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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)

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1 hour ago, mojoween said:

Agreed.  He comes off as smarmy, is the best I can put it.  Like his hippo story should have been cute, but with the way he emphasized he kidnapped her rubbed me the wrong way.

Unless I misunderstood, his story made no sense to me.  They went to DC and then he "kidnapped" her and took her to the Philadelphia Zoo so he could propose with a hippo audience..  Ummm...pretty sure there are a number of hippos at the freakin' National Zoo right in DC.

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15 minutes ago, Albino said:

Unless I misunderstood, his story made no sense to me.  They went to DC and then he "kidnapped" her and took her to the Philadelphia Zoo so he could propose with a hippo audience..  Ummm...pretty sure there are a number of hippos at the freakin' National Zoo right in DC.

I thought that was weird, too, but I looked on the National Zoo's website and they don't have any hippos and haven't had any for a few years.  Strange.

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My grandmother collected hippos, so I enjoyed the interview story. I was surprised that he went to the Philadelphia Zoo, so thanks @CarpeDiem54 for looking that up. 

Having always lived in the true West, I always find it weird to think of Minnesota as the Midwest. I know it is, but I just never think of it. 

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17 hours ago, vibeology said:

Yes. Exotic tends to suggest that you're sexualizing and fetishizing someone in a kind of racist way. It's setting white and western as the default and saying everyone else is somehow "other." It's one thing to call a plant or animal exotic but it's rude to apply that same word to a person. 

Well, the last person to tell me my name was exotic was the elderly female librarian in my mom's tiny Illinois town. It was pretty funny - she kept rolling it off her tongue because she liked saying it, rather like Alex did last night. (Gotta say my parents came up with a good name, which is the only "exotic" thing about me. I'm about as Midwestern as cornfields and funnel cakes.)

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10 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I didn't mind his having one hand in his pocket so much as I minded his waving his buzzer hand around when he was choosing clues and ringing in.  Other than that, though, I thought it was a good game.

TS I remember (that I got) were cormorant, Harvey Fierstein, and Tucker.  I was one of the five people who actually paid money to see the movie about Tucker back in the 80s.  Oh, and isn't the Po River in Italy? 

I got Harvey Fierstein and Tucker as well. I was another of the five who paid to see Tucker. I didn't realize it was that old; I thought it was mid-90's. Anyway, I remember it chiefly for an audience member who burst into maniacal laughter at random moments. There was also Mad magazine's spoof of its ad campaign: "Smucker: A Man and His Preserves. When he gets into a jam, he doesn't turn to jelly."

FJ eluded me. I kept thinking about the Bishop of Myra who was later made into Santa Claus.

Edited by GreekGeek
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Did no one else think "Carson!" after the first clue?

Looks like the entire population who paid to see Tucker are here because I did, too. we need T shirts!

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I paid to rent Tucker from the video store.  Remember those?  The one I went to was a pre-Blockbuster store. (I'll watch just about anything with Jeff Bridges.)

I got St. Paul right away. Missed cormorant.

Stew was a good champion, but whenever he was on camera, I'd think about caricatures of Prince Charles's ears.  Y'know, that's one plastic surgery that's a GOOD thing - getting those ears pinned back. My nephew had it done when he was still a kid and it made a HUGE difference in his life.

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I'm from Illinois, lived in Minneapolis, and completely choked on St. Paul (my favorite apostle, and see my name).  I believe Hunter said the Philly Zoo had a special hippo exhibit which is why he took his girlfriend.  But I totally cannot with the pointing at the board. 

I rented Tucker on VHS....

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I'll miss Stew and his uniform, but I don't mind Hunter.  It was a pretty good game, so I'd have been okay with any of the three winning.

I got most of the stumpers, although I did miss cormorant.  (Given how often the flightless cormorant is mentioned in one of my favorite movies, Master & Commander, you'd think I'd remember it, but no.)  I had no clue on FJ.  I was randomly going through Midwestern capitals, but somehow did not think of Minnesota.

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I spelled his name wrong because I've never seen Stew as a person spelled like the food before.  Wonder if it's short for Stewart.

In her interview Torrey talked about her award for being unique and when she laughed I could see why she won it, not in a bad way.  I feel like she and I could be friends.

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17 hours ago, mojoween said:

Aww no one knew who Zingbot was!  Zingbot is the BEST.

Oh man, I was only half-watching and missed that clue. I feel like the overlap between J! and BB has got to be pretty small...

I should be glad that Alex didn't need to say Harvey Fierstein as an impersonation, because I sure did at home!

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I don't even need all my fingers to count the number of musicals I like, so I was pretty surprised to run the Best Musical Actor category.  Next up (I was reading the archive, having missed the show) was the art category, another weak point, but since all you really needed to know was history, I was fine.  I ran the statistics category, too, but then wound up just as stumped as the contestants on torrid in the double R category.  Same with cormorant.  Other than those, two, though I was golden in the first round.

Then we got to the second round, and my brain just went on vacation during the book category.  I knew Mao Zedong and Abbie Hoffman, but that was it -- I couldn't even spit out Doomsday!  And even though I could wear one of those "I Saw Tucker" t-shirts (and I'll see your pre-Blockbuster video rental and raise you with I rented that sucker on laserdisc), I couldn't come up with it.  I didn't know Tiguan, either -- never heard of it.  Robots do not interest me, and it showed in my performance in that category.  I did get the Ob river TS, but otherwise DJ wasn't really my round.

FJ came to me pretty quickly, just thinking about midwestern state capitals with someone's name in them.

Edited by Bastet
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Alex introducing Torrey and Hunter made me giggle and think of baseball player Torii Hunter

I thought of Torri too, loved him when he was a Tiger. 


Midwest to me is like the middle of the country, down below Minnesota and Michigan and the like

We in Michigan (possibly Minnesotans as well) consider ourselves to be in the Great Lakes region, not Midwest. Not really sure who IS midwest!

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18 hours ago, mojoween said:

Alex introducing Torrey and Hunter made me giggle and think of baseball player Torii Hunter.  I'm quite silly that way.

My BIL's son has a daughter named Torrey (spelled that way) and a son Hunter. 


I did so bad this game. I probably broke my record for the most clues I knew but couldn't quite remember, Tucker (saw the movie), ferret, and The Wealth of Nations (which was discussed here a while back after being a FJ clue?) among them. I kinda sorta got Harvey Fierstein, but I think I pronounced it wrong. I can't even remember now how I said it. Overall, I was disgusted with myself during the game. Needless to say, I did not get FJ. I'm very bad with state capitals.

I was surprised Alex didn't say, "Hell-LOOOOO!" when Hunter revealed his final wager.

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Not really sure who IS midwest!

Ask ten people, and you may very well get ten different answers.  The Census Bureau splits the country up into four geographic regions, and the one called Midwest - which used to be called North Central, mind you - consists of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.  But survey after survey shows most people divide the country up into more than four regions, and the boundaries of those regions are quite fluid.  To me, Illinois is the quintessential midwestern state, yet I saw one survey - of people who classify themselves as midwesterners - where only 80% of respondents identified it as such.

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Ummm...pretty sure there are a number of hippos at the freakin' National Zoo right in DC.

Sadly, we are hippo free.


Aww no one knew who Zingbot was!

Zingbot should be common knowledge!

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1 hour ago, dcalley said:

"Pennsylvania Station" exists in more than one city, so maybe Alex should have asked for the city, even though it's pretty obviously NYC.

I meant to comment on that, too! What about Newark Penn Station??

Or Carson City Penn Station???

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Man, I hated hated hated this whole game.  Between Hunter's rocking and pointing, and Peggy's insistence on reading every. single. word. of every. single. category title, and Mark's everything, I didn't want any of them to win.  At least in the first round they cleared the board, and mostly played top to bottom, but the second round went all to hell.  I was so annoyed by it that I don't remember any TS that I got, but I feel certain there were some.

And I can't believe none of them could come up with 12 Years A Slave.  Tom Sawyer?  When the category is NON-fiction? 

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ABay...I hate them.

After the music was over and Alex mentioned it was a movie I knew it right away but I didn't get it beforehand.  

Ah yes, Tom Sawyer.  That riveting tale of a real live boy!

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26 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

Man, I hated hated hated this whole game.  Between Hunter's rocking and pointing, and Peggy's insistence on reading every. single. word. of every. single. category title, and Mark's everything, I didn't want any of them to win.  At least in the first round they cleared the board, and mostly played top to bottom, but the second round went all to hell.  I was so annoyed by it that I don't remember any TS that I got, but I feel certain there were some.

And I can't believe none of them could come up with 12 Years A Slave.  Tom Sawyer?  When the category is NON-fiction? 

You said it all; I can't improve upon perfection.  I do have to add, if I may, that Mark's pronunciation of Beelzebub as Bilzabub made me want to punch him.

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51 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

Man, I hated hated hated this whole game.  Between Hunter's rocking and pointing, and Peggy's insistence on reading every. single. word. of every. single. category title, and Mark's everything, I didn't want any of them to win.  At least in the first round they cleared the board, and mostly played top to bottom, but the second round went all to hell.  I was so annoyed by it that I don't remember any TS that I got, but I feel certain there were some.

And I can't believe none of them could come up with 12 Years A Slave.  Tom Sawyer?  When the category is NON-fiction? 

Ironic, because many of her wrong answers were because she didn't pay attention to the category.  

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For FJ I said "20 Years a Slave." Wasn't sure of how many years, just that it was a long time. It's closer than some answers they have accepted though.

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2 hours ago, merroni said:

Did anyone else besides me get half of today's episode and Tuesday's double Jeopardy and final jeopardy round?

Well, not exactly.  The second half here in Atlanta was yesterdays' show, with Hunter in the middle. And for the first time, I killed in DJ & FJ...mostly because I remembered the answers from yesterday. Bwaahahahaha

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I like puns.

What I hated was the clue that was about a small group of stocks or something which was also a name for the Jeopardy writers. Odd lot. Give me a f---ing break. How cutesy can you get. I hated that. A lot.

I hated myself for not remembering the song El Paso in the series finale of Breaking Bad.

I don't think I got any TSs except for the FJ, which came to me immediately. Really surprised no one got it.

Oh, and in the Small Role/Big Movie category, one clue was "French Trapper No. 1, Pregnant Pawnee Woman." I blurted out "What is Parks & Recreation!" Doh.  

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I thought after the pun category a few months ago where contestants actually groaned at the answers they wouldn't go back to that well. I was wrong!

Oh, and in the Small Role/Big Movie category, one clue was "French Trapper No. 1, Pregnant Pawnee Woman." I blurted out "What is Parks & Recreation!" Doh.  

I did something similar because I wasn't paying attention and tried to work Ann Perkins into a category.

Edited by biakbiak
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Oh, and in the Small Role/Big Movie category, one clue was "French Trapper No. 1, Pregnant Pawnee Woman." I blurted out "What is Parks & Recreation!" Doh.  

I was worse than you because I blurted out "Leslie Knope or Ann Perkins!" Then I realized that was not what they wanted. I am such an idiot.

I did not get FJ either until after. I did not know when 12 Years of Slave was actually written.

I do not know if it was the players or something else, but my head wasn't really in this game. I just was not paying too much attention to this one.

Edited by Misslindsey
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I do not know if it was the players or something else, but my head wasn't really in this game. I just was not paying too much attention to this game.

The same was true for me. The players were just meh. I even missed FJ and I'm always looking out for it.

i didn't mind the puns but my brain couldn't work fast enough to to figure any out.

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I just happened to be looking at the TV at the end of Wheel of Fortune yesterday and saw an ad that said that due to soccer tonight both shows will be on an hour and a half earlier than usual.  This is in Syracuse so everyone should check your local listings today to see if soccer will also impact you.

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12 hours ago, merroni said:

Did anyone else besides me get half of today's episode and Tuesday's double Jeopardy and final jeopardy round?

I got that too. When the categories for DJ started coming up I was like "Huh?!". I'm in Atlanta, are you as well? 

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And I can't believe none of them could come up with 12 Years A Slave

Seriously, when they mentioned Uncle Tom's Cabin that's a clue that its a book about slavery.  When they said it was a best seller in 2014 it was a second clue that something happened recently that made it popular again....maybe like a movie.  Grr.

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3 hours ago, tvaddict44 said:

The guy who put Tom Sawyer on FJ explained that he was going for Huckleberry Finn but didn't think he had time to write the whole answer. Huh?  I guess he was going for a race-relation story... 

He thinks Huckleberry Finn is a better answer than Tom Sawyer? Like Huck Finn was a real person?



For anyone wondering who Quincy Webster (?) was for the champ's answer - it was his cats....

Thanks. I assumed it was a friend of his.

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8 hours ago, mojoween said:

I just happened to be looking at the TV at the end of Wheel of Fortune yesterday and saw an ad that said that due to soccer tonight both shows will be on an hour and a half earlier than usual.  This is in Syracuse so everyone should check your local listings today to see if soccer will also impact you.

Thanks for the heads up.  I just checked and Jeopardy! doesn't air here until 11:00 pm because of soccer which starts late afternoon.  This is in the Denver area.  Totally screws up my Friday evening.  Yes, I need to get a life.  ;-)

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2 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

Thanks for the heads up.  I just checked and Jeopardy! doesn't air here until 11:00 pm because of soccer which starts late afternoon.  This is in the Denver area.  Totally screws up my Friday evening.  Yes, I need to get a life.  ;-)

I'd rather watch Jeopardy than hit the bars, that's for sure :)

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Good neck and neck between the male contestants in DJ.  Back and forth taking the lead.  I guessed FJ right away but I guess it wasn't as easy as I had expected.

I remember also getting The Pied Piper of Hamlin and Galahad.

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Rick would have been fine if he had won.  Hunter's fine, too, but I'm perversely glad that Anne didn't even make it to FJ.  She pissed me off with the starting at the highest value clue every time. 

I got Bob Newhart (and was sad that he was a TS!), Kyoto, the Goliath beetle, and The Pied Piper of Hamelin.

I completely blanked on FJ.  Boo hiss.

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I found Rick rather off-putting for some reason, so I'm glad Hunter won. I felt badly for Anna.

This was a fairly good game for me; ts's I got were pomander, Bob Newhart, Galahad, and the two missed DD;s of Kyoto and Pied Piper.  And this was the first game in some time that I got FJ  - that, alone, makes it a good game for me:)  I waffled a little bit over Charles Lindbergh but the clue indicated that the landing was even more notable than the flight so I stuck with Armstrong.

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I guessed Lindbergh for FJ because of the word "Pilot".

What a strange game that was for me. It took a while for everyone to get any money -- including the champ. Maybe he was just nervous but Rick seemed to hesitate on nearly every response. I'm glad he offered Hunter some competition though. I can't feel bad for people who don't have any money to go to FJ. Digging yourself deeper and deeper into a hole makes no sense. I forgot she was there after a while.

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Just catching up on Wed. and Thursday shows

On 6/9/2016 at 10:38 AM, proserpina65 said:

I'll miss Stew and his uniform, but I don't mind Hunter.  It was a pretty good game, so I'd have been okay with any of the three winning.

I got most of the stumpers, although I did miss cormorant.  (Given how often the flightless cormorant is mentioned in one of my favorite movies, Master & Commander, you'd think I'd remember it, but no.)  I had no clue on FJ.  I was randomly going through Midwestern capitals, but somehow did not think of Minnesota.

Someone has to give Hunter a hard time about his response of 'What is Po ?" for the 2000 mile long river that empties into the Arctic ocean ?  About the only thing that the Ob has in common with the Po is that they are both wet.

22 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I like puns.

What I hated was the clue that was about a small group of stocks or something which was also a name for the Jeopardy writers. Odd lot. Give me a f---ing break. How cutesy can you get. I hated that. A lot.

I hated myself for not remembering the song El Paso in the series finale of Breaking Bad.

I don't think I got any TSs except for the FJ, which came to me immediately. Really surprised no one got it.

Oh, and in the Small Role/Big Movie category, one clue was "French Trapper No. 1, Pregnant Pawnee Woman." I blurted out "What is Parks & Recreation!" Doh.  

Last of the Mojitos made me chuckle.

That odd lot clue was just bad --  because the writers portion of the clue meant absolutely nothing to any of the contestants.

And while I didn't say it out loud, I also thought of Parks and Rec. when they mentioned a Pawnee woman.

21 hours ago, j5cochran said:

I liked the puns category. [/small_voice]

I was amused by them too.  :)

On to Thursday's show

Geez, louise, that Joan of Arc DD in the Jeopardy round was teen tournament level at best

That island in the English channel cow question -- should have been Jersey.  Jerseys are far more prized for their milk than Guernseys.

So many wrong answers in the DJ round guaranteed the runaway for Hunter -- Peggy and Mark just flailed.

And I completely blanked on FJ.

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