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Sherri Shepherd: "Is the Earth flat?"


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The huge ultimatum that LS placed on having a boy and only a boy was extremely off putting to me from the get go.  It screamed egotism, self involvement and a huge warning sign that this guy should not under any circumstances be a dad.  I realized the depth of Sherri's desperation to keep the 'huzzbin' was bottomless.  She did whatever work was required, went on out of town jobs whenever he scheduled them, took complete care of Jeffrey (w/the nanny) - at least based on her tweets and comments on the show.


Granted that she is not a reliable narrator, still - I think she would have worked in a foundry if it meant keeping the guy, at least at one time.


Some people will not destroy fertilized frozen embryos because they are "people".  They would consider destroying the embryo abortion. 


My opinion of him was formed by his tweets and his insistence on a boy.  I find him less than a stellar person. 


I am still hoping that the "I don't want the baby" is a legal tactic - I guess we will see.


Finally, yes indeed, women snag a rich man and immediately pop out one kid to secure some coin - see Donald Trump's current and middle ex-wife- it still is a sketchy thing to do and I prefer not to know people who behave like that.  Because women do it does not make it ok for men to do it. 


I hope we all realize that this type of behavior has gone on as long as power and money have been around - so basically forever.

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The thing is, will Sherri's earnings ever be what they have been while she's been on the View?

It seems unlikely, especially if she starts to lose her dubious endorsement deals as well once she no longer has her biggest claim to fame. Then again, I finally learned to stop underestimating just how much *stoopid* some networks are willing to put out there, and worse, the dreck far too many people will watch. Does she still have her game show gig?

Im pretty sure it is illegal to abort an embryo based on sex..... no one is saying that is what happened... but it seems that is being implied


Roger, a woman is free to terminate a pregnancy (within the legal time frame) for any reason. Women are not asked to supply a "reason" for the procedure.

I wrote that comment based on information I heard in the past..... after some research I found this



Because of this movement toward sex preference and selection, many bans on sex-selective abortion have been proposed at the state and federal level. In 2010 and 2011, sex-selective abortions were banned in Oklahoma and Arizona, respectively. Legislators in Georgia, West Virginia, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, and New York have also tried to pass acts banning the procedure

The thing is, will Sherri's earnings ever be what they have been while she's been on the View?


It seems unlikely, especially if she starts to lose her dubious endorsement deals as well once she no longer has her biggest claim to fame. Then again, I finally learned to stop underestimating just how much *stoopid* some networks are willing to put out there, and worse, the dreck far too many people will watch




Without the View I don't see Sherri continuing to be paid to endorse things, on Twitter or anywhere.  And all this publicity surrounding her about the divorce and baby IMO isn't good for her image.  I'm sure her fans will support her no matter what happens but I don't see a lot of producers wanting to work with her.  I just don't think she has a broad mainstream appeal.  I also don't think she has a lot of respect within the industry either.  She had a fairly decent acting resume but once she married Sal and he became her "manager" her career took a detour into the emceeing and a lot more comedy gigs.  Which of course was quick easy money.  It also doesn't help that there are a more than a few African American actresses in Sherri's age range competing for roles. 


All I got to say is I hope Sherri invested her money well.

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Without the View I don't see Sherri continuing to be paid to endorse things, on Twitter or anywhere. And all this publicity surrounding her about the divorce and baby IMO isn't good for her image. I'm sure her fans will support her no matter what happens but I don't see a lot of producers wanting to work with her. I just don't think she has a broad mainstream appeal. I also don't think she has a lot of respect within the industry either. She had a fairly decent acting resume but once she married Sal and he became her "manager" her career took a detour into the emceeing and a lot more comedy gigs. Which of course was quick easy money. It also doesn't help that there are a more than a few African American actresses in Sherri's age range competing for roles.

All I got to say is I hope Sherri invested her money well.

I agree. I'd never heard of her before she joined The View. I don't really watch half-hour sitcoms, so while it's possible I may have seen her in some bit role somewhere, it certainly wasn't memorable. She'll get some mileage out of The View gig for a while, but if she isn't able to capitalize on that quickly, I foresee a future filled with dull corporate or religious-based engagements etc. I don't wish her any ill will, I just haven't seen anything that makes me think "hey that woman's got a big future." She'll make a living but probably not a grand one. Then again, never underestimate the wacky nature of the entertainment industry and what hits and what doesn't. As you say, I hope she's invested wisely.

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Without the View I don't see Sherri continuing to be paid to endorse things, on Twitter or anywhere. And all this publicity surrounding her about the divorce and baby IMO isn't good for her image. I'm sure her fans will support her no matter what happens but I don't see a lot of producers wanting to work with her. I just don't think she has a broad mainstream appeal. I also don't think she has a lot of respect within the industry either. She had a fairly decent acting resume but once she married Sal and he became her "manager" her career took a detour into the emceeing and a lot more comedy gigs. Which of course was quick easy money. It also doesn't help that there are a more than a few African American actresses in Sherri's age range competing for roles.

All I got to say is I hope Sherri invested her money well.

I think you will be proven correct. Sherri Shepherd's persona does not scream longevity in the entertainment industry.

Her style does her in. She is so abjectly uninformed, so obviously clueless, that her gaffes become the stuff of legend. 'the earth is flat?'..'Jesus came before everybody?'..She will never live that down.

Not being the sharpest knife in the drawer I wish she'd take a page from Kerry Washington's book. The hottest TV actress out there but she has a mystique. She keeps her head down, her business private. She smiles on the red carpet then ducks behind her iron curtain. She is not at every envelope opening, dressed ridiculously. And I believe she'd cut her own throat before she would spend YEARS publicly begging for a man.

Edited by BetteBoo
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I agree. I'd never heard of her before she joined The View. I don't really watch half-hour sitcoms, so while it's possible I may have seen her in some bit role somewhere, it certainly wasn't memorable.

She had a recurring role in "How I Met Your Mother"'s last season, where most of her scenes were with series star Jason Segel. That was not a bad gig, and that was just a year ago. I think she could definitely find acting roles again if she moved to Los Angeles. 


While I've seen her act many times in many shows, I've only read a few blurbs about her off-screen problems, mostly in articles linked here. So I don't think they are big enough to de-rail her career. 


She had a recurring role in "How I Met Your Mother"'s last season, where most of her scenes were with series star Jason Segel. That was not a bad gig, and that was just a year ago. I think she could definitely find acting roles again if she moved to Los Angeles. 


While I've seen her act many times in many shows, I've only read a few blurbs about her off-screen problems, mostly in articles linked here. So I don't think they are big enough to de-rail her career. 

she's also been described as an "Everybody Loves Raymond" alumnus, and has made comments about "When I was on Everybody Loves Raymond"    Now i didn't watch every episode of that show but I watched it fairly often and have no recollection of her being on that show.  Does anyone else?

Edited by GoldDustWoman

She was on Less Than Perfect for 4 seasons and that's what I remembered her from outside of The Spew. I wasn't watching as much when she was first introduced as a host so I didn't immediately realize she was on LTP at first because on the TV show she looked different. Looking at IMDB I'm not sure if LTP made it completely through it's 4th season with all the episodes airing on TV.


Now i didn't watch every episode of that show but I watched it fairly often and have no recollection of her being on that show.  Does anyone else?



You can check IMDB and find out how many episodes she appeared in on several shows.  She started in TV in 1995.  One thing that's interesting to me is that she was in a Tyler Perry "Medea" movie in 2009...but hasn't been hired for any of his other projects.  

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I wrote that comment based on information I heard in the past..... after some research I found this


Because of this movement toward sex preference and selection, many bans on sex-selective abortion have been proposed at the state and federal level. In 2010 and 2011, sex-selective abortions were banned in Oklahoma and Arizona, respectively. Legislators in Georgia, West Virginia, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, and New York have also tried to pass acts banning the procedure

Yes, it's true that there are a small handful of states (8) that have laws on the books that explicitly ban sex selective abortion. Arizona's version is currently being challenged in federal court as discriminatory because the laws are based on racial stereotyping and myth. If the court agrees that could potentially knock all the other similar laws down as well. Nevertheless, the laws are essentially unenforceable unless the woman seeking to terminate explicitly tells her doctor that sex selection is her reason.

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Sherri was Raymond's brothers partner on the police force.


She was pretty funny.  They played up the physical differences (short, plump, busty Sherri versus enormously tall Brad Garrett), but Sherri did fine in the role.


The fact is they both went to great lengths to create a baby and neither one should be able to walk away from it like it's a science experiment they're no longer interested in.


With all the various ways to make babies these days, the law is evolving and currently behind the times.  In Illinois, where gay marriage is legal, I have friends (a lesbian couple) who went to great lengths to create a baby.  One woman provided the egg and the other woman carried the baby and gave birth.  Despite the fact that they are legally married both on a state and federal level, they had to go to court when the baby was a few months old and petition to adopt her.  The court could have denied them that right, despite the fact that one is the biological mother (genetically) and one is the biological mother (who gave birth).  When you go to court right now, the caselaw is all over the place when it comes to parental law.


I hate to think what stress this situation has caused the pregnant surrogate.


I wonder if the surrogate even knows whose baby she is carrying.  I believe in the case of Michael Jackson's third child, Blanket, the surrogate was left in the dark so she could not have a claim on the child later.

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I think you will be proven correct. Sherri Shepherd's persona does not scream longevity in the entertainment industry.

Her style does her in. She is so abjectly uninformed, so obviously clueless, that her gaffes become the stuff of legend. 'the earth is flat?'..'Jesus came before everybody?'..She will never live that down.

Not being the sharpest knife in the drawer I wish she'd take a page from Kerry Washington's book. The hottest TV actress out there but she has a mystique. She keeps her head down, her business private. She smiles on the red carpet then ducks behind her iron curtain. She is not at every envelope opening, dressed ridiculously. And I believe she'd cut her own throat before she would spend YEARS publicly begging for a man.

With the Jesus comment, is it possible she meant the quote from John's Gospel, "in the beginning there was the word" rather than the historic Jesus? I don't like her and pretty much stopped watching after she joined the show, but I feel bad it that is what she meant. 

Edited by mbutterfly

Nice of you to try to help her out there, mbutterfly, and if she'd said God came before - shoot, maybe that could have been what she meant and just said Jesus.  I went to check on this to be sure, but Jehovah Witness at one time did think the earth was only 6,000 years old, but they don't anymore.  Who knows what she meant.


Even if the surrogate knows whose baby she's carrying, her job is just to deliver a healthy baby, get paid, and move on with her life.  I wouldn't think Sherri and Sal's drama would really matter to her.


I, too, am concerned about mycanecorsoLexi and her training.  Not even so much for Jeffrey, but for any of his friends if they are playing.  As kids, me, my cousins and next door neighbor were all playing Jailbreak.  My big ole German Shepherd knew all involved, but when I was breaking out and my cousin went to grab me, Thor jumped up and put his front paws on my cousin's shoulders (he was tall).  That's as far as Thor went because we stopped and Thor was well trained.  Would Lexi do the same?  That's where my fear comes from.


I've got to watch all of yesterday's show now.  Last week (?) the "whatever" on the chair and now breast massage?  This is just too funny.  Literally, laughed out loud reading it.

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With the Jesus comment, is it possible she meant the quote from John's Gospel, "in the beginning there was the word" rather than the historic Jesus? I don't like her and pretty much stopped watching after she joined the show, but I feel bad it that is what she meant.

In addition to John's Gospel, there are passages in the Old Testament where God speaks of "we" which has been  interpreted (by some) to mean the triune. Some faiths teach that Jesus was always part of the tri-unity, along with the Holy Spirit. They believe the  tri-unity always existed, the Father God, the Son God, and the Spirit God, not three gods, but one.  Maybe this is what Sherri was attempting to say or it is possible that she doesn't even know of this theory and just saw Jesus walking around on the flat earth with the dinosaurs.  Anyone in agreeance?

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I’ve linked a news story from today and realize that it is easy to dig up these horror stories about dogs killing people on a lot of different breeds, but it rather freaked me out when I read this article given Sherri’s careless treatment of LexiMyCaneCorso.  In Lexi’s case, on one end of the leash you have a breed that is described as “... well-muscled and aggressive” and on the other end of the leash you have a fool.  Mix in a bunch of rambunctious little boys and it seems to me it is a tragedy waiting to happen.


“... Parks described the dogs as ... ... well-muscled and aggressive. Cane corsos typically weigh 90-110 pounds, Parks said, noting that the dogs involved in the attack appear to be of average weight for the breed.

"They definitely react when people are inside the room. … They're aggressive dogs," Parks said.”

Thank you for this link. I realize breed bans are a touchy subject so I won't go there, but so many of these massive and/or powerful working dog breeds are reserved and solitary by nature and best suited to one or two-person childless households where the owner is dominant and there is actually work to do. There are so many family-friendly dog breeds out there -- just about any hound, retriever, spaniel or mutt for starters -- that zeroing in on a cane corso makes no sense to me, unless you really, really, really know what you're doing and I don't think Sherri does. It's like she bought herself a shotgun when she can barely operate a nerf gun. Unwise.

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I'm in agreeance, Ginger90.  I think that "pilot" was hitting on Sherri rather than a friend.  Or that imaginary pilot may have been simply commenting on a beautiful pair of shoes--rather than hitting on anyone.  Can't Sherri just make some kind of decision without asking "all my girlfriends" if they think some guy is gay--some guy they didn't see, didn't speak to?  Why ask us?  If the guy WAS talking to Sherri and really gave his phone number, why not wonder if he needs an entre` into shobiz rather than a date. OH, her last day can't come too soon for me.   

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CattyTiger, Sherri is not a Johovah's Witness anymore.  At 14, when Sherri developed an interest in boys, she was put on “reproof,” meaning she was forbidden to look at or speak to boys.  Later on, her parents were kicked out of the church because of some infraction.  I can't remember the story, but I think it had something to do with her mother.  She identifies herself as christian now.



She married a man who told her, point blank, that he could not be monogamous and believed that she could change him once they married. When Sherri became pregnant, she suspected her husband was cheating. He admitted that he was and that the young woman with whom he was having an affair was also pregnant. The marriage ended in 2006, and Sherri continues to work as a single mom.


This is from an interview that she did at Christian Broadcast Network a few years ago.  I wonder what her process for choosing a man is and what she was willing to try to change in Big Sal.

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Yea, Sal was I'm sure a big factor in getting Lexithecanecorso but now no longer wants the expense and work of caring for a dog or having to make sure the place he is renting allows dogs. He's focused on his baby, which arrives Sunday, and in getting an 18 year stream of income to care for LSjuniorthesonihavealwayswanted and, hopefully, alimony to keep himself on easy street. Honestly, I hope he is a good father to the child. I also,hope the child is healthy and has no special needs issues because I don't think Sal would deal with that well.

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So she made it very unclear about timing of tweeting with the actor/comic who she thought was having a date and he brought his wife. She said last year what the heck?? When devastated about a break up I did not go out even with girlfriends for 6 months. How hard up is she? Also how good if a friend is Jenni to let her have that smear of gloss on her chin during whole segment?

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Yea, Sal was I'm sure a big factor in getting Lexithecanecorso but now no longer wants the expense and work of caring for a dog or having to make sure the place he is renting allows dogs. He's focused on his baby,



...which begs the question:  What happens when he no longer wants the expense and work of caring for his kid?  Does he just leave him behind also?

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This is from an interview that she did at Christian Broadcast Network a few years ago.  I wonder what her process for choosing a man is and what she was willing to try to change in Big Sal.

It's very strange, but I see this with women around me all the time. For some reason, they always try to get with a man who they need to "fix" or "change"--he's not bad, he just had a bad upbringing, others just don't understand him, life has been hard for him!, etc. etc. It's really sad. You can't fix another person.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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This is just me being an armchair psychoanalyst but I don't think Sherri has ever had a long term successful relationship with a man.  When she was younger she "had  more abortions than she could count". Which makes me think she either had many boyfriends or one who didn't want children with her.  Her first husband cheated on her and fathered another child while married to her and then there is husband #2 who IMO has clearly shown himself to be a golddigger.


I 100% believe she is so needy and desperate for a man she always falls for whoever the man is that shows her any attention.  As I said, this is just me hypothesizing but I think Sherri has major self esteem issues.  And for whatever reason she gets her self-worth from having a man in her life  I think she would benefit greatly from therapy.  We all have issues if we don't deal with them we will continue to make the same mistakes time and time again.  And for Sherri that would mean another ill-fated trip down the aisle.  I shudder to think what husband #3 will be like if the first two are any indication of her taste in men.

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from the Radar article : 


Real Housewives of Atlanta‘s NeNe Leakes and The View‘s Sherri Sheppard are both competing to become Cinderella’s fairy godmother in the Broadway musical, RadarOnline.com is exclusively reporting.

Sources familiar with the situation tell us, “Both ladies really want the role, and have already auditioned to land the role as Cinderella’s fairy godmother in the Broadway musical


  Wait.    It's a MUSICAL.   Can either of these ladies SING?? Good lord, there are Broadway actresses who are also singers, I hope they can get one of them for the role.   There have been a number of American Idol performers who have hit the Broadway stage and done well.  Most musical plays would require someone to belt out a few songs, over and over, every night. I don't see Sherri being up to the task. 

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Sherri probably wants to eventually move back to Southern California when the divorce is finalized and all the dust has settled. Closer to Hollywood where she can get bit parts, many of her girlfriends are there, better weather to deal with, close to Jeffrey's bio dad, etc. However, while she is still on the east coast, I don't begrudge her for hustling for any gigs she can get. I'm surprised by the Broadway play idea and not sure if she'd be right for the part, but it would certainly be an easy commute for her!

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So Sherri REALLY wants this part on Broadway.  I guess this is why she's been toiling for so long in small regional theaters and off-off Broadway--perfecting her craft for very little pay.  It finally pays off!


Sherri can act in a medium that allows her to fix her lines over and over--that allows for cuts and corrections.  Performing live for eight shows a week takes a talent (and stamina...and family life) that needs to be developed. Sherri shouldn't aim so high if she's starting a stage career--unless this is "stunt" casting and there will be rotating "celebrities" in the part.


Another thought...if Sherri should get that Broadway musical part (heavy on the "musical") let's hope she doesn't feel the need to preach her "hate the sin but love the sinner" to any coworkers.


Also how good if a friend is Jenni to let her have that smear of gloss on her chin during whole segment?



Oh...GLOSS!  I thought it was drool or food.

Edited by Former Nun
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In addition to John's Gospel, there are passages in the Old Testament where God speaks of "we" which has been  interpreted (by some) to mean the triune. Some faiths teach that Jesus was always part of the tri-unity, along with the Holy Spirit. They believe the  tri-unity always existed, the Father God, the Son God, and the Spirit God, not three gods, but one.  Maybe this is what Sherri was attempting to say or it is possible that she doesn't even know of this theory and just saw Jesus walking around on the flat earth with the dinosaurs.  Anyone in agreeance?

LOL, I'm in agreeance that it could be either or both. I did keep thinking that something was happening in her head as she was struggling with that. It might also come from her JW teaching about which I know next to nothing. Anyway, I did have a feeling she was trying to quote some authorized understanding. 

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