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S03.E07: The Last Supper

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"The Last Supper"? There's a scene in one of the season 3 promos with Norma, Norman & Dylan around a dinner table with several other people. Norma's at the head with of the table, and you can't see the guy opposite her.

I remember it because it reminded me of the True Blood finale, and I wondered who the guy was. And I'm pretty sure it featured a cover of Depeche Mode's "Enjoy the Silence."

I couldn't find it online, but here's one for this episode. "How dare you come into my house and say such an ugly thing!" Norman talks like such an old lady sometimes:

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Many fans have noticed that episodes seem to be written to so that certain actors get their Emmy reels, but my theory is that there is also a pattern.


3.1  "A Death in the Family"  - ensemble
3.2  "The Arcanum Club" - Norma
3.3  "Persuasion" - Norman
3.4  "Unbreak-Able"  - Dylan
3.5  "The Deal" - ensemble
3.6  "Norma Louise" - Norma

If this pattern continues, then "The Last Supper" could be a Norman heavy, and the next would have a lot more Dylan.

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Exasperated Romero: "Gunnar, don't make me take my gun out and bang your head against the wall and all that shit." The delivery was priceless. Lol!

I was typing the above and slightly missed Norma's great quote--something like "Just because we had one operatic moment in the woods doesn't mean we're all going to go bowling."

Calling this episode "The Last Supper" really ratcheted up the tension. I spent the whole segment thinking Norman is going to kill Caleb...no, Romero...no, Caleb...Romero...Caleb!

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Congratulations Bates Moel, you officially beat Breaking Bad for the most tense dinner scene ever!

Norma is so deep in denial she's in Egypt. Only she can blow off her whole meltdown and temporary abandonment of her sons and act like she did nothing wrong. Though I did grin when she uttered the famous "we all go a little mad sometimes" line.

The confrontation between Norman and James is why I live for this show. Norman is acting more and more like Movie Norman every minute. Maybe next time you'll think twice before banging a crazy woman and trying to psychoanalyze her crazier son, huh, James?

Norman is so gonna kill Caleb...

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Holy shit balls! I won't be sleeping tonight. That last shot of Norman will haunt me for a while.

Damn you show for making me keep on shipping Normero and Dylemma. (I hate the combined name thing, but I keep seeing them all over Twitter.) Love me some drunk Romero! And he's such a bad ass! What did the note say that was pinned to the guy who will never be sheriff?

I have a bad feeling about Dylan trying to get that money.

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Wow, awesome episode, but Norman is starting to really become stressed and agitated now. Wait till he finds out that Emma is falling for Dylan,-all his women will have left him-he will crack for sure! I felt this in a prior episode and never posted it, but I truly think that the way Caleb is being played (the rape notwithstanding) is EXACTLY like Norman. He is under Norma's spell and will literally do anything to be with her. It is super needy and dysfunctional, just like Norman's relationship with her.  She does the EXACT same things that she did with Caleb, with Norman. She acts overly, inappropriately physical with male relatives and expects that they know it is not sexual, however, at some point, someone (Caleb AND Norman) get really screwed up and have now intermingled the relationship into a sexual relationship. All the more heady because it is taboo. This is NOT to discount that this never excuses rape (I just want to be 100% clear), BUT I can see how a needy boy (like Caleb was) could totally misconstrue these behaviors and then want to continue the sexual relationship after it has started. After-all, he is/was in "love" with Norma. It feels "normal" to him. Right down to the playing the piano and making the person feel super special, Norma has done this with 2 men now.  I wish they would talk about how Dylan grew up. I'd really like to know how Norma treated him. For some reason it was different with him. 


As a side note-the therapist just got schooled by a major psychotic sociopath. He is totally outside his area of competence and is REQUIRED/mandated to report Norman's behavior!!! He is not a clinical psychologist and has far less training in dealing with sociopathy as a Marriage and Family therapist with a master's degree. I like him and his earnest ways, but he truly has no clue here. Anyone who has worked psychiatric or with dangerous patients, you never put yourself in a corner where you can be attacked! Arrgh. 

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ooof @ that basement scene between James and Norman. So many different levels of disturbing. 


I'm going to need Dylan and Emma to just get into Emma's VW and get out of that place.  Gosh this show. I keep hoping that everything will be okay for everyone in the end, but then I remember that it won't. Good job, show.


Drunk Romero is something I didn't know I wanted.


Oh Lordy, what an episode! Best line? Norma, hands down! "That's just Norman. there's always something dead in the basement"

Thought I'd bust a gut!

I love this show!



Hee! The moment of the episode for me is a toss up between this and Romero and Norma taking a moment out of their bickering to acknowledge the stupidity of the name Gunner.

Edited by gingerhorsesnaps
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Well that's one way to end a therapy session. Hey let's talk about my mothers sexual exploits...you've dad sec with her right?

Oh and a Psycho reference: "We all go a little mad sometimes."

Edited by Chaos Theory
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Norman is so gonna kill Caleb...

He definitely was giving the vibe, but I actually think Caleb might end up sacrificing himself for Dylan. Caleb's a screwed up guy, but I think he genuinely cares for Dylan.

Oh Dylan. Him and his puppy dog eyes. His expressions kill me. I'm shipping him and Emma so hard. Emma seems to be shipping it too. Gun running to get money for new lungs is a terrible idea, however. Last week I was convinced Dylan was a goner soon, but now that it appears Dylan/Emma might actually be happening, he's dropped in my death pool.

The supper scene was something. I wonder if Caleb will tell anyone about Norman going all Mother on him.

Norma and Romero are awesome.

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Casting nerd alert: I noticed that they apparently had to recast Emma's dad.  Way back in season one, he was played by Ian Hart, but tonight, he was played by Andrew Howard.  I guess it is understandable, since he wasn't around in season two, and Ian probably found something else.  But since I'm so use to Andrew playing bad guys (usually, gangsters or henchmen or some kind), it was kind of funny seeing him playing someone who, while overprotective to a fault, seems like a decent person all things considering.


There were probably more laughs before the opening title card, then even most sitcoms.  I'm not sure what cracked me up: Norma and Norman's spat in the phone store, or Romero using Marcus' dead body to troll/freak out Bob.  And, that was only the beginning!  I really love that this show keeps bringing humor alongside all the craziness and darkness.


Bates Dinner Party!  Complete with Emma AND Romero!  And, hey!  No blood was shed!  It actually went way better then I expected.  Until the very, very end, where Norman is totally creeping on Norma the worst way possible.   Yeah, this is not good.  I think Norman isn't going to come back from this.


I wonder if that is it for James.  I would certainly run for the hills after that exchange with Norman.  Freddie Highmore was so disturbing in that scene.  I loved it!


So, Caleb is now refusing to do the gun run for Chick, thanks to him getting close to Norma again, but now it is Dylan who is considering it, because he wants to use the money to help Emma get new lungs.  This can't be good, even though I do want Emma to live.  I still find Dylan/Emma to be adorable, but I still worry that Norman will find out and... well, yeah.


They really are pushing the Norma and Romero come close to, but don't, get it on thing.  Normally, I'd find this annoying, but it is actually working for me this time.  Not sure why.  Part of it is that Vera Farmiga and Nestor Carbonell are just making it work.  The other part is that I know if/when they do hook-up, it will probably end very badly, so I want to hold off until it, as much as possible.  Until then, I'm going to keep loving their banter and interactions.


Was the dinner the first time the whole cast was together?  I bet they had fun in that scene.


Excellent humor.  A perfect balance of hilarity and creepiness.  That's my Bates Motel!

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Exasperated Romero: "Gunnar, don't make me take my gun out and bang your head against the wall and all that shit." The delivery was priceless. Lol!



That was an awesome line, as well as his bit about Gunner being a stupid name. I just adore Romero and Drunk!Romero is a thing of beauty.


"We all go a little mad sometimes". Loved it!


I shouldn't ship Norma/Romero and Dylan/Emma as hard as I do but I can't help it. This show is gonna kill me.


As mentioned before, this cast is amazing. The scene with Norman and James in the basement was freaking brilliant.

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Say what you want about Game of Thrones pulling some gruesome scenes, but this show owns Creepy like nobody's business. I mean, that entire family dinner scene was *bizarre*. 


Norma got off a bunch of zingers in this one, and the best part was her bouncing them off just about the entire cast. Also, that was a cool spice garden. I want to grow one. That's a real important part of shows like this, and it's something other TPTBs really need to think about. This show and Breaking Bad really were able to inject the humor in just the right way to balance out all the impending doom and lots of people being killed. You get good shows like Game of Thrones, Mad Men, even The Walking Dead, who kind of forgot about this part and got a little too caught up in the We Are Making A Show part. Turn actually learned from the first season and in their second season opener had some really good moments of levity. It doesn't matter what the situation is, people are always going to make a crack about something or rip on their friends. 


Does Dylan actually know Emma and Norman are dating? He knows Norman liked her. I'm assuming Emma thinks this is an as-friends date. I mean, people do go out and it's not always a date-date. Dylan's no idiot. I would think if he knew they were actually dating, then he'd back off. Then again, after Emma stormed out of that cabin in the woods on Norman, she may have considered that the end of things. Either way, I can't imagine both of them making it out of the show alive. Emma is hor*nay* and if Dylan gets her a lung transplant, she is going to be very very very thankful. 


I noticed that Dylan always kind of saunters into a room with his hands kind of resting half in his front pockets. 


I wonder what the end-date for the show is. Like, 4 seasons? 5? Because Norman amped up *fast* this season. 


I do like when Norman gets all snippy with Norma because it's so her. "I'm walking very MANLY NOW MOTHER"

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Norma and Caleb singing "Tonight You Belong To Me" was a major creepy moment.! Damn, no one can send out a mixed message like our girl Norma!


I'm in TV heaven! Mad Men, Vikings, and Bates!  Helps me get over BB being done and "Better Call Saul" being over for the year!


Supernatural is even hitting a second wind!

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Wow, awesome episode, but Norman is starting to really become stressed and agitated now. Wait till he finds out that Emma is falling for Dylan,-all his women will have left him-he will crack for sure! I felt this in a prior episode and never posted it, but I truly think that the way Caleb is being played (the rape notwithstanding) is EXACTLY like Norman. He is under Norma's spell and will literally do anything to be with her. It is super needy and dysfunctional, just like Norman's relationship with her.  She does the EXACT same things that she did with Caleb, with Norman. She acts overly, inappropriately physical with male relatives and expects that they know it is not sexual, however, at some point, someone (Caleb AND Norman) get really screwed up and have now intermingled the relationship into a sexual relationship. All the more heady because it is taboo. This is NOT to discount that this never excuses rape (I just want to be 100% clear), BUT I can see how a needy boy (like Caleb was) could totally misconstrue these behaviors and then want to continue the sexual relationship after it has started. After-all, he is/was in "love" with Norma. It feels "normal" to him. Right down to the playing the piano and making the person feel super special, Norma has done this with 2 men now.  I wish they would talk about how Dylan grew up. I'd really like to know how Norma treated him. For some reason it was different with him. 


As a side note-the therapist just got schooled by a major psychotic sociopath. He is totally outside his area of competence and is REQUIRED/mandated to report Norman's behavior!!! He is not a clinical psychologist and has far less training in dealing with sociopathy as a Marriage and Family therapist with a master's degree. I like him and his earnest ways, but he truly has no clue here. Anyone who has worked psychiatric or with dangerous patients, you never put yourself in a corner where you can be attacked! Arrgh. 


I'm wondering if Caleb is also sort of 'special needs'.   He's really playing it hard... the puppy love and sorrow and guilt.  


I can picture the writers laughing over the decision to make the therapist be someone so underbooked and underqualified he teaches a PSY class at the community college.  And he runs screaming from 2 minutes with Norman.  


I was glad Norman put the scalpel down.  I was afraid he was going to slash James' throat the second Norma left.  

Holy shit balls! I won't be sleeping tonight. That last shot of Norman will haunt me for a while.

Damn you show for making me keep on shipping Normero and Dylemma. (I hate the combined name thing, but I keep seeing them all over Twitter.) Love me some drunk Romero! And he's such a bad ass! What did the note say that was pinned to the guy who will never be sheriff?

I have a bad feeling about Dylan trying to get that money.

I'm thinking Caleb will get it for Dylan, for Emma?  


Wow, this show is fun lately!  I laughed out loud so many times.  Farmiga is hilarious.  I love that she hates her new car.  


Poor Norma just wants to mother everyone... feed them and sing to them and tuck them into a bed.  Then they all have to go make it sexual.  My teen tonight during the dinner scene asked, "How come every man is in love with Norma!?"  I said it's because something has to drive Norman psycho.  


Someone asked what was pinned to the body in the car in the driveway.  A note that said something like, "I officially withdraw from running for sheriff!"  Ha.  

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I couldn't make out Emma's response when Dylan asked her to dinner. What did she say?


Maybe we won't see James again after this, and he's going to keep his mouth shut because he's a little weasel who's afraid of losing his license. So long and good riddance!


I kept expecting something really terrible to happen at dinner. It wasn't even as awkward as I thought it was going to be. I guess this is the calm before the storm.


Maybe Dylan survives the gun running and Emma survives the lung transplant, only to be killed by Norman after all of that. That would be way more tragic.


I like the chemistry between Dylan and Emma, but I'm not sure how the show is going to square this with the way Dylan rejected Bradley's advances because Norman likes her. But then Norman was pretty much just using Emma to make Norma jealous, so it's not fair to Emma if she can't ditch Norman and date whoever she wants, even if it is Norman's brother. That would serve Norman right for being such an ass to Emma. Not sure how much Dylan is aware of what went on between Norman and Emma, though. But if he gets closer with Emma, she'd probably fill him in.


It seems to me like you give Caleb an inch, he'll take a mile. He asked Dylan if he could come by the house and Dylan specifically told him it's not a good idea. Then he comes by anyways, claiming he was just going to leave a note. Acting like a sad sack until Norma let him in. He pulled the same shit on Dylan a few episodes ago.


Poor Norma just wants to mother everyone... feed them and sing to them and tuck them into a bed.  Then they all have to go make it sexual.



I love how much she hates her new car, too. Classic cars beat the hell out of all the stupid looking new cars the car companies churn out these days.

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I don't know how Norma was able to keep from giving in to that kiss with Romero. 


Caleb comes across as such a weakling, it irritates me. 


I'm loving Dylan and Emma. I hope Dylan doesn't count the family dinner as his dinner with Emma. I know Norman won't react well but I wonder who will tell him? Imagine if they tell him together lol? I feel like he'd pretend to be fine with it at first and there would be a slow build to an epic freak out.  

Congratulations Bates Moel, you officially beat Breaking Bad for the most tense dinner scene ever!

Norma is so deep in denial she's in Egypt. Only she can blow off her whole meltdown and temporary abandonment of her sons and act like she did nothing wrong. Though I did grin when she uttered the famous "we all go a little mad sometimes" line.

The confrontation between Norman and James is why I live for this show. Norman is acting more and more like Movie Norman every minute. Maybe next time you'll think twice before banging a crazy woman and trying to psychoanalyze her crazier son, huh, James?

Norman is so gonna kill Caleb...

I actually exclaimed "Oh shit!" It totally startled me because I didn't think he'd go there with Norma being just upstairs. If Norma hadn't been in the house I would have expected it more. It isn't often that a show or movie makes me jump.


My jaw was on the ground when James totally went there about Norman's creepy fixation with Norma's sex life. He just called him on it and Norman saw red, it was fascinating to watch. He hit so many of Norman's triggers.


James also did Norma a huge disservice in not giving her some specific details about what happened. How can he not see that she's in danger? Maybe it's easy for me to say as a viewer since we know what's going to ultimately happen but I feel like any decent individual, even one without psychiatric training would tell a person if they'd just been attacked like that and what led up to it. He didn't tell Norma anything that she doesn't know already--that her kid needs help. Norma even knows that Norman is a little fucked up but if she could put what James knows together with what Dylan has told her then she'd know just how fucked up and I think since she's made it clear that she's near her breaking point anyway that this could be enough to convince her that Norman needs real psychiatric help. 


In fact I'm starting to think that this is what it's all leading up to. Norma ending up with Romero and Romero convincing Norma that Norman needs to be sent away to someplace that will help him get better. Norman finds out about the plan, feels betrayed, and kills them both after pretending to go along with their plans for him. 


I'm wondering if Caleb is also sort of 'special needs'.   He's really playing it hard... the puppy love and sorrow and guilt.

ETA: Yes! That's what it is. He almost seems mentally challenged or something. I'm not snarking I wonder if the actor is trying to play it that way. Or maybe like he's trying to play Caleb as somebody who never quite grew up.

Edited by Avaleigh
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I'm loving Dylan and Emma. I hope Dylan doesn't count the family dinner as his dinner with Emma. I know Norman won't react well but I wonder who will tell him? Imagine if they tell him together lol? I feel like he'd pretend to be fine with it at first and there would be a slow build to an epic freak out. 

As much as I love Dylan and Emma I was taken aback by his seeming willingness to risk his own life to get her a lung transplant.  They really don't know each other that well. I suspect that Norman wouldn't care at all about them getting together.


I love the way Norman is coming along. I find it realistic that Norma has so many balls in the air she may not notice how bad off Norman is getting.


I agree there is something wrong with Caleb mentally. He seems slow.


Alex is so in love with Norma. But I do hope they keep them apart. He just doesn't strike me as someone who would be willing to pursue it. On some level I know that he knows what a mess he would be getting himself into.  But I love that he slipped while drunk. And I loved Norma's response that he wouldn't like that he said that.

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Holy cow, nice dinner party ending shot with Norman all alone at table, Future!Norman is really gonna romanticize this dinner in his memory once everyone's gone. 


Also one of those rare instances where I don't think it's wrong for characters not to share things with each other, how would a near-stranger (James-the-therapist) broach this issue with "nice single mom whom I've met like three times"?  He was simultaneously 100% truthful and 100% unhelpful.  "Get him help, stat!" 


And so... Alex has got some moves, heh.  I don't know how Norma didn't just jump him.  I think she thought about it when she was strapping him into the seatbelt, I know I would have.

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I agree with the previous posts which discuss how maybe Caleb is a bit off intellectually, emotionally, something.  I think that the show-runners are attempting to illustrate that abuse can really warp who people are and how they interact with the world and then ADD on board predispositions (mental illness) then, we are off to the races. So Caleb, seems pretty labile, very similar to Norma and beyond needy, and shows an extreme lack of boundaries. I would really like to know more about their background via flashbacks. I know from the literature that inter-generational incest often stays in the family for a reason. It becomes the way that they operate in the world. Just heard about a case recently and it was the entire family, practically everyone, even distant cousins.


Yeah, James is killing me. He would have had extensive training in his master's program regarding ethics and Duty to Warn. It is also on the licensing exam to become a licensed MFT.  I think that he is just a tad arrogant and doesn't really get that there are very ill people out there. He probably never worked with them in his internship. I thought that he acted quite arrogant and presumptuous with Norma the first time he met her. Again, he probably did his internship with relatively healthy people, and just assumes that he can help them. He has blinders on which may end up getting him killed.  One can become a bit insulated when you do not work with the really sick populations. (I have and one must be very, very careful). 

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Oh, come on, Emma, how hard could it be to find a spare set of fresh lungs in that town? Just ask Romero, he'll bring over three or four sets for you to choose from. And Norman could do the surgery right in the basement.


My guess is that he is going to taxidermy one of the major characters, but who?

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I agree with the previous posts which discuss how maybe Caleb is a bit off intellectually, emotionally, something.

He's definitely off. He's not the brightest crayon in the box for sure, but he totally regressed emotionally around Norma. I thought this episode showed how everyone in that family is emotionally stunted to some degree. Dylan is the most normal by far, but one bonding moment with Emma, and he's willing to risk his life to get her new lungs.
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I couldn't make out Emma's response when Dylan asked her to dinner. What did she say?


Maybe we won't see James again after this, and he's going to keep his mouth shut because he's a little weasel who's afraid of losing his license. So long and good riddance!


I kept expecting something really terrible to happen at dinner. It wasn't even as awkward as I thought it was going to be. I guess this is the calm before the storm.


When Dylan asked Emma if he could buy her dinner she said, "How's tomorrow night?", I believe.  Which made us cheer.  


You're probably right about James.  


I too expected dinner to be much worse for Norman.  When he entered the room I thought he'd happen upon Dylan's arm around Emma, watching Norma and Caleb cozied up at the piano.  


Norman being possessive of the dining room chairs was so funny.  


Does the name The Last Supper imply one of them is about to die?  I'm guessing Caleb.  

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Norman being possessive of the dining room chairs was so funny.

I thought it was very meaningful. Romero took the head of the table, opposite from Norma at the other head. Norman is very incensed about being the man of the house, and here comes Romero taking his place. (Romero taking that head seat was one of the moments that I thought that it would be Romero's last supper.) Then Caleb wanted the seat next to Norma, but of course Norman can easily force him out of the way between him and Norma. With drunk Romero and Norma sharing their moment in the motel room, I think the seating arrangement was more foreshadowing of an imminent Normero pairing. Norman will not be happy about that!

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Hee! The moment of the episode for me is a toss up between this and Romero and Norma taking a moment out of their bickering to acknowledge the stupidity of the name Gunner.

My cat is named Gunner. He was in the bed with me watching the show and I could swear he gave me this look like "is not!" I had to laugh.


For the record, I did not name the cat, my ex did. Cat stayed, the ex is gone. I got the better end of the deal :).

Edited by fuzzysneakers
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Holy cow, nice dinner party ending shot with Norman all alone at table, Future!Norman is really gonna romanticize this dinner in his memory once everyone's gone. 


Also one of those rare instances where I don't think it's wrong for characters not to share things with each other, how would a near-stranger (James-the-therapist) broach this issue with "nice single mom whom I've met like three times"?  He was simultaneously 100% truthful and 100% unhelpful.  "Get him help, stat!" 

"Norma, this isn't easy for me to say but your kid is even more fucked up than I thought. Seriously."


"Okay...what make you say that? I know my son isn't like everyone else but--"


"Listen, he just fucking attacked me and it couldn't be more clear to me that you're in danger as well since he, uh, seems to have a sexual obsession with you on top of everything else. Get his ass some help before one or both of you ends up dead."


I think that would have about covered it. ;-)


Oh, come on, Emma, how hard could it be to find a spare set of fresh lungs in that town? Just ask Romero, he'll bring over three or four sets for you to choose from. And Norman could do the surgery right in the basement.


My guess is that he is going to taxidermy one of the major characters, but who?

Only Norma would interest him enough to do that to IMO because he'll want to keep her around. The others not so much. He just wants it to be the two of them because the happy times that he remembers is when it's just the two of them. 


I too expected dinner to be much worse for Norman.  When he entered the room I thought he'd happen upon Dylan's arm around Emma, watching Norma and Caleb cozied up at the piano.  


Norman being possessive of the dining room chairs was so funny.


Does the name The Last Supper imply one of them is about to die?  I'm guessing Caleb.


I thought it was funny that Norman couldn't allow Caleb to sit next to Norma when if he'd kept the seat that he'd originally found himself in that he'd be sitting across from Emma. There was absolutely no jealousy that Dylan was sitting next to Emma. At the same time I'm confident that Norman will be jealous of the idea of Dylan and Emma and even Norma kind of suspects this to be the case. Norman doesn't even seem to be sexually interested in Emma but he still seems like he'd have issues with her moving on.


I think Caleb is toast and as far as Norman killing Caleb, I can't help but think that Caleb is also going to be asked by Norman about what it's like to rape and/or have sex with Norma. It'll give Caleb a chance to have one last super messed up experience in his life before it's ended by Norman or the Arcanum people (or the drug/gun people.) 

Edited by Avaleigh
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I feel like Caleb as a character is being set up to be Norman's next victim.  He's the right blend of creepy and evil but also sympathetic.  If Norman killed someone the viewers really love now (Dylan, Emma, Romero, Norma), we'd hate him and not want to watch anymore.  If he killed another pure predator, we'd be like "so what, Norman kills in self-defense and for the good of the world".  Though Blair Watson was pretty innocuous and not hate-able, as far as predators go.  

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^And some of us aren't convinced he killed Watson anyway. 


As much as I love Dylan and Emma I was taken aback by his seeming willingness to risk his own life to get her a lung transplant.


I don't think Dylan had many friends growing up, so every 'normal' relationship to him is very important. Plus, he was legit freaked out by Norman and Emma was totally cool and stayed there to help. He seemed upset when her dad came to the motel to yell at her. 


My guess is that he is going to taxidermy one of the major characters, but who?


It has to be Norma. 


I'm still of the mind that Norman doesn't actually kill one or two people, and one of them has to be Norma. The show is working really really well in that we're waiting for the other shoe to drop and Norman to switch over to full on psycho. But it's not about going on a killing spree. It's about the tension amping up and up and up and then what will finally make him snap? 


I think the therapist thought more that "oh, this Bates case will get me a sweet book/papers and I'll be on the map," than genuinely wanting to help. Then he realized he was over his head. 

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I think the therapist thought more that "oh, this Bates case will get me a sweet book/papers and I'll be on the map," than genuinely wanting to help. Then he realized he was over his head.

So do I. He just oozed arrogance from day one.

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I can't help it, I just don't trust and care for Caleb. I find him very manipulative. I hated him showing up at Norma's even after Dylan told him it wasn't a good idea, complete with flower and note and sob story. And I found the whole story about "I was just going to leave it there" complete bullshit because he clearly looked like he was standing there, waiting for her to see him. I just feel like Caleb is still very much that manipulative and selfish person who raped his sister because in his mind he loved her and he couldn't help who he loved and it wasn't wrong no matter what she said. He wants to be back in her life so it doesn't matter about the position he's putting her in.


If Caleb really cared about Norma, he would realize that what he's asking of her is very difficult, he would have accepted their talking, not push when Dylan told him it wasn't a good idea for him to come to dinner and just give the woman her space and time. But he refuses and that speech at dinner was incredibly uncomfortable and annoying. As batshit crazy as Norman is, I don't blame him for hating Caleb. Of course on some level he hates Caleb as much as he does because he is just as creepily obsessed with Norma as Caleb is with her.


Speaking of Norman - oh the batshit crazy is more and more on display. And it's so sad that Norma will lose her life to him when she really believed she was just trying to protect him even after so many people told her she needed to get him help. Speaking of which, I guess this is the last we'll see of therapist James because dude was appropriately freaked out since he truly got to see how batshit crazy and dangerous Norman is.


Though I have to say, I did find Norman's strangling him more comical than scary only because looking at Norman's scrawny little body versus James big and burly frame, I found it hard to buy that Norman could get such an upperhand on him. I actually expected Norman to stab him with the scalpel he was using on the animal. Also, I guess Norma's telling him Norman murdered his dad could come back if he goes to the police and declares Norman a danger to others. 


So is Norman and Emma officially done and did it happen off-screen? Because I think this episode made it all but clear Emma is totally interested in pursuing something with Dylan and didn't seem to have any concerns about Norman. I guess her getting mad at Norman telling her Norma said he couldn't have sex with her was essentially the break up? I wish they'd made that clearer because as much as I'm totally on board her and Dylan, I feel like I missed a significant episode or scene between her and Norman.


It was interesting that they brought up a transplant for Emma which makes me think she maybe won't be kicking the bucket soon or at least it's not going to be from her disease. Of course that ups the fear again that it will be by Norman's hands. Also, does anyone else think they recast Emma's dad? I swear he was a shorter and stockier guy than the one who appeared in this episode but I may be wrong. 


Norma and Romero were great. I loved Norma telling Romero that he would regret calling her beautiful when he was sober and his agreeing. I also liked how they're slowly developing them. The writers aren't rushing it though this is exactly why I agree with some who think Norma's eventual relationship with Romero may be the thing that breaks Norman entirely and he ends up killing both. I also liked how Romero was clearly bothered by how unperturbed Norma seemed when she first saw him and he kept stating that he got shot. I have to say I did laugh at Norma's whole "well you're clearly fine now."


She does the EXACT same things that she did with Caleb, with Norman. She acts overly, inappropriately physical with male relatives and expects that they know it is not sexual, however, at some point, someone (Caleb AND Norman) get really screwed up and have now intermingled the relationship into a sexual relationship. All the more heady because it is taboo. This is NOT to discount that this never excuses rape (I just want to be 100% clear), BUT I can see how a needy boy (like Caleb was) could totally misconstrue these behaviors and then want to continue the sexual relationship after it has started.



The problem with this is that Norma was a vulnerable, scared little girl herself. She was suffering just like Caleb with a mean father and mentally unstable mother. It wasn't just Caleb dealing with these issues, she was as well. And again, if one believe Caleb's version to Dylan, I do think it was made clear that he and Norma crossed that line together, both not knowing better and being almost unhealthily close based on their troubled home life. 


The problem is that when Norma realized it was not right and tried to put a stop to it, Caleb did not accept her no and that's when the situation turned to rape. And that is simply not okay on any level in my opinion and I refuse to agree that Norma did anything wrong. Yes I see the argument that Norma fosters this unhealthy co-dependent, almost creepy attachment relationships, particularly with regards to Norman. I do hold her somewhat responsible for this unhealthy attachment Norman has developed towards her. 


But Norma is an adult now in the situation with Norman. She wasn't in the situation with Caleb. She was a kid then and even younger than Caleb. I just feel if one can say "Caleb was a scared, needy boy" then what about Norma, a scared little girl in a house where her parents were both insane in their own way? Yes I thought she was oddly chummy with Caleb at the piano but Norma is not the one pushing that relationship. 


She made it clear when Caleb showed up last year that she wanted nothing to do with him. After years of his ignoring her saying no to them sleeping together, she took off after getting some guy to marry her and never contacted him ever. She accepted his apology and sadness but made it clear they couldn't just have a relationship with everything that's happened. She tells him when she sees him that they can't be friends. But he, being the truly manipulative one in the relationship in my opinion, pulls the sad puppy dog eyes and woe is me face and basically forces her into an uncomfortable position of allowing him back in her life no matter how hard it is for her. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Caleb and Norma both need extensive therapy. It seems to me that while Norma puts on a tough girl image and tries to micromanage every aspect of her life and Norman's, Caleb's outwardly the opposite--floating around with no purpose, shiftless, openly needy and looking for acceptance. Caleb doesn't hide like Norma does, and is trying to face the situation rather than running from it--and it's making him regress even further while he works it out.


The title of this episode intrigues me--at the Last Supper, Jesus identified the person who would betray him, leading to his crucifixion. While all of the disciples with pure intentions worried it might be them, Judas had already set the betrayal in motion and knew exactly to whom Jesus was referring. Are we meant to see Norman as Jesus, with his mother being the ultimate betrayer by welcoming everyone else into her life?

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My cat is named Gunner. He was in the bed with me watching the show and I could swear he gave me this look like "is not!" I had to laugh.


For the record, I did not name the cat, my ex did. Cat stayed, the ex is gone. I got the better end of the deal :).


Hey fuzzysneakers ! We have a turtle named Gunner. My husband found him in the desert (He has a deformed foot, Gunner, not my husband) 28 years ago, and he's been hanging with us ever since. I don't know how he reacted to that line, he's still hibernating, but I plan to tell him!


Caleb is mentally challenged, in fact when he first showed up at the motel, I didn't recognize him. His speech was so stilted and he seemed so... I don't know, "off".


Dead pool? Caleb. Within the next two weeks. Dylan is way too popular to kill off now!

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It looks like there will be two more seasons.


"As "Bates Motel" moves into the second half of Season 3, it's also crossing the midpoint of its series run. Cuse and fellow co-creator Kerry Ehrin have decided the A&E show will end after five seasons, and dark times are ahead for Norman and Norma."

I just wish we didn't have to wait a year between seasons and we could get more than 10 episodes.

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Does Emma know that Caleb raped Norma?  If so, her hug did not fit IMO.


I'm a little confused about the whole Norma/Caleb thing.  I mean, I realize the situation was complicated and Caleb was also in an abusive household and perhaps a minor himself, but if Norma's friends and family believe her, then how can they be okay having a long family dinner with the guy?  Knowing that he hurt someone they love so badly, wouldn't it be really repulsive to sit down and have tea with him?  It's one thing (and healthy) for Norma and those in her life to not harbor intense and active hatred for Caleb, but that doesn't mean they have to have family dinners.  I realize Norma made the call and she didn't suggest that they'd be doing this all the time, I just kind of expect people around her to have a bit more of a reaction when they have to make nice with her rapist.  Everyone basically just brushes over it (except Norman, but he's psycho with everyone).

Edited by Brooke0707
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Caleb for sure by end of season.


Not sure we have to hide mentions of events in the Psycho movies but....

Romero and Norma actually get married, right? I believe in Psycho II Norman
says something about his mother marrying the sheriff and he'd offed both of them.
Am I remembering that right?




Does Emma know that Caleb raped Norma?  If so, her hug did not fit IMO.

I thought I remember Norman telling her about it quite some time ago. Didn't he? Her reaction definitely seemed off to me. A hug for this guy you barely know? Weird.

Edited by BonnieD
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Yes Emma definitely knows because Norman even brought it up again when explaining why he was angry at Dylan for having Caleb around and how he didn't understand how Dylan could do that. And Emma answered at that time "because it's his father." So it's almost like she's functioning by the same mentality Dylan is, the one that makes him keep Caleb around and still care for him - that at the end of the day it is his dad.


But I totally agree about everyone being too okay with Caleb which is why I noted that batshit crazy though he may be,  I'm okay with Norman's continued dislike of him. And it should be noted that Romero was completely clueless at that table. He has no clue about Norma and Caleb's history and likely just sees him as Norma's brother who is in town. It would be interesting to see how he would treat Caleb if he did know.

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Caleb and Norma both need extensive therapy. It seems to me that while Norma puts on a tough girl image and tries to micromanage every aspect of her life and Norman's, Caleb's outwardly the opposite--floating around with no purpose, shiftless, openly needy and looking for acceptance. Caleb doesn't hide like Norma does, and is trying to face the situation rather than running from it--and it's making him regress even further while he works it out.


The title of this episode intrigues me--at the Last Supper, Jesus identified the person who would betray him, leading to his crucifixion. While all of the disciples with pure intentions worried it might be them, Judas had already set the betrayal in motion and knew exactly to whom Jesus was referring. Are we meant to see Norman as Jesus, with his mother being the ultimate betrayer by welcoming everyone else into her life?


I assume Norma is the Christ figure since she is the one calling everyone to come eat with her.  Norman is the ultimate betrayer since he kills her in the end though apparently not for a couple of more seasons as per below.  In between we have Caleb betraying Norma's original innocence.


It looks like there will be two more seasons.


"As "Bates Motel" moves into the second half of Season 3, it's also crossing the midpoint of its series run. Cuse and fellow co-creator Kerry Ehrin have decided the A&E show will end after five seasons, and dark times are ahead for Norman and Norma."

I just wish we didn't have to wait a year between seasons and we could get more than 10 episodes.


Thanks for the info.  Well that pretty much means Norma and Dylan and Romero and even Emma will be safe for this season for sure.  They aren't going to knock off their core regulars in Season 3 of 5. 


Caleb has always seemed this season's red shirt along with the therapist dude.  In fact therapist dude seemed like the English teacher in the earlier season.  Set up for a nasty demise.  I'm talking the Norman track (yes I think he killed his teacher). 


Bob seems to be in the Romero/Norma track for macro-town offings since the would be sheriff candidate is already offed.  And now Romero apparently has a bad evil corrupt father in prison.  So many people to off.  (Then there is Chick who is too much fun to kill off this season for my money).


About Bob.  Who names a villain Bob?  That name just sounds bland, not scary.

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The first thing I thought reading this episode's title, and after watching the actual dinner, was that that was the last time the whole cast was together in a (relatively) relaxed way. We all know that one of them will be soon gone for good and I, too, think it could be Caleb. The trick here is that we don't know for sure if the goner, whoever that is, is actually going to be killed by Norman. If it's actually Caleb, I can see him doing the gun thing for Chick just to prevent Dylan to risk his life.


Speaking about Dylan, I had the impression that this episode strongly wanted us to all ship him and Emma. And I do, honestly. How can you not ship them?

I don't even know if Norman could react badly. I guess it's obvious by now that he and Emma are done (I agree, though, that it could've been clearer) but everday he is getting more and more absorbed into his madness and his obsession of Norma, so much so that it looks like he barely notices whether Emma is there or not. I know he cares for her, but it seems like he's not even paying attention to her anymore. By the time Norman will go full Psycho!Norman mode, I hope with all my heart that Emma, her new lungs and Dylan will be already  far, far away together for never be seen again. Not because I don't want them on my screen, but because I want them to be safe. Please, just them, at the very least!


At the same time, how can you not ship Norma and Richard Alpert (sorry, calling him Romero is still weird for me)? Vera Farmiga and Nestor Carbonell have such an amazing chemistry! And the way the writers are building it up feels organic, for me. I can't wait for them to go there. And to have some happiness, even if just for awhile.


Which brings me to Norman, who's creeping me out more and more and yet, I still feel for him. That's the best part for this show: they made two negative characters sympathetic to the point we still root for them and want them to be safe. I know how Norman will end, I know it's probably beyond help by now (I mean, hello? That last scene? I kept repeating myself: "Please tell me he's dreaming, blacking out or something!"), still I can't help but hope he can get some help. The same goes for Norma: I know that, basically, if Norman is... well, Norman, it's all her fault and I know what's going to happen to her; regardless, there's a part of me hoping she can run away too. Possibl, with Richard Alpert.


Of course, the writing is great but I think the actors have huge merits. I simply adore Vera Farmiga. And Freddie Highmore is amazing: he can scare me but, one minute later, if I see his big blue eyes full of tears, my mind goes inevitably to that lovely kid called Peter who was asking Johnny Depp/Barrie why his mother/Kate Winslet had to die (sorry, Finding Neverland always move me to tears)!


Seriously, what these two have to do to have an Emmy nod?

Edited by penelope79
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I'm ok with it because it's a small town and he was drunk and it's tv, but in reality I think a Romero would be way out of a Norma's league.  Annika would be more like it.  

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So is Norman and Emma officially done and did it happen off-screen? Because I think this episode made it all but clear Emma is totally interested in pursuing something with Dylan and didn't seem to have any concerns about Norman. I guess her getting mad at Norman telling her Norma said he couldn't have sex with her was essentially the break up? I wish they'd made that clearer because as much as I'm totally on board her and Dylan, I feel like I missed a significant episode or scene between her and Norman.


I don't think we've seen Norman and Emma interact since that scene where Norman said he couldn't have sex with her. Have we?   I agree it seems unfinished.

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I assume Norma is the Christ figure since she is the one calling everyone to come eat with her.  Norman is the ultimate betrayer since he kills her in the end though apparently not for a couple of more seasons as per below.  In between we have Caleb betraying Norma's original innocence.

Yeah, I agree with your take.



I don't think we've seen Norman and Emma interact since that scene where Norman said he couldn't have sex with her. Have we?   I agree it seems unfinished.

It does feel unfinished.


I honestly think Norman will only care about Emma if (when?) she and Dylan get together. It'll be just one more thing that contributes to his spiral, especially if Norma supports the relationship.

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Agree so much with all the love for Norma's zingers!  These episodes are filled with so many great scenes, conversations, exclamations, and very weird comments ( Oh, with Norman there is always something dead in the basement) GAH!!!  I have to wait and read all the wonderful comments and dissecting opinions to truly understand what goes on in most episodes.  The one thing that made me wonder about Emma's father is this thing about donating $20,000 to move Emma up the transplant list. Is he conning Dylan?  I didn't think you could donate money to anywhere and get moved up a transplant list.  If so, I need a kidney yesterday! I've been on that lousy list. Going back on it soon.  Even though I don't have any money to donate, I wouldn't mind....no that's not true in my case.  I'm more than willing to wait.  But, as soon as Emma's father said that to Dylan, I thought for sure it was a con. 


I DVR'd a bunch of shows Sunday night and Monday night due to that kidney thing and now I am convinced.  Bates Motel is my favorite. It was the one show I couldn't wait to get home and watch.  Beat out Mad Men, Game of Thrones, and several others.


I'm beginning to dread not only the ending of Bates Motel (thanks for the news about 2 more seasons!), but also all the people we know and love who will have a

horror story ending on the show

.  Just in case.

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So is Norman and Emma officially done and did it happen off-screen? Because I think this episode made it all but clear Emma is totally interested in pursuing something with Dylan and didn't seem to have any concerns about Norman. I guess her getting mad at Norman telling her Norma said he couldn't have sex with her was essentially the break up? I wish they'd made that clearer because as much as I'm totally on board her and Dylan, I feel like I missed a significant episode or scene between her and Norman.

Something I am concerned about on this... is that Emma is being set up to get the wrong idea. Though Dylan is an amazing person and I don't put it past him to actually care for Emma... I wonder how quickly this all came up and how we seemed to miss a few steps.  We haven't seen too many indications of Dylan being interested -- just kind.


But these episodes are definitely hitting all the right notes.

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 The one thing that made me wonder about Emma's father is this thing about donating $20,000 to move Emma up the transplant list. Is he conning Dylan?  I didn't think you could donate money to anywhere and get moved up a transplant list. 

It'd be highly illegal to move donors up a transplant list, and the fact that Emma's father tossed it off like that kind of made me balk, then also wonder if it was a con.  But I think it's just 'creative' writing, to be honest.  I think in reality Emma's age would have her high up on the list and like someone else said she'd be living near a hospital in a large city, in preparation.  I don't know much about it, though.  Good luck with your kidney!  

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Dylan and Norma just couldn't resist a bird with a broken wing.


As soon as Dylan heard Emma needed a protector -- swoop. He was putting his life on the line. He kept randomly/recklessly putting his life on the line like that for the drug people, too. And then for Norma. At least Emma is less likely than any of the previous people he's "protected" to get him into trouble. Even though he's still trying the most dangerous way possible to get the money for this shady organ donation scheme. Can't he just try to organize a fundraiser? Or use his savings and get Caleb to use some of the proceeds from the Calhoun house? $20K isn't that much, considering the milieu.


Anyway, Norma obviously likes taking care of people, too, and she loved taking care of Romero. (And I don't find it at all unbelievable that he'd be attracted to her. YMMV). He kept giving Caleb strange side-eye, but I don't really know what that was about?


Romero saying that he wouldn't be his father really made me think that we'll be seeing ALL the characters become their parents, in some way. Norman is trying to *literally* become Norma. But Romero is also a dirty cop now, like his father. Norma's "there but not really there" mother makes me think of the

secretly long-dead

Mother in Psycho.


And Norma and Dylan really seemed like two peas in a pod to me in this episode. Maybe there's a part of Norma that still wants Caleb to be her brother, in the same way that (even when they were estranged or at the very beginning of the series) Dylan still wanted Norma to be his mother? Obviously the situations are pretty different. But in some ways imo they're the same. Norma only had Caleb and knew he was messed up and hurting her, and I guess Dylan's been in the same boat with Norma in a sense.

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