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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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Interesting...I was expecting a correction after Katie's answer in the Aesop ASAP category where she responded "The Turtle and the Hare".  In looking it up, I see "Turtle" used in modern titles (such as "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" episodes) but the Aesop references are pretty consistent using "Tortoise".  I'm surprised they didn't ding her for that.

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I waffled for a hot second on Tibet but then for reasons known only to me figured if Kathmandu is in Nepal, the answer must be Nepal.

You know I love all of you. And even if you live in Massachusetts I love you. But if the middle lady won...no. I would have to watch with the sound off and Google the answers I didn't know. And Alex once again had a fascination with a freaking Boston accent. I mean, I could hear his smirk when he read Newberry Street or whatever it was for Boston.

I've never ever heard it said as "The Turtle and the Hare." That doesn't even sound right.

Edited by mojoween
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What a bunch of timid wagers for all of the DDs and FJ. FJ was an instaget.

I thought it should have been The Tortoise and The Hare, too.

I've never heard The Aeneid pronounced the way Katy did: long A-a-nee-id. It's like she's seen the word but never heard it.

Alex sounded like Foghorn Leghorn when he (hideously) read that mint julep clue.

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Maybe it was her busted arm, but Katie forgot the scores and that she was actually in second behind Marcus not ahead of both of them. That's absurd, since Alex announced the scores before FJ. She bet covering if Christine got it right, but Marcus was in the lead. I would have thought she would have wagered everything. Marcus wagered correctly bid to win by a dollar presuming both he and Katie got it right. Katie should have won. It's a fail on her part. 


Also, Turtle and the Hare? I'm guessing it has been called that somewhere to make it a technically correct answer, but tortoise is definitely how I remember it. Turtles and a tortoises aren't the same animal.  

Edited by DrScottie
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Yeah, I too expected a correction on Turtle and the Hare.


I occasionally watch with my BIL and/or sister, and they both say how smart I am. I mean, is it smart to know that Delphi is the oracle city? Or that elephant is an mammal in the probosco-something order? I say no.


For FJ I immediately thought it was either Tibet or Nepal, then I quickly settled on Nepal... THEN I thought it was a trick question and maybe the answer was Chile.


I don't mind the new champ. He knows his British monarchs, an area I'm very weak in.

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For FJ I immediately thought it was either Tibet or Nepal, then I quickly settled on Nepal...


I said Nepal, then thought "...or is it Tibet?"  I can never keep those two straight, but then I remembered the Dalai Lama is from Tibet, and the mountains are in the other one.


And Alex once again had a fascination with a freaking Boston accent. I mean, I could hear his smirk when he read Newberry Street or whatever it was for Boston.


I kept waiting for Alex to attempt a Boston accent.


...the Aesop references are pretty consistent using "Tortoise".  I'm surprised they didn't ding her for that.


Same here - I figured Alex would at least offer clarification on it - turtles and tortoises aren't the same thing.

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For FJ I immediately thought it was either Tibet or Nepal, then I quickly settled on Nepal... THEN I thought it was a trick question and maybe the answer was Chile.

My thinking was similar. Immediately thought Nepal because of Everest but then thought nah, too easy... then Tanzania's Mt Kilimanjaro popped into my head and, even though I knew it was wrong, couldn't think of anything else.


I am consistently bad at wager strategy (I would just bet it all, and probably go home with nothing but a case of Aleve) so I didn't get what Katie was going for at all.

Edited by YoureSoUrban
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What a bunch of timid wagers for all of the DDs and FJ. FJ was an instaget.

I thought it should have been The Tortoise and The Hare, too.

I've never heard The Aeneid pronounced the way Katy did: long A-a-nee-id. It's like she's seen the word but never heard it.

Alex sounded like Foghorn Leghorn when he (hideously) read that mint julep clue.

My thought is that she was pronouncing the "a" and "e" separately. I thought she would be ruled wrong for putting in an extra syllable, which is a cause for lost points although wrong pronunciation isn't. 


I wasn't unhappy with "turtle" being accepted for "tortoise." Every English version calls it "The Tortoise and the Hare," but if the original was in classical Greek, the word "chelone" could apply to either.


I agree about the awful Southern accent, and about Alex's fascination with New England accents. When he asked Christine to say something, I was hoping she'd come out with something without a single "ar" word in it. I would have been OK with her winning, though. At least she wasn't a shouter!


I came out with Tibet for FJ, and I wondered about Switzerland also. 


Marcus is really easy on the eyes. I wonder if social media will swoon over him the way they did over Tom last week.

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I missed all of the show except FJ, which I got right away and then started second guessing myself. 


I am sorry I missed a category about British monarchs.  I'll check out the archives when they are updated to see how well I would have done.


I liked the little bit I saw of the new champ.




For some reason, I thought FJ was Canada

No, we have lots of big islands but hardly any really big mountains at all.

Edited by Trey
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My first thought on FJ was Tibet, but I was fairly sure that it was no longer considered a separate country, so Nepal was the obvious choice.  At least to those of us who read anything we can get our hands on about mountain climbing.  (Not that I'd ever want to actually do something which would required great exertion, extreme climate and nature.  Too much nature.)

  • Love 2

I love nature (and Everest) and my dream is to see snow-capped peaks in person someday, but I also love not being tens of thousands of dollars in debt and also breathing so I'll just look from afar.


My in-laws actually made this trek last year, and proclaimed it phenomenal.  For a fairly reasonable amount of money, you can take the standard route and hike to Base Camp - about a week's climb, and fairly non-treacherous.  They were rank amateurs and had no difficulty with the actual hiking, but did experience problems with altitude sickness, and couldn't remain for the entire experience.  Their photos are beyond amazing.

  • Love 3

Yeah, I too expected a correction on Turtle and the Hare.


I occasionally watch with my BIL and/or sister, and they both say how smart I am. I mean, is it smart to know that Delphi is the oracle city? Or that elephant is an mammal in the probosco-something order? I say no.


For FJ I immediately thought it was either Tibet or Nepal, then I quickly settled on Nepal... THEN I thought it was a trick question and maybe the answer was Chile.


I don't mind the new champ. He knows his British monarchs, an area I'm very weak in.

Well, if it is, then I'm smart too.  I ran the British Monarchs category, so maybe even smarter than you.  ;-)


The probosco-something or other had to be a mammal with a big nose, so elephant seemed really easy to me.

Alex sounded like Foghorn Leghorn when he (hideously) read that mint julep clue.


He did, but I found it rather amusing.

When he asked Christine to say something, I was hoping she'd come out with something without a single "ar" word in it.


Did he do that during the interviews?  Somehow I managed to miss them completely despite still being on the couch and not missing any of the game itself.

I can never keep those two straight, but then I remembered the Dalai Lama is from Tibet, and the mountains are in the other one.


Tibet has tall mountains, too; they and Nepal share Mt. Everest.  I waffled a little because I knew the Karakoram range (with the second tallest mountain in the world) is over by Pakistan but decided that there are enough other big peaks around Everest to maybe contain eight.

  • Love 1

Well, if it is, then I'm smart too.  I ran the British Monarchs category, so maybe even smarter than you.  ;-)



The probosco-something or other had to be a mammal with a big nose, so elephant seemed really easy to me.

Yup, that was my thinking also, but then I wondered if a tapir was in the same category. Apparently not.

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The three contestants tonight didn't know many short stories. I thought "The Celebrated Jumping Frog...", "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" and "The Monkey's Paw" were staples of middle school and high school English classes. I also was surprised that people missed "dissident" and "nonconformist," although the reference to the Church of England may have thrown people off on the last one.


Another questionable judging decision: I didn't think "bullish" should have been accepted as a synonym for "bull-headed." If someone can find a reference to "bullish" used to mean "stubborn," I'd love to know about it.


I thought of Howard Hughes for FJ. D'oh!

  • Love 2

I've never heard of The Monkey's Paw, but how do you miss Rikki-Tikki-Tavi?


I knew the "The Celebrated Jumping Frog..." but I would have mispronounced the county and they would have ruled against me.


Did anyone get the impression that Alex wanted Ryan to win?


Ryan's make-or--break DD wager was the difference for him.

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I'm glad Ryan won. I guess I like that calm military demeanor. Plus he seems very knowledgeable.

One of the judges must have had the hots for the old champ. Merriam-Webster says bullish is "hopeful or confident that something or someone will be successful : optimistic about the future of something or someone." It's definitely *not* the same as bullheaded!

I got Alpha House, dissident, onions, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and The Jumping Frog of Calaveras County (which seems to appear every year).

I guessed Howard Hughes for FJ, then zeroed in on the word Seattle at the last second.

I've never read Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, and I didn't remember what it was about. I said "What is frog" for the Mark Twain one, but I guess Alex would have asked for more, and I think I would have said, "What is the Jumping Frog of Calabasas County."


I've never seen Alpha House, but I could picture the billboard, just not the title.


"Monkey's Paw" came to mind for that one clue, but I had recently been thinking about it and now didn't consider it for an answer. I guess I don't really know the plot.

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I thought of Howard Hughes for FJ. D'oh!

I did as well then figured the date was too early for him since I didn't think he was like 100 when he died...

I was pleasantly surprised that my guess of Rikki Tikki Tavi (sp?) was correct because that name has stuck with me since childhood but i can't remember anything about the story other than something about a snake!

  • Love 1

Rikki Tikki Tavi was a mongoose, I think.  I've always gotten the story confused with Sredni Vashtar, so I'm not dead certain.  I must've read both stories around the same time.  Got Monkey's Paw, too, but thought that probosci thing was the Indonesian monkey with the big nose.

For some inexplicable reason, my subconscious shouted "BOEING" at me when the clue was revealed, so I just stuck with it through the tune.  I hate when it yells at me like that.  I keep telling it whispering would do just as well.

  • Love 3

I guessed Howard Hughes for FJ as well because it seemed like a fairly bonkers thing to do, and Hughes was fairly bonkers and fascinated with aviation. But it itched at me that Seattle was so prominent in the clue, because AFAIK Hughes was associated with Southern California and not with the Pacific Northwest.  Turns out that that itch was correct!


I didn't know Boeing was from Seattle, so I learned something today. 

  • Love 4


It was great!  I only missed one - I won't say which one until you check out the archive.

Checked out the archive this morning and I did get them all, even Alfred the Great. 



One of the judges must have had the hots for the old champ. Merriam-Webster says bullish is "hopeful or confident that something or someone will be successful : optimistic about the future of something or someone." It's definitely *not* the same as bullheaded!

I was going to complain about this too:) 


I also got the short stories Rikki Tikki Tavi and The Monkey's Paw and knew 'frog' but not the whole title.  FJ was an instaget.


I like this new champ too, hope he stays around for a while.

  • Love 2

The three contestants tonight didn't know many short stories. I thought "The Celebrated Jumping Frog...", "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" and "The Monkey's Paw" were staples of middle school and high school English classes. I also was surprised that people missed "dissident" and "nonconformist," although the reference to the Church of England may have thrown people off on the last one.


Another questionable judging decision: I didn't think "bullish" should have been accepted as a synonym for "bull-headed." If someone can find a reference to "bullish" used to mean "stubborn," I'd love to know about it.


I thought of Howard Hughes for FJ. D'oh!

I didn't get nonconformist for some reason, but did get Boeing.  I almost went with Howard Hughes, though.


Rikki-Tikki-Tavi is one of my favorite stories; I adore the cartoon someone made from it in the 60s or 70s (I think).  I like to amuse one of my friends by saying that everyone should carry a mongoose with them in India to keep them safe from cobras.  The only short story I didn't know was Walter Mitty, but as soon as I heard the answer it made total sense.  And I knew frog and Calaveras County - would that have been enough, even without the celebrated part, to be considered correct?

I got Alpha House


I've never heard of Alpha House, but I did get the rest of the tv category answers.

Edited by proserpina65
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Checked out the archive this morning and I did get them all, even Alfred the Great

Alfred is the one I missed - I knew it was Asomething but couldn't remember his name.  I need to learn the pre-William I ones. 



I've never heard of The Monkey's Paw,

I know it from the Simpsons - it was a very early Treehouse of Horror.

  • Love 3

I haven’t seen the show for several episodes now, but I checked the archive for last night’s game.


FJ was an instaget for me thanks to Seattle being in the clue, but I wouldn’t have known otherwise. 


I loved the country borders category, because geography is a strong point for me.  But war history is not.  Nor are short stories, apparently.  I knew Walter Mitty, but that was it.  I knew Twain’s story was about a frog, but could have sat here all morning and not come up with the name.  I’ve heard the memorable name Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, but never read the story, so the plot did nothing for me.  I didn’t know Brokeback Mountain started out as a short story.  The description and year should have led me to that one, but I spaced.  I should have known The Monkey’s Paw, too, but I just sat staring blankly at the screen.


Dissident and non-conformist both surprised me a bit as TS.  With the latter, I initially got hung up on the Church of England part of the clue and figured I was a goner, but when I shifted my focus to the general definition it popped into my mind right away.  I was also a little surprised none of them have heard of Walla Walla onions.  None of them knowing murmur really surprised me, so I’m wondering if they know what a heart murmur is but just didn’t think of the word murmur as being onomatopoeia.  Same with hiccup.


Knowing what instrument Thelonious Monk played doesn't seem worthy of a $2000 clue to me.


Bullish was bullshit.

  • Love 2

Alfred is the one I missed - I knew it was Asomething but couldn't remember his name.  I need to learn the pre-William I ones. 


I know it from the Simpsons - it was a very early Treehouse of Horror.


Thanks to the Treehouse of Horror marathon I watched this weekend, it was fresh on my mind since I hadn't seen that episode in years. Although, I accidentally said Monkey's Claw instead of Monkey's Paw

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