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S03.E19: The Storm Has Just Begun

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The brightest stars of Nashville have gathered in support of Teddy’s music education initiative, “Note By Note,” where Juliette plans her return to the spotlight – and Layla finds herself thrust into it – alongside Jade St. John. At the gala, Rayna, Deacon, Maddie and Daphne get ready to take the stage and perform, but before they can, Deacon receives the call he’s been waiting for containing some life-changing news.




LOVED that Daphne got to be the star for a few moments. She sang beautifully - sweet moments with her dad and her almost-step dad. Yay Daphne. But I feel sorry for her too, because his scene putting her to bed was a serious anvil. 


Wow, Juliette's dismissive attitude and tone about her newborn daughter gave me a chill.  I did like, though, that being nasty to Layla and then rude to Jade/Christina really came back to bite her.  Good for Avery for telling her off after she picked that fight with Jade in front of the Nashville crowd. Everything he said to her was dead on. Her apology to Avery fell flat to me because it seemed about feeling sorry for herself, not feeling sorry for herself and regret over being an irresponsible and inconsiderate mother and spouse. 


Gunnar had a great scene with Deacon, and then it got ruined by Deacon singing his praises to Scarlett. She's an idiot if she walks away from Caleb for Gunnar. Sorry Deacon, but the Deacon/Rayna/Teddy triangle was nothing like Gunnar/Scarlett/Caleb. 


I will give the actors credit that I was moved by Deacon, Maddie and Rayna's tears and fear in the last moments of the episode. 

  • Love 3

Things I loved about tonights episode:


1. The moment that I realized Christina Aguilera can really act, and that I really am rooting for her character.


2. Daphne got her moment. And she was so awesome! Not only did she sing great, she has an effortless charm that is warmer and more direct than her big sis. She's not overshadowed anymore!


3.  Avery's speech to Juliette was so spot on. You tell her, Avery! Funny thing I wondered as they made up: have we ever seen those two in a proper romantic kiss? Deacon and Rayna get a couple each episode it seems.  


4. Also really liked the Luke Wheeler song Jade St James covered. 


ETA I still think of Gunnar as a good guy, and IMO he is still Scarlett's true love!

Edited by Midru
  • Love 9

I think Gunnar is a good guy too, he's just going at things wrong. Caleb is nice too. I knew something had to go wrong, they couldn't just end Deacon's suffering that quickly!  I love Maisy Stella's voice and Daphne is a sweetheart. I was just waiting for Teddy to be hauled away during the whole show, guess they will save that for the finale.


Christiana A was OK, but there are so many characters, it's hard to root for anyone new. I was kind of surprised at Jeff's reaction, he used to be all business. I'm not sure Layla will come out ahead here. And can't they find someone for Luke who can stay on the show? I'm guessing CA will be gone in a week or two.

Juliette was damn cold in coming home and not wanting to hold her newborn daughter. I know the baby can bond with others, but I was so crazy about my son when he was a baby I never went a day without holding him or kissing him. I wonder if Avery will end up a single dad raising the baby while Juliette goes off on her own? Not everyone is cut out to be a mother even with help.


Loved the scenes with Deacon, Rayna and Maddie.

  • Love 2

I totally teared up a few times tonight. Connie Britton, there's your Emmy submission tape. And Charles, you can submit the same episode.

Avery's mother was awesome. She was probably happy to escape from her evil husband, so it's a win-win for the baby.

Did they gloss over Juliette going to LA for 3 days without telling her hubby? The hell? And way to stay classy at a charity fundraiser J. Bitch her out in the ladies room, not in front of a crowd.

I'm a closet fan of 'Burlesque' (don't judge me please), so I kind of knew XTina could act. But I don't like her with Luke. He looks way too old. And I want her skin, she's breathtaking!

That said, I like Luke without Rayna. That song with Daphne was sweet.

Edited because typing on a kindle stinks

Edited by dbell1
  • Love 5

Hmm... I strangely continue to kind of like Jade and Christina Aguilera.  As I said last week, I wasn't a huge fan of her before and I felt like this was just typical stunt casting, but I actually wouldn't be against her hanging around for a little bit.  Curious to see where her relationship with Layla goes, and if she is being sincere, or if Jeff will end up being right.  Have no idea if she and Luke will be be entertaining or not.  I did chuckle at the cheesy "I use to have a poster of you and kissed you every night!" story.  Sure, that's the tame version.  Come on, Jade: you totally masturbated to Luke Wheeler!


Hey, the show totally notices Daphine being isolated and are doing something about it!  She totally wants to spend more time with her actual father, which I'm glad the show is finally acknowledging again.  And, hey, Teddy did good tonight by getting her to perform with Luke.  That was nice.  Even Juliette seemed to be happy for her, which is rare these days.


Because, yeah: Juliette seems to be just getting worse.  I get Layla is obnoxious and Jade was kind of asking for a face-off, but dressing her down in front of everyone, is not going to look good in front of rich donors, I suspect.  And, again: I get she wants to keep her career going and I fully support it.  But, she really is treating Avery like crap, and I'm glad he's not taking it anymore (thanks, Avery's mom!)  But, I do think this is deeper: it really does feel like she just doesn't like their child.  I hope she can get over it, but judging from her face in the bed, that's not looking likely.


Totally knew something was going to screw up Deacon getting that liver, but at least there was good acting to carry everything.  Plus, I still suspect his future liver is going to be from someone we know.  Time to start taking bets!


Hey, Gunnar didn't suck in this episode.  I knew he had it in him!  But, if Scarlett drops Caleb for him again, then I give up on her.


I'm glad Will is being more open about pursuing a relationship, but I felt for poor Brent, when he said he never felt this way before.  Still, Chris Carmack doing a good job with both the comedic (being stuck between Jade and Layla, while shitting on Jeff) and serious moments.

Edited by thuganomics85
  • Love 6

Glad Daphne got the spotlight with Luke when she was feeling so out of place in her own family now. If this was better written like Empire, I would hope and expect they'd have the girls battle each other like that show. Daphne having Luke's star power while Maddie's with her parents. 


Christina sang that song at the bluebird so well. 


Deacon's  a public alcoholic who has needed a liver for 5 minutes, how did he get a non-private transplant already?

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 2

Oh my. Adored hearing Daphne sing, she's got a great voice and she's very inventive. Great for her. Upset me though to hear her say her house didn't feel like home anymore. I get where she's coming from and had expected it eventually, but I feel like I've got whiplash given her affectionate and enthusiastic welcome of Deacon into their lives. But Yay, storyline for Maisy!

Liked all the Deacon/Rayna/Maddie/Scarlett stuff. Was glad Scarlett told Gunnar, but thought the Gunnar/Deacon scene was just odd. Prefer Scarlett with Dr. Doom, but singing with Gunnar. The ending scene broke my heart and it was nice to hear Rayna vocalizing that she feels alone. Taking care of a loved one with a serious illness is so emotionally draining, I'm glad they're not portraying her as SuperWoman.

Juliette's talk with Avery read right to me. She doesn't feel like herself and is afraid of losing her identity. She fought hard to get where she is, she isn't going to let go of that easily. Loved Avery calling her out though, that was deserved.

Tired of the Layla Grant show. Jade wants to make it big in country music so she decides pick a fight with Juliette? Over Layla? Odd. Loved CAs rendition of Shotgun though, she has an amazing voice.

Liked Kevin and Will, so cute together. Have I missed anybody? Too,any characters to keep up with.

Edited by Clemgo3165
  • Love 6

Count me in as a big Burlesque fan.  I was rooting for Jade and Shotgun was beautiful.  Juliette is awful. To me, this is not being portrayed as post partum depression, as much as, Juliette is too selfish to be a good mom. Go Avery! And I hope that movie tanks.


I really like Jeff and Layla.  I can't help it.  I don't know if I want Gunnar and Scarlett together, but I sure don't like her with the doctor.  He is cute, but BORING.

Edited by dirtydi
  • Love 6

Awwwww Daphne! I always feel so sad for her, being over looked for all the drama surrounding Maddy, so I am thrilled she got to take center stage. And she really has a great voice, and a very impressive screen presence already. She even makes me like Teddy. Hell, Teddy was downright decent tonight. It was nice seeing Deacon, Rayna, and Teddy all getting along. Being mature adults aint so bad! 


Poor Deacon. I was sure he was getting the transplant, as I don't think they'll kill him off, but its so sad seeing everyone getting their hopes up, and watching them get dashed. The scene where Rayna was praying might be one of my favorite Rayna moments on the show. She really does try to be strong so much, I can imagine its exhausting. It must seem horribly unfair that she finally gets to be with her true love, and he`s dying. I felt awful for everyone.


I like Gunnar, and he and Scarlet make great music, but I kind of just want them to stay friends. I`m sure they'll hook up again, but at least, maybe Gunnat will back off now, if they are going to have them get back together.


I really like Will and his new guy. Hopefully this works out well, but if it does work out, whats Will`s plan? Stay in the closet? Seems like if he was in a real relationship, it would get out. Its still a good step seeing him being open and honest with at least his new kinda boyfriend. 


I've said it before, and I`ll say it again: Juliette needs therapy. She is clearly going through some stuff, and her behavior has been a mess, even more than usual. Avery was right to call her out. It was a dramatic scene but I kind of cracked up at Avery`s face when Juliette was bitching Jade out. Like "Lord give me strength, I`m gonna have to deal with this crap now".


I really really like Luke these days. I hope this thing with Jade ends well. I cant tell if Jeff is just sore, or if hes actually predicting her being a user and manipulator. Right now, I`m going with her being a decent person, but it could go anyway now. 


Thank God we got to take a break from the stupid Teddy/Hooker thing!

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 4

I loved that Daphne got to sing with Luke Wheeler; she looked so happy. The show's doing a good job of making me like Luke now, too. I could not stand him when he was pursuing (and with) Rayna.


Add me to the list of people expecting Teddy to be arrested at his event. I've watched too many episodes of Gossip Girl and The O.C. and Revenge, I think; I'm conditioned to believe that every fancy charity event will end in a fistfight or an arrest. I guess we did get a public scene as Juliette was leaving, although it was relatively mild.


I wasn't feeling Christina Aguilera last week, but I liked her a lot this week. I hope she doesn't actually screw Layla over, because it would be nice for Layla to have a supportive friend (I was going to say female friend, but really the girl could use a friend, period). She was so excited that Jade dropped half a million dollars so that she could sing (and yeah, that may have been mostly to show up Juliette, but it was nice of Jade to get Layla up there instead of going up herself or forcing Luke to sing with her, which she very easily could have done). I also enjoyed the Bluebird performance.


Juliette... I don't know what to think. I didn't like how horrible she was to Layla and Jade and I'm glad that Avery told her she was in the wrong. I'm concerned that she's not bonding with the baby, but I find her worry over losing her career understandable and I think they should have kept a nanny around to help with the baby so that Juliette wouldn't feel so overwhelmed. I hope they can make her less cartoonishly bitchy in the remaining episodes. She's still my favorite character on this show.

  • Love 8
I don't know if I want Gunnar and Scarlett together, but I sure don't like her with the doctor.  He is cute, but BORING.

Word. I just feel like the doc is completely bland plus I have to side eye him a bit for dating a patients family member. The crap Scarlett was trying to get him to pull is exactly why that is a bad idea. I just feel like this is going to end badly and this guy is going to show his ass yet.


Juliette was damn cold in coming home and not wanting to hold her newborn daughter. I know the baby can bond with others, but I was so crazy about my son when he was a baby I never went a day without holding him or kissing him. I wonder if Avery will end up a single dad raising the baby while Juliette goes off on her own? Not everyone is cut out to be a mother even with help

I think people bond and mother in different ways and I don't think Juliette has crossed a line yet. All things considered I think its more likely Juliette feels like Cadence is better off with Avery or his mom than she doesn't care at all. Therapy might help but I think Juliette is nowhere near being incapable of being a mother. Not everyone's experience is the same some women do struggle at first. Plenty of people don't insta-bond with their newborns they just don't admit it. I think that's part of what's going on here. Especially given Juliette's  driven and hard edged personality and her personal history.The show is actually dealing with something fairly taboo and I like it so far but I want to see the payoff.  I just would like to see more of the vulnerable Juliette and less of the harpy.

  • Love 8

Me three re: Burlesque. I love Christina Aguilera and am intrigued by Jade, though Clemgo I'm also with you: Why she was picking at Juliette, I have no idea. Maybe it wasn't personal? Maybe she's just kind of a petty diva who gets off on the battle? But then she's easily cut by Juliette's barbs?? Whaaa?

These writers are just so awful at crafting a story! I don't get it. I work with writers all day who are capable of doing it. How do I get them high-paying jobs in TV?? Daphne has been nothing but thrilled to have Deacon around, thrilled to have Luke around. She seems happy with whatever stepfather her mother offers. Sure, we as thinking, relatively reasonable and intelligent people can speculate that maybe Daphne would feel some apprehension about her wacky family or might feel left out, but in a story, you have to actually lay that foundation with action! She should have been reticent or the one who rebuffed Deacon or especially clingy with her mother or SOMETHING. Not the frakkin Yoda of Nashville, doling out sage, sassy wisdom with nary an emotional disruption. It's not like that would have been hard to do. But I swear, the people who craft this show just throw shit out there when it suits their plot (or when it doesn't) with (seemingly) very little planning or forethought. Do they not map out their season as a whole? Do they not speak to one another during the process? Is there no one who reads and reviews all the scripts to keep the vision and story on track? I get that they're usually writing up until filming, but...whose story is this???

Theoretically, this stuff with Juliette is really interesting to me. She never wanted to be a parent, and she got pregnant by mistake. Not all women who have babies under those circumstances fall into loving motherhood and there's so much guilt and shame associated with that. The show is clearly embellishing the detachment and resentment for the sake of high drama, but the idea that a woman who never wanted to be a mother now is one and is awful at it is very interesting to me. It's not something you see on TV very often, and I'm sure Juliette will be severely judged for it. I also find it to be a really interesting contrast to Rayna, who also got pregnant under undesirable circumstances, but who clearly enjoys being a parent and so embraced the relationship and journey. If the storytellers were better, they'd have some great ironies and parallels there, but alas, I suspect it'll just be, "Juliette is a horrible person with postpartum depression and Avery will save them all."

All that said, I don't care. I can watch Rayna and Deacon and their adored secret baby cry and beg for strength and be wildy in love all day. As long as the show capitalizes on that relationship and puts them all in scenes together, I'll watch and forgive. Rayna, Deacon, and Maddie broke me at the end. Oh, the tragedy and tears!

ETA: Count me among those who also suspected Teddy to be arrested at the event. As for liver donors, I'm running out of guesses, but maybe Teddy can still die in a shoot-out with the feds and Deacon gets his liver and then the kids and Rayna can have all the dads in one body?

Edited by madam magpie
  • Love 7

Did they gloss over Juliette going to LA for 3 days without telling her hubby? The hell? 

I think Avery addressed that with her other actions in their fight in their foyer? Juliette still thinks everything is all about her, and that was Avery's point. She wants to be a star, not a new mom spending time bonding with her infant.  I think the show is trying to tell us she has a post-partum issue going on with a couple of her lines to Avery, but her attitude seems to be well, I gave birth to her, I was with her all the time for the first few weeks of her life, so I'm done now. Back to my real life: my career - Avery and a nanny can take care of the baby now. HP's acting and script aren't telling me she's hormonal and just feeling so tired, or feeling depressed that she's not bonding with her baby, or feeling so not okay with herself that she doesn't want to pick the baby up. I thought Juliette's tear (while Avery was asleep) was because she's unhappy with the state of her life and unsure if she believes in what Avery just said about her future.

  • Love 2

I've said it before, and I`ll say it again: Juliette needs therapy. She is clearly going through some stuff, and her behavior has been a mess, even more than usual. Avery was right to call her out. It was a dramatic scene but I kind of cracked up at Avery`s face when Juliette was bitching Jade out. Like "Lord give me strength, I`m gonna have to deal with this crap now".


She absolutely needs therapy. But my concern with this PPD storyline is that people are just going to blame her for not being whatever their ideal image of what a mother should be. I expect criticism even after it's spelled out in blinking lights. *sigh* The shit makes me sad, honestly. 


I love Daphne. She sounded so good up there with Luke!


I actually enjoyed Jeff/Layla/Jade tonight. I expect him to be completely right about Jade and if so, I'm going to laugh my ass off when she turns out to be the bitch he says she is. I did enjoy her song at the Bluebird. 


Poor Teddy. The end is nigh, my dear. 

Edited by Soup333
  • Love 6

Avery's speech to Juliette was so spot on. You tell her, Avery! Funny thing I wondered as they made up: have we ever seen those two in a proper romantic kiss? Deacon and Rayna get a couple each episode it seems. 

I liked the confrontation except when he brought up nursing.  Is that something that normally gets decided between parents or does it often come down to how the mother feels?  Like pregnancy, this is the one responsibility that can't be shared with the father and the undue burden here is placed on the mother. 


I think Gunnar is a good guy too, he's just going at things wrong.

I think the show has taken him too far into "Nice guy" territory.  He was creepy and crazy manipulative just because he wanted to be with Scarlett and she didn't feel the same.  And the show didn't seem to realize it. 


Juliette's talk with Avery read right to me. She doesn't feel like herself and is afraid of losing her identity. She fought hard to get where she is, she isn't going to let go of that easily. Loved Avery calling her out though, that was deserved.

Me too.  Some of what she is doing are things she would have done pre-pregnancy.  They were antics of early Juliette.  It's the kind of stuff she does when she's feeling insecure and she does feel insecure about her career right now. 

But she was feeling insecure when she was pregnant as well yet didn't pull a lot of this stuff.  And while she didn't plan on having a baby, she did grow to want it.  Everything changed for her once she had that baby but I don't think she is willing to say it or even admit it to herself. 


There is discussion that she doesn't "look" depressed but you can't always (or even usually) diagnose depression by sight.  Depression doesn't always manifest itself the way TV shows it of people weeping uncontrollably all the time or staring aimlessly into the abyss.  Last week, the baby cried a lot when Juliette was around her yet seemed to calm down with others.   This week, Juliette compliments Avery on how good he is with her.  I think what was left unstated is how she feels she isn't good with the baby.  Hiring a nanny, letting Avery take over the responsibilities of childcare, in her mind, that is doing the best thing for her baby. 


What they're showing us of Juliette is actually a pretty nuanced PPD story that isn't often told on television.  TV usually aims for the extremes of a mother being super depressed or super happy after the birth of a child.  That middle area where a woman can function but doesn't feel like a good mother or connected with her child is a story less often told.  It's less often shared with friends and family because people are super judgey about it.  I don't know if they'll land this story but so far they're doing a good job of being controversial and yet honest about what PPD can look like.

The trick with Juliette is that she is a prickly character to begin with.  It's hard to parse out what is Juliette being Juliette and what is Juliette suffering from PPD.


Tired of the Layla Grant show. Jade wants to make it big in country music so she decides pick a fight with Juliette? Over Layla? Odd. Loved CAs rendition of Shotgun though, she has an amazing voice.

The singing was the only scene I liked of Jade's.  I did kind of laugh when Layla said she wouldn't turn into Jade because wasn't she introduced as someone like I expect Jeff's Jade to be?  So are Layla and Jeff in love now?  What changed her mind about him?  Knowing his history?

  • Love 9

LOVED that Daphne got to be the star for a few moments. She sang beautifully - sweet moments with her dad and her almost-step dad. Yay Daphne. But I feel sorry for her too, because his scene putting her to bed was a serious anvil. 



Yeah, it's great that the writers remembered that Daphne is an actual person whose father isn't Deacon, but I think that scene & Deacon not getting the liver pretty much sealed the deal on Teddy dying. While I don't have a problem with Teddy dying, I don't want all next season to be Rayna dealing with the fact that Daphne's father had to die in order for Maddie's father to live. It's already boring me.

  • Love 3

Crazy Queen Bee Juliette is back y'all! God I missed you girl!

I know she was unbearable and stepping on everyone's toes but it was fun to watch. It was nice to see Hayden with something to do for a change. I also thought it made sense for her to react this way. Avery is the best, loved him calling Juliette on her BS. I do not understand how he started out as the most despicable character on this show. He was the Jeff.


I wonder if they'll give Jeff such a redemption arc. His relationship with Layla just doesn't engage me. But maybe they're setting up for something with the whole Jade and Layla thing. Jade apparently made him the man he is (a ruthless chauvinist) by crapping all over him all those years ago. I guess Layla could be the one who pushes him to snap out of him and be a better man. It sounds interesting when I think about it. I just want better things for Layla. After Will she deserves someone who's head over heels for her.


The best surprise was Daphne tonight. She's just lovely and so credible. Her song with Luke was great, and I loved that she impressed everyone in the room including Juliette. Can we get a spinoff of her touring with Luke? Riding ponies and eating pie and just being charming as hell while wandering in her cute dresses?

Her last scene with Teddy was heartbreaking because we know she's gonna have it really bad once he gets arrested.


I'm gonna have to disagree with most of you and say that the Deacon storyline just fell flat for me. My anger towards Maddie from the past few episodes is still there even though she wasn't bratty tonight. I can't put my finger on it. I'm just not interested in this story line because I guess we all know the outcome and I wish it didn't drag for so long.


I really, really, really like this doctor guy. Gunnar isn't bad when he remembers he's not 15 and that there are other people in the world around him. I know we're headed towards a Scarlett/Gunnar reunion but I wish we weren't. I wish instead they would flesh out the Doctor's character more because he could be real awesome. I liked him telling Scarlett that he won't hold the liver for her as much as he'd love to.


Luke and Jade is.... I don't know. I got nothing. It feels like the writers had to have a kiss/makeout scene so they went with those two.


Will and his new song writing buddy though? heart heart!

We've been waiting for Will to open up to someone for 3 seasons! And so far it's playing really nicely. I just hope they don't end the season with their relationship exposed, Will outed as a gay country singer and having to quit performing and just switch back to song writing. I want Will to have it all.

Edited by raytch
  • Love 7

OMG, you guys! Daphne finally got something to do besides be Maddie's little sister. I knew as soon as Maddie said she wanted to go to the hospital and Daphne started looking sad that they were FINALLY going to give her a tiny little storyline. I'm so glad that Teddy asked Luke to let her sing with him because it was awesome and because we know that she adored him when he and Rayna were dating.


Heh, is it wrong that I liked Scarlett's doctor boyfriend even more after he told her that there are protocols that have to be followed and that he can't just ask the surgery team to make an exception for Deacon because they are dating. Someone with integrity and a respect for rules!


Avery telling Juliette that she was out of line for picking a fight with Jade was awesome, mostly because very few people call her on it when she acts like a brat. She really lets her ego and her temper get in the way. She was stupid to let it happen in such a public setting.


Avery's mom is awesome! I loved her telling Avery to quit bitching and do something to fix his marriage. I'm glad he went to the party to be supportive but made sure to tell Juliette how he was feeling as soon as they got home. That's what adults do - they communicate. Unfortunately, Juliette still hasn't learned that. If she has post partum and is feeling depressed/concerned about her career, that's totally fine. She just needs to TELL AVERY instead of flying off the handle and doing things like flying to LA without telling him or picking fights with people because she's pissed about something else.


Haha, I laughed when Jade told Luke that she remembered singing his song for her eighth grade talent show. I thought he would say that made him feel old, but nope. In reality, Will Chase is only ten years older than Christina Aguilera which isn't a huge age difference. I kind of hope that they have her change her hair color every episode.


I wasn't crazy about Luke acting jealous because, as he said, he and the songwriter guy have only been sleeping together for four days and the other guy invited his friend to the charity event a month ago. But it was nice to see Luke take a step forward by going to him and admitting his feelings. yay!


The only downer in the episode was Maddie saying, "This isn't fair" for the millionth time. I know she's only a teenager but repeating how life isn't fair doesn't suddenly make life become fair.


Teddy didn't even bother me this week, mostly because we weren't dealing with any call girl drama. But on top of that, he was a good dad to both Daphne and Maddie. I also liked that when Luke asked why Rayna left, Teddy said he wasn't at liberty to say because he was protecting Deacon's privacy (as well as Rayna's and Maddie's privacy).


I really felt for Rayna. When they were wheeling Deacon away, I remembered how hard it was for me when Mr. EB had a very minor surgery. Knowing that someone you love is going to get cut open and that you have no control over what will happen is terrifying. But later when she went to the chapel alone and talked about how she was trying to be strong for Deacon and Maddie, my heart just broke for her. As much as I love Connie Britton, I feel like 80-90% of the time they give her dialogue and storylines that aren't worth her time. But that scene was reminiscent of her Tami Taylor days, which is to say awesome.


I actually don't remember the last time I liked an episode of Nashville this much and had so few complaints. Keep it up, show! Of course you know this means that the show will pull out all the stops next week so that I have to go back to yelling at my tv.


ETA: I just realized that I have set the bar for this show pretty low. I didn't hate anyone this week = good episode

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 8


What they're showing us of Juliette is actually a pretty nuanced PPD story that isn't often told on television.

I would like this to be true. But to my mind this gives the writers way too much credit. 



These writers are just so awful at crafting a story! I don't get it. I work with writers all day who are capable of doing it. How do I get them high-paying jobs in TV??

This still amazes me, too. I think of, for example, several wasted scenes with Juliette in recent episodes where they could easily have set up the current drama, but didn't. It can really drive you crazy just how poorly the show is written. But there are still appealing characters and great songs!




I do not understand how he (Avery) started out as the most despicable character on this show. He was the Jeff.

I wonder if they'll give Jeff such a redemption arc.

And a similar thing happened, but faster, with Luke. I don't know how much is a redemption arc and how much is the writers are all over the place, and all characters are subject to major changes at any time. 


I also was very happy the doctor was ethical with Scarlett. Too bad she is destined to end up with Gunnar. I have to say I absolutely believe the writers have been setting up Gunnar and Scarlett as the next generation's Rayna and Deacon. Funny how Scarlett and Avery's past is never part of the story, even though he went to with her a lot longer than Gunnar did, and moved to Nashville together, and isn't that much earlier than Gunnar's relationship. 

  • Love 4

Jade and her bad Elvira wig just needs to go away.  Her hair looked horrible so that distracted me from anything the character did.  


Juliette was way out of line.  You would think after her crappy Mother, that she would actually love her child instead of ignoring her.  I do not buy the whole Post Partum cope out either.  Juliette is just self-centered brat.


I loved Gunnar and his talk with Deacon.  Scarlett needs to wise up and get back to making beautiful music with him both on and off of the stage.


I just knew something would happen to poor Deacon.  Those were some powerful scenes.


I loved Daphne getting her chance to shine.  Luke Wheeler continues to grow on me.  

  • Love 2

GAH! Show, stop toying with me and get Deacon his liver, STAT!

Everyone acted the hell out of those hospital scenes, but I want Deacon to be OK by the end of this season.

So glad Daphne got to sing. Her and Luke were adorable.

Luke and Jade was just, icky. Do not like them together. He was better with Sadie. When someone says they sang your song in 8th grade and kissed your poster on the wall, you are too old for them. Sorry, I know that judgey. but they did not click for me as a couple.

Will and Kevin though - hot, hot hot! Will is finally growing up.

I loved Daphne singing and letting her powerful little voice shine, but her "home doesn't feel like home anymore" reeks of cow manure. At the Opry she was all over Deacon telling him how she loved him. Just last week she gave him a pretty stellar hug when he brought donuts for breakfast, and she also seemed keen on the idea of him moving in. She didn't exactly scoff at the news of the reunion, either.

And with Luke she was over the moon to have him in her home, so are we to assume that she all of a sudden just doesn't like Deacon? Or should we assume that Magpie is right on and these writers will twist anything and everything to fit their nonsensical story lines for the moment?

  • Love 3

And a similar thing happened, but faster, with Luke. I don't know how much is a redemption arc and how much is the writers are all over the place, and all characters are subject to major changes at any time. 


Luke was never a 'bad' person. He was a guy in an impossible situation for wanting a woman who was not available from the start.

Which makes me even more convinced with the storylines dragging problem. The longer he stayed with Rayna the longer we hated him because we always knew she's meant to be with Deacon, and moreover, we wanted her to be with Deacon. Luke was just the obstacle.

He proposed to her in front of a huge crowd and acted insecure and jealous a couple of times but that was it. He was always respectful and great with the girls.

Once he and Rayna broke it off he became a lot more likable.

Jeff has screwed almost everyone on this show. Not a long time ago he was blackmailing Teddy and manipulating him to get back at Rayna by signing Maddie on his record label.

Avery started as an opportunistic prick and only came around by the end of season 1.

  • Love 2

Juliette was way out of line.  You would think after her crappy Mother, that she would actually love her child instead of ignoring her.  I do not buy the whole Post Partum cope out either.  Juliette is just self-centered brat.


I think Juliette is still the most complex character on this show. I am positive that her mother/her childhood will be playing a big part of why she's acting this way.

She just went from teen country icon, to a rejected country star rebel (season 2), to a pregnant 24 years old. Her relapsing into her early season 1 self makes a lot of sense. It's her safety net when faced with such a major change.

Avery leaving her to go on tour has freaked her out and I don't blame her. She has serious abandonment issues and was probably terrified of having to spend all her time with the baby.

She's just relapsing into an old habit out of fear and feeling powerless/useless. I'm sure by the end of this season she'll come to terms with who she is now and what her life will be like from now on.

  • Love 7



He was Maddie's father last week and the week before when he was including her and cooking with her and the week before that when she was going on about how she loved him and she didn't seem to feel left out.

It's just inconsistent.


Yeah, it's pretty clearly a drama build for when Teddy gets hauled off to the Pokey by the Feds. I'm happy to see a real storyline for Maisy to sink her teeth into, but I'd rather they hadn't done the sudden swing. If they had had her show even the slightest bit of doubt about the family situation in the previous episodes I'd have no problem. But until last night she was totally on board with all of it. It's as if the writers don't talk to each other at all - or maybe they just don't plan any further than the current episode.

  • Love 4

I cracked up at the looks Jeff was giving Will when he figured out that Will and Cute Songwriter Dude (name???) are doing more than writing songs. Glad to see Will trying to be in an actual relationship instead of random hook-ups.


Funny that Jade said Layla reminded her of herself when she was starting out because I could see Layla turning out exactly like her. I love Christina A. but I don't trust Jade and I think she's manipulating the hell out of Luke. To what end, I'm not sure, but her bidding on Layla was clearly an effort to antagonize Juliette. Not to say that she doesn't believe in Layla, but in that moment she was hell bent on trumping Juliette. Do these two have history?


I think that the fact that something is wrong with Juliette is being shown. Maybe it's too subtle? To me she is definitely acting more like her old self than she has in a very long time. Singularly focused on herself to the point that she doesn't care that Avery quit his band? That's not a normal reaction for who she had evolved to be. Just a few weeks ago before she had the baby, she was gung ho about him going on tour. She left town as a nursing mother, was there an ounce of formula in the house when she left? The engorgement would have been very uncomfortable. And I can't even see her doing something like that, leaving the baby with nothing, unless something is really not right with her. Key line for me was her telling Avery that she didn't understand what was going on with her. I just think that PPD/mental health issues are difficult to portray and hard to garner sympathy for and most people are just going to view her as a bad mother/wife/horrible person in general.


I was also moved by the end with Deacon/Maddie and Rayna praying. I thought all of that was nicely done.

  • Love 3

It's funny to see all the people who have changed their mind about Luke. I always liked the guy. It was his relationship with Rayna that was so offputting.


I'm still not sold on Jeff - that shot he took at Juliette was just wrong - but he's so much more interesting now that they've given him some real layers.


But my real question is WTF was Juliette wearing to that benefit? That red thing with....were those honest-to-goodness, Dynasty-style shoulder pads? Are those back in style now? 

  • Love 1
I just think that PPD/mental health issues are difficult to portray and hard to garner sympathy for and most people are just going to view her as a bad mother/wife/horrible person in general.


My sense is that's how much of the public views most mental health issues, and certainly postpartum depression. So this is, in some ways, a great storyline. But like with all Nashville's "great" storylines--Rayna losing her way, liver cancer, Scarlett's breakdown--the show fails with the subtlety. I don't think this is subtle at all. I think the audience is being smacked over the head and assaulted with blaring horns that JULIETTE IS MENTALLY ILL. Maybe they think we're dumb and can't get subtlety? But in reality, it just looks like Juliette is being herself. The only two good moments, I thought, were her telling Avery she didn't know what was wrong with her and her looking lost/sad while lying in bed. And the thing is, plenty of women who don't actually have true postpartum depression fall apart after their babies are born, mostly due to surges of hormones, extreme exhaustion, etc. Stuff like that makes plenty of people act crazy, and it's not understood or empathized with much at all. So rather than the absolute worst scenario (Juliette hates her baby and has PPD! or Deacon needs a liver transplant! or whatever), I wish they'd just had her be one of those moms who has a terrible time coping and needs help. This could work as a PSA for all the moms out there who feel totally lost and overwhemed when their babies are born: eg, See! It's not just you! It happens to lots of people. You don't need to be locked up or have your baby taken from you. You need someone TO HELP YOU.


Re: Luke. I think that was another over-the-top approach by the storytellers. By many accounts, Luke was a perfectly decent person, but the way he behaved with Rayna bordered on abusive and psycho. Suddenly now that's he's not trying to win Rayna, he's able to be his regular, decent self. It's the same with Gunnar. But I also do think that lots of men see women as prizes to be won and lots of women find that kind of possessiveness in men attractive, so the show just may have been capitalizing on that. But for those of us who hate it, it came across extra badly.

Edited by madam magpie
  • Love 9

He was Maddie's father last week and the week before when he was including her and cooking with her and the week before that when she was going on about how she loved him and she didn't seem to feel left out.

It's just inconsistent.

All true, but I'll give credit to the Stella that plays Daphne because while she can't totally sell it, her charm (plus the fact that she's something other than an after thought) make me overlook it.  And no one could sell it.  But you know the clock is running down on Teddy.  Anvilicious indeed.


Now this is the Luke that they should have had going out with Rayna.  Would have made the engagement believable and because of the power of Chip Easton, I still would have believed that Rayna would eventually leave a decent person for Deacon.

Christina A sang the hell out of that song at the Bluebird.  I don't normally care for her music and the embellishments that tend to be there are not to my liking, but I liked this.


Jeff's repeated harsh No's to Layla comes off very Angry Dad.  I'm sure Jade worked him over in the past, but suspect he wasn't as victimized as he makes himself out to be.


Deacon and Avery need to set up a therapy practice.

  • Love 2

Luke and Jade is kind of gross to me. How old is Jade?? anyway, they're like at completely different life points....so??

I'm echoing you al when I say maisy blew me away as well. I'm so glad Scarlett and Gunnar are gonna keep making music. It Ain't Yours To Throw Away is like my #2 nashville song (Postcard to Mexico is #1) I hope they can continue to work together all professional. 

I'm patiently waiting for Deacon to get a liver and now it's like. I hope he doesn't die, because, his ridiculous guitar strap aside, I like Deacon.

I liked this episode. it' wasn't a bad episode, but i really think my bar is lowered now. 

  • Love 1

Oh, yeah, DeLurker. Maisy is a gem. She did a lot of great stuff off to the side too...like when Maddie/Deacon are bonding over playing the guitar, she looks so conflicted between happy and sad. Rayna seemed to notice that as well and made sure to hug and include her. But we should have been seeing that kind of small moment since this whole paternity thing began. If we had, everything else would have worked too. Anyone, not just a kid, can be both happy and sad at a situation, and just because Daphne loves Deacon doesn't mean she feels totally at ease with the new setup. It's scary because he's dying, Maddie has become his golden child, Daphne doesn't clearly fit with her family anymore, Rayna has been distracted. Though I have to say, given the kind of people Rayna and Deacon have been established as, I find it hard to believe (still!) that neither of them worried about Daphne before. I can't believe, especially, how Deacon just dropped her for Maddie exclusively for quite awhile. That's never rung true for me.

  • Love 5

I liked the fact that Will originally had casual relationships with men, and now he wants something more permanent, and he's the one who gets shot down.  He decided he did want something more and it looks like Kevin does too.  Is coming out the next step?


I was so glad Christina toned down her X-Tina-ness at the Bluebird.  She does have a good voice when she doesn't over-embellish as is her wont. 


A question:  was the emcee at the Bluebird who sang with Christina someone famous?  I know we've seen Pam Tillis and Vince Gill and was wondering if that guy was someone in the biz for reals?

  • Love 1
Totally knew something was going to screw up Deacon getting that liver, but at least there was good acting to carry everything.  Plus, I still suspect his future liver is going to be from someone we know.  Time to start taking bets!


I'm calling it for Gunnar.  Maybe he'll do it b/c he likes and respects Deacon, or sees it as a way to make Scarlett happy, whatever. But there it is, my prediction.


I've said before that I wish they would at least address the Maddie situation and her likelihood at being a match.  Because there is no way that doesn't get at least brought up in reality.  Whether they would allow it or not, she would at least want to do it.

My sense is that's how much of the public views most mental health issues, and certainly postpartum depression. So this is, in some ways, a great storyline. But like with all Nashville's "great" storylines--Rayna losing her way, liver cancer, Scarlett's breakdown--the show fails with the subtlety. I don't think this is subtle at all. I think the audience is being smacked over the head and assaulted with blaring horns that JULIETTE IS MENTALLY ILL. Maybe they think we're dumb and can't get subtlety? But in reality, it just looks like Juliette is being herself. 


MM, kindly explain what you mean by this. How are we being beaten over the head by it if it looks a though she's being herself? I'm inclined to agree with you, in that it appears that she's just returned to her old ways, but how do you feel the PPD is glaringly obvious right now?

I want to go back and remember when Teddy was getting married and Maddie was looking at Teddy/Daphne dancing together she felt like she didn't belong. She called her mother to pick her up from the reception, said to Rayna will my dad love me as much as Teddy loves Daphne. (Paraphrasing) So now the rolls are reversed, it's Daphne's turn to feel like she doesn't fit because of Maddie and Deacon being so close because of his illness. Other than Deacon giving Maddie guitar lessons he has always included Daphne. It's seems whenever Maddie is with Deacon, Daphne is with Teddy, or spending time with friends at a sleepover. It's going to get very bad for both girls when the Feds arrest Teddy. I hope Deacon gets his liver transplant before because it happens (but I don't think so) both he and Rayna are going to have to deal with the girls having to deal with published stories of Teddy Conrad being a corrupt mayor and will be going to jail.


How may episode do they have until the season finale? What will be the cliff hanger this season? Does Nashville get a season 4?


What the hell did Juliette have on, it looked like she was still pregnant in that hideous red top. I know she's young and going through some sleepless nights but the way they wrote her in this episode makes me wonder is she's going to have a nervous breakdown. Glad Avery's mother is there to help out and give Avery some good advice.

Hayden looked stunning at the benefit, oh so much better than Christina's Jade did.  Christina looked horrible with that garish fake black hair.  Hayden was gorgeous, practically glowing.  I did hate seeing Juliette revert back to her brattish ways.


I always liked Luke.  I don't think the guy ever did anything bad to Rayna.  He was a bit possessive of her, but that was because he had been in love with her for years.  He got a little jealous the night she won all the awards, but that was just male ago issues.


Thank heavens Avery cares enough about his daughter to get her grandmother there to help out instead of bringing in some stranger.  Juliette's rotten attitude is awful.  I had hoped having the baby would help her but it seems to have reverted her back to her season one behavior.

  • Love 2

MM, kindly explain what you mean by this. How are we being beaten over the head by it if it looks a though she's being herself? I'm inclined to agree with you, in that it appears that she's just returned to her old ways, but how do you feel the PPD is glaringly obvious right now?

Sorry to be unclear. Pre-baby, when Juliette acted this way, we just thought this is how she is: self-absorbed, young, insecure, etc. But now that she's had the baby, I think we're meant to believe she has severe PPD...because "obviously" (insert sarcasm) no decent woman would behave this way after a pregnancy. Marriage and motherhood should have cured her of those "negative" qualities. They're hitting us over the head with the mental illness angle, I think. Personally, I think they should stick with "Juliette is young, leans toward self-absorption, and is struggling to balance that with exhaustion, hormones, resentment, etc." I feel like that would be subtle. I don't think that's where we're going, though. I think it's the former because she's acting so crazy. She also had that maniacal look at the baby last week.

Women are so severely judged by society for not being the right kind of...mother, wife, boss, etc. I like to see different kinds of women owning who they are. But if Juliette isn't actually this person, because she's mentally ill and she needs to be treated or fixed for it, then who the hell is she?

In contrast, you have Rayna who, during part of last season and the first half of this one, lost sight of the person she was and started acting self-absorbed, detached from her children, shallow, etc. In some ways, that's a more palatable character to an audience because her core self is traditionally "good." I'm on board with Juliette's core self being traditionally self-absorbed. But let's allow her to own it, rather than chalk it up to PPD.

Does that make sense?

Edited by madam magpie
  • Love 6

Does that make sense?




You bring up a good point about wondering who Juliette actually is. I'm totally down with her having a tendency to be insecure and self-absorbed at times, but we are meant to believe, I think, that she has grown into a person who can be kind and not selfish (sometimes). I mean, shouldn't all the characters have some growth over three seasons? So the problem then, for S4 would be - after she is "fixed" what kind of person will she be? 


I'm with you though on wishing that it hadn't been PPD, just that she ready to get back to work after the baby was born and is struggling to balance the life she had with the life she has now. I wonder if the powers that be felt like they needed an explanation, something to blame her behavior on to...somehow protect the character from harsh judgement. If so, they've failed enormously.  

  • Love 2


And yes, definitely. Everyone should be evolving. Rayna, Deacon, Avery, Layla, and Will have done it. Juliette was doing it, but then she had a baby and that....makes her a crazy person?? Juliette has always shown a great deal of compassion under certain circumstances. She's great with Maddie, for instance. So she's got it, but it's not her default. She's 25 years old, though, for heaven's sake. She should be making mistakes. That's normal. Not all mistakes have to come with a label, however.

Edited by madam magpie

I'm with you though on wishing that it hadn't been PPD, just that she ready to get back to work after the baby was born and is struggling to balance the life she had with the life she has now. I wonder if the powers that be felt like they needed an explanation, something to blame her behavior on to...somehow protect the character from harsh judgement. If so, they've failed enormously.  

There has been no evidence of "PPD" in my opinion.  I am not sure why everything has to be labeled as some disorder or mental illness.  I guess Juliette is going to be a bad Mother because that is the only example she has had.   Perhaps she just does not know how to be a good Mother.  And she is a spoiled, self-centered woman.  Hopefully she can learn from Avery's Mother.

  • Love 2

I was so glad Christina toned down her X-Tina-ness at the Bluebird.  She does have a good voice when she doesn't over-embellish as is her wont. 

MTE. I also liked the huskier speaking voice she put on for Jade. Christina has the best acting chops of her MMC pop star alums.


It's tiresome having Juliette regress into the brat she showed she no longer is. It just seems too easy and like they don't want the character to bloom the way she otherwise would; like they know Juliette/Hayden has more charisma than anyone else and would outshine Rayna easily if they stop holding her back with contrived nonsense.

Edited by anonymiss
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