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That's speech, then, not an interview.

No, I mean he prompts her answers, he doesn't just ask questions. When his interviewee veers away from his framework by giving "real" answers and not just playing along with his script, he gets lost. It's a problem.


I didn't mean he should just give her a chair and wait while she talks.

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His story about the ER was hilarious. I'm impressed he's back at work. My favorite part of the hospital visitors bit was Roy telling him not to let the show go back to white people.


My favorite joke in the China segment was the one about the country's struggling see-saw industry.


I don't think Noah watches The Leftovers. I wasn't convinced. Anyway, I do watch, and it's great. 

  • Love 4

I give mad respect to Trevor for coming back one day after his appendectomy. Not being able to get out of his chair shows he was in serious pain. He'll have the entire weekend to start heeling. Laughed at how the correspondents "visited" Trevor (especially Roy).


Looking at Regina King, two words pop to mind: Super. Sexy.



  • Love 5

Apparently, Jeb Bush's response to being asked to be funny is sounding like Chewbacca taking a very satisfying crap. 


Also, Trevor's approach to the news comedy is just repeating something someone said in the clip in a mocking matter with a grin.  Any 7th grader could do that.


The bit about the "natural gas station in Afghanistan" was pretty funny, though.


I'm old-fashioned.  I expect my CEOs to be clean shaven, have short cut hair, and wearing a suit.  Not looking like the understudy for Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar

Loved the whole comparison of Jeb! with Blackfish. Bushfish was pretty clever. JebWorld. Hee.


I noticed in that one clip of Jeb sitting in a white chair on stage that there was a huge picture of Lincoln from the Lincoln Memorial. I think the intent was for Jeb to look like Lincoln. He was probably instructed to sit with his hands grasping the ends of the chair arms, just like Lincoln.


That FB guy who started the whole angry-at-Starbucks-Christmas-cups thing -- Does he really get fake-angry about lots of stuff, hoping one of them sticks?


The Wild Wild Waste story was upsetting. I mean, I know there's a lot of government waste, but I still get depressed when I hear a specific story like this. I'm sure the Pentagon had good intentions at the start. Hey, let's get the Afghans to use their own natural resource. But the If-we-build-it-they-will-come approach was poorly planned, to say the least.


I wish more CEOs were like Dan Price. What is the purpose of businesses? To give people jobs, and to give people goods and services. It's not to make billions of dollars for yourself. I, too, got pissed at Trevor for interrupting him. One thing I wish they'd talked about was stockholders who, I believe, are driving companies to make bad (i.e., selfish) decisions. 


I was all WTF when at the end of the interview Trevor turned to the camera and said something like, "If you're watching on TV, all five of you, I guess…" It was really weird to suddenly remark on the show's apparent low viewership. Plus, to me it connected low viewership with the guest.

  • Love 4

Guys, this is a bit OT but I'm seriously, seriously concerned about the current polls for the Republican nominee.  Trump and Carson are #1 and #2???  I never thought I would be rooting for a Bush but c'mon!!


This is the norm now. Remember when Newt Gingrich was a frontrunner talking about a base on the moon? Remember Herman Cain?


I feel like this election is really helping Trevor come into his own.  Between that and his foray into the American healthcare system, it's really a baptism by fire and I feel like where Jon was about anger, Trevor sees the absurdity through an outsider's eyes and I rather enjoy that. It's painful as an American to realize that my country has turned to this but Trevor helps me remember that there's a world out there beyond this.

  • Love 12
I was all WTF when at the end of the interview Trevor turned to the camera and said something like, "If you're watching on TV, all five of you, I guess…" It was really weird to suddenly remark on the show's apparent low viewership.


I haven't watched the show yet, but when I read that, I don't see it as a comment about the show's viewership. What I see it as is a comment on how few people are watching anything on TV; they're watching it on their computers or their phones. I know I don't have cable, satellite, or even an antenna anymore. I stream everything.


Edit: I've seen this episode now, and I am almost positive he was referring to the small percentage of people still watching only on TV. Because he said for them, the episode is ending. But for those watching on the website, there is an extended version of the interview to watch.

Edited by WhatDoYouKnow
  • Love 2

I was all WTF when at the end of the interview Trevor turned to the camera and said something like, "If you're watching on TV, all five of you, I guess…" It was really weird to suddenly remark on the show's apparent low viewership. Plus, to me it connected low viewership with the guest.

Jon used to make jokes like that too, though. I think it was more of a fake self-deprecating thing that a lot of cable hosts do, rather than a legitimate acknowledgement of the lower ratings (which are still actually much better than a lot of "experts" predicted).

Okay, that Gravity Payments CEO launched into his standard soundbite answers, but they were answers and Trevor should have let him talk. There was no reason to cut the guy off and mock him to his face.

As a business owner, one of the things that's emphasized is that you have to have an "elevator pitch" -- a 30-second explanation of what your company does. I'm sure this guy has given the explanation a million times and it's natural that he'd fall back on that standard scripted answer. It did seem kind of rude to cut him off like that!


Monday mornings would be much easier if my boss looked like that guy.

Move to California. My husband's boss wears cargo shorts and T-shirts year 'round.


Bushfish was brilliant. Probably my 2nd fave Trevor Noah-era TDS piece, after the Trump/African dictator one.


What I see it as is a comment on how few people are watching anything on TV; they're watching it on their computers or their phones.

That's what I think he meant as well.

  • Love 3

I turned off the show last night. Trevor is showing the same slant to the left JS did, and it's already old. I'm an independent, and have most recently voted Democrat. But watching Trevor go on and on about Ted Cruz saying "commerce" twice while ignoring the news that Hillary signed an agreement that explicitly forbid what she did with her personal email server, or the ongoing statistics about Obamacare and the failure of exchanges and increase in rates, diminishes the show. It should point out hypocrisy on all sides of politics with at least a faint semblance of equal time. It used to do that, years ago. Now TDS is more a comedy, left-wing version of Fox.

Actually he's a double Ivy with honors and was a champion debater in college. Of course, that is a very specific kind of competive arguing, with strict parliamentary rules. I suspect that during the debate Cruz was overreliant on some pre-planned soundbytes and totally flubbed it, rather that actually giving it thought on the spot. Or maybe it's karma catching up to him. I'm sure there's schadenfreude across the political spectrum over this.  


What made me laugh was when Trevor pointed out the timing was so similar to Rick Perry's partially med-induced flameout.


I'm still not quite warming up to the newer correspondents and I thought the fact checking segment wasn't sharp enough. I thought the news networks weirdly did a more concise fact checking of the debate and got to the point quicker before following up with their talking heads.

I've noticed that about the anger issue, too. I'm the sort of person who gets fairly worked up over stuff, and much more like Jon in temperament. But I like Trevor's ability to laugh at things and not seem bitter. It's not making me feel like he takes it less seriously, which would annoy me. But it's like he's not giving up? I dunno. I really have no idea what either of them feels inside. But the personas, while divergent, are both working for me, and I'm a bit surprised by that.

  • Love 5

Jon's experience with terrorism and violence was the World Trade Center, which was traumatic but an isolated event.  Trevor's experience with terrorism and violence is more pervasive, and in a weird way that has produced a more optimistic outlook:  yes, crappy stuff happens, and we get through it, because good stuff also happens.

  • Love 10

Hey, Trevor, I like Timbaland too, but let him talk a little more. 


Ugh, this governor thing isn't going away anytime soon. No surprise to see the Hater In Chief, Hukabee leading the charge. I go back and forth on whether he just is a pro troll and likes to whip up a frenzy of hate. Because a bitch got books to sell. Or he actually believes it. In which case, if he ever goes to CA they need to 5150 him. 

  • Love 1

He's done a pretty deft job the past two days talking about the aftermath of Paris and the ensuing lunacy here in the U.S. over the refugee situation.  He's hitting just the right amount of utter dumbfoundedness at the absurdity of it all without descending into the kind of anger and ranting that Jon probably would have.


Plus he does a lot of accents well on a dime, which I find weirdly endearing.

  • Love 6

The Republicans really don't have a candidate right now, do they? Each time Trevor takes a look at the crop of people running, I realize: there's no one credible in the bunch. I often hate the candidates, but this year it's like they're beyond hateworthy and into dumbshittery to the extent that I can't even get a full head of hate steam up over it, and I seriously wonder if someone new will actually jump in this late, and wind up winning-- even if they enter after Iowa and New Hampshire have voted. I don't know who. But of the current list, I honestly don't know who can pull it off. It's no wonder they all have low numbers.


Kristen has really grown on me. Her first few appearances I couldn't get past her baby voice. But now I think she's great.


I miss Jessica's braids.


The Koppel interview hit all my gloom buttons.

  • Love 4

I rarely make it through the interviews on any show because I generally don't find very many people plugging a movie or whatever all that interesting, but I did sit through most of the Koppel interview.  I'm old enough to remember watching him with my mom cover the hostage crisis, and he's one of the last one-school journalists left as opposed to the mostly fawning talking heads we have now.  Just be honest and admit that's what they are, Ted.  There's very little actual journalism going on in the 24-hour news cycle.  I didn't think Trevor did terribly with him, but yeah, it was pretty gloomy.


I can't for the life of me envision any of the occupants of the Republican clown car actually leading either.  Trevor and his ilk are certainly doing their best to highlight their ridiculousness but it's fast reaching a point it's not really even funny anymore.

  • Love 1
The Koppel interview hit all my gloom buttons.


Here's the thing: Koppel really is a hack. I know he has a venerable reputation (and a stentorian voice, which helps), but I remember reading one of his memoirs in the 90s, wherein he put Chicken Little to absolute shame predicting the coming apocalypse that would be Y2K. Like Godzilla in downtown Tokyo: buildings would topple, fires would erupt, citizens would flee in terror. He was apoplectic that nobody else seemed to grok how disastrous it was no doubt going to be, and  my weren't we completely unprepared and vulnerable!!  Plus, he cited all the same kind of experts he cited here in this interview. Except he didn't cite any computing experts. And you know, computer experts kinda know what they're doing when it comes to this kind of thing. Y2K was literally nothing (and probably would have been without all the money spent on changing calendar coding, but you know, if there's money to spend, it will be.). Now, I'm not saying cyber crime isn't a thing, but I am saying we cannot take Ted's word for squat


Jessica is once again correct: granola is in no way lunch.


I'm not gonna lie, I would totally buy those bear-fur leggings. They look super cozy.

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