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Figure Skating

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28 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

US Weekly is reporting that Adam Rippon and Tonya Harding on going to be on DWTS.

If true, I think it's sad that the show would choose Tonya over someone like Mirai or the Shibs. Talk about sending the wrong message.

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1 hour ago, Avaleigh said:

If true, I think it's sad that the show would choose Tonya over someone like Mirai or the Shibs. Talk about sending the wrong message.

They could always be picked later on for a full length season, when they'd have more time to establish a voting base. This is only a super short four week show, so name recognition is going to be more important than usual. I think Jamie Anderson is already at a disadvantage, voting-wise.

However one personally feels about Tonya, I do understand why DWTS producers would choose her. It doesn't surprise me that they would want to capitalize on her being in the public eye again. Plus Nancy was just on the show last spring. I thought Tonya had a surprisingly good sense of humor when Ellen tapped her to skate with her show producer but yeah, she wouldn't be my first pick of retired skaters for Dancing with the Stars.

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22 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

If he had won the OGM at this Olympics, I think he would have. Since he didn't, I can see him continuing. 

I think if he’d won any individual Olympic medal he would’ve retired. I’m guessing he’ll stick around for at least a season or two. I believe he’s taking a year off before starting Yale. Once he starts college I think skating will eventually take a back seat. Unlike some of his peers in the sport, Nathan seems to have many interests outside of figure skating. Thus, I don’t think it will be all that drives his future decisions. 

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12 hours ago, Enero said:

I think if he’d won any individual Olympic medal he would’ve retired. I’m guessing he’ll stick around for at least a season or two. I believe he’s taking a year off before starting Yale. Once he starts college I think skating will eventually take a back seat. Unlike some of his peers in the sport, Nathan seems to have many interests outside of figure skating. Thus, I don’t think it will be all that drives his future decisions. 

To put on my cynical hat, I think the money involved in potential endorsements is going to weigh a lot more on these decisions than how much Nathan decides he loves college. Figure skating is not a cheap sport. It seems almost financially silly to walk away before he’s really hit his earning potential (most likely through another Olympics). Once you have an Olympic medal, some of those sponsorship opportunities follow you even after you retire. 


I’m not surprised about DWTS and Tonya Harding—after all, they also cast Ryan Lochte right after he was dropped by all his sponsors for being a truly abhorrent person—but I will certainly not be watching, even for Adam. As far as I’m concerned, Tonya conspired in a scheme to assault and injure another competitor for her gain. I don’t need to watch her twirl around a stage and make money. 

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On 4/5/2018 at 8:57 AM, Jillibean said:

To put on my cynical hat, I think the money involved in potential endorsements is going to weigh a lot more on these decisions than how much Nathan decides he loves college. Figure skating is not a cheap sport. It seems almost financially silly to walk away before he’s really hit his earning potential (most likely through another Olympics). Once you have an Olympic medal, some of those sponsorship opportunities follow you even after you retire.

Are the endorsements that good anymore though? I mean, what is Evan Lysacek doing/getting these days? Johnny and Tara managed to get the commentating gig and unless they finally can Andrea, that team is pretty well filled out. Nathan seems like a nice kid and presents well generally but figure skating isn't the draw it used to be and a lot of the US is wallowing in disgusting, overt racism these days and Nathan is not white. Hell, remember when an "American beats out Kwan"? Shit hasn't changed much. Frankly, college is a better bet, especially for a kid smart enough to get into Yale. He could train for three more years and then have a freak injury take him out before the payoff of the next Olympics and then he is out even more money for years of training and behind in his college plans. And you never know when the next big thing will turn up and make you old news.


(sorry if this posts multiple times. I am having...issues)

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Although I don't agree with the decision to have Tonya on DWTS, I do think Mirai was not most likely going to be chosen.  Yes, she had a good moment at the Olympics with the axel, but she has not been an overwhelming figure or star of the sport, and she didn't finish off on a great note.  I like Mirai, but I don't think he axel moment made her a star--it was just a nice moment in her career to make up for some of the harder moments..

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 I don't know how he'll manage skating and Yale but Rachel Flatt and Polina Edmonds were/are college students while skating 

And how many Olympic medals did they win?  Mid-career, Michelle Kwan went to UCLA.  Didn't help.


Nathan seems like a nice kid and presents well generally but figure skating isn't the draw it used to be and a lot of the US is wallowing in disgusting, overt racism these days and Nathan is not white. Hell, remember when an "American beats out Kwan"? Shit hasn't changed much. Frankly, college is a better bet, especially for a kid smart enough to get into Yale. He could train for three more years and then have a freak injury take him out before the payoff of the next Olympics and then he is out even more money for years of training and behind in his college plans. And you never know when the next big thing will turn up and make you old news.

Please.  America isn't the center of the universe.  He could make MILLIONS in Asia where skating is more popular than ever.  Plus, he's Chinese American and the next Winter Olympics is in BEIJING.   And Sasha Cohen went to college in her mid-20s AFTER 2 Olympics.  

He can go to Yale any time.  He could do a gap year or even two.  Or maybe do his freshman year at Yale and then go part-time....  

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I wonder how much Nathan's choice to pursue college now is influenced by the fact that it represents an opportunity to put a continent between him and his family. I'm sure he loves his parents, and they only want what's best for him, but the stories about his family telling him what to do in his Olympic short program, rather than listening to his coach, smack of over-involvement and lack of boundaries. Getting into Yale is a convenient excuse to move out of the house and get some freedom and breathing room.

I'm skeptical that he would be able to keep his skating up the same level, though, if he's doing a full load at Yale. I bet he'll do one year at Yale and then take a leave of absence to train, and return to finish college after the next Olympics.

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Uh-oh.  Looks like some ice dancers, who are moving to Canada to train alongside H/D and our new world champions, are going to use Love Story for their FD.  I never liked that song until I saw S/P skate to it (great choreography & costumes).  I think this is another one of those musical pieces that should be retired, though.  IMO, they just became too identified with the original skater(s) who used it (e.g., Michelle Kwan's East of Eden, Torville & Dean's Bolero, etc).

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Or at least give them more than 4 weeks in between. If they push Worlds out by a month or two, it gives everyone a chance to recover. Most of the top elite skaters didn’t even compete due to injuries and fatigue. It’s an unreasonable expectation to have everyone competing a mere 4 weeks after the Olympics. I think the splat-fest in the Men’s and Women’s competition was a result of that. Even if one is in peak athletic condition, the body can only take so much before it gives out on you. 

To the best of my recollection, Olympic medal winners traditionally went on to compete at Worlds until around the late 1980s or early 1990s. Which - not coincidentally - is around the same time triple jumps became requirements for the ladies and triple axels and a quad became required elements for the men. So the trend of Olympic medalists skipping Worlds definitely coincided with the increased physical toll required of skaters. 

It's too bad, because since then I've come to regard World Champions in an Olympic year as "second tier." So many of them most likely would never have won a world championship if the top Olympic skaters had shown up that year. 

So yeah - it definitely takes something away from a World Championship to have it right after the Olympics when so many of the top skaters don't go.


I definitely respect athletes who do it. Katie Ledecky is the most dominant swimmer in the world, and she’s in college. Debi Thomas was at Stanford while competing. I think Mirai goes part-time and Max Aaron just graduated. 

Nathan clearly is a hard-working, motivated guy. If he wants to do it, I’m sure he can. My questions are more about coaching and how much he’ll compete.

I've always felt a big reason why American skaters cannot compete against the Russians or the Japanese is because they split their focus between training and school. Some of these Russian skaters train like dogs - it's all they have in their lives. Americans think they can do and have it all. You look at the Americans who have done well recently, like Evan Lycacek, and those are the ones who did nothing but train and skate. 

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

To the best of my recollection, Olympic medal winners traditionally went on to compete at Worlds until around the late 1980s or early 1990s

The ISU used to sponsor a tour right after Worlds.  It was the only way for amateur skaters to make some money in those days, because it was ISU sanctioned.   After Calgary in 1988, Orser, Wilson & McCall told they ISU there were exhausted and would be skipping Worlds. The ISU responded "No Worlds, no tour."  They needed the money, so they went.

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On 4/9/2018 at 4:48 PM, AuntieDiane6 said:

He can go to Yale any time.

Uh no, he can't.  He can defer one year, but I doubt more than that; if he wanted to push college further, he would have to reapply, and it's hard enough to get into Yale once, let alone twice.  I'm sure he can attend part-time, although that might not be the easiest route for a pre-med major to take.

Skating isn't the center of the universe either, and maybe Nathan's already made enough money with his endorsements and would rather prioritize education – or at least prioritize trying to balance skating with education – than skate for a living for a few years away from home in Asia.  I'm happy for him that he's decided to attend Yale.  We'll just see how the balancing act goes for him.

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Skating isn't the center of the universe either, and maybe Nathan's already made enough money with his endorsements and would rather prioritize education – or at least prioritize trying to balance skating with education – than skate for a living for a few years away from home in Asia.

He's only a world champion and had a pretty dismal Olympics, so I doubt he's raking in the big bucks.  I bet he goes for a year and leaves ... Emma Watson, Claire Danes and many others did the same thing.

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14 hours ago, SeanC said:

The Shibutanis have just announced that they're signed to the United Talent Agency.  So maybe they are looking for other opportunities, even without DWTS.

Their own reality show?  I take this to mean that they are most likely down competing.  Meryl & Charlie have done well post Sochi/DWTS.

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17 hours ago, SeanC said:

The Shibutanis have just announced that they're signed to the United Talent Agency.  So maybe they are looking for other opportunities, even without DWTS.

That’s a serious Hollywood agency. They’re clearly very marketable personalities. If this all takes off for them I expect we won’t see them competitively again. I’m glad they got that individual Olympic medal after years of being held back after their 2011 breakthrough.

The more I think about it, the more I do not want H/B at Gadbois. They have such solid foundational skating skills and so much of Montreal’s open hold style choreography is counter to their greatest strengths. Corners of the internet would kill me for this, but watch H/B’s and P/C’s lifts and focus solely on the mens’ blades while supporting their partners in the air. Guillaume is hailed by everyone and yet his blades are often a bit shaky even on a flat, while Jean Luc is rock solid despite the limited height difference he’s navigating with Kaitlin. They’ve got everything they need to be proper contenders in 4 years- but they can’t get stuck in the US queue. 

They deserve better than to be third or fourth priority in a crowded training environment. Rink hierarchy should mean nothing in the eyes of the judges, but it does. With the Shibs out for at least a season, they should hotfoot it to Marina pronto. 

Edited by herbz
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Skating isn't the center of the universe either, and maybe Nathan's already made enough money with his endorsements and would rather prioritize education – or at least prioritize trying to balance skating with education – than skate for a living for a few years away from home in Asia.

Well, that's kind of the point - if Nathan wants to continue skating because he wants a second shot at Olympic Gold, then skating does have to be the center of his universe. He's not going to skate any better four years from now, four years older, if his focus is split between school and skating. And if he does want to try to balance both, what's the point of staying in the sport if he knows he'll have even less of a shot at Olympic Gold four years from now? 

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18 hours ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

He's only a world champion and had a pretty dismal Olympics, so I doubt he's raking in the big bucks.  I bet he goes for a year and leaves ... Emma Watson, Claire Danes and many others did the same thing.

Yeah, except Danes and Watson don't require degrees in their chosen fields (and Watson actually did graduate from Brown, by the way); those "many others" don't include doctors.  If Nathan truly wants to be a doctor, he won't leave.  Yale isn't some trade school to dismiss, and I think it's incredible that he has the opportunity to matriculate there.  His haul from all his pre-dismal-Olympics endorsements was likely at least in the low millions, so I'm sure he's doing just fine financially.

32 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Well, that's kind of the point - if Nathan wants to continue skating because he wants a second shot at Olympic Gold, then skating does have to be the center of his universe. He's not going to skate any better four years from now, four years older, if his focus is split between school and skating. And if he does want to try to balance both, what's the point of staying in the sport if he knows he'll have even less of a shot at Olympic Gold four years from now? 

We can't predict the future, and I'm not as convinced that he would be less competitive if he at least tried to balance education and skating in the current men's field in which you can't buy a clean but competitive program to save your life.  I'm sure Nathan himself doesn't believe he'll have less of a shot at gold in Beijing by going to college; otherwise, he wouldn't have applied to begin with.  He might actually thrive having that split because he'll be able to focus more on each in the moment.  Or he could never land another quad again.  Time will tell.

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His haul from all his pre-dismal-Olympics endorsements was likely at least in the low millions, so I'm sure he's doing just fine financially.

No way is he worth millions since he bombed in the 2017 world championships and bombed in the Olympics.  If anything, his paycheck would BE CONTINGENT ON WINNING AN OLYMPIC GOLD MEDAL or his medal would provide a bonus.  And who knows if he really wants to be a doctor or it it's expected in his family.  

Edited by AuntieDiane6
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How much did Ashley make with her pre Olympic sponsors?

8 hours ago, SeanC said:

The US Fed just confirmed that the Shibs are sitting out 2018-19.

Depending on what opportunities they get I see them skipping seasons then announce in 2021 they won’t come back for the Olympics.

Madison Chock had ankle surgery. Will they continue?

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2 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

Madison Chock had ankle surgery. Will they continue?

They haven't given any indicators they're considering wrapping things up.  If nothing else, the Shibs taking a season off would be some incentive to go at least one more season, since there's one fewer team above them.  They're clear to slug it out with Weaver/Poje for bronze and/or the opportunity to take advantage of Hubbell/Donohue's next screwup.

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7 hours ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

No way is he worth millions since he bombed in the 2017 world championships and bombed in the Olympics.  If anything, his paycheck would BE CONTINGENT ON WINNING AN OLYMPIC GOLD MEDAL or his medal would provide a bonus.  And who knows if he really wants to be a doctor or it it's expected in his family.  

That's a gross thing to suggest, but since you suggested it, let me turn that around: who knows if he really wants to be a figure skater or if it's just expected in his family.  God forbid he actually want to do anything other than skate.


And I didn't say Nathan was worth millions; I said he was "likely worth at least in the low millions," i.e. between 1-2 million.  This article states that Nathan's net worth is very likely in the high six or low seven figures.  With all his endorsements, I'm sure that's correct.  Moreover, as Ashley Wagner has proven, you don't need to win jackshit to land sponsorships and endorsements and make a pretty penny.


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22 hours ago, herbz said:

That’s a serious Hollywood agency. They’re clearly very marketable personalities. If this all takes off for them I expect we won’t see them competitively again. I’m glad they got that individual Olympic medal after years of being held back after their 2011 breakthrough.


Alex is a very talented director IMO. See their YouTube channel with videos he directed and produced. So this is a great move for them. Plus they are both very personable. I would not be at all surprised to see them eventually get their own reality show or end up with a successful production company in the future. 

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53 minutes ago, Enero said:

Alex is a very talented director IMO. See their YouTube channel with videos he directed and produced. So this is a great move for them. Plus they are both very personable. I would not be at all surprised to see them eventually get their own reality show or end up with a successful production company in the future. 

I’ve just caught up on some of their recent YouTube videos and I cannot get over how adorable they were as kids. Pretty sure at that age my brother was throwing spaghetti at me rather than gently fixing my hair :D 

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Madison Hubbell is engaged to Spanish ice dancer Adrian Diaz. I think Zachary might’ve possibly broken up with Adrian’s partner Olivia, based solely on the fact that they used to be positively disgusting on social media (seriously, I’ve known less gushy 13 year olds) but they went silent for a bit. Ah, the tangled web of ice dance. The thought of spending 8 hours a day week in week out in close contact with any of my exes brings me out in hives.

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19 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

That's a gross thing to suggest, but since you suggested it, let me turn that around: who knows if he really wants to be a figure skater or if it's just expected in his family.  God forbid he actually want to do anything other than skate.


And I didn't say Nathan was worth millions; I said he was "likely worth at least in the low millions," i.e. between 1-2 million.  This article states that Nathan's net worth is very likely in the high six or low seven figures.  With all his endorsements, I'm sure that's correct.  Moreover, as Ashley Wagner has proven, you don't need to win jackshit to land sponsorships and endorsements and make a pretty penny.


Ashley is the most successful US women's figure skater since 2006. She's won an Olympic team bronze and a World's silver medal, as well as numerous GP medals. She's won much more than "jackshit." You don't have to like her, but let's not diminish her very real accomplishments.

That aside, I agree with the rest of your post. Nathan may have "bombed" in the team portion and his SP but he bloody well won the LP with SIX QUADS. Americans eat that shit UP. I was actually tearing up watching him, empathizing with him, knowing how great that feels.  And he followed that up by taking World gold. I think he'll do just fine.

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17 hours ago, CeeBeeGee said:

Ashley is the most successful US women's figure skater since 2006. She's won an Olympic team bronze and a World's silver medal, as well as numerous GP medals. She's won much more than "jackshit." You don't have to like her, but let's not diminish her very real accomplishments.

That aside, I agree with the rest of your post. Nathan may have "bombed" in the team portion and his SP but he bloody well won the LP with SIX QUADS. Americans eat that shit UP. I was actually tearing up watching him, empathizing with him, knowing how great that feels.  And he followed that up by taking World gold. I think he'll do just fine.

As a rule, female figure skaters are more marketable in the US than men, so its not surprising Ashley has made a lot more in endorsements than the men.

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18 hours ago, CeeBeeGee said:

Ashley is the most successful US women's figure skater since 2006. She's won an Olympic team bronze and a World's silver medal, as well as numerous GP medals. She's won much more than "jackshit." You don't have to like her, but let's not diminish her very real accomplishments.

I'm aware of her accomplishments.  I was responding to the implication that Nathan's endorsements couldn't possibly be making him any money since he "bombed" the Olympics and last year's World's.  Ashley has certainly won a number of medals, but she's only won gold in one major international competition (Four Continents, I believe); there was the implication that skaters have to win gold at the Olympics and World's to make money, and Ashley has proven that that's not true (and so has Nathan, since his endorsements came before he medaled at either the Olympics or World's).  Although it's true that I don't care for Ashley, I was more responding in the same hyperbolic way as the other poster since she has certainly left her mark on the sport.

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That's a gross thing to suggest, but since you suggested it, let me turn that around: who knows if he really wants to be a figure skater or if it's just expected in his family.  God forbid he actually want to do anything other than skate.

Both his parents are in the medical field.  

He said that when he decided to seriously pursue skating in the 9th grade, he left public school to do online high school.  If you're going to pursue an Olympic gold medal, it's foolish to split your focus before you achieve your goal.  A year going full-time at Yale would be OK ... doubt he'll go full-time all the way through to the Olympics.


 I was responding to the implication that Nathan's endorsements couldn't possibly be making him any money since he "bombed" the Olympics and last year's World's.  Ashley has certainly won a number of medals, but she's only won gold in one major international competition (Four Continents, I believe); there was the implication that skaters have to win gold at the Olympics and World's to make money, and Ashley has proven that that's not true (

My theory is that Ashley's endorsements came AFTER she won silver in Boston with the idea that she was going to be the US's golden girl at the Olympics.  Given that the other girls were not well known, if an agency was going to sign a female US skater, it would be her.  

Edited by AuntieDiane6
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I was watching the FIG Artistic World Cup (Gymnastics) last night on the Olympic Channel and Tanith was co-commentating with a male gymnast I was unfamiliar with. She did a really good job.

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2 hours ago, SeanC said:

Bruno Massot and his partner Sophie are expecting a baby, per Instagram.  I’d think that may make his continuing for another season less likely.

It was already unlikely before this, IMO. Olympic gold, Worlds gold, smashing the world record for FS and total score, there is nothing left to accomplish. And listening to interviews with Meagan Duhamel and Lynn Rutherford after Worlds, I think the back pain issue is serious and ongoing. To put up with it in pursuit of a life's dream is one thing, to continue putting up with it once that's been achieved is pointless. 

And now, of course, a baby on the way. Ironic that all the speculation has been about whether Aljona will step away from skating to start a family, and then this news! The question to me now is if this will spur them to move back to France sooner rather than later. 

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@Jaded, that was Jonathan Horton, one of the USA's premier male gymnasts from the late 2000s and early 2010s. She did do a great job, and the two of them complemented each other beautifully.  I hope we hear more from both of them.  

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She did do a great job

Did she talk incessantly and act like the action behind her was just a background for her inane questions to her commenting partner?

I used to like her and appreciate the fact that she KEPT QUIET during the skating performances, then once she started commenting for other disciplines besides dance, I realized she only shut up when it was a performance SHE HERSELF WANTED TO WATCH.  Otherwise, she spent her time showing off her knowledge to her commenting partner by asking discussion questions and ignoring the actual performances.  Very easy to tell when Tanith is BORED BY A PERFORMANCE... she chatters non-stop.

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On 4/12/2018 at 5:30 PM, AuntieDiane6 said:

No way is he worth millions since he bombed in the 2017 world championships and bombed in the Olympics.  If anything, his paycheck would BE CONTINGENT ON WINNING AN OLYMPIC GOLD MEDAL or his medal would provide a bonus.  And who knows if he really wants to be a doctor or it it's expected in his family.  


Nevermind. I see the answer upthread.

Edited by ChromaKelly
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