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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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I saw a film about window cows as a kid in grade school. Gave me nightmares for months. I have no idea why they showed such a graphic film to kids so young. I can still remember it and it still creeps me out.


When I was in grade school, they would show us films in the auditorium over lunchtime if it was raining.  One day--I think I was about eight or nine--some genius ran a film about the Mau Mau Uprising in Kenya, featuring a scene showing the victors drinking the eyeball fluid of the people they killed.  It was a tough school district.


Dennis owns an apartment outright with a river view in NYC? Or maybe his Mom rents it to him? Must be nice. He seemed bored out of his mind tonight.

I liked the other two contestants. A good close game.

Why did they accept tropical for tropic? That didn't seem right.


If it's rent-controlled, which he said it was when Alex asked him, then he wouldn't own it.  Rent control goes away when an apartment is purchased as a co-op or condo.


I agree about "tropical" being unacceptable.  There was also an answer in the rhyming category that I thought shouldn't have been accepted--the correct answer should've been "blurb verb" but "verb blurb" was allowed--which wasn't responsive to the clue.  I can't remember the wording, but it was clearly wrong.


I laughed when Alex tripped up a bit during a French pronunciation.


I usually appreciate it when a contestant mispronounces a word or name and Alex says it again, but correctly.  That way people who don't know the word won't get imprinted with the wrong pronunciation. Today, though, the outgoing champ (I think that's who it was) answered Nah-BOW-kov and Alex corrected him to NAH-boh-kov, which is the anglicized version, but the way the contestant said it was actually correct.  I know this because my husband speaks Russian, and that's how he says it.  Sometimes Alex is a little too impressed with himself.


Funniest answers of the night:  Louis (the cabinet maker) and black footed weasel.  I thought lynchpin was the only correct spelling for it, never mind linchpin.  Really surprised the King Herod clue was a TS, as well as, Fatal Attraction.  Bleeding heart answer really eluded me in FJ.  I could only come up with pinko.


My husband watched with me tonight, and he could only think of pinko, too!  I told him that we have a giant bleeding-heart plant a few feet from our front door, but he just blanked on it.


I wasn't sorry the champ flamed out tonight.  I could be on the verge of yelling at kids to get off my lawn, but I thought that reenacting the invasion of Normandy with paintballs seemed really disrespectful.  I'll just go drink some prune juice and go to bed.

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I have never seen the "linchpin" spelling before. I had no idea there was an alternate spelling to "lynchpin".


Pansy made me laugh very hard. I totally blanked with the flower names, and could only think of "commie" which, to the best of my knowledge, is not a flower, but I was really grasping at straws.


A couple of times, the woman in the middle deviated from the typical "what is/who is" question structure and instead said "is it..?" One time was the DD that she got wrong anyways, but it happened at least one other time and she got the credit for the answer. It kind of annoyed me, actually.

Everyone says "What/Who is..." but the truth is that there's no rule against saying "Is it...?"

I was sorry Dennis messed up that DD. I thought he was trying to emulate Matt by betting big and making the game a runaway, but it didn't pay off. The only part of that quote I recognized as famous was "I won't be ignored."

I thought FJ was really easy, but I've grown up around conservatives,

I missed the first round - darn. I don't know why but I cheered when Dennis missed that DD. He was getting on my nerves. He still seemed bored today, maybe because he was leaning on the podium.

I, too, like Fatal Attraction and was certain Dennis would get it. Wrong! *evil cackle*

Pansy cracked me up, but it was no worse than my wild guess of sweet pea, which I knew was 110% wrong.

"If it's rent-controlled, which he said it was when Alex asked him, then he wouldn't own it. Rent control goes away when an apartment is purchased as a co-op or condo."

He said it was owned and that his Mom now lives down the street. I assumed his father died and left it to him.

Edited by CarpeDiem54
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"If it's rent-controlled, which he said it was when Alex asked him, then he wouldn't own it. Rent control goes away when an apartment is purchased as a co-op or condo."

He said it was owned and that his Mom now lives down the street. I assumed his father died and left it to him.


Ah, Thanks.  I must have been coughing over him when he answered, since that's all I've been doing for the last couple of days.  I thought he said yes to Alex's question.  Either way, rent control or inheriting an apartment with a river view--pretty sweet deal for him.

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The only part of that quote I recognized as famous was "I won't be ignored."


And that was all that was needed to get "Fatal Attraction." It's probably THE famous quote from the movie. I was really surprised the champ missed it. When he wagered it all, I assumed he really knew his movie quotes. So to get such an easy one wrong was surprising.


Pansy was a great answer. I guess she didn't recognize the flower and then just decided to be funny. I'm sure she knew what a pansy looks like. Anyway, I love bleeding hearts (both meanings), so this one was a no-brainer.

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When Dennis said "true Daily Double" I was all, "Nooooo!" Then they revealed the clue and I was like, "Yes, an easy one!" because "I'm not gonna be ignored" is probably the iconic line from Fatal Attraction, and I've never even seen the movie. I was sure he would get it, apparently so sure of his movie quote trivia that he would bet it all. Whoops.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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Eh, the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn can be called the "tropical lines."   So, acceptable although sort of a weird answer.


He seemed bored out of his mind tonight.

Considering the look on his face when he picked "The Herb," I figured "stoner."


I knew Fatal Attraction, of course.  I could see/hear Glenn Close saying it  (and it's "I'm not gonna be ignored, Dan!")  But I had trouble pulling the title out of my memory bank!  And I always have trouble remembering the character's first name ("I'm not gonna be ignored....Steve?  Uh, Jack...?  Alex?? -- no, that's her name! Oh yeah, DAN!")


And LOLed at Pansy!  I was about half-asleep when FJ was on, lying on the couch without my glasses on, so all  could really see was a pink blur.  And I also got stuck on "Pinko" although I know there isn't really a Pinko Flower! (Although now that I think of it, there should be!)  Now that's I've seen the picture, of course I know Bleeding Hearts.  My grandma had them in the garden.

Edited by The Wild Sow
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I guess being able to identify flowers goes along with knowing obscure town names in different states. It's interesting what I ASSume everyone knows just because I know it. I'm usually wrong. I guess I'm one of the Misfits.


Answers just have to be in the form of a question, so for that person to answer, "Is it ...?" fits the rules. It might be the more acceptable way to phrase many of those wrong answers.

Sometimes Alex is a little too impressed with himself.


I vote for more than "sometimes."

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She definitely looked uncertain about her answer as the music ended, and even kind of smiled. However, it looks like there was an edit before the closeup on her face -- in the wide shot she's barely smiling, then in the closeup she's grinning with teeth showing -- though Alex's voice is constant, so I wonder what was up. When Alex reads her answer, he does sound like he saw it before. Weird. 

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I thought FJ was shrinking violet.  I don't know from flowers.  There was another off bet I noticed earlier in the departed champ's run - I forget exactly, maybe the first day, he made a DD wager which would tie him with the second place guy if he got it wrong, when he could easily have bet $1 less and had it sealed even if he did. He got the question right so it didn't matter.


In Rhyme Time, I don't think the answer "Verb Blurb" should have been accepted when it was clear from the clue the intended and correct answer was "Blurb Verb", but that's just me, I guess.

  • Love 1

Coughing? Are you sick? Feel better!

Just this annoying seasonal allergy thing.  Actually, probably more annoying for the people around me who have to listen to it.  Thanks!  I'll be past it soon.


In Rhyme Time, I don't think the answer "Verb Blurb" should have been accepted when it was clear from the clue the intended and correct answer was "Blurb Verb", but that's just me, I guess.

Not just you.  I said the same thing above.  Sometimes I wonder if the judges can read.  Or are awake.

  • Love 1

Just this annoying seasonal allergy thing.  Actually, probably more annoying for the people around me who have to listen to it.  Thanks!  I'll be past it soon.


Not just you.  I said the same thing above.  Sometimes I wonder if the judges can read.  Or are awake.

I didn't think the order of the rhyming words mattered as long as you said them both and didn't add anything to them, i.e. "screaming team" instead of "scream team."

  • Love 1

The wording of the clue made me think of shrinking violet for some reason too, but once I looked up at the picture, I recognized the bleeding heart.  I like flowers and know a fair number, but I'm guessing I probably know fewer flowers than the towns known by our resident map nerds here.  I'm terrible with names, so I need to know "stuff" about a location to remember it, so I am impressed by those of you who can pick it up just by studying an atlas!

  • Love 2

I didn't think the order of the rhyming words mattered as long as you said them both and didn't add anything to them, i.e. "screaming team" instead of "scream team."

Sometimes it doesn't matter, but sometimes if you reverse the order, the response doesn't satisfy the clue.  The clue in this case was "Any action word used in a short publicity statement."  So the key part of the answer would be "word."  A blurb isn't a word, but a verb is.  So the answer should be "verb" modified by "blurb," not the other way around.  A blurb verb is a word used in a short publicity statement.  A verb blurb would maybe be a blurb made up of verbs.  One's the right answer for the given clue, the other isn't. 


Not that it makes a difference to anybody but me and Totale, even though it should to the judges.

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I thought Fatal Attraction was way too easy for the DD, but then again, movies are one of my best areas.  And a picture of a bleeding heart for FJ?  Really?


Very glad Becky did not win.


I totally whiffed the one about the Olympics moving from Rome to London, though.  I completely forgot about volcanoes in Italy.  D'OH!

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The Steph Curry category threw me for a loop.  By the clues, I surmised that he was in the world of sports.  Why couldn't Jeopardy have used Adam Curry (MTV vee-jay) or even Adrienne Curry (flaky reality show personality)?  It would have been easier to answer the clues since I suck at sports categories.


Born in the USA was easy to figure out for FJ.  The two youngest contestants struck out.  The Terminator, WTF?  But it was before their time.

  • Love 6
Born in the USA was easy to figure out for FJ.  The two youngest contestants struck out.  The Terminator, WTF?  But it was before their time.

I know we make fun of "before your time," but it seems to have been a factor here and with Fatal Attraction. (I remember 1989 coming up in the discussion of the NYC apartment where he'd lived his whole life, so I wasn't surprised when he didn't know it.)

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Tom seemed a bit coked up.


I'm impressed by Sean's sweep of the 20's.

He didn't quite sweep; he missed big bucks on the DD on King Tut's tomb.

I never thought of drugs being to blame for Tom's demeanor. I'm glad he lost; Matt and JOSH together didn't irk me as much. From his weird sideways slouch to his twisting of the cord to his unconcealed annoyance when Sean widened his lead. I thought he was going to stomp off before FJ when it was obvious he didn't have a chance.

I could have sworn Beth left the first "r" out of "turmeric," but no one corrected her.

I had no clue about Steph Curry since I don't follow basketball. I also guessed Thriller for FJ; the significance of "appropriately" went past me.

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I'm glad Sean won, since he is just the kind of contestant I like - pleasant, knowledgable.  I was surprised he didn't get the King Tut DD, though.  Beth was ok, too, but Tom was totally irritating.


I thought overall it was a good game, not exciting perhaps, but not ridiculously easy.

Edited by mjc570
  • Love 4

Wow, Tom was throwing a complete tizwad throughout the game, especially toward the end. For a few minutes I was afraid he was taking the lead. I will throw him a bone, there at the end he did clap for the winner, which made me cut him a bit of slack for his otherwise ADHD behavior.


The two-day champ doesn't have much for us to complain about. Well-dressed, polite, can't see him buzzing in, doesn't board jump. The heck, what are we going to complain about here?


A former contestant on this thread commented some pages back that when he/she was on, questions were harder. I've been noticing this year's Jeopardy seems pretty dumbed down. I guess they make the tests hard, then dumb down the televised play so viewers at home (*coughmecough*) can feel smart by knowing a few answers.


For FJ I came up with nothing. Didn't even try. Thinking hurts my brain lately. Anyway, congrats three-day champ. Well done. See ya tomorrow.

Edited by saber5055
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Tom's messy hair, button flailing and pissed off demeanor were very off-putting. I'm not sorry he knew he had no chance going into FJ. I also thought he should have been docked for one of the quotes he answered because he inserted "that" which made it incorrect.

At first for FJ I said "Purple Rain" but then with the appropriate part of the clue "Born in the USA" came to me in time.

Sean did start with $600 for his first pick which irritated me.

I loved the Steph Curry category. More sports for me! Which is why today is the first show I've seen in quite a few days because the baseball has gotten in the way.

  • Love 4

I'm glad Sean won. Knowledgeable, nice, normal, pleasant and nicely dressed.

Wow, could that Tom be more annoying? Walking around, pulling his buzzer cord all over the place, posing for the camera, acting like a petulant child. Big yuk! And, I'm no Biblical scholar, but I never knew there was a Book of Manuel.

Finally! An FJ that was an instaget for me.

  • Love 8

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that Sean ran the "war" category and then there was… silence. As in, no applause. Don't we do that anymore?

I thought so as well. Maybe because he didn't choose the clues consecutively the audience (as I did) lost track? I'm glad fidgety Tom didn't upset the champ, who seems like a nice guy, though how anyone can miss "Titus Andronicus" is beyond me. And FJ stumped two of them! I must be getting old! I kind of hated that album, and the single it produced, because, having been a Springsteen fan for years, and belting out his tunes, mostly while driving, it was his first that I could not, because I was not.

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Attractive?  Yes.

Smart?  Yes.

Annoying?  Yes.

Conceited?  Yes.

Gone?  Good.


Yes, I liked the pretty, but not the petulant. (Spoiler rules, couldn't say anything earlier except Hottie On Board.)  I did think the buzzer cord pulling was like going to a concert in the 1970s. Freddie! Mick! Roger!

Edited by ChicagoCita
  • Love 5

The Steph Curry category threw me for a loop.  By the clues, I surmised that he was in the world of sports.  Why couldn't Jeopardy have used Adam Curry (MTV vee-jay) or even Adrienne Curry (flaky reality show personality)?  It would have been easier to answer the clues since I suck at sports categories.


Born in the USA was easy to figure out for FJ.  The two youngest contestants struck out.  The Terminator, WTF?  But it was before their time.


My first response was -- who the hell is Steph Curry ?  I would have enjoyed a Tim Curry category more.


As for the 'The Terminator' being an answer for a musical clue, that is one serious WTF ?  Did she not read the clue ?

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Merriam-Webster lists it as a variant pronunciation.

I don't understand why.  The R is there.  I've even heard a TV chef say, "tumeric" - and it annoys the hell out of me.  Do the dictionary folks liken it to February?  But the R's on the wrong side of the U there.  GGRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrr


And, yeah, Tom was acting like a Special Snowflake.

  • Love 2

I don't understand why.  The R is there.  I've even heard a TV chef say, "tumeric" - and it annoys the hell out of me.  Do the dictionary folks liken it to February?  But the R's on the wrong side of the U there.  GGRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Dictionaries reflect usage, so if enough people use a new word or say it a certain way, it makes it in (sometimes with a warning that people may not approve).

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I also guessed Thriller for FJ; the significance of "appropriately" went past me.

Ditto. I was positive that Thriller was correct, and then I was kicking myself for not paying attention to "appropriately." I think Beth guessed The Terminator because she focused on "blockbuster" and just got confused.


And, I'm no Biblical scholar, but I never knew there was a Book of Manuel.

I admit that "Manuel" came to me immediately, but I knew that wasn't right. I'm sure that Tom, like me, confused Daniel Ortega with Manuel Noriega.


I will not defend his guess of The Sea of Japan. Yikes.


though how anyone can miss "Titus Andronicus" is beyond me.

I missed it too. My guess was Richard II because I was thinking of the two princes he had killed. As the song goes, I need to brush up on my Shakespeare.


I also need to brush up on my Looney Tunes. I just couldn't remember Michigan J. Frog.


I got King Tut's tomb thanks to Boardwalk Empire

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