Teresa August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 I think Kelli's statement to Colby that she was a lovely person and she's glad the fans brought her to TC was so forced, it was laughable. You could tell it pained her to say it. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1437765
LadyMsJay August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Maybe they think they low-kickers can improve. They've had several low-kicking rookies who've gone on to make the team and return for several years. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1437790
sleepyjean August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Before this show came along, just about everyone who made training camp made the team. Now, bringing in more girls than they need leaves room for one or two girls the producers want. Girls like Taylor won't make the team, but some decision maker somewhere thinks they are good for the show. I think whatshername with the low kicks who made the team a few years back was an aberration, and the experience solidified Kelli's determination not to put anymore low kickers on the team. Taylor knows her kicks are low, but I guess she's telling herself that even though she has been working on them and they still aren't high enough, maybe she will experience a Training Camp Miracle that will fix it for her. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1437798
MelissaMinion August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 (edited) I don't like that they confronted Colby about plastic surgery while the cameras were rolling. That's a mean thing to do and deliberately humiliating. Colby held her ground with dignity. Kelli can never resist trying to take down certain candidates a notch or two; she seems to resent the fan favorites squeaking in to camp over her own preferences. It's very unprofessional behavior. Too bad someone can't ask her about how many pairs of Spanx she is wearing under those ridiculous bandage dresses. If they think Colby is too old, they can just release her from camp. No need to draw attention to her face work. There's a line between realistic, constructive critiques and mean girl cattiness. I think Kelli was trying to goad Colby into reacting badly in that meeting, so she'd have an easy reason to boot her from training camp. That way, the fans still got their vote, but whoops, their pick was just NOT up to par. Because if this had just been a dance correction meeting, the only things brought up this early would be the technique issues. ETA: I think Kelli's wanting Colby out of training camp quickly, because she's in charge, not the fans and their dang vote. Edited August 22, 2015 by MelissaMinion 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1437802
blairwaldorf August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Colby definitely looks older than the others and older than the age she's claiming (31). I know several girls who were in Chi O with her at UT, so she's definitely in the 30-35 age range, but she does have a very mid-40s "Real Housewife" look going on right now. In college, she was actually kind of baby faced and looked younger than her age. I think she's just had too much work done and it's aged her. The squinty/drooping eye is probably the result of too much or poorly injected Botox. She's clearly done more than just the lip fillers, and I don't think she did herself any favors by claiming she hasn't. I think Kelli was justified in asking her about plastic surgery, because if her appearance is due to temporary fillers or Botox, that's something that can wear off and be corrected. It was a nice way of letting Colby know that they have an issue with her looks, and they are wondering if this is something that can be fixed by laying off the Botox and fillers or if it's just her natural appearance. I still can't figure out why they brought Madeline to training camp. She doesn't have the look at all, and like Neal McCoy said, she's not ever going to. And from what I've seen of her dancing, it's not strong enough to compensate for that. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1437833
Elizabeth9 August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 I think Mackenzie making it with low kicks was the exception. I don't see any other girls with her kicks making it, tbh. Mackenzie had the total package otherwise and really tried hard to improve. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1437866
Oranaiche August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 I think Mackenzie making it with low kicks was the exception. I don't see any other girls with her kicks making it, tbh. Mackenzie had the total package otherwise and really tried hard to improve. I think sleepyjean might have meant Kali and not Mackenzie. Mackenzie definitely did have the total package and she improved her kicks over the course of her time on the squad. Kali, on the other hand, came back to finals her second year with worse kicks and extra weight. That might have solidified to Kelli that Mackenzie was really a one off and it would take someone extra special to make the team with bad kicks again. But maybe I'm interpreting wrong, heh. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1437932
Elizabeth9 August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Oh, I totally forgot about Kali. I'm rewatching Season 6 and as much as I adore Mackenzie, I'm still surprised she made it. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1437952
RazzleberryPie August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 I like Colby better after seeing her in Kelli's office, where things didn't seem so rehearsed and planned. Kelli was baiting her for a reaction, but girl kept her cool. She absolutely doesn't fit in with the team or quite have the skills to be top 36, but Kelli and Judy were rude. Utah Madeline needs to grow up. Literally. She looked cuter last night, but she's just so immature. How is she going to handle her first rude fan or rude corporate sponsor, if she bawls. I also agree with the poster who said the "I want this more than ANYONE" is immature, obnoxious, selfish and just stupid. I want to be Queen of England, but even if I want it more than anyone, for my whole life, and it's my dream, I can see myself in that castle with a tiara, but it ain't happening just because I want it a lot. People who say they deserve something because they want it the most, irritate me. Kelli was absolutely correct in informing them that ALL the girls there were overachievers, studio darlings, hard workers, but they all weren't going to make it. Blond Courtney with the slight lisp - I don't get it. Totally plain Jane without the DCC look. KaShara is a hoot - love her. She's totally embracing the "I know I have a KY country, accent, so I'm going to play up my inner Ellie Mae". Plus, she's entertaining. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1437980
Oranaiche August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Oh, I totally forgot about Kali. I'm rewatching Season 6 and as much as I adore Mackenzie, I'm still surprised she made it. Agree! She is one of my favorite DCCs of all time. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1437986
SanLynn August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 (edited) Forgot to mention in all my posts that I really liked the way Jennifer taught the rookie candidates in that segment with her and Melissa R. You can definitely see the dance teacher in her. Especially in the way she interacted with Madeline disarming her with the "welcome to my team" comment before giving her the correction. ETA: And I hope KaShara's little wardrobe malfunction is the last thing that puts her in Kelli and Judy's sights. She's adorable and I want her to make it. Edited August 22, 2015 by SanLynn 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438025
MaryWebGirl August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 When I think of low kicker K&J probably regret it's Lani, who either ran off the field before the kickline or didn't even perform in pre-game. I don't remember if that was a particularly weak crop of rookies or what, but they've had enough strong dancers that you'd think they'd not mess around with that anymore. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438033
Whiteduck August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 My long 2 cents... I think Rose will be gorgeous after her makeover if she gets that far. I have not looked ahead so I don't know the endgame yet.... Rose looks wiped out already as does Madeline I think because after 10 years of hype, the team is starting to get those professional Broadway level gorgeous dancers like Melissa and Megan from all over the world. This makes the local girls who are "just local stars" really fricken anxious as hell.... who can really stand against NATIONAL JUNIOR DANCE CHAMPIONS!!! Really? 5 or 10 years ago, no way would that caliber of girl be showing up for DCC!!!! It's the publicity of the popular TV show enticing the pros to come'a callin'. I like Colby a lot now and I thought she looked much, much better this week. And I agree that she was sweet, mature and gracious when on the receiving end of Kelly's little on-air attack. I kind of know from people not spoiler tagging what happens to her. I'm all for her ancient ass (please...) being a DCC. In this age of people not aging like they used to, I personally know a 40 year old and a 50 year old who look so beautiful and dance and kick and spilt like crazy who could actually make the team, if they didn't have families and careers up here in NJ. I think Kelly, (who seems like a true feminist) would welcome them both -to see what they can really do-at least early on- in the name of girl power. However, I doubt many of the judges would allow it, particularly Jay, who pisses me off because he is SUCH AN AGEIST! He ain't no spring chickadee himself- but I digress. Go Colby!! I miss Jasmine already. I'm so obsessed with this show..lol I even had a dream about her! Cray!! I really feel like Jasmine was ambivalent this year... she had 3 great years; she's a grown woman, I felt like I saw something there that said, "yes I want my spot back-- but I'm also super happy to move on if I don't get it." I think she'll be just fine, probably marry a gazillionare and be happy. Lastly, (sorry! For the endless post) Poor Chandler from last season. She didn't come back! I wanted her to grow out her hair and mature a little bit with her dancing and come back. I didn't see Chandler or Alexandria at all in semis or finals. I loved them both. Chandler, there is nothing 'grandma' about you. That mean woman needs corrective lenses. This week's episode was stressful and boring. Please PRODUCERS GIVE US A TWO HOUR FINALS SPECIAL!!!! I think they do listen to us because they got rid of the heinous Jay work-outs, they made the show an hour long, and FINAllY started using the REAL songs for the dances!! What a HUGE ENORMOUS difference the real music makes! Watching them dance (in flash snippets no less) to 70's elevator porn music was such a snooze.... the show is so much better now overall!! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438087
Whiteduck August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Oh yeah, gotta say, Taylor seemed a little trashy looking at first, but girlfriend is smart, realistic, beautiful and classy. I'm a fan. I hope she gets her kicks up!! Isn't Kashara the girl that big mouth Charlotte said "she has a bigger saddle than most?" I love her and she's fun. I hope we get to know all the rookies this year. I admit I just want to watch Melissa dance. She's really just INSANE. Yes, she could, I really feel, go get hired to star on Broadway right now. Girl does insane things I've never seen before. Love!!! 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438106
cherryblossom August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 I find I love Holly for her spunk and dancing. She seems very genuine. I think Madeline would benefit from another year of maturing and dance technique. Yes they loved Loni and kept her but you can see her rush off the field so she didn't ever get to do the shows like the other girls. I think they don't want another Loni in Taylor. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438139
English Teacher August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 (edited) I think the scoring system is what allows some low kickers to get in if they have other strong qualities. And I'm guessing that Taylor had strong marks in those other areas so her numbers kept her in the top 45. Two final Colby observations from me ...I call producer shenanigans on the go-America segment. I don't think she runs around wearing an American flag like a cape and I think her reasons to return were so patriotic because of the way the producers fed her the questions: (what do you love most about Americans? ). That question and response fits with DCCs American sweethearts / God bless American image. And while I found Kelli's questioning to be very tough on Colby, Judys snarky reply to Kelli's observation that she looked like an aerobics teacher (for Richard Simmons's era) was very harsh. Every year, Kelli seems to reinvent her approach and demeanor. For the past few years, she has been warmer, more encouraging ...this year, she is no nonsense and intimidating. No wonder the girls look terrified. And it is probably because if the pressure of a rebuilding year, but then recognize how it might undermine an otherwise potentially strong team member. Edited August 22, 2015 by English Teacher Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438164
caligirl50 August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Hi All - 1) When they showed the uniform schedule, I think the two girls that got it wrong started from the top (first day). The first day of rehersal was not a Monday, hence they got it wrong. 2) Those are Melissa's lips. She does not have lip filler. Those are her lips! 3) Kelli's clothes are ridiculous. It's age inappropriate. Kelli is almost 50. Her dresses should be slightly below the knee or at the knee.4) Rose is delusional if she is joining a professional team and she is "surprised" she would be asked what her dance history is.... Thank you. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438206
woodscommaelle August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 That Fireball song kinda sucks. Holy. Shit. I don't believe there are words to describe how shitty that song was. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438218
Oranaiche August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 (edited) 2) Those are Melissa's lips. She does not have lip filler. Those are her lips! Respectfully disagree. I'll make it clear I'm not knocking her. I don't care if she got lip fillers. I'm sure when the swelling goes down it will look fine, but during episode 3 her mouth was puffy and it looked like her lip movement was also constricted a bit. I would take some comparison screen caps if I was at home, but I'm not lol. Again I don't care either way, but I disagree that her lips are natural. Edited August 22, 2015 by Oranaiche Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438245
ElectricBoogaloo August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Taylor knows her kicks are low, but I guess she's telling herself that even though she has been working on them and they still aren't high enough, maybe she will experience a Training Camp Miracle that will fix it for her.You mean she will have a BREAKTHROUGH MOMENT? (TM Colby) I think Mackenzie making it with low kicks was the exception. I don't see any other girls with her kicks making it, tbh. Mackenzie had the total package otherwise and really tried hard to improve. When I think of low kicker K&J probably regret it's Lani, who either ran off the field before the kickline or didn't even perform in pre-game. I don't remember if that was a particularly weak crop of rookies or what, but they've had enough strong dancers that you'd think they'd not mess around with that anymore. For me Loni is the one I always think of when low kicks are brought up (which is why I snickered when Melissa said girls don't get on the team with low kicks in a previous episode). Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438420
caligirl50 August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Also, the Fireball song is a quarter change or sideline dance. I saw a bit of it on the field on a You Tube video and it's powerful. It's got a great musicality and played really loud on the field, it's terrific. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438454
RazzleberryPie August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 If Colby looks too old, than Low Kick Loni looked a whole lot older and rougher. She was very personable and approachable, but I thought she looked rough. Colby doesn't look rough. She looks older than 31 IMO, because I associate overdone botox, lip fillers, whatever, with women 51 trying to look 31. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438455
caligirl50 August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Also, the Loni situation was never repeated. Loni was a special case because she had everything else and was such a hard worker, I think they hoped her kicks and dancing would improve. But I guess they didn't. She is one of my favorite DCC, ever. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438458
Kaedee August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Just some observations so I can get them out of my mind! :D Melissa Rycroft: I like her but agree that the only reason she's a mentor is that she won DWTS. I couldn't even remember her from watching past seasons of MTT and had to go back and find her in S9. But while her DCC career may have been forgettable, her DWTS win took real effort and very hard work. From everything I've read and heard, learning the dances and doing them correctly is very difficult. Though Melissa has a dance background, learning dance standard classics is very challenging. so kudos to her! As far as DCC, Melissa isn't there to teach, but to mentor. The girls have Vets and Kitty Carter for learning the dances, and they definitely take advantage of them. Melissa is a mentor. She's there to help the girls' confidence and allay their fears without the girls being afraid she's judging them. What Melissa does and what Kitty and the Vets do are very different things, and both are important. If the girls want Melissa to help with their dances too, I'm sure she'll help. Guess I don't understand all the antagonism for someone pretty much no one here really knows. To each their own. Madeline reminded me of Kathryn Dunn in this episode. I think she's probably just too young emotionally to handle DCC this year. But the weepy thing to me is a sure sign she'll not be a DCC this year. Rose seems too timid. I don't mind Colby: she seems nice and she's obviously an ambitious, talented professional in her field. I'm glad she's going for her dream of being a DCC. However, she just doesn't look like a DCC. I don't know if she's had more done to her face than just her lips - she could just be one of those people who look sculpted cause they're too thin. I hope she enjoys the time she has in TC. I think Kelli was right to tell Colby that the fans got her into TC. No point in sugar-coating it. She should be under no illusion that her road is going to be tough and rocky. It's going to be up to her to develop and change in a way that changes the judge's minds about her. (Don't know how she'll do that, but there you go!) :) For some reason none of the Rookies are standing out for me this season. Last season Loren, Melissa, Ashley Pro and Breelan all stood out like bright lights. This year only Meagan seems to be the shiny one. I suppose Holly will grow on me... Maybe.... And for all those who thought Ashley Pro was "fat," Holly is bigger than Ashley with the same body type; i.e. straighter body with a softer middle and not a classically curvaceous waist area. I hope they don't get on to her about weight, though I think I can see that one coming. Anyway, aside from Madeline's water works, I don't see this as a very memorable episode. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438464
rose711 August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 (edited) I think Kelli's statement to Colby that she was a lovely person and she's glad the fans brought her to TC was so forced, it was laughable. You could tell it pained her to say it.I didn't get that feeling at all. I felt that Kelli was trying to build her up after the critique. I thought Colby appreciated it. Kelli gave her a direct statement about her dancing with her shoulders up and told her that she wouldn't have made it without the fan vote so that Colby knew where she stood.I find Kelli very clear and professional in these conversations. I appreciate she lets the candidates speak instead of just cutting them coldly. I think she is a pretty decent supervisor dealing with a number of emotional girls and the pressure on her to run the squad is enormous. I am a big fan of Kelli. I really like her philosophy of how to get better each year. We can see how she has herself made changes over the years (like cutting veterans at finals instead of dragging it out into a month's long issue). She's inspiring to me. Edited August 22, 2015 by rose711 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438485
Whiteduck August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Agreeing with you down here, this week's episode 3 blew. And you said what I was thinking about Holly. I'm fairly certain she'll glide onto the final team, because they all worship her. I like her a lot, but I see a distinct layer of babyfat all over her body which is her youth making itself known. I'll be surprised if her weight is never addressed on the show! Hey, does anyone know what the "pro" stands for as in Ashley Pro?? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438490
blairwaldorf August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Ashley Pro's last name is a longer version of "Pro". Prochaska or something, I think. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438497
LadyMsJay August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Ashley Pro's last name is a longer version of "Pro". Prochaska or something, I think. Yeah, that's why they just call her "Ashley Pro"..she has a unique background. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438501
Whiteduck August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 That makes sense. She is very exotic looking and gorgeous. When she was cut and was just getting ready to cry, hard, but was holding it in with all her might, her little face twisted up and the tears welled, and she looked like her heart was broken and I cried a little with her. I bet her mother can't even watch that scene... can you imagine what these girls mother's go through? 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438568
ByTor August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Watching them dance (in flash snippets no less) to 70's elevator porn music was such a snooze.... the show is so much better now overall!!I recall when watching football as a kid the cheerleaders used to do routines to elevator versions of songs on the field! That was bad! 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438589
SopranoKris August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 I think Mackenzie making it with low kicks was the exception. I don't see any other girls with her kicks making it, tbh. Mackenzie had the total package otherwise and really tried hard to improve. When I think of low kicks, I think of Loni. I remember Kelli saying they were only keeping her on the team because she "was just so darned pretty". Loni was also one of the shortest on the team, too, which didn't help. Taylor, on the other hand, isn't. Her kicks are just plain bad. I couldn't believe she made it in to TC. She seems to have a fun personality, so maybe that's why they gave her a chance? We'll see... As for Madeleine's immaturity, remember Abigail Klein? She gave up her graduation/prom to audition for DCC. She was 18, too. But there was definitely a vast difference in maturity level. Madeleine, to me, just seems to be very sheltered. Who is the rookie TCC with the really sharp nose? (blonde hair). I'm really ambivalent about her at this point. OK, I need to re-watch to get names/faces together. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438869
Kaedee August 23, 2015 Share August 23, 2015 That makes sense. She is very exotic looking and gorgeous. When she was cut and was just getting ready to cry, hard, but was holding it in with all her might, her little face twisted up and the tears welled, and she looked like her heart was broken and I cried a little with her. I bet her mother can't even watch that scene... can you imagine what these girls mother's go through? This was one thing I loved about Ashley Pro - she held herself together very well. Even last year when Kelli confronted her about what some of her past teachers had said, she kept it together, kept her composure. That says something about the person. I was so sorry to see her cut. But in her position, when she wasn't the strongest dancer, messing up the DCC choreography was the dance-of-death for her DCC career. But I still miss her. :( 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438955
Kaedee August 23, 2015 Share August 23, 2015 Hey, does anyone know what the "pro" stands for as in Ashley Pro?? Ashley's full name is Ashley Prochazka, hence Ashley Pro. It's Czechoslovakian, I believe. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438965
mardo4 August 23, 2015 Share August 23, 2015 Forgot to mention in all my posts that I really liked the way Jennifer taught the rookie candidates in that segment with her and Melissa R. You can definitely see the dance teacher in her. Especially in the way she interacted with Madeline disarming her with the "welcome to my team" comment before giving her the correction.. yes, I hope we see more of those type of segments. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438982
MrsEVH August 23, 2015 Share August 23, 2015 Who is the rookie TCC with the really sharp nose? (blonde hair). I'm really ambivalent about her at this point. I think you're talking about Kat, the gymnast. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1438993
English Teacher August 23, 2015 Share August 23, 2015 (edited) OH! One last pet peeve.... and this is because I have administrators who subscribe to this philosophy. According to Kelli at the first meeting (and we have heard this before in previous seasons -- particularly when Morgan showed up "late" to her interview): Practices start at 7 but in "DCC world" that means 6:30. WHY or why don't you just say, practice starts promptly at 7; you are expected to be there at 6:30 to primp, warm up, and prepare" ?????!! I have worked for administrators who have written in instructions that if an exam starts at 8AM, proctors should be there at 7:45 -- but then are annoyed when the proctors aren't there at 7:30. If you want someone there by a certain time, just tell them what time to be there!!!! The "DCC is always early" is stupid imho. ok...sorry....I've had too many drinks tonight on a very restrictive diet; 3 glasses > 1 protein bar. lol. Edited August 23, 2015 by English Teacher 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1439099
mardo4 August 23, 2015 Share August 23, 2015 Every year, Kelli seems to reinvent her approach and demeanor. For the past few years, she has been warmer, more encouraging ...this year, she is no nonsense and intimidating. No wonder the girls look terrified. And it is probably because if the pressure of a rebuilding year, but then recognize how it might undermine an otherwise potentially strong team member.. You said it better than I could. I hope she lightens up a little bit after the "emotion" this week. But, even Judy said some that were struggling would have likely been fine in other years but this year is highly competitive. Not certain how that is more so this year than others??? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1439133
MrsEVH August 23, 2015 Share August 23, 2015 When Kelli and Melissa R were talking to the girls you could see that twice they showed KaShara's face looking very worried. She knew she was in the wrong uniform. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1439134
Kaedee August 23, 2015 Share August 23, 2015 If you want someone there by a certain time, just tell them what time to be there!!!! The "DCC is always early" is stupid imho. ok...sorry....I've had too many drinks tonight on a very restrictive diet; 3 glasses > 1 protein bar. lol. So many people are consistently 5 to 15 minutes late, that the DCC rule of "always early" is a terrific one to have, especially considering football games and DCC responsibilities. Telling people to be there by a certain time rarely works in most cases. In writing performance reviews for my team, being late is the most cited downfall for nearly everyone. My diet includes 1 bowl chocolate ice cream with chocolate syrup, 1 glass of white wine. :D 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1439135
DCCFanInKy August 23, 2015 Share August 23, 2015 When Kelli and Melissa R were talking to the girls you could see that twice they showed KaShara's face looking very worried. She knew she was in the wrong uniform. I just rewatched that part of the episode and didn't KaShara & Raylee have the uniform "script" hanging in their kitchen??? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1439147
mardo4 August 23, 2015 Share August 23, 2015 If you want someone there by a certain time, just tell them what time to be there!!!! The "DCC is always early" is stupid IMO. I hear you, but remember a lot of these girls are out of high school, perhaps have not held a fulltime job before....they probably don't want to hear the litany of "traffic" excuses. most professionals know to build in more time to drive thru rainstorms, etc. to be there when they are supposed to be there. I love your drink and protein bar ratios! I need that program. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1439167
English Teacher August 23, 2015 Share August 23, 2015 (edited) I see your points. I just think for a legion of young women who "want this so badly", being late should not be an issue. ...oh wait...and then there was Jordan. Lol Edited August 23, 2015 by English Teacher 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1439206
ElectricBoogaloo August 23, 2015 Share August 23, 2015 If you want someone there by a certain time, just tell them what time to be there!!!! The "DCC is always early" is stupid IMO ITA - I am a performer and I haaaaaaate when the call time is three hours before the show starts. I am a responsible performer so I show up on time with my hair and makeup already done and in my costume so when there's a super early call, I end up sitting around twiddling my thumbs for 2-3 hours while I watch everyone else stroll in late with bare faces. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1439246
Gigi88 August 23, 2015 Share August 23, 2015 Who is the rookie TCC with the really sharp nose? (blonde hair). I'm really ambivalent about her at this point. I think you mean Kaleigh. I can't help but think she doesn't have an "HD" face at all. She looks old too. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1439306
LaurenBrook August 23, 2015 Share August 23, 2015 (edited) I don't really have anything new to add to all this discussion! :) But I'm going to give my thoughts anyway because, yeah...LOL I like how they are showing more of the rookies this year...still several where I am like WHO IS THAT and have to head over to ultimate cheerleader to see the profile pics from after they made TC. SO embarrassed for Raylee and KaShara getting the wrong outfit but glad they are great enough performers to hopefully make Kelli forget about the incident lol. Raylee is still kind of meh to me but I LOVE KaShara!! She is gorgeous and so much fun to watch...and that accent...! Love. Megan C is really moving up my list of favorites...such an excellent dancer but so professional and mature in other aspects too. Holly is still my favorite though...I love following her on Twitter, she is the sweetest and really seems wise beyond her years. I would NOT guess she is only 18. I didn't realize that SHE was jr national champion in 2008! Really some strong dancers in TC this year. As for Holly's weight, I follow her on IG too and I do think she lost weight over the summer. She was more of Ashley P's build, yeah, but based on her pics she slimmed down...her legs are awesome! Anyway, sorry, I am just a huge fangirl of her. I liked Colby better after this episode but just don't think she has it. Good for her chasing her dream though. I am 30 and in good shape but the thought of DCC TC exhausts me LOL Rose and Madeline just aren't ready for this...they need more life experience. Same with Emily Hatch (tho I think she is just the prettiest little thing). Kyndall I can't decide yet. Good for her for not running out and quitting her job right away though, good grief, ladies! That's too bad Kat had to quit hers. She seemed to be in a really promising role. So weird to me that they have not shown Chantal at all yet! i mean, just super brief. Maybe they don't like that she'd be too recognizable from her Mav days LOL I actually like what I see so far of little Karen. I thought she looked awkward and sooo short in her pics but she fits in better than I imagined she would and is prettier. Man, do they love Amy Trader. Anyway, yeah, overall a snoozer of an episode. Next week I imagine they start kick line and jump splits? Edited August 23, 2015 by LaurenBrook Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1439329
Elizabeth9 August 23, 2015 Share August 23, 2015 This is always my favorite episode of the season. I'm glad we got to see a little bit of Robin. Go curly haired girls! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1439338
LadyMsJay August 23, 2015 Share August 23, 2015 This is always my favorite episode of the season. I'm glad we got to see a little bit of Robin. Go curly haired girls! Love Robin. I just wish they would he given her another style and taken out her weave. Her hair is cute though, just would have liked to see it different. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1439721
aj-jayva August 23, 2015 Share August 23, 2015 Love Robin. I just wish they would he given her another style and taken out her weave. Her hair is cute though, just would have liked to see it different. I agree!!. I am a hairstylist and performer and was disappointed of the lack of change in her appearance. I believe in last year's hair style change for Alexandra. I didn't like Kelli's way of showcasing her "unit"...embarrassing and unnecessary. Robin is a cute girl and articulate so with any style she would look great. So I believe they were being "conservative" at best with her "look". Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1439903
Preity August 23, 2015 Share August 23, 2015 (edited) I don't know much about hair extensions and stuff like that, so I just have to ask: what's the deal with units? Someone said before that showcasing it is basically rude and since I had never even heard of hair units before Alexandras make over I am really curious now... I loved getting to know Shelbie a little better this episode, she is also someone whose voice somehow surprised me, I don't know why though Edited August 23, 2015 by Preity Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1440038
LadyMsJay August 23, 2015 Share August 23, 2015 I don't know much about hair extensions and stuff like that, so I just have to ask: what's the deal with units? Someone said before that showcasing it is basically rude and since I had never even heard of hair units before Alexandras make over I am really curious now... I loved getting to know Shelbie a little better this episode, she is also someone whose voice somehow surprised me, I don't know why though It isn't "rude," alot of people just dont understand weaves and wigs. In the instance with Alexandra, she had a wig sewn in her hair. It was one "unit." Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/30723-s10e03-an-emotional-beginning/page/3/#findComment-1440155
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