminiscing about whatever production prompts them to, with the start of the endurance comp to leave us with a cliffhanger. I get that. But all that does is make the 90 minute finale too crowded since they have to drag out the end of that comp, then do the physical quiz comp and then finally have the two winners face off in the completely random "guess which houseguest staid this" comp to determine the final HoH. THEN they have to bring out the jury and have them all debate and ultimately vote. Why not put the first two comps in this episode so you only have to do the final one live in the finale, giving you more time to show the jury and bringing back the eliminated contestants to spill all the tea they saw watching it on TV that the jury members missed in sequester. (They always shortchange/softball that stuff)


And at the very least, if you're going to make us sit through a clip show, why not spend that hour showing clips of never-before-seen strategizing and game playing? We heard a lot about these deals and alliances shifting left and right, but most of it never seemed to make it to air. I'm sure those who were watching the live feeds religiously could've easily come up with a half-hour of clips that would've actually given some insight into the gameplay of the remaining three contestants.


But hey, I'm not a TV producer. I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm just a TV viewer, and I know what I would rather see. :P


That said, the best part of the clips was the hilarious DR montage with the tears and constant cuts back to Audrey in various states of cocooning. :D

  • Love 6

Clay mumbles, Vanessa cries, Jason remains awesome, the usual Liztin weirdness, Audrey breaks down, James scares people...YAWWWWN.


What a gyp.  And the way the HG's talk about their memories like they're reading from cue-cards...so lame.  If we're forced to sit through this, why can't they just sit and talk without it sounding so awkwardly scripted?


I want that hour back.

  • Love 4

Clay mumbles, Vanessa cries, Jason remains awesome, the usual Liztin weirdness, Audrey breaks down, James scares people...YAWWWWN.

What a gyp. And the way the HG's talk about their memories like they're reading from cue-cards...so lame. If we're forced to sit through

this, why can't they just sit and talk without it

sounding so awkwardly scripted?

I want that hour back.

Isn't is scripted, though?

I got so tired of seeing the "hilarious"  prank of James popping out of a closet, from under covers, to scare Julia (and others).  What if she had jumped out of bed and hit her head on something?  Would they still be showing us over and over, what a cute, funny "prankster"  James is?


If someone jumped out to scare me when I was in bed, I think I might end up crying hysterically, not laughing. Or I might hit them with whatever is handy. 

Edited by backformore
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The jury house would be boring.  They are not allowed to talk about the game so they play cards/board games, nap, eat and swim.  


They have to keep this looooooooooog ending because the finale always follows the premiere of Survivor.  They could easily have finished this last night but it is all about ratings and positioning shows.  ugh  

The jury house would be boring.  They are not allowed to talk about the game so they play cards/board games, nap, eat and swim.  



They aren't allowed to talk about the game?  But each evicted HG brings in a DVD for the rest of the group to watch, which tells them things they wouldn't otherwise know.  I thought all they DID do was talk about the game in the jury house.  And wasn't Austin going to go in guns blazing and try and sway everyone for not giving Vanessa a final vote?

  • Love 1

They aren't allowed to talk about the game?  But each evicted HG brings in a DVD for the rest of the group to watch, which tells them things they wouldn't otherwise know.  I thought all they DID do was talk about the game in the jury house.  And wasn't Austin going to go in guns blazing and try and sway everyone for not giving Vanessa a final vote?

Per the rules, they're not supposed to talk about the game unless they're on camera (like when the newest juror comes in, with the tape of the comps and eviction). They have handlers throughout the jury house that are monitoring what the jury members do and discuss. If they catch them talking game, they're asked to stop. That doesn't mean they don't find ways to talk game without the show knowing, but they're really not supposed to. 

Edited by Ceeg

They aren't allowed to talk about the game?  But each evicted HG brings in a DVD for the rest of the group to watch, which tells them things they wouldn't otherwise know.  I thought all they DID do was talk about the game in the jury house.  And wasn't Austin going to go in guns blazing and try and sway everyone for not giving Vanessa a final vote?


 I did too until last week when I read an article (link posted here) that said handlers followed them around the house making sure they did not talk about it.  They are allowed to discuss it just before the vote that we see on tape at the finale.  And they allowed Shelli to blast Austin when he arrived, clearly!   I bet they cut that short when the camera stopped rolling.


I understand why they don't.  Everyone has a different take given their position and would easily lie and say that so and so hated you and said bad things if they wanted them not to win.   


The DVDs they bring only have comps and some very limited content.  Nothing in them would influence anyone, one way or the other. 

Edited by wings707

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