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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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Why, oh, why did I have to shut down my comp. just before all of the chaos started?  Sounds like fun, yet also intense and frustrating!


Well, she isn't wrong. Shelli is 1000% better than Clay in terms of playing the game. He just plain sucks all around, both at the social game, at the competitive aspect and the more rational aspect. Shelli, at least, is aware why they're being targeted. Clay is consistently dumbfounded.



Clay also plays a lot more emotionally which makes him a dangerous player to keep around. He's willing to do things at a drop of a hat, even without all the information.

I agree totally.  Just go back to Da'Vonne's eviction.  While Shelli did betray her when she wasn't even coming after her and wasn't even intending to, she ultimately did get betrayed because of Clay due to their one stupid fight.  He kept driving that HoH even though it was Shelli's because he so desperately wanted her gone.  Just.  Over.  One.  Fight.


Apparently Clay's nomination speech was "I have nothing to say." 


What a douchebag.

To be honest, while I took a wait-and-see attitude with the other fifteen houseguests (sixteen, if you count Julia), Clay's the one houseguest I called being a stealth douchebag since before the season started, and it seems like that finally bore out.  Won't miss him if Vanessa, Steve, Liz, Julia, and Austin really are gonna evict him over Shelli.


Liz: "We're the last showmance standing." 

Austin: "Well, we'll have to... uh... honour that for the feedsters."


Please don't.

What?  Everyone's still unaware that John and Becky are one, too?


I want Shelli to stay for my own personal enjoyment, plus I've disliked and rooted against Clay since before the season started, and nothing about him has changed that opinion since watching him on the feeds. Hopefully once he leaves, some of these people will wake up and get back to playing the game.

Agreed.  Shelli's an entitled bitch, and I dislike her, but I still think she could play a good game without Clay around.  Clay is just a follower.  No leadership in him at all.  What a waste of space.  He was clearly cast to be the hottie of the season, and instead, he's hated by the majority of the fans, both feed watchers and casuals.  Shelli is, too, but at least she can play the game.  So I hope she stays and he goes in three days.

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Beky and John really aren't a showmance though. Becky has said repeatedly that she's not attracted to John and that she's not interested in him like that. They might be a duo but they're definitely not a showmance. A lot of the houseguests (including Liz) think that a John/Julia showmance is possible. Basically Steve likes Julia (and Liz lol) but Julia likes John but John likes Becky (and Becky likes no one lol). It's a mess.

Edited by bobthefrog
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Beky and John really aren't a showmance though. Becky has said repeatedly that she's not attracted to John and that she's not interested in him like that. They might be a duo but they're definitely not a showmance. A lot of the houseguests (including Liz) think that a John/Julia showmance is possible. Basically Steve likes Julia (and Liz lol) but Julia likes John but John likes Becky (and Becky likes no one lol). It's a mess.


To add to this: James asked Liz earlier this afternoon if he had her permission to flirt with Julia. He got the green light and snuggled up next to her on the outside couches and jokingly called them "J.J." Julia's a hot commodity in the house, it seems.

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I don't know where the notion that Becky is attracted to Clay came from. She's likened herself to him as both being athletic and while she promised to vote him out, would rather keep him because he's not as complex as Shelli. She feels like there are more layers when talking Shelli than with Clay. That is not exactly a ringing endorsement.

How this translates into her salivating over Clay, I don't know.


Is it true that Becky said she's only attracted to men of color who are at least 6'4"?

But not having a headboard is the real deal breaker.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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Let's be real, the person with the biggest crush on Clay is John. Like bigger than Shelli levels. I can't figure out why though. I have literally never seen them interact lol.


John and Julia are talking now and John said, "The house is going to vote Shelli out obviously. That's what everyone wants to do deep down." This vote is gonna be so exciting!

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Yeah, I would prefer to see Clay leave on a personal level, but if Shelli left, it would be glorious watching Vanessa react to it, so I can't help but want to see that. However, Vanessa tends to get what she wants, so I presume Clay is a goner. 

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Let's be real, the person with the biggest crush on Clay is John. Like bigger than Shelli levels. I can't figure out why though. I have literally never seen them interact lol.


John and Julia are talking now and John said, "The house is going to vote Shelli out obviously. That's what everyone wants to do deep down." This vote is gonna be so exciting!


I just realized I want Clay to surprise leave primarily to see if John cries on live TV.

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If that is right it's too bad they didn't get rid of Austin. I feel badly for liz.


I used to.  Not anymore.  She could walk away any time, and yet she doesn't.  I used to be uncomfortable for her, but now I'm just disgusted by her. 

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Clay is so smooth. Just now to Steve "Hey, I don't know what James said to you,but if he said anything about us, it's not true". Steve asks what did Clay hear, and Clay just kind hems and haws and is basically 'uh...nothing really, but if he did say something, totally not true'. Steve: "well thank you". Sometimes I love Steve.

But watching John with Clay, I think John might just have a crush on Clay, and I don't mean that in a sarcastic, game-related way. I'm just as flummoxed as everyone else as to why he's taking Clay being on the block so personally. I personally like John. I find him entertaining on the show, I think he's a nice guy, I like watching his conversations with various HGs. I don't know who has less of a clue about what his game is - him or me. But I'll still take him over most of these people. He won't win, and I don't want him to, but I'll go ahead and root for him to stick around all the same.

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But not having a headboard is the real deal breaker.


Or posters on the walls. Does Becky ask to see photos of their place before going on a Tinder date?


I used to.  Not anymore.  [Liz] could walk away any time, and yet she doesn't.  I used to be uncomfortable for her, but now I'm just disgusted by her. 


I truly believed that she was doing this for two reasons: to have the meat shield/protection in front of her and because she liked the attention. Now I'm wondering if Austin has just worn Liz down and it's like Stockholm Syndrome or something. I know it's slim pickings in the house this year, but damn. She certainly had no issues holding his hand or stroking his arm today, and yesterday was the first day I saw her reciprocating the petting behavior. I'm not disgusted, but I am confused and I was one of her bigger defenders in the beginning.

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Steve was really rubbing it in with this joke that Becky's PH level would be 10 because that's very basic.   He said it a few times.  I think if Becky could shoot laser beams out of her eyes, she would have.  I think Steve got the reaction he wanted, though.


Clay also very half-heartedly told Steve that his name never came out of Clay's mouth in the HOH room.   Heh.  Steve asked where Clay heard that James said that, but Clay dismissed him.  So, yeah.   Not a great sales job.

Edited by vb68
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Shelli's smarter and better at competitions- they would be fools not to vote her out.

Hopefully Clay will do shitty without his "Diane" dragging him uphill. I don't like him and find his looks very, very overrated.

I never got the point of saying on Internet talk forums "Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel!" I mean you do know thats the point of the chat room or thread. I guess the remark is to make the other person feel chagrined that they were too hyperbolic or verbose.

Edited by Petunia13
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Well, just a bit ago Clay told Vanessa that he doesn't like Austin and Austin is not an asset for Clay's game.  I'm sure that tidbit is being filed away for use this week if Austin and the twins start to go sideways on Vanessa's save Shelli campaign.

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I'm not sure what Vanessa whispered to Austin.  Maybe that Clay thought he had the votes to stay.  It was hard to hear, but I heard Austin say it's not going to happen.  A split second later , Clay walked by them. 

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Austin called John a "buffoon" an hour or so ago. Pot. Kettle. Black. I was disappointed in Julia for laughing but she sort of covered herself by saying she hadn't heard that word in a long time. And then they mocked Shelli and Clay's showmance, saying it was boring and they didn't even kiss on the lips. Austin was really on his high horse about THAT.

I'd love to see a gif of a moment about a half hour ago when the twins walked into the bathroom area where Vanessa was doing her nails and Clay was lounging nearby. Liz (or was it Julia?) said something was wrong with her eye and the other twin puffed her lips and blew air on it. Vanessa looked over to Clay and he rolled his eyes. That amused me.

Edited by TimWil
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I truly believed that she was doing this for two reasons: to have the meat shield/protection in front of her and because she liked the attention. Now I'm wondering if Austin has just worn Liz down and it's like Stockholm Syndrome or something. I know it's slim pickings in the house this year, but damn. She certainly had no issues holding his hand or stroking his arm today, and yesterday was the first day I saw her reciprocating the petting behavior. I'm not disgusted, but I am confused and I was one of her bigger defenders in the beginning.


I don't hold it against her. It seemed like she was stuck at first, but tried to subtly to him that she didn't want it to go too far (no kissing, pulling away from touching...) without hurting their relationship because he is her biggest supporter.

Now, I think she really does like his company and there's not much to do in the house so it's kind of a fun fling. She does know he's obsessed with her, though and told Julia he and his family are going to hate her when they get out.


I have noticed that her and Austin are so much more bearable with Julia around. Especially Austin, because he had started to annoy me the most.

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I never got the point of saying on Internet talk forums "Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel!" I mean you do know thats the point of the chat room or thread. I guess the remark is to make the other person feel chagrined that they were too hyperbolic or verbose.

I'm not the original poster but I gave it thumbs up because it made me laugh; just like the whole initial opinion did.  I don't think it was meant to make anyone feel chagrined.  It seemed very much like a haha, lol right along with you kinda thing to me.  This forum has always been a friendly type place with many differing opinions.  And me?  I think hyperbolic and verbose is awesome!  Snarking on the hgs is the biggest part of the fun sometimes!

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I do think "Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel" can be perceived as passive-aggressive, though. Whenever someone has the nerve to say that to my face I always say "I'd rather have opinions than no opinions."

So now Austin is pissed about Clay and Shelli throwing him under the bus to James? I hope this shifts his vote to Clay staying. I'd love to see Vanessa's head explode.

Edited by TimWil
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While there are many reasons to dislike Clay and Shelli, I don't see their age difference as being one of them. The pair are what? 22 and 30? Not exactly a huge age gap. If Shelli wants to date a man 8 years her junior- hell, ten years her junior, more power to her. Shell is gorgeous, and I don't care what goes on between two consenting adults.


I find Clay and Shelli less repulsive then Liz/Austin, that's for sure. Austin just disgusts me for whatever reason. Like he thinks he's so romantic. Gag me.


Still loving J-Mac for unknown reasons.

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While there are many reasons to dislike Clay and Shelli, I don't see their age difference as being one of them. The pair are what? 22 and 30? Not exactly a huge age gap. If Shelli wants to date a man 8 years her junior- hell, ten years her junior, more power to her. Shell is gorgeous, and I don't care what goes on between two consenting adults.


Agreed.  So long as the lower number is still of legal drinking age, God bless and have at.  As the years progress (if they're lucky), the age difference will never do anything but continue to shrink.

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Did J-Mac get a haircut? He looks awesome. Clay has competition. LOL!!

Austin continues to repulse me to no end. He is just plain gross. And, to make it worse I have to listen to the twins and their annoying voices with him. Is the twins voice an accent? An impediment? Valley Girl talk from Miami? Oh myyyyyy Godddddd!

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Clay really is a special kind of stupid isn't he? He Is like a little kid right now that had his toys taken away from him so now he's going to pout and stick his fingers in his ears and go "I'm not going to listen to any of you" cause someone in the house didn't bow down and kiss his and Shelli's feet. That is the one thing that makes me shake my head every year that some people feel like they can lie to everyone and do whatever they want but when some dares lie to them they act like the world is coming to an end.

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Insofar as you're quoting my post, you're guessing wrong. 

I enjoyed the poster's free-spirited release of raw emotion, and posted humor as applause.

No need to look for offense when none was intended.  :)

When I saw Nashville's response to my quite descriptive and animated post about Shelli and Clay, I took it just as I would take the same response from my friends. I laughed when I saw his "Tell us you really feel" as that is exactly what I've been told a number of times by friends, particularly as I have been accused of, on occasion, being very blunt. This is a forum where we all share our opinions - I took absolutely no offence to the response and even responded with a like to his post as it just hilariously reminded me of something my friends would say to me.

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The houseguests have already started planning for next week. Vanessa/Austin/Liz/Julia plan to nominate Shelli (as a pawn) and Jackie. They are going to tell Jackie that the plan is (of course) to backdoor Steve. But Jackie will be the target. If she wins veto the target will be John. Shelli wants to target James (for vengeance). Steve wants to target Becky (duh). Becky wants to target Steve. James/Jackie/Meg want to target the other half of Clelli or Vanessa. I have no idea what Johnny Mac wants to do (last I heard he said he would nominate James/Meg).

ETA: I just remembered that John said last night that he has to get Jackie out because she knows about the Clelli/John/Jeff/Jackie alliance (i totally forgot that alliance even existed lol)

Edited by bobthefrog
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Becky and Jackie will aim for Vanessa but they'll go at it sideways. Unless it is a DE. Becky wants her out way more than she does Steve.

Jackie is the same way. She's still very hurt over the Dark Moon that wasn't.

I agree about Shelli and Clay being more bearable than Austin and Liz. The thing Liz does in place of speaking kills me. Austin is just repulsive all around.

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I agree about Shelli and Clay being more bearable than Austin and Liz. The thing Liz does in place of speaking kills me. Austin is just repulsive all around.

Eh, I still prefer Austin and Liz to Clay and Shelli for the simple reason that there's no hint of hypocrisy or entitlement from them.  At all.

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Eh, I still prefer Austin and Liz to Clay and Shelli for the simple reason that there's no hint of hypocrisy or entitlement from them.  At all.

The entitlement and hypocrisy is bad but the grossmace of Austin and Liz outweighs that for me. Every single houseguest have displayed a level of entitlment and hypocrisy.

The way Austin and Liz started out, with him pawing her and her barely tolerating it, but tolerating it enough for him to continue doing it. To where they are now with her reciprocating and seemongly being fine with his paws all over her, is more disturbing than the entitled couple.

I'm also more linient on Shay because it is a game and they've lost. Kind of like when the game is over, my feelings for them switch to neutral.

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As of right now all of Freaks and Geeks are onboard with keeping Shelli. Vanessa/Austin are planning on talking to James tomorrow or Wednesday and telling him that the majority of the house doesn't trust Clay and wants him gone. They're hoping that James might be ok with this. However, they've decided that even if James is upset, they're still going to do it (vote out Clay).

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As of right now all of Freaks and Geeks are onboard with keeping Shelli. Vanessa/Austin are planning on talking to James tomorrow or Wednesday and telling him that the majority of the house doesn't trust Clay and wants him gone. They're hoping that James might be ok with this. However, they've decided that even if James is upset, they're still going to do it (vote out Clay).

Good.  Let's hope it stays that way, because Clay just needs to go, already.

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If Steve ever gets married, he has "whipped" all over him, I think.


"If things don't change for him, he's gonna marry the first girl he lays, and she's gonna treat him like shit, because she will have given him what he has built up in his mind as the end-all, be-all of human existence. She won't respect him, 'cause you can't respect somebody who kisses your ass. It just doesn't work."

-- Matthew Broderick, "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"

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I don't mind Steve's strategy so much. Ian won BB14 while being in a similar situation. I don't have a problem with people deciding to be the low man on an alliance's totem pole. They just have to be willing to take advantage of shifts in the game later on. John and Becky, for instance, are fine with me right now (purely game-wise, that is), so long as they make moves later on. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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If Steve ever gets married, he has "whipped" all over him, I think.

I tend to think that if Austin and/or JohnnyMac (and possibly even James) ever found a girl who would marry them, "whipped" is exactly what they'd be given what their game play and clips from inside and outside the house have shown us thus far. I would  even include Clay in that since he fell for the first orange, older, big bleached teeth girl to show him any little bit of interest.

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I can't wait til Thursday.

I expect more diva screaming from Jackie once Shelli isnt voted out.

This is a smart move for both Vanessa and Steve because now there will be three targets: The twins, Austin and now Shelli. Like what Derrick said last year about keeping Zach "Zach is a snake but hes my snake." Vanessa's snake is Shelli.

Im glad Clay is possibly leaving. Im sick of his mumbling and backstabbing ass.

He wanted Shelli to blow up 6th Sense and Judas so he could jumpship. Vanessa saw right through his bullshit. I couldn't be more happier if it all goes down.

Plus it will be 5-4, maybe 6-3 if Shelli shakes Meg for a sympathy vote.

It sucks for James but at least he's getting one of the two out the game just not his intented target.

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Clelli has now told Steve the following:

-Clay had a F2 deal with James (something Nessa thought).

-Clelli also wants everyone to play their game basically.

-Austin didnt sacriface his game for them so this makes him a floater to Clay most of all. (Which is bs since they wanted Austin as a number. And Austin fought for them to get James to use veto yet they over look it and make more excuses why they are on the block).

-Clelli also sold out Meg and Jackie's sudden niceness of Steve if he wins hoh.

-Shelli hopes for a 10 person jury so Clay can make it.

Edited by BlackMamba
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Steve is so willing to be Sixth Sense's bitch.

Steve "you've given me more than I've given you so I feel it is my duty to cooperate"

I think the Sixth Sense is pretty much completely over. It's just Freaks and Geeks now, because no matter what, Austin and the twins aren't going to forget that Clelli sold them out. Vanessa is the only one who's still tied to Shelli, if she stays. And if Clay stays, he'll move over to JMac and Becky.

As for what Steve said, it's kind of true. Steve hasn't won an HOH and he won one veto a long time ago. He also hasn't really talked game or manipulated anyone from the other side of the house. Every single person in F&G is a huge target, except for Steve. Steve is simply a number for Vanessa/Austin/Twins, and in return, he's part of an alliance when he would otherwise be alone in the game.

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I think the Sixth Sense is pretty much completely over. It's just Freaks and Geeks now, because no matter what, Austin and the twins aren't going to forget that Clelli sold them out. Vanessa is the only one who's still tied to Shelli, if she stays. And if Clay stays, he'll move over to JMac and Becky.

As for what Steve said, it's kind of true. Steve hasn't won an HOH and he won one veto a long time ago. He also hasn't really talked game or manipulated anyone from the other side of the house. Every single person in F&G is a huge target, except for Steve. Steve is simply a number for Vanessa/Austin/Twins, and in return, he's part of an alliance when he would otherwise be alone in the game.


6th Sense is done with after Shelli and Clay has backstabbed and thrown them under the bus.

Vanessa will use Shelli as a primary target, hoh wins and as a "pawn". Shelli turns into a innocent kitten, similar to Aaryn with Amanda, when shes around Vanessa.

Plus Steve is in Freaks and Geeks. They are all sharing information and confirming.

People can talk shit about Vanessa all day and how she micromanages the game, but lets be real without her strategy moves: Steve, Austwins, and Shelli wouldn't be around now. She carrying her posse straight to jury! Thats how you do it. Shes definitely the best player this season regardless if you love or hate her. I havent seen a female player this strong since strategic wise since Danielle S3.

Edited by BlackMamba
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Honestly, once Clay is out of the picture I don't see why Vanessa wouldn't want to go F2 with Shelli. If they can get out one of the other side this week, the majority of the jury would be full of Vanessa's people. Shelli has been tarnished to all these people. I think once Clay is gone, Shelli will be focused and she will win comps more than any of the others in the alliance. In fact I would not be surprised if it ended up as Vanessa/Shelli/Steve final 3 if they have luck and strategy on their side. I think the timing of when they win HOH will be a huge factor and Vanessa would need to win the final HOH as I think Shelli and Steve will know they can't beat Vanessa if it came to that.

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I should have said what is left of Sixth Sense. Whatever they are, he is wiling to do their bidding.


It is way too soon to talk about F4 and F2.  It is hard to believe but this season is not even halfway done. There is a LOT of game left to be played. 

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think the Sixth Sense is pretty much completely over. It's just Freaks and Geeks now, because no matter what, Austin and the twins aren't going to forget that Clelli sold them out.


I don't know,I'm still convinced that she wants to be standing next to either Steve OR Shelli in the end, and that she ultimately will target Liz, or at least get the other side to target Liz, so she breaks up Austin/Liz and Liz/Julia. She's going to have to start talking more game with Julia though, and actually letting Julia talk, because she'll see how similar their instincts are about almost everyone in the house both in their alliance and not in their alliance.


That's why I want to see the F4 be Vanessa/Steve/Shelli/Julia I think they are truly the savviest players in the house, yes Steve is savvy, he hooked up with the right side of the house, and he's slowly but surely improved his social game (Julia really REALLY likes him and cares about him she was HELLA pissed to hear Slay threw his name out as renom), and even Austin was protective of Steve in the yard yesterday, all those chess games are paying off, the rest of the house has had a chance to see him one on one, and I think he's easily way way less awkward that way and they see him as a nice sweet guy who isn't threatening at all: aka GOLD for his game. I think he also knows he's F4/2 with Vanessa if things go like she/they want, if being Vanessa's bitch gets him that far I'd say it's good strategy. 


It is way too soon to talk about F4 and F2.


It's really not, good players absolutely think that far ahead, have to be really, and I think Vanessa is definitley thinking that far down the line, but she's smart enough to adjust her game to whatever actually plays out regardless of her Plan A and B.

Edited by blixie
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