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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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All James/Meg would have to do is tell Vanessa that the Austwins were plotting her eviction all week with Meg and James. Easy. 


I'd like to believe that. But I foresee two days of crying, finger pointing, and stressing over finding a different Reason, because the first isn't enough. Then Austin, Liz, and Julia pleading their cases, which leads to more crying and stressing. Then Veto and finding The Reason for a replacement nom (complete with a staged confrontation or two and more finger pointing). And then switching The Reason to another target and finding a third new Reason and more tears and stressing and adjusting the Green Tuque of Doom. Add in a handful of "What?!" and "I trusted you!" and you have a tasty Batshit HoH cocktail. 


Can you tell I'm so over Vanessa? Although I admit, if I were in the house, I'd want to keep her around until after the buyback from jury, just to make sure she couldn't return.

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 8

I'd like to believe that. But I foresee two days of crying, finger pointing, and stressing over finding a different Reason, because the first isn't enough. Then Austin, Liz, and Julia pleading their cases, which leads to more crying and stressing. Then Veto and finding The Reason for a replacement nom (complete with a staged confrontation or two and more finger pointing). And then switching The Reason to another target and finding a third new Reason and more tears and stressing and adjusting the Green Tuque of Doom. Add in a handful of "What?!" and "I trusted you!" and you have a tasty Batshit HoH cocktail.

I'd far prefer that to this week's HOH room of Liz/Austin making out and Liz stroking his ponybeard.

For better or worse, even in a season with two showmances and a twin twist, this really has been the season of Vanessa. She is driving/has driven every single thing that has happened in this house since Week 2 or 3. Even this week, when she's not on the block and is likely not going to be a replacement nominee, she's still all anyone can talk about. The Vanessa Effect is kind of fascinating to watch. I have no idea what the house is going to look like once she's evicted. I don't know what they'll discuss, I don't know who they'll target, I have no idea. 

Edited by Ceeg
  • Love 7

Am I the only one who thinks when Austin or Steve or JMac say they are throwing a comp to their respective "pals" they are setting it up so that if they fail it looks intentional and as a sacrifice for a greater good (to be determined by their wannabe team)? It seems like a way to hand wave outright failure. And if they inadvertently win (snort) they can parlay that into rallying for their cause in some way?

Also about Steve. There's a lot about him that bothers me. Yesterday he said Porshe "did nothing." He's also said Chima "was horrible her entire season" and has disparaged Danielle Reyes. First of all, shut the fuck up. Hidesight is 20/20. Second it just makes him sound like a know it all to the person in the house he's talking to and insinuates some sort of superiority. Third, Chima was very entertaining to me and wasn't "horrible the entire season" she had a temper and didn't take shit off of anyone and that was appreciated IMHO. Notice he didn't trash Russel or Jeff.

Also did this awkward isolated so called scholar of BB realize um Chima was raped and the victim of an attempted murder by a serial killer prior to being in the BB house? And her being outspoken got his ass busted? So pardon the chip on her shoulder. As far as saying Danielle Reyes was dumb whatever.

When he says those types of things it make him sound very arrogant and preachy. It has to possibly rub HG the wrong way and feed watchers too. Because like I said -to me - it give off this air like he knows better than them or their fans and is going about the game better. When really he hasn't done anything exceptional.

Lastly, about bitter juries as talked about by posters. I truly believe Dan was got hit by it. However its the exception not the rule hence we wouldn't have so many of the winners we have had. In general people vote based on social game even if the person is an asshole.

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In most of the seasons I remember, by this point the lines between opposing alliances were firmly drawn, and it was fairly easy to figure out who would vote out whom. This year, those lines seem more amorphous, probably because 6S fractured once Clay was gone. The Austwins are able to be their own alliance, and go along with "the house," since they aren't the target, but they don't seem interested in leading the remnants of 6S. Vanessa is an alliance of one, but with the potential to pull other houseguests into her orbit in certain scenarios. Becky thought she was a power center, but that hasn't worked out for her, so she and JMac are vacillating between groups, again depending upon the scenario. And then there's Steve. Love him, but he is definitely floating around and just barely managing to keep himself in the game. The whole situation reminds me of amoebas floating aimlessly on a microscope slide.

Speaking of alliances, where did the name The Goblins come from? My first thought was that Becky was consulted and came up with another alliance name beginning with G.

Tbh, if I was driving a vehicle that hit a woman, and I saw her face and body broken, I'd probably go into shock too. Some people can't deal with that kind of stuff.


God, yes. Imagine driving that tram, looking down the tracks for signals and the like, and out of nowhere a face is smashed right up in front of the glass you are looking through, along with a lot of blood. Horrible.

If only the HG's could have heard all of us screaming this at them several WEEKS ago!  I couldn't for the life of me understand wth they were doing trying to ensure the other twin came into the game, that was hella stupid.  There's the immediate close twin bond, and already hints of a showmance making it even crazier to bring her into the game rather than just boot Liz ASAP.   And then all the finagling constantly to keep the numbers kept them intact, smh.  Yes, you want to keep the numbers, but you certainly don't want half of your numbers to be their own voting block.  All three of them needed to be out or in jury.  It would have been so much more efficient to get just get rid of Liz from the jump.


But at the time it looked as if Austin would be out in a week or two, so it made sense to bring a twosome into your alliance that would payoff in a couple of weeks. Back then, it also looked as if Austin wanted to bond with Liz, and she was less into it and told Julia she could "manage" him.

Can you imagine a finale night with the vote being between Julia and Liz? 

I picture the jury going back and forth about who did what. It would probably come down to Liz, since at this point she's won more competitions. Super-boring jury meeting and questions.

Cutty, at some point last week you described Meg as a Muppet, and that is a perfect description, especially with the red lipstick. Tousle her hair up a bit, and it would be hard to tell the difference.

Big Brother 17: Meg the Muppet goes to Summer Camp, coming to a TV set near you.

  • Love 2

For better or worse, even in a season with two showmances and a twin twist, this really has been the season of Vanessa. She is driving/has driven every single thing that has happened in this house since Week 2 or 3. Even this week, when she's not on the block and is likely not going to be a replacement nominee, she's still all anyone can talk about. The Vanessa Effect is kind of fascinating to watch. I have no idea what the house is going to look like once she's evicted. I don't know what they'll discuss, I don't know who they'll target, I have no idea. 


Agreed.  I'm actually curious to see what the house would be like without her.  It has been the last couple of weeks where everyone talks about Vanessa.  They are all using her name to distract focus from themselves like adults rattling keys at a baby to distract them from something....."oooh, look at the shiny keys, don't look at my trio of power".  Let's see them play without the "shiny keys" distraction of Vanessa, if that is what it is going to take for some of these folks to snap to attention in the game and actual current threats. I still think we are getting dangerously close to an Austwin dominance.

  • Love 4

When he says those types of things it make him sound very arrogant and preachy. It has to possibly rub HG the wrong way and feed watchers too. Because like I said -to me - it give off this air like he knows better than them or their fans and is going about the game better. When really he hasn't done anything exceptional.

Lastly, about bitter juries as talked about by posters. I truly believe Dan was got hit by it. However its the exception not the rule hence we wouldn't have so many of the winners we have had. In general people vote based on social game even if the person is an asshole.

I love how Steve has no idea how little people think of him. He thinks he's some big threat in the game and no one believed he could even make up his own mind in the DE. Which I think had more to do with their lack of respect for him than his own strategy. He definitely thinks viewers see him as a mastermind.

As for Dan and bitter juries - he was never going to win because he was a past winner. I believe they had decided prior they wouldn't vote for a second timer again and talked openly about it. I don't think he ever could have changed their minds even though it was twice as hard for him to make it.

Speaking of which, that will be a twin argument if/when one of them makes it to final two. They had a big target automatically and managed to stay. And they already have two jury votes, assuming they aren't sitting next to another Austwin. Yikes!

Edited by mooses
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Vanessa talking about going crazy and being lonely.


Vanessa: "I miss Mel. That's it. I miss Mel."


Steve: "I can relate to that. I miss my mother."


ETA: Austwins afterwards complaining about her missing Mel because they all have people they miss. Says the HGs with actual family members in the house for support and the one who thinks he met the love of his life.

Edited by mooses
  • Love 9

ETA: Apparently, Jace's clue in OTEV was about his face being taken off the memory wall. Man, BB is nasty this year to the HGs and I love it.


Why was Jace's face taken off the memory wall?  Has this ever happened before?


Can't stand Vanessa.  Can't say it enough.


James or Johnny Mac for the win!

  • Love 1

Vanessa isn't all that special. She's just the new Audrey. Someone blatantly overplaying, who drives all sides of the house crazy, and therefore is the perfect target of everyone's frustrations. I'd like to see the house after she's gone, if that actually happens. Although I assume at that point, Steve and the remaining Becky/John will suddenly become very irritating to everyone.

I'm rooting for James to win HOH. He just doesn't care. He thrives on blood being all over him, and I appreciate that. He just might be the person to break up the Austwins.

As for the Austwins, I look at a threesome in a house of nine (eight after Thursday, but with someone probably coming back) as I looked at the Sixth sense alliance in a house of twelve. Daunting, but still very easily broken. I'm a good ways away from feeling any kind of final four or three or whatever is inevitable.

  • Love 7

I'm rooting for James to win HOH. He just doesn't care. He thrives on blood being all over him, and I appreciate that.


I think that is what I'm rooting for most, beyond rooting for this week to be over.  I assume there may be some back and forth between Becky/John during the week, and more Vanessa horror stories, but good lord, since the veto comp, the feeds have been unfathomly boring.  I don't foresee Vanessa blowing up enough between now/tomorrow to end up on the block.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 5

Becky somewhat fascinates me in her game play.  I remember first really noticing her when she was pulled into the "we need Jason on the block, not Austin" fiasco that has defined the latter part of the season.  I remember her up there with Shelli/Clay and Vanessa, and she handled that moment exceptionally well.  I also remember her talking in that conversation about folks being pawns or being generals (at that point, I didn't know it was her preferred alliance name).  I think her game fell off when she decided to become a general. 


She really does have a fantastic read on the house, but when she felt like she was moving above pawn status, she used all info she had horribly and to her detriment (it felt like she wanted to take charge of Shelli/Clay, not the game, although maybe she saw that as her route to winning).  It makes me think that some folks are better playing from a "weaker" position, if you will, for as long as they can.  I think she could be the most interesting player to come back into the game. 


John, for all I wonder what the frickety frack he is doing, perhaps is trying to play from a weaker position as well?

Edited by pennben
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As far as I know (the last time I saw confirmation yesterday), they are voting out Becky, but not telling her.  As far as what could be stuck all over Austin, he did spit tuna everywhere (including in his hair) Saturday, so it could be that; also, it's Austin (who doesn't use soap or shampoo), so I'm not going to speculate further.

Edited by pennben
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As far as I know (the last time I saw confirmation yesterday), they are voting out Becky, but not telling her.  As far as what could be stuck all over Austin, he did spit tuna everywhere (including in his hair) Saturday, so it could be that; also, it's Austin (who doesn't use soap or shampoo), so I'm not going to speculate further.


So does this mean he does not wash up at all?  BB and the contestants say he smells...damn this dude is a scrub.

  • Love 1

What infuriated me watching last night was Vanessa having a conversation with Johnny where he gently says he's been feeling bullied and she immediately explodes and runs up to the HOH saying that Johnny was giving her an attitude problem and getting in his face.  What world does this woman live in?  Ug!


I hope Johnny stays.  He's my favorite in the game. But if he goes then I hope James wins it all. 

  • Love 11

Apparently from updates, Meg and James want to go after Steve and John before the Austwins. And Steve first wanted a Final 2 with Meg (the only way he wins, I think), but then came back and switched it to Austin.

I know things can change quickly so this isn't necessarily how things will happen, but it doesn't look good that this is how the majority of the House is leaning. Especially because James is leaning towards keeping the Austwins in the long run - he usually doesn't change his mind so easily.

I love how Steve has no idea how little people think of him. He thinks he's some big threat in the game and no one believed he could even make up his own mind in the DE. Which I think had more to do with their lack of respect for him than his own strategy. He definitely thinks viewers see him as a mastermind.

As for Dan and bitter juries - he was never going to win because he was a past winner. I believe they had decided prior they wouldn't vote for a second timer again and talked openly about it. I don't think he ever could have changed their minds even though it was twice as hard for him to make it.


I actually think the opposite. I think Steve knows more than he lets on, but I think he kind of covers up some of his own insecurities. I don't think he thinks he's a threat in any way, besides being targeted for getting out Jackie, but I think that's his own deep paranoia more than anything. I don't know what he thinks viewers think about him, but I think he'll be taken aback by how many people online hate him. I don't, and I feel sorry for him when he gets out, because he will be blown away. Maybe he is a bit cocky, or maybe he's trying to put on an act. But he has mentioned several times that nobody talks to him and I think he truly feels alone in that house. He only has Vanessa and John, really. If he was a mastermind, he'd have the whole house under his thumb, much like Derrick last season. Again, I just find myself relating to him a lot and I do think he's going to need to go to therapy once getting out of the house, mostly because of the intense hate online for him (just because he sent out Jackie...amongst other stupid things in my opinion). 


Vanessa talking about going crazy and being lonely.


Vanessa: "I miss Mel. That's it. I miss Mel."


Steve: "I can relate to that. I miss my mother."


ETA: Austwins afterwards complaining about her missing Mel because they all have people they miss. Says the HGs with actual family members in the house for support and the one who thinks he met the love of his life.


I think at one point, Austin was there and he chimed in with "I miss Liz when she's in the diary room". Like...dude...


Vanessa isn't all that special. She's just the new Audrey. Someone blatantly overplaying, who drives all sides of the house crazy, and therefore is the perfect target of everyone's frustrations. I'd like to see the house after she's gone, if that actually happens. Although I assume at that point, Steve and the remaining Becky/John will suddenly become very irritating to everyone.

I'm rooting for James to win HOH. He just doesn't care. He thrives on blood being all over him, and I appreciate that. He just might be the person to break up the Austwins.

As for the Austwins, I look at a threesome in a house of nine (eight after Thursday, but with someone probably coming back) as I looked at the Sixth sense alliance in a house of twelve. Daunting, but still very easily broken. I'm a good ways away from feeling any kind of final four or three or whatever is inevitable.


Well, Steve has always been irritating to everybody, and it's been mentioned several times. I remember Jason declaring that he would not like to be in the jury house with Steve (well, he got his wish!), so that irritation probably hasn't gone away with most of the houseguests. But yeah, being in that house for so long, there's bound to be very tense feelings. But I can only imagine how difficult it is to be around Vanessa. I like the woman, but I think the BB Paranoia hit her hard and hit her early.


Yeah, at this point, I hope James wins  HOH. I would love Julia winning HOH, but I think she'd want to keep Austin around because he inadvertently protects her because of Liz, and she'll see this as a game move, rather than a personal move and getting him out. But there would still be a chance at getting Austin out. Basically, I'd rather Austin got out next week. It would be better for Vanessa to, because she might just keep sticking around and accidentally get to the end, but I really need Austin to go. He's gross, he's disgusting, I need to see Liz play without Bigfoot Caveman here, and he may not win comps, but he has a decent social game. I just need to see him squirm during nominations, because he's never been on the block. 


Personally, my dream evictions would go as followed: Becky this week, followed by Austin next week, Liz, Meg, John, Steve (Jackie comes back sometime in here by the way), and have a James, Jackie, Julia, Vanessa final 4. I like each of these people individually and James and Vanessa have been playing great games (Vanessa the last couple of weeks notwithstanding, but I mean hey, she is still in the house!). Ultimately, I'd love a James/Vanessa f2 with Vanessa winning, but I also know she'd probably lose to jury. Plus, James has been stepping up his game lately. 

  • Love 5

I haven't watched much since after the veto comp happened but before it Austwins were telling both Becky and James they were safe and they didn't want either of them to go home. 

Becky knows it's her. She told Johnny Mac last night that she "know my fate," but she's gonna play nice with everyone in case she comes back and needs to work with them. Liz also kept telling Austin and Julia yesterday to tell JMac that he has their votes. Austin finally told JMac last night and said that Liz will vote for him in the tiebreaker if it comes to that. He also said he'll throw the HOH to him if it comes down to the two of them.



I know things can change quickly so this isn't necessarily how things will happen, but it doesn't look good that this is how the majority of the House is leaning. Especially because James is leaning towards keeping the Austwins in the long run - he usually doesn't change his mind so easily.

He just needs another Shirtgate to change his mind.

Nooooooooooo! Whyyyyyyyyy, James, whyyyyyyyy?

James seems to be enjoying his new bromance with Austin. Will he figure out that It's just one of the alliances that Austin is busy making with everyone left in the house (on behalf of himself and the twins) ... while keeping the hate focus in Vanessa by loudly criticizing her for making alliances with everyone? Whether it's projection or misdirection, it seems to be working for him.

Edited by jeansophie
  • Love 2

Kris, I thought you might mean Muppet Janice, but now that I'm looking at her, she kinda reminds me more of Vanessa.  Must be the hat.



Yes, Janice reminds me a lot of Vanessa in appearance, but her speaking patterns are closer to those of the twins. Vanessa could recite the Gettysburg Address in the time it takes Janice to get a sentence out.

Prairie Dawn comes closest to what I was thinking Meg would look like as a Muppet. Just add red lipstick!

  • Love 2

Prairie Dawn comes closest to what I was thinking Meg would look like as a Muppet. Just add red lipstick!

Ha! Prairie Dawn. Too funny.

He just needs another Shirtgate to change his mind.

Maybe, but James had wanted Shelli gone since the previous week. Shirtgate just gave him an excuse to sway ADC. Vanessa is a hundred percent gone next week without power and after that the Austwins basically have a 50% chance at Veto and HOH combined with half the house not gunning for them with Steve, who has influence on John, wanting Austin in F2. Edited by mooses
  • Love 3

I didn't get the sense that Steve definitely wanted Austin as final 2.  I think he wants to be sitting next to Meg.  But from what I saw, Steve thought to himself that he should approach Austin with a final 2 deal because Austin could see himself as the third wheel with the twins.  

Edited by MV007
  • Love 1

I just can't deal with Vanessa anymore.


Ar ar ar. "Deal" - Vanessa - I see what you did there. ;)

What infuriated me watching last night was Vanessa having a conversation with Johnny where he gently says he's been feeling bullied and she immediately explodes and runs up to the HOH saying that Johnny was giving her an attitude problem and getting in his face.  What world does this woman live in?  Ug!


I hope Johnny stays.  He's my favorite in the game. But if he goes then I hope James wins it all.

Actually, given the House's current attitude toward Vanessa, having Lady MacV blowing up at JMac in the HoH room is probably the best thing that could happen to/for his game.

  • Love 2

Disclaimer: this is the first time I've watched live feeds for any season, and I've only sporadically read forums in previous seasons. The number of named alliances seems so high to me! Is it normal on previous seasons too, to create & name so many alliances, most of which don't make it to the broadcast?

  • Love 2

I didn't get the sense that Steve definitely wanted Austin as final 2. I think he wants to be sitting next to Meg. But from what I saw, Steve thought to himself that he should approach Austin with a final 2 deal because Austin could see himself as the third wheel with the twins.

Ah, gotcha. I skimmed the updates this morning, didn't actually see his monologue last night. That could be good for Austin. He can't exactly do anything about the twins himself, but it would be in Steve's best interest to get rid of one if he wants Austin to work with him.

Although Austin needs Julia gone while Steve needs Liz gone.

Edited by mooses
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I did a kick out of Julia/Liz ripping Austin a new one for the latest hickey.  At first Julia started on Liz and I thought hey she is looking out for her.  But then Julia basically says, I don't care how nasty you two get in the Jury house, just don't do it on the feeds.



Austin "I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,"



  • Love 1

All this muppet talk is reminding me of the sock puppets from a few years back.  Was that BB10?  Suddenly, I want nothing more than an all muppet episode of Big Brother.  Or at least a comp of some sort.  Instead of Zingbot they could be made fun of by muppet versions of themselves.  Hee.

  • Love 3

I did a kick out of Julia/Liz ripping Austin a new one for the latest hickey.  At first Julia started on Liz and I thought hey she is looking out for her.  But then Julia basically says, I don't care how nasty you two get in the Jury house, just don't do it on the feeds.

I know that Julia has been on board the "Vanessa Needs To Go" train, but I wonder if Julia would attempt to get Vanessa to put up Austin, if Vanessa wins HOH. Or if Julia would just want James/Meg/John out first.

I know that Julia has been on board the "Vanessa Needs To Go" train, but I wonder if Julia would attempt to get Vanessa to put up Austin, if Vanessa wins HOH. Or if Julia would just want James/Meg/John out first.

I doubt it. The truth is, both Austin and Vanessa are good for Julia's game because neither will be the ones to put the twins up. They need John gone next because he would.

I know that Julia has been on board the "Vanessa Needs To Go" train, but I wonder if Julia would attempt to get Vanessa to put up Austin, if Vanessa wins HOH. Or if Julia would just want James/Meg/John out first.


I doubt it. The truth is, both Austin and Vanessa are good for Julia's game because neither will be the ones to put the twins up. They need John gone next because he would.

Austwins will continue to talk the "Vanessa Needs To Go" talk - but they will not (never?) act on it, because for them V is a meat shield the size of Nebraska. And I expect this would also be why they'd keep John in the game over, say, James - because they think JMac would be focused on said VMeatShield to the exclusion of all else.

Not that I think they're necessarily correct in that assumption. The vast majority of this season has been a repetitious parade of people making moves with the slightly optimistic view that everybody else will march in lockstep with their strategic drumbeat, however, so I don't see why this move would be any different. :P

  • Love 3

And Liz is a front-runner at this point.  Ladies and Gentlemen BB17.

Actually, the producers gave a very unfair edge to Liz by allowing her twin to be THE ONLY twin playing the game. Liz and Julia are a win/win in a f2 if they manage to get there and what other HG had that advantage at the starting gate? 

  • Love 5

I love how Asstin, Liz, Julia, and Beckey gets offended, by Vanessa, when they would do exactly the same in a heartbeat. Kudos to Beckey for thinking that after she got Shelley out she could persuade Liz to get another member of alliance out. Hopefully Asstin and the twins don't take the bait.

Vanessa should of just chilled out in talking to John and own up to her past transgressions. John, Steve, James and Vanessa could have been a really good alliance. I don't understand Vanessa at all because, as a professional poker player, you have to be cool, calm, and unemotional. She is definitely not reading the table.

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