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S10.E04: Charity Case

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eh, I think Heather knows exactly how much money everything in her home ALREADY BEING BUILT is going to cost.  What, did expensive things just start appearing on the floor,ceiling and walls and she needs the builders to spring it on her how much her house is going to cost?!  All this exclaiming and concerned questioning of the outrageous prices is nothing more than a vehicle for our Heather to brag about how much better her house is than any of the other housewives.  She's that way about everything on the show-- she has to be the best.  Isn't that why she took down Jesus Barbie (cant remember her name), and isn't that why she hated Shannon on sight the first season Shannon was on?  Shannon was someone who could rival the princess in wealth and taste and we cant have that! 


I know a 'David'.  He is a serial cheater, and an ooglier  of pretty or sexy women right in front of his wife.  (many women love that and flirt right back and don't care about the wife's feelings or that she's being disrespected by them both)  If you're trying to keep your family together it can make for a very miserable life, and cause tantrums and upsets like I've seen Shannon go through.  She is allowing it to happen while being filmed because she is so MAD at him.  I'll bet in a few yrs she will regret it because the kids were involved, but for now it feels like revenge.  I'm so sorry for her.

  • Love 4

Vicki is a haggard old witch, desperately jealous of any younger woman or any woman in a good relationship. She is a twisted B. Crookes is just what she deserves.

Heather has some affliction that makes her obsessed with talking about her money...it really has gotten out of control. That house itself is a sickness with her. And really, how much "hard work" is involved in picking out mega-expensive tiles and signing invoices and work orders? Am really done with hearing her complain about how hard she has worked, like she is out there hammering nails and pouring concrete.

  • Love 4
  On 7/3/2015 at 10:09 PM, RedHawk said:

I know this seems to be the general consensus on David's attractiveness, but I don't see it at all. To me he is just decent looking. Most of the time he appears washed-out and tired, and the hen-pecked expression also does him no favors.


Yeah, I don't find David to be hot, either.   He's short, has a high-pitched voice, a try-hard hair style, and problems with monogamy.  While the consensus here seems to be that poor David was driven to infidelity by his shrew of a wife, it's very possible that he finds his fifty year old wife to be used up, and is trading her in for a younger model.  I highly doubt his mistress was anywhere near his own age.


Since they seem so mismatched, I wonder what Shannon saw in David.  I've heard time and time again, women from other parts of the country claiming they love a Midwestern guy.  What some find average or boring, others find charmingly old-fashioned with a strong moral compass.  If this is the stereotype Shannon bought into, I can see why a woman from an unhappy broken home would seek this out.


Shannon and David remind me very much of my cousin and his wife.  He's a self-employed blue collar guy.  He's from the Midwest, high school educated, not the greatest grammar, does auto body work for a living.  His wife is a beautiful blond with a college degree, and comes from an upper middle class family.  She's the worse kind of snob - her family has new money, and her origins were just as humble as my cousin's.


So he thinks she's a snob who looks down on him, and doesn't appreciate his sixty hour minimum work week.  She's never worked outside the home in their marriage (including helping out at his business), but is dissatisfied that their lifestyle isn't as ritzy as her parents'.  She also thinks he works too much, and neglects his family - go figure.


The difference between my cousin and David, is my cousin is a faithful man down to the bone.  He takes his frustration and invests it into his business, which reinforces being a workaholic, which she complains more about, and so the cycle continues.


The only reason I found David appealing last year revolved around Lizzie's dinner party from hell.  David backed Shannon up when she was being gaslighted, and he handled Terry with such class when Terry was doing his elitist dismissive best to disparage David's roots and business.

  • Love 1
  On 7/4/2015 at 3:19 AM, RedheadZombie said:

Yeah, I don't find David to be hot, either.   He's short, has a high-pitched voice, a try-hard hair style, and problems with monogamy.  While the consensus here seems to be that poor David was driven to infidelity by his shrew of a wife, it's very possible that he finds his fifty year old wife to be used up, and is trading her in for a younger model.  I highly doubt his mistress was anywhere near his own age.


Since they seem so mismatched, I wonder what Shannon saw in David.  I've heard time and time again, women from other parts of the country claiming they love a Midwestern guy.  What some find average or boring, others find charmingly old-fashioned with a strong moral compass.  If this is the stereotype Shannon bought into, I can see why a woman from an unhappy broken home would seek this out.


Shannon and David remind me very much of my cousin and his wife.  He's a self-employed blue collar guy.  He's from the Midwest, high school educated, not the greatest grammar, does auto body work for a living.  His wife is a beautiful blond with a college degree, and comes from an upper middle class family.  She's the worse kind of snob - her family has new money, and her origins were just as humble as my cousin's.


So he thinks she's a snob who looks down on him, and doesn't appreciate his sixty hour minimum work week.  She's never worked outside the home in their marriage (including helping out at his business), but is dissatisfied that their lifestyle isn't as ritzy as her parents'.  She also thinks he works too much, and neglects his family - go figure.


The difference between my cousin and David, is my cousin is a faithful man down to the bone.  He takes his frustration and invests it into his business, which reinforces being a workaholic, which she complains more about, and so the cycle continues.


The only reason I found David appealing last year revolved around Lizzie's dinner party from hell.  David backed Shannon up when she was being gaslighted, and he handled Terry with such class when Terry was doing his elitist dismissive best to disparage David's roots and business.

I too found  David likeable were mostly when he took on Terry Dubrow.  Terry enjoyed playing the role of the more educated and sophisticated MD while David downplayed his engineering degrees.  People talk about what terry rakes in as a plastic surgeon and reality TV star so I Iooked up a recent Cal-Trans contract with Beador Construction   and lo and behold it seems it is for $29 million.http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/asc/oap/payments/public/120f0314.htm  I just think David as a cluck is something Terry and perhaps his wife like to hold onto. 

  • Love 4
  On 6/30/2015 at 6:01 PM, AnnA said:

You're right. We don't know that there was more than one mistress in David's life but we also don't know that there wasn't.

You must have missed Shannon herself saying she doesn't answer calls from unknown numbers. She also said that she doesn't know anyone from Missouri.

If there had been multiple affairs that Shannon had been aware of, she would have been harping at him about them all last season. She has no issues with shrieking at him constantly about whatever she can come up with that is wrong with him. Instead of the weak crap (chips, potatoes etc) that she was hounding him about last season, I'm sure she would have loved to bitch about how unfaithful he had been.


She did take a call from an unknown number .... Confused about that.

Edited by Sampson
  • Love 3
  On 7/3/2015 at 5:18 PM, WireWrap said:

IMO, David fears Shannon's wrath! He knows she will set out to destroy him both professionally and personally BUT, IMO, he knows she will do everything to destroy the relationship he has with their daughters and I think he fears that most of all. I can also see Shannon telling him that she will hurt or kill herself if he leaves her, not that I believe she would in fact to anything bad/harmful to herself, but I do think she would threaten to do something. JMO

IMO David should fear Shannon's wrath. He has 3 kids and cheated on his wife after almost 2 decades of marriage. He deserves whatever is coming to him. Shannon is certainly a nag and on edge but i have no pity for him. And I disagree, just because Shannon is distraught over her husband sleeping with another woman means she's suicidal or evil enough to destroy his relationship with his kids. If anything we've seen quite the opposite from her, her kids are her world. I don't see her ripping their father away from them just to be spiteful.

  • Love 2

I also keep in mind the show is edited to show a narrative about a housewife. I doubt Shannon is always nagging David. We don't see many interactions initiated by him either. I do have a problem with victim blaming- Shannon did not deserve to be cheated on. We don't see the tense moments/bickering between Heather and Terry (other than Heather saying  he is working tons-- which means he must never be home when anyone is awake). Nor do we see them between Tamra and Eddie (and don't tell me anyone believes it is honey and sugar in that house every day).  

  • Love 3
  On 7/5/2015 at 12:30 PM, hottesthw said:

IMO David should fear Shannon's wrath. He has 3 kids and cheated on his wife after almost 2 decades of marriage. He deserves whatever is coming to him. Shannon is certainly a nag and on edge but i have no pity for him. And I disagree, just because Shannon is distraught over her husband sleeping with another woman means she's suicidal or evil enough to destroy his relationship with his kids. If anything we've seen quite the opposite from her, her kids are her world. I don't see her ripping their father away from them just to be spiteful.

I don't think Shannon would hurt her kids to punish David.  David made the choice to return home and in doing so knew that Shannon was not going to let go of it immediately or anytime soon.  I look at this way we have seen Shannon on edge with David in 50% of the episodes so far.   So even if she and David never have a cross word or Shannon never nags again on the show, he will forever get a pass for cheating and verbal abuse because his wife told him not snack before meals, not eat potatoes, chide him for not going to cotillion, nag about his drinking and to tend the guests during a dinner.  Some things in life just aren't fair.

  • Love 3
  On 7/5/2015 at 1:08 PM, Lucelu said:

I also keep in mind the show is edited to show a narrative about a housewife. I doubt Shannon is always nagging David. We don't see many interactions initiated by him either. I do have a problem with victim blaming- Shannon did not deserve to be cheated on. We don't see the tense moments/bickering between Heather and Terry (other than Heather saying  he is working tons-- which means he must never be home when anyone is awake). Nor do we see them between Tamra and Eddie (and don't tell me anyone believes it is honey and sugar in that house every day).  

Actually, a few seasons ago they did show Heather and Terry fighting quite a bit. He went so far as to mention the "D" word, on camera to her and they showed the implosion of Vicki/Donn and Jenna/husband, Tamra/Simon on film, so show casing the fights between Shannon/David is nothing new.


No one deserves to be cheated on, no one. I will never understand her reasoning for coming on the show to begin with. She claims she thought it would help their already troubled marriage and instead he cheated on her......so, what does Shannon do........she gets right back in front of the cameras again! WHY, for all that is holy/important to her, why would she come back on the show? I swear, if common sense tells her to do something, Shannon goes out of her way to do the opposite!

  On 7/5/2015 at 3:23 PM, zoeysmom said:

I don't think Shannon would hurt her kids to punish David.  David made the choice to return home and in doing so knew that Shannon was not going to let go of it immediately or anytime soon.  I look at this way we have seen Shannon on edge with David in 50% of the episodes so far.   So even if she and David never have a cross word or Shannon never nags again on the show, he will forever get a pass for cheating and verbal abuse because his wife told him not snack before meals, not eat potatoes, chide him for not going to cotillion, nag about his drinking and to tend the guests during a dinner.  Some things in life just aren't fair.

I don't think Shannon has been relaxed with David at all this season. She is a walking raw, needy nerve when he is around. IMO, Shannon has been on edge around David 100% of the time so far on camera. And I disagree, I do think Shannon would use their kids to punish David.....that scene when he apologizes to the girls was twisted and should never have been filmed, that was exploitive IMO.


I don't think anyone here thinks it was OK for David to cheat on Shannon, I have yet to read anyone cheering him on for that but I do think some believe that Shannon is not this innocent victim she portrays herself as and some believe that she has had an equal hand in the failure of the marriage. Also, as someone else mentioned earlier, constantly putting down your spouse, especially in front of your children, is considered verbal abuse. If we were to hear David, or any of the other husbands talk to their wives the way Shannon does David , especially in front of their kids, viewers would be screaming at the wife to divorce his ass ASAP. How many here have already judged Jimmy to be a douche because of how he talks to Meghan on camera and we have not seen him on camera with Meghan anywhere near the amount of time we have seen Shannon with David.


  • Love 3

Shannon's unhappiness is about Shannon, not David. She needs to understand that neither he nor anything or anyone else can make her happy.

Before he cheated, she made it clear that he is inadequate as a mate, that they disagree about how to raise their children, etc.

Her unhappiness was clear even before she was certain that he was unhappy enough to leave her.

He may very well love her and want to help her be happy, but he can't do it by himself.

She lacks any drive that isn't appearance-oriented. I suspect he is different. She feels inferior to his emotional health, his ability to be in the moment.

He needs to go. Everyone will suffer, but less than if he stays.

  • Love 3

I finally figured out what bugs me so much about Meghan. It is the Sonja Morgan complex. The "I married a wealthy, influential man, so now I automatically inherit all those qualities, and you need to respect me."


Maybe once upon a time that was true. And it probably is still true for wife #1, and maybe wife #2. But by Wife 3, people are just counting down to Wife 4. If you want respect, then earn it. Create kick ass charity events, bring your younger spin to them, get more involvement with a younger generation. Or use your background to launch a business, or to help with drug research, become a spokesman for a cause. Basically, realize you have to earn the respect, and work on that aspect.


I still don't understand what she was expecting Shannon to help with. Even plain middle class me knows that when I make an order for an event, I talk to the catering company. I tell them how many I'm expecting, what my budget is, and how much food do I need for that many people. I'm not sure what Shannon could have helped her with, especially since it seems that the size of their parties were different. She just wanted to cause drama, and was successfully on her way to doing that. It seems so ridiculous. 

  • Love 1
  On 7/5/2015 at 4:08 PM, SFoster21 said:

Shannon's unhappiness is about Shannon, not David. She needs to understand that neither he nor anything or anyone else can make her happy.

Before he cheated, she made it clear that he is inadequate as a mate, that they disagree about how to raise their children, etc.

Her unhappiness was clear even before she was certain that he was unhappy enough to leave her.

He may very well love her and want to help her be happy, but he can't do it by himself.

She lacks any drive that isn't appearance-oriented. I suspect he is different. She feels inferior to his emotional health, his ability to be in the moment.

He needs to go. Everyone will suffer, but less than if he stays.

Do we know this was before he cheated, ie do we know how long or how many times he has cheated.

  • Love 2
  On 7/5/2015 at 6:10 PM, nenya said:

I still don't understand what she was expecting Shannon to help with. Even plain middle class me knows that when I make an order for an event, I talk to the catering company. I tell them how many I'm expecting, what my budget is, and how much food do I need for that many people. I'm not sure what Shannon could have helped her with, especially since it seems that the size of their parties were different. She just wanted to cause drama, and was successfully on her way to doing that. It seems so ridiculous.

I think she wanted advice about numbers. People really don't RSVP anymore. I think she wanted to ask how many people showed up, did they stay for 1 drink and then leave or linger and have 2 or 3 and a bunch of appetizers. That sort of thing. I thought she was making a production out if nothing, but I didn't think it was that crazy to call the person who hosted the event last year. I might have done it.

  • Love 2
  On 7/5/2015 at 4:08 PM, SFoster21 said:

Shannon's unhappiness is about Shannon, not David. She needs to understand that neither he nor anything or anyone else can make her happy.

Before he cheated, she made it clear that he is inadequate as a mate, that they disagree about how to raise their children, etc.

Her unhappiness was clear even before she was certain that he was unhappy enough to leave her.

He may very well love her and want to help her be happy, but he can't do it by himself.

She lacks any drive that isn't appearance-oriented. I suspect he is different. She feels inferior to his emotional health, his ability to be in the moment.

He needs to go. Everyone will suffer, but less than if he stays.

We have only seen this couple while David was in throws of an affair (last season) and then this season- the aftermath.  So when Shannon described him as inadequate, if she did, he was in the midst of lying, cheating, calling her stupid and crazy for accusing him of having an affair that he was in fact having.  These are all things I would consider to make a spouse inadequate at best and abusive at worst and the other spouse very unhappy, insecure and frightened for the future of the marriage.


If this was David's first affair he elected the worst possible time to have one. He is a bright guy he had to know going into filming that their marriage would be under a microscope.  I am quite certain between the two of them they have heard that it is not a good idea to eat on camera, that fighting on camera is really bad idea, and getting drunk stupid.  Of course none of this is a bad idea if you want out of your marriage and your wife has signed a three year contract earning in the low to mid six figures.    The fact David may have had a change of heart, for whatever reason, about getting out of the marriage doesn't lessen the hurt and disappointment Shannon felt by having her marriage discounted.


To me, there is just no guarantee that once this man who has been disloyal, cheated, lied, been physically, verbally and emotionally abusive towards the mother of his children, not been there for his family because of "work commitments" and affair related absences, gotten drunk and made really inappropriate comments on camera to a woman (Heather) and flirted with married women (according to Vicki and Tamra), admitted and later apologized to his children for abandoning them (his words not mine) that he is going to be the happiest damn guy on the planet once he kicks Shannon to the curb and moves on. It should seem he has a lot to do to change his ways.  I think it is equally as likely once he exits, he will take up with a new love interest and his time with his kids will become less and less.  All great excuses, he needs to spend time with the new woman who makes him so happy and feel adequate, he needs to work more because of spousal and child support obligations, she has children that need attention, his children don't like the new woman (which will always be Shannon's fault), the kids' activity schedule are such there is a conflict with David's work schedule.


David should move on if in fact it is the best solution I just don't expect for him to somehow morph into a better, more devoted father.  Let the suffering begin.

  • Love 2
  On 7/5/2015 at 6:11 PM, biakbiak said:

Do we know this was before he cheated, ie do we know how long or how many times he has cheated.

Shannon has never claimed he cheated before this 1 time, and IMO she would reveal it now if he had, so we don't know if there were other women and she said she caught him/found out April 1st this year. The fact that they slept separately for many years during their marriage, according to Shannon herself last season, speaks to long, ongoing problems that started well before they joined the cast last season. I really do not think David is innocent in creating their marriage problems, he has played a big part but Shannon makes it 90+% his fault and that is where she looses any support from me. There is 50/50 blame here IMO but I will add that David is 100% to blame for cheating. No matter how bad it got or how great the temptation was/is, you separate/leave before you sleep with someone outside your marriage. That said, either Shannon has to stop harping on David and try to rebuild what ever was lost or she needs to face facts and let go of him and move on. I just don't see Shannon ever letting go of this affair and moving on.

  • Love 1
  On 7/5/2015 at 6:47 PM, zoeysmom said:

We have only seen this couple while David was in throws of an affair (last season) and then this season- the aftermath.  So when Shannon described him as inadequate, if she did, he was in the midst of lying, cheating, calling her stupid and crazy for accusing him of having an affair that he was in fact having.  These are all things I would consider to make a spouse inadequate at best and abusive at worst and the other spouse very unhappy, insecure and frightened for the future of the marriage.


If this was David's first affair he elected the worst possible time to have one. He is a bright guy he had to know going into filming that their marriage would be under a microscope.  I am quite certain between the two of them they have heard that it is not a good idea to eat on camera, that fighting on camera is really bad idea, and getting drunk stupid.  Of course none of this is a bad idea if you want out of your marriage and your wife has signed a three year contract earning in the low to mid six figures.    The fact David may have had a change of heart, for whatever reason, about getting out of the marriage doesn't lessen the hurt and disappointment Shannon felt by having her marriage discounted.


To me, there is just no guarantee that once this man who has been disloyal, cheated, lied, been physically, verbally and emotionally abusive towards the mother of his children, not been there for his family because of "work commitments" and affair related absences, gotten drunk and made really inappropriate comments on camera to a woman (Heather) and flirted with married women (according to Vicki and Tamra), admitted and later apologized to his children for abandoning them (his words not mine) that he is going to be the happiest damn guy on the planet once he kicks Shannon to the curb and moves on. It should seem he has a lot to do to change his ways.  I think it is equally as likely once he exits, he will take up with a new love interest and his time with his kids will become less and less.  All great excuses, he needs to spend time with the new woman who makes him so happy and feel adequate, he needs to work more because of spousal and child support obligations, she has children that need attention, his children don't like the new woman (which will always be Shannon's fault), the kids' activity schedule are such there is a conflict with David's work schedule.


David should move on if in fact it is the best solution I just don't expect for him to somehow morph into a better, more devoted father.  Let the suffering begin.

IMO, David is close to all their daughters and has never slacked off from spending time with them, coaching their teams and just being an active, engaged father. There is NO evidence to the contrary IMO. That he checked out on Shannon goes without saying but to suggest that he will step away from his daughters if they divorce is stretching it and IMO, not what would happen. Yes, he disrespected his daughters by cheating on their mother but he did not disengage from them but, by the same token, Shannon needs to stop disrespecting the father of her children, especially in front of and to them, IMO, that is very destructive as well.

  • Love 2

Just watched this episode again and I'll stick with my first take - Meghan is beyond creepy. The way she manipulated and bullied Shannon into apologizing for something that didn't call for an apology - and then declared that unwarranted apology not good enough - was absolutely sociopathic.


And Heather and Tamra deserve each other - pretending to care about Shannon's feelings but feeding the sociopathic Meghan with ideas that show how full of shit they truly are.


This is a sick threesome.

  • Love 7

Viewers have indeed only encountered David and Shannon during the throes of the affair that is now dominating their narrative. And during that time, we saw David coaching his twins' basketball team (only to win criticism from Shannon about participating in said team's practice when Heather confronted her about their supposed tardiness to a party that appeared to be *come and go as one pleases* as opposed to a sit-down meal function with set time; so . . . who's prioritizing the children in that scenario?), serving as a chaperone to Sophie's class on a transcontinental trip, etc. I don't think there's any evidence broadcast that supports the premise that David disengaged from his daughters for work (taking off time for a week-long trip to Europe is not something I can envision Dr. Dubrow doing) nevermind for his affair. Does moving out from the family's primary home inevitably cut down daily face time? You bet, and that's a reality with which 70 percent of Orange County children evidently have to contend. But there was ample footage of David maintaining his commitments to his daughters last season. From what I saw, he is every bit as devoted a father as Shannon is a mother and the twins especially appear to visibly and demonstrably adore him. As for David's "abusiveness" toward Shannon, viewers have only been privy to Shannon's version of being called "crazy" and "stupid"; it wouldn't surprise me if David did call her that and that would indeed constitute an horrific emotional assault. But, in my opinion, what are you supposed to call behavior such as suddenly bursting into tears and accusing one's husband of intentionally trying to make one "look like a bitch" in front of cameras and friends when all said husband has done is try to order some alcohol? That - coupled with Shannon's references to David's working-class background, implications that he is uncultured because Michiganders don't attend cotillion lessons, etc - is pretty abusive and warped in and of itself from my perspective. And why is David shouting inappropriate remarks at Heather while drunk and being encouraged by Eddie any more reflective of some sort of underlying moral problem than Shannon's inability to, say, control her emotions the homes of others when she has literally just met said people or her evident need to achieve intoxication before engaging in physicality with her husband?

  • Love 7
  On 6/30/2015 at 3:07 PM, ivygirl said:

Jimmy's new in town. Jimmy's been watching you. Jimmy would like to get to know you.


Jimmy's got some new moves.


Oh wait. Jimmy's DOWN!


Jimmy doesn't like misunderstanding. Jimmy and misunderstanding kinda clash. JIMMY HOLDS GRUDGES!


Watch out or Jimmy's gonna dis-invite you to his OC benefit.

Awesome ode to Seinfeld!  Thumbs up!!

  • Love 3

I think that Meghan (or the producers) manufactured this "feud" with Shannon to drive up the drama and give M a story line. She's so silly and boring that no one cares about her. Although, I will say that her home with all of the candles, flowers, etc -which she had nothing to do with- was fabulous. Hope the party did actually raise some funds for the charity. Otherwise, she needs to go away. 

  • Love 4
  On 6/30/2015 at 4:56 AM, breezy424 said:

The most disturbing thing about tonight's episode for me: Vickie's comment about everything being Jim's. What an insult to SAHMs and to marriage.

While Vicki is an idiot who doesn't think before she talks, she wasn't wrong in this instance. Ok, it was probably unintentional, but still.... They had been married for 4 months at this point, virtually everything they had was his pre-marital property. it was, and remains (unless he has converted it to marital property), his sole property. Edited by Mrs peel
  • Love 4
  On 7/5/2015 at 8:43 PM, lunastartron said:

Viewers have indeed only encountered David and Shannon during the throes of the affair that is now dominating their narrative. And during that time, we saw David coaching his twins' basketball team (only to win criticism from Shannon about participating in said team's practice when Heather confronted her about their supposed tardiness to a party that appeared to be *come and go as one pleases* as opposed to a sit-down meal function with set time; so . . . who's prioritizing the children in that scenario?), serving as a chaperone to Sophie's class on a transcontinental trip, etc. I don't think there's any evidence broadcast that supports the premise that David disengaged from his daughters for work (taking off time for a week-long trip to Europe is not something I can envision Dr. Dubrow doing) nevermind for his affair. Does moving out from the family's primary home inevitably cut down daily face time? You bet, and that's a reality with which 70 percent of Orange County children evidently have to contend. But there was ample footage of David maintaining his commitments to his daughters last season. From what I saw, he is every bit as devoted a father as Shannon is a mother and the twins especially appear to visibly and demonstrably adore him. As for David's "abusiveness" toward Shannon, viewers have only been privy to Shannon's version of being called "crazy" and "stupid"; it wouldn't surprise me if David did call her that and that would indeed constitute an horrific emotional assault. But, in my opinion, what are you supposed to call behavior such as suddenly bursting into tears and accusing one's husband of intentionally trying to make one "look like a bitch" in front of cameras and friends when all said husband has done is try to order some alcohol? That - coupled with Shannon's references to David's working-class background, implications that he is uncultured because Michiganders don't attend cotillion lessons, etc - is pretty abusive and warped in and of itself from my perspective. And why is David shouting inappropriate remarks at Heather while drunk and being encouraged by Eddie any more reflective of some sort of underlying moral problem than Shannon's inability to, say, control her emotions the homes of others when she has literally just met said people or her evident need to achieve intoxication before engaging in physicality with her husband?

Remember the Hoedown had the ever so important ground breaking ceremony with Heather and Terry babbling and the back hoe breaking the ground. The level of crushed Terry and heather suffered with Vicki, Shannon and David being late was apparently unforgivable.  I always wonder-why don't the producers who are with the RH give an ETA instead of causing the fuss? David is the coach and should have scheduled the practice to coincide with a timely arrival to a scheduled work event for Shannon.   David seemed to think that holding the kids over to practice free throws was acceptable -the hosts did not. His decision exposed his wife to further condemnation by the hosts. 


All I can say is the Beadors last season said David worked all the time.  Up at 4:30 am and off to work before the kids were out of bed and home just in time for dinner and in bed by 8:30 pm.  This is what these people put out there.  The fact that David coached his daughters' basketball team, 16 weeks out of the year is great and something he should hold on to because about age 13 the staff at the school takes over the coaching duties for girls' basketball. 


There seems to be a consensus on this board that this couple splitting up is just desserts for Shannon for being a nag.  I just don't see this wonderful person that others do in cheater David who has a record of domestic violence against his wife.  The bottom line to me, did the kids look like they wanted their dad to move out?  I personally don't recall Shannon ever referring to David as blue collar- I recall her saying people in Michigan eat potatoes and look heavier and older than women in Orange County.  Dumbshit thing to say, just as the comments about the people of Medford Oregon on RHOBH, or the people in Oklahoma by Vicki.  I do recall Shannon writing about how proud she was of David and his multiple degrees and that he was self-made.  


I just find it odd that so many think it is in the children's best interest that there parents split up.  I just haven't heard that sentiment from the kids.  I am sure by season's end if these two split the kids will have formulated their own opinion.  Bad deal having the kids film their apology from dad.

  • Love 2

Personally, when Heather tripped over herself to chastise Shannon for being late and ruining the groundbreaking (because, clearly, Heather loved Shannon so much that the Beadors' absence really put a damper on matters), I would have though that an appropriate response from Shannon would have been, "you did not communicate that there was a specific time we had to be here or that there was a particular event for which we had to be present. If you had, I could have made other arrangements but, as it is, our kids had a standing practice." Instead, we were treated to Shannon lamenting how it was all David's fault . . . because, I guess in the bitterness of their marriage, he was to blame for everything, including Heather's irrationality and hard-on for Shannon. I don't see how David's work schedule illustrates prioritization of work over the kids or distance from them - he indulges in eight hours of sleep a night; rises at a time that his profession necessitates to, in part, pay for three private school tuitions as well as chandeliers, filtration systems, etc - those things don't pay for themselves; and he is demonstrably as involved as Shannon in their extracurriculars (he coaches, she does cotillion; he travels with their classes overseas, she manages their crystal massages). Also, if one takes him at his word vis-a-vis "abandonment" (maybe he feels that way, maybe he's as bad at word choice as Meghan and does need one of Heather's thesauri), then I think one also has to take Shannon at her word that "there was no physical anything." I think that both Beadors have made a quagmire of their marriage. I'm not sure if it would be better for their children if they went their separate ways (I probably would have been devastated at that age) but I am sure that I think their present dynamic is incredibly warped (I also cannot imagine the mindfuck participating in that apology sessions would have wrought at said age).

  • Love 2
I don't see her ripping their father away from them just to be spiteful.


Really?  Not me, I don't agree at all.  I'm still creeped out by the image of those little girls smiling at their father, while saying, "I'll forgive but never forget".  That made me nauseous.  Those girls didn't know what the hell they were saying.  That creepy-ass shit was planted in their heads by Shannon.  Blech, it showed the lowball manipulative measures Shannon will go to torture David.  


She clearly manipulated those girls into saying that creepy-ass shit, she says a bazillion times to David & everyone else in her limited/sheltered world.  Ew.  I don't like this woman.  Actually, I'm not a fan of either one of these 2 & I'm really not digging watching their awful marriage.  I'm just wondering how many more times Shannon is gonna say she forgives but never forgets or if she's gonna endlessly bring up the affair.  


Er, will she continue to say, in that tightly-wound high-pitched squeal, that she's fine, when she actually seems (to me) more ready to be committed to a loony bin?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 5
  On 7/5/2015 at 3:49 PM, WireWrap said:

I don't think anyone here thinks it was OK for David to cheat on Shannon, I have yet to read anyone cheering him on for that but I do think some believe -<snip>

I actually disagree with this. I've read several times that David should have an affair with someone (Jeanna and/or others), and fellow posters cheering on that idea. I remember it because it seemed particularly malicious. Even as a joke, it seems cruel.

  • Love 1

@ScoobieDoops and @WireWrap - Do you think that if a person annoys you enough, you should be able to physically assault them at will?  Do you think that someone that makes you uncomfortable when clearly questioning your lies and bs should be dismissed and gaslit?  Do you think that someone that you dehumanize should easily forgive your transgressions?    


I ask these questions, because regardless of how Shannon has reacted to what David had done to their family, he is FAR from an innocent guy that could even pretend he strayed because of harsh wife.  A million HAH HAH's in my opinion.  I think he is a serial cheating, piece of scum trash that married Shannon, b/c he knew EXACTLY how to work what he wanted in life  He wanted a loving, kind, compassionate woman that would do anything she could to keep her family together, and that was neurotic enough that he could always play the hot/cold game with, and keep on a leash, so to speak.  He seems all about having a respectable wife to take care of his house and kids, while he acts like the misogynist he is, by(perhaps) tricking and bedding other women to keep up the fantasy that he is a hot piece that is the life of the party.  UGH.  Total loser.



  • Love 1
Do you think that if a person annoys you enough, you should be able to physically assault them at will?  Do you think that someone that makes you uncomfortable when clearly questioning your lies and bs should be dismissed and gaslit?  Do you think that someone that you dehumanize should easily forgive your transgressions?


Obviously not.  I said I don't like either one of 'em.  Who says he's any prize?  He physically abused her at least once & cheated on her at least once -- that we know of.  Could have been many more times.  But we see she treats him really horribly -- nagging at him, screaming at him & setting him up to standards she doesn't hold for herself -- like with the drinking.  And I'm very creeped out by the way she manipulated her daughters into saying that "I'll forgive but I won't forget" crapola.  Certainly, she doesn't deserve to be treated horribly for any reason, but does he either?  Look, she gets zero sympathy from me.  She's chosen to stay with him & paint herself as a victim.  So be it.  Anyhoo, I get the feeling money is the big factor why these 2 stay together.  They both like their fancy-schmancy lifestyles & divorce would mean big changes for both of 'em -- and I bet they're both terrified of that.

  • Love 3

Of course if we're to believe Shannon's realness, David never touched her and it was all a misunderstanding. So...while I don't believe that and don't really like David (guy is the creeps) I also have a low tolerance for shifting though Shannon's layers of half truths, exaggerations, and denial heavy coping mechanisms to get to the truth. I think Shannon is a liar. I think David is a liar. I don't trust whatever either of them say so I just go with my gut reaction to their shit show of a marriage.

Edited by FozzyBear
  • Love 3
  On 7/6/2015 at 4:54 AM, RedheadZombie said:

I actually disagree with this. I've read several times that David should have an affair with someone (Jeanna and/or others), and fellow posters cheering on that idea. I remember it because it seemed particularly malicious. Even as a joke, it seems cruel.

For the most part, everyone has said that David was wrong to cheat but Shannon should not get a pass on her behavior either. JMO


  On 7/6/2015 at 5:39 AM, MinDC76 said:

@ScoobieDoops and @WireWrap - Do you think that if a person annoys you enough, you should be able to physically assault them at will?  Do you think that someone that makes you uncomfortable when clearly questioning your lies and bs should be dismissed and gaslit?  Do you think that someone that you dehumanize should easily forgive your transgressions?    


I ask these questions, because regardless of how Shannon has reacted to what David had done to their family, he is FAR from an innocent guy that could even pretend he strayed because of harsh wife.  A million HAH HAH's in my opinion.  I think%2

First, Shannon said that David never got physical with her ever and that this is the only time he cheated so if you take her word on everything else why wouldn't you believe her on this? I can not ignore Shannon's own bad/ugly behavior that we saw last season and so far this season and I don't believe her nor do I buy into David being the only 1 at fault in their horrid marriage. Should he have cheated on her? NO! He should have left her before getting with another woman BUT that does not make Shannon's behavior/attitude towards him any less nasty either IMO. His cheating does not give her a pass on her contribution to the marriage failing. IMO, they both need their feet held to the fire, not just David's, BOTH!


ETA, I did not change your post all I did was hit the quote symbol and it showed up like it did above! LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 2
  On 7/6/2015 at 12:43 PM, Lucelu said:

If my husband's behavior while drinking tequila or any other spirits lent itself to yelling inappropriate and rude things at my coworker at a family-centered event, I would probably give him a hard time about drinking too much at social events too. Especially since that behavior seemed to be the basis of a huge grudge later on.

If it were a pattern, if he did it more than once, then YES, I would agree with you but we only saw David do that 1 time, so...............I am not sure he has a problem with alcohol. Oh, but we have seen Shannon drinking her vodka then go from 0 to 60 in seconds on quite a few occasions, so............maybe she has the alcohol problem. Maybe it is best that neither David or Shannon drink any alcohol at all. LOL

  • Love 3
  On 7/6/2015 at 12:10 PM, WireWrap said:

For the most part, everyone has said that David was wrong to cheat but Shannon should not get a pass on her behavior either. JMO


First, Shannon said that David never got physical with her ever and that this is the only time he cheated so if you take her word on everything else why wouldn't you believe her on this? I can not ignore Shannon's own bad/ugly behavior that we saw last season and so far this season and I don't believe her nor do I buy into David being the only 1 at fault in their horrid marriage. Should he have cheated on her? NO! He should have left her before getting with another woman BUT that does not make Shannon's behavior/attitude towards him any less nasty either IMO. His cheating does not give her a pass on her contribution to the marriage failing. IMO, they both need their feet held to the fire, not just David's, BOTH!


ETA, I did not change your post all I did was hit the quote symbol and it showed up like it did above! LOL

No one has ever given Shannon a pass for her behavior around here-ever.  We saw a very neurotic woman last year that was being marginalized by her husband behind the scenes because of his affair. She has been deep fried for her comments towards David and even though many have said their marriage is over, or they have a shit show of a marriage, they are together.


This franchise seems to have the market on damaged marriages Tamra, Vicki, Jeana broken relationships Slade and Jo, Lauri and the druggie, Tammy and her baby daddy, Peggy Tanous filed for divorce.  Tamra and Andy may say the show highlights an already  troubled marriage, I think the nice salary makes it easier for the parties to split as the wife now has a nice income and built in storyline.  A big part of me thinks that was why David was confident having the affair and telling her he would leave if she didn't happy up and make his life easy.  Shannon saw the show as a way to have a job and highlight the family's lifestyle and I think David saw it as a way to exit and leave her with a revenue stream.  I also think just has the Dubrows before them they want to sell their home and this show is a good vehicle to market their home.  Somewhere along the line either David's love interest put the halt to their being together or David honestly decided to give the marriage a second chance and returned and agreed to all these ridiculous things such as filmed marriage counseling and apologies to his children-on film. . 

  • Love 1
For the most part, everyone has said that David was wrong to cheat but Shannon should not get a pass on her behavior either. JMO


Exactly. Being faithful is just ONE of your marriage vows. Honoring and respecting are also promised. And when Shannon criticizes how her husband hugs her, how he chews his chips, etc. I don't think she is respecting him. I think they have probably BOTH contributed to the problems in the marriage and there is no one "bad guy" or "victim" here. There definitely are cases where married men (or women) step out on a spouse who IS living up to their end of the agreement and being a very good partner. But I don't see that as being the case here. Of course, two wrongs don't make a right, and Shannon's micro-managing and nagging is not an excuse to cheat. I'm just saying that I believe they both are guilty of failing their vows and not treating each other well. 

  • Love 4
  On 7/6/2015 at 1:07 PM, zoeysmom said:

No one has ever given Shannon a pass for her behavior around here-ever.  We saw a very neurotic woman last year that was being marginalized by her husband behind the scenes because of his affair. She has been deep fried for her comments towards David and even though many have said their marriage is over, or they have a shit show of a marriage, they are together.


This franchise seems to have the market on damaged marriages Tamra, Vicki, Jeana broken relationships Slade and Jo, Lauri and the druggie, Tammy and her baby daddy, Peggy Tanous filed for divorce.  Tamra and Andy may say the show highlights an already  troubled marriage, I think the nice salary makes it easier for the parties to split as the wife now has a nice income and built in storyline.  A big part of me thinks that was why David was confident having the affair and telling her he would leave if she didn't happy up and make his life easy.  Shannon saw the show as a way to have a job and highlight the family's lifestyle and I think David saw it as a way to exit and leave her with a revenue stream.  I also think just has the Dubrows before them they want to sell their home and this show is a good vehicle to market their home.  Somewhere along the line either David's love interest put the halt to their being together or David honestly decided to give the marriage a second chance and returned and agreed to all these ridiculous things such as filmed marriage counseling and apologies to his children-on film. . 

I admit to wondering if David was trying a "K Grammer" move on agreeing to be on the show. This show gives Shannon her own income if he decides to walk for real.


I don't think David was "telling" Shannon to "happy up" or fake she was happy on camera, I think he was trying to tell her he was miserable and just wanted to be happy himself.  I really think that if Shannon took the time and really reflected on her own life, she would find she is also unhappy, miserably unhappy, in the marriage as well.  It's not just David that wants to be happy but IMO, neither is willing to take responsibility for their own happiness or for their guilt in their own misery.


 I believe from what we saw, the "neurotic" behavior IS Shannon's normal behavior. That said, there is no excuse for cheating, none. I still do not understand why Shannon would want to go on a TV show and showcase her marriage when it was already in crisis, that is plain nuts to me. It's not like they were/are desperate for money. And selling their home does not make joining the show any more logical either, the Dubrows were on the show 2+ years before they sold their house. The only one that sold their home quickly was Lisa/Ken and their zip code is much more desirable IMO.

  • Love 2
  On 7/6/2015 at 1:07 PM, zoeysmom said:

No one has ever given Shannon a pass for her behavior around here-ever.  We saw a very neurotic woman last year that was being marginalized by her husband behind the scenes because of his affair. She has been deep fried for her comments towards David and even though many have said their marriage is over, or they have a shit show of a marriage, they are together.



I understand what you are saying, but I disagree with this. Shannon was judged very harshly for her behavior until the stuff with Tamra and Heather happened. At that point there were lots of folks trying to justify that Shannon was not that bad. Suddenly there was very little talk about the fact that Shannon had shown herself to be a nag who reacted strangely in many situations. When Shannon was so pissed about the fact that Heather and Tamra were talking about her marriage, even though Shannon had talked extensively about her marriage on camera, the blame shifted from Shannon towards H&T. By the time David and Shannon met Vicki in Puerto Vallarta and she was acting like a loon, lots of folks were making excuses for her behavior. I even remember when she could not cope with sleeping in a double bed for two nights, reading where some folks didn't think it was strange for her to be so needy. It was strange. She is over-the-top needy.


I agree that it would be great if these two stay married - if they both want to stay married. I am a child of divorce. Not only that but my grandparents on both sides of my family are divorced. If that is not bad enough, my mother is one of 10 girls (amazing, but true) and every single one of them is divorced. On my fathers side, all of his siblings are divorced. My husband also comes from divorced parents, and all of his siblings are divorced. Bottom line, I had never experienced a marriage that lasted, until my own (strangely enough all my siblings are also still happily married). My background has made me believe that marriage is important, especially when children are involved. But this can only work if both people want to be married, IMO. I have no idea who is to blame in the David/Shannon deal. My guess is they both are at fault, for different reasons. What we have seen for the most part is only that Shannon is the one desperate to save the marriage. It appears that David is on board, since he did the marriage boot-camp deal, but it is not coming across to me that he feels the same way that Shannon does.  If he did, he wouldn't have moved out. He looks unhappy. Shannon looks unhappy. The kids are ALWAYS going to want the parents to stay together (OK, almost always). I think that David stays for the kids (he seems like a really good dad), but also because he believes that Shannon is unstable - that she would not be able to cope with it all if the marriage were to end. She cannot even cope with a double bed. She is not good at looking at the big picture and moving on. I think she would crumble and David is afraid for this. The saddest part to me is that I think he will leave when the kids are out of the house. The ways of the world dictate that he will probably be able to find someone much younger and have the life he thinks he wants.  As time goes by, it will just get much harder for Shannon to move on. 

  • Love 2

I was one who went back and forth with Shannon last year. I think that's normal with a new cast member. You don't know jack squat about them, and one minute they seem very posied and reasonable, another they seem off the rails crazy. And, honestly, people are complicated. I think it's quite possible for someone to be a wonderful mother and friend, and a horrible wife. People are often able to navigate some types of relationships better than others. Some people may be great at their jobs and able to handle problems in the office quite well, yet they will come home and be hostile and cold to their family members. It's just how we are. Messy. So sometimes I agree with Shannon and can see the sense in what she's saying. Other times she drives me absolutely batty. I just think she is a very flawed individual, much like the rest of them. 

  • Love 4
  On 6/30/2015 at 1:54 PM, gimipizzauoldtroll said:

Heather's house is more like house necrophilia than house porn. Unless your house is a manor open to the public for weddings and tours, you don't need 14 bathrooms. It's overkill, and most of that space won't even be occupied on a daily or weekly basis. It's vulgar and nothing about it is home-like.

I quoted this because I so totally agree and find it to be accurate.

One of my married childfree friends has a Dubrow Manor lite (around 28 marble encrusted rooms). I often stay there for a week or two. Only 8 of the rooms are even used so all the extravagance is utterly pointless.

I guess if someone really has something to prove or is desperate to impress or waste money or fancies them self a really big fan of WR Hearst its stupid. I find Heathers pretensions and spending a turn off personally. HW who are comparably rich on Beverly Hills franchise (Lisa, Yolanda) have no need to schedule filming on picking out tile or architecture meeting or discuss money like Heather does and as often. It makes me think she has nothing to offer or she's nothings she is proud of other than her bank account and willingness to piss money away. I have reason to believe Lydia of the OC was wealthier than Heather and she actually made a point to show how frugal she was shopping and cooking and laugh in a kind and affectionate way at Fancy Pant's antics ("no longer Fancy Pants but Fancy Outfit!").

It also is strange to me she'd build that monster, which most of the materials and design isn't based on any personal likings, but on what shes told is most expensive....Then place it on a small lot. Many people who have foofy mansions at least have them on big impressive lots or private drives and that adds to the grandeur and luxury.

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 5
  On 7/6/2015 at 2:50 AM, zoeysmom said:

I just find it odd that so many think it is in the children's best interest that there parents split up.  I just haven't heard that sentiment from the kids.  I am sure by season's end if these two split the kids will have formulated their own opinion.  Bad deal having the kids film their apology from dad.


The reason I believe it would be better for the children if Shannon and David divorce is that divorce is infinitely better to living with family conflict. Shannon and David have a very contentious relationship from what we've seen on the show and that sort of fighting and tension is having a negative impact on their children. Research on the subject is clear. It is better to divorce than to live with a high degree of conflict. Multiple studies that have looked at divorce and family conflict have found that the children who turn out the best on average are those who grew up in a family with little conflict and no divorce, while those who turned out the worst on average experienced a high degree of conflict and their parents stayed together. Interestingly enough, children whose parents fought before they divorced turn out better than those whose parents didn't fight before they divorced. This research has led to the conclusion that divorce in and of itself is not a bad thing. It is actually a good thing if there is a lot of family conflict. Since the Beador marriage is fraught with conflict, the children will most likely be better off if their parents split. 

  • Love 4
  On 7/6/2015 at 2:05 PM, ghoulina said:

I was one who went back and forth with Shannon last year. I think that's normal with a new cast member. You don't know jack squat about them, and one minute they seem very posied and reasonable, another they seem off the rails crazy. And, honestly, people are complicated. I think it's quite possible for someone to be a wonderful mother and friend, and a horrible wife. People are often able to navigate some types of relationships better than others. Some people may be great at their jobs and able to handle problems in the office quite well, yet they will come home and be hostile and cold to their family members. It's just how we are. Messy. So sometimes I agree with Shannon and can see the sense in what she's saying. Other times she drives me absolutely batty. I just think she is a very flawed individual, much like the rest of them. 

I was hoping that her realization of how she sounded and acted after her first season would bring about some change in how she dealt with her marriage. She spoke on WWHL as to how humiliated her behavior made her feel and how seeing it played out may have been a gift to make her change. I thought at that time she may be one of the first wives that actually changes for the better. Now I just think she's hardwired (flawed) that way.  Granted the affair or popularity her first season may have caused her the rethink how all that belittling looks but its kind of mind blowing that she'd put her family through this publicly for a second season. I rather like her but boy rooting for her is next to impossible.


oh, and Megan can go and be a one and done but I doubt it.

  • Love 7
  On 7/3/2015 at 12:53 AM, Grneyedldy said:

Ah c'mon now, Tamra said she just went into the room to get her purse and lo and behold she stumbled upon some possible HW turmoil. She had to stop and listen to be sure. She was shocked, shocked I tell you to hear Shannon and Meghan having words, then she left the room and prayed.

Yes Tamra was shocked, then she left the room and prayed that someone would notice her new boobs

  • Love 2
  On 7/6/2015 at 1:56 PM, motorcitymom65 said:

I understand what you are saying, but I disagree with this. Shannon was judged very harshly for her behavior until the stuff with Tamra and Heather happened. At that point there were lots of folks trying to justify that Shannon was not that bad. Suddenly there was very little talk about the fact that Shannon had shown herself to be a nag who reacted strangely in many situations. When Shannon was so pissed about the fact that Heather and Tamra were talking about her marriage, even though Shannon had talked extensively about her marriage on camera, the blame shifted from Shannon towards H&T. By the time David and Shannon met Vicki in Puerto Vallarta and she was acting like a loon, lots of folks were making excuses for her behavior. I even remember when she could not cope with sleeping in a double bed for two nights, reading where some folks didn't think it was strange for her to be so needy. It was strange. She is over-the-top needy.


I agree that it would be great if these two stay married - if they both want to stay married. I am a child of divorce. Not only that but my grandparents on both sides of my family are divorced. If that is not bad enough, my mother is one of 10 girls (amazing, but true) and every single one of them is divorced. On my fathers side, all of his siblings are divorced. My husband also comes from divorced parents, and all of his siblings are divorced. Bottom line, I had never experienced a marriage that lasted, until my own (strangely enough all my siblings are also still happily married). My background has made me believe that marriage is important, especially when children are involved. But this can only work if both people want to be married, IMO. I have no idea who is to blame in the David/Shannon deal. My guess is they both are at fault, for different reasons. What we have seen for the most part is only that Shannon is the one desperate to save the marriage. It appears that David is on board, since he did the marriage boot-camp deal, but it is not coming across to me that he feels the same way that Shannon does.  If he did, he wouldn't have moved out. He looks unhappy. Shannon looks unhappy. The kids are ALWAYS going to want the parents to stay together (OK, almost always). I think that David stays for the kids (he seems like a really good dad), but also because he believes that Shannon is unstable - that she would not be able to cope with it all if the marriage were to end. She cannot even cope with a double bed. She is not good at looking at the big picture and moving on. I think she would crumble and David is afraid for this. The saddest part to me is that I think he will leave when the kids are out of the house. The ways of the world dictate that he will probably be able to find someone much younger and have the life he thinks he wants.  As time goes by, it will just get much harder for Shannon to move on. 

I just feel like there is a great group of people judging Shannon and her nag on who have never told their husband or kids not to snack before dinner, to stop drinking or to slow down, made a crack about their significant other's upbringing or college (my husband and I went to schools in the same conference but not the same school),  complained about how the other spends money and most of all had a work related event and really crappy accommodations.  I don't want a 3/4 bed on the side of a busy highway when I am expected to get up the next morning and film.  Give me at least the same quality as the production crew.  If I have the money, I want to stay with creature comforts.  If my host can't understand that then she needs to get over it or do what happened and switch up the room assignments. I believe this shows strive to find the entitlement in these women and create situations that bring out the worst. 


I  always compare Shannon to Betty Draper she is so staid and dated in her approach to married life and children.  She definitely comes off as buzz kill and I wonder if David was ever a ball of fire himself - he seems very isolated.  As to who is more committed to saving the marriage at this point I think they are both walking the walk.  Like Terry Dubrow so merrily said to his wife of 15 years-"this means permanent alimony."  I don't know that these two would be any better as divorced.  it presumes a lot that two people who live with conflict will just give it up once one moves out. 


Glad to hear your marriage went against the tide in your family.  So  the burning question is any divorce attorneys in your family?

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