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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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I couldn't  tell if  Da hooked Liz(Julia) in and has their vote or not.  Have they approached Austin on this yet?

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Day is in the top 10 worst players I've ever seen on this show. Pointless and confusing lies about who is or isn't voting for her. Telling lies about Steve telling Austin when she still wants to get Steve's vote. She wanted Liz to think she was on her side, then spends the entirety of that interview barely able to hold back laughter. She's too busy patting herself on the back over "getting" Liz than on staying in the game. Good for you, you figured out the twist, and you're likely still going home, probably forgotten by the end of the season like most second boots.


Day can be entertaining when she isn't around pond life like Jason or Jeff or James, but she's an awful player. She didn't deserve to get help from production, and as much as I wish smug, self-righteous Meg and her beauty school dropout sheep dog haircut would leave, I don't think Day has done anything to deserve to stay.

Edited by Pete Martell
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I am glad the twin twist is exposed to everyone including Jizz.  Day's campaigning to stay complete with stupid lies is transparent and will not work, anyway.  Two lame twists failed and fine with me.  Enough with the twists; they are not enjoyable for the viewers/fans. Battle of the block is bad enough without your "creative" additions.   

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I irrationally hate Vanessa but I was still holding onto hope that she wasn't as dumb as the rest of these nimrods, but she is. She just went to Shelli/Clay and gave them a ton of info. Like what is wrong with these people? Do they not realize that Shelli/Clay won't be in power next week? 


This group seemed so promising. Sigh.


I agree. Sleeper Cell (Shelli/Clay/Austin/Audrey) is her big plan moving forward. I had such high hopes for her. 


Davonne is done. Austin/Liz confirmed last night they're not voting to keep her. Vanessa and Steve aren't either. (Steve pissed Day off last night because he told her he didn't want to talk game while they were playing pool and she took it as a slight.) I wouldn't say Day is a bad player. She's really good at observing and getting information but can't apply it to a coherent strategy. She also takes things a bit too personal. Anyway, I'm gonna miss her. She's much more entertaining on the feeds than Meg.

Edited by Cutty
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I still have hope Vanessa will catch on that she is not aligned with the "right" people.  It is early, things change.   She is my favorite.  

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I wouldn't say Day is a bad player.


I would there is absolutely NO WAY she should be going this week with the last laugh/twin twist, she should have went to Liz/Julia without running her mouth Jason, she should have gone to Vanessa/Austin/Steve, she should have  hustled and HUMBLED herself to these people who control her fate. I don't see anyone overly committed to any one alliance and there was a chance for the Vanessa camp to make a big move against the Slay/Jeff/James/Meg camp. Meh, it's really disappointing if Vanessa has decided to march with them through another week.

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I think Vanessa is aligning herself with Sleeper Cell for now as human shields / numbers. It's still very early and I don't think that is her end alliance at all. She has planted the idea that Austin has a crush on Liz to a few people. She knows that "Slay" is a target because those two are an obvious pair / F2 agreement. Lizulia is not a target on peoples radar. She's giving information but I don't think it's anything that can bite her in the behind later. She's also learning quite a lot of information from her conversations with them. I think she's one of the few people who is thinking long term in the game.

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I would there is absolutely NO WAY she should be going this week with the last laugh/twin twist, she should have went to Liz/Julia without running her mouth Jason, she should have gone to Vanessa/Austin/Steve, she should have  hustled and HUMBLED herself to these people who control her fate. I don't see anyone overly committed to any one alliance and there was a chance for the Vanessa camp to make a big move against the Slay/Jeff/James/Meg camp. Meh, it's really disappointing if Vanessa has decided to march with them through another week.



Not to mention her unnecessary aggression straight out of the gate.  That was her undoing.  There was nothing she could have done do to regain any ground after that.  The first nominated and voted out are ones the entire house can agree on.  They are most often the assholes.  Not saying Day is, she acted the part, however. 

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Watching Davonne/Jason's talk from the hammock - 12:50 AM BBT. Lots of bitterness. She's upset with Steve re the pool game.


Jason trashing the HGs: 

calls Steve a "coward cockroach"

on Jackie: "fake ass bimbo who makes fuckin' rat noises when she opens up her thighs"


Jason is getting tiring. 

Edited by Cutty
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Jason is so intuitive though.


Tells Day not to cancel out Audrey in case she's America's Player. "That bitch might not know who to vote for until she goes in there and opens an envelope". 


Also speculates that Jeff/Jackie are in a relationship. Jason's line of thinking it like the rest of us, wondering how such a nothing duo could be cast. "Why would they cast the 7th place team from The Amazing Race? For all I know they are married." Davonne mentions that would be sad for Meg because she's falling for Jeff. Oy.

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Can you even imagine what Jason would be like if he was up on the block post-Veto and likely to be kicked out? If they would show any of his conversations then on the CBS show, they'd have to bleep every other word!

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I wonder the same on Jeff/Jackie since I watched the full season of TAR. They did work well together and seemed to be the only blinddate duo to actually date and embrace the date part of the twist. When the season ended they were going to attempt a relationship.

If they are just friends/broken up, then why cast them and not 2 other people from TAR? Why not throw in 2 of them from the twist that were also just friends at the end, or that weren't even paired together like Berjen and Jenny.

Unless CBS rewarded Jeff and Jackie for actually making an attempt at their blind date twist and this is the reward regardless if they made their relationship work or not.

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There are rumors that they had another duo in mind from The Amazing Race but that it fell apart at the last minute, which makes sense. There's no way Jeff/Jackie were the first option.

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Watching Davonne/Jason's talk from the hammock - 12:50 AM BBT. Lots of bitterness. She's upset with Steve re the pool game.


Jason trashing the HGs: 

calls Steve a "coward cockroach"

on Jackie: "fake ass bimbo who makes fuckin' rat noises when she opens up her thighs"


Jason is getting tiring.

Sounds like Just Another Andy Clone to me.

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They probably didn't want to put in real couples because they knew they'd be immediately targeted. Out of the blind date couples they probably wanted Blair and Haley but they have real jobs (like Laura and Tyler and Jelani and Jenny) Who they should have put in is Bergen and Kurt. I don't think anyone would ever suspect them of being in a relationship and there would be fireworks a plenty.

What's this about ShellI and Clay and Jason and Da meeting in sequester? Did that come out on the feeds somehow?

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They generally have minimal interaction during sequester so it's not shocking to me.

They do group things during finals so there are ways for them to interact before the show.

But yes, they will once in awhile talk about it on the feeds, telling each other who they saw during different stages of auditioning. They can usually get quite a bit out before they're told to stop.

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Audrey is at it again. She told Meg that Davonne has the votes to stay. Now everyone is paranoid because someone started a rumor that Audrey has the twist and is gonna flip the vote to save Davonne. 

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Audrey is at it again. She told Meg that Davonne has the votes to stay. Now everyone is paranoid because someone started a rumor that Audrey has the twist and is gonna flip the vote to save Davonne.


Awesome. God I love her, and I hope she ironically finds a way to save Day.

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Davonne isn't even trying to stay anymore. Instead of trying to capitalize on the chaos she just spent the last 20 minutes outside with Meg -- ya know, the person she's on the block against -- talking about how crazy Audrey is. 

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I don't think this last thing was that big of a deal. All she did was tell Meg that Davonne is campaigning to stay. She's just repeating what she's heard. The problem is her credibility is shot and everyone just assumes she's stirring up drama. The only person who Audrey can actually talk to without the info getting out is Vanessa. But I'm not sure she realizes that.

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Well, at least Audrey is making some kind of drama. She played too hard, like Da'Vonne and she's a target because of it. She lies constantly and nobody should trust her. She can be bad, but I don't know, I guess I enjoy her more than Da'Vonne? Da'Vonne isn't my cup of tea; she's too intense, too paranoid and she can be mean when she wants to be. She may also bring the drama, but I'm ok with her going. Da'Vonne would be a good person to keep around for a few weeks, though, because she helps bring the drama, she sucks at comps and she keeps burning her own bridges because she isn't playing the game properly. Though, I guess it's not just her.

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Bahahaha!!! But Audrey is the paranoid one?


Meg, Shelli, Vanessa think that Audrey is paranoid and that her and Da'Vonne are now scheming and working together. #BB17

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Unless CBS rewarded Jeff and Jackie for actually making an attempt at their blind date twist and this is the reward regardless if they made their relationship work or not.


Ding ding ding. The whole season was a colossal failure. It was painful watching Phil lower himself to asking "Are you in love yet? Did you find love yet?" every single time the blind date couples crossed the finish mat. Sheer torture. Jeff and Jackie were the only blind date couple to even make a show of pretending to maybe kind of sorta like each other. And CBS is determined to beat that dead horse into the ground. Plus, as others have pointed out, they were probably the only ones who didn't have anything better to do for the next three months.

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Slay met during sequester and so did Da'son



A good example of not forming in-house relationships on sequester, as these are probably the two most self-damaging pairings in the house. I think if my brain is in a jar 500 years from now, I will still be in disbelief that "superfan" Jason decided the best way to use incredible info that no one else knows was to go around hee-heeing to half the house that a woman is a fat whore and a bitch. He's lucky that many consider knowing the boot order of BBUK 2005 to be the only proper way to tell who a good player is. He can be catty all over podcasts for the rest of reality show's life. 

Edited by Pete Martell
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As a relative newcomer to BB, and without knowledge of a lot of the history, I will say that I'm not surprised at the casting.  I wouldn't expect most 40+ year old people to be interested in doing this for 3 months, as most probably have jobs that would not allow such a long time off work and they may not want to be separated so long from families.  One month for Survivor or TAR is probably hard enough for most.  I'm sure there are some who could/would do this, but far far fewer than 20-somethings.


Also, it seems to me that the point of this show is that the cast are provided with very little to do other than talk/gossip and frankly most "mature" people I know would have absolutely no patience for that sort of thing.  Frankly, I'm not surprised one bit by people who "run at the mouth" like Jason, or who let things slip about their private lives because having to keep one's mouth shut must be hard when there's literally nothing else to do, or very little.  The boredom must be excruciating.  Anyone who can keep a secret for more than a month is probably the exception rather than the rule.  If Vanessa can keep her job so underwraps for that long, I'll be impressed (and since she's older than the others, plus with her type of 'work', I could see her able to do it).

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Vanessa must be feeling good right now that Shelli has told her two things:

1. Jeff is the male Audrey

2. Shelli saud she wouldn't bring Jeff into ANOTHER alliance.

I cant wait til Vanessa has an opportunity hopefully in the game to stick it to one of these factions. It's going to be good.

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As a relative newcomer to BB, and without knowledge of a lot of the history, I will say that I'm not surprised at the casting.  I wouldn't expect most 40+ year old people to be interested in doing this for 3 months, as most probably have jobs that would not allow such a long time off work and they may not want to be separated so long from families.  One month for Survivor or TAR is probably hard enough for most.  I'm sure there are some who could/would do this, but far far fewer than 20-somethings.

I'm sure that a larger proportion of young/not seriously employed people apply for the show, but I don't think that's why the casts skew so young. There are plenty of older famewhores and, in some cases, older people would be in a better position to do the show- their kids are older, they are generally more financially stable, etc. I think a lot of younger people wouldn't want to leave their babies/young children for 3 months and people starting out in their careers and/or not making much money aren't necessarily in a position to take so much time off without significantly disrupting their lives.


I think that AG/TPTB think that having a mostly young, attractive cast is good for the show. Their idea of an exciting season is one in which people are hooking up and doing "outrageous" things like streaking and getting into screaming matches, so that's what they try to achieve through casting. I think they think that "older" (quotes because it seems like their definition of "old" is anyone over 30) people and emotionally stable people are boring. Even young people who are generally emotionally stable tend to unravel more quickly than older people and younger people are also more susceptible to producer manipulation.


I wonder whether AG even appreciates the game in terms of strategy and gameplay. It seems that her favorites are people (mostly men) who are conventionally attractive and/or have big personalities, not people who are good players. The show doesn't seem like it's designed to foster higher levels of gameplay and I don't think casting is done with the intent of setting up interesting battles of wits. I think the goal is to create a coed Girls Gone Wild/Real World in which the game is incidental to the central narratives. The "normal" people, "old" people, etc. are there as foils for the "stars," the outrageous, swimsuit-clad people whom everyone adores.

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Jeff's game is imploding sooner than I thought.


Listening to her talk of late, Meg is pretty clueless. Shitty thing is she's gonna coast to the end. She's playing the Jordan I'm cute and friendly and laugh a lot game.


I don't think Audrey was stirring up drama. I think she's actually worried Davonne has the votes to stay. Which... c'mon, Audrey.

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Jeff: How does one make friends with Steve?

Austin: I don't know. Probably in a chat room.


Austin can eat a dick too.


Also related to Austin... Vanessa told someone this morning that he was spooning with Liz last night. It's hilarious that he's gonna ruin his relationship back home over some chick on BB who wouldn't give his ass the time of day in the real world. 

Edited by Cutty
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Da'Vonne is a day late & $500,000 short. She had potential but she's blowing it. She even gets the 3 vote last laugh but even that ain't gonna help her. That said, I don't think that 3 votes would help anyone this early in the game. First off, everyone votes with the house since......ever!!! When did that all start? Was that during the racists season? It's so boring for us and safe for them. Secondly, it was said by several people that BB giving them 3 votes was too much but there's too many people,in the house and it wouldn't work anyway. Thirdly, the twin twist is a bigger debacle than the 3 votes twist. Seriously, nothing is working for AG. She must be banging her big head on a table at this point. She's probably all like, "How can we rig this, er, I mean fix this"?

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I am glad the twin twist is exposed to everyone including Jizz.  Day's campaigning to stay complete with stupid lies is transparent and will not work, anyway.  Two lame twists failed and fine with me.  Enough with the twists; they are not enjoyable for the viewers/fans. Battle of the block is bad enough without your "creative" additions.   


I actually like the twin twist. I'm kind of sad that it was exposed so quickly. That's the problem with recycling twists when you've got massive super fans in the house, like Jason. But I thought it had the potential to go for all five evictions. It's not a huge game changer like some of their twists have been. It's just an extra person in the house. It's not some crazy super powered twist that can save someone's butt, it's just a fun little thing.


Twists, to me, are all part of the fun of Big Brother. What are they going to pull out of their asses this week? How are they going to try and save the production's pet? Holy crap, the Cootie Taw? That kind of speculation and fun makes the season for me, as does the twist fizzling out and dying. I hope they never get rid of the crazy twists. But like I said previously in this thread, I watch this show no matter what happens from season to season. I've just embraced the batshit crazy that BB is and it's what I look forward to when the season starts every summer.


As a general aside, I really hate that the nickname "Jizz" or "Jiz" for the twins is being used across multiple sites. I know a shortened name smushing is inevitable but there are so many more options. The HGs are usually disgusting enough on their own, they don't usually need our help.


Audrey is one of the looniest HGs they've ever had. She is so Amanda that it hurts. "People aren't paying attention to me!! This must stop at once!"


At least Audrey's bed looks a lot cleaner and there isn't a McCrae spread across it chewing on his warts?


HOH crew talking about Audrey.

Vanessa: "I think Audrey is a psychic."

Clay: "That's no fair putting a psychic in here."


I think because the first week of feeds were so batshit crazy (thanks, Audrey!), I missed how dim Clay really is. I'm enjoying it now. I don't want him to win, I can't wait for his eviction, but at least he can be entertaining in the meantime. Sure he went to college and played football, but don't they have a minimum GPA that they have to carry in order to play? Did he pay someone to do all his school work?


Day's campaigning consists of walking up to people she has barely spoken to and saying "I need your vote". She's so bad at this game.


She really is and I won't be sorry to see her go for this. I enjoyed the attitude at first but she just doesn't get this game. You can't steamroll your way through. Well, you can if you have a bad, dumb cast and the numbers on your side, but she has neither of those. I'd like to think that someone would recognize the twin twist discovery and the 7th call twist as being handed an extra week in the house on a silver platter, but she just barreled through. That was just sloppy gameplay and she just keeps making it worse for herself as she gets closer to the eviction. At this point, she's going to get one hinky Audrey vote to stay, if that, and that's it.

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Listening to her talk of late, Meg is pretty clueless. Shitty thing is she's gonna coast to the end. She's playing the Jordan I'm cute and friendly and laugh a lot game.


She can't be playing Jordan's game if she's clueless. Jordan was the most clued- in on her original season and she used it to her advantage. 

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Maybe, Day will be secret jury member since she solved the twist? Didn't think so. LOL!!! I always thought they should start jury earlier just to mess with the HG. Usually, they evict people they know won't be on the jury and this would shake it up a bit. Granted, leaving Day this early in sequester might be a bit too long. Maybe, they could start at #9 or whenever BB usually starts.

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Jeff: How does one make friends with Steve?

Austin: I don't know. Probably in a chat room.


Austin can eat a dick too.



I didn't get to hear the context of this quote, but I'm hoping Austin meant more along the lines of: Steve is awkward in real life, so he probably does better online. I know that's how I am. I'm less 'weird and awkward' online than I am initially with other people face to face.

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She can't be playing Jordan's game if she's clueless. Jordan was the most clued- in on her original season and she used it to her advantage. 


Jordan was also, while not a saint, a generally nice person for most of her first season, and had good relationships in the house as a result. Meg only cares about sticking to her group and laughing and sneering at the rest. She's a nasty person, one who makes transphobic comments and enables the worst of what Jeff says (only speaking up last night in a too-little-too-late gesture), seems shocked that everyone is not playing the game for her, and only seems to be there to try to push some "persona" on viewers. Her hair also sucks. That she knows Frankie or sort of knows him doesn't surprise me at all. 


One of the reasons I think this season is tanking in the ratings so far is because the group mix is bad and there are so few people to like at all. Even people who clearly want so much to be seen as so cool and fair, like Austin, love to bully those they see as weaker than them.


This is one of the worst casts I can remember in all my years of watching the show. They just got a lot of choices wrong and it has poisoned the dynamic. 

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What transphobic comments has Meg made?


Day is definitely not a good player. She is WAY too emotional and takes everything WAY too personally and seriously and cannot separate her feelings from gameplay. She's now threatening to DOR because "these people don't deserve the privilege of voting [her] out." [eyeroll]

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What transphobic comments has Meg made?


Jason was whining about Steve and how in sleeping arrangements in the house, Steve didn't want to sleep with a girl. Meg whispered that he could sleep with Audrey.

Edited by Pete Martell
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Day is definitely not a good player. She is WAY too emotional and takes everything WAY too personally and seriously and cannot separate her feelings from gameplay. She's now threatening to DOR because "these people don't deserve the privilege of voting [her] out." [eyeroll]


That and "I just want to make it to the jury house", which she has also said, are two things that I hate. When those lines start coming out of their mouths, I'm ready for them to go. No, you're not here playing to make it to the jury house. Stop lying. You want the top prize, that's why you're there. The writing is on the wall for her, sure, but there have been major shifts just before live shows before. Granted, in this case, she's pretty much a dead woman walking but you never know. It's a gamePlay, damn it.

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