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Say What?: Commercials That Made Us Scratch Our Heads


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For those here who have seen great results with Wen, were any of you already doing the routine where you just rinse and condition daily and only shampoo occasionally/use a shampoo alternative?  Because I've tended to assume the "wow, my hair is so much different" testimonials were a result of switching from shampoo to Wen, rather than switching from another conditioner to Wen.  I have naturally curly hair, so I ditched regular shampooing years ago.  Making that switch made a huge difference in my hair, so I've always figured Wen would just be a more expensive way of achieving basically the same result -- I'm already washing with conditioner.


I tried washing with conditioners a few times, and I also tried the Sally Beauty Supply knockoff for Wen before switching to it. I have fine hair with some wave that tends to not have volume but likes to frizz. Washing with conditioner or Sally's Hair One never worked for me - my hair would be so, so flat no matter what tips and tricks I tried. I always ended up back with regular shampoo and having to wash every day to have decent volume. So I did see a significant difference when I switched to Wen, and it worked a lot better for me than cleansing with other conditioners. It probably has more to do with my hair type than anything, though.

Taco Bell was mentioned a couple pages upthread. This particular one just confuses me.


Why the hell would a guy who's apparently a real person say in an ad that Taco Bell is as good as his mom's cooking? And how bad would "Mom's cooking" have to be for that to be true? And the girl seems oddly enthusiastic about Taco Bell's breakfast taco, is her mom a shitty cook too?



Making good biscuits is an art form that I have never been able to master, but, yeah, that commercial irritates because it's so fakey fake.

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Taco Bell was mentioned a couple pages upthread. This particular one just confuses me.


Why the hell would a guy who's apparently a real person say in an ad that Taco Bell is as good as his mom's cooking? And how bad would "Mom's cooking" have to be for that to be true? And the girl seems oddly enthusiastic about Taco Bell's breakfast taco, is her mom a shitty cook too?




There's a Honey Baked Ham ad that runs every holiday season where one of the supposed real people says, "Tastes better than the ham your mama makes."  I wonder if his mama ever saw that ad.

Is Taco Bell open 24 hours a day now? All I thought when I saw this commercial (other than "Gross!") is that the people who work at Taco Bell must work all the time if they are now open for breakfast. Didn't they not close until 4am or so? My 16-year-old niece just got a job there; I guess I could ask her.

I think it varies a lot by location. From what I've noticed in my area the "open late" ones generally close between 1am and 2am. And the ones that don't advertise themselves as "open late" close either at 11p or midnight. So probably the workers closing at 2 don't get to leave until closer to 3. I have not seen any listed as open to customers until 4am, but that doesn't mean they don't exist somewhere. Also depending on where you live there may or may not be a law preventing someone from having a closing shift that ends at 2am following by an opening shift starting at 5am...

I take it you haven't watched Girls.  Hannah ends up at the ER with a Q-tip stuck in her ear.  Oh wait, you meant it real life.  Yeah, you'd have to be too stupid to live if you couldn't master a Q-tip. Now where's my special spaghetti strainer?  Did I leave it by the microwave boiled egg maker? 

Kind of ashamed to admit this, but my dad went to the doctor with ear bleeding from sticking a q-tip too deep REPEATEDLY whilst cleaning his ears (over a multi-week period).  Turns out he'd damaged his ear drum.  Q-Tips are cotton tipped weapons of destruction!  (Yeah, we'd been telling him for years not to do that, but did he listen?)

Fortunately I am capable of eating a regular breakfast without incident.  I will be avoiding your new breakfast like the plague upon humanity and the colon that I believe it to be.


Since I occasionally have the need to acquire breakfast on the way to work, I have to confess that, were a Taco Bell actually on the way between my home and office, I'd probably stop there.  Not for that biscuit thing - I hate biscuits - but for the crunchwrap with hashbrowns in it?  Yeah.  And I'll confess to having been intrigued by the taco waffle thingy, although not enough to go out of my way to get one.

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There's one car ad that boils down to "this must be a high-end car because it has wifi! I'll buy it because of the wifi!"


I've taken to laughing at the one woman in that ad who proclaims that having wi-fi in her car is "the dream" - honey, you have really sad dreams.




Is this an ad about having sex with furniture? Because she seems really.....infatuated.

And they're both pronouning chaise incorrectly.

  • Love 5

There's a Honey Baked Ham ad that runs every holiday season where one of the supposed real people says, "Tastes better than the ham your mama makes."  I wonder if his mama ever saw that ad.


LOL, that gentleman cracks me up every time!  It makes me talk back to the TV: "Yes sir, and when you get home, your mama is going to smack you upside your head!"

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Is this an ad about having sex with furniture? Because she seems really.....infatuated.

Ha!  I was just thinking about this commercial yesterday.  We were having some work done in the LR which required removing all the furniture so when my favorite reading chair was put back I had a similar reaction.  I didn't wear a turban though.

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I've taken to laughing at the one woman in that ad who proclaims that having wi-fi in her car is "the dream" - honey, you have really sad dreams.

And they're both pronouning chaise incorrectly.

Just the other night I sat alone in my living room, the ticking clock the only sound in my empty house as the late afternoon shadows lengthened across my floor.  I sighed deeply and gazed out the window at the nightfall settling in and the chill wind rustling the skeletons of the leafless trees.  I realized, at that precise moment, that if only my car had wi-fi I could finally have true happiness.

  • Love 13

Taco Bell was mentioned a couple pages upthread. This particular one just confuses me.


Why the hell would a guy who's apparently a real person say in an ad that Taco Bell is as good as his mom's cooking? And how bad would "Mom's cooking" have to be for that to be true? And the girl seems oddly enthusiastic about Taco Bell's breakfast taco, is her mom a shitty cook too?


Her enthusiasm for cheap fast food, combined with her giggles make me think she is stoned out of her mind.

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Just saw a commercial for a "not-shampoo" hair care product called Wen. They advertise that it has "a new approach" to making hair clean and manageable, but it looks to me like it just uses the same old "put it in your hair, and then wash it off" technique. Maybe you need to apply a blow torch afterward, or something.

Also; when naming a hair care product, it might be a good idea to avoid using the term for cysts that sometimes become skin tumors. Just sayin'.


I really like Wen and have used it on and off for many years. I've tried a number of the cheaper knock-offs, but none of the work as well as Wen (at least for me).


I buy it directly from Amazon, so no "auto-ship" issues here. 


What I find interesting (and impressive) about Wen is how it really does work for a number of different hair types.  I was first introduced to it when I noticed one of my best friend's hair looking particularly full and full of volume, and she credited the Wen for making the difference.  She has stick-straight hair that tends to be "oily."  Yet it also works fabulously on my curly, dry hair, too. 

I have tried Wen and it was fine.  However, I don't like all the time it takes.  The directions on the one I have (gifted by a friend) says something like "pump 15-20 times, run through wet hair, massage thoroughly to get from roots to ends, run a wide tooth comb through your hair, let sit 5-7 minutes w/o getting wet/rinsing, rinse, pump another 5 into you hand and run through hair and let sit, then dry."  If I have to let it sit, there's no way it's not getting wet while I try to do other things in the shower so it gets partially rinsed off.  I just found it to be a big ol pain.  I have long, normal weight (not thin, not thick), straight-ish hair.  I can wash twice with normal shampoo, lightly condition, wash my body and shave and all that in half the time Wen wants me to spend on my hair alone.

  • Love 1

I have tried Wen and it was fine.  However, I don't like all the time it takes.  The directions on the one I have (gifted by a friend) says something like "pump 15-20 times, run through wet hair, massage thoroughly to get from roots to ends, run a wide tooth comb through your hair, let sit 5-7 minutes w/o getting wet/rinsing, rinse, pump another 5 into you hand and run through hair and let sit, then dry."  If I have to let it sit, there's no way it's not getting wet while I try to do other things in the shower so it gets partially rinsed off.  I just found it to be a big ol pain.  I have long, normal weight (not thin, not thick), straight-ish hair.  I can wash twice with normal shampoo, lightly condition, wash my body and shave and all that in half the time Wen wants me to spend on my hair alone.


Yeah, I don't do that. I have shoulder length, fine hair. So, I wet my hair thoroughly and work about 2-3 pumps in on my scalp, give it a good scrub, and rinse. Then I take another 2-3 pumps, scrub a bit into my scalp, and just run my hands with the rest over my hair and get a glop on the ends. Let it sit while I do my usual shower routine, and rinse out. Takes the same amount of time as regular shampoo and conditioner. No need to bother with combing it or anything like that, although with different hair types, that probably varies along with the amount of product you need.

Is the pump an eye dropper?  I have long hair and I can't imagine it being able to hold that much of something.


No, it's pretty sizeable. The pump also gets larger with the larger bottles you order. With the smallest bottle size (16 oz.), one pump is about the size of a quarter. With the 32 oz. bottle size, one pump is almost double that. When I used the smallest bottle, I used about 6-8 pumps total on my hair. With the 32 oz., I use about 5-6. I can't imagine needing 24-32 pumps for anything. That's almost half the smallest bottle, I would think.

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No, it's pretty sizeable. The pump also gets larger with the larger bottles you order. With the smallest bottle size (16 oz.), one pump is about the size of a quarter. With the 32 oz. bottle size, one pump is almost double that. When I used the smallest bottle, I used about 6-8 pumps total on my hair. With the 32 oz., I use about 5-6. I can't imagine needing 24-32 pumps for anything. That's almost half the smallest bottle, I would think.

All of this talk about the number of pumps needed does not have me thinking about washing my hair. 

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Taco Bell was mentioned a couple pages upthread. This particular one just confuses me.


Why the hell would a guy who's apparently a real person say in an ad that Taco Bell is as good as his mom's cooking? And how bad would "Mom's cooking" have to be for that to be true? And the girl seems oddly enthusiastic about Taco Bell's breakfast taco, is her mom a shitty cook too?



Perhaps his Mom works at Taco Bell?


What's the deal with the occasional Subaru ad that takes place in a universe where dogs can drive cars?

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Wow, John Schnatter the CEO of Papa John's has made life simpler for pizza lovers. It's called paysharing. Now Papa John's patrons can calculate their share of a Papa John's order. Hey, John, people have used paysharing for decades: it's called using a calculator.

We used something older called "short division".

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I think this commercial is funny as hell but you can hardly tell what the guy is saying to the cat. I know from my CC its "Got get help" but see if you can detect the "get" anywhere!


Yep. He's just slurring the words together. I understood him perfectly, as I tend to do it myself. I'm blaming my southern Indiana accent, which is apparently so different from the rest of the Midwest that a lady at Cedar Point (Sandusky, OH) once wanted to know where I was from.

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A pizza employee can wind up with a pretty generous tip that way, so John may be doing his employees a disservice.

I don't think that would bother him.


Does anyone else remember Father Guido Sarducci showing off the relic "receipt from the Last Brunch" where 12 guys ordered Eggs Benedict and one guy only got coffee & a Danish and they divided the bill by 13, so that the Danish eater had to pay more than what his brunch had cost?

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Yep, he's a douche-bag. He said he couldn't wouldn't provide health insurance for his employees because it would cost an extra 10-15 cents per pizza. This, from a company whose gross profits were approx. $100 MILLION in 2013, the last year for which I could find figures.


I actually e-mailed him after that comment, telling him that he had blown a golden opportunity for positive press without cutting into his earnings. All he had to do was announce he was raising the price of each pizza by 25 cents, in order to provide health coverage for his employees, and that he was sure people wouldn't mind paying an extra quarter to do so much good, and that it was just the right thing to do, dammit. I got the standard form letter thanking me for writing to them.

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