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S10.E07: The Cutting Board


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Thought it was good to see Loren more too…even though her leaps weren’t the best last week lol she IS an excellent power dancer.  You could really see the difference in the way she moved vs Courtney and Simone.  I can’t remember who it was now, one of the rookies on Twitter put out a special thank you to her when squad was first announced, how they couldn’t have made it without her help. 

. very good to hear that about Loren. I just thought she looked great and represented DCC well... But I got the impression she was suprised they were not further along... Like if they don't have the polish on signature dances how bad are the rest?

makes me wonder with half the squad being rookies and having to continue to learn so much more after training camp, maybe Judy and Kelli just don't want any strugglers that they need to "develop" this season. it's easier to take a chance if you have 6 rookies... But when half your squad is NEW I think maybe it is too much of a performance risk.

  • Love 3

I found it amusing they featured Angela and Loren coaching rookies this week when they basically ridiculed them both last week.  Were they trying to make up for that?  I felt terrible for Selina - to never get called into the office must make you feel like you're doing ok, then to get called in just to get cut must be devastating.  

  • Love 1

makes me wonder with half the squad being rookies and having to continue to learn so much more after training camp, maybe Judy and Kelli just don't want any strugglers that they need to "develop" this season. it's easier to take a chance if you have 6 rookies... But when half your squad is NEW I think maybe it is too much of a performance risk.


I really respect that if this is indeed their new way of thinking. Many years they have let girls in the squad that had some obvious problems (recently Morgan, Breelan and Ashley Pro) who just were never going to be able to cut it.  Better I think to cut those girls and encourage them to come back next season and try again.

Edited by ChlcGirl
  • Love 3

Who was the brunette with the knee brace on? I am assuming vet, but only saw the back of her in a group shot.

does anyone wonder if Courtney was cut because they would be at 35 instead and that messes with the triangle?


I think Bess had the knee brace...not that we've seen her since like the first night of training camp when they introduced her and Madeline LOL

  • Love 1

I don't understand Courtney getting cut and Simone making it another week at all. When they were dancing side by side with Loren, Courtney blew Simone away.

When Kyndall had to dance by Jacie I thought, "oh no." Kelli seems to really like her, so I think if she can work hard this year and come back stronger, she has a good shot.

Edited by PrincessLeia

My heart broke for Taylor. I thought her kicks looked better than Loni, Kali's, and Mackenzie Lee's last night. But what do I know.

Just stop taking girls into training camp if their kicks aren't up to snuff at auditions. Just stop. It's mean.

I wonder if they end up doing that next year. Only 2 judges said yes to Taylor. With 10 maybes and 4 noes, maybe they just shouldn't have given her hope? I wonder too if she might have been ok if she was taller, being so close to the end means she has more focus than the girls in the middle.

To me, the meanest cuts are the girls who just don't look good in the uniform because they are too stocky. That is hard, because they really can't change their body proportions.

  • Love 1

Someone explained that beautifully on the last episode posts....it has to do with strength keeping it up there combined with flexibility. but, they explained it really well.



Thanks for the compliment; that was me. Here's what I said about kicks: 

With bad kicks like Taylor's, sometimes the problem isn't as much a lack of flexibility as it is a lack of strength. She appears to be first lifting at her knee and then trying to "fling" the leg to straighten; the technique is all wrong and all the stretching in the world won't fix it! A strong high kick begins with a brush of the foot and hard point of the toe; the lift comes from a tension that extends from abdominal muscles all through the leg.

She needs intensive weight-resistance training in which she slowly raises and holds for as long as she can, even if it's just at waist height. Once she can do that, it sets up a good foundation for adding a kicking action and pushing the leg higher. Another exercise is going to a ballet barre and placing the leg at a correct turned-out position. Then, using abdominals and no kicking, slowly and repeatedly lift the leg up and off the barre and then back down to the barre. It really does work.

I wonder if they end up doing that next year. Only 2 judges said yes to Taylor. With 10 maybes and 4 noes, maybe they just shouldn't have given her hope? I wonder too if she might have been ok if she was taller, being so close to the end means she has more focus than the girls in the middle.

To me, the meanest cuts are the girls who just don't look good in the uniform because they are too stocky. That is hard, because they really can't change their body proportions.

Yes, with two yes votes, you kind of wonder how she made it in. I wonder if Kelli and Judy were the two yes votes.

This is going to be rude, but Kaleigh just doesn't have a pretty DCC face. She's like an older looking, less beautiful version of vet Holly. I really noticed her face when she was cut.

  • Love 1

Some observations:

- This is silly but Loren's hair when she was tutoring the girls was gorgeous.  Since her hair was such an issue on the show, I thought I would point that out.

- Everyone is commenting that Melissa is more helpful this year but most of the girls she is advising are getting cut.  The girls she mentored last season made the team.  I agree that I think her advice is more specific this year but still.  Did she spend more time with the rookie's last year?  We'll never know.

- I think no one realizes how much Judy and Kelli really know about their jobs.  Somewhere it was said, "follow your gut instinct."  The decisions they make are based on so many years experience BUT the one thing they cannot know is how much work a rookie will put in during the year when/if they make the team to improve.  Morgan, Ashley Pro and Breelan clearly didn't improve the way they should have.  That is a matter of character and hard work and doing everything you can to be the best you can be.  How can you know that about someone?  That, I think is the toughest part of their job.

- Everyone is referring to Loni when discussing Taylor but as Judy said during Season 2, "If Loni doesn't make the team it won't be for lack of hard work because she practices longer and harder than anyone else." I paraphrased but you see my point.  Loni was beautiful and they loved her personality and her work ethic.  I believe that is why she made the team.  They wanted her on the squad. But I think they took more chances back then then they do now.  We have all said that so many girls that made the team back in the day, wouldn't make the team today.  It is way more competitive.  Even Judy Tenuta or whatever her name is (Kelli's best friend) pointed that out.

  • Love 3

I'm really surprised Courtney was cut. She looks like a DCC to me and seems fun and outgoing. She looked great dancing on the field with Melissa. I hope she comes back next year. Kyndall is really pretty and well-spoken. Hopefully she keeps working on the choreography she's learned this year so it comes easier to her next year. I have no idea why Selina was cut. Of course I also didn't know she existed until this episode. I hate that they do that. I wish they would take 5 minutes of the first training camp episode to briefly introduce everyone, at least a photo and a name.

  • Love 1

I did not get that at all... I think she was trying to say she was working on it and secured vets volunteer time to help her continue working on it. She obviously had been working w Melissa already, etc.

I didn't think it was coming from a place of arrogance or anything, but I think if you know you have a certain issue and don't go to anyone for assistance it just looks like you're not putting everything into it that you can.  I assume she didn't get assistance, because she said the vets were willing to work with her, not that they actually did.


All I know is, if I had to reprimand someone on my staff for underperforming and they told me "I know I'm weak in that area, and more experienced staff said they were willing to work with me," I'd reply with "Then why didn't you GO to any of them yet?"

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 1

Was it Courtney who promised "I can be better by football season?" That made me laugh a little. It IS football season; that's why K & J are out of time and can't give any more chances. 


My heart broke for Taylor. I know she'd been working very hard. I wish they'd have let her go earlier. This getting right down to the wire and then cutting a bunch of girls feels cruel to me. 


But I do agree, they're going on instinct, and their instinct is probably correct. 

  • Love 2

Yikes! What a bloodbath.


Precisely what I titled the latest recap, although I also called it a slasher film and the final four cuts were the Walking Dead. Did not mean to be disrespectful to these girls and their dreams, but in week seven, you can't be struggling with the same old stuff. Just fyi if you're interested  http://www.tvruckus.com/2015/09/18/dcc-making-the-team-season-10-week-7-was-a-bloodbath-at-valley-ranch/

I have a hard time understanding why someone like Kat is still there, but Taylor and Courtney are gone. 

Did you notice that the had Kat and Simone in that shadow box in a scene at the very end? Cannot imagine Kelli goes below 34 on the team

  • Love 1

I liked the fact that Kelli made an effort to give some positives to each person before she cut them. I don't recall her doing that consistently in previous years. This season it's almost like she's taking inventory. These are your pluses, these are your minuses. Go work on the minuses and we'll see you next year. It will be interesting to see if people like Kat, Taylor, and Courtney, who really devoted themselves to preparing for a whole year, will have the heart to devote another entire year to this pursuit. And I can only imagine how frustrating it is for them to see girls like Lacey and Holly, fresh out of high school, sail right onto the squad.


Also, it seemed a bit cold to have a uniformed security guy escort the girls in to get cut and then escort them out the door.  Wasn't there anyone else available to do it?  I really hate that the cameras get right up in the girl's face after she's cut. Have a little compassion.


And another thing, in previous years, when a girl got cut, it seemed like she had to turn in everything, including the binder and the pink outfit. I remember thinking how cruel it was to literally take the clothes of her back before kicking her out. This year they just throw on their street clothes and walk out. When did that change?

  • Love 1

I read some other comments that said Taylor had been working on her kicks all year and posting about it on her social media.

She really turned me off with her statement about everyone shod get to have their dream. She certainly has seen other girls cut this season, what about their dreams? I just didn't like her attitude of entitlement there at the end. If your kicks aren't good enough, and they may never be good enough, she doesn't deserve to make the team. I was shocked that she only got 2 yeses, 10 maybes and 4 noes. She seemed to have few fans in the judges.

I agree. I think she is a great dancer, but I'm glad they didn't take her. I would have been mad if they did. I get tired of Kelli's first reason for liking someone being, "She's pretty." I'm sure that's why she took Loni several seasons ago. You're right about her sense of entitlement. She shouldn't have expected to make it without the kicks. And her dreams are no more precious than any of the other girls' dreams. And her comment about being a Barbie not Gumby bothered me, too. Who hasn't taken their Barbie and put her in the split position where her leg is up over her head and wished their own body would do that? I could do the splits when I was much younger but I couldn't from a standing position lift my foot up to my head.


I also want to add, and I know it's been mentioned by others, the makeovers this year really suck. I don't know if they're using different cameras that show more or what, but hair colors are brassy, skin tones seem more orange and just generally the girls don't look that good. I'm glad they cut Kaleigh, too, because she just looked so old and harsh to me. Not as bad as Colby, but not good. 

Edited by SSAHotchner
  • Love 1

I'm ticked off and feel sick- I have not enjoyed this season and I hated this episode. I think K and J acted like mean hags this week, and I lost all respect for both of them. The way they chopped Taylor up just hurt my heart. Taylor was clearly loved by the other girls, and if you study her kicks during auditions then again last night, no they aren't perfect, but damn they are TONS better! So CLEARLY She WAS progressing Noticeably. I agree with whomever mentioned that the Hags ( sorry, I'm really angry) could not even FIND Taylor in the kick line so, please???

I hate that there are at least 4 rookies who are perfect strangers to me... I think 1 blonde, 1 brunette and 2 redheads at least! Who the hell are they? I don't know- nor do I care. Because all the rookies I got attached to got drawn and quartered last night.

I think Taylor and Kyndall are too good for the DCC. I'd love to see Kyndall show up on a movie set in Hollywood, and I'd love love love to see Taylor become a professional racer and get some huge contact to host her own TV show and become a big star. She deserves it.

The K and J and everyone else too- LOVED Courtney from day one, so, what the hell? They never said what her sin was. I hope she becomes a Lakers girl or something... she's too good for DCC too.

Kayleigh. Yup, also too good. Too classy for DCC. Does NOT look "old". Remember how batshit crazy for Kayleigh miss kitty was during auditions? Because Kayleigh is awesome.

Selina, I didn't know. At all. Now I only care about Kat.

In the early days of TC this year It seemed like Raylee the 18 year old prom queen was gonna struggle, and I thought Kashara would be interviewed constantly like Courtney, but no! They both are apparently going to glide onto the squad and we have not had a peep from them, or Jax, or the fab 3, in weeks! (The fab 3 being Amy, Megan and Holly). And we have a bunch of others who are just statues in the background who I don't know and don't care about.

Holly impressed me that she cried pretty hard when Taylor got cut. That showed me something. I cried too. :(

BTW - it's just me being mad and disgusted, or maybe it's just true.... That I don't think either of the 2 h---s would be making the team today, and few if any of their friends would be making it either. Hell, half the class of 2005 would in no way be making this team now.

Btw, I stopped and slo-mo'ed the tape, and the vet who goes down with a scream next week is Angela. I wonder what she did to herself?

I agree with whoever said Lorens hair looks gorgeous now. I think she is beautiful too; most of the team have beautiful faces and they all have gorgeous figures.. a few have kind of thin bad hair, but you can always fix that with extentions.

  • Love 2

Honestly, I feel like at least two or those four cuts were because someone sprang a budget issue on them last minute. I've said all along that was the reason for a move to 34, and they would never in a million years admit that on the show.

If these were the Tampa Bay Bucccaneer cheerleaders, I'd agree with you. But Forbes magazine just released the rankings- the Dallas Cowboys are the richest sports franchise in the WORLD. Valued at either $2 billion or $4 billion- can't remember. I highly doubt budget is an issue. Jerry and Charlotte recognize the value the DCC bring to the empire. If Kelli wanted 36, she'd get 36.

Edited by PrincessLeia

If these were the Tampa Bay Bucccaneer cheerleaders, I'd agree with you. But Forbes magazine just released the rankings- the Dallas Cowboys are the richest sports franchise in the WORLD. Valued at either $2 billion or $4 billion- can't remember. I highly doubt budget is an issue. Jerry and Charlotte recognize the value the DCC bring to the empire. If Kelli wanted 36, she'd get 36.

I remembered reading an article about the cheerleaders a few years ago, and Kelli stated the DCC organization was bringing in around one million dollars a year in revenue. They may be budgeting for the team by the revenue they bring in.

I have a hard time understanding why someone like Kat is still there, but Taylor and Courtney are gone. 

Taylor can't kick. Kat can kick. They're know the most for their kickline.


Honestly, I don't think they should even let anyone who can't kick or do a jump split into auditions. 


Courtney is growing on me, Kyndall never did grow on me, Kaleigh just looks about 10 years older than some of the girls. 


Loren's hair - OMG she should hug Kelli everytime she sees her for getting rid of that highlighter blond. Loren looks amazing now. 


Simone reminds me a little of Cheryl Burke from Dancing with the Stars. Selina who? Don't recall anything else about her.


Kat should invest in some sunscreen. That girl has some deep, deep lines and crows feet. I still think they chose her bc Kelli wanted a former Olympian on the team She's articulate, can kick, and is pretty, but that threw her over the line IMO.


Who was the girl who looked in pain during the jump split?

I haven't finished watching this episode. I only saw Taylor's cut so I don't know how the others went down. Kelli's method of telling the girls they are getting cut is really irritating me. They come in and she asks them how they are feeling. She then she critiques them and gives the girl a say. It never fails that the girl ends up begging and groveling. Taylor was my breaking point. Sitting on the other side of the table, I wouldn't be able to tell what she's getting at. Are you saying you're keeping or cutting me? I don't know what she is expecting the poor girl to say. Is she waiting to make a decision based on the sob story? It's just cruel and confusing for the girls. Why is she even starting a dialogue if she has no intention of keeping her for another night? I want so badly for a TCC to come in, plop herself down on the chair, and straight out ask, "Are you cutting me tonight?" Kelli's technique hasn't been very smooth this season at all.

Even Judy Tenuta or whatever her name is (Kelli's best friend) pointed that out.

That was too funny! I have not heard her name in a long time. I used to love her!

I did not like Loren's personality at all when she was helping Courtney and Simone. I think she's going to be a future Kitty Carter.

Edited by TobyBelle

I was tickled to death to hear Angela saying "y'all."

I kind of loved that, too. It was cute.


I haven't finished watching this episode. I only saw Taylor's cut so I don't know how the others went down. Kelli's method of telling the girls they are getting cut is really irritating me. They come in and she asks them how they are feeling. She then she critiques them and gives the girl a say. It never fails that the girl ends up begging and groveling. Taylor was my breaking point. Sitting on the other side of the table, I wouldn't be able to tell what she's getting at. Are you saying you're keeping or cutting me? I don't know what she is expecting the poor girl to say. Is she waiting to make a decision based on the sob story? It's just cruel and confusing for the girls. Why is she even starting a dialogue if she has no intention of keeping her for another night? I want so badly for a TCC to come in, plop herself down on the chair, and straight out ask, "Are you cutting me tonight?" Kelli's technique hasn't been very smooth this season at all.

That was too funny! I have not heard her name in a long time. I used to love her!

I did not like Loren's personality at all when she was helping Courtney and Simone. I think she's going to be a future Kitty Carter.

I actually liked Loren for once. You can tell she's a teacher, and I absolutely do not think she was rough or rude. She was firm, but explained and also demonstrated what they were doing wrong and showed how to correct it. I don't think she was abrasive like Kitty, vague like Judy, and she treated the girls like people, not random pieces of meat to scrunch your nose at.


Honestly, I don't know how much 'kinder' or 'gentler Kelli can cut girls than those she did tonight. This is a very high profile entertainment job. These are grown women, Most casting directors wouldn't even give them half the courtesy Judy and Kelli do. They at least tell most of them they are pretty, smart, talented, etc., just not right for the team, and some they encourage to come back. 

  • Love 5

To me this season has been disjointed, and I can't really put my finger on why. Maybe they're cramming too much into the episodes, maybe not. I just don't know. But none of the Rookies have really made that much of an impression on me.


Anyway, I don't think Kelli and Judy have been mean this year at all. In fact, I think Kelli has been more generous with compliments for the girls she's going to cut. She's demanding and has ultra high standards, thus I haven't noticed her giving out much of any compliments in previous seasons. This year she has.  And while I wish Taylor had made the squad, I agree they shouldn't have brought her into TC with her kicks that low.  They gave her every available opportunity to get them higher, and she really could only get the right leg marginally higher. So she was cut.


Courtney is adorable, but she didn't have the clean, sensual style of the other DCCs. That's something she can definitely work on, maybe taking lessons from Kitty or one of the former DCCs who have a studio. I hope she returns next season.


I really wish we'd see more of the other Rookie candidates, but MTT never really shows the girls that are strong enough to make the squad. In S9 we didn't hardly see Melissa, Kelsey, Mary or Veronica. Mainly the cameras focused on the strugglers.  Same this year.  I would like to see the excellent dancers; Holly, Meagan C, KaShara, the Amys, etc.  I'd even love seeing the Vets, because they're working on MTT too. 


I do think S7 was the best, because we got to see the Vets more, and for those fans who love the DCC, we like seeing how the Vets are doing.

  • Love 2

There is no way the difference between 34 and 36 girls is a budget issue. Consider:


- The girls get paid nothing for training camp.

- The girls get something like $50 a home game.

- A majority of appearances are unpaid.

- Expenses such as uniforms, make-up, etc. are born by the girls

- Big expensive trips (like the calendar shoot) never take the full squad.


The difference between 34 and 36 girls on the bottom line is basically zero. 36 is the easiest to choreograph around (they have four groups, so you ideally want a multiple of four for the number of girls on your squad) but they aren't going to be told no you can't have those two extra girls it doesn't hurt the organization at all.

- The girls get paid nothing for training camp.

- The girls get something like $50 a home game.

- A majority of appearances are unpaid.

- Expenses such as uniforms, make-up, etc. are born by the girls

- Big expensive trips (like the calendar shoot) never take the full squad.


They get more like $150 a game, and they do NOT pay for uniforms, makeup or big trips. The DCC organization pays for the uniforms, but makeup, practice outfits, hair, tanning, gym memberships, etc are comped by sponsors and/or provided by the organization. The girls aren't out of pocket for any of that. They most they probably have to pay for is appropriate undergarments, pantyhose, curling irons/flat irons, tips at the salons, eyelashes, and that sort of thing. (Not to mention the gifts they're expected to give each other on game day.) Although I disagree with the above list, I do agree with the main point: this is not a budgetary issue. Just like any other business, I'm sure Kelli submits a budget for approval each year, well in advance of auditions. That budget is for the entire upcoming year, and provides for up to X number of cheerleaders for the season. They wouldn't go through auditions, trips to oxnard, and most of DCC training camp and then decide at the last minute that all of a sudden there wasn't enough money to go around. Not unless the organization was in serious financial distress, and there's been no indication of that.

Edited by sleepyjean
I'll never get how you can be loose/flexible enough to do a jump split but then have low kicks!

As someone explained above, sometimes it's not just about flexibility but also strength. There are a couple of things to keep in mind:


(1) When you are doing the splits on the ground, gravity is assisting you if you aren't quite flexible enough. The weight of your torso pulls you down towards the ground. This means you don't need any strength at all to get into this position, just some flexibility. If you want to see someone's "real" splits flexibility, have them lie on the ground with one leg straight down and the other leg extended towards their face (without using their hands to pull their front leg into the splits). There are a lot of girls who can get into the splits on the ground, but when they roll over into this position and don't have gravity to help pull their torsos down, their front leg is at maybe 120 degrees without assistance.


(2) The hamstring flexibility for splits on the ground vs high kicks is different. Look at the position of the front leg relative to the torso. When you are in the splits on the ground, the front leg is at a 90 degree angle to your torso. When you are doing high kicks, the front leg is at about 160-170 degrees, which is the equivalent of doing the splits on the ground and then putting your forehead almost on your shin. This obviously requires more hamstring flexibility (as well as the strength mentioned above - you need strength in your core and your quads to be able to kick your leg up).


As a side note, if you watch the kickline from the side view, you will see that not all of the girls are actually doing full 180 splits in the air during the jump splits. But when it's done in unison, it's just a split second so as long as you get your front leg up  and then slide down into the splits on the ground, it gives the illusion that everyone did full jump splits in the air.

  • Love 3

But I think they took more chances back then then they do now.  We have all said that so many girls that made the team back in the day, wouldn't make the team today.  It is way more competitive. 

I really think the introduction of the jumbotron altered things hugely.  Tiny flaws and mistakes in the dancing are amplified to where everyone in the stadium can see them, whereas before it didn't matter so much.

  • Love 2

I did not like Loren's personality at all when she was helping Courtney and Simone. I think she's going to be a future Kitty Carter.


Loren is a dance instructor, so that's likely where the "future Kitty" reference comes from. Then again..so is Jenn K. So forget I said that. She is a bit harsh, and if you ask me, she's not senior enough (in my opinion) to be all "vets this/vets need to that"..


To me this season has been disjointed, and I can't really put my finger on why. Maybe they're cramming too much into the episodes, maybe not. I just don't know. But none of the Rookies have really made that much of an impression on me.


I agree. Definitely seems rushed and jammed. Like they tried to get everything in to please everyone, and there is no real flow. There are still rookies we haven't "met" and the squad will be announced next week.

  • Love 2

Loren is a dance instructor, so that's likely where the "future Kitty" reference comes from. Then again..so is Jenn K. So forget I said that. She is a bit harsh, and if you ask me, she's not senior enough (in my opinion) to be all "vets this/vets need to that".

She rubbed me the wrong way when she was working with Courtney and said, "Now did your shoulders move?" That is how I would talk to my 6 year old. When it came to Simone, I thought she could've approached it better than saying, "You caught my attention---but not in a good way." From other episodes in which we've seen veterans working with rookies, I could see those veterans approaching them differently. I really took Loren's style as condescending. Yes, her approach reminded me of Kitty or at least going towards that direction one day. 

  • Love 2

They get more like $150 a game, and they do NOT pay for uniforms, makeup or big trips. The DCC organization pays for the uniforms, but makeup, practice outfits, hair, tanning, gym memberships, etc are comped by sponsors and/or provided by the organization. The girls aren't out of pocket for any of that. They most they probably have to pay for is appropriate undergarments, pantyhose, curling irons/flat irons, tips at the salons, eyelashes, and that sort of thing. (Not to mention the gifts they're expected to give each other on game day.) Although I disagree with the above list, I do agree with the main point: this is not a budgetary issue. Just like any other business, I'm sure Kelli submits a budget for approval each year, well in advance of auditions. That budget is for the entire upcoming year, and provides for up to X number of cheerleaders for the season. They wouldn't go through auditions, trips to oxnard, and most of DCC training camp and then decide at the last minute that all of a sudden there wasn't enough money to go around. Not unless the organization was in serious financial distress, and there's been no indication of that.

Actually the Cowboys do not pay for all hair, makeup etc etc. I have a friend who is a former DCC, a recent former DCC, and the girls pay for the majority of those expenses themselves.

But even if the Cowboys did pay for everything, there's plenty of money to go around. There's no way budget had anything to do with 34 vs. 36 cheerleaders.

Edited by PrincessLeia

I haven't finished watching this episode. I only saw Taylor's cut so I don't know how the others went down. Kelli's method of telling the girls they are getting cut is really irritating me. They come in and she asks them how they are feeling. She then she critiques them and gives the girl a say. It never fails that the girl ends up begging and groveling. Taylor was my breaking point. Sitting on the other side of the table, I wouldn't be able to tell what she's getting at. Are you saying you're keeping or cutting me? I don't know what she is expecting the poor girl to say. Is she waiting to make a decision based on the sob story? It's just cruel and confusing for the girls. Why is she even starting a dialogue if she has no intention of keeping her for another night? I want so badly for a TCC to come in, plop herself down on the chair, and straight out ask, "Are you cutting me tonight?" Kelli's technique hasn't been very smooth this season at all.

I have always thought the meetings in Kellie's office are producer-driven. The production people need the interaction and a conversation, or else there wouldn't be anything to show on TV. Like I heard a long time ago about Judge Judy, the people on the show are encouraged to give their 2 cents, interject, interrupt, etc. I bet before the girls go into Kellie's office they are told to state their case, tell Kellie why they should stay on the team, and explain everything they are feeling. I think the normal "cut process" was a lot more boring and a lot less dramatic before the cameras showed up. Probably a lot less cuts, too, and a lot less girls in training camp who clearly were never going to make the final team.

  • Love 4

I don't like that they dragged out the evaluations for so long, either ignored certain candidates during that time (one of them said she'd never been called into the office), encouraged others to keep trying (Taylor), and then cut them so close to the end. As others have said, it was a bloodbath, and I think they did it strictly for TV.


I also think production scripted those unusually long "begging" scenes, where each candidate begged for another chance over and over. Usually a candidate will listen, make the comment that she thinks she can do better and request another try, be told no, and then say "thanks for the opportunity" and it's over. I thought I sensed tight-lipped anger in two of them, and I think it may have been at being used for the show. This part of the episode was tacky and undignified for all involved.


I also thought Kelli and Judy were making comments solely for the cameras when they were on the field. Maybe that's why so much of their commentary seems meaningless - because it's different on-camera than what they say off-camera.


It will be a bit of a relief when this season is over. There was too much negativity and not enough stuff that was fun to watch.

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I'm guessing that the cut to 34 had to do with the number of rookies. I agree with the poster who said that with 20 vets and 14 rookies, they just couldn't take the borderline strugglers.

I said before, and I agree, that the huge screen changed everything with regards to who makes it or which risks they can afford to take. It may even be worse now with everyone videoing and posting to YouTube. Any glaring mistakes are going to last a long time online.

Edited by rose711
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