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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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CBS needs to plant mint in planters everywhere on the edge of the yard up against the house.  And use Tetro inside.  Huge help,  They are on the roof so that building was full of ants before they arrived.  It is not all due to their sloppy ways but, of course, that  escalates the problem that already exists. 

People on tumblr are losing their shit right now. I really need to avoid tumblr at all costs because people have been calling Shelli, and other houseguests, racist for even thinking of putting up Da'Vonne. It's like I want to shake them and tell them 'no, Da'Vonne might be going home because she's super paranoid and has been too aggressive with people. Like, race may have a small factor, but it's not an overall one'. 


I was hoping someone else would win veto, but ok. I guess it kind of depends on who goes up and how Da'Vonne can convince people to keep her around. 

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Before the Veto Competition, Vanessa wanted to try and get James nominated, and Shelli did say that she was amenable to that, since she doesn't trust James, either.  I think James might be the only possible way Da'Vonne stays.


ETA: Apparently, Vanessa is trying to argue for Liz now.  The Diary Room will shut that down since I think they want their twist to survive.  Against Da'Vonne, Liz would go home for sure.

Edited by Donny Ketchum

I hate that we're getting an extended fish sequence now that Austin and Liz have gone up to the HoH room. I wanted to hear that conversation. They couldn't be calling for the Veto meeting already, could they? 


ETA: Nope, of course not. We're back and missed part of that conversation. Stupid.

Edited by Callaphera

Shelli should put up James to ensure Da'Vonne goes home. Anyone else would be a various level of risk. It seems like Shelli and Clay kind of have an idea that James and Da'Vonne are working together in some capacity but yet she hasn't considered putting James up?


Shelli's really... dense.


Shelli is not being smart about this at all. If she's so set upon getting Day out this week she should be putting up someone like Meg, James or Jeff to make sure it happens. By putting up one of Day's friends that takes a vote away from saving Day. Liz is not tied to anyone strongly, depending on who gets that 7th phone call, Liz could very well go home.


I'm just glad Steve is safe is the week. Hopefully Vanessa can stay that way too while these people all take each other out.


ETA: I wonder if Vanessa insisting on a girl was her way of trying to get Meg up on the block. I think her just recently being accused of being in an all girls alliance may factor in as well. I choose to believe that Vanessa is not showing her cards on who she is tight with.

Edited by kellog010
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I think Liz is a good plan from shelly's perspective but I'm so bummed that Da is going to be leaving. I don't blame her for being paranoid and her skepticism abt certain people is totally reasonable. She just needs to keep those thoughts to herself or just confide in Jason and that's it. If I was in the house I think I would be ready to explode watching Audrey get away with her BS and I don't believe that Clay and Shelly will go after Audrey next week.

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Part of me hopes that Shelli got called into the DR because she told Liz that she's going up as the replacement and they're going to pull out that old "you can't notify people they're going up" rule that they use when they need it, just to keep the twin twist going. Would Shelli even have a backup nomination? 

Edited by Callaphera
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It's really odd how hellbent Shelli is on protecting Audrey, considering that they don't seem personally close at all.  Audrey certainly doesn't spend a lot of time with Shelli, and she isn't nice to her.  It's very, very weird.


Also, Da'Vonne was apparently the first to go in the Veto Competition.  She's . . . really, really not good at them.

Shelli to Liz/Austin: Don't say that you're going up because we don't want Da'Vonne campaigning early. I haven't told anyone but Clay. I'm not going to tell anyone else.

(ten minutes later)

Liz, crying to Becky: I don't wanna go up on the block!


Shelli herself already told Meg anyway. And then Meg immediately told Jeff. These people have no concept of holding something in. Everyone will know within like 2 hours.

Austin somehow knows Da'vonne is a poker dealer.


Yeah, too bad he didn't say that when Vanessa was in the room. I'm still not clear how he found out, his explanation didn't make much sense. 

Da'Vonne slipped up in a conversation last week and gave Austin a huge clue.  That's how he knows.

Liz had the nerve to cry when Shelli asked her to be a pawn. But she ok'd it! I wish those that volunteer like Lawson and Dustin get voted out! It would serve you right.

But... that wont happen because production at least wants The twins to make it to double eviction I believe.

Austin somehow knows Da'vonne is a poker dealer.

Hes known since the feeds started. We discussed it a little few pages into the thread.

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Unfortunately for me, Shelli accidentally picked the best person to put on the block against Day. Big Brother is not going to try to sway any HGs in the DR to keep Day. There will be no attempted rigging of the phone to keep Day. They want their twin twist in the house. And even if Day somehow answered the phone, she doesn't have the five votes she'd still need (12 votes - 3 = 5 vote majority). She has Jason and maybe James. Everyone else is perfectly happy cutting her loose.

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I know he said that she asks the DR for a deck of cards. How is that a tell that someone is a poker player/dealer?


He said that she made mistakes when talking about being a second grade teacher, maybe something to do with certification versus schooling because of the state she lives in? He also said that she had told him that friends of hers were poker dealers, which is how he came to the idea that she is also a poker dealer. Then he made sure to say that while he was sure about the teacher thing, he wasn't certain about her being a poker dealer but that's what he thought (according to the conversation with Becky and Liz today in the brightly coloured bedroom - is there a name for it yet?).

Big Brother is not going to try to sway any HGs in the DR to keep Day. There will be no attempted rigging of the phone to keep Day. They want their twin twist in the house. And even if Day somehow answered the phone, she doesn't have the five votes she'd still need (12 votes - 3 = 5 vote majority).


But they could still whip up a twist to have her return. (It'd be kinda cruel if they excluded Jace as the first evictee, but I don't care as long as it means Da'Vonne could come back.) They could even bust out a BBUK takeover, and have a fake eviction. Send Da to hide in a secret room for a while, watching the feeds. All spots would be blown up when she re-entered. Good times would ensue.

Edited by Liqidclark
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Unfortunately for me, Shelli accidentally picked the best person to put on the block against Day. Big Brother is not going to try to sway any HGs in the DR to keep Day. There will be no attempted rigging of the phone to keep Day. They want their twin twist in the house. And even if Day somehow answered the phone, she doesn't have the five votes she'd still need (12 votes - 3 = 5 vote majority). She has Jason and maybe James. Everyone else is perfectly happy cutting her loose.

Jeff, Jackie, and Meg would all vote to keep Da'Vonne over Liz, I think.  Jackie's the only one of those three with any relationship with Liz.  I think Becky could be persuaded to keep Da'Vonne, as well.  John might, too, but only if Jeff makes the pitch to him, I think.

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