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Say What?: Commercials That Made Us Scratch Our Heads


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Well, I don't think a study was necessary.  There are people who are never constipated; they run like clockwork.  Then, for example,  they get a knee replaced and the wash of morphine coursing through their system not only relieves pain but does other, unintended, damage. The same thing that blocks the pain receptors seems to block whatever the hell it is that keeps the bowels motile.  Been there, done that and so have countless other humans.  There's enough historical, albeit anecdotal, evidence not to require a study to decide it's a problem. 


NOW they want to do a study on these people.  They're probably trying to find a different drug to solve the temporary problem. We're always cautioned not to take laxatives regularly, lest the body become dependent on them.  I'm assuming they're planning on looking for something opioid users can use during the course of treatment to solve that particular problem without dependency occurring.  They've got enough dependency problems with the opiods.


What I find disturbing: As little known/publicized as this problem is, they've already got an acronym for it.  OIC.  All I can say to that is "Yoicks."

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Well, I don't think a study was necessary.  There are people who are never constipated; they run like clockwork.  Then, for example,  they get a knee replaced and the wash of morphine coursing through their system not only relieves pain but does other, unintended, damage. The same thing that blocks the pain receptors seems to block whatever the hell it is that keeps the bowels motile.  Been there, done that and so have countless other humans.  There's enough historical, albeit anecdotal, evidence not to require a study to decide it's a problem. 


NOW they want to do a study on these people.  They're probably trying to find a different drug to solve the temporary problem. We're always cautioned not to take laxatives regularly, lest the body become dependent on them.  I'm assuming they're planning on looking for something opioid users can use during the course of treatment to solve that particular problem without dependency occurring.  They've got enough dependency problems with the opiods.


What I find disturbing: As little known/publicized as this problem is, they've already got an acronym for it.  OIC.  All I can say to that is "Yoicks."

My doc always recommended a tsp of Miralax daily while taking opioids, and start a day or two before if you know in advance. A friend who uses the same doc was told that before her hip replacement at 45 (family history of rheumatoid arthritis).

Edited by riley702
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While hospitalized if you are given opioids, you are typically also given stool softeners to counteract the effect of the pain meds.  Of course there's the opposite problem of continuing to receive the stool softeners when you are no longer taking the pain meds or are taking very little or non-opioid.  Perhaps they can come up with a new issue to study, stool softener/laxative induced soft stools.  I'll let myself out. 

  • Love 4

Clumpy mascara is Maybelline's version of bad software: It's not a bug, it's a feature!



Didn't clumps used to be a bad thing? 

You know how for the last few years, women have been dying their hair blonde, but letting an inch or two of dark hair remain?   Clumpy mascara completes the look. 

  • Love 15

Ha!  My cat is slowly, but in roller coaster fashion, pulling through an illness.  One of the behaviors I'm still eagerly awaiting the return of to let me know she's getting back to her old self -- following me to the bathroom.  Who knew I'd miss it?

I hope your cat recovers fully & soon! My Artemus Squeakifur likes to accompany me so that he can bite me when I can't escape... (To bring this back to television, yes, he is named after the character on The Wild Wild West)

  • Love 6

Will pretzels really thwart the mid-day doldrums, or should you have something more substantial as well?

Food in the afternoon when I'm already logy just makes me even sleepier. Actually, I suspect the mid-day doldrums are caused by digesting my lunch. The stomach bogarts all the blood flow, so there's nothing left for anything else.

  • Love 2

So maybe Nissan needs to get a focus group to tell them what they hear when the song in their commercial plays...


"I came in like a rainbow. I never hit so hard you know. All I wanted was to break your balls.  All you ever did was ra-a-ape me.  Yeah you ra-a-ape me."


Not even the car being smashed at the junkyard helped.  After a couple WTF reactions to the commercial google explained that it was Miley Cyrus Wrecking Ball

I have a lot of issues with this commercial. One being that I can't understand what the guy says at the beginning. Is that car named "Benny"?


FYI, before a car is crushed, they remove the tires and upholstery, gas tanks, radiators, etc. Tires are recycled, etc. Stupid ad. Ranks up there with the Subarus they abandoned in a vacant field.

  • Love 4

Just saw an American Cancer Society commercial where a woman says something like "When I got cancer I had to shave my head and my three year old daughter got scared and said "I don't love you anymore, Mommy" so I called the American Cancer Society." Whaaa...? Maybe you should have called an orphanage. 

  • Love 9

"Just saw an American Cancer Society commercial where a woman says something like "When I got cancer I had to shave my head and my three year old daughter got scared and said "I don't love you anymore, Mommy" so I called the American Cancer Society." Whaaa...? Maybe you should have called an orphanage."

This is from the American Cancer Society? Nice way to bolster morale, ACS!

In regard to chocolate milk as a sports nutrition drink: A local grocery store was touting Sundrop as "delicious and NUTRITIOUS." Anybody familiar with Sundrop knows this is utter bullshit because of the sugar and caffeine. Delicious, yes but nutritious only in comparison with drain cleaner!

  • Love 4

Betty, I think.

RE: Nissan at the wrecking yard crusher ... Apparently, we weren't the only ones who couldn't understand what the guy says, because now there's a new version, and it's "Steady Betty, Always Ready," which is slightly vulgar. Is that better?  *ponders*


(And yes, I am well aware that car guys have their own slightly vulgar vernacular when referring to cars ("cherry"), but it's probably not for popular advertising.)

  • Love 3
I saw this ad for the first time yesterday. Sure sounded like he said, "crap" to me. 


I wasn't watching the screen at the moment so I only heard the commercial.  Even after all the discussion, it's just not the same until you experience it yourself.  I immediately looked up when I heard the guy say "I'm going to crap as if no one is watching".  Now I'm wondering if that is on purpose because it sure got my attention.  

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I really like this commercial. However, no where in the ad does it say what these cars are. So unless you recognize the logos it flashes very briefly at the end (I didn't) you'd never know what they're advertising. Don't you think it would be beneficial to tell you what these cars are?

BTW - I found the ad and what the cars are by Googling the song. I doubt your casual couch potato would bother.


  • Love 1

I really like this commercial. However, no where in the ad does it say what these cars are. So unless you recognize the logos it flashes very briefly at the end (I didn't) you'd never know what they're advertising. Don't you think it would be beneficial to tell you what these cars are?

BTW - I found the ad and what the cars are by Googling the song. I doubt your casual couch potato would bother.



Oh, MY!  I hadn't seen this one before, and it really got my juices flowing!  I guess if you are into Mopar from way back, they really don't need to tell you what cars they are, you just know!  Wowie!!


Edited by Brattinella
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