MrsSmartyPants September 19, 2015 Share September 19, 2015 I definitely needed my percocet after my c section. My prescription was 30 pills, which if I had taken 1 every 4 hours like I did at hospital, would have last about a week, which would have been 10 days after actual surgery. I did stop taking them about 6 days after the surgery but I def needed them those 6 days. I am not sure how Leah has managed to get pain pills related to her c section 2 years down the road. If she's getting actual prescriptions, she must have a very laid back doctor. Right! If it had been a week or a month or even a couple of months, I probably wouldn't talk shit. But yearS after she's on a pain management plan? For an epidural? 3 Link to comment
poopchute September 19, 2015 Share September 19, 2015 ••• I didn't like Jeremy & Corey's little meeting. It feels to me like they're ganging up on her. I hate that they're talking like everything was Leah's fault in both their relationships. What part of the divorce with Corey was Corey's fault? 6 Link to comment
SnarkKitty September 19, 2015 Share September 19, 2015 That's what I was thinking, StatisticalOutlier. Why the air quotes when we all know she's used prescription meds? Is there something else she's using that Jeremy knows of? How did Leah pass her drug test? I noticed that, too and was glad SOMEBODY said something other than "therapy." But I'm not familiar enough with the real story to know what that meant. Was she prescribed some pills at some point but then got addicted and is using them illegally now? Or is she using something like meth that never was prescribed, and he's using "prescription pill addiction" in quotes as a euphemism? Her story has always been therapy for an inability to place her needs above others', right? There was an episode a couple of weeks back, where Corey was frustrated with Leah's lies and flat out said he's heard Leah will take anything she can get her hands on. And we know there are no secrets in their town. ••• I didn't like Jeremy & Corey's little meeting. It feels to me like they're ganging up on her. I hate that they're talking like everything was Leah's fault in both their relationships. Look, I hate cheaters. I've never cheated, I don't get the point. If you don't wanna be with someone, don't! But any therapist will tell you that people who are happy and have great marriages usually don't cheat. When she cheated on Jeremy, that marriage was already over for a good while. What was her excuse for cheating on Corey the night before their wedding, tho? 7 Link to comment
Snarky McSnarky September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 I think they need to replace Dr. Drew on the reunion special with all of Jenelle's lawyers. The lawyers on TM and TM2 would fill the studio audience. 6 Link to comment
lezlers September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 (edited) IMO this is true. Cheating is usually all about the cheater, not the person who is cheated on or the relationship. Lezlers, I also have degenerative disc disease. It sucks & I'm sorry you also have it. At its worst a few years ago (right before being diagnosed and I started doing physical therapy, exercising, heat/massage therapy, etc that have helped tremendously) I could not make it up out of my husband's recliner to the bathroom a few feet away without help. The pain literally had me bedridden (okay, recliner-ridden, as that was the place that was the most comfortable at the time) for weeks. I do live with some level of chronic pain everyday and still occasionally have bad flare-ups/have to be aware of my body mechanics so as to not have bad flare-ups. Thanks to people like Leah, it is extremely hard to get mess when I have a flare-up. If it happens after my doctor's regular office hours or the weekend, I usually just try to suffer through it. I know if I go to urgent care they're just going to look at me like I'm desperately trying to score some pillses. All thanks to people like Leah. I have sympathy that she's an addict but it still pisses me off that people with chronic pain have to jump through hoops to get mess they legitimately need. I also wonder if Jeremy's air quotes around "prescription pills" means Leah has moved on to heroin. Lots of Rx opioid addicts end up moving on to heroin when they can no longer get pills from their doctor. It's usually cheaper than buying pills on the street, too. Thank you for your kind words. This past weekend was definitely the worst pain I've felt. Worse than labor contractions, easily. Being in that shape and being looked at like an addict "faking it" was one of the most frustrating, humiliating, infuriating and helpless moments of my life. My doctor wants to do surgery but I'm trying to put it off through physical therapy and exercise, once I'm cleared. I'm sympathetic to Leah's addiction because I know how easily it can happen, but I still want to strangle her for it. Edited September 20, 2015 by lezlers 7 Link to comment
lezlers September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 (edited) ••• I didn't like Jeremy & Corey's little meeting. It feels to me like they're ganging up on her. I hate that they're talking like everything was Leah's fault in both their relationships. Look, I hate cheaters. I've never cheated, I don't get the point. If you don't wanna be with someone, don't! But any therapist will tell you that people who are happy and have great marriages usually don't cheat. When she cheated on Jeremy, that marriage was already over for a good while. Jeremy isn't perfect & he should take some of the responsibility for the marriage going south. I thought she sounded better one the phone too. I know she's made mistakes but NO ONE is perfect. She's had things stacked against her since she had them babies & while she hasn't made things easier on herself, everyone deserves a second chance. I think peoples frustration with Leah stems from her total refusal to accept any personal responsibility for anything in her life. She still thinks people are buying the whole "we got divorced because Corey wanted a truck" bullshit, even though everyone knows she cheated on him the day before their wedding. She refuses to admit she has a drug problem when she's NODDING OFF holding her nephew in her lap. Depression doesn't cause that kind of behavior, drugs do. She puts her children in danger by driving high and will not put her pride aside to assure their safety. How would she feel if she got into a wreck one of the dozens of times she drives them around in that hoarders mobile high as a kite and one of them died or was seriously injured? Would she blame the depression then? Would she claim she wrecked because she was "stressed"? She constantly talks shit about Corey and Jeremy both to the media and on camera than acts SO scandalized whenever anyone even hints to we all know is true and what, god only knows why, MTV seems intent to cover up for her. She has these ridiculously staged conversations with her friends where she's claiming Jeremy is such a crappy husband and she can't believe he's leaving because she doesn't clean the house as much as she should when everyone knows she's running around on him and spending all of his money. WE ALL KNOW, LEAH. She goes to "therapy" and then gets out and IMMEDIATELY jumps into the same damn behaviors with a different guy, dragging her girls into it by moving in with him weeks after they met while STILL refusing to acknowledge she ever had a problem in the first place. I'd be talking a lot more shit if I were Corey and Jeremy and those were my kids she's endangering every day, both physically and emotionally. It's infuriating. It's frustrating. It's eye-roll inducing. And it's why everyone has so much Leah hate. Edited September 20, 2015 by lezlers 18 Link to comment
missy jo September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 I think I caught something during Kail's segment. The Teen Moms conduct their phone conversations on speaker for filming. But when Kail called Jo about Isaac being late for the soccer game, she was not on speaker and we only heard her side of the conversation. Interesting. Another gross thing about Kail is how thrilled she was that Jo missed the game. She could barely suppress her grin, but her eyes were still twinkling over his failure. Like all the PP, I agree there's something big missing from Jo's side that they're not telling us, what with not wanting to go to court and missing the game and graduation. Missing the game due to a time mix-up isn't a big deal, but the rest of it isn't in line with his character. Flowers of Carnage Did anyone catch when Sterling basically confirmed what everyone already suspected, that Kail is moving because of Jo. Did you also catch how Kail quickly cut her off and changed the subject? Loved! It! Jo is a great Dad who moved to another state just to be close to his son. And that bitch has to up and move away within months. I never bought the "we've outgrown this house" bullshit. PS: WTF with having to celebrate the end of each school year with a graduation?! 7 Link to comment
Evie September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 Like all the PP, I agree there's something big missing from Jo's side that they're not telling us, what with not wanting to go to court and missing the game and graduation. Missing the game due to a time mix-up isn't a big deal, but the rest of it isn't in line with his character.I'm one who feels like something is missing. Jo just seems kind of depressed to me and Vee looks miserable so maybe that's influencing his behavior. 7 Link to comment
lovesnark September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 There was an episode a couple of weeks back, where Corey was frustrated with Leah's lies and flat out said he's heard Leah will take anything she can get her hands on. And we know there are no secrets in their town. What was her excuse for cheating on Corey the night before their wedding, tho? I believe it was on that same episode that he said members of Leah's family were telling him about her drug habit. I wonder if it's her brother with the baby she almost dropped? We can't forget either that the twins were conceived when she spite fucked Corey in the back of his truck to make Robbie jealous because he broke up with her. Seems like Leah jumps a strange (or in Robbie's case familiar) dick every time she gets pissed or feels like she's not getting the attention she wants. It's her total lack of taking any responsibility for ANYTHING that makes me crazy. 14 Link to comment
GreatKazu September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 (edited) Flowers of Carnage Did anyone catch when Sterling basically confirmed what everyone already suspected, that Kail is moving because of Jo. Did you also catch how Kail quickly cut her off and changed the subject?Yep, I sure did. Karl also said to Sterling (I hate that name) how she thought Jo was going to request more visitation when he moved closer, but he didn't. Why is it Karl cannot look people in the eyes for longer than two seconds when she is talking to them? Does she lie THAT much? When she cheated on Jeremy, that marriage was already over for a good while.I wonder why does she lie about the cheating if the marriage was already over? We don't know if that was Leah's first time cheating on Jermy. This is a drug addict we are talking about. Drug addicts are not known for being faithful in any relationship. There is a high probability Leah cheated on Jermy long before deer cam footage. Robbie was also a fixture in her life since before Cory. She cheated on Cory THE NIGHT BEFORE HER WEDDING with Robbie. Robbie was there after Cory, before Jermy, and during Jermy. I would go as far to say that Leah likely exchanged sex for drugs. Going by what Cory said a few episodes ago, "Leah will get her hands on anything she can." Ok, I know he meant drugs, but I think it is possible she would also do anything for those drugs. Jeremy isn't perfect & he should take some of the responsibility for the marriage going south. I thought she sounded better one the phone too. I know she's made mistakes but NO ONE is perfect. She's had things stacked against her since she had them babies & while she hasn't made things easier on herself, everyone deserves a second chance.No one ever posted Jermy was perfect. It goes without saying that no one is perfect. I am not sure what it was that Jermy could have done since this is a problem that Leah herself needs to own up to. Anyone who knows about addicts, like some of us here, know that you cannot force people to get help. They have to want help. One thing that is taught in rehab and in therapy for those with addictions is, they have to own up to their problem. That is the very first thing any addict must do. If they don't, they will fail. We don't know if Jermy tried to talk Leah into going to therapy and rehab. He likely gave her an ultimatum and she wouldn't admit her problem. Just going by what has been shown on screen, Leah continues to talk about all these problems that she has except the real problem that needs to be addressed: addiction. I can't blame Jermy for removing himself from that situation. Too many people stay "for the kids" when in fact, that is the worst thing they could do. I think Leah only entered rehab to try and get Jermy back and to keep him from taking Adderrall away from her. Edited September 20, 2015 by radishcake 8 Link to comment
woodscommaelle September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 What part of the divorce with Corey was Corey's fault? Well, he wanted to buy a truck. And you know how trucks ruin marriages. Maybe the truck should have been interviewed by Dr. Drew. It would have been nice to hear the truck's point of view. 18 Link to comment
WhosThatGirl September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 Well, he wanted to buy a truck. And you know how trucks ruin marriages. Maybe the truck should have been interviewed by Dr. Drew. It would have been nice to hear the truck's point of view. This. Will always make me angry. From the show's narrative, it was the storyline of Leah wanting to buy a new trailer but Corey wanted a truck. That's how the story was shown. I think there was more to it than just Corey being all "I don't want a new trailer, I want a new truck" but we will never know. Then Leah finds a new trailer and moves out and Corey doesn't go with her. Then in the season finale, Leah tells Corey she cheated on him the night of her bachelorette party. And then next season doesn't understand why he is ending the marriage. I still stand by what I said before that these girls for the most part, get a nice edit and bad things are left on the cutting room floor for as long as possible. I think Leah may be getting a bad narrative this season because someone said it during the episode where she put the kids to bed at like 12 a.m, she may be treating production badly and not letting them film her and they are over it. It wouldn't surprise me. Originally, Leah didn't even wanna do this show this season. I wouldn't be surprised if production and the powers that be are over Leah's nonsense. 7 Link to comment
ava111 September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 (edited) Talking about Kaiser being chubby and chill baby - I think he gets food as replacement for love from Janelle. Every time he wants to play and interact with her or gets fussy she just gives him bottle (and now solid food) to not be bothered by him and shut him up. Food will always be his comfort. Edited September 20, 2015 by ava111 7 Link to comment
MrsSmartyPants September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 (edited) I just re-watched "on demand" and have to say, that little scene with Kail, Isaac, and Lincoln with the flower - was SO sweet and cute. She looked GENUINELY happy and when she smiles, she actually IS pretty. Chelsea!! I like her. I think she's a bit dimwitted, but harmless and is doing the very best she can. The "thing" with parental alienation (in my limited knowledge) is that it's usually the custodial parent (Chelsea) saying horrible things about the non-custodial and turning the child away from that parent. In THIS case, however, Adam has EVERY possible opportunity to "prove" Chelsea wrong in Aubree's eyes. And I've never seen Chelsea interfere with his parenting time/visitation - even when she KNEW it was a bad idea and that they weren't following the court order. Kail, for example, has tried to replace Jo with Javi - and while Isaac DOES love Javi, he still knows his dad is there for him - WHY? because Jo IS. Just like Leah & the twins. When Germy came into the picture it was all "Cory sucks! Tell Germy you love him". Except that didn't work. WHY? because Corey is there for those girls. Adam is a piece of shit. I still believe that picture that Aubree drew was of her and Chelsea. I wish Chelsea would lay off it and let it happen organically. Edited September 20, 2015 by MrsSmartyPants 9 Link to comment
lezlers September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 (edited) Talking about Kaiser being chubby and chill baby - I think he gets food as replacement for love from Janelle. Every time he wants to play and interact with her or gets fussy she just gives him bottle (and now solid food) to not be bothered by him and shut him up. Food will always be his comfort. This is a little bit of a reach. My daughter is 9 months and eats every two hours. We're definitely not giving her food as a substitute for love. Babies eat a lot. I really don't think it's any deeper than that. Edited September 20, 2015 by lezlers 2 Link to comment
ghoulina September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 I'm one who feels like something is missing. Jo just seems kind of depressed to me and Vee looks miserable so maybe that's influencing his behavior. I was wondering if Vee had something to do with it. She's newly pregnant, possibly feeling sick as hell. Definitely tired. Missing her family. She likely doesn't feel comfortable around She Hulk and Labia Lips, so she bows out of these events. But then may be she starts guilting Jo. Maybe they fight, he's late. Or just doesn't go, to please her. I have considered that. But I also still want to hear Jo's side. I agree that so far all we've heard is Kail's. 7 Link to comment
Evie September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 This. Will always make me angry. From the show's narrative, it was the storyline of Leah wanting to buy a new trailer but Corey wanted a truck. That's how the story was shown. I think there was more to it than just Corey being all "I don't want a new trailer, I want a new truck" but we will never know. Then Leah finds a new trailer and moves out and Corey doesn't go with her. Then in the season finale, Leah tells Corey she cheated on him the night of her bachelorette party. And then next season doesn't understand why he is ending the marriage. I still stand by what I said before that these girls for the most part, get a nice edit and bad things are left on the cutting room floor for as long as possible. I think Leah may be getting a bad narrative this season because someone said it during the episode where she put the kids to bed at like 12 a.m, she may be treating production badly and not letting them film her and they are over it. It wouldn't surprise me. Originally, Leah didn't even wanna do this show this season. I wouldn't be surprised if production and the powers that be are over Leah's nonsense.What's scary is I don't think the show is necessarily trying to give Leah a bad narrative. They've left SO much out of her story. She looks bad, sure, but it makes me wonder how much worse the footage was that we didn't see. 11 Link to comment
GreatKazu September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 (edited) I was wondering if Vee had something to do with it. She's newly pregnant, possibly feeling sick as hell. Definitely tired. Missing her family. She likely doesn't feel comfortable around She Hulk and Labia Lips, so she bows out of these events. But then may be she starts guilting Jo. Maybe they fight, he's late. Or just doesn't go, to please her. I have considered that. But I also still want to hear Jo's side. I agree that so far all we've heard is Kail's. There is definitely something missing from that whole thing. I also feel Vee is not feeling very good during this time-line on the show for the reasons you listed except, I don't think she is guilting Jo. I think the guilt part is coming from Hulk. It has been shown time and time again that all of the manipulation and drama always stem from Kail in some way, shape, or form. I think of that weekend where she and Javi were supposed to go to the hotel. Kail wasn't having it. She made sure to start up with Javi right from the start in the hopes to stir up drama and call the whole weekend off, which is what she said when she told Javi she wasn't happy about going anyways. My theory is, Kail told Jo he couldn't take Vee along to the graduation because likely Vee dared to not smile in Kail's presence, or some shit like that. Whatever the case may be, I think Kail was pissed off about something and was going to make sure she was going to make Jo miserable. Going by Vee's tweets which were posted here, Vee mentioned the hypocrisy on Kail and Javi's part. We know that Kail is a hypocrite. She has flown that flag many, many times. Vee is not playing that game. She knows Kail and Javi put on their other face when they appear on camera with Vee and Jo. I am now of the belief Javi was not being sincere when he was over at Jo's helping him move in. I fully believe he did that for the sake of the cameras. Vee, like Miranada, has had enough and is speaking out on the two-faced assholes known as Kail and Javi. I can't say for sure that is the reason for Jo missing the graduation. It is just a theory. I think there was some kind of blow-up and Jo was on the receiving end of that blow-up. Kail uses the camera and social media to spin it her way knowing some will believe her. I think I caught something during Kail's segment. The Teen Moms conduct their phone conversations on speaker for filming. But when Kail called Jo about Isaac being late for the soccer game, she was not on speaker and we only heard her side of the conversation. Interesting. Thank you for pointing this out. That was definitely shady. Edited September 20, 2015 by GreatKazu 7 Link to comment
Isthisok September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 Well, he wanted to buy a truck. And you know how trucks ruin marriages. Maybe the truck should have been interviewed by Dr. Drew. It would have been nice to hear the truck's point of view. Like most marriages, it ended because Corey wanted a gooder truck but Leah wanted a gooder house. 4 Link to comment
anarchyangel84 September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 I don't know how to do the whole multiple quoting thing- so I'm just gonna do this a little different. @poopchute You said, "What part of Corey's divorce was Corey's fault?" @SnarkKitty You said, "What was her excuse for cheating on Corey the night before their wedding?" •••First, I know she cheated & she shouldn't have. Cheating the night before a wedding isn't that uncommon though. 2.6% of women & 1.2% of men ADMITTED to cheating the night before their wedding. Who knows how many didn't admit it. I'm not even sure they were together because they loved each other, it seemed like it was mostly for the girls. All that being said, I know none of it is an excuse, there's no excuse for anyone to cheat, no matter what Corey did or didn't do. I'm not saying that was right. I'm just saying that she made a mistake and she suffered for that mistake. You can watch every episode of Teen Mom & read every article you can find about them & you're still not gonna know everything that's going on. They show you what they want you to see, and a lot of times, you you see it the way you want to. None of us know exactly what went on behind closed doors. I do know this though, Corey isn't perfect because no one is. It may be MOSTLY Leah's fault, but it wasn't ALL her. 2 Link to comment
GreatKazu September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 (edited) I don't know how to do the whole multiple quoting thing- so I'm just gonna do this a little different. Corey isn't perfect because no one is. It may be MOSTLY Leah's fault, but it wasn't ALL her. What did Cory do that was cause for his marriage to break down? A very short video of Karl giving an interview and her views on Vee and the baby. Something we have heard before, nothing really new. But, this article attached to this video has me giving her the side-eye, as usual. Karl claims Jo hardly goes by to see Isaac. Well now. Could it be because of that fuck-head Javi making a fucking big deal over Jo being at your house, you fucking louse? Maybe Jo is worried about the impact those stupid arguments are having on his son! Maybe Jo is feeling depressed because now that he is closer to Isaac, he is still being kept from his child due to Javi's insecurities. Jo, and ultimately Isaac, are paying the price for Javi's asshole behavior. Not that Karl gets a pass. She plays a part in that mess as well. I think that may be another reason why we aren't hearing much about what went down because Kail won't mention it. She knows Javi will explode on her again. When Jo calls Kail to speak to Isaac, Javi begins another one of his temper tantrums and Kail just doesn't want to deal with it. That is probably what happened to her iPhone. Javi got pissed and broke the screen out of anger after Jo texted or called: Edited September 20, 2015 by GreatKazu 8 Link to comment
BitterApple September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 Kail needs to make her mind up. First she was pissed that Jo was moving into "her backyard" and didn't want him to think he had carte blanche to stop by willy nilly and now she's complaining that he's not around enough. Even when Kail gets what she wants, she's still not happy. 15 Link to comment
GreatKazu September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 Kail needs to make her mind up. First she was pissed that Jo was moving into "her backyard" and didn't want him to think he had carte blanche to stop by willy nilly and now she's complaining that he's not around enough. Even when Kail gets what she wants, she's still not happy. That is how she is all the time. It's black, then white. It's this, or that. She is like a ping-pong ball. 3 Link to comment
anarchyangel84 September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 I think peoples frustration with Leah stems from her total refusal to accept any personal responsibility for anything in her life. She still thinks people are buying the whole "we got divorced because Corey wanted a truck" bullshit, even though everyone knows she cheated on him the day before their wedding. She refuses to admit she has a drug problem when she's NODDING OFF holding her nephew in her lap. Depression doesn't cause that kind of behavior, drugs do. She puts her children in danger by driving high and will not put her pride aside to assure their safety. How would she feel if she got into a wreck one of the dozens of times she drives them around in that hoarders mobile high as a kite and one of them died or was seriously injured? Would she blame the depression then? Would she claim she wrecked because she was "stressed"? She constantly talks shit about Corey and Jeremy both to the media and on camera than acts SO scandalized whenever anyone even hints to we all know is true and what, god only knows why, MTV seems intent to cover up for her. She has these ridiculously staged conversations with her friends where she's claiming Jeremy is such a crappy husband and she can't believe he's leaving because she doesn't clean the house as much as she should when everyone knows she's running around on him and spending all of his money. WE ALL KNOW, LEAH. She goes to "therapy" and then gets out and IMMEDIATELY jumps into the same damn behaviors with a different guy, dragging her girls into it by moving in with him weeks after they met while STILL refusing to acknowledge she ever had a problem in the first place. I'd be talking a lot more shit if I were Corey and Jeremy and those were my kids she's endangering every day, both physically and emotionally. It's infuriating. It's frustrating. It's eye-roll inducing. And it's why everyone has so much Leah hate. Who said that Leah didn't "admit" that she has a drug problem? Because she didn't openly admit it to Corey & Jeremy? Or on TV? I wouldn't want to admit it on TV either. It's clear she went to rehab and you don't go to rehab if you don't at least admit to yourself that you have a problem. Also, there are rehab centers that will deal with BOTH addiction and mental health. So when she says she's going to therapy, she's not necessarily lying. As far as Jeremy, I think she just came to resent him. I know yinz hate her- but put yourself in her shoes for a minute. You're 22-23 years old and you have 3 kids- all under the age of 5. You have 1 child with special needs. You have everything you need financially but your husband is gone most of the time, leaving you to take care of the kids and getting them where they need to go. All of this while everyone is watching you, judging you. It would be hard. Her drug issue isn't the only thing that changed her. I think it was a mixture of that, her depression, and other mental health issues she may have. Even Jeremy said she was different at the beginning of their marriage, that she had goals. Like I said in my last post, none of us really know the whole story. She could've been way worse than we saw. Jeremy could've been way worse too. As other have said, there were a lot of red flags when he married her. Did he choose not to see them because he loved her or because he like that she's a "Teen Mom"? Everyone makes mistakes- especially between the ages of 16 and 23. I'm embarassed at some of the things I did at that age, but I didn't have kids. I don't agree with a lot of the things she's done & the way she's handled things. I'm not defending her cheating or her spending habits or her drug problem. I'm just saying that I'm rooting for her to get the help that she needs to be a better person and a better mother. To me, it's just sad to sit and watch another human being slip further and further down. 3 Link to comment
missy jo September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 (edited) Chelsea!! I like her. I think she's a bit dimwitted, but harmless and is doing the very best she can. The "thing" with parental alienation (in my limited knowledge) is that it's usually the custodial parent (Chelsea) saying horrible things about the non-custodial and turning the child away from that parent. In THIS case, however, Adam has EVERY possible opportunity to "prove" Chelsea wrong in Aubree's eyes. And I've never seen Chelsea interfere with his parenting time/visitation - even when she KNEW it was a bad idea and that they weren't following the court order. This is exactly what they've shown her doing this season, and maybe she's ramped it up now that she found a "new daddy" for Aubree. She shouldn't say anything negative about her daughter's father TO her daughter. I also don't recall in previous seasons her having this many conversations about Adam right in front of Aubree (for example, with her mother, etc.) Thanks to everyone who pointed out that Cole wasn't even "the pink one" in the so-called Father's Day drawing, according to Aubree's own words. I assumed the drawing had three people in it till I got a closer look. Cole was not even in the picture! More blatant encouraging of Aubree toward this new dynamic. Cole’s really hot and above Chelsea's paygrade, especially with her voice and baggage, but him talking in the same baby voice as Chelsea takes him from a solid eight down to a three. He was even talking like that in the buggy when he was riding shotgun with Chelsea's Dad! I guess those two mental midgets deserver each other, which is fine, but stop pushing him on Aubree, please. Edited September 20, 2015 by missy jo 6 Link to comment
anarchyangel84 September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 Okay so I will ask again, what exactly did Corey do that makes the collapse of their marriage his fault? Also, what's the source for that cheating statistic? I'm not sure how it's relevant but maybe if you can tell me where it's from then I'll understand. I never said it was Corey's fault. I said that it was mostly Leah's fault, but not ALL her fault. I can't remember anything exactly- because he never did anything BIG (and I don't remember what I did a couple years ago let alone what Corey did.) Because people have mentioned it, one thing was the truck thing. I know you're probably going to call me stupid for that but it wasn't just because he wanted a truck, it was that they needed a bigger place for the girls- and he felt like he needed a truck instead. That's not cheating by any means, but it's something.... And little things add up. Corey seems like a great guy. But again, we're watching a TV show. Maybe he was the best husband ever, maybe he was the worst husband ever. We're watching him on a TV show. They show us what they want us to see, unless you've dated Corey or you're there in the situation, no one can really know... Including me. After I put the stats, I looked at them & thought the same thing u said, maybe they're not really relevant. But I decided not to delete them just to show that it's not uncommon. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this though. 2 Link to comment
leighroda September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 Who said that Leah didn't "admit" that she has a drug problem? Because she didn't openly admit it to Corey & Jeremy? Or on TV? I wouldn't want to admit it on TV either. It's clear she went to rehab and you don't go to rehab if you don't at least admit to yourself that you have a problem. Also, there are rehab centers that will deal with BOTH addiction and mental health. So when she says she's going to therapy, she's not necessarily lying. As far as Jeremy, I think she just came to resent him. I know yinz hate her- but put yourself in her shoes for a minute. You're 22-23 years old and you have 3 kids- all under the age of 5. You have 1 child with special needs. You have everything you need financially but your husband is gone most of the time, leaving you to take care of the kids and getting them where they need to go. All of this while everyone is watching you, judging you. It would be hard. Her drug issue isn't the only thing that changed her. I think it was a mixture of that, her depression, and other mental health issues she may have. Even Jeremy said she was different at the beginning of their marriage, that she had goals. Like I said in my last post, none of us really know the whole story. She could've been way worse than we saw. Jeremy could've been way worse too. As other have said, there were a lot of red flags when he married her. Did he choose not to see them because he loved her or because he like that she's a "Teen Mom"? Everyone makes mistakes- especially between the ages of 16 and 23. I'm embarassed at some of the things I did at that age, but I didn't have kids. I don't agree with a lot of the things she's done & the way she's handled things. I'm not defending her cheating or her spending habits or her drug problem. I'm just saying that I'm rooting for her to get the help that she needs to be a better person and a better mother. To me, it's just sad to sit and watch another human being slip further and further down. I agree that she does not necessarily have to put everything out there for all the world, but Corey and Jeremy are the fathers of the children who live with her, and are effected by this behavior everyday, so I feel they should be privy to what is going on, but that does not make them free to comment publically. But Leah herself has not only denied any drug issues on social media (Twitter), but claimed that if there were an issue she would not hide it, so that her story could help others. My issue with the situation is that she did not have to do the show, in fact they were poised to go on without her, if she truly needed/wanted privacy then she had the opportunity to handle this all privately. Granted unfortunately, with social media and magazines etc. it is unlikely that this would stay completely private... But I'm sorry celebrities that are a lot higher profile than Leah manage to do it, so it is possible, Leah likes to put out half truths to garner attention sympathy, but the minute anyone does not agree or is critical we "don't know the whole truth" I think at this point regardless of her issues whether drugs/anxiety, the best thing for everyone involved is for Leah to focus on getting better, but she is so busy parading herself on TV, and does not give the impression that she truly wants to get better. Like I said in the beginning, she does not owe us any details, however, she is the one who keeps putting herself out there. 4 Link to comment
radishcake September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 Please stop the argumentative back and forth. Comment on the show, do not argue with other posters. Link to comment
poopchute September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 As far as Jeremy, I think she just came to resent him. I know yinz hate her- but put yourself in her shoes for a minute. You're 22-23 years old and you have 3 kids- all under the age of 5. You have 1 child with special needs. You have everything you need financially but your husband is gone most of the time, leaving you to take care of the kids and getting them where they need to go. All of this while everyone is watching you, judging you. It would be hard. Ok, I'm going to put myself in her shoes. I'm 16 and I get pregnant after having a one night stand in the back of a truck. Whoops! I'm going to have the baby anyway even though I have no feasible plan for future work/education. I'm also going to submit my story to mtv so the whole world can "watch and judge" me. Yay, this is working out so great! Oops, turns out I'm having twins. And one has special needs! Yikes! You know what I should do next? Have another baby! With a man who works long hours far away. This was the job he had when I met him and even though it bothers me that this is his job, rather than decide it's a deal breaker I'm going to marry him anyway and have a third child and the demand that he quit his job! Ugh, I'm so sick of everyone watching and judging me all the time. Know what I should do next? Sign up for yet another season of this show! Did I forget anything? So, all I see here is one terrible decision after another. She's really dumb and made horrible decisions and then bitched about every single bad decision she made while simultaneously making more bad decisions. 10 Link to comment
anarchyangel84 September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 Cheating usually has 90% to do with the cheater (and their ego) and less than 10% to do with the state of their marriage. People who are in shitty marriages, know they're in a shitty marriage. Oftentimes you'll hear that the betrayed spouse "had no idea". It's also the reason why most cheaters don't leave their spouse and take up with the mistress - the marriage wasn't so bad. There's a reason why people say that they're "happily married". If they are happily married, they're not going to cheat. But if someone's needs aren't met, they're going to get those needs fufilled somewhere else. People don't always just go and cheat for the sex either. Some people feel that their significant other just doesn't care about them or even what they do anymore. So they go & try to find that affection elsewhere. Link to comment
leighroda September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 I apologize I was not intending to argue, just simply that I agree... But see it a little differently. Link to comment
MyPeopleAreNordic September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 (edited) A very short video of Karl giving an interview and her views on Vee and the baby. Something we have heard before, nothing really new. But, this article attached to this video has me giving her the side-eye, as usual. Karl claims Jo hardly goes by to see Isaac. Well now. Could it be because of that fuck-head Javi making a fucking big deal over Jo being at your house, you fucking louse? Maybe Jo is worried about the impact those stupid arguments are having on his son! Maybe Jo is feeling depressed because now that he is closer to Isaac, he is still being kept from his child due to Javi's insecurities. Jo, and ultimately Isaac, are paying the price for Javi's asshole behavior. Not that Karl gets a pass. She plays a part in that mess as well. I think that may be another reason why we aren't hearing much about what went down because Kail won't mention it. She knows Javi will explode on her again. When Jo calls Kail to speak to Isaac, Javi begins another one of his temper tantrums and Kail just doesn't want to deal with it. That is probably what happened to her iPhone. Javi got pissed and broke the screen out of anger after Jo texted or called: Kail needs to make her mind up. First she was pissed that Jo was moving into "her backyard" and didn't want him to think he had carte blanche to stop by willy nilly and now she's complaining that he's not around enough. Even when Kail gets what she wants, she's still not happy.Kail can have several seats. She's all "well, you better not be over at our house or coming to see Isaac when it's not your day! You live too close so now I'm going to go all through the trouble of buying another house farther away! I told you not to move into my backyard! Stay away because Javi doesn't want us alone together!" The he does stay away and Kail gets pissed. Jo can't win. Did we see this preschool graduation Jo missed on the show (I had it on in the background while trying to rock my baby to bed and I may have missed some of it.) If not, I wonder if a)Isaac's school administrators recognize the other parents don't want MTV all up in the school or B) this graduation ceremony wasn't any sort of big deal. Maybe it wasn't one of the bigger kind of ceremonies (like Aubree's school had). My preschool didn't do anything like that. I didn't have kindergarten graduation either. So maybe it was a low key kind of celebration or like a little last day of school or moving up thing/party. I could see Kail downplaying it as something Jo didn't really need to go to and then getting pissed he didn't show. I had a friend growing up whose grandparents were from Puerto Rico and had moved to the mainland when they were in their 20s. They didn't give presents for 8th grade graduation and really didn't celebrate high school graduation the way many of my non-Hispanic friends' families did. College graduation was a big deal, and high school, but I distinctly remember them thinking and expressing that a graduation for 8th grade was ridiculous. They didn't get her a present for 8th grade graduation. I know they were a lot older than Jo, but I suppose it's possible that Jo and his parents may also see graduations for things other than high school/college (especially for preschool) as not big deals. Edited September 21, 2015 by MyPeopleAreNordic 7 Link to comment
akr September 20, 2015 Share September 20, 2015 (edited) I was struck by Cory and Jeremy's comments that "if it were us, we'd be crucified." True. But - that's also probably exactly what Leah is afraid of. She knows she has a problem, but she's afraid that admitting it to these guys will mean feeding herself to the sharks and she's still hoping to solve her problem without doing that. (How she defines and understands her problems is of course another issue.) She stands to lose a lot of things she hasn't lost yet, and it's not surprising she's trying not to let getting help be the thing that triggers all those consequences she fears. Edited September 21, 2015 by akr 4 Link to comment
anarchyangel84 September 21, 2015 Share September 21, 2015 (edited) I apologize for arguing. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I didn't mean to. I guess there are a lot of passionate people here! The worst part is that I don't even know why I'm arguing! It's a TV show. ••This episode Cole was getting ready to move in with Chelsea. I think I mentioned this before, but how long do yinz think it will take for Chelsea to have a little Cole-ie? ••How long do yinz think it will take for Jenelle to find herself another guy? I don't think I ever knew when they film- so I don't know how much time has passed. Jenelle's probably had several guys by now! ••• How long do yinz think it will take Leah to find someone and get married again? Leah & Jenelle will need to find someone who don't have TV. Edited September 21, 2015 by anarchyangel84 Link to comment
Mkay September 21, 2015 Share September 21, 2015 (edited) What's scary is I don't think the show is necessarily trying to give Leah a bad narrative. They've left SO much out of her story. She looks bad, sure, but it makes me wonder how much worse the footage was that we didn't see. I remember hearing about the Deer Cam footage. Jeremy vented and accused on twitter. Leah went online attempting to clear it all up. "Everything is fine with Jeremy and I." Then we heard the filming had been stalled because Leah AND Jeremy would not sign their contract. Then Leah announces she will not be returning. After most of that blows over, they announce that yes, they will be on Teen mom. The reason for that I believe it because Leah did not want any of Deer Camgate on tv. She decided not to sign so that she it wasn't on air. They started filming without her. The reports came out that she stole her girlses money. She signed back on for the season. She just didn't want her cheating on tv, once again, for everyone to see. edited to add: I wrote this before I saw the warning. Sorry Edited September 21, 2015 by Mkay 7 Link to comment
GreatKazu September 21, 2015 Share September 21, 2015 How long do yinz I just have to ask...what does "yinz" mean? I am sorry if it means something and I am just out of the loop. It happens when one gets older. 9 Link to comment
missy jo September 21, 2015 Share September 21, 2015 I understand why Leah wouldn't want to talk about her drug problem, but I what I don't understand is why MTV has allowed her to call it "therapy for anxiety and depression!" So happy Jeremy finally said it on-camera. Not because she deserves to be embarassed or anything like that - I'm sure everyone wants the best for her - but because it's so frustrating hearing it called one thing when everyone knows it's the other! 9 Link to comment
Mkay September 21, 2015 Share September 21, 2015 I understand why Leah wouldn't want to talk about her drug problem, but I what I don't understand is why MTV has allowed her to call it "therapy for anxiety and depression!" So happy Jeremy finally said it on-camera. Not because she deserves to be embarassed or anything like that - I'm sure everyone wants the best for her - but because it's so frustrating hearing it called one thing when everyone knows it's the other! Because you know if it were reversed Mama Dawn would be calling either Jeremy or Corey out Big Time!!! 6 Link to comment
BitterApple September 21, 2015 Share September 21, 2015 (edited) I apologize for arguing. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I didn't mean to. I guess there are a lot of passionate people here! The worst part is that I don't even know why I'm arguing! It's a TV show. ••This episode Cole was getting ready to move in with Chelsea. I think I mentioned this before, but how long do yinz think it will take for Chelsea to have a little Cole-ie? ••How long do yinz think it will take for Jenelle to find herself another guy? I think Chelsea is genuinely trying to go about things the "right" way, but I wouldn't put it past her to have an "oops" if things were dragging out or she sensed Cole was starting to tire of playing house. She seems hell bent on making them a family.As for Jenelle, she'll have another loser in no time, there's plenty of deadbeats out there looking for a sugar momma and their fifteen minutes of fame. Once she's able to dump off her baggage i.e., Kaiser, on one of his grandparents it will be off to the races for Jenelle. Edited September 21, 2015 by BitterApple 8 Link to comment
Darknight September 21, 2015 Share September 21, 2015 Barb is always full of shade lol. She gives the most back-handed compliments. She said "It's good you didn't quit school...especially since your probably going to be a single mother" 14 Link to comment
SPLAIN September 21, 2015 Share September 21, 2015 (edited) I apologize for arguing. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I didn't mean to. I guess there are a lot of passionate people here! The worst part is that I don't even know why I'm arguing! It's a TV show. ••• How long do yinz think it will take Leah to find someone and get married again? Leah & Jenelle will need to find someone who don't have TV. Let me try to answer your questions and possibly clear up how many of us feel. Leah made mistakes. She has made a lot of mistakes. Plenty of adolescents do, and plenty of adults make mistakes as well. I agree with you that we are all human and no one is perfect. Not one single person is pure. With regards to Leah, she chose to be on a television show even after that deer-cam fiasco and her secret about drug use became public knowledge. As for Leah not having to tell us the viewers anything or to keep things private, she sure does have that right to keep things to herself. You made a great point there about her fearing the backlash that would come about from revealing her health and mental struggles. I could understand how that can tear up any individual who is likely going to be shamed or made to feel guilty for having a drug issue. However, she chose to risk that by doing another season of Teen Mom. By doing so, she put her own troubles out there for all to see. I think many people would have respected her and supported her a lot more if she had turned down this season and went about whatever it was she needed to do to get herself in a healthy state of mind. No one knows what Leah's mindset is or was before the season. We can only go by her words and actions on the show and what she is putting out there on her Facebook and Twitter. If she wanted to keep things private, posting on FB and Twitter is not being private and it only opens herself up more to the scrutiny that she is now receiving. Allow me to point out something else. Leah has spent a lot of time pointing out what her opinions are on Jeremy and Cory's scenes on her social media pages. Those are scenes that she was not involved in. She has no clue what went down because she wasn't there. Yet, she feels she can tell the public what she knows and feels about what Jeremy and Cory are all about in their scenes and claim that they are lying and being dishonest. Leah is also lying and being dishonest in her scenes. So, with that, Leah shouldn't expect the public to not point out what their opinions are of her. I hope I helped in clarifying this up. :-) Barb is always full of shade lol. She gives the most back-handed compliments. She said "It's good you didn't quit school...especially since your probably going to be a single mother" I agree. There needs to be a book on Barbarisms. Edited September 21, 2015 by SPLAIN 9 Link to comment
fliptopbox September 21, 2015 Share September 21, 2015 I just have to ask...what does "yinz" mean? I am sorry if it means something and I am just out of the loop. It happens when one gets older. Yinz is similar to you'se, or you guys. I hear a lot of people in the western PA/Pittsburgh area use that term. 5 Link to comment
Snarky McSnarky September 21, 2015 Share September 21, 2015 "Your boner was pressed in my back all night." There's got to be a Country song in there somewhere. I'm thinking maybe Reba McEntire.Definitely not Tim McGraw. 12 Link to comment
missy jo September 21, 2015 Share September 21, 2015 I know that Jenelle makes for great train-wreck TV (and I won't lie, I love it, dude), but she needs to be cut from the show for the sake of Jace. This season they've shown that he's already acting out in school and has started wetting the bed. The only time she claimed to want to see him this episode is for her own needs, and then she didn't pay attention to him anyway. She just needed Barb to complain to about her life because her other "friend" had already put her time in for the episode. When she said, "I wouldn't trade Kaiser for the world" she sounded like she'd trade him for a cigarette. I have 1000x more maternal instincts toward my cat than Jenelle has for either of her children. I hope she or the court end up terminating her parental rights for both children. 9 Link to comment
ChocolateAddict September 21, 2015 Share September 21, 2015 I have 1000x more maternal instincts toward my cat than Jenelle has for either of her children. I hope she or the court end up terminating her parental rights for both children. The sad thing is that even if she does that, Jace is in a tough situation. He would still (probably) be living with Barb and despite all her love and care for him, it isn't ideal. It's a single, working, grandparent household with no male figure around that we have heard of. Barb can't afford to cut back on shifts too much if she would like to have a roof over their heads and food on the table. But at the same time, it seems that Jace needs more positive and constructive one-on-one time. As much as Barb loves Jace, it really isn't the ideal situation for Jace given his behaviour and bedwetting. I would love to see Jenelle and Nathan revoke their parental rights but neither will because they love those MTV checks too much. How else would Jenelle buy classy court shoes? 3 Link to comment
MyPeopleAreNordic September 21, 2015 Share September 21, 2015 Barb is always full of shade lol. She gives the most back-handed compliments. She said "It's good you didn't quit school...especially since your probably going to be a single mother" Barb for the win! 4 Link to comment
cheatincheetos September 21, 2015 Share September 21, 2015 "Your boner was pressed in my back all night." There's got to be a Country song in there somewhere. I'm thinking maybe Reba McEntire.Definitely not Tim McGraw. It must have a will of its own, since Nathan insists in a higher pitched voice than Cole's "Why would I have --ANYTHING-- to do with you?" 4 Link to comment
BitterApple September 21, 2015 Share September 21, 2015 The sad thing is that even if she does that, Jace is in a tough situation. He would still (probably) be living with Barb and despite all her love and care for him, it isn't ideal. I agree. As hard as Barb tries, Jace's behavioral issues are happening in HER care, not Jenelle's. According to Barb, Jenelle barely sees Jace. Naturally it doesn't absolve Jenelle of any responsibility because she's the one who started this mess, but I don't think Barb's home is a healthy environment either. It's basically the lessor of two evils at this point. I think Jace needs serious therapy as he's getting worse with each passing season. 5 Link to comment
cheatincheetos September 21, 2015 Share September 21, 2015 Yinz is similar to you'se, or you guys. I hear a lot of people in the western PA/Pittsburgh area use that term. We lived in the Steel City for a couple years when I was a toddler and Dad was starting his career. For his part of West Virginia, Pittsburgh was the "big city" and where everyone in the family went for their degrees (besides Bethany College). 1 Link to comment
SPLAIN September 21, 2015 Share September 21, 2015 (edited) There was an episode a couple of weeks back, where Corey was frustrated with Leah's lies and flat out said he's heard Leah will take anything she can get her hands on. And we know there are no secrets in their town. Apparently, that goes not only for drugs but, dickses as well. I agree. As hard as Barb tries, Jace's behavioral issues are happening in HER care, not Jenelle's. According to Barb, Jenelle barely sees Jace. Naturally it doesn't absolve Jenelle of any responsibility because she's the one who started this mess, but I don't think Barb's home is a healthy environment either. It's basically the lessor of two evils at this point. I think Jace needs serious therapy as he's getting worse with each passing season. I am not ready to put the blame on Barb only because Jenelle has been diagnosed as being bipolar. She may or may not have bipolar but, she definitely has mental issues of some kind going on. Jenelle's brother is also suffering from mental problems. If they have mental issues due to genetics, I wouldn't rule out Jace not having any mental issues. It could a part of his behavior issues stem from what he has been exposed to, and surely spending any time with Jenelle and Nathan didn't help matters. I would certainly get him to a therapist ASAP. Edited September 21, 2015 by SPLAIN 6 Link to comment
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