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S07.E15: Don't Be All, Like, Uncool

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Why not? People are assuming LuAnn (or Ramona) had sex with the guy, but let's assume that she didn't. Does this mean that she's obligated then to keep him in her own bed all throughout the night? I don't understand how this "don't leave your man unattended" thing works. 


If I met a guy on vacation, made out with him drunkenly, and then my friends were pissed that I didn't invite him to sleep in my bed…well, I wouldn't even know what to say to that. Would I be expected to keep a man in my bed on the off-chance that my friend would see a man sleeping in an empty room and flip out? That makes little sense to me. Would I be expected to go room-to-room, consult with each friend (and wake them up if they were sleeping), and ask them if they were okay if ____ slept in the empty room?

Yes, if you brought him home then it is your responsibility to let the other women know there is a drunk stranger, you know nothing about, sleeping in the house, especially if you put him in a room adjoining theirs!



How are we talking about "slut-shaming" and referring to the other party as a "trick"? Doesn't that denigrate both the man and the woman involved? I'm thinking Scottish dude was an expat who lives in T&C, hence the house manager knowing details.

According to Heather on WWHL, they were told these guys had just arrived, flew into, T&C the night they came back to the house. Maybe they were frequent visitors to the island or that they revealed that info to the house manager at some point that night.

  • Love 9

Then she added that on WWHL last night.

Who said that? Why would the house manager walk him up to that room when there was a free, private bedroom, downstairs and he did not want them there to begin with.


Luann told Heather that Alisteir the house manager told her that Ramona walked him up the stairs and said he could sleep there.

  • Love 1

Why not? People are assuming LuAnn (or Ramona) had sex with the guy, but let's assume that she didn't. Does this mean that she's obligated then to keep him in her own bed all throughout the night? I don't understand how this "don't leave your man unattended" thing works.

If I met a guy on vacation, made out with him drunkenly, and then my friends were pissed that I didn't invite him to sleep in my bed…well, I wouldn't even know what to say to that. Would I be expected to keep a man in my bed on the off-chance that my friend would see a man sleeping in an empty room and flip out? That makes little sense to me. Would I be expected to go room-to-room, consult with each friend (and wake them up if they were sleeping), and ask them if they were okay if ____ slept in the empty room?

No but if the dude is a complete stranger to you and your friends you should either make the man leave if you're no longer going to be responsible for his presence or let your friends know so they can lock their doors and put their purses away.

  • Love 12

Luann told Heather that Alisteir the house manager told her that Ramona walked him up the stairs and said he could sleep there.

Does anyone remember the name of the house where they were staying?  I think we need a floorplan

Can someone explain the references to "girl code"? I'm in my 20s and have never heard of this. Seems to me like the first rule should be "don't sleep with another woman's spouse" but I'm new to this "code."

Geez I was kind of hoping you could explain it to me (us).


More on the Girl Code (the song) http://nypost.com/2015/07/14/why-countess-luann-thinks-shes-the-voice-of-every-generation/

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 1

All this hand wringing over people "bashing" Heather and her "unjust" edit is confusing. Was there a law passed stating that everyone has to love Heather and everything she does that I'm unaware of?


She can be angry about a sleeping man in the room next door. To say that nobody can question her approach when confronting the other women is unrealistic. All of these women are judged for every single thing they do or don't do on the show. Heather's not above that.

  • Love 11

Luann told Heather that Alisteir the house manager told her that Ramona walked him up the stairs and said he could sleep there.

I missed her saying the house manager took him up but I do remember LuAnn saying that she did not know Ramona had the guy spend the night in the house. If she didn't know the guy was still there how would she know who took him up to that room? Also, why would the house manager take him upstairs to sleep in a room that was adjacent to a room occupied by 2 sleeping HWs when there was an empty private room downstairs?  Sorry, not buying it, at all.

  • Love 4
But the thing is Lu didn't leave the dude unattended. From what I can gather Lu and Ramona brought guys home and continued to party after having been out. At some point the party broke up and Lu got it on to some extent with her dude (I presume they had sex, but didn't see it so don't know) after having whatever way she had with her Scotsman, Lu then got him out of the house. I would think she had done so before going to sleep herself. Whatever the deal, there doesn't seem to be any point where Lu left her dude to his own devices. Why would she?

It was Ramona who left the guy in the bed in Bethenny's room, next to Heather and Carole's room. It was Ramona's guy who was left to his own devices for a period of time. That's nothing to do with Lu. At all. And yet it was Lu who Carole and Heather went after. Sure it's probably not cool to bring a guy back regardless, but Lu's guy left the premises hours earlier from all accounts. Somehow it became all Lu's fault that there was a guy in the room next to theirs.


I'm aware of all this. Which is why in the next paragraph of my post, which you did not quote, I stated that I don't think Lu is responsible for Ramona's man. My issue with her is that she just didn't seem to care. She didn't acknowledge that the situation was fucked up or show any empathy for how Heather was feeling. She acted like Heather was a raving lunatic for being freaked out that a drunk, naked, stranger was left alone just one room over from her. 


Also, to be fair to Heather and Carole, I think they were a bit confused as to which man belonged to which woman, if any. They couldn't get a straight answer out of anyone for quite a bit. Hell, even Dorinda couldn't answer whether or not the guy had been in the car with them. 

  • Love 17

I'm going to have to watch this episode again. It's like Rashomon, where everyone's got a different version of what happened.


I had housemates when I was single and once in a while, I'd wake up to find a housemate's friend, or date, on the couch on a weekend morning. It was no big deal. OK, so I was in my 20s and these women are in their 40s and 50s, but I didn't understand why a man crashing in BETHENNY'S room should cause Heather to cry that her beautiful vacation was ruined. (If anything, I'd be more pissed off about the loud music.) I like Heather, but she really started losing me. I also wonder about the timeline if she'd already discovered the man sleeping NEXT DOOR (i.e., not in her room) but didn't bring it up until after he left.


I'd bet anything that the guy would be mortified to know that his presence caused all this. I imagine that he was hanging out, had too much to drink, and Ramona and/or LuAnn said "why don't you sleep in the empty bedroom upstairs?" Maybe he didn't even know that there was another bedroom on the side of the bathroom. Since he left so early, he clearly wanted to be discreet. (I'm relieved he wasn't a local, as Heather's comments about "did he take anything?" initially made me uncomfortable.)


I can understand Heather's point of view, but could have done without her asking LuAnn what her date's last name was, or Kristen's comment that he was married…or Carole's dig on WWHL that LuAnn sleeps with everyone. Who cares? It was one thing to do the pirate while involved with Jacques, but LuAnn seems completely single now and that's her business. YES, she's a complete hypocrite for getting on Heather for dropping f-bombs and I'd bet that's what fueled Heather a bit too…but Heather marching into people's rooms, yanking open the curtains etc.? I'd have had the same reaction…especially when RAMONA started it all.


I think this fight goes beyond a naked/semi-naked man sleeping in Bethenny's bedroom, though. I think Heather was already feeling under attack from the dinner, and Carole had gotten some shade from LuAnn previously about Adam. I think they saw a perfect opportunity to take the Countess down a peg or five.


The difference is, your roommate knew the people who slept on the couch. Ramona didn't know the guy - he was a ONS that she just met. Then she left him alone, in a room that shared a bathroom with Heather and Carole (and NOT locking the doors or letting them know about it). Who cares if Ramona and Lu got it on with some guys that night - no one. Not Heather, not Carole. Their problem is waking up to find a strange man in the room that they share a bathroom with. If Ramona was with him  - no big deal, but Ramona should have either had the guy stay in her room, made him get a cab and leave, made him sleep outside, or let others know the situation and lock the door where they shared the bathroom


  • Love 16

Heather is a pit bull. She gets so aggressive and confrontational over EVERYTHING. I can only imagine how miserable it would be to be married to her, no wonder her husband comes across sorta weak. Sheesh. Take it down a couple notches, woman. I actually appreciate LuAnn not taking the verbal beat down Heather gives. I think Heather is quite skilled at being confrontational and practices it regularly in her real life that it's no real stretch for her and is her go-to behavior whenever she's unhappy with someone or something. She would drive me crazy in real life. If someone came at me the way she did with Dorinda, Ramona and LuAnn, I would tell her to back off and shut her down until she CALMS THE HELL DOWN. Barging into their bedrooms? Shouting at people when they're sleeping? Yanking open the bedroom drapes? Back off, bitch!!

Lu has a banging body -- wow! More than any other HW in any franchise. Loved her in this episode.

Kristen annoys me. I hope this is her last season. Tattle Tale. I don't have a lot of respect for women who sleep with married men, but I have even less for Kristen who made that public knowledge. She brings zero to the table. Go away.

Carole is a fence rider. Go back to your fabulous life before Bravo and load a bowl. You bring nothing to the table either.

Sonja nailed everything on the head this episode from Ramona to Dorinda. I'm glad Sonja was actually lucid and made sense, more of this please.

Dorinda's an ugly, sloppy drunk. Limit your alcohol consumption, lady!! And YOU back it up, bitch!! For someone who likes to remind us she's an Upper East Side Socialite, you come across crass and a bit mob wife-Ish. Not enjoying you too much, although you can stay.

Okaaay, Bethenny is finding her groove again and doesn't really bother me anymore. I like her impressions, she nailed Dorinda.

Ramona, [eyeroll]. Bethenny is 100% right about you, you can say or do anything you want and then sorta apologize and throw compliments at someone and be all cute and charming and get away with shit.

  • Love 14
Why not? People are assuming LuAnn (or Ramona) had sex with the guy, but let's assume that she didn't. Does this mean that she's obligated then to keep him in her own bed all throughout the night? I don't understand how this "don't leave your man unattended" thing works.


Or you could just send him home? I think if you bring someone back to a group home, you are responsible for them. If you don't want to sleep with them, fine. But don't just leave someone you only met hours before alone in a room right next to the one your friends are in, without even asking them how they felt about it. It's not the same as having an old friend crash over after one too many drinks. They did not know these guys!

  • Love 16

I think girl code refers to replacing letters with numbers. In Luann's case the number is 69.




Can someone explain the references to "girl code"? I'm in my 20s and have never heard of this. Seems to me like the first rule should be "don't sleep with another woman's spouse" but I'm new to this "code."


Ah the twenties, awwww honey, I'm looking at you all dream sequencey like.    So girl code is (should be) exactly like the bro code (bros before hoes) which essentially means, honor the brotherhood and keep your mouth shut.  Don't give up/admit/tell any business even if a) you don't agree with it b) you know it (the shadiness) to be true for a fact and under threat of physical harm.   If girl code had a motto, ours would be besties before testes or chix before dix.   The reason this never works is because there's always someone in the crew who enjoys being messy more than being trustworthy.   Chris Brown was right, these hoes ain't loyal


I believe girl code is also the name of LuAnn's new terrible single.  Look for it on itunes.  Lol, I kid, don't it's not there.

  • Love 9

I'm sorry if this has been covered already, but I am having a serious issue with timing in hookupgate.  Heather said she woke up and went into the bathroom where she was able to see the mystery man asleep in the bed.  Why did she not wake Carol and the rest of the island at that point to find out who he was and why he was there? 


She said she was going to go downstairs to make coffee, but he was there walking around. ; Heather still keeps the news of the man in the house to herself. 


She saw him sleeping, then he went downstairs, and had a swim, and some juice before leaving.  Why did Heather wait so long before she did anything? 



  • Love 6

When the previews for this season aired, my friend, who is very rich, asked me to figure out what resort they stayed in.  I can't remember what it was called, but it's not like they just rented a random house.  My friend sometimes has a butler who is assigned to be with her for the entire trip, so I think house manager is just a better sounding job title.  He probably suggested they shouldn't have guests over because they were all shitfaced.

  • Love 1

I'm sorry if this has been covered already, but I am having a serious issue with timing in hookupgate.  Heather said she woke up and went into the bathroom where she was able to see the mystery man asleep in the bed.  Why did she not wake Carol and the rest of the island at that point to find out who he was and why he was there? 


She said she was going to go downstairs to make coffee, but he was there walking around. ; Heather still keeps the news of the man in the house to herself. 


She saw him sleeping, then he went downstairs, and had a swim, and some juice before leaving.  Why did Heather wait so long before she did anything? 


Because it takes a little bit of time to wake up the producers, had them going, wake up her BFF had her rolling, getting their mikes on.


That is why I think that all the dramatic display that she had just hjust for the cameras, not that she was not upset and had every right to be but the way she went about it was completely for dramtic effect.

  • Love 6

I'm sorry if this has been covered already, but I am having a serious issue with timing in hookupgate.  Heather said she woke up and went into the bathroom where she was able to see the mystery man asleep in the bed.  Why did she not wake Carol and the rest of the island at that point to find out who he was and why he was there? 


She said she was going to go downstairs to make coffee, but he was there walking around. ; Heather still keeps the news of the man in the house to herself. 


She saw him sleeping, then he went downstairs, and had a swim, and some juice before leaving.  Why did Heather wait so long before she did anything? 

No one knows when he drank the juice or possibly had a swim. LOL He could have had that before he went to the room, after he was taken to that room but I doubt it was right after Heather saw him as the other women would have been awaken by Heather yelling at him to leave. LOL


When the previews for this season aired, my friend, who is very rich, asked me to figure out what resort they stayed in.  I can't remember what it was called, but it's not like they just rented a random house.  My friend sometimes has a butler who is assigned to be with her for the entire trip, so I think house manager is just a better sounding job title.  He probably suggested they shouldn't have guests over because they were all shitfaced.

It is always possible that he was the "House Butler", who also manages the house day to day but why would he be driving the car? That is where it gets confusing about who the guy is and what his role in the house is. LOL

  • Love 2

Heather was not flashed. The man was not in her room and did not approach her. It would be more consistent with "flashing" if Heather had walked into the common area with her robe trailing open and Dorinda was treated to a display of Heather's "private parts". . . It was Carole who specifically asked whether or not Lu could name her trick but Heather was right there chiming with affirmations that Lu's inability to respond correctly proved that she has "very different" (read: inferior) "values and ethics." The slut shaming continued on WWHL with Andy asking a "viewer question" about whether or not Lu only sleeps with Euros and setting up for Carole's punchline that Lu "does it with anyone." I guess I'm one of those with very different ethics and values because I don't see how Lu's promiscuity inherently reflects some moral turpitude; maybe her married man is legally separated, maybe he's unhappy - she picked him up in a bar, it's not like she's vetting his entire history and parsing for emotional nuance. People meet at bars and proceed to hook up all the time. Are there dangers in doing so? You bet. But the line of questioning from Carole and Heather in the kitchen - as well as their rounds in the press right now - definitely appear designed to underline the ostensible sinfulness and immorality of Lu's sexual promiscuity, in my opinion. Lu is inane (honestly, she reminds me of Heather Dubrow in that she's not as smart as she thinks she is because she undermines herself by freewheeling with the double standards) for responding to slut shaming by slut shaming Carole but no more than, say, Heather gasping when someone tries to shame her by referring to Ella and not twelve hours later . . . tries to shame someone by bringing up their child.

Asking about the men's names was a response to LuAnn suggesting (weakly) that they weren't "strangers" (a point she quickly dropped when it became clear that the two men were, in fact, strangers, since she was struggling to remember first names, let alone last names).  To me, the questions were designed to underline your point that there are dangers in hooking up with a stranger you just met at a bar.    


My problem with people saying that Heather's reaction was OTT, is, had she been hurt in some way, would she then be right to be teary eyed and angry that someone's ONS was left to sleep it off in their adjoining room? Sorry that's not right. Ever!

I just don't the get it. She was pissed that Ramona left her trick on their floor. Had Ramona said to Sonja hey move it, because this guy is sleeping over. I'm sure the whole thing would be different. At least then, Heather and Carole would not wake up to strange dick. If that is what you want to to do cool but if you don't expect it and aren't looking for it it can be startling, just saying.

I agree -- while Heather and Carole might have overreacted (I'm not even saying they did, but for argument's sake...), they were in the right (IMO).  So, Ramona and LuAnn bring strangers back to the house (against the property manager's wishes), have a loud party, and allow a stranger to stay alone in the house (in Ramona's case), but somehow Heather and Carole are wrong here because they overreacted (something that happens on this show regularly...see, for example, Ramona's reaction when Kristin splashes her with water)?  I could live to be 150 and I'll never understand that line of reasoning.


Carole did not care (much) that there was a naked guy in the room when Heather first told her about it.  Carole, ever chill, sat there and listened - looked like she was wondering why Heather was being all uncool.  But the little monkey got more and more wound up by Heather's hysterics and by the time they reached Ramona's room, her arms were windmilling in the same direction and speed as Heather's.  They were repeating each other's words and finishing each other's sentences.  Heather set the beat and Carole marched to the drum. Watch when they get to Lu's room. Hilarious. Totally twinsies.  I'm gonna watch that part again.  It was like watching a child trying to mimic her mama.


I believe Lu when she said that Carole apologized and was kvetching behind Heather's back. Because I honestly don't think Carole was that bothered by the naked guy and was embarrassed they barged into Lu's room like the gestapo.  What if Lu had been having a morning session with a dude.  Or by herself.  What gives Heather the right?  Especially with a camera crew in tow. Luann has every right to be pissed about that.  Wasn't HER dude in the bed. 


That said, I think it was wrong for Ramona to let the guy go to sleep in Beth's room.  I see why Heather was pissed but then she turned into a drama queen.  Again.

We never saw how Heather and Carole entered LuAnn's room (thanks, editors).  In one shot they're talking to Ramona; in the next shot, they're standing next to LuAnn's bed.  Clearly they were upset -- they claim they knocked, LuAnn said they didn't -- it's reasonable to assume that, at the very least, even if they did knock they entered quickly without waiting for a response from LuAnn.  But, since the camera was following her from one room to the other, LuAnn definitely didn't knock when she went "barging" into Ramona's room almost immediately thereafter, so....glass houses and all.  


I would think "girl code" (a term of which I'm not a fan and for which I thus do not cheer LuAnn) would provide for not slut shaming your friend in general, definitely not slut shaming her on camera, asking her questions like "do you even know his name", suggesting there's a deficit in her "ethics"/"values" because she likes to get her swerve on and wouldn't blanche at a naked man. It was unnecessary and especially underhanded for Kristen to ensure that everyone knew the man might have been married but Heather and Carole had already set the tone. And considering that's where they took the conversation when Lu objected to their inquisition, I don't really see why Lu deciding they must have had malevolent intentions when charging into her room is any more of a reach than Ro's trick supposedly representing a major threat to Heather and Carole.

Ramona and LuAnn can't have it both ways though and their hypocrisy is what's frustrating -- if "girl code" requires housemates being okay with their friends picking up strangers and bringing them back for, at the very least, a loud party, then "girl code" should require the friends to be okay with those housemates using curse words and Ramona (somewhat) and LuAnn (more so) both definitely seemed to be on the side of trying to shame Heather for her language at dinner.  


Amen to your whole post.  Heather even said that for all she knew this guy could have been in their room whacking off to them while they slept.  He would have had full access to her and Carole's room.  And since he didn't get any bootie from Ramona, he very well could have done just that.  Why was he naked?  If you're drunk enough to pass out, you don't take the time to take your clothes off.  I think this guy did a little diddling watching the naked girls sleeping in the next room.  JMO

Repeating others, but I didn't catch where it was confirmed that he didn't have sex with Ramona.  I thought her comment was basically along the lines of she was going to be discreet and not get into any details.  I would assume -- considering he was naked -- that something happened between them.


Sorry to see that Heather's leaving RHoNY.  I wonder if Carole will stay?

Edited by MMLEsq
  • Love 14
I agree and think it was wrong of Moaner to let Naked/Not Naked guy stay in Beth's bed.  Heather had a point in what she was trying to say.

But when she became a Bulldozer in a Bathrobe, that's when she lost me.



Yup I agree.  I can see how letting the guy wander up there alone and not give anyone the courtesy of a heads up was inconsiderate.  But running around the house, busting into people rooms, throwing back the drapes and waking everyone up was totally out of line.  If I was on vacation with someone and they did that, there'd better be an emergency or an evacuation happening.  That was totally "not cool".  


I thought Kristen was also out of line for mentioning on camera that the guy was married.  This is wrong to everyone involved.  She should have used better discretion.  Lu isn't married, you didn't see for yourself a ring on his finger, so back that shit up.

  • Love 5

I'll proudly own my slut shaming. I don't care. I think it's gross that any human being can't go four days without hooking up with some random person whilst on vacation. Four fucking days! They couldn't have known these dudes for more than four hours! Protection or not that's gross and completely disrespectful to themselves as women. That is my opinion and if that's slut shaming well then, I think that is purity shaming. It's wrong to slut shame but it's ok to shame others for thinking the opposite? If I ever had a daughter I would be completely disappointed if she picked up random dude with a dick and brought him home to bed. Get a fucking dildo. Have a meaningful relationship with someone and then bed them. I mean, at least a few weeks of getting to know them. Aren't your lady bits more sacred to you than that? Mine are.

They were all drunk on some level in a fight about the F word even happened. I imagine Heather probably went home and "passed out" for the most part. Vaguely remembers being awoken at 3 by loud music and then passes right back out. Either way, if you bring a guy home he stays in your bed or he leaves the house. End of story.

How any of this behavior can even remotely be justified makes me glad for the girl friends I do have. Now, I will say I don't sleep naked any way but if I did, I'd certainly put the kibosh on that while on vacation when other people, especially cameras around. But that's just me.

Edited by Mountainair
  • Love 12

I missed her saying the house manager took him up but I do remember LuAnn saying that she did not know Ramona had the guy spend the night in the house. If she didn't know the guy was still there how would she know who took him up to that room? Also, why would the house manager take him upstairs to sleep in a room that was adjacent to a room occupied by 2 sleeping HWs when there was an empty private room downstairs?  Sorry, not buying it, at all.

I don' think there is an empty bedroom downstairs I think it is used by production.  I am also thinking there was a lot of chit chat with the houseboy that didn't make it to screen and most of that talk was designed to stir controversy.

  • Love 2
Or you could just send him home? I think if you bring someone back to a group home, you are responsible for them. If you don't want to sleep with them, fine. But don't just leave someone you only met hours before alone in a room right next to the one your friends are in, without even asking them how they felt about it. It's not the same as having an old friend crash over after one too many drinks.


Lol! ghoulina, I think you should see if LuAnn can add an addendum to her "Class with the Countess" book, and see if she can add this. 

Edited by zenme
  • Love 7

I don't see how the fact that Heather's pronouncements about "ethics" and "values" were precipitated by an honest response from Lu to a *question Heather asked* somehow explains Heather's decision to make moral judgments about someone she supposedly considers a friend. Heather has agency. She can control when she slut shames even if a girlfriend doesn't reply to a situation in a way that she deems appropriate. Would it have been okay for Lu to sneer about "ethics" and "values" when Heather said she didn't find f-bombs problematic vis-a-vis parenting? There also seem to be prevailing sentiments upthread that a - no one has the right to tell H/C how to respond to the circumstances in which they found themselves and/or to tell them to not feel violated (even if their responses included escalating fabrications to the extent that the narrative ends with the man "in Heather's bed") yet b - the relaxed and befuddled apathy (so, how they feel about the circumstances) from Do, So, etc when encountering is somehow offensive to the point that it explains Heather's tears, yelling, windmilling, and efforts to shame LuAnn.

  • Love 1
I just read that Heather is leaving the show. She doesn't really fit so not surprising.



She doesn't show enough of her life.


Lu is an idiot with her they were trying to catch me!! I dont think that was on anyones mind, but maybe it was producer driven.



This was addressed on the show last night.  The morning that they argued about this in T&C notice Luanne did not say anything about this at all. Then shows up to the denim party furious about it.  What happened in the meantime was Luanne talked to Dorinda who suggested this and put the idea in her head.  Heather called Dorinda out on this at the end of the episode.

  • Love 5

It isn't positive or negative about Bethenny.  Well, I'm not a Bethenny uber-fan, so I didn't think Kristen was bashing her.  Some of the Bethenny uber-fans seem to think any discussion of her is bashing her.  I don't get it, but they won't scare me off from discussing Bethenny & I'm glad Kristen doesn't seem scared off from talking about her either.  Seems like bullying to me, to censor anyone from ever having an opinion about Bethenny.  Even Bethenny admitted she came off like a pitbull (and she absolutely did, which is her usual M.O. anyway), the way she was ordering (barking at) Kristen to not speak about her in the press.


Kristen was merely stating her frustration in dealing with Bethenny & trying to communicate with her.  Big woo.  Doesn't seem like anything bad there at all to me.  Shrugging hard to see what's so bad.


So Lu goes after married men without a single thought or care.  We really are learning just exactly who Lu is, aren't we?  Very classy, Lu.  

See this is what pissed me off. I was all like, if I was Kirsten my response would have been "Hold on, stop right there. I don't work for you, I'm not a part of your PR team and I am definitely not in your camp. Where you can dictate to them what can and can't be said about you. What topics are off limits, whatever gag orders or confidentiality agreements you make these people sign so they can't whisper a peep about you to anyone within hearing distance THAT'S NOT ME! So you can back that shit up, cause I have the free will to share an opinion about you if the mood strikes me. Especially since I wasn't bashing or attacking anything of substance in your life. I just described how I felt the dynamic was when you joined the camp and OUR experiences with each other, which I have every right to comment on, throughout filming."


Beth's been pulling this shit forever. Always so uber aware of what the media is digging up about her and putting out there etc. etc. and acting like anyone who speaks on their association with her is so very wrong to do so. Take a chill pill bitch. You ain't that important and ummm you did in fact go back on a reality show that get's a lot of attention. I don't get the entitlement. How she thinks her public image is everyone's fucking responsibility. Get the fuck outta her with that bullshit. I just wish Kristen would have shut that bitch down and not conceded somewhat to the scolding Beth's was giving. Fuck that!

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 15
Now, I will say I don't sleep naked any way but if I did, I'd certainly put the kibosh on that while on vacation when other people, especially cameras around. But that's just me.


One would think that one could temporarily curtail this while staying in a house with a group.  Also, I might be in the minority, but if DH and I are staying at another family's house, we don't have sex.  I don't know.  It's just a "policy" I have.  This is unrelated to the situation at T&C, but I'm just making the point that sometimes you have to temporarily put on hold some things you would normally do in your own home when vacationing with others. 

  • Love 6

I don' think there is an empty bedroom downstairs I think it is used by production.  I am also thinking there was a lot of chit chat with the houseboy that didn't make it to screen and most of that talk was designed to stir controversy.

I really question if production was in the house at all during non filming hours because they would have filmed this, IMO, had they been there. This would have been too juicy to pass up for any producer! LOL


I don't even know why I remember this but it's called the Villa Bella.  hmmp:



I looked it up and they do not list any on site Butler/House Manager as part of the package. They do list a "local" concierge service, which makes it sound like it is not located in the house itself. They also do NOT list "car service/availability" either which makes me question if that "house manager" wasn't really a producer/production HW handler. LOL


Heather's annoying.  Cameras everywhere, sleeping, time to scurry to a place she felt safe, obvious it was an "adult sleepover" (fr Bridesmaids), etc.  So many reasons not to make this a huge ordeal. 


The woman needs to get a grip and chill out.  I would like to see here a few years from now.   Maybe she'll cop another tune later in life.


Totally uncool IMO.


I have really grown to love LuAnn since she broke up with the Frenchman.  I think she is slowly coming into her own and she's not nearly as pretentious at the core as even she may have thought at somepoint.  Now-a-days, I see a woman who wants to live life and have fun.  She's a little on the naughty side and I like it. 


I LOVE seeing women of a certain age being vibrant and alive - sexually, professionally, and personally.  We rarely see it in media.

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 9

What? Really. Heather divorced and lonely? Hmm, let us see:


Ramona=divorced+lunacy+liar+Mario"please return" lonely

Sonja=divorced+(69x2)lonely+"mad as a( damn) hatter

Bethenny= divorced+bitter+angry+"walls up" lonely

Dorinda= Eh, Michelin star "Brown Noser"

*in response to a comment that disappeared

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 6
I have really grown to love LuAnn since she broke up with the Frenchman.  I think she is slowly coming into her own and she's not nearly as pretentious at the core as even she may have thought at somepoint.  Now-a-days, I see a woman who wants to live life and have fun.  I like it.


I agree.  I like LuAnn, not the Countess, and I think we've seen a lot more of "LuAnn" this season.  It's disappointing when her Countess persona rears her ugly head. 

  • Love 4


Given all the ways in which Heather is not cool, as she is human, going after her successful company's name seems like a stretch, maybe just to dislike her more.  I give the woman a LOT of credit (cool credit) for being so successful.


I just really hate the word yummy.  I hate when people say it in general so I was just joking around.  I don't like Heather on the show, I think she's a dork, but I realize I am just judging the reality tv version of her and it doesn't come from a real place of hatred like I hate Bill Cosby, haha.


I love how these shows can lead to such passionate discussions of social etiquette.  I have never given so much thought to sleeping arrangements in my life!

Edited by Morbs
  • Love 4

She doesn't show enough of her life.



This was addressed on the show last night.  The morning that they argued about this in T&C notice Luanne did not say anything about this at all. Then shows up to the denim party furious about it.  What happened in the meantime was Luanne talked to Dorinda who suggested this and put the idea in her head.  Heather called Dorinda out on this at the end of the episode.

We don't know what Heather allowed of her personal/private life for filming this season, we only know what Bravo shows us. It is just as possible that they filmed a fair amount of her with family and her business but because Bravo was pushing Bethenny's return to the show, it was edited out. We have seen her private life during the past 2 seasons, so, IMO, they edited it out in favor of more Bethenny.

  • Love 13

Production crew is not there to guard the participants; they are not bodyguards. In fact, someone (not a castmember, but still) was sexually assaulted in one of the Real World houses during production, IIRC (I think it was San Diego). How many times have we seen crazy shit go down while the camera is rolling? I hardly expect those people to be watching people's possessions or safeguarding their persons.

 I remember that. It was San Diego.. I was watching that season. And there's no excuse. Besides safety, it's still a nerve racking surprise. I didn't miss the part about Heather saying she noticed him in bed while she's was just putting on her robe and was for a few seconds beforehand walking around naked. I mean damn. These women are roaming the house comfortable not expecting certain things and taking liberties that people take when they feel like they are in a safe environment. I think just the fact that Heather was walking around naked unknowingly is enough to think that's fucked up. A heads up is definitely necessary, at least so they know to be discreet and cover up when walking around AND there bathrooms were ajoining! So if one of them went to the bathroom in the middle of the night the say time this naked man decided to pop in for a quick piss? So can someone tell me who would be absolutely okay with that happening to them half asleep, naked and scared shitless? The fact that it didn't happen is irrelevant. And the way both of them acting like NOT KNOWING was a ok? Ummm, no that's not an excuse. Telling me that after you were done with them you didn't pay attention to where they wandered off to next doesn't make it okay. It just shows that you irresponsible, selfish and a fucking child. What grown woman passed the age of 20 something thinks that sort of inconsiderate behavior is okay? I'm dumbfounded!

  • Love 15

After reading all these comments, I felt compelled to catch the late WWHL repeat (in spite of A. Cohen, the smarmiest pile of goo on television.)


The gobsmacker was hearing both Carole and Heather all good natured and chuckling that it's just impossible to ever stay mad at Ramona.  Really?  Why is that?  I can see that she has a kooky 23-skidoo kind of fun personality, but isn't everyone tired of stepping on the landmines she plants?


For example, I'm pretty sure I heard Bethanny say something like "I'm not qualified to determine whether Sonja's an alcoholic," which Ramona reports to Sonja as "Bethanny says you're an alcoholic."   3. . .2. . .1. . .


And this episode!  Six women could have marched into Ramona's room and said, "NOT OKAY" instead of chasing each other around the house hurling invective at each other while Ramona dozed.


I guess the television screen must dilute Ramona's powerful cloaking pixie dust magic.

Edited by candall
  • Love 12
Lol! ghoulina, I think you should see if LuAnn can add an addendum to her "Class with the Countess" book, and see if she can add this.


Given her whole take on the evening it would have to be in her "How to be Uncool" chapter. 


I have really grown to love LuAnn since she broke up with the Frenchman.  I think she is slowly coming into her own and she's not nearly as pretentious at the core as even she may have thought at somepoint.  Now-a-days, I see a woman who wants to live life and have fun.  She's a little on the naughty side and I like it.


But God forbid you use the "f" word whilst living life and having fun. 

  • Love 6

Heather and Carole were interrogating Lu Ann about whether "she even knew" her trick's "name" during the discussion in the kitchen. Heather condemned her for fucking married men in her talking head. They went out of their way, on camera, to direct focus on the fact that the man with whom she had sex in T and C had a different name than what she thought. All efforts at slut shaming, imo. I didn't start watching this franchise until season 5 regularly so I don't know if Lu Ann, like Ro freaking out about Alex's nude pictures, has issued pronouncements about sexual morality so she may be a hypocrite in this context herself (she is in plenty of others). But, yeah, denouncing her sexual practices and, implicitly, her promiscuity constitutes shaming.

But ya know if it fucks like a duck and all that.....


(And I like Lu).

  • Love 7
The fact that it didn't happen is irrelevant. And the way both of them acting like NOT KNOWING was a ok? Ummm, no that's not an excuse. Telling me that after you were done with them you didn't pay attention to where they wandered off to next doesn't make it okay. It just shows that you irresponsible, selfish and a fucking child. What grown woman passed the age of 20 something thinks that sort of inconsiderate behavior is okay? I'm dumbfounded!


To me that was the worst part of it. None of them had any clue what guy Heather was talking about at first, where he was, why he was still there, etc. It would really bother me that the girls were THAT inebriated and bringing dudes back to our SHARED home. That just shows a complete lack of responsibility. If they were THAT out of it, a lot worse could have happened. 

  • Love 16

After reading all these comments, I felt compelled to catch the late WWHL repeat (in spite of A. Cohen, the smarmiest pile of goo on television.)


The gobsmacker was hearing both Carole and Heather all good natured and chuckling that it's just impossible to ever stay mad at Ramona.  Really?  Why is that?  I can see that she has a kooky 23-skidoo kind of fun personality, but isn't everyone tired of stepping on the landmines she plants?


For example, I'm pretty sure I heard Bethanny say something like "I'm not qualified to determine whether Sonja's an alcoholic," which Ramona reports to Sonja as "Bethanny says you're an alcoholic."  In 3. . .2. . .1. . .


And this episode!  Six women could have marched into Ramona's room and said, "NOT OKAY" instead of chasing each other around the house hurling invective at each other while Ramona dozed.


I guess the television screen must dilute her powerful cloaking pixie dust.


May I piggyback?   mindrewinding to last week when Carole told her how rude she was being to them in the Conch Shack making a beeline to (Mr. Random - I really want to say this was the naked dude because LuAnn called him John).  Ramona's response was:  well you're fucking a 28 year old, so......


I not only find it unconscionable that they can't stay mad at her, I think it's pretty stinking easy, but that she has gone her whole life without having been open handed smacked in the mouth (™ Shahrazad Ali) is really something she should start looking at as an accomplishment. 

  • Love 11

After reading all these comments, I felt compelled to catch the late WWHL repeat (in spite of A. Cohen, the smarmiest pile of goo on television.)


The gobsmacker was hearing both Carole and Heather all good natured and chuckling that it's just impossible to ever stay mad at Ramona.  Really?  Why is that?  I can see that she has a kooky 23-skidoo kind of fun personality, but isn't everyone tired of stepping on the landmines she plants?


For example, I'm pretty sure I heard Bethanny say something like "I'm not qualified to determine whether Sonja's an alcoholic," which Ramona reports to Sonja as "Bethanny says you're an alcoholic."   3. . .2. . .1. . .


And this episode!  Six women could have marched into Ramona's room and said, "NOT OKAY" instead of chasing each other around the house hurling invective at each other while Ramona dozed.


I guess the television screen must dilute Ramona's powerful cloaking pixie dust magic.

I don't get it either! Ramona just continues to do as she wants without any real consequences! Someone needs to hold her accountable and she needs to grow up.

  • Love 6

Also: if LuAnn's fury about the possibility of being caught mid-coitus is about what *could* have happened . . . well, what are Heather's fantasies about Ro's trick basically assaulting her "in her bed" while wearing her jewelry about?

About her very human fear when reflecting on how vulnerable and unaware she was a few scant hours before.


It's quite a fantasy, Imma write it up for Literotica and HollaAtMe is going to be my dirty nom de plume.  

  • Love 3

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