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"The View": Week of 07/20/15


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I feel the need to defend Raven's eye makeup today.  She mentioned she got her outfit at a flea market and then briefly mentioned (pantomimed?) her eye makeup was created to go with the ethnic design of the top.  I like all the "interesting" fashion that Raven brings...whether it's hair, clothing,shoes, make-up.  It's unique and fun and I think she presents it with a sense of fun.  If it's odd or bizarre...that's just fine with me  I don't have daughters, granddaughters, great-granddaughters to enjoy, so I'll give a little slice to Raven.


I find her hair and makeup distracting.  And the few times I've tuned in, I just haven't found myself warming up to her. 


As I posted above, none of the current hosts make me want to watch, and I watched regularly from the beginning whenever I was able, and even taped it for a few years. 


I didn't like Elisabeth, but liked the others enough that I still wanted to watch.  When Rosie left the first time, I stopped watching regularly, however, whenever I did watch I found myself agreeing with things Whoopi had to say, and can't recall her yelling at the viewers the way she does now.

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Were you looking at photos of my daughter?  Well no eyebrow, but I'll raise you a tattoo! ;)

All the piercings just creep me out -- I had a hard time with getting my ears pierced in my 30's.  I'm fine with tattoos, but can't help wondering how they'll look when the tattooee is 70 (like me).  I was always fashion-conscious & enjoy the clothes the "young stuff" is wearing these days.

I think nonconformity chicks are sexy...... there is something attractive about a woman who takes chances.... that being said... Raven seems fake to me... and it is not attractive

I agree with the fake part.  I think the clothes, hair & garish make-up are nothing but attention-getters.

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I think nonconformity chicks are sexy...... there is something attractive about a woman who takes chances.... that being said... Raven seems fake to me... and it is not attractive

She tries so hard to be above it all, but she wants to be liked and accepted....lol especially by the people on tweeter..I loved her earlier interactions with the whoopster, when she would push back, and challenge her. Anybody that can hold her own against that bloviating idiot without falling apart, Yes, I am looking at you Rosie O, is cool with me..She has now fallen in line in kissing up to her....We must all bow to the movie Stah, or else......

Edited by Apprentice79
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After reading the comments here about  Raven's outfit [Tuesday's show[ I had to check it out.  I'm with FormerNun, I enjoyed it. I thought it was  was cool and unique and had a story - picked up at the flea market from a guy who travels to Tibet to bring the stuff back. 


On the other hand, what fresh fashion hell was Whoopi wearing?  I'm sure it too had a story, something  to do with a hamper and a glue gun maybe?   Beyond ridiculous with the glued on white collar and bib and worst of all [but completely normal for Whoop] ill fitting.  I don't know if it's because she appeared to be wearing jeans under it or the complete lack of undergarments or what but that mess deserved the shower shoes she was wearing with it.   Good grief Whoopi, crack open the checkbook and find a stylist or at the very least, A TAILOR. 


I did get a laugh though because the topic she [Whoopi] was ranting about was a college girl spending her tuition on shopping trips in Europe and then blaming mom and dad for not teaching her about money, lol.   I was surprised how worked up Whoopi got considering she apparently supports a herd of descendents, including her 40 something year old daughter - who has far as I know has never had a paying job.   Whatever Whoop, your outfit negated any significant point you might have made.   And those white shower sandals, with socks of course, may have blinded me. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Isnt amazing how this group of "Democrats" turn this show into a Republican Fest..... about a month ago Whoopi endorsed Carly Fiorina..... today Rosie endorsed John Kasich..... talking him up as a great leader... Im in Ohio.... he has not been....... and they just cant stop talking about Trump...... just like most media outlets


Tell me more about the Liberal Media myth

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Isnt amazing how this group of "Democrats" turn this show into a Republican Fest..... about a month ago Whoopi endorsed Carly Fiorina..... today Rosie endorsed John Kasich..... talking him up as a great leader... Im in Ohio.... he has not been....... and they just cant stop talking about Trump...... just like most media outlets


Tell me more about the Liberal Media myth

I wonder if they were going out of their way to appear fair and not just Hilary, Hilary, Hilary.  Especially Whoopi, "'cause you know, Bill's a friend."


And I've said it a dozen times, the President must be a diplomat.  MUST.  With a hostile bully like Trump….well, I truly think he's the guy that would start a nuclear war.  Can you image what would come out of his mouth during negotiations, of any kind, with hostile world leaders and governments that stand up to his bullying?  He will surely get our entire continent blown up.  Is he going to give out the numbers for the Kremlin, "out" CIA agent's home addresses if they challenge him?  Disclose U.S. secrets to teach someone a lesson?  Think about how disturbed this man really is…..

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I wonder if they were going out of their way to appear fair and not just Hilary, Hilary, Hilary.  Especially Whoopi, "'cause you know, Bill's a friend."


And I've said it a dozen times, the President must be a diplomat.  MUST.  With a hostile bully like Trump….well, I truly think he's the guy that would start a nuclear war.  Can you image what would come out of his mouth during negotiations, of any kind, with hostile world leaders and governments that stand up to his bullying?  He will surely get our entire continent blown up.  Is he going to give out the numbers for the Kremlin, "out" CIA agent's home addresses if they challenge him?  Disclose U.S. secrets to teach someone a lesson?  Think about how disturbed this man really is…..

Well Bernie Sanders is also running..... and he has higher poll numbers than any Republican candidate..... He has been ignored in the press.... including The View...... As it always has been.... there is a huge flavor of Republican on this show


I had the same thought about Trump..... he is way too thin skinned to be a leader of anything

Edited by RogerFromOhio
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Deborah Roberts is too good for this show.  Thanks Whoopi, for continually interrupting her when she is obviously the most intelligent and coherent person there.


I see  that they are letting Michelle have a lot more room to speak, and that hasn't been a good thing, for me, at least. I don't get her humor.


I loved it when Rosie said that she didn't care about the Niki Minaj / Taylor Swift  issue. Why should she care, because she'll soon be rid of this crappy show!


Norm McDonald seemed either drugged or sleepy.

Edited by Kenz
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When they were talking about Trump.... Whoopi said (not a quote) something along the lines of Leave Trump to us..... let us entertainment people show what he is all about...... I guess she missed the memo that The View is now a news show... not an entertainment show


Go figure

Sunflower Sue.... I think Michelle is trying way too hard to be funny.... it really isnt working for me.

Oh.... to "re-post" .... click on the red quotes at the bottom right corner of the post you want to quote.... hope that helps :)

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Michelle is not Joy with the zippy one liners!  She talks so fast I find it hard to understand her anyway especially when others are interjecting constantly.  Raven's eye rolls are pretty obvious when Rosie starts to speak.  Today they all got a laugh at her expense about Trump running for President and how important the position was ...'ya think Rosie?! 

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When they were talking about Trump.... Whoopi said (not a quote) something along the lines of Leave Trump to us..... let us entertainment people show what he is all about...... I guess she missed the memo that The View is now a news show... not an entertainment show



Nice try.  You are no longer in that club Whoopi.  Someone, please show Ms. Goldberg to the nearest exit. Great. Thanks. 

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No love lost between Raven and Rosie. Rosie seems to not to even want to look at her. 


She only perked up cause "50 Cent" is a fan of boxing or whatever. 

I think Rosie has been over this show, since Whoopie bullied Rosie off the show...I think she was expecting the show to be more substantial than it actually was. To see it devolved under the dictatorship of the Great intellect that is Whoopie Goldberg. She has been disillusioned and has wanted off the show...I think the two Rosies had fantastic chemistry and seemed to really like each other. This season had such an auspicious beginning, to see it now is disheartening, due to the Whoopster's narcissism. 

Edited by Apprentice79
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Michelle's "comedy" doesn't seem to have a point of view - some hook that makes her stand out. It seems her previous work was on the "Best Week Ever" blog, which was just a few short jabs at pop culture - not enough to build a fan base or reputation on. She's terribly bland.



Cousin Amy, I think I'm pretty savvy and "get" most comedy...whether I like it or not.  Three Stooges (don't like...but I get it).  Lenny Bruce (enlightened me and I got it). Cartoon Network (I get a LOT of it).   Woody Allen (love...get it).  Amy Schumer (goddess...glad she came along in my lifetime).  Michelle Collins.  I looked at some of her stuff on YouTube...seems nice enough, but where's the funny?  Is she someone safe TPTB decided to stick on the panel hoping she'd get a funny word in now and then?  I don't get it.  Another vote for Cousin Amy.

Edited by Former Nun
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Michelle Collins.  I looked at some of her stuff on YouTube...seems nice enough, but where's the funny?  Is she someone safe TPTB decided to stick on the panel hoping she'd get a funny word in now and then?

Where's the funny? That's what I've been wondering too. I think Michelle tries too hard to insert a joke or line into most of the discussions. If the jokes were funny, it might play better!

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It was obvious that them adding Raven/Michelle they were going for a 'young vibe' but they aren't very substantive? Michelle has moments of it but she always goes for the cheap joke which is very reminiscent of Late Seasons Joy. And Raven tries to bring a different perspective but today with the Drake/Mills/Kermit discussion it went nowhere and seemed forced and derailed the topic. Its weird to think next season those with critical thinking skills won't even be on the panel (Nicolle and Rosie).


And I'm sorry if Whoopi (and Rosie) feels some of these topics are beneath her but considering the alternative topics she seems fond it, at least these are actually in (todays) news.

Edited by geekburger
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Nice try.  You are no longer in that club Whoopi.  Someone, please show Ms. Goldberg to the nearest exit. Great. Thanks. 

Applause!  And Amen!  



And I'm sorry if Whoopi (and Rosie) feels some of these topics are beneath her but considering the alternative topics she seems fond it, at least these are actually in (todays) news. 

What topics could possibly be beneath the Queen of Bathroom Jokes?    I will say that most I've ever enjoyed Rosie P on this show was on Tuesday when everyone was blathering on and on and on about something lame and when they finally asked Rosie P what she thought, she said, "I don't care."  Ahahahaha! 

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I will say that most I've ever enjoyed Rosie P on this show was on Tuesday when everyone was blathering on and on and on about something lame and when they finally asked Rosie P what she thought, she said, "I don't care."



That was fun, Cosmocrush.  I also liked Rosie's spunk the other day when she told Whoopi (in a nice enough--but firm way) to STOP IT!  Whoopi thinks it's funny to ridicule (in her unfunny way) Rosie's accent.  Whoopi is so proud of the various accents she thinks she can pull off that she demonstrates them all too often.  I think she's using the show as one big audition platform.  See, I can do accents!  See, I can do cartoon voices.  See...I'd make a lovable Minion.  

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I like Raven, which is probably odd since I'm not her age demographic. But seriously, she needs to stop saying 'since I work in the industry....' or 'I know because working in this industry.....' Just cut it out. We get you're in show business. It's not like we saw you a month ago passing out Avon books at the bowling alley or anything. 

A million times yes, yes, yes - except that I don't like Raven at all.  But, hey, at least it gives me more reasons to yell at the TV during this crap show - Hee! 

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Raven is an idiot - she calls a singer "one of the most brilliant VOICETRESSES "  which I guess is Raven-speak for "a really good singer".  Cause that ain't a real word.

They're all dumbfounded by the fact that other countries don't use air-conditioning.  Do they think that people have ALWAYS had air-conditioning?  I grew up without it.  Is it such a crazy idea that people can survive with a/c?  because there are households in the U.S without it. 

That  whole discussion about naptime was stupid.  Really- naps in school?  Because Raven worked so hard and needed to nap when she was a teen?  But whoopi says teenagers are assholes.  At least that's what I thought was bleeped.  Whoopi, YOU may have raised a few asshole teens, but I see a lot of teens who are pretty damn decent people.

Then Whoopi says that the average movie ticket is $8 (sounds right to me, averaging new releases, student discounts, kids prices, and matinees), but Whoopi says it's $49.95 when she goes.  WTF? Nicole says it's $13. They talk about sneaking into movies.  But - doesn't that take away from profits?  and don't movie actors,(like Whoopi used to be)  depend on the ticket sale profits?

Teens are not having sex as early, or more teens are waiting, they really were not clear.  But Whoopi says they must be doing it wrong, cuz SHE'S getting some!

Then they talk about the best age to get married to avoid divorce, which ends up being a build-up to guess what?   Whoopi has a new book coming out - about relationship advice!  


Yeah, I only got halfway through the Whoopi Show today.

Edited by backformore
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But whoopi says teenagers are assholes.  At least that's what I thought was bleeped.  Whoopi, YOU may have raised a few asshole teens, but I see a lot of teens who are pretty damn decent people.



I agree...MOST teenagers, even those not in the best circumstances are decent people.  In my area they're working at fast food places, mowing our lawns, babysitting, going to school, in all kinds of activities and VOLUNTEERING more than my generation ever did.


Movie-ticket prices in the Phoenix area:  Adult $10 ~ Matinee $7.50   Child (3-13) $6  Seniors $7  Students & Military with ID  $7.50     I know it's pretty expensive and I'm always surprised at the number of parents with 3-4 kids who buy TONS of snacks (popcorn, drinks, candy).  That's a teenager's paycheck!

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Raven is an idiot - she calls a singer "one of the most brilliant VOICETRESSES "  which I guess is Raven-speak for "a really good singer".  Cause that ain't a real word.

They're all dumbfounded by the fact that other countries don't use air-conditioning.  Do they think that people have ALWAYS had air-conditioning?  I grew up without it.  Is it such a crazy idea that people can survive with a/c?  because there are households in the U.S without it. 

That  whole discussion about naptime was stupid.  Really- naps in school?  Because Raven worked so hard and needed to nap when she was a teen?  But whoopi says teenagers are assholes.  At least that's what I thought was bleeped.  Whoopi, YOU may have raised a few asshole teens, but I see a lot of teens who are pretty damn decent people.

Then Whoopi says that the average movie ticket is $8 (sounds right to me, averaging new releases, student discounts, kids prices, and matinees), but Whoopi says it's $49.95 when she goes.  WTF? Nicole says it's $13. They talk about sneaking into movies.  But - doesn't that take away from profits?  and don't movie actors,(like Whoopi used to be)  depend on the ticket sale profits?

Teens are not having sex as early, or more teens are waiting, they really were not clear.  But Whoopi says they must be doing it wrong, cuz SHE'S getting some!

Then they talk about the best age to get married to avoid divorce, which ends up being a build-up to guess what?   Whoopi has a new book coming out - about relationship advice!  


Yeah, I only got halfway through the Whoopi Show today.

Wow, thanks for taking one for the team and reporting  backformore!  I just wish I didn't have coffee in my mouth when I read the word Voicetresses because now it's on the table, lol.    I guess Raven's top notch education is showing again. 


Sounds like a predictable day on The Spew, including Whoopi bringing it all back to herself by telling everyone her sex life is alive and well.  I wish she would stop that - no one cares and no one needs that mental image, even for a second.  Blech.  


Luckily for those of us out  in the Pacific NW - the morons must not spend much time here.  Because way over half the people i know don't have air conditioning in their homes.  The only people who have it either live in high end buildings less than ten years old or they have a unit from Costco to put in their bedrooms at night.  Our recent heat wave has keep plenty of people at work for longer than usual hours because of the air conditioning, restaurants are full because no one wants to turn on the oven, etc.  It happens every summer but usually only for a week or two.  This year has been record breaking. 


I love that Whoopi is always ordering people to see this movie or that movie because "the people who work on them need the jobs" but then talks about $50 movie prices or how to sneak in.  I guess that goes along with her always bitching that the public schools need to do something about something and then  begrudging every tax dollar she pays. 


The best news of all though is that Whoopi is writing releasing a relationship advice book!  What could she add to all the advice she's spewed for years at table, like 'just have sex, don't marry them or live with them.' ?   Maybe she will share her secret to getting along with co-workers since everyone that started this season won't be back next season except her?  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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"Whoopi's Big Book of Relationships," which she assures us is fantastic.  Here's something about the author: Whoopi Goldberg is one of a very elite group of artists who have won the Grammy, the Academy Award, the Golden Globe, the Emmy, and a Tony. Currently, she is the moderator of ABC Television Network's The View. Whoopi is equally well-known for her humanitarian efforts on behalf of children, the homeless, human rights, education, substance abuse and the battle against AIDS. Among her many charitable activities, Whoopi is a Goodwill Ambassador to the United Nations.


Oh...THAT Whoopi.  I thought you meant the "rape rape" one.

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Oh my god...the book is real?  I thought it was a stupid joke.  Okay, it's probably still a stupid joke.  However, she is really writing a book about relationships?  Yikes.


Yeah, teenagers are assholes.  Way to stereotype you idiot.  As a high school teacher I can tell you the proportion of asshole teens is approximately equal to the proportion of asshole adults.  Funny how that works.


I went on cheap Tuesday to see Magic Mike and it cost me $5.39 here in southern Ontario.  I paid $10.50 to see a matinee a week earlier.  For 2 hours entertainment, I can't complain.

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I went on cheap Tuesday to see Magic Mike and it cost me $5.39 here in southern Ontario.  I paid $10.50 to see a matinee a week earlier.  For 2 hours entertainment, I can't complain.



There's a "dollar movie" within walking distance of my house (I'm NOT gonna walk).  We still call it the dollah movie, but the prices have gone up gradually (in the past 25 years) to three dollars.  They have Two-Dollar Tuesday.  As soon as the best first-run movies leave the expensive theaters, they're close to me.  The place was also refurbished recently, so the floors are fabulous (they used to be sticky).  The seats are great (new) and the sound system is fabulous.   Please don't tell this to Whoopi.  I just got rid of the paparazzi--I don't want them hanging around again.

Edited by Former Nun
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Raven is an idiot - she calls a singer "one of the most brilliant VOICETRESSES " which I guess is Raven-speak for "a really good singer". Cause that ain't a real word.
I guess she's there to be The View's version of Wendy Williams. Spouting made-up words inbetween the stupidest opinions you'll ever hear.


Going off some posters near the top of the page, Michelle Collin's thread subtitle should be "Where's the Funny?"
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