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S17.E15: Episode 15

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"They're WOMB mates!!" should totally be the episode name for this one. Or maybe "Welcome The Catty Sisters"??


I mean I thought I liked Julia at least? But then this week she was just as bad as Liz. Her "Ha ha jokes on you she doesn't even like you!" DR was heinous. I think they will quickly become/make themselves targets when the come in together and don't feel a need to hold back on their opinions and/or actions in fear of being found out. I predict it will be ugly.


I'm glad Vanessa is going to be "swan-diving into a pool of blood" the girl is obsessed about having a call in every eviction but not the target that comes along with it. Deal with it girl, you're running the game basically so what matter is some or even a lot of blood on your hands? You do know that somehow someone has to go home each week, right?

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Okay @ Vanessa's mom looking younger than her! 


Austin?  Shut up.  He is hands down my least favorite houseguest to appear on this show and that's saying something.  


I don't remember anything else happening, tbh. 

Edited by Nite Ryder
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I've been somewhat neutral on Austin up 'til this point, but tonight I found him utterly repulsive.  I include his general appearance, his lack of grooming, his Kardashian-esque stroking of his hair, and his behavior.  I'm not sure I would feel quite as repulsed if I didn't know he had a girlfriend, but it would still be close.

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Yeah in general I give points off for people that have facial hair in beads or rubberbands or whatever. The horrible tattoos move him down the scales quite a few points as well. He's also an idiot (see tattoos) who has no clue about the game/can't keep his mouth shut. So, yeah, he's pretty low on my list as well. He's just a great big doofus really.


But I will say that it is kinda shitty how he's being played by Liz, she didn't for example need to be all over him when they won the comp tonight. Poor big doofus.

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I really hope this week's "foolproof" plan has cured these idiots of volunteering to go up on the block.

I want a week where the HOHs don't consult each other and the people on the block don't agree to it beforehand. Is that so much to ask?

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I am glad that the "plan" blew up in their faces mainly because I really dislike Vanessa. Everything about her including the fast talking, the sunglasses and constant hat wearing and needing to be in charge of every nom and eviction just irritates me for some reason. Also Shelly and Clay are way too comfortable in their game and need to feel nervous for awhile. LOL at the story Vanessa told Austin about Jackie wanting to backdoor Steve of all people. Yeah he's a threat alright, how many comps (besides HOH) has he even played in let alone won? Lastly I don't like how the HOH's have to team up with each other and half the house before nominations, this causes so much less drama than it would with 1 HOH making their OWN decision!

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Ugh, I'm torn between being infuriated and exhilarated.  Can I be "infilirated" or something?


I'm seeing red watching Vanessa sell the twins down the river to tie her ass to "Clelli".  (And she can take a smack for putting those stupid mash-up names in her DR session, too.)  Yes, she's telling Julia she'll watch out for her and Liz when Austin is gone, but she just committed to a "final 8" deal where the majority of the group is set on getting rid of both twins right after Austin, "it's two free weeks, whoopee!"  Screw her.  I hope that Shelli's giant fake horse-teeth come to life, decide that Vanessa's gigantic acne bumps look deeeelicious and eat her face.


(And while I'm being petty, you're 30 years old and a millionaire, Vanessa.  If it hasn't cleared up naturally by now, it's not going to.  Go see a dermatologist, that's what they're there for.  $4,500,000 in poker winnings means you can afford it.  Ugh.)


And why the hell do you want to align with the Three Twerps (James/Meg/Jason) anyway?  That's a solid bloc of three, which is the same number as the threesome you're in.  Only the other parts of "Dark Moon" (Jackie/Becky) are on their side, not yours, and that threesome is tighter than yours is, because you're clearly the third wheel in the "Clelli" (sorry, now I can't stop) showmance. You moron, you've committed to an alliance in which you're always going to be outnumbered.  And I'm sure it's just my disdain for the Three Twerps (Pervy, Fakey, and Bitchy! My new un-favorite dwarves!) that's got me so pissed off, but I really can't fathom how Vanessa couldn't just put two of them up and be done with it.  She has to know that she's their target the moment the game gets to F8, if not before, "Dark Moon" or no Dark Moon.  Now she's got her buddy Clay's ass in a sling.  Which, good, but severely stupid gameplay.   I'm done with her.


I'm also done with Jackie, who refused to consider the possibility of working with the twins, and who sold out Johnny Mac, the only person in that alliance that she and Jeff had (with John/Shelli/Clay) who was willing to stand up and give Jeff a vote.  What, this time it's only going to be an eight-person alliance (as opposed to the nine-person group she was in [James/Jason/Meg/Jeff/Jackie/Audrey/Da'Vonne/Clay/Shelli] that was gunning for the "outsiders' in Week 1), so there's no room at the HoH for John?  Thanks for nothing, Stripper Heels.


Thank Grod that Liz came through, despite the deadweight that was James, in the BotB.  Maybe she really is the smart twin, after all. (She has both of the Nolan sisters' comp wins so far.)  Good for you.  And I don't blame her in the slightest for "leading Austin on".  Hello, it's Big Brother. Expect the (should be not at all) unexpected, Austin.


Favorite HGs:


1) Julia

2) Liz

3) Johnny Mac (poor guy, his comp string ended at 13…)

4) Steve

5) Becky (don't blame her for the group that drafted her, it's just that Steve was smart enough not to volunteer, and she isn't)


An idiot, but at least his heart's in the right place:


6) Austin


I'd like to send you to the Dark Side of the Moon, you lot:


7-13) Everybody else.   I think Clay is actually my favorite in this group now.  Which is ridiculous.  (Although Jason gets points for knowing he's in no position to be throwing comps. Now if only he'd stop shouting in the DR…)


Ah, well.   There's still time for Vanessa to come to her senses and backdoor Jackie (Vanessa herself said that she knew Jackie was gunning for her;  as I speculated last episode's thread, I think Jackie can hold a grudge), so we'll see.  And in the meantime, let me say again congratulations to Liz and Julia.  I mean, who would have expected that James would try to throw a comp that involved a food reward?  Well done, girl.


Edited to remove the thing that Cosmosgravitation was right about, below, and I was…less right about.  And again I go with "ugh".

Edited by DAngelus
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Yeah he's a threat alright, how many comps (besides HOH) has he even played in let alone won?

Discounting HoH (which he has admitted to throwing), he's competed in four and won two, and he threw one of those that he lost (a veto after he had won BotB).  So he's two out of three in competitions he was trying to win.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
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Austin is just so dumb! Get him out of the house now. He's not even fun-dumb, he's just annoying as fuck. What was he thinking, officially outing the twins to Jason and basically targeting Julia? Does he really think Liz would be cool with him if her sister went home because of him? He's just crazy. I don't really think Liz is a whole lot brighter, but Julia seems to have her shit together - she instantly knew Austin's plan was no good. So yea, I'd rather see Liz sent home and Julia stay. 


At any rate, Jason already knew. The entire house basically knows, they're just not saying anything. So freaking stupid.


I just really hope the plan to backdoor him works out. Does it really matter which side won BOtB, if you're all in on it? In reality, if Clay and Becky are such great competitors, it might be better to have them play during POV anyhow. Basically, just hope Austin doesn't get drawn to play in POV, tell everyone who plays to use it, and you're good.


I was glad to see Jackie playing her own game, while still working with Vanessa a bit. She made it clear she was putting Liz up and there wasn't any way around it. Should have used Johnny Mac instead of James, no one can throw a comp like Johnny Mac. But I'm glad he got a respite from being on the block! 

Edited by ghoulina
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LOL @ Vanessa! I love it when a plan DOESN'T come together. And yes ASKING someone to be on the block is lame.


Oh gosh, that shit killed me. "I can't put Becky up unless she agrees". Ummmm, did I miss those rules somewhere in the BB handbook?


. LOL at the story Vanessa told Austin about Jackie wanting to backdoor Steve of all people. Yeah he's a threat alright, how many comps (besides HOH) has he even played in let alone won?


It was really confounding that she chose Steve as the backdoor plan. Why not Jason? He's been a serious contender for eviction before. 

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This episode was so boring. 

Possibly the second half was exciting, but I didn't make it far enough to find that out.


I think I might be done for the summer. This is 3 in a row I haven't watched all of; and I've already skipped more than one.

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I don't know why they insist on this dual HoH thing with the Battle of the Block. It just prolongs the agony every week. We have two HoHs who decide to work together to get out a target, and politely ask other houseguests if it's okay for them to put them up as a pawn. Then the final elimination is nearly unanimous. This is what made last season so boring, and this season is getting to be just as bad. (The only reason they're not completely unanimous this season so far is because Audrey and Austin kept throwing in dissenting votes just to stir the pot… not that it ever really did)


This episode also makes me worried that without Audrey we've lost our drama, because if Austin's crush on Liz and the twins' gagging over the very idea is the best they can do… we're in trouble.


I keep hoping for things that never come to pass. Like Jackie actually putting up someone who would matter (I'll give her half a point for Liz, though) and not really working with Vanessa even though she claimed to be. Or Vanessa putting up Clay as a pawn, but secretly hoping they'd fail so she could split up the Clay/Shelli alliance. I mean, I suppose she could still be hoping Clay goes home on Thursday and will just go "What? That wasn't the plan! Sorry, Shelli!" but I would've thought she'd give the producers a little something to tease that in the DR. Meh.


I miss the days when there were two sides to the house and the power would flip between them almost every week so nobody ever really dominated the house. The Veto competition was dramatic because lives were on the line, and eliminations could be so equally split down the middle they'd actually require a tiebreaker!


This is just boring.

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I guess with Audrey gone, Austin inherited the mantle of Contestant Who Self-Evicts Through Stupid Gameplay.  Why in the world would he try an end-run around Julia , his own alliance member, when there are still plenty of non-entities to evict?  Every time he comes up with some "master plan", its always awful.


James would win the $500k if every challenge was endurance (sit still like a bump on a log) or eating.  Otherwise, he's pretty useless (he can't even throw a competition well!).


Steve is a super-fan and knows all the trivia about BB.  I wish they'd have him do a TH where he explains exactly what kind of game he's playing, because it looks like he thinks he's at home, WATCHING the show, rather than participating in it.  Has he approached anyone about an alliance of any kind?  You just KNOW he's come up with a million ideas for alliance names over the years.

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I don't know why they insist on this dual HoH thing with the Battle of the Block. It just prolongs the agony every week. We have two HoHs who decide to work together to get out a target, and politely ask other houseguests if it's okay for them to put them up as a pawn. Then the final elimination is nearly unanimous. This is what made last season so boring, and this season is getting to be just as bad. (The only reason they're not completely unanimous this season so far is because Audrey and Austin kept throwing in dissenting votes just to stir the pot… not that it ever really did)


Dual HOH and BOtB is just awful. For one, it ensures, like you said, that the HoHs are going to work together, for the most part. Which is boring, and basically the antithesis of what I want to see on this show. But let's say the two HoHs did NOT want to work together. It's still not going to work out great. Basically, in order to stay HOH and be in control, you have to LOSE BOB, which means you have to put up weaker comp players. But what if the people you want out are STRONG comp players? Then you basically have to try and do all this throwing comp, backdooring stuff, and hope it works out. Which, I'm not opposed to throwing comps or backdooring people - but it's like every damn week, because they're left with very little options. 

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. . . I really dislike Vanessa. Everything about her including the fast talking, the sunglasses and constant hat wearing and needing to be in charge of every nom and eviction just irritates me for some reason. 

Can we add her stooopid eye makeup?

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What was he thinking, officially outing the twins to Jason and basically targeting Julia? Does he really think Liz would be cool with him if her sister went home because of him? He's just crazy.


Why in the world would he try an end-run around Julia , his own alliance member, when there are still plenty of non-entities to evict?  Every time he comes up with some "master plan", its always awful.


Austin is not actually trying to get Julia evicted;  he's just feeding Jason a line so that Jason will be willing to let Julia come into the game full-time at the end of this week (and would presumably get Meg and James to be cool with it, too) on the premise that he doesn't care if you get rid of Julia, just don't hurt "my Liz" this week to keep her sister out of the game.  (Remember, at the time he did this, he didn't know who would win HoH; he's trying to cover as many bases as possible.) Of course, once Julia was actually in the game, Austin plans on being all "ha-ha, suckers!" and keeping both twins around.


This is, of course, a monumentally stupid plan.  It confirms Jason's suspicions about the twins (he was pretty certain, but not everyone else was, and even for Jason it's a psychological boost to know for a fact, rather than just suspecting), he gave Jason Julia's name (which, as we saw in the episode, lets the other Sixth Sense members know that Jason isn't just guessing, Austin really did rat them out), he's telling people to go after Julia (which is the opposite of what he, Liz and Julia want) and his "master stroke" of double-crossing the Three Twerps would make him an even bigger target than he currently is.  


Besides all of that, the math is hardly appealing: since it's likely that Jury starts at F11 (as it has the last two years), that would give Jason (and, supposedly, Austin) exactly one week to get rid of Julia pre-Jury, which is hardly an appealing window for Jason to shoot for.  It's no surprise that, contrary to Austin's hopes, Jason (and his allies) have little interest in jumping through this narrow hoop in order to, supposedly, secure Austin's gratitude down the road, and are in fact fine with both twins going this week if that's how it works out.


And the idea that Austin is trying to work secretly with Jason?  Has he met Jason?  Jason couldn't keep his mouth shut if you stitched his lips together.  An epically stupid plan on multiple levels…but I can't put Austin completely in my bad books, because he is trying to help his allies (whom I love), he's just making a hash of it.  But that's better than Vanessa turning on her alliance for a worse alliance (and basically selling the twins down the river for it) or Jackie being both petty and inflexible (wrt the twins) and ungrateful (wrt John).


Finally, Austin's whole "I wanna be alone with Liz in Jury so I can f*ck her without her sister getting in the way" pitch is just Jeff-sized levels of gross, I feel.  (Except that when Jeff would make remarks to Liz about how he was going to make her his Jury House sex toy, he'd talk about "we" so as not to exclude his bros from the hypothetical "action".  Austin's being romantic by comparison.) Only the fact that Austin is actually lying to Jason about this keeps me from actively hoping for his eviction, but even introducing the idea is in very questionable taste.  Much like much of Austin.  (Who wears a chin-ponytail, anyhow?  If you don't want a full beard, trim it.  It's not hard, for Judas's sake.)

Edited by DAngelus
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Discounting HoH (which he has admitted to throwing), he's competed in four and won two, and he threw one of those that he lost (a veto after he had won BotB). So he's two out of three in competitions he was trying to win.

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Wow I have to say I honestly don't remember him being in those comps! Production does such a good job of hiding him it's easy to forget he is actually playing in the game. I still don't get why they would consider him a good backdoor target; we rarely see him talk game with anyone and as far as I know he has never actually spearheaded a plan to evict anyone. Maybe I am missing something because I don't watch the feeds?

On another note I find the fact that every time they show James he is eating food, and he ends up winning a steak dinner. I would be disappointed to see him or Johnny Mac leave the house, they provide some much needed comic relief in the episodes.

Edited because I obviously don't know how to use quotes, it should have been one entry. ??

Edited by Sounditout
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I like Vanessa, unlike a lot of the live feeders on Twitter, but she has MILLIONS of dollars. Seems weird she's even playing this game? Anyways - she certainly does talk in circles a lot. Austin needs to go, and then Shay needs to be broken up. Someone make that happen.

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I just continue to be frustrated by this season because everyone keeps running to Shelli and Clay every time they hear something or find something out. It's as though the entire house is actively playing for Shelli and Clay to be the final two. Jason finds out about the twins, tells Meg, and what do they do? Pull Shelli and Vanessa aside, which clearly demonstrates they haven't got a clue about the so-called "sixth sense" alliance. Dumb asses. And enough with these alliance names already. Dark Moon? Whatever. Stop giving everything a hashtag, TV.


I do have to give Liz props for pulling out a BotB win despite James trying to throw it. In the end I think that competition was kind of a crapshoot. 

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I like Vanessa, unlike a lot of the live feeders on Twitter, but she has MILLIONS of dollars. Seems weird she's even playing this game?


I didn't realize they means-test the fame whores to get on the show.


Like most competitive reality shows, this one doesn't award the prize in anyway based on who needs it most; though some houseguests have tried that strategy.


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I did.

I should be ok to drive by tomorrow.

Thanks, Lady McV.

I hope you're medically cleared by the next episode.


It baffles me also this "well I can only do it if people agree" mantra. As if the most important power of being HOH is not making waves. Along with/related to that I too fail to understand why everything needs to be 'run through' Shelli like she's Class President.

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I hope you're medically cleared by the next episode.


Not if I have any say in the matter.

It's just - this pesky JOB thing keeps getting in the way, donchaknow.

It baffles me also this "well I can only do it if people agree" mantra. As if the most important power of being HOH is not making waves.

This x100. This was actually one of the primary reasons I was initially rooting for James. In his Week 1 HoH, somebody in the HoH Room made a "blood on your hands" reference. James' response was something along the lines of, "Blood on my hands? I'm a hunter. I'll rub that **** on my face." Subsequent comments notwithstanding, I still have some BB love for James on account of that remark.

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I like Vanessa, unlike a lot of the live feeders on Twitter, but she has MILLIONS of dollars. 

"Millions" huh. Her estimated gross earnings are 3.5 million over 10 years. Tournament buyins and a degen lifestyle eat a lot of that up.

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I really hope this week's "foolproof" plan has cured these idiots of volunteering to go up on the block.

I want a week where the HOHs don't consult each other and the people on the block don't agree to it beforehand. Is that so much to ask?


With this cast, probably.


I hope you're medically cleared by the next episode.


It baffles me also this "well I can only do it if people agree" mantra. As if the most important power of being HOH is not making waves. Along with/related to that I too fail to understand why everything needs to be 'run through' Shelli like she's Class President.

Yet another negative effect of BotB. With four nominees each week, you have to be so much more careful to not piss off people who aren't in your alliance lest they end up in charge the next week. As for Shelli and Clay: my best guess is that they're really conventionally attractive people and not seem pretty nice to everyone, and so they all trust them. generally, we are more likely to trust pretty people and I think we're seeing that in action.

I think something like BotB could have worked but not the way it's currently set up. Make BotB individual comps and randomly pit the nominees against each other one on one, and have the HoHs have to do the same, but make all three happen at the same time. You could have had Clay v. Becky and James v. Liz, which probably would have made Jackie and Vanessa think twice about letting the other one stay HoH: if Clay and Liz both lose, having Jackie stay HoH could be disastrous for Sixth Sense. If the HoHs are going to collaborate on four nominees, treat them as four separate nominees and let them fight it out, and make the HoHs get a little skin in the game. It's not perfect, just a thought, but it wouldn't be worse than encouraging everyone to nominate weak players and vote "with the house."

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I like Vanessa, unlike a lot of the live feeders on Twitter, but she has MILLIONS of dollars. Seems weird she's even playing this game?



"Millions" huh. Her estimated gross earnings are 3.5 million over 10 years. Tournament buy-ins and [other expenses] eat a lot of that up.


The figure Vanessa used in her pre-show interviews was $4.5 million, but the point holds.  Vanessa has even said that winning $500,000 in three months would be a significant bump in her earnings.  Plus there's the competitive aspect, the challenge of doing something new, and all that TV time.  It's understandable she'd try the game, IMO.

Edited by DAngelus
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I just continue to be frustrated by this season because everyone keeps running to Shelli and Clay every time they hear something or find something out. It's as though the entire house is actively playing for Shelli and Clay to be the final two. Jason finds out about the twins, tells Meg, and what do they do? Pull Shelli and Vanessa aside, which clearly demonstrates they haven't got a clue about the so-called "sixth sense" alliance. Dumb asses. And enough with these alliance names already. Dark Moon? Whatever. Stop giving everything a hashtag, TV. 

Yeah, it seems like Clay and Shelli are the "true"  heads of household.  Somehow they have the power, they are the hub, everything goes through them, and they tell others what to think.  It's high school - they're the "It"  couple, everyone wants to be liked by them.  If Shelli and Clay decide not to like you - you're history.  If they do like you, you're safe for now, but you better stay on their good side by doing what they say. 

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This x100. This was actually one of the primary reasons I was initially rooting for James. In his Week 1 HoH, somebody in the HoH Room made a "blood on your hands" reference. James' response was something along the lines of, "Blood on my hands? I'm a hunter. I'll rub that **** on my face." Subsequent comments notwithstanding, I still have some BB love for James on account of that remark.


YES! I had such high hopes for James, and the season in general, when he started off like that. I have been hoping to see him back as HOH, to see if he'd still play that way. 

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With this cast, probably.


Yet another negative effect of BotB. With four nominees each week, you have to be so much more careful to not piss off people who aren't in your alliance lest they end up in charge the next week. As for Shelli and Clay: my best guess is that they're really conventionally attractive people and not seem pretty nice to everyone, and so they all trust them. generally, we are more likely to trust pretty people and I think we're seeing that in action.

I think something like BotB could have worked but not the way it's currently set up. Make BotB individual comps and randomly pit the nominees against each other one on one, and have the HoHs have to do the same, but make all three happen at the same time. You could have had Clay v. Becky and James v. Liz, which probably would have made Jackie and Vanessa think twice about letting the other one stay HoH: if Clay and Liz both lose, having Jackie stay HoH could be disastrous for Sixth Sense. If the HoHs are going to collaborate on four nominees, treat them as four separate nominees and let them fight it out, and make the HoHs get a little skin in the game. It's not perfect, just a thought, but it wouldn't be worse than encouraging everyone to nominate weak players and vote "with the house."

And Another downside of the BotB is than the target has two chances to save themselves....plus if the target won BotB, they are safe. Therefore the other way is through the Backdoor.


What I like to do is that....get rid of BotB.....all the player that is not nominated and not HoH will play in a Immunity Competition.

The winner will be save for the week...and can't be backdoor / as replacement nominee.

So.....every players have a chance to save themselves from BACKDOOR SITUATION.

The current setup just guaranteed your eviction if you are the big target and not choosen as PoV players - seem unfair to me


Then all 6 Nominee and HOH will be played individually in POV

If the winners come from HOH No.1....HOH No.1 will be dethrown

HOH No.2 stay as HOH....with his/her two nominees.

The Winners of POV can then either to use it to same one of the nominees of keep the nom the same.


If the POV used on any of them...

HOH No.2 will named the replacement nominees :

All including the HOH No.1 and The HOH No.1 losing nominees

Except : The POV winner and The Immunity Holders


Or maybe the POV winners can have more power by choosing which HOH will stay HOH

The POV can choose the HOH that nominated him/her to stay HOH...

then POV winner also save the fellow nominees.

So..the current HOH now have more blood on his/her hand to name TWO REPLACEMENT nominees.



If the winners is one of the HOH...the that HOH will holding all power.

His/her remain as HOH...and can decide whether to keep his/her nominees of to save of them

Edited by ColbyRaikkonen
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Sometimes, you have to hand it to the editors...I cracked up at that scene when Clay was lying in bed telling Shelli what a *fierce competitor* Becky is, and while he's saying that, they cut to Becky, who is also lying in bed, yawning.
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I'm wayyy behind on my BBAD viewing, but I was checking out the show from Friday, July 24th, which is the night after the BotB in this episode was held, and there were two interesting conversations discussing the competition, held separately but simultaneously.  One was between Clay and Shelli, and the other between Austin and Liz.


I can't really imagine that anything in these conversations counts as a "spoiler" at this point (more like additional details), but what the heck, I know how to do spoiler tags, so I'll do them.


It wouldn't be Big Brother without a Conspiracy Theory, right?  

Austin was annoyed that the spectator section where the non-playing HGs sat had a clear view of the "room" where Clay and Becky were working, but no view of Liz and James's, due to the intervening wall.  Not simply because he couldn't keep an eye on his "lady love", but because it made it possible for non-players to call out the letters to Clay/Becky, whereas Liz/James couldn't get that kind of help.  (The spectators weren't allowed to do that, of course, but it's kind of hard to unring that bell…given the set-up of the comp, they really couldn't restart it.)  If Liz and Austin had known that James was trying to throw the comp, they probably would have been even more peeved.  It does seem as though the seating might have been arranged so James could do his ass-dragging without being observed.


Who cheated?

Shelli was, no surprise, flat-out coaching Clay until production told her to stop it.  Johnny Mac was, according to Austin, being more subtle;  he was "analyzing" the competition in conversation with Austin ("They shouldn't forget about that 'H' over there", for example) but Austin thought he was being loud enough for Clay/Becky to hear him and was about to complain when the comp ended.


More proof of Liz's brainpower:

Although the teams finished only a few seconds apart, it wasn't actually that close.  Liz let out a whoop when she realized she had it right, and Clay/Becky, hearing that, just raced for the button out of desperation.  (If you'll look at the episode, you'll see that Liz yells "Come on, come on!" to James [because both teammates have to be at the button before it's pushed] while Clay and Becky are still trying to assemble the letters for Christine's name.  Becky books for the button when they have "Chrsitne" on the board, while Clay partially unscrambles that to "Chrstine", but they wouldn't have gotten credit even if they had outsprinted Liz and James.)


More proof of Clay's "brainpower":

Ol' Poop Head didn't realize that there were three specific names that needed to be spelled in order to win; he thought there were enough letters on the walls that you could spell any three names you set your mind to. Uh, Thunderbuns?  If you didn't need to reveal the letters on the walls to solve the game, what would be the point of throwing all that paint around?  Yes, the bins that held the cards contained all the letters to spell any possible name (among the letters not on the walls were B [Amber, Brittany, Caleb], F [Frankie], J [Joey, Jocasta], K [Frankie, Derrick], L [Caleb, Nichole, Paola], M [Amber], P [Paola] and Z [Zach]) but there were only 23 letters on the walls/tables/shirts, and you needed all of them to spell "Hayden", "Christine" and "Victoria", with no other options. This is why Clay and Becky rang in so frequently, they were just putting up random guesses. Oy.

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That's from one of Audrey's DRs; we're supposed to avoid random HG nicknames where possible.  (It was Shelli that called him "Poop Head", after he failed at the Week 4 HoH.)  Thanks, Audrey!

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