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S11.E22: She's Leaving Home

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I am curious about this episode being 2 hours. It seems like a lot is going on and there is a time jump but still. I just hope it isn't half filled with flashbacks/scenes that we have already watched. Too much of that and I feel like I'm watching a fan video on YT.

I also wonder when they decided to expand to 2 hours and when they got it all filmed. Apparently they just finished rditng next week's episode so they are really on a time crunch.

I am curious about this episode being 2 hours. It seems like a lot is going on and there is a time jump but still. I just hope it isn't half filled with flashbacks/scenes that we have already watched. Too much of that and I feel like I'm watching a fan video on YT.

I also wonder when they decided to expand to 2 hours and when they got it all filmed. Apparently they just finished rditng next week's episode so they are really on a time crunch.

They may have known it was going to be 2 hours for a while but held back on announcing it since it could have given away that something big was happening.  I mean, we all were expecting Derek's death but I know a ton a more casual viewers that had no idea it was coming.  A two-hour non finale would have definitely opened up more questions.  Or maybe they felt like they had too much material and didn't want to cut anything out so they just added a million flashbacks to make a 2 hr episode. 

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It just got WEIRD. So there are boring-ish backstories (because it's supposed to be Derek's send-off so who cares about the other stories), and they take place over a year. Mer walked in and said Derek's dead, and we didn't see her for an hour. THEN, we saw her pregnant after a few times jumps, and a motherload of mother flashbacks. THEN just now (20 mts left) she started bleeding, and they blended the flashbacks of Ellis/Mere/"suicide attempt" with the current Mere/Zola/pregnancy. Zola gets her to a hospital.

I'd GUESS they're saying Meredith never asked (1) if mom tried to kill herself (she didn't), and (2) which daughter she was signing away rights to (it was Richard's kid, not Mere). —CRAP Mere named the kid "Ellis". LMAO this show... Get this: "I saw him in her" (Mere about Ellis-the-baby). Oh, and Alex "her person" is the emer. contact and showed up at the hospital as her fake husband, lol. I think a full year's passed now?

Only good scene, really, was (surprisingly) Owen and Amelia near the end. YouTube it: she at least GAS about Derek.

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I normally find extended installments self-indulgent, but aside from the gratuitous flashbacks and laughably saccharine song covers, the story did need more than one hour. It wasn't a very distinguished offering, but I have no major complaints worth mentioning except for Amelia. Trying too hard... just as she did on PRIVATE PRACTICE. Her scene with Owen could have been powerful -- if only she wasn't so insufferable.

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For a two hour long episode only about 20 minutes of it had any purpose, Meredith's scenes. She was practically hidden away for the whole thing and instead we got a focus on tangential characters without as much connection to Derek. Ellen Pompeo was terrific, she captures the poignance and desperately sad situation so beautifully. I still feel a bit numbed by the whole thing, not yet believing Derek is really dead. Meredith is such a compelling character, I just wish there was more focus on her. At this time I don't give a crap about Arizona, April, Jackson, Hunt, Chief, Catherine or even Bailey that much and I think it was a major mistake to focus on seemingly everyone except the most important player in all of this. 

Edited by HughOS
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I guess I'll just have to read the comments here.  My DVR insisted that it was recording the episode (red light and all), but there wasn't anything shown on the recorded list.  (it did record 'Bones' though, weird.)  It doesn't seem like I missed much, from what I'm reading here.  I'll just watch it on the ABC whenever they decide to allow the full episode to be seen (last week's isn't even available yet).

this episode was so bad, i don't even know where to start. I need to collect my thought, that was a massive mess. I'll just say a thing, sorry but I'm shocked: Ellis???? the baby is named Ellis??  Wasn't the whole plot of the series the fact that Meredith didn't want to resemble her mother?? The emotionless, cold, heartless Ellis??? Oh God, at least I hope she's called Ellis Shepherd. I don't know if laugh or not

  • Love 3

When Meredith fainted, I was sure we were going to get the 'Alex carries grief-stricken Izzie' scene.


They were too heavy handed with the parallel between Ellis and Meredith and how Meredith overcame but understands her Mother better now.


I get why they needed to fast forward a year to move past the grief, but really this episode had the stink of shows that don't write emotional scenes and reunions because they aren't good enough to carry it off.


And the green screen...The green screen was horrible.  Its impossible to watch Meredith and Amelia emote when all you can see is the outline around their heads.

Edited by ParadoxLost

I spent most of this last week not quite believing what happened to Derek, so I think I needed to see this episode for closure or something. Derek's dead. Meredith's got her kids. Cristina's gone. Alex is apparently Mer's new person, and that's literally all he gets to do anymore, so ... I think I'm good. The story I started watching 11 years ago is over, and I'm free! 

  • Love 6

I did not enjoy the burn patients, I was a little behind the DVR, so I fast forwarded them a bit.  Usually burn patients are given pain meds and/or debrided in the OR, so the loud daily screaming just worked my nerves.


Enjoyed seeing April and Jackson reunite, and SD's new hair cut is cute.


Having Arizona of all people - someone who had the least connection with Derek - be the one snapping in the cafeteria irritated me.


Re-cast Zola ..... my thought was people are going to flip.  She was adorable - "You're bleeding".


I teared up with the dumb song, and with Meredith wearing Derek's scrub cap.


I fan wanked this - Cristina knew where Meredith was the whole time, of course she did.   She simply honored Meredith's request to keep it secret.  Cristina also visited several times, and skyped daily.  I won't believe otherwise.

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There was way too little of Meredith and way too much of characters and storylines that I didn't want to see.  Most of the show left me cold and uninvolved, but I did tear up at the very end.


And everything we got about Meredith was 'oooh she's walking in her Mother's footsteps.  Will she kill herself?  Will she give up the baby?'


I got a little verklempt when Meredith was in the elevator going back to work but I pushed it down because the show didn't earn it.

He said that Cristina hadn't heard from Mer since the funeral, so it may have been her but it wasn't clear.

Agreed he said Cristina said she had t heard from her since the funeral so it could be that was the last time she saw.i think the hidden face to the head of dark hair was meant to make you think it was Cristina. Crazy how much those kids aged in 8 or nine months.

I didn't hate the episode, but it seemed very long.  I liked the burn patients story and I liked Amelia's meltdown and her scenes with Owen.  I also liked the scene with Zola knowing to call 911 and Alex showing up to see Meredith after she had the baby.


I was somewhat amused that the baby was named Ellis.  I'm guessing that the final scene in the series finale will probably have little Ellis Grey Shepherd graduating from medical school and starting rounds at Grey Sloane Memorial Hospital and becoming the most extraordinary surgeon ever.  After all, she is Ellis Grey's granddaughter and Derek Shepherd's daughter.


The preview for next week's episode looks pretty interesting.

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Only thing that stood out. She named the baby Ellis? Not after her sister who died Lexie, but after Ellis? Does Meredith hate the baby? I really wonder what Chyler Leigh did to make Shonda hate her so much.

Why must it be about Shonda hating Lexie or Chyler? The hospital is technically named after Lexie that's her memorial. Ellis makes no sense to me other than this is a new start for what an Ellis can mean for Meredith something good to replace the bad and maybe honor who while cold did try to do right by Maggie and meredith in some ways


This episode was such an embarrassing and enraging mess that I am forcing myself out of lurkdom to come here and vent with people who understand. What the HELL was that? Derek was a gigantic part of this show for 11-freakin'-years and THAT'S how we say goodbye? A jumbled mess and a pathetic funeral in the first 10 minutes? And then the person who we'd actually want to see grieving or breaking down or REACTING IN ANY WAY, goes missing and is completely off the screen for the next 45 minutes and we're forced to listen to Bailey and Ben have the same damn argument over the course of 9 effin' MONTHS? 


AND THEN! Meredith returns and--surprise!-- she's pregnant. Shonda really knows how to twist that knife in her fanbase, doesn't she? So I'm thinking the second hour will focus mostly on Meredith and how she's coping, but no again. Can someone please explain to me why in a TWO HOUR episode, the grieving widow and lead character was only given like 10 minutes of actual screen time (and about 10 solid minutes of flashbacks)? Did she even say more than 200 words all episode? Who thought that's what the fans would be interested in seeing? Ellen was so great in the little she had. Why didn't they give her more? I'm so confused by so many choices that were made tonight.


Glad Amelia at least was able to show some emotion and eventually have her breakdown. I was really thinking we'd finally get one from Meredith too after she gave birth at the end, but I guess not? I understand people grieve differently and that she's probably still numb, but it's weird that we've seen Meredith more emotional over the death of her dog than her husband. I did love her in his ferry boat scrub cap, though. I hope that stays forever now.


I was really hoping for a Will Gardner-esque farewell episode that would actually pull on some heartstrings and make me ugly cry and mourn with the characters, but silly me.

Edited by calidub
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