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S06.E08: What Makes You Happy

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So to go back to an earlier discussion, I'm pretty torn about the dinner with Leah, Corey, and Miranda. I completly sympathize with how fed up they must be at this point, but their instance in the vernacular of rehab over treatment sort of smacked of wanting a "I told you so" moment. Totally understandable, but maybe not needed? As for Leah taking/not taking responsibility....eh. I mean she booked herself into a rehab. Does she need to call it such in front of her ex and his new wife on camera?

Considering Cory said to Leah, "What is this meeting about?" (paraphrasing), that means Leah called for this meeting to speak to both of them. The person who is calling a meeting should come right out and say exactly what it is they are planning to do since this affects the children of the man with who was sitting across the table.


I also didn't get any feeling of "I told you so". 


Leah had the opportunity to just fade away from the show. She didn't want to return. She could have gone off into the sunset and watch her Teen Mom star fade and take all her secrets with her and not have to be sneaky with her words on camera. Instead, she returns to the show, high as fuck, still being enabled, and the father of the children is concerned.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 12

I think Miranda was just too pregnant to deal with Leah's excuses and obfuscations. I don't know if it was hormones or what, but there was a time during my pregnancy that I was just over other people's nonsense and playing nice.

Leah was no doubt high when she was holding baby Bailey; that looked like a straight opiate nod right there. Thank goodness someone took the baby from her.

I was shocked that Leah's brother named his kid a reasonably normal and normally spelled name - Bailey. I'm guessing any further kids he has will also have B names like how Leah's offspring have A names. I guess since she's the last to reproduce of the siblings, when Victoria has kids they'll all have C names. ;)

Jenelle will always care more about Nathan or whoever her current guy is rather than her kids. Sad. I'm no fan of Nathan, but it speaks volumes about how awful living with Jenelle must be if he just couldn't take it anymore and decided to leave behind the MTV money and more camera time and be with someone else...cause we know he loves attention and that MTV money. I just hope Jenelle doesn't try to use Kaiser to hurt Nathan; in the end that will only hurt Kaiser. However, I'm thinking Jenelle doesn't spend that much time with Kaiser when the MTV cameras aren't around.

Anyone else curious if the bad relationship Barb was in where she was abused was her marriage to Jenelle's dad? If so, I'm putting together the pieces and it seems Barb packed up her kids, moved several states away, took a job at WalMart to get herself and her kids out of that situation. Sounds like Barb has had a rough life and has tried to do best for her kids against some pretty tough odds.

  • Love 11

Considering Cory said to Leah, "What is this meeting about?" (paraphrasing), that means Leah called for this meeting to speak to both of them. The person who is calling a meeting should come right out and say exactly what it is they are planning to do since this affects the children of the man with who was sitting across the table.

I also didn't get any feeling of "I told you so".

Leah had the opportunity to just fade away from the show. She didn't want to return. She could have gone off into the sunset and watch her Teen Mom star fade and take all her secrets with her and not have to be sneaky with her words on camera. Instead, she returns to the show, high as fuck, still being enabled, and the father of the children is concerned.

That was a point I made earlier... Leah had decided not to return, they even had started filming without her. I'm not sure who had the change of heart, whether MTV begged and conceded to her restrictions or if she made the offer and requested to not disclose everything and they accepted, but either way to me, she loses a little bit of sympathy because it proves that she could have gotten out of or just not signed another contract.

I thought I saw somewhere that after filming teen mom og minus the 4th wall that some of teen mom 2 was going to be filmed like that, is that later in the season? Or maybe they changed their mind. I'm not sure I care either way, I'm just curious.

  • Love 2

I think the moral of the series so far is:

If you pick drugs and more babies with guys you barely know & when you still barely know yourself, you end up like Leah and Jenelle.

If you pick benefits, a new baby, a wedding to a guy you don't know well enough, and a house to show up your alcoholic mom and first baby daddy (as well as anyone who wronged Kail or she thinks has wronged her) and try to excise your involved first baby daddy from his child's life, you end up miserable like Kail.

If you finish some sort of practical training/schooling, don't buy new cars every few months (or buy them for boyfriends), realize your baby daddy is a douce & move on, don't have a second baby/wedding with a guy you just met, you get to have a baby pig with your boyfriend. Your boyfriend will even agree to be on the show although he's clearly nervous. He will even put up with your baby talk and be super excited about lil piggy himself because you're so excited.

Chelsea for the win.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 18

Confession time: sometimes...I use a baby voice. Sometimes I use accents. Sometimes I use a hulk smash voice. All of these are used in front of my family and friends. Why? Because I like being silly. Chelsea's baby voice might grate, but I haven't noticed her use it when speaking to a lawyer or at school or work.

I do this too, truelovekiss.

In defense of Chelsea's baby voice, sometimes girls are kind of socialized to think that talking in a baby voice is something some men find sexy. Think Anna Nicole Smith and to some extent, Marilyn Monroe.

Interesting little piece on women who baby-talk: https://intothegloss.com/2014/07/vocal-fry-voice-coach/

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 3

Does Janelle think "dramastically" is a word or is she trying to make fetch happen?

Oh no, she believes it's a word.  And in the after show, Leah did too.  Chelsea had to explain it to Leah because she was using it in a sentence to try and prove it was a word.  


Cory posted on Twitter earlier.  http://theashleysrealityroundup.com/2015/08/28/corey-simms-defends-his-actions-against-leah-messer-after-she-denies-drug-problem-on-teen-mom-2/


According to that article Leah never got on the plane?!!  The article also gives a link to an earlier article that says this: 

As for Jeremy’s wife, Leah, she is currently in rehab. As The Ashley exclusively told you earlier this month, reports that Leah was in rehab in early May were FALSE. She was scheduled to go to rehab in early May, and even headed to the airport, but never got on the plane. The Ashley’s production source tells her that Leah left for rehab last Thursday, and it is likely being filmed for the sixth season of ‘Teen Mom 2.’


Leah didn’t exactly go willingly, however. The production source tells The Ashley that the show’s producers had to essentially force Leah to go. They used something in her contract terms to force her to go to rehab, and from what the source told The Ashley, producers basically refused  to continue their contract with her until she went.

Edited by Mkay
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Assuming that is true, was that just a staged scene of her going to the airport? Did Leah think if she was filmed going to the airport, the producers would back off of her? Did she hide in the bathroom? I am trying to figure this out. It sounds so funny and yet, it isn't. 



They used something in her contract terms to force her to go to rehab,

If this is true, what exactly would be in the contract? I would think even MTV would know that you cannot force people to enter rehab. They have to want to go.

  • Love 1

I think the moral of the series so far is:

If you pick drugs and more babies with guys you barely know & when you still barely know yourself, you end up like Leah and Jenelle.

If you pick benefits, a new baby, a wedding to a guy you don't know well enough, and a house to show up your alcoholic mom and first baby daddy (as well as anyone who wronged Kail or she thinks has wronged her) and try to excise your involved first baby daddy from his child's life, you end up miserable like Kail.

If you finish some sort of practical training/schooling, don't buy new cars every few months (or buy them for boyfriends), realize your baby daddy is a douce & move on, don't have a second baby/wedding with a guy you just met, you get to have a baby pig with your boyfriend. Your boyfriend will even agree to be on the show although he's clearly nervous. He will even put up with your baby talk and be super excited about lil piggy himself because you're so excited.

Chelsea for the win.

This all day^^^^

Even though Chelsea can be dingy at times, she's the only one who seems to be able to handle life, her household, her kid and her pets without 100 friends and relatives picking up the slack. Yeah, she turns to Randylicious for advice on Adam, and her parents help out occasionally with Aubree, but I don't get the impression they're her indentured servants the way Barb, the Morroquins and the Messers are with Jenelle, Kail and Leah. If Lois Griffin watches Aubree it's usually because Chelsea has something specific to do, she's not dumping her kid off because she can't deal or she needs one of Kail's endless "breaks."

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 13

Assuming that is true, was that just a staged scene of her going to the airport? Did Leah think if she was filmed going to the airport, the producers would back off of her? Did she hide in the bathroom?


I was thinking she would be lucky to make it to her gate. She was so vacant. 


I would like MTV to take the brave step and ban all phone calls while driving. If they absolutely have to talk on the phone, fucking pull over like a responsible person. 


If Leah was driving drunk, would everybody pussy-foot around like this? I find it very frustrating that on the one hand, "addiction is a disease and there's no shame in it" or so everyone says -- but on the other hand, we're all going to stand around with our hands in our pockets while this young woman self-destructs right before our eyes. Cuz that is what's going on. She's got quite the resume: teen pregnancy, ping-pong husbands, compulsive reproduction, chronic infidelities, shopping addiction, a hoarding problem, a drug problem, an enabling family, and a TV crew chasing around after her with her three children, one with special needs, while she's waving her cigarette around trash-talking her ex on the phone while driving high with unsecured children in the car. This is verging on being seriously morally fucked up on the part of MTV here, and making half-assed gestures about rehab is NO answer. In my humble opinion. 

Edited by lidarose9
  • Love 19

Wow, I didn't intend that last post to be so hysterical. I guess I must feel kinda strongly about this. 


About Jenelle. I don't think Jenelle loves any of these guys she's attached herself to. I don't think Janelle loves anyone, except herself. These aren't even really relationships. She just pulls some loser into her web if he fits the profile, and weaves her sick dependencies all around them, and sucks all the drama she can out of the situation, and then moves onto the next one.  

Edited by lidarose9
  • Love 6

Assuming that is true, was that just a staged scene of her going to the airport? Did Leah think if she was filmed going to the airport, the producers would back off of her? Did she hide in the bathroom? I am trying to figure this out. It sounds so funny and yet, it isn't. 


If this is true, what exactly would be in the contract? I would think even MTV would know that you cannot force people to enter rehab. They have to want to go.

I leaning more towards once Mama Dawn and Film Crew couldn't follow Leah beyond security at the airport, she didn't get on the plane at all.  She probably got a ride to a hotel until Mama Dawn called.  Or she could have gotten on the plane and checked into a hotel instead of rehab.  The Ashley is usually correct but the parts about what may have happened are just my thoughts.  I know that she wan't gone long at all!

  • Love 4

No, but she is using it on TV.

Your point is?





I'm sure she needs something to wash the pillses down. Mountain Dew and vodka?

Leah is a damn mess. I was just reminded on another thread that she smokes as well. I keep forgetting that about her. That girl will have some health issues by the time she is 40 years old. The way she is going, she will look like forty in five years.



I leaning more towards once Mama Dawn and Film Crew couldn't follow Leah beyond security at the airport, she didn't get on the plane at all.  She probably got a ride to a hotel until Mama Dawn called.

I wouldn't be surprised if Leah was under the influence at the airport and was denied entry on the plane.

  • Love 4
I was shocked that Leah's brother named his kid a reasonably normal and normally spelled name - Bailey. I'm guessing any further kids he has will also have B names like how Leah's offspring have A names. I guess since she's the last to reproduce of the siblings, when Victoria has kids they'll all have C names. ;)

Now I can't stop hearing the Jackson Five's "ABC" in my head when I see the Messers...Victoria's kid will be Celfie Leadpipe Jones.



Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 3

   I think they were seeing if she was actually going to rehab for the right reason (to actually get better) or to just get everyone off her back. If she still cannot admit that she has a problem and what that problem is, then she is just wasting everybody's time because once she leaves, she will just start using again. She is lucky that they actually care. I would have been quietly documenting everything, speaking with teachers, Goggles' therapist and parents of my daughters' classmates to swiftly snatch custody from her. Screw Leah's sobriety. My kids' safety comes first.


THIS.  I would be seeking immediate emergency custody of those girlsies if I were Corey and Miranda.  If Leah comes home from rehab and is actually sober, than fine, adjust it back.  But since she actually does leave a mere two days later, that would've at least prevented her from putting the girlses back in the same exact situation they were in before (yes I know, easier said than done. Considering all this has actually happened, it's not like anything we say here matters anyway.)

  • Love 7

Assuming that is true, was that just a staged scene of her going to the airport? Did Leah think if she was filmed going to the airport, the producers would back off of her? Did she hide in the bathroom? I am trying to figure this out. It sounds so funny and yet, it isn't. 


If this is true, what exactly would be in the contract? I would think even MTV would know that you cannot force people to enter rehab. They have to want to go.

Maybe they forced her to go by threatening to pull her off the show if she didn't. They did that with Ruthie on The Real World Hawaii. She was an alcoholic. When she drank and drove on camera, that was the final straw for them and they actually broke the fourth wall and told her she had to do 30 days in rehab in order to stay on the show.

  • Love 4

Maybe they forced her to go by threatening to pull her off the show if she didn't. They did that with Ruthie on The Real World Hawaii. She was an alcoholic. When she drank and drove on camera, that was the final straw for them and they actually broke the fourth wall and told her she had to do 30 days in rehab in order to stay on the show.


Exactly.  Mtv can't force Leah to go to rehab, and Leah can't force Mtv to film her. If she wants one than she has to do the other.  Her going to rehab is still voluntary.  No one is driving her there at gunpoint.  No one is threatening her with jail (that we know of.  I don't know how CPS hasn't gotten involved at this point.)

  • Love 1

Maybe they forced her to go by threatening to pull her off the show if she didn't. They did that with Ruthie on The Real World Hawaii. She was an alcoholic. When she drank and drove on camera, that was the final straw for them and they actually broke the fourth wall and told her she had to do 30 days in rehab in order to stay on the show.

Actually, MTV asked her to see a counselor only. It was the roommates who gave her an ultimatum because she was verbally abusive to them. I remember that show very well and her incidents. PEOPLE also confirms this: http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20129070,00.html


On the RW, applicants applied to be on the show. They were not paid. After the infamous blanket incident, it showed that the roommates could choose to ask someone to leave if they crossed a certain line, just like in the real world. This is Teen Mom. The girls do get paid. Technically although we know the fourth wall is there, it is kept hidden, unlike how it was taken down for Teen Mom OG.


Although I could see the producers of this show giving Leah an ultimatum, it is pointless because it is not a group of people, such as her family and friends, who are standing up to Leah to tell her she needs help. It is MTV dangling a paycheck. That is all that Leah has going on in life, that MTV money. She has no job, no career, no skills other than climbing in and out of windows with Robbie. She no longer has Jeremy's cash except for child support. Of course she will do what MTV says. That to me, is not voluntary, that is desperation. That is like hanging a steak in front a hungry person. 


Leah may appear and look healthy, there is still something going on there within her. Right out of rehab she hooks up with some guy and moves in with him.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4

This may be old news since I haven't read through all the posts (this is a long one!) but I wanted to comment on the Leah/painkillers issue. Sounds like she had pain issues after Addie was born which was 2 years ago! But I could see a doctor ordering 1 pain med, maybe 2 but not that many. People have different reactions to those meds, some it makes them sleepy others give them energy. I had friends who would take them for fun cause it gave them energy and made them feel good. For her to be so out of it she must be on quite a few meds if she has been taking them for over 2 years. I have been on strong pain meds for years and have never looked like that, ever. And if you take them as prescribed for pain, which I do, then they do help you function and don't make you tired. As someone who knows a good amount about narcotics and opiates she is completely high and could not convince me otherwise. Stress and anxiety do not make you act/look like that, she obviously thinks we're stupid and for her mom to support it and go along with her lies is sickening. She is not going to get help if she can't admit she has a problem and family members aren't truthful with her.

Kailyn actually wasn't too bad this episode but for her that means she was less of a bitch than usual but still a bitch. I like Javi when he is not around her, and it seems Jo does too. I also like that Jo doesn't talk shit about them behind their backs (at least not that we see).

I hate Chelsea's baby voice and I feel sorry for Cole having to hear it so much. He seems really nice and good for her so I hope she ditches that crap and doesn't drive him away.

If Jenelle wasn't so horrible I might actually feel sorry for her. When she was crying in the car to Nathan and he just said "we'll talk", I could tell he knows he's got her right where he wants her and is going to keep her hanging. He will probably go back to her when it's convenient for him and leave again when he finds someone else or she pisses him off (which probably wouldn't take long knowing her). Seemed like he actually cared about the baby but Kaiser will most likely end up like his other kid, very sad.

edited because it posted everything twice, stupid phone

Edited by Sounditout
  • Love 3

Actually, MTV asked her to see a counselor only. It was the roommates who gave her an ultimatum because she was verbally abusive to them. I remember that show very well and her incidents. PEOPLE also confirms this: http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20129070,00.html

Oh, you're right. I remember that intervention with the roommates - her sisters were also there, and the douchey roommate that had a crush on her tried to torpedo it by telling her about it in advance. I think one of her sisters cussed out the douchey roommate.

Actually, MTV asked her to see a counselor only. It was the roommates who gave her an ultimatum because she was verbally abusive to them. I remember that show very well and her incidents. PEOPLE also confirms this: http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20129070,00.html


On the RW, applicants applied to be on the show. They were not paid. After the infamous blanket incident, it showed that the roommates could choose to ask someone to leave if they crossed a certain line, just like in the real world. This is Teen Mom. The girls do get paid. Technically although we know the fourth wall is there, it is kept hidden, unlike how it was taken down for Teen Mom OG.


Although I could see the producers of this show giving Leah an ultimatum, it is pointless because it is not a group of people, such as her family and friends, who are standing up to Leah to tell her she needs help. It is MTV dangling a paycheck. That is all that Leah has going on in life, that MTV money. She has no job, no career, no skills other than climbing in and out of windows with Robbie. She no longer has Jeremy's cash except for child support. Of course she will do what MTV says. That to me, is not voluntary, that is desperation. That is like hanging a steak in front a hungry person. 


Leah may appear and look healthy, there is still something going on there within her. Right out of rehab she hooks up with some guy and moves in with him.


You make it sound like Mtv is the bad guy for telling her to go to rehab.  Many employers condition an employees continued employment on them seeking help for drug addiction.  It's not at all unusual and is looked at as compassionate, not overbearing.  They could just as easily fire the employee.  If that's what gets them into rehab then that's what gets them into rehab.  I've got plenty of clients that were "forced" into rehab (that or jail) and it's completely changed their lives around.

  • Love 1

I give it a month till we find out Chelsea is pregnant . In teen mom land they pop out babies the second they meet the guy .

They've been together for more than a year and she's not pregnant. If she does have another baby I think she's in the best position of every one of these girls to have one.

She has a stable relationship, has her own home and has a career established for when the show is over. She also has the only man who actually has a life and career if his own.

Go for it Chelsea

  • Love 9

I hate Chelsea's baby voice and I feel sorry for Cole having to hear it so much. He seems really nice and good for her so I hope she ditches that crap and doesn't drive him away.

Edited the quote for space. 


I don't think Cole really minds Chelsea's voice since he has a unique voice himself.  He doesn't seem to mind at all, in fact. I'm not a huge fan of her manner of speaking, but you know what, if that's the only thing we can complain about with regard to Chelsea then she's doing just fine. 

  • Love 8

Edited the quote for space. 


I don't think Cole really minds Chelsea's voice since he has a unique voice himself.  He doesn't seem to mind at all, in fact. I'm not a huge fan of her manner of speaking, but you know what, if that's the only thing we can complain about with regard to Chelsea then she's doing just fine. 

She is doing fine.

You make it sound like Mtv is the bad guy for telling her to go to rehab.  Many employers condition an employees continued employment on them seeking help for drug addiction.  It's not at all unusual and is looked at as compassionate, not overbearing.  They could just as easily fire the employee.  If that's what gets them into rehab then that's what gets them into rehab.  I've got plenty of clients that were "forced" into rehab (that or jail) and it's completely changed their lives around.

For one, I don't even know for a fact if MTV gave her the option. I don't have any proof that MTV offered her a stint in rehab. Second, if MTV did offer her rehab, they should have done it BEFORE taping, not during taping. Why offer this girl a contract for another season when CLEARLY she had issues going back as far as two seasons ago? I cannot compare what MTV does to what a legit employer would do in this instance. MTV is a joke for the most part. As much as I dislike Leah, I just cannot fathom what is the point of filming this girl's addiction problem when the problem is not being discussed. Then, there is the whole thing that makes it seem Jeremy is leaving Leah because she can't keep a clean house and might have a drug issue. Spill it all out MTV. Camo shorts, Robbie, everything.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5


Oh, you're right. I remember that intervention with the roommates - her sisters were also there, and the douchey roommate that had a crush on her tried to torpedo it by telling her about it in advance. I think one of her sisters cussed out the douchey roommate.

It's been so long that I cannot remember the details but, what a great series The Real World used to be. The roommates handled Ruthie's addiction issue as best as they could. The best thing to do in situations like what Leah is experiencing, is to lay it all out there. Explain to the addict how their actions and behavior cause you to feel and then lay out what it is you need from them along with a consequence. Ruthie was given that ultimatum. No wiggle-room.


If only MTV had just laid out to Leah that they could no longer film her and won't film her or her kids anymore because they can't be her enabler.

  • Love 1

She is doing fine.

For one, I don't even know for a fact if MTV gave her the option. I don't have any proof that MTV offered her a stint in rehab. Second, if MTV did offer her rehab, they should have done it BEFORE taping, not during taping. Why offer this girl a contract for another season when CLEARLY she had issues going back as far as two seasons ago? I cannot compare what MTV does to what a legit employer would do in this instance. MTV is a joke for the most part. As much as I dislike Leah, I just cannot fathom what is the point of filming this girl's addiction problem when the problem is not being discussed. Then, there is the whole thing that makes it seem Jeremy is leaving Leah because she can't keep a clean house and might have a drug issue. Spill it all out MTV. Camo shorts, Robbie, everything.


For what it's worth, I completely agree with you on all of this.

  • Love 1

While I do believe Chelsea plays up her voice, only because it's not quite so noticeable when she's talking to the lawyer for example, but I don't think it's something that should be held against her. I'm a little sensitive when it comes to voices because I have what is most commonly described as a "little" voice and I am 33. it hurts my feelings when people make comments about it (moreso when I was younger, I don't care as much now) because it is out of my control. I suppose I could teach myself to speak "deeper", but that would be really hard. Funny thing is, in my career it is actually an asset (I'm a pediatric nurse).

The point of this site is snark, so I'm not saying her voice should be off limits, but I just wanted to offer my perspective on the issue. In the grand scheme of the moms I would consider baby voice the least of anyone's worries. I also find it hilarious that with Chelea's high pitched voice probably being the one most prevalent in Aubrees life, she has that deep husky voice, guess it just goes to show how little control we have over these things.

  • Love 5

I don't like Chelsea's baby voice but at least we aren't treated to scenes of her yakking on the phone with Cole at 1am high as a kite complaining how stressed out she is while Aubrey is boiling water to make ramen.

When Jeremy mentioned Leah calling him at one in the morning, I wanted to yell at my tv "Tell me more!" like the girls in the movie "Grease".


At this point, I think MTV as a whole, is on drugs.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 10

Chelsea's baby voice and baby talk don't really bother me, really, but sometimes it's like, "Ugh, talk like a normal person for five minutes, please." And it just struck me funny how Cole talks to her the same way and I got a "Oh my God, now there's two of them!" vibe when they were chatting. Heh. They do sound cute and it makes them a quirky cute couple when they do that, but really, if I had to be trapped in a room with them listening to them talk to each other like that for more than 20 minutes I'd probably hang myself.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 7


Nobody has felt the need to post anything in Chelsea's thread since August 14th. I think that's a pretty good sign that she's doing well! For the rest of them, things are slow if nobody's posted in the last 20 minutes or so.


If this show was only about Chelsea, and we didn't have to compare the other train wrecks to her, we'd all be saying what a dumb ass she is. First, letting her kid refer to her boyfriend as a second dad is just WRONG. I know Adam's an ass, but he's not an absent parent. And Chelsea has no idea at this point whether she and the boyfriend will last. She's setting Aubree up for another disappointment if things don't work out.


Second, all the animals. When MTV pulls the plug and Chelsea has to work full time to pay her bills, having 3 pets plus a school-age child is going to overwhelm her. One of those animals is eventually headed for another home or to the animal shelter.


Chelsea seems fine right now, when she can live off MTV money and work just part time as the salon. But ole' Chelsea never handled stress well, and there's a lot of it coming when she has to do some full time work to make ends meet. Plus, I want to know for real when the last time she had sex with Adam was.


Somehow, I picture Aubree eventually ending up like Leah. They seem to have similar life situations as children, and they seem to have similar personalities.

  • Love 6

If this show was only about Chelsea, and we didn't have to compare the other train wrecks to her, we'd all be saying what a dumb ass she is. First, letting her kid refer to her boyfriend as a second dad is just WRONG. I know Adam's an ass, but he's not an absent parent. And Chelsea has no idea at this point whether she and the boyfriend will last. She's setting Aubree up for another disappointment if things don't work out.


Second, all the animals. When MTV pulls the plug and Chelsea has to work full time to pay her bills, having 3 pets plus a school-age child is going to overwhelm her. One of those animals is eventually headed for another home or to the animal shelter.


Chelsea seems fine right now, when she can live off MTV money and work just part time as the salon. But ole' Chelsea never handled stress well, and there's a lot of it coming when she has to do some full time work to make ends meet. Plus, I want to know for real when the last time she had sex with Adam was.


Somehow, I picture Aubree eventually ending up like Leah. They seem to have similar life situations as children, and they seem to have similar personalities.

I respectfully disagree.... I don't think at all that "we'd all be saying what a dumbass she is".  That is a pretty strong statement, when there are many of us that clearly see her as harmless and living a fairly normal life.  I also don't see Aubree and Leah being similar at all--that comparison confuses me.  

  • Love 11

I am pretty sure Randy said that he invested Chelsea's Mtv money well so when this show ends, she won't be breaking her neck trying to make ends meet. In fact, she will probably own her own salon and hire one of her friends to manage it. I think she will be just fine (although I don't like her letting Aubree call Cole her boyfriend).

  • Love 7

If this show was only about Chelsea, and we didn't have to compare the other train wrecks to her, we'd all be saying what a dumb ass she is. First, letting her kid refer to her boyfriend as a second dad is just WRONG. I know Adam's an ass, but he's not an absent parent. And Chelsea has no idea at this point whether she and the boyfriend will last. She's setting Aubree up for another disappointment if things don't work out.


Second, all the animals. When MTV pulls the plug and Chelsea has to work full time to pay her bills, having 3 pets plus a school-age child is going to overwhelm her. One of those animals is eventually headed for another home or to the animal shelter.


Chelsea seems fine right now, when she can live off MTV money and work just part time as the salon. But ole' Chelsea never handled stress well, and there's a lot of it coming when she has to do some full time work to make ends meet. Plus, I want to know for real when the last time she had sex with Adam was.


Somehow, I picture Aubree eventually ending up like Leah. They seem to have similar life situations as children, and they seem to have similar personalities.


Whaaaaaa?  I couldn't disagree more.  Chelsea is in her early twenties and she's become a licensed esthtician (yeah sorry, can't spell it.), while been a teen mom.  That's impressive in and of itself.  She got off to a rough start with the GED but once she found something she was passionate about, she excelled.  She will always be able to make money now, Mtv or no.  She also owns her own home, which appears to be modest, so I don't see her going into forclosure as soon as this gig ends. And many esthiciticans make a very comfortable income.  She also loves Aubree to death and provides her with a stable home. Watching her with Aubree reminds me of myself with my son (well, the love part.  I like to think I'm better with discipline.) Also, she dated Cole for nearly a year before even introducing him to Aubree and they're waiting even longer for him to move in. She's actually being quite responsible about it.  


For a girl who got knocked up in high school, she's actually doing quite well for herself and I have no doubt she will continue to do so (with the guidance of her family, who, unlike Leah's, actually seems to want to see her succeed.) 

  • Love 8

Chelsea and cole met in july 2014 and he moved into her home a year later. Aubree met him well before a year.

chelsea is Cole's first girlfriend. I hope it works out. They do seem very young and sweet together. Do hope aubree really isnt calling cole daddy. In my opinion way too soon and inappropriate for that.

In other areas chelsea is doing great. :). So don't shoot me!

  • Love 4

Chelsea was a bit of a dumbass at the beginning, but she's since turned into the most grounded girl of the group. If it weren't for that voice thing, she'd be the only one I could tolerate hanging out with on a regular basis. I'm proud of her for how far she's come - constantly running back to Adam and begging him to treat her like crap just one more time, taking forEVER to get her damn GED, pasting everything and everyone in her house in leopard print, etc. As of season one, she seemed like the one headed nowhere the fastest. And look at her now: She's ditched Adam for good, taken her MTV money and invested in a house, and she has a JOB. She took her GED and went to a trade school and she's the only one of the girls who actually bothered to get an actual job. You go, Chels, with your grownup self.


Kailyn, meanwhile, started out as the one I most identified with and seemed the most mature. She got dealt a bad hand in life and she was starting out from probably the worst spot of all the girls, but she was getting it together and going to school for a reasonable career and trying to make her way in life to take care of herself and Isaac. I sided with her on so many things. Now? Ugh. True colors, man. Not a particularly likeable or admirable person at all. But at least she's going back to school again. And Leah went through such a hard time dealing with Ali's medical issues on top of the stress of taking care of twins already. I felt for her. But the girl just has no sense of reality about life and work and money. Guess what, honey child? People have to actually work to earn a living. That is how they sacrifice for their family. Spoiled and delusional. Throw the constant dick-hopping in and forget it.


Jenelle was a trainwreck from day one. Nothing ever changed there, so points for consistency, I guess.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 10

If this show was only about Chelsea, and we didn't have to compare the other train wrecks to her, we'd all be saying what a dumb ass she is. First, letting her kid refer to her boyfriend as a second dad is just WRONG. I know Adam's an ass, but he's not an absent parent. And Chelsea has no idea at this point whether she and the boyfriend will last. She's setting Aubree up for another disappointment if things don't work

I generally like Chelsea, but I agree with you on that one. Personally I would've waited until I was at least formally engaged before allowing a boyfriend to move in with me and my kid.

As far as Chelsea's job, I give a big eye roll to that one. She hardly seems to have any appointments, her main source of income is Teen Mom money which is fine, but I wish people would call a spade a spade and not act like she's some kind of trailblazer because she waxes eyebrows at the salon three hours a week.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 9

If this show was only about Chelsea, and we didn't have to compare the other train wrecks to her, we'd all be saying what a dumb ass she is. First, letting her kid refer to her boyfriend as a second dad is just WRONG. I know Adam's an ass, but he's not an absent parent. And Chelsea has no idea at this point whether she and the boyfriend will last. She's setting Aubree up for another disappointment if things don't work out.


Second, all the animals. When MTV pulls the plug and Chelsea has to work full time to pay her bills, having 3 pets plus a school-age child is going to overwhelm her. One of those animals is eventually headed for another home or to the animal shelter.


Chelsea seems fine right now, when she can live off MTV money and work just part time as the salon. But ole' Chelsea never handled stress well, and there's a lot of it coming when she has to do some full time work to make ends meet. Plus, I want to know for real when the last time she had sex with Adam was.


Somehow, I picture Aubree eventually ending up like Leah. They seem to have similar life situations as children, and they seem to have similar personalities.


For what it's worth, I agree with your first and last points.  I respect that Chelsea isn't a hot mess like her co-stars, but that's not saying much.  In the grand scheme of things, she's essentially just a functional adult, which IMO is nice but doesn't make her such a saint that she's immune from snark.  I just find her annoying to be honest (and not just because of the voice).  Obviously that's my personal opinion and not some great character flaw of hers, but regardless it sure meant I did a lot of fast forwarding this week.  She was particularly grating for some reason.


As to your last point, I wouldn't go as far as to compare her to Leah, but I could see Aubree being a handful as a teenager.  She's adorable, but she has a defiant streak that Chelsea doesn't seem to be great at handling.  Also throw in her potential daddy issues, and things could get rough.  Sadly, I guess a lot of the sweet little ones on these shows are destined to repeat their parents' mistakes.

Edited by AnythingCanBe
  • Love 4

I generally like Chelsea, but I agree with you on that one. Personally I would've waited until I was at least formally engaged before allowing a boyfriend to move in with me and my kid.

As far as Chelsea's job, I give a big eye roll to that one. She hardly seems to have any appointments, her main source of income is Teen Mom money which is fine, but I wish people would call a spade a spade and not act like she's some kind of trailblazer because she waxes eyebrows at the salon three hours a week.

The salon chelsea was going in just when she had appointments is in sioux falls which is 60 miles from where she lives. I don't think she does this often!

  • Love 1

Even if Chelsea goes in just a few days a week she can probably make a good living considering the cost of living there isn't that high and she's not a big spender. We hardly ever see her going out to eat like the others do constantly and how long has she been driving that jeep? Also, like others, I am confident that Randylicious has helped her invest that money wisely so that she is building a nice little nest egg. She might even own the home outright as it probably only cost about $200,000 at the most and she had her friend Chelsey as a roommate and she must have paid some kind of rent and helped with the expenses.


Spa services are not cheap and she is still building a clientele. But I know I dropped $220 at the hair salon the other day and I was one of several appointments my stylist had. She may also do special events like weddings and photo shoots. Would you want an MTV camera in the room while you're getting your face exfoliated or waxed?


As for Aubree turning out like Leah? WTF? I think that's preposterous.

  • Love 8

The salon chelsea was going in just when she had appointments is in sioux falls which is 60 miles from where she lives. I don't think she does this often!

I've been trying to figure out if Chelsea's house is actually in Sioux Falls.  All the places she's filmed in are in Sioux Falls such as Aubree's preschool,  Wine and Canvas,  the Sioux Falls Airport, etc.   The skating rink where Adum  and Skeletor took Aubee skating is also in Sioux Falls.  The Lincoln County Courthouse is in Canton, but since part of Sioux Falls is in Lincoln County either she or Adum could live in SF and have filed the case in Lincoln County. I think Adum lives in Sioux Falls.  It's such a quick hop on the interstate between Sioux Falls and Vermillion that Chelsea could be driving back and forth.  Does anyone know for sure? 

  • Love 1


As for Aubree turning out like Leah? WTF? I think that's preposterous.


Aubree has a loser father, and she gets little in the way of discipline. I don't see Chelsea knowing how to reign her in when she hits the teen years. Plus she'll be missing her father, since he will most likely be moved away or just ignoring her by then. I can totally see Chelsea one day making excuses for her behavior, just like Mama Dawn and Leah. Aubree already runs that house, and she's only 5 years old. She might even run off to live with Adam at some point, who will have no rules at all.

  • Love 2

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