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Star Wars: Rogue One (2016)

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On 31/08/2016 at 1:24 PM, benteen said:

That's good to hear about the Jyn Erso toys though I imagine that must have been painful for the Disney hire-ups because girl action figures=yuck with most studios.

Well if the uproar over the lack of Rey figures, and the lack of Black Widow figures has taught them that their assumptions were wrong, it's all good. If people learn from their mistakes, they don't need to keep being castigated for them.

At the end of the day, Disney want to make money. If they now believe that action figures based on female characters will do that, then they'll release them until we're up to our ears in plastic versions of Rey, Jyn, Leia, Mon Mothma and god knows who else.

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If I say I broke out into cold chills, will you judge me?

There are so many little Easter eggs.  One of the Rebel grunts has a pack of Death Sticks on his helmet.  They race past a rock formation that looks like a Jedi.

The cinematography just looks jaw-dropping.  I sucked in my breath at the shot of the Death Star rising above the clouds.

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Fantastic. I genuinely cannot wait for this movie, even if I'm not quite as hyped for it as I was for The Force Awakens. I'm getting even stronger Dirty Dozen vibes from this trailer than from previous stuff that was released. I'm preparing myself for these guys all dying heroically for the cause. Which would be a neat and tidy way of ensuring no questions like, 'wait, where were these guys during the original trilogy then?' get asked by fanboys.

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Man, gold star to the promotion guys.  Each trailer has done a great job at making me more hyped for the movie.  They also have the perfect balance of giving up a few nuggets of info, but still leave plenty of questions still unanswered.

So, it looks like Mads Mikkelsen is playing Jyn's father!  And he is going to be related (brother?) to the character played by Ben Mendelsohn?  I can see a resemblance.  Besides both of them being awesome!

That brief second of Vader stomping towards someone was awesome.  Even though you can hear him or obviously see anything on his face, just the way he is moving, he looks pissed!  I would not want to be in the other person's shoes.

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3 hours ago, Sharpie66 said:

I've been assuming that these are the "many Bothans died to bring us this information," so the Dirty Dozen is totally the vibe I'm getting here.

No, that was the second Death Star. This is the first one, the movie is set right before ANH. They're still probably all doomed though.

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7 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

Fantastic. I genuinely cannot wait for this movie, even if I'm not quite as hyped for it as I was for The Force Awakens. I'm getting even stronger Dirty Dozen vibes from this trailer than from previous stuff that was released. I'm preparing myself for these guys all dying heroically for the cause. Which would be a neat and tidy way of ensuring no questions like, 'wait, where were these guys during the original trilogy then?' get asked by fanboys.

Yeah, I'm guessing that Jyn is the only one to survive.  Somebody has to survive so the Rebellion can get the plans.  The rest will sacrifice themselves for the Rebellion, and the Rebellion will of course name their top group of pilots Rogue Squadron in honor of them.

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It was nice to see online many people thought the same thing I had after the trailer. That if Jyn's dad was forced to design the Death Star, he also could have intentionally designed it's fatal flaw, the thermal exhaust port that leads directly into it's main reactor!

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19 minutes ago, VCRTracking said:

It was nice to see online many people thought the same thing I had after the trailer. That if Jyn's dad was forced to design the Death Star, he also could have intentionally designed it's fatal flaw, the thermal exhaust port that leads directly into it's main reactor!

Which would be a nice, neat way of having this prequel directly impact on the story of a movie made almost forty years previously. If they do include that bit of plot, I'll be very pleased with the due diligence these writers are exercising in relation to Star Wars canon.

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I really enjoyed the 3rd trailer. Can't wait to see it. I agree with others it does have a Dirty Dozen vibe and, that's one of my favorite movies. 

I also love the fan theory that the design flaw was intentional in order to sabotage the Death Star

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So that alien I saw? Not a Givin. Instead it was Edrio Two Tubes, a Tognath. These new movies are good at giving us aliens who look like existing aliens but aren't. Or maybe I'm just speciesist. All wolflike aliens just look like Shistavanens to me. However, here's a bold statement. I think I saw a Human in one of these trailers. I'm not saying for sure, it could have been a near-Human. There may be no actual regular Humans in the whole movie! Maybe they're all Hapans or the like. I'll have to watch it a dozen times before I call it.

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I bought my ticket today! No messing about online, no real life line either. The session and seat of my choosing.

Funny, I dreamed about buying my ticket last night. In my dream, there was a long queue stretching out the door and down the street. I got to the back just a moment before somone else, who tried calling out to the queue for a friend who he could join. Only the name he picked was my name, Joe, so I was firm with him to get back behind me.

Is it sad to dream about just lining up to buy a ticket for a movie? Please say no.

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You know, I am one of the 5 people on the planet who had major issues with "The Force Awakens".  And even though the trailer for this one looks good, I still was going to wait for it to hit video.   I just didn't feel like trudging out in the cold and snowy weather to go see this thing.

Until now.  Eff it, I am going buy tickets and see this thing. 

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On 12/7/2016 at 4:14 PM, AimingforYoko said:

Ridiculous. These are some, if not all, of the same idiots bitched about TFA's casting John Boyega as Finn, which not only backfired on them, TFA is currently the third-highest grossing film of all time. In fact, I hope that Finn & Rey do end up together, just to piss these racist fucks off. 

As for Rogue One, I was already planning to see it anyway, but after reading that, a Sarlacc with a root canal couldn't stop me. 

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On 12/10/2016 at 1:14 AM, brgjoe said:

You know, I am one of the 5 people on the planet who had major issues with "The Force Awakens".  And even though the trailer for this one looks good, I still was going to wait for it to hit video.   I just didn't feel like trudging out in the cold and snowy weather to go see this thing.

Until now.  Eff it, I am going buy tickets and see this thing. 

TFA had major major problems. It was shot and looked as good as the original films, and wasn't as slapash as the prequels, but there were plot holes you could drive an Imperial Battlecruiser through, and Kylo Ren is one of the worst characters in the entire history of Star Wars (and not "worst" in an entertaining way). 

If we are lucky, Rogue One will not only look good (something the Disney version of Lucasfilms seems to have nailed down for good), but won't be wall to wall fan service--another of TFA's biggest problems. That and characters far more solid than Kylo Ren will be a big thing.

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19 hours ago, Kromm said:

TFA had major major problems. It was shot and looked as good as the original films, and wasn't as slapash as the prequels, but there were plot holes you could drive an Imperial Battlecruiser through, and Kylo Ren is one of the worst characters in the entire history of Star Wars (and not "worst" in an entertaining way). 

If we are lucky, Rogue One will not only look good (something the Disney version of Lucasfilms seems to have nailed down for good), but won't be wall to wall fan service--another of TFA's biggest problems. That and characters far more solid than Kylo Ren will be a big thing.

What were the plot holes that you noticed?

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but there were plot holes you could drive an Imperial Battlecruiser through, and Kylo Ren is one of the worst characters in the entire history of Star Wars (and not "worst" in an entertaining way).

Many of us disagree.

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On 12/12/2016 at 4:32 AM, Kromm said:

Kylo Ren is one of the worst characters in the entire history of Star Wars (and not "worst" in an entertaining way). 

Meesa thinkin meesa no agree with you there.

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On 12/12/2016 at 2:32 AM, Kromm said:

You know, I am one of the 5 people on the planet who had major issues with "The Force Awakens".  And even though the trailer for this one looks good, I still was going to wait for it to hit video.   I just didn't feel like trudging out in the cold and snowy weather to go see this thing.

Until now.  Eff it, I am going buy tickets and see this thing. 

As another one of those 5, I pretty much feel the same way, but Abrams was not involved with this one, so that gives me hope.

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the "alt-right" will run out of stuff to watch if they find some sinister liberal conspiracy in everything Hollywood puts out.

I don't have a lot of feelings about Rogue One but I'll see it anyways.

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Oh my god! I just got back, and I need to see it again! Seriously, this is an awesome movie. Yeah, there was a plot. It was mainly an excuse to go places, beat people up, and explode some things. Almost like Fury Road last year, though not quite as intense. If that's your thing, and you like it dressed up in Star Wars clothing, you will enjoy this.
The last ten minutes had me almost hyperventilating out of sheer awesomeness. Fuck yeah!


If the Empire has one thing going for it, it's style. Vader was so awesome in this. And surprisingly funny. Then as terrifying as he could be.


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Cinema technology has arrived at an interesting place where the actor they got to imitate Peter Cushing's voice is actually less convincing than the CGI recreation of Peter Cushing's face.

I liked the movie overall, though I can readily believe that reshoots were done to shuffle things around here, because some stuff, particularly Forest Whitaker's character (his accents in movies this year have been damn weird), seem a little oddly handled.  I'm kind of impressed they actually went for the kill 'em all ending.

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26 minutes ago, SeanC said:

 I'm kind of impressed they actually went for the kill 'em all ending.

Yes. I'd been thinking that there was no way they would go for the Total Party Kill. But thankfully they had the nerve to do so.

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28 minutes ago, Joe said:

Yes. I'd been thinking that there was no way they would go for the Total Party Kill. But thankfully they had the nerve to do so.


I'm also happy about the ending because it absolutely puts to bed the fan theory of Jyn being Rey's mom.  

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I admit, I found the beginning to be really jumbled and confusing and not a very good introduction to the first couple of characters. That said, once the team was assembled, I thought it was awesome. I think part of it was the score. They kept on teasing the Star Wars fanfare, and I needed it, but then they'd cut to their original score (which sounded like a truncated Across the Stars to be honest.)

The final battle sequence was amazing! I loved how they inter cut some of the pilots we saw in the Battle of Yavin. The action was just spectacular, and the ending was heartbreaking. THEY CAME SO FAR!

I'm a little confused though. Leia was being sent to recruit Obi Wan (actually seeing Bail setting it into motion made me realize what an epic guilt trip it was sending the daughter of Anakin and Padme to go fetch Obi Wan, like could he really say no to her?) before Rogue One went Rogue. Did she go off with the fleet when it deployed and then decided to follow the Obi Wan lead after Vader caught up with them? That thread didn't jive for me, although I thought it was a clever way to tie into A New Hope. Before the fleet decided to come to the rescue, I figured Leia's ship would happen across the transmission on her way to Tatooine and pick up the torch from there, but I guess Carrie Fischer wasn't okay with that much CGI Leia running around.

Speaking of which, I hope Peter Cushing's estate got well compensated for his starring role in this movie!

4 minutes ago, revbfc said:

I'm also happy about the ending because it absolutely puts to bed the fan theory of Jyn being Rey's mom.

Haha, that was my first thought too! Maybe that's why they cast Emilia Clarke in the Han Solo movie.

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I'm such a dork.  I hadn't expected to see Tarkin so my reaction to him was delighted surprise.  I also didn't expect to see Red Leader and Gold Leader but, for some reason, they made me teary.  I just grinned at Leia and Vader. 

I enjoyed this very much and I look forward to seeing it again.  Right now, though, it's the little nods that are staying with me.  In addition to seeing a number of characters from the first movie (including the two dudes who try to kill Luke in the cantina!), I found a poignancy that I hadn't expected.  Such as one of the pilots calling for Red 5 as back up, only it isn't there because Luke isn't there yet (and the implication that the pilot on this attack was already dead).  The one that got me the most was Papa Organa's goodbye scene.  It plays as a wink-and-nod moment, with him saying that the person the person he's sending to find Kenobi is someone he trusts with his life, but I teared up because, as we well know, Leia does have the moment where his life is on the line, and she does try to save him and all of Alderaan, and she fails.  I agree that it doesn't really make sense for her ship to be in the battle (maybe they somehow got wind of the attack just as they were setting off and she couldn't resist?) but that ending scene made it all worth it. 

I was sad to lose the crew but they all went out like badasses, especially Jyn and Cassian, who I thought went out beautifully, on that pretty shore and facing the inevitable together and without fear. 

I like learning about these nameless heroes who paved the way for the later victories and I'd love to see more. 

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2 hours ago, Joe said:

Yes. I'd been thinking that there was no way they would go for the Total Party Kill. But thankfully they had the nerve to do so.


I'm also happy about the ending because it absolutely puts to bed the fan theory of Jyn being Rey's mom.  

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18 minutes ago, revbfc said:


I'm also happy about the ending because it absolutely puts to bed the fan theory of Jyn being Rey's mom.  

Naah, it could still happen. You see, when she was in the Imperial prison early on, they could have taken a DNA sample and cloned her or just combined it with a sample from Luke's hand. It's completely plausible!

On another note, did I hear a mention of Pink Squadron or Pink 5 during the end battle? Makes sense. You've got red, blue, and gold. And it would fit with all the other cameos and references. Pink 5.

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First, having only 5 or 6 speaking roles for women and none of the final battle warriors including ladies is unacceptable (even with a fierce leading lady) and Disney and Star Wars needs to get on that.

Having said that, I loved it. The nods to the original trilogy (except the uncanny valley that was happening with Tarkin) and the final battle were standouts. I thought there might be an ending shot of Old Ben Kenobi, but it was not to be. 

Was Vader always so sassy? Loved that JEJ was back.

I need 1000 movies stat about Chirrut and Baze. I'm not kidding. Are they husbands? BFFs? How long have they known each other? Has Chirrut always been blind? Who taught him to fight? Why is Chirrut such a devout believer in the Force? Seriously, I need more of them!

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4 hours ago, calliope1975 said:

Was Vader always so sassy? Loved that JEJ was back.

I feel like they integrated some of Anakin's personality from the Clone Wars cartoon. 

1 hour ago, revbfc said:

Question:  Why didn't they explicitly name the planet of Vader's summer home?  Every planet (or moon) got named but that one.

I mean it was pretty recognizable as Mustafar from Revenge of the Sith, but if they're going to label places like Yavin 4, which we've also seen, they may as well be consistent.

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13 minutes ago, absnow54 said:


I mean it was pretty recognizable as Mustafar from Revenge of the Sith, but if they're going to label places like Yavin 4, which we've also seen, they may as well be consistent.

Remember when most people who saw TFA thought that Coruscant got destroyed?  

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30 minutes ago, revbfc said:

Remember when most people who saw TFA thought that Coruscant got destroyed

Well The Force Awakens assumed you read at least three supplemental tie in books to understand the political climate, since they neglected to establish it in the film, so assuming the only republic capital we've ever seen in the saga as the one being destroyed is understandable.

As an aside, I really liked that we briefly saw Vader on Mustafar getting treatment for his burns, but I only imagine those types of scenes would have taken place post-discovering Luke when he started to cling to get reintouch with his humanity (like in Empire when he starts testing how long he can last without his helmet.)

Edited by absnow54
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