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S07.E09: Birthday In The Berks

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Wow, Heather....what a bossy, loud mouthed bitch!!


My favorite thing about Dorinda's big, fancy house........the old school ceramic Christmas Trees that were behind her during dinner.  I still have one that my Aunt made for my mother back in the 70's.  I put it out every Christmas!  lol!  I couldn't even believe that such a fancy house would have those as a Christmas decoration.  How down to earth.  Loved it!!

  • Love 21

So Heather throws Carol under the bus. Then when Carol refuses to spill the beans Heather takes it upon herself to grill Peter. Then when Bethenny and Sonja aren't sitting quietly and listening to every glorious word she is saying she tells them they need to be separated.

Yah, I don't like Heather at all this season. I don't remember this level of arrogance. I remember bossy but this is just horrid behavior.


Agrees.  And I loved Heather last year.

  • Love 5

I think Heather is a loser and tries way too hard with Bethenny and I think because of Bethenny's success Bethenny has just had it with that type of person, like how she was annoyed at the Star Wars Bar scene too.  It's like Heather is like, "Well I want to be besties with Bethenny but since she isn't into it I should be her enemy just so I'm still important."  That being said, it's insane to equate Bethenny's relationship with her mother to being standoffish with the housewives she doesn't like: Bethenny is clearly just over the faked relationships and fights of reality TV shows.  I can't believe Heather tried to take Bethenny into the other room, I thought she was smarter than that, obviously that was the worst thing to do.

Edited by Morbs
  • Love 20

So Heather throws Carol under the bus. Then when Carol refuses to spill the beans Heather takes it upon herself to grill Peter. Then when Bethenny and Sonja aren't sitting quietly and listening to every glorious word she is saying she tells them they need to be separated.

Yah, I don't like Heather at all this season. I don't remember this level of arrogance. I remember bossy but this is just horrid behavior.

Anybody know the timeline in Bethenny's divorce? She is wound very, very tight. And something is up about Brynn. When Kirsten asked about Bethenny leaving the election party Carol stopped mid-sentence from saying she had to pick up Brynn. Like she was told she can't mention the child or the custody.

However, you'd have to be one callous bitch to keep attacking someone that was begging you to stop. Best decision Bethenny made all night was to refuse to go talk some more with a woman that obvious,y was looking to inflict more pain.


Wikipedia says, "Frankel separated from Hoppy in December 2012 and filed for divorce in January 2013. A custody agreement was finalized in June 2014, but property division negotiations are still ongoing."


This episode was filmed in December 2014.

  • Love 4

After my initial fascination with every inch & every detail (I mean EVERY freakin' detail) of Dorinda's house, I was bored to tears with this ep -- until Bethenny deigned to arrive.  Wow, I guess we're supposed to kiss our TV's cuz she decided she would show up.  Ugh, I'm starting to remember why I found her so fucking insufferable previously.


So is Heather getting shit edit -- or is she really this insufferable and suffocating?  As nasty & mean as fuck as Bethenny was being to her (and she was undoubtedly being unnecessarily mean), I woulda told Heather to back the fuck off.  Sorry, but I don't like it either when someone I don't know is becoming too overly familiar (which Heather absolutely is).  So I don't blame Bethenny for being put off by her.  BUT she went way, way, way over the top in her nastiness.  That's Bethenny.  Nobody came off well here.  Neither Heather or Bethenny.


Carole (as usual) probably reveals too much in her TH's.  She said before she thinks Bethenny is "tightly wound" & she says it again.  We're supposed to believe she's gonna all of a sudden choose to be her best girlfriend -- and probably the only friend who'd be able to stand her -- well, except for that gal in Miami, who probably never sees or speaks to her?  I still think Satan Andy begged or ordered Carole to be Bethenny's friend -- and she should get paid extra for that shit task (a lot extra).


One detail in Dorinda's house I was particularly engrossed with was her blue walls.  Wowza!  They looked lacquered & totally matched the couch, in the same exquisite shade of blue.  Gorg!

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 15

One detail in Dorinda's house I was particularly engrossed with was her blue walls. Wowza! They looked lacquered & totally matched the couch, in the same exquisite shade of blue. Gorg!

The entry outside foyer thing was my favorite. It just looked like such a grand entry. If I ever have a mansion I want that. And I think we can all put to rest the question on why Dorinda has that small apartment with the nice address. Her real home is in the Berkshires. The place in NYC is just a pied de terre.

  • Love 10
but if Heather is going to clutch her pearls over Bethenny's callousness vis-a-vis a disagreement that Heather pretty much entirely manufactured


She seems to be poking at her the same way she did to Moaner.  Either it's a grab from her for camera time or this was set up by Satan Andy. We've already seen Bethenny go up against Moaner & Lu.  So I guess now it's Heather's turn.  Idk, to me, the scene at the end of this ep felt very set up.  


I can see Satan Andy saying -- "ah, OK, let's get Heather to be overly friendly to Bethenny & she'll hate it cuz she hates when anyone gets within 20 feet of her.  And then Heather should further instigate her and the feud between them should fill up the rest of the season."


Um, so what's next?  Heather & Bethenny in a mud wrestling match?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 6

I'm glad Dorinda called Kristin for her part in grinding with John. She doesn't get to run off and clutch her pearls when she was a willing participant, until it dawned on her how it might look on screen.

Ramona waxing poetic about the universal tragedies we all face? My my. It must've been high tide and a full moon, or maybe she really has turned a new leaf.

Heather could not have looked less enthused when Bethany walked in. She is really terrible at hiding her disdain for her.

I'm glad Heather getting the bitch edit. Let's just hope there's an equally satisfying comeuppance before the end of the season. Oh, and B was spot on about Heather always taking her temperature. That's actually a very adept way of phrasing it. Then again B went from her normal self to loony tunes in a hot minute so I don't know what to make of it alol.

Ramona's business partner Peter doesn't strike me as heterosexual. Then again neither does Sonja's alleged boy toy Dominik.

  • Love 17

I *think* that Heather is trying to befriend Bethenny because of Carole, either at Carole's request or because Heather is afraid of losing Carole to Bethenny.  OTOH, Bethenny likes Carole, but doesn't care about Carole's other friends.  I think Bethenny was a bit overly brusque and rude with Heather over the meatball (and I think B realized she'd made a mistake in the first place by making an issue of shellfish), but that was nothing compared to Heather's later "We need to separate you and Sonja, you're too loud" deal.  I really don't think Heather was joking then, until she saw the confused offense of both Bethenny and Sonja.  At least, her tone wasn't joking or even sardonic at all.  She sounded serious and chastising.  At a table that long, it's impossible to have everyone join in on one conversation.  If they hadn't been micced for the show, Heather wouldn't have been able to hear the other side anyway.  


I do think Bethenny showing up after declining the invitation was meant to stir something.  (And at least she can admit her own hypocrisy!)  But Dorinda is too even-keeled and flexible to throw a fit over suddenly having an extra person to seat and feed.  Ramona, who normally gets flustered and aggressive easily by surprise change, seemed genuinely happy to see Beth.  So Heather takes Andy's bait.  

  • Love 14

I'm glad Dorinda called Kristin for her part in grinding with John. She doesn't get to run off and clutch her pearls when she was a willing participant, until it dawned on her how it might look on screen.


I'm rarely surprised by anything the HWs do but while I was listening to Kristen's version, I just kept shaking my head.


It was such BS that I had to think she's dumb enough not to realize they were filming and that scene would be played and replayed.

  • Love 10

Heather: The Berkshires is my hood. And Dorinda and I established this kind of summer love affair here. So I feel like the cohost with the most.

Um no. You're at best like a tour guide. #getoveryourself

This is why I hate New Yorkers who come here for the holidays, leaf peeping, and the summer. This right here.

It's MY hood, dammit.

  • Love 15

I think Heather is jealous of Bethenny's success. One thing about Bethenny is that has been very, very successful and more so than Heather.


I don't think that's Heather's problem, any more than I think Bethenny's problem is jealousy that Heather is in a happy marriage, and can see her kids whenever she wants.  They are two alphas circling each other.  Heather is the type who is willing to be pretend nice (and ask the producer's questions) to move the script along, and Bethenny isn't.

  • Love 19
The entry outside foyer thing was my favorite. It just looked like such a grand entry. If I ever have a mansion I want that. And I think we can all put to rest the question on why Dorinda has that small apartment with the nice address. Her real home is in the Berkshires. The place in NYC is just a pied de terre.


I missed that.  Sheesh, I think I gotta see this ep at least 50 times to catch all the deets in that joint.  As beautiful as it is, honestly, that ain't for me.  Winters there stink.  And it looked kinda isolated.  Sorta remind me of The Shining, but I prefer the city so maybe that's just me.  I used to go to the Berkshires in the summers when I was a kid & I loved it.  It's not for me now.  But I don't care much for the Hamptons either.  Interesting how Moaner took to Dorinda's place over Heather's.  Have to admit, I would do exactly the same.  Don't get me wrong, Heather's place looked comfortable -- for her & her family.  But as a guest?  I'd pass.  I'd much rather go to Dorinda's -- but in the summer.

  • Love 5

Carole really buys Radar as the gospel. Who knew.

But omg Heather stop trying with Bethenny. If you cant offer her a meatball without her getting rapid then it's a lost cause! A fucking meatball did all that. Reminds me of Shannon and Heather on OC bitching over a chair.

It seems almost like Heather wants to be noticed by Beth, for whatever reason. She is watching everyone else have fun and get along with her. Sonja, who Beth had harsh words for, is laughing with her. Ramona, who had an issue with her in the Hampton's, is thrilled to see her. Even Carole is starting to warm to her. People seem to like her, or as she said, they are giving her a huge break. Beth clearly doesn't like Heather, and has not treated her very nice. Tonight it seemed like Heather was looking for some type of a reaction from her; some type of acknowledgment, be it positive or negative. I don't think it was a good look for Heather, and I love her. At the same time, I kind of loved it all. Beth's emotion seemed very real and on the surface. I got the impression when she talked about having a wall up, that she wasn't talking about Heather specifically, but about the constant press and attention on her and her life. At the same time, Heather's reaction and emotion seemed very real and raw. She was almost in tears at the end. I just don't think she gets why she cannot make this person like her, when she seems to have fun with everyone else. While both Beth and Heather came out looking badly, IMO, I liked the realness of it all. 

  • Love 23

Kristen's blog on this episode is up and it's unreal. On Bethenny: "confused as to why she's back - what does she want from this group?" Umm, I'm pretty sure she wants exactly what Kristen wants . . . product placement and a paycheck. No realization that attacking someone's mate when you're a guest in their house, sleeping on their property, and eating their food is a serious breach of manners. She's just "IN SHOCK" that Dorinda actually responded unpleasantly to her assertions. No concession that having a live-in nanny makes one's life easier; she wasn't even aware that Bethenny shared custody! Unreal.

  • Love 19
I don't think that's Heather's problem, any more than I think Bethenny's problem is jealousy that Heather is in a happy marriage, and can see her kids whenever she wants.  They are two alphas circling each other.  Heather is the type who is willing to be pretend nice (and ask the producer's questions) to move the script along, and Bethenny isn't.


I agree.  Usually the jealousy accusation is way too easy & simple -- and just plain off-base & wrong.  But they both have valid reasons to be jealous of each other.  Heather is successful, but she ain't ever gonna have Bethenny's financial success.  Ever.  And Bethenny ain't ever gonna have a long-term happy marriage & stable family life as Heather has.  Ever.  So the root cause of the friction & dislike between them could be they each possess something the other desperately craves.  Well, it's certainly possible anyway.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 21

Heather's either got to make Bethenny a friend or an enemy--there's nothing possible in between, because it'd mean Heather is a non-factor. Heather can share the tough, biting role with Beth or she can break the other bitch, but she can't just kind of get along with her. The struggle is real, y'all.


I like Dorinda. I do not like John. He's skeevy, and if my husband behaved the way he does, I'd have tossed him long ago. I feel sorry for Dorinda, because she's tolerating his bullshit as a trade-off for his redeeming qualities and she probably is too exhausted by tragedy to find a partner who is supportive AND appropriate. She talked John up big time tonight, yet she won't even have him around her kid? Whatever, weird.


I know none of these women are spring chicks, but they all just looked old and ridden hard tonight. Too much makeup? High-def? I don't know. I thought Lu looked like her own mother tonight.


Carole's comment that Ramona's date looks like Mr. Big proved to me once and for all that she is in fact way tapped into the SatC universe and is striving to emulate Carrie Bradshaw. I've long suspected that the quirky, downtown writer-girl vibe was familiar, but Carole seems like one of those people who always pretends not to "get" pop-culture references because she's too above it all. Mentioning the show that way just made me laugh. She's so boring.

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Oh, so I knew I wanted to mention something else. Dorinda had me doing the confused puppy head tilt when she said that Kristen's behavior made her (Dorinda) look bad. Huh?

I can get telling Kristen to own her part, but Kristen doesn't owe you respect, Dorinda. Your boyfriend, John, owes you that respect, and that he initiated and participated is what made you look bad.

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I really liked the conversation between Lu and Ramona - at least Lu's part of it. I liked that Lu was able to admit that she was angry and said something that she should not have; she just owned it and admitted it was wrong place/wrong time. I sort of hate the way that Lu handled the whole Carole/Adam thing on social media, but I am often reminded that there are things about Lu that I really like most of the time. 

  • Love 17


Ramona's business partner Peter doesn't strike me as heterosexual. Then again neither does Sonja's alleged boy toy Dominik.


Me too.  When Sonja was referencing his wiener, I wondered if she has even seen it.


I think jealousy has to be a factor somewhat in Heather's dynamic with Bethenny.  How could it not?  Bethenny's success is unbelievable and it's probably her that made it that Heather and Kristen even wanted to be a housewife in the first place.  I'm not saying Heather is bitter or wants to trade in her own life, but I think it would be hard not to be jealous of Bethenny.

  • Love 6

I really think production pointed Carole in the direction of the RadarOnline story. Carole doesnt give me that vibe at all she reads that stuff especially with all the bad gammar and spelling mistakes that would offend her greatly. I find it interesting she had her laptop that was on her mind to investigate Peter. Im not buying it but I might be wrong maybe there is some pot stirring in Carole.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 7

Wait a minute.  Did I just hear Moaner offer the best, most heartfelt apology I've ever heard her offer -- er, ever???  And she never once mentioned the word "sorry" cuz it wasn't necessary.  She merely said she shouldn't have judged John so harshly & quickly.  Wow!  Big difference from her past apologies.  Remember when she used to say "I'm sorry if you were offended"?  Ah, good times.  Well, I guess it wasn't exactly an apology, but she actually admitted she was wrong.  What the what?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 15

New episode tonight - Birthday in the Berkshires.  And it just so happens to be Andy's 47th birthday today!.  Mazel! 





Yikes! I totally agree with you.

That's an image I'll have to convince myself that I never saw.


Instead of landscaping, looks like Andy should be doing some serious man-scaping!!   Who knew he was such a hairy little devil??    ;-)

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 4

Wow, Heather....what a bossy, loud mouthed bitch!!


My favorite thing about Dorinda's big, fancy house........the old school ceramic Christmas Trees that were behind her during dinner.  I still have one that my Aunt made for my mother back in the 70's.  I put it out every Christmas!  lol!  I couldn't even believe that such a fancy house would have those as a Christmas decoration.  How down to earth.  Loved it!!


I made one for my Mom and Dad, too!!  I wish they didn't get rid of it when they downsized.  It's so nostalgic!  

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