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Production Arts: Costumes, Soundtracks, Props, etc

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I just realized that Henry's red and gray scarf is his version of Emma's red jacket.


Interesting.  I find it hilarious he still wears that same scarf.  He had it on even in "Operation Mongoose".  They seem to like having him with a bit of red.

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I figured it out! The scarf represents Henry's parents, you see. The red is for Emma's jacket and the grey for Regina's pantsuits. And the fact that it just hangs around never actually ever being used is for Neal.

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After watching the episode again, I'm a bit disappointed in Hook's Camelot outfit. The coat seemed too big and shiny, and I didn't like the studs on the collar. It was like they were trying to make him look punk. I also thought he had too much eyeliner on and his hair was too messy for a nice ball. He was much more put together at the other ball. I think maybe the creators thought the fans were missing Hook's old outfit, and thought this would be the best way to bring it back for a time.

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After watching the episode again, I'm a bit disappointed in Hook's Camelot outfit. The coat seemed too big and shiny, and I didn't like the studs on the collar. It was like they were trying to make him look punk. I also thought he had too much eyeliner on and his hair was too messy for a nice ball. He was much more put together at the other ball. I think maybe the creators thought the fans were missing Hook's old outfit, and thought this would be the best way to bring it back for a time.


From the gifs I’ve seen, I didn’t like it either.  It’s borderline cartoonish and yes, the eyeliner was way too much.  Someone in another thread suggested he should’ve worn a doublet and I agree.  However, don’t take him too far off his pirate game.  A black leather/suede or black and red leather number would have looked great on him.  Something like…





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I also thought he had too much eyeliner on and his hair was too messy for a nice ball.


Eh, different strokes. I'm all for Hook going dark raccoon around the eyes and having messy bangs no matter what occasion it is.


Also, I think I'm one of the few people who absolutely despised the Yaz song they kept playing. I love myself some 80s music, but I hate that kind of pop stuff.

Edited by Curio
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^ I liked it. I can never see him really dressing too formal. The 3b outfit was as formal as I can ever see him getting (and that was a disguise).

I think the hair and extra eyeliner fits his current state of mind with the whole Emma-is-the-DO crisis mode he's in. I did think the hair/makeup was more like it was in that abc/HTGAWM promo though.

I actually failed to see Granny's dress during the ball, but Beverly posted a pic of it on twitter. tangerine? Way to go Granny.

I liked the color of Snow's dress and the only thing I didn't like about Belle's and Regina's costumes were the hairdo's.

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I was okay with the heavy eyeliner and hair becasue I think it showed his state of mind.  Basically he was so agitated getting ready and as a result was running his hands through his hair and was heavy handed in putting on the eyeliner.  Because really why are they wasting time with a ball for Regina when his Swan needs to be saved!

Edited by tri4335
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It's funny, XtystalPond, because I had the exact opposite take on Regina's hair. Yes, it was a little more early-Victorian than faux-medieval, but it was a nice departure from her usual Evil Queen fairy-tale look, where her hair is pulled so high and tight poor Lana can barely blink. Combined with the light-colored dress, it made her look much softer

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I feel like the dress didn't really fit Lana. I think a richer color - maybe red, or purple - with a less "Evil" silhouette would have worked better. She looked like she was playing dress up which, I guess, was the point.

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I agree on Emma's dress. It was beautiful and I think closer to a true medieval type dress, but the contrast to everyone else was sort of jarring.


Jen said that the dress should be something that Snow picked for Emma. And given their scene about Snow dreaming of taking her daughter to a ball, then yeah, it totally fits.


Given the whole Emma is the Dark One, the whole look actually fit into that too. All Emma needed was a shining golden halo on top of her head. She was ready to sprout wings, which given her sleeves and the way she was dancing wasn't that far off.

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And Regina's looked messy and like she ran out of time before she could fix it. Usually I love her hair, but this was not the best look.

She looked like she just pulled her hair back and stuck a clip in it without looking in the mirror so it would be out of the way while she mopped the kitchen floor. It wasn't faux Victorian or faux Medieval. It was "busy housewife." Rather than going with a ballgown, it was a hairstyle for stretch pants, sneakers and an old t-shirt.

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The Camelot costumes are so great. I think Charming's red leather getup was very attractive actually.

I loved Belle's Storybrooke clothes to.

I wish they would change Snow's Storybrooke wardrobe though. It honestly looks like she's been wearing the same clothing for weeks.

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I love the Camelot dresses as well. The scooped neck, bell sleeves, and full skirts are part of my storybook DNA. I also really like how so many of the background characters have enormous veiled hennins. Yay medieval hats. A few of them even have a dress and hat from the same historical era. Someone please throw a Camelot ball at a con. I would be set. 

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I think JMo said it's not happening, per her current contract. Because if they let her, then they'd have to let other actors who ask. It's possible that she could ask for it when it's time to renegotiate.

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Snow looked so pretty in tonight's episode! Loved the silvery gown and circlet. It made her literally sparkle.

Also, Gwen's wearing Jack's outfit, but was it altered in anyway? I guess I'll have to look it up. Loving all the camelot outfits.

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I love Snow's circlet too! It's great that this season she gets to wear the fairy tale dresses AND keep the pixie cut at the same time.

And Emma's Princess Bride look....damn! Can she and Hook just get a wedding at the end of this season already.

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It's interesting that in Camelot they've been dressing Snow in a very queenly fashion, and Regina more in a noble lady of the court way. I wonder if that was entirely the costuming department's choice, or if they were directed to do so.

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I’m not liking Hook’s Camelot attire.  It makes him look garish and cartoonish, especially combined  with the heavy eyeliner and all the jewelry.  I think they should’ve gone with something more simple and matte black rather than the glossy black, studded, red-lined quilt he’s wearing.

Edited by FierceAfroChick
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I feel like me having no problems with Hook's outfit is an unpopular opinion...

I'm more upset that some characters are getting more costumes changes than others, while others stay in the same stuff. And how they're recycling some of Guinevere's outfits. The Jack costume, and I saw on tumblr that the goldish dress she was wearing is apparently Rapunzel's from 3x14.

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I’d probably be less annoyed if they allowed Hook to change clothes.  Why can’t he have more than one set of Camelot and Storybrooke outfits?  Like seriously, does he wash them out every night or just let them marinate in his daily funk?  I know he “bathes quite frequently”, but still…


Normally Eduardo is spot on with costuming, but that coat is just all kinds of fugly.

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I feel like me having no problems with Hook's outfit is an unpopular opinion...

I'm more upset that some characters are getting more costumes changes than others, while others stay in the same stuff. And how they're recycling some of Guinevere's outfits. The Jack costume, and I saw on tumblr that the goldish dress she was wearing is apparently Rapunzel's from 3x14.


To me it's distracting that Snow is changing outfits for almost every scene but Belle and Regina are stuck in their beautiful Christmas dresses for the duration of Camelot.  At least Regina got to put on a ball gown, but still.


Hook's coat was fine for the ball, and I guess it wouldn't make sense for him to be in his usual EF coat because how did it get to Camelot?  But there should be a happy medium.  Maybe have him change for the ball but then back to Storybrooke clothes the rest of the time?  It would've been a nice contrast since he wore his EF clothes for so long in Storybrooke.


Emma in white is pretty, but she's stood out the whole time in Camelot, why did Arthur not question why she was in gray witch garb when everyone else was in clothes that looked very different?  With Emma in white and Hook dressed fancier than a pirate, I get the impression we are supposed to draw more Snowing parallels.

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Normally Eduardo is spot on with costuming, but that coat is just all kinds of fugly.


But his coat has markings where those x patterns run. 


I don't like David's grey outfit, but I loved his red one that he was wearing in 5x03. I guess everyone gets their turn at wearing red then!

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I'm totally cool with all the Camelot outfits. Would it have been nice for Hook to have at least one more change of costume in Camelot? Yes, but it doesn't bother me that he seems to prefer dressing in his typical pirate-styled outfits. I'm loving all of Emma's dresses. In fact, I like the off-white one she wore for last-night's episode even more than the one she wore at the ball. 

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I’m not liking Hook’s Camelot attire.  It makes him look garish and cartoonish, especially combined  with the heavy eyeliner and all the jewelry.  I think they should’ve gone with something more simple and matte black rather than the glossy black, studded, red-lined quilt he’s wearing.

Yes yes yes! I thought this before, but it was even more visible in last night's episode. We get it, he's a pirate. He just looks too campy now, and the extra eyeliner takes away from his natural charm. It's like when they were glomping those giant fake eyelashes on Jen. She looks so prettier now with a more natural look. I also wish Hook's Camelot outfit would compliment Emma's more.

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Yes yes yes! I thought this before, but it was even more visible in last night's episode. We get it, he's a pirate. He just looks too campy now, and the extra eyeliner takes away from his natural charm. It's like when they were glomping those giant fake eyelashes on Jen. She looks so prettier now with a more natural look. I also wish Hook's Camelot outfit would compliment Emma's more.


I actually prefer him in pirate gear and don't mind that he's wearing that style in Camelot.  But that quilted long coat looks like something you purchase at a cheap  costume shop. 

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I feel like me having no problems with Hook's outfit is an unpopular opinion...


Eh, I'd say it's split 50/50. I like his campy costume and the extra eyeliner.


I wish cloaks were in fashion because I totally want to steal Emma's white hooded cloak. I loved all the different levels of fabric sewn into it, making it look like flower petals. Which I suppose matches the theme of the overall episode.

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I don't care whether it's pirate, black leather, whatever, as long as there's a good in-story reason for a character to be dressed the way he is, and Hook's costumes bug me because they're so very "costume" rather than the clothes he happens to be wearing because they fit his lifestyle, his personal taste, and what's currently available to him. I can see him choosing the black leather and open shirt, maybe, though it doesn't seem like it's always practical or comfortable. Like in 3B when they were trudging through the snow, he couldn't have thrown on a scarf or buttoned his shirt? Or when it's hot and everyone else is sleeveless, he never takes off the coat? The guyliner for pirates was about cutting down on glare off the water, and I can see it becoming a personal taste thing, maybe, but he managed to maintain it perfectly while in Neverland, where it was perpetually dark? He keeps an eye pencil in his pocket at all times, so he had it in Neverland and again in Camelot? And now while everyone else has Camelot clothes, with multiple outfits depending on the occasion, he's wearing that one thing that's a totally different style and color family to what everyone else is wearing, so even surrounded by Camelot people, he looks like he's wearing a costume. It would appear that they're wearing borrowed clothes they got in Camelot, so why is his borrowed outfit so different? I'm picturing the Camelot people whispering to each other, "Should we tell him he's wearing Percival's costume from the last masquerade ball, when he went as a pirate?" It's like in high-school-set shows where they have the cheerleaders wearing their cheerleader uniforms all the time, not just on game days, like those are the only clothes they own, while everyone else is wearing clothes, with outfits that vary by day and that fit the seasons and occasions.


It comes across as an image/branding thing rather than something organic, or else they're maybe afraid we won't recognize Hook if he's not wearing a pirate costume.

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It comes across as an image/branding thing rather than something organic, or else they're maybe afraid we won't recognize Hook if he's not wearing a pirate costume.


Yes! That was my point when I said "We get it, he's a pirate." It's not that I don't like his regular pirate outfit, because lord knows I do! I just thought the new outfit was made only to resemble his old one and then they tried to glam it up. The coat just doesn't fit him as nicely as his old one, nor does the vest. They both also look a bit cheap, which makes them seem more like a cartoony costume.

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